"Now that three canons have been added to Bt. George's cathedral, the other churches of the town should likewise fortify themselves," quoth the Lanmpman, After practising on the patients of Rockwood and on the residents of Trenton, the Queen's dramatic club considered itsel sufficiently ad- vanced to present its play to the peo- ple of Kingston. Once a Scotchman always a Scotch- man, the Laimpmau continually hears. And let's also whisper: Once a German always a Cerman, That's what true pastiotfem means, The next thing ; ite Ma mpman ex- pects to see is the mayor and v Councilmen Nickle marching down gtreet with the vation Army whaeRiug tambouri Indian summer to slipped by without letting the old folks know. The Lampman had been listening to prophecies by old timers, but this autumn did not connect with the usual warm spell after the first snow. seems The Lampman would suggest it postpone its show until the war is ended, and then gather the roosters in the town hall and let them crow to their hearts' content in honor of) the allies victory. If the police commissioners agree upon someone to teach the cops how to run a motor patrol, the Lamp- man would nominate his old friend Bookseller "Tom' McAuley, who would show the peelers how to avoid] trees and fences. Early Christmas shopping accord- ing to bargain hunters; is not the cheapest, The Lampman has heard from some of them and their com plaint is that their neighbors, by waiting until the eleventh hour, have been able to get articles at sacrifice prices, This year, they are, there- fore, going to wait for discounts not in sight at the beginning of the sea- son. Just as soon as a Christian Scien- tist pops up his head 'to explain his faith, he becomes the target for pro- jectiles from oppositionisis. The Lampman knows = semething about most of the Christian religions, and if the various sects lived up to their tenets' like the Christian Scientists, we would have a better world: The Lampman does not happen to be a Christian Se¢ientist, but if he was one, he would not think it necessary to make any apology. --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. NEXT OF KIN COME FIRST. Not To Be Shocked By Casualties In Press. Ottawa, Dee. 5.--Under an = rangement announced by the Milit Department, the next of kin of Can adian soldiers killed or wounded wiil be officially notified of casualties oe fore they are made public in the press, The department's idea that to learn the news through a « newspaper is much more of/a shock to friends than to be informed pri- vately' through official channels. "ON, MABEL] FARELT OF Art CHICKENS 3 ONE LAMP AT You AND MY (BET PULSE parently - 0 | learned, the Kingston Poultry association that | cannot | GROCER REFUSED TO > TRL x For Steciner. San Francicco, Dec. 5.--John W. Preston, United States district attor- ney, said that a citation for contempt of court will be issued against Wil- 000 in groceries, which was refused clearance from this port. The cargo was consigned to Feeleh apd company, of Valpar- wise, Chili, Port officials say it :ht be for the uce of belligerent warships in the Pacific. G. Freder- ick Herr, assistant cashier of the Anglo-London and Paris bank, which had on deposit. $130,000 for the pur- chase of a cargo for the Olsen and Maheney, told the jurors that one Ar- thur 8. Hall signed the checks for the Pargo, but that he could identify Hall no further, ~ . FOR CONTINGE NT. Thousands Needed Will- Be Bought From Farmers Direct. Some 8,000 to 10, which will be required for second Canadian contingent, will ht 'tly from Canadian it wae announced by General to-day. Sir Adam Beck oll the work in Eas a Canada, while Col, A. B. McRea, of Vancouver, will perform a similar of- fice in the west. The horses will be bought directly from the farmers in the public market place, not stables or through middlemen. Already, it 1s a number of far-sighted per- sons of the latter description have been securing options on. likely ani- i male, but will be disappointed. A com- mittee will be appointed to visit dif- ferent parts of the country and pur- { chase the ejuines. HORSES broug dire nrawes, tughes have charge of or from KNOX FIGHTS JOR THAW, Files Brief Against White Extradition. Washington, Dec. 5.--~Philander UC. knox, former secretary state, ap- | peared in the supreme court, yester- l'day, as an attorney for Harry K, Thaw, by filing a brief in hehali of the celebrated defendant, in opposition to the state of New York's proposal to extradite Thaw from New Iamp- shire. Mr. Knox heen adjudged Slayers of contends wthat Thaw has insane by the New York courts, and not responsible for the killing . of Stanford White, and that it is a fundamental principle of law that extradition proceedings may pot be used for any other purpose than to turd a fugitive criminal to trial. KITCHENER'S ADVICE ON Lustralia Agreed To Send Troops To Egypt. Dec. 5.--Regarding the ar- rival of the Australian troops in Egypt, the Morning Post's Sydney correspondent cables that the com- monwealth government agreed to this step on the strong recommendation and advice of Earl Kitchener, who pointed out that tént Yife in midwin- ter in England after a long tropical and sub-tropical voyage would impose a very severe trial and unnecessary hardships. Earl Kitchener's proposals made after due consideration of I est possible conditions for the of the Australians, in whom takes special interest Eondon, were the sue- cess he li- we always knew the facts in the case, blame, many times, would be crowded out by pity. There's something else to do, if you would succeed, 'besides commanding prosperity to come to you. Who Gave $47,000 ( Order in "Frisco Ham Haas, wholesale grocer, who re-, fused to iell a federal grand jury the' pame of the man who ordered $47,-' part of the cargo; of the steamship Olsen and Mahoney, | GERMAN RED CROSS TO THE Automobiles, I A A SERIOUS TIME AHEAD |... U. 8. CLEAN UP IN CHINA. igh Official and Many Minor Officeholders Efecuted. A Pekin despatch says: | h-Heing, IN A HOL xX Wa AR, DR. ADLER. MRE DICTS | the former prefect of Shun- Asin and Africa | HERI, the metropolitan district in 2 4 | which Pekin is situated, has been Against Europe and America"; |shot for selling offices under him Imperialism to "Convulse World." {and accepting bribes, Wang Chih- Mew York, Dec. 4--A prediction | He ing held the military rank of lieu- of a. holy war, arising from the pres- | tenant general. ent conflict, and which will convulse The case has cous the world, was made Sunday by Dr. |ment in political circles in China, es- Felix Adler in the rooms of the Eth- | pecially because General Wang was cial Culture Society The United a perconal friend of Yuan Shi-Kai, It Ktites will be forced take sides reported that the president sent in it, he asserted. {an emissary to the family of the gen- "This present great struggle," he eral informing them of said, "is not merely the war of Ger- | having to fulfill the law to stamp many and the allies. Through the {out corruption and of his intention staoke and roar of cannon is heard|to provide for the maintendnce of he rumblings of a holy war. It I the family. going to be Asia and Africa against] Many minor officials also have lost Europe and America. Imperialism | their lives because of dishonesty, and threatens to cause the uprising of {opium smokers continue to die at the the East against the West. [ hands of the soldiers. "Most of the Governors in Asia and Africa where England, France; d Germany have colonized are] ulfens, There is a spirit of unrest| among them that same day will} break out into a terrible bleody holy war, The war now considered immense is a prelude to more horrible than human mind vis- aalize. "Clvilization confined to the civilization, a ve pa suddenly w = the internal pas fortunate, who able to attend universities schools, men and girls grown never have been able get become civilized. "The East naturally conquest by the West guestion will arise with States whether the East s governed and its rig preserved or else be perialism. So th a war more horrible 'an this one, when the either will be compelled to take with Asia and Africa against Europe or promoie imperialism. "The United is developing an aristocracy sing how | many of this race marry into the] aristocracy of Europe Th advane- | § imperialism." is Going to be ed great excite- 10 is is a Ocean Bed Rises 45 Feet. Francisco Chronicle. { « A remarkable phepnogenon in Al J askan waters is reported by Sl 0. D. Pedersen, whaling master and explorer, who returned a few days ago from the far north with the whaler Herman. On the voyage just been jornier If Capt. Pedersen learned exterior | that the water Between Hog Is'a _ the mos Amaknak Island had she rubbed a fathoms from the d the chart, and wher nianyv years el it now | San one can always ha few That ser. for the u not been and', up who | time to} ions of those have Vess is raft to take ti to sut r } n ihe chart the stretch of The A i and the th hts and iy subject of Zh W ater. a ater time Pedersen believes the is due to a Eruptions nd of d of will con Capt d y n | change bance voleanic on Bogoslof the Makushin an Ano in ka probably caused the recf ic between Hog Island said Capt Pedersen. * first observed by a lives on.Hog Island while fishing he found went down to only a and upon sounding in rious places it was apparent that the water had shoaled for seven fa thoms all the way across. During the Nome rush this pas age was covered by large vessels, pathy, you might know something| which would now find it impossible would happen to you hanging around | to navigate there. The fisherman here five nights a week.' fermerly could see only the ton of | tie Russian church from liis house on Hog Island, but now he can | ire structure and most ol {the ¢ tvillage of Unalaska." ani States ihe It is surpri was fisherman who says that his line depth, No Sympthy. "Qir, your daughter to become my wife." 'Well, don't come to me for -sym-| has promised The church hypoérite - alw as near to the 'amen corne church as possible. the gets of the WITH YOUR GOLDEN ¢ AND YOUR HAIR $0 YES [ARF = FRONT, transports and supplies for the Red Cross, ready to leave Berlin for the front. mmm Wang Chi- | rand {land in connection with the financial his regret at! | be applied to working capital in lieu | less Telegraph Co., jannounees that the dividend hereto- {in England Capt. | Capital Paid Up Reserve Funds INCORPORATED 1869 $1 1560000" 13,675,000 ne Doilar. KINGSTON BRANCH, - ~------ LAKE SUPERIDR PAPER SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts suay be with an iniual rae Interest is credited half yearly, JOINT ACCOUNTS An account in the names of twe re ------------ members of a family i | be Ny convenient. Either person (or the survivor) may operate the account. E. E. NEWMAN, Manager. on returns made bP fifty shipping as- soeiations, Earnings of the Montreal Light, Heat and Power company for the first half of its fiscal year showed an {advance of 8 per cent. over the cor- responding period last year. Charles M. Schwab, president of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, brought back from Europe about $50,000,000 in contracts to be filled by Bethlehem Steel Corporation and affiliated companies. Armstrong, Whitworth of Canada, Ltd., the new company backed by important English interests has been erecting a new plant at Longueuil, and it will open soon. Through the agency of the Bank of Montreal the city has been able to secure a loan of $5,000,000, in New York for a term of five years. Railroad and industrial bond and 'mote maturities in [V.S., are estimated 'at $9,506,250 for December, com- pared with $22,000,000 in previous ! month and $45,987,000 in December 1913. The Canadian Carriage Co., Brock- ville, Ont., has started on a gov- ernment order for fifty-three mili- tary 'water wagons and thirty ambul- ance wagons, besides 5,000 picket pegs for cavalry horses, all of which are for the use of the Canadian con- | tingents. The Paste company of Canada, Li- mited, has been incorporated with a capital of $100,000 and head office in Toronto. They will carry on busi- ness as manufacturing chemists and manufacturers and dealers in pas- tes, gums, mucilages, etc. | Interest On 6 Per Cent. Bonds Will Be Deferred. Toronto, Dec. 4.--The Lake Super- ior Paper company recently default- ed on the interest payment on its $5,- 000,000 6 per cent., first mortgage bonds, which are largely held in | England, and Ww. BE. Stewart, president of the Spanish River Pulp Paper Mills, which controls the Lake Superior Paper is now in Eng- scheme. The arrangement is un- derstood to be that the interest will be deferred for a year, and that the commencement of sinking fund will | also be delayed. The $300,000 which would be saved to the com-| pany by deferment of interest would of any new financing. Y« Marconi Dividend Now Payable, London, Dec. 4.--Marconi's Wire- Ltd., of London, fore held by reason of the eperation of the moratorium recently declared 5 now payable, and that upons in the United have the same cashed at Hanover National Bank at rate exchange 4.88. Net Earnings Fall. Dec. 4--Up to the end; carnings of the Winni- Co., were just ahead of but in August and Sep- niraction wasvery mark- result that for the nine the current year profits | less than they were 12 holders of States can the ot Winnipeg, July net ric year's ber the o¢ ith the of W064 PARLIAMENT IN PARIS. { -- | Government's Return Evidence of Strong Position of Allies. Dec. The French cab- is to return to and the 1 meet 3 on Back To Porcupine. Dec. 4 Hamilton B. broker, makes the in- owncement in his letter hat the Bewick Moreing | doming back to the Porcu- | camps \ind have completed ar- nts to resume development holdings in the gold ronto inet French parliament December 22nd. indication that vinced that they ern French forces of sufficient strength to check any further ad- vance that the Germans may attempt to make. large the allies are con- Commercial Notes ibership on the Chicago Board of Trade has been sold at $2,- 00 net to the buyer, American hens lay slightly -over $200,000,000 worth of eggs a year, [hat is, every person eats on an av- erage $3 worth. A men Bitten Finger Results in Death. During treatment in the Royal Be- thlem hospital, Mrs. Eveline Clarke, 51 years old, wife of a bank manager Lumber cut of 1913 in British Co-| Dit her finger, and the wound, be- lumbia amounted to L487, 041,939 | coming septic, she died from blood feet, valued at over $32,000, 000. poisoning. Doctor Stoddart, told The Acadia Sugar Refining com- | the coroner that elation at a probable pany has received an order of 10,000 discharge had made the patient ex- barrels of sugar from Britain. | citable.--London Chronicle. The 1914-1915 crop of oranges! A ------ Wlifornia is estimated now at 45,-| Make, by 'your life deeds, the re- 000 carloads. The estimate is based 'cognition you receive from the world | just and deserved. . - in exiraordinary session in| The an-| ement of the return of the gov-| ernment to the capital is taken as an | now have in north-| K. F. Sam TEE Hand Laundry Special attention to students. No acids used; no torn clothes. All work guaranteed. Cor. Montreal and Queen Sta. 'Phone 960. FITS Cu By TRENCH'S REMEDY The Famous Heme Treatment for Epilepsy and Fits. Recommended by Clergymen of of' a De~ nominations. Twenty-five ¥ Success Over 1,000 unsolicited estimontars in one Year. CONVINCING . TRSTIMONY oreatd ne Has heen given by aia write 5 of life, 'Bhose an Pamphlet conta post. free Srom: TRENCH'S . 411 St. J { Paris from Bor- | } J chia, Get Your Guni and hunt up that plumber who did this poor job and charged 80 outrageously! Johnny will not hunt for or shoot at us, because he knows that what we do--we do well. We are modern . idea, y omatncen. in M8 arted usttioes n its varied DAVID D ahk LL A burning question with not a | men is to lessen the expense of cigars they burn. What you and I may term a deal may not seem #0 to the fellow interested. By "Bud Fisher" Quo by SxAnCh a, OH MABEL, QUEEN oF | TRE QUIK LUNCH KITCHEN rs