THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY PERIL or ThE AVIATOR : : jGuns Whose Shells Can Beach 20, J 000 ¥eet American Review of Reviews. | "41 is evident that some attempt' must be made to prevent an alr scoul from redomnoitering. To ae complish that end, sneroplane must - be pitred against weroplane or an at- 28--Archduke Francis Ferdinand October 15--Ostend occupied by the tempt made to bring down a scout asminated. Germans. to the ground by means of high- Es ia sends an ultimatum | October 16---British 'cruiser Hawke| powered guns. Down methods wre Ser sunk by German submarine, in use in the present war. October 17---Japanese cruiser "Ta-; Most mrilit aeroplanes carry we éé : 99 kachiio sunk by torpedo in ftw d seate tandem. y : Kiau-Chau Bay, : mun guide controts "the ¢ i LL October 18--Beigian army effects the othe ierves the ter- ; A ay Junction with allied left, battie|rain below and manipulates either a on from channel coast to Lille. |rifie or a machine gun. Single-segt- October 20--English guuboats par- muchines are also used, but ma- ¥ ? 9 ticipate in battle of Nieuport on | chi € puns cannot be successfully . $ : °o j9 ) Belgian coast. fired hy awe aviator whose hands and y Wh October 24--Ten days' battle before | foet ray not leave the @ntrols. To \ el ¥ 4 = Warsaw ends in German defeat. | engage in a machiire-gun or rifle October 26--After a week of furious | duel 5,0000 feet above the ground | fighting German assaults on |reguires courape of 4 kind! (hat sur allied lune from Nieuport top the heroistn recorded in Sie Ypres slacken. cs old. Indeed, {here is 'noth- October 27---South African sedition in all Homer whieh for sheer ara A cx spreads, Gen. Dewet and Gen. |daring @ Le compared with the ShBounces exist- Beyers in revolt--Russians pur-| feat that @ fighting air scott is cal yor with Ger sue retreating Germans und|Jed upon to perform tenders reoceupy Lodz and Radom He risks Gis life doubly -- doubly Warring 1 October 28--Berlin admits retreat | because Lie is exposed both to fire from Warsaw and Ivangorod-- land to th ter 'of a vertiginous German cruiser Emden enters t round. If the support- harbor of Penang and 1g; a) hig wings are clipped, pedoes Russian = cruiser and Hf a control wire is severed, he must French "destroyer experience all the agony of plung- October 29- Turkey begins war on ing down a a trighttul and inévi Russia by naval attacks onl table de No wonder that the itionary force Odessa, Novorossysk, and Theo [two dozer aeroplanes which were g in 00 dosia in the Crimea. used on al sides durir; the Balkan ved from | October 30---Col, Maritz, rebel lead- | campaig arefully avoided one an- of a five days' er in Cape Province, beaten and | other. ing in re- driven out of the colony. If an aeroplane flies to a height frontier | November 1---A Squadron of five|greater than 4,500 feet itis reason- S8--Heginning of five German cruisers, including the| ably safe from the fire of rifles andi le between Serviansg and Gueisenau and Scharnhorst, de-|artillery on the ground. But at that! on the Jadar, ending in feated a British squadron off | height it is extremely dificult to rel rout. Coronel, on the coast of Chili-- | coomoiter suteessfully Whole bat- 'm Turks bombard Sebastopol. teries seem more Mke minute crawl- November 3--- German squadron | ing insects, than guns and 'men, and makes a raid to British coast x is Sfftienit po Suns ish cayalry near Yarmouth. ; from horse artillery. The temptation November 4-- German cruiser Yorck| to @eseend into the danger zone in enter Namur and strikes mine In Jade Bay and| Order to see more clearly is strong. on Mons--Austria sinks--Heavy fighting around) I tho Batlana at least ta avislors victory vi Russ yr Vi s ies n ie Broun . ge RL §--England and Fragce| DeCause they ventured below the safe | t $6~British began retreat from declare war on Turkey--Dar-| DeIEIt of 4,000 feet, and in the pre- Zavoll ; lus. | S€0t war, if the newspapers are to be Pp drops bombs danélles forts bombarded--1tus-| edited. half d a hav slans reoccupy Jaroslav. r= or ny 5. donen: scouts have or) { been killed by fire from the ground. by | Yovember 6--Tsing-Tau surrenders No less than three types of artil. | ob Kourvhens on pom anges lore unve Loon dentunca by Kup |. take um : to be used agrinst airships and aero- : Yer 7... : toon] P12DES. One of these is a nine vovember 7--German .light cruiser pounder piece, much like an ordin- nvpin Burned by Ger- Geler interns in Honolulu--an > | ary gun, hauled by horses, but which Db eo sing- trians report advance in Servial ean he 'directed almost vertically up- --Russians reach Pleschen in ward; a second is to be used PO Nig » ? on leet sinks five Silesia and enter East Prussia shinboard, and a third is a three off Heligoland. --Germans capture strategic po-; inch piece firing a twelve-pound in thiee sition near Vienne-le-Chateau #hravnel and is mounted on a motor 29--Ru 'haitle near g in the Argonne, jiruck. These guns can reach a b.SU--Gg SoSipy «Muens. November 10--The Emden defeated,| height of about 20.000 feet. which 1 Vig Aloe pene and forced ashore at North therefore marks the lower limit of TRH, 8 § Paris, and miles Keeling Island in Bay of Bene- eafoty for an airship or an aero- swings eastward gal, by Australian cruiser 8yd-! rlane. hench centre betwéen Verdun ney. 1 driven back~Seat of | November 11--Germans capture Dix-! : t removed to mude--German submarine sinks . British gunboat Niger off Deal. Russians occupy Lem- | Yovember 12--Russians occupy Jo- hannisburg in East Prussia. 5--Battle begins south of {ovember 13--Fighting renewed at pe and cast of Paris in Nieuport. v the German right wing is | yovember 14--Heavy fighting ' be- No one would have stigmatized r back, follow by a gene- tween Soldau and Stalluponen; Polly Perkins as being insane. Jic- . in Bast Prussia. centric, mentally unbalaneed, she 0 7--Maubeuge taken by the November 15---Battle between Rus-! certainly was and another couple of slans and German centre be- Years migit possibly see - her com- har 19-German retreat = halts tween Vistula and Warthe riv- fortabry woop sed in-& home for in- on . ers, ending in Russian retire. | Curables. For the present 'she was September 16--Belgian commission ment. E happily if whimsically domiciled in ts to President Wilson ! November 16--The Shelkh-ul-Isi: a tiny cottage on Long Island. Mise . German 'atrocities. i at Constantinople proclaims Polly's mental state was the cause holy war against the 'allies rude jests from village children British House of Commons votes 20d one of amused interest to older : a war loan of £225,000,000. ninds. Week-end guests were sure 22-German submarine | Novexnber 17 Belgium announces: !" be taken past the abode of Polly British cruisers Aboukir, Austrian victory over Servian. "erkins just as they were invariably and Hogue in the North at Valievo. regaled by the story of the haunted Jussis "capture Jaroslav November 18--French capture Tracy-| louse on the old farm road. . e-Val--Nav att Black 'She's dippy the subject { . . . BR tops fiom | yy Raval "Settle in Block pink" said mg Rogers as i RY'S COCOA maintains the vigor and the bloom of youth because 3 slang celal ie > ¢trolled pas Miss Perkin's cottage $i » . . . » nd siog | Nove smn both ciate Victory. vith Bob Hawthorne after 4 swim + 1t 1s the most nourishing "food-drink" in the world. Every cup 3 appet "hauvone t near! in the sound. 1 s : pRastian patrols bene. I eat | ta Ee OY have bilicves 1" is brimful of buoyant health in concentrated form. Withal, of votes a new army of 1,000,000 !2uzhed Hawthorne as he eved with Garman wasshice bors men -- 'More than 1,100,000 amused glance the pink parce oy delicate and enticing flavor, it bespeaks the care and skill that have T. tes dlore " , ' lu- tage, the pink flower gardens, pini A 3 ' 1 « cyaPansee position belor eo vr priate arma, excl. fof. the Mink fower - gurdens, pisd been taken since 1728 to make FRY'S a cocoa of exceeding fineness Oetober 1--Heavy fighting near | :: ber 23--German advance in Pose shé has pink bows on all the i ' . Aras begins. VY Rehting nd halted. 2 . livestock." he commented. and purity. Always ask for FRY S. October 2--End of week's battle | ovember 26--British battleship "She surely has," chuckled Jimmy at Augustowo in which the Bulwark destroyed by explosion 'every living chicken in the barnyard A Germans are forced out of Rus- in Medway river. p ads pink bow on his neck." Trade Supplied by sian erritory. November 28--Ruesian official de- "You're joking!" exclaimed Haw- . 1 Detober el olgian Jovernment - tue indicate the encircle- thovue; but at that Hioment the cluck J. S. FRY & S( INS 1 ._ « om ntwe t Ki o clue 1e discuss irds g - . + . nd. Pe arctad 1 ee Teun tome ced their Presence pon a x Truro, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary. Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria "T---Bombardment of Ant-|.. _ 20 Alli m- laughed aloud. A most tidy little ns--Jupanese seize November 30-----Allies take the offen flock of Cho h bird t : . ive--Geérman attacks weaker. ock of chickens, eac TC wearing Careline Islands. Siye ink bow 5 i } 1--British and Japanese @ Pink bow on its neck, came pecking Be-antwerp occupied hy hm Pacific closing in on away over Miss Polly's front lawn. R 0 O00 OOO aor mans. German squadron. {| "I don't call that eccentric. I call Ogt I ihench JD Shvalsy os : {it plain 'cracked,' said Hawthorne. . g8gemen n azlebrouck - | "What ki s thi . At rs en. AA cr A ees nn. Kons October: 12--A Boer commando in Selt 101 Subttm | Pont Kind of a freak Is this Polly| 4 they would have. With asperity. She had arisen to usmiled as he went back toward Jim, GEN. FRENCH WAS LATE. ! Province mutinies and 4 wt -_ im. i "Not so much of a freak as you'd After a few moments of recon- siting posture and was endeavoring imy Rogers' garden and realized that | Het m w declared It is nice to know in these days of expect." said Jimmy as the moved { 20itering Le discovered much to his!to coax back the frightened chicken, | his holidays were going to be more | Dinner Spoiled While Me Was Win. throughout the South African | lost reputations that Oriental hospit- along 'the 'Stor "0g Ey she surprise that a wing of Miss Perkins' "I don't know why--all men think. interésting than he had expected. ¢ union. ality, at any rate, shows no signs of dresses eating in ink feria oks oroperty practically adjoined that of that every blade of grass in the uni-!| "You know," she confided to him! Pari Deo October 13--Belgian government | deqadence, A correspondent nus vom eins y p 00KS | yimmy Rogers. He climbed the lat- verse is continually wet anyway. two nights later when they left the| * ors, trans from Ostend to{across the following announcement Bot dais bad nader the pisk sun Ron. er's fence and found himself facing Men creatures invariably think of clubhouse after a most delightful | (00k, of Hou well ayre. in a tailor's 'shop in Tokro:-- ale Near i out ae gar t thine] he back of a pink ehicken coop, sheezing and rheumatism instead of | tango * evening, "I have a dreadful | satel WhO 88 hth "in: October '14--Allles occupy Ypres-- | "Respectable ladies and gentle- rites stories and things! gy, wihorne laughed shortly and !electricity and renewed life coming | confession to make." Since Bob's! {Pere ranches sujsing Battle ne on g mea may come here to have fits." for the magazines." vi ave i i f gM begins on the Vistula. y "That accounts for it," said Haw- would have continued his progress out of the grass. {eyes were anything but fear Inspir- never havi -- oa . inn] OWard the restoration of Miss Per-| gpe had got the chicken back by. ing, Polly continued: "I saw you .. , Horne! ey these writer bechPPS | tins' poultry to its owners, save that continued coaxing the while she was! that day in Mr., Roger's garden and | ja ever { After that the two men fell into a| 'IP turn around the fence brough {addressing her remarks to Haw- sneaked down 16 Aunt Polly's ehiek- | Marne he Nad prepared as rou e or ears discussion of the yacht Taes ee Mm into the awkward position of | thorne and was petting it with two en coop and deliberately pht that | coutle; which was held at the club and promptly. forgot Saying {ripped over a pink-clad fig- charmingly white hands, . Hawthorne bird over the fence so that you might jy | the unpunctual ty of * . re. She was lying flat on her back; round himself wishing himself the! see it." | who § With Kidney Disease Hl Svonty Polly Perkins and her umong the tall grasses, and Haw-ipot chicken of an eccentric writer! "And?" questioned Hawthorne, be- | 1" jtvhen he TY It' was not until'a f d 15t horne swore softly under his breath. person whese mania was an over-| ginning to see things as they really And This T) A Ir : that Hawthoree Tolling iy The shisken few madly om ne tua | fondness Sov Dhuk. | Foy we ar a old Je where, rea e---Thi . , ; o| Hackened clutch and the pink-cla "Are you Miss Polly Perkins?" he Polly was concerned. nent Qared 41 This Statement Endorsed Ropers ae prokad up 10°sce one Speved startled eyes that were asked, oy her Wido-per eyes again | "Well--I felt that you were a tri ya ptist Unister. pecking contentedly for vermin in| DMI With recent dreams. roamed toward his face. He wanted bored lying iu that hammock, & i -------- A Hewthorne's conversational abili- Ie ; \ t anythi way of div 'The #reat majority of people are, complicated cases which defy the ac- Roger's well-kept lown. The chicken [Make Save 51 her jaentae. a oot) 10 aon 3 familiar with the extraordinary cura- tion. of ordinary Kidney medicines, 'Dad a more or less bedraggled pink re or ser ewlisrs Iu the blue eos, I am," she sald. "Is there | Would Pe Ee fovrmel om tive powers of Dr. Chase's k Mor. W. H. Mosher, Brockville, Ont, POW 00 its neck that sadly interfered and stared down at her. If all men- 2"V!RIDE else you would like to! i a port Ho pia : ) lis ; 3 ludney- Writes ---*I used Dr. Chase's Kidney. at times with the capturing of dain iaiy unbalanced people were so love. | X10W, Rude Person?" she inquired, ! or L lath - h ER Liven Pills, and firmly believe there js ' ties from the soft sod. ly to look upon as Polly Perkins, Wit! a peculiarly disconcerting Trunk dbten trom _-- Polly's fo Medicine to equal them. I was "Hello! exclaimed Hawthorne, { Jawthorne hoped he would meet | "458: dow," confessed Pol) unl troubled for years with kidney disease, | drawing himself up from his most! many of that variety on his life's! ,, Hawthorne stiffened perceptibly: 4d & Forse liked the f¢ oa his treatment has cured me. comfortable position the better to) gary : then, remembering Miss Perkins' "and I ra ow Whe 1 began the use of these pills 1! 1ook at the hen. "If you haven't] «youtve no right to be snoring in| Mental condition, smiled in what he version from my Now ¥ tan Ba to the mad an yes om Miss Perkins', pink 40-1 5iat wet grass be mie mon Bap. | SUPPOSE fu be a most comp RSSIONAIE | pantry. Sth ] 's Main I'll eat my hat." ning to be th - manner. "No RR ig are ea hise's And because Bob Hawthorne was a oping able to ey oun hey To Polly Perkins the smile wag an| "No---Rude Person : 3 trifle bored th bis own soelety | wf aq ney snoring, and the grass 0dd mixture of damaged pride anda 'Y, This statement is certified to by the 20d more or less curious regarding is as dry as a bone," the girl said desire fo hide the same by foreed ; tbh Re HE. iment, Baptist ir of ihe Secentiie Miss Perkins, he decid ~ s Sif sa Teall She in" turn cast a quiz- | "8d Bod esse Brock ville, Ont. ed to make a martyr imself, and zical look into Hawthorne's glower- |' By awakening the action of lver | take the straying bird home. 4 ONLY ONE "Bromo Quinine," that is ing eyes and burst into 4 peal of jediousty caressing Kidneys and bowels Dr. Chase's Kid-| He had little difficulty in catch. laughter. ; en. " ney-Liver Pills cure Constipation, | ing the chicken. Evidently Miss Per- w-- t "You know," she informed him, | Hong the best, Headaches, Chronic Indigestion, Kid! kins' hens wore more in the nature | Cures a Cold in One Day, 2Days | "I am not the Miss Polly Perkins| 5ftly. ¥ Disease. Liver Complaint and of pets than table delicacies. Hel 4 q you think I am. I am her niece." o_pill a dose, 25 cents each * 25¢. rned | box, ail dealers. or Edmansen, Dates 4 | Wondered if and eve ; on box. ith that aS dun ss ae g "| ing bgside the pink chicken coop. Hel ¥ ga we a -- » wi f Pm ss, -- Ir iy nin Cc a name such as Florabelle Pills cure in{C ,. Limited. Toronto. / 'of even Peter Perkins. AEWA RR