jstreet, will I REA AO Sh = E noon, and on the second and fourth WAR BULLETINS. i PROBS.--Fair, moderately cold W and on Sunday. Tuesdays of the month after the new : ; A Central News despatch year, i * . . » { + Mrs. T , Johnson % says the Russians have won the a" i 2 battle of Lodz, and are bringing thousands of German prisoners street, entertained at dinner om ' Wednesday evening, in honor of Dr. it ne ° and vast quantities of captured supplies into that city. DEVE "44D AUTOMOBILE 1: 'Wanted--A sidential 'of the a SRO 8 wd To Told In Twilight ind Mrs. Harold M. Harrison, when + covers were laid for ten. 3 : J A Mrs. Oliver Chown, University % The final year in Arts, Medicine and | svenue, entertained at luncheon on # Science of Queen's University were 4 riday in honor of Mrs. Harold M. # hosts at theic-annual dance last Harrison. | evening. The patronesses, Mrs, eee la James Cappon, Mrs. E. W. Henderson Miss Helen Rees who came up 4 'land Mrs, George: Kidd welcomed the 'rom Gananoque for the final year # & guests in Grant Hall, where the dan- | tance last night, 1s the guest of Mrs. '¢ cing was held. Among those noticed | W. Balfour Mudie, Clergy street. i were : Misses Minnie Cordon, Fdna Mrs. J. Winslow who has been Ribiny Florence Abernethy, M. Ang- | 'isiting her sister, Mrs. Robert * . in, Bess Abernethy, M. Butler, Mrs. Jrawford, left on Thursday for her |4 satisfactory financial arrange- op 00mm, Peas, Tomatoes, 3 cans for J. Black, Misses -Annio Beers, Hazel | 10me in Toronto. 4 ments with Russia. * Browne, Phyllis Bradshaw (Ifaerow- Miss Millie Ferris, Stewart street, 4 J. B. GAGE smith), Bettie Graney, Helen But- { vill leave on Wednesday for Bound |g Montreal & John Sts. Phone 549 hb bp edgd A Paris despatch says the French made considerable prog- ress on Friday im the Argonne We have now in stock--Valencia district. Raising,' Seeded Raisins, Sultana Raisire, Bulk and Package Currants Peels, Dates, Table Figs, Stewin Figs, Prunes, Evap. Peaches. All of the best quality for Xmas trade, : Sweet Cider, 30c gal. It is believed that two-thirds of 'the German army in Poland was destroyed or captured at the battle of Lodz. ) Great Britain hits completed GIFTS | : ® A big rain storm has flooded ont the Canadian Highland bri- + gade at Salisbury Plain, Eng., # and it has been compelled to take refuge in nearby villages. ler, Mrs. J. H. Byrne (Ottawa), § 3rook, N.Y., to visit her sister, Mrs. ig Misses Fva Cumming, Ruth Camp. | foseph Fisher. bell, MN. Clow, Mary Coon, Bessie Miss Edith Stark, of Gananoque, Chown, Maude Chalmers, Dora Cooke, | 5 SPending a few days with Mrs | Myra Dyde, Aileen Folger, Helen Ug- I._G. Elliett, Barrie street. low, M. Donaldson, Mina Dornelly, Dr. Urie, of Guelph, is spending Florence Elliott, Marjorie Gamsby. All are of exceptional worth' and should merit your early inspection. There is practically no change along the Belgian- PRIS RRP IFPRI PEL EI E IES v few days in town. Ethel Guthrie, A: BP. -Gillespie, Phena Hoag, Ferna Halliday, Hayward, Marjorie Hopkirk, Laura Hughes, Anna Hanlon, Marian Huyck (Tweed) Carrie Hazlett, Mao Hanley, Agnes Hanlon, Jean Johnson, Nettie John- fon, Dorcas Kelly, Mabel Killins, Mar jorie Lake, Lena McLean, Laing, Law- tence, E. 'Miller, Mabel Millan, M. Mullin, Eleanor Minnes, Moreland. hy, J. Maitland, Alice Moore. Mae Ryan, Olive Murray, Edna Mad den (Napanee), K. Mackay, Marguer. ite Mullen, ¥ilda Macdonald, , Pvelyn McDermott, J. M. McKellar, M.© Me Master, J. McArthur, Norma Me Federidge, Trene McTurk. Misses Anita Day, Jean Duff, Nor dh Dewar, Phyllis Devlin, Béa Driv er, Irene Dunlop, Helen Duff, Bessie Fby, Bessie Fvans, Grace Filmer Mary Free, Fdith Foreman; Bessie Farrell, Amy Fraser, Flora Fair, Frances Wright, Vera Finlay, Margo Fraser, Enid Fraser, M. Gowin, Ben Gilhooly, Grace Grant, Edith Stark (Gananoque) Luella France, A. Tor well, Edna Vanluven (Napanee) Rose Voaden, K. Webster (Gananoque), Nellie Wright, Ida Willey, Mildred Have you selected the one you i are going to buy yet? Better do se now. You can buy them Ji from $1.50 to $100.00, and ev- ery one is guaranteed. Many cases have arisen wnere the only Hkeness of a departed one It had béen taken with a small fi if hand camera. Think of the genuine pleasure §i fl to the recipient. { | No trouble to show or ex- i plain any camera At Best's I} Satisfactory Druggists and Op- § ticians, OPEN SUNDAYS, Wormwith, Emily Wilson, Olive i Woods, Gwendolin Waddell, Chrissi Wright, Myrtle . Watts, Lucy Wad dell, Muriel Walsh, Jennie = Scholes, L: Scholes, I. Stilwell, Bessie Simp son; Jessie Slater, Singleton, Oliv Simpson, Margaret Smith, J. Say lor, Kathleen Simmons, Mary Shear er, E. Smith, Beth Small, R. Sweezy, Tucy Scott (Napanee), Dora Stock Mary Strange, Nellie Spooner, Scho field, J. Scholes, K. Skinner, Edith McKee, Harriet McDougall, Mary Me Callum, Agnes McIntosh, Alda Ni colle, Mona Osborne, Norma (Con nor, Mary O'Neill, Una Polson, Elea nor Phelan, K. Powell, Bila. Rolston, Claire Robinson, Pearl Richards Dorothy Roney, Helen Rees. (Ganano que), Kathleen Ryan, Powell". and CASES . REQUIRING Reid, of Peterboro, the students' \n ie the faculties of Arts, Medicine < 'nn MEDICAL ATTEN. Science, as well as a npmber of nie: from town. TION. WILL. BE 80 toy "Mrs, Joseph Sharpe (formerly Mis Kathleen Mathews) received for. th {first time, since her martrfagh, o Keeley kh. M.0.D.0. ST AND OPTIOIAN Thursday afternoon, at her new hom 8 doors above the Opera Sous | ® © EYES TESTED WITH , OUT CBARGE NO DRUGS USED gown was of gray brocaded silk wit touches of white lace. In the dra ing-room quantities of white and pin} carnations and palms were used fc decotation, and in the dining-room where Miss Ella Mathews and Mis Amy Partridge, wearing their prett bridesma¥ds' gowns, were in charge the polished table was = artisticall contred with chrysanthemums an pink carnations. Miss May Sharpe wearing a dainty white frock, opens the door for the many visitors: . - - - on Nelson street. The bride receive in her wedding gown 'of white erep Di t de chene with trimming of rose-point TILL XMAS ON lace and pearl ornaments, and wa assisted by ber mother, Mrs. Mathew who was gowned in gray charmens S its. UuILs - and lace, and Mrs. Sharpe, Sr.,whos FOR MEN AND BOYS Mrsy T. P. Harrison, William street received on Thursday afternoon, whe a large number of visitors had th pleasure of meeting her new daugh ter, Mrs. Harold M. Harrison, a brid of two weeks ago. 'The hostess wa becomingly gowned in purple silk wit overdress of ninon and corsage of vio lets, and her guest, who assisted i receiving, wore her beautiful weddin gown of ivory brooaded grenaud wit) trimming of Venetian rose-pointe an a corsage bouquet of lilies of the va ley avd red roses. Mrs. W.-Muirhea and Mrs. C. E. Taylor assisted in en tertaining the guests in the drawing room, where quantities of yellow 'mums were gracefully arranged; anc in the dining-room, where the tak was centred with a pretty silver bas ketful of pink chryeanthomums, Mr. George Mahood and Miss Ida Kidd serv ed tea and coffee, assisted by Miss May Chown, Miss Eleanor Minnes, Mis Myra Dyde, Miss Olive Chown, Mis Mamie Anglin and little Miss Nevad: Best. . » - Little Miss Katherine Craig was the guest of honor at a merry little . birthday 'party given by Miss Bessie The mild weather of [Smythe yesterday afternoon. Tea was served from a table which was bright the last two months has| with yellow 'mums and the enti of ~ tiraction was wn birthday Miss Jane Waddell, overcoats, so we have At the Red Cross bridge this al and their i ag oh Mi , Dare | Give him a Practical Edith and Betty Pense, Miss Clare pa hovers, h no 4 u i 4 » ohn un- decided to. clear them|ningh out and that right now. te a ares bridge this ap a : will be in charge of Mrs. Norton Car fi Miss Anglin, ig ( Belton, . or Nie Photle, a present, a suit or a coat. jane ond Ne - 4 A 4 dora woe Ni ningham and Malcolm Sutherlapd. CHRISTMAS s Taylor-aud: Mrs. J. Russell : Stewart . PING MADE EASY Plain. Either at 20% discount.| Mrs. Getree Rawson, 251 Basi Miss Mary Free, of Campbeliford, 8 vigiting 'friends in town, and was! v guest at the final year dance at' dueen's last night. . Miss Hester Gibbard, of Napanee, + oP + * +* + FAR b bbb db Ibe hb ddol bd French battle line. $ra .L{avanagh's, - 8 visiting Mies Olive Chown, Uni- 'ersity avenue. = * Miss Powel! and Miss Reid of 'eterboro, are the guests of Miss | fatie Skinner. They came to town or the dance last night. . Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Caldwell are n town from Lanark, to visit thelr on, Captain T. Caldwell, and are he guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archi- ald Strachan, King street. ) Mrs. A. P. Knight, Alice street, 'ent to Toronto yesterday to visit er son, Mr. Cyril Knight and Mis. 'night for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. -C. Birmingham, arrie street left last week for the iouthern states where they will pend the winter, Mr. and Mrs. W. Steacy, who are ere from Halifax, and have been Irs. EB: T. Steacy's guests on John- mn street, have taken rooms at Mrs Mrs. S. Morgan Gray, Cornwall, is isiting friends in the ¢ity. Her hus. and is a captain in the second con tingent. Miss Ethel Marquette, came up from Prescott to attend the final year | lance at Queen's. She fs the guet Misses Tilda and Rita Mullin fohnson street. Mrs. F. E. Robinson, Johnson street, has returned [rom Alberta here she had been visiting ber broth ar, Mr. T. J. Duffy, and also friends | a Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. S. Woodrow, Picton, re in Kingston to spend a few weeks ith their daughter, Mrs. D. S. Co! fer. Miss Irene Williams has return d home after pending the 74st month in Ottawa, the guest of Irs. R. N. Bates, O'Connor street. * * » am 37 Dr. and Mrs. Herold M. Harrison, vhp have been the guests of Mr. and drs. T. F. Harrison, William street, xpect .to leave for Cobourg on Moun- ay, where they will reside. * Captain Ringwood returned juelph last night. Mrs. L. W. R. Mulloy, itreet, returned from Iroquois erday. Miss M. Grange, Napanee, is er gister, Mrs. H- N. ellington street. * * * Miss Clfissie Wright, Wise ees, Miss Violet Britton and idith Stark, of Gananoque, ut of town guests at the lance last night Miss. Lucey Seott, of Napanee, pending a few days with friends town. Dr. A. V. Mavety, of Toronto, wen visiting. friends" in week. Mre. €'. 8, Parsons returned to her ome in Ottawa to-day after spend- ag a week with her parents, Mr. and \ Irs. James llenderson, Parl street. | - = = Miss M Boyd announces the ngagement of her niece, "ithel B Mackee, daughter of Mr. and Mr oo lackee, to Mr, Merell Oldham, MD "M,, son of Dr. and Mrs. E. D)dham, hatsworth, Ont., the marin... to ake place December 30th ee from Bagot yeu with Robertson, Helen Miss were Queen's is in has town this The engagement is announced sabella Mary (Daisy), daughter of | ir Hugh and Lady Macdonald, Win . upeg, ani granddaughter of the lato | ir John A. Muedonald, to Mr. | leorge Kelvin Gainsford, son of Mr. reorge Gainsiord, of Bellary, India. . * oe - ot Professor and Mrs. W. G. Jordan, larrfe street, announce the engage- efit of their youngest daughter, ithel, to Mr. William Richard Lead- eater, M.A., of Wallaceburg, eld- st son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- am Leadbeater, Ellisville, Ontario. 'he marrjage will take place quiet- y the latter part of this month. - LJ The engagement §s announced in Ot- awa of Gladys, only daughter of Mr. md Mrs, Frederick Carling and randdaughter of the late Sir Fred- rick Carling, to Mr. Ralph Zeigler, mly son of the late xr Zeigler, o Juckingham, +. grandson © he late Ha I of lingston. r. Zi 's mot WHS 'ormerly Mise Paton, of Kingston, wd his grandmother on the materaal side was a sister of the late Sir David MacPherson. Vaudeville at the Grand. The vaudeville éutertaintent at , he "Grand" last evening was large-' y attended. The singing, | 6 and 'olin selections of thé Burns sisters vere greatly aj 'ad. The same yrogramme Will be repeated this ev- ming. There 1.be 3 matinee at 180 o'clock on Monday when an en- ets new programme Ww'll be pre- ented, | generous donation, 'several subscribers. CITY AND VICINITY Christmas Tea And Sale. | Wait for St, Paul's Christmas tea and sale, December 8th, at Mrs. Per- eivals', 237 Brock street, from 2 tt 6 Christmas Stationery. Special sale on Monday of Crane's papers, lot 1, 85c. box; lot No. 2 635c. per box The Jackson Press, We lington street. Canadian Locomotive Co., The Canadian Locomotive Com- pany, Limited, has declared its rc gular quarterly dividend of 1% per tent. on the preferred, payable Janu- ary 2nd to shareholders of record December 22nd. Fall And Winter tmporatations. Prevost, Brock street has received all his fall Impertations for tailoring department consisting suiting and overcoating in great variety to choose from. Also large stock of ready-made clothing an: Gents' Furnishing. A Generous Donation. Miss E. Macdonell, treasurer of the Red Crore society omitted in the list published on Priday to include $116.09 from the patrons of Stella cheese factory, Amherst Island, ahi and thankfully acknowledged. The total to date, 2,200.93, included this sum. Men's Neck Ties 25 dozen pure silk ties -- the very latest New York styles, which are absolute- ly the best 50 and 75¢ values in the trade. To-night A limit of three to a customer. Handkerchiefs 20 doz. pure linen hand-embroidered Cloister daintiest designs, special values at 50, 60, and 76c. To-night : A A © AA A A i een ns Ae Ao Arran : 110 COLLARS AND BOWS TO-NIGHT 10c. } Priced from 25c to 5c, Pr $1.00 KID GLOVES In dainty gift boxes. Special values and Perrin Freres (French), fine cape and kid gloves. Gloves are truly the most ac- in Dent's (English) ceptable of all gifts. STEACY'S but slightly soiled from handling. § BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR The very latest novelties, all indi: | vidually boxed from 25c to 75¢. See our showing of New Boudoir Caps { from 50c to $3.00. All are exceed. { ingly pretty. The STORE WITH the CHRISTMAS SPIRIT N. T. Greenwood who has had serious illness necessitating a jong stay In the general hospital is now able to be about and will leave the institution shortly. Frederick Welch, has come through a serious operation at the general hospital and Is now able to sit up daily. Coffee, Coffee. The cool mornings are here, ar.l} you will enjoy a good cup of coffer for your breakfast. A choice blend of freshly ground Coffee at 30c¢ 1h: Java and Mocha blend of fresh: ground Coffee at 40c 1b. Ground by electricity while you wait, at WV. R. McRae and Co., Golden Lion Gro cery. The Trey O' Hearts. This splendid story will be found | on page ten--six columns of it and full of thrills. It is a fascinating story and added pleasure is given i! by the moving pictures at the Ideal Theatre on Monday and Tuesday, illus trating the stiring episodes. Read th story in to-day's issue and then s the pictures. Object To Higher Rates. Chairman D. M. Mcintyre, K.C., of the Ontario Railway and Munici- pal Board, has heard the application of the rural telephone company of Mallorytown, asking permission to increasé their rates from tem 'to fif teen dollars per year. | @n | | BOILING [GGS 32c. Every Egg pl = rrr a--------y KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE See our beautiful line of semi-indirect fixtures, from $6.50 up. ike Eminently suited for Xmas present. , A handy electric bracket lamp will fasten on mirror, bedstead, wall, glass, everywhere. See it. H.W. Newman Electric Co | Phone 441, 79 Princess Street Guaranteed CTT IO ITE VOW I TUTE VIV CUTTY SY TORRE SVT Ee The Wm. Davies'Co. Limited. Phone 597 'The application was opposed by On account of some faults discov ered in the organization of the com pany the application was not consid ered, and the hearing adjourned pend- ing reorganization plans laid down by the chaitman of the railway and municipal board. At The Grand. Manager Branigan during the past few days has been the recipient of many commendatory letters from patrons regarding the quality of the) vaudeville which he has been pre- senting at the Grand Opera House, and a continuance of the policy i: requested as the entertainment i filling the demand for popular price amusement. Among the acts booked for next week are the following: Sam Kadinoa, Hawaiian instrument alist and singét; Whiting and Whit- ing, singers and dancers; Smith and Sumner, comedy sketch; the two Can- adian Pennies, novelty singing and dancing act; Alice Ware, "that ver- satile girl," acrobatic, dancing and singing act; the Gray Duo, phenom- enal double-voiced singers. The vaudeville performances next week have been so arranged that provision has been made for the presentation! of two big travelling combinations. "The Appeal," which has just com- pleted an engagement at the high. priced theatre in Toronto, will be seen here on Monday evening, 'and the big musical success, "The Choco: [late Soldier," will be presented on | Thursday evening. On announcing these two offerings Manager Brani- gan wishes the public to note the p being 'offered at 25c, 50c, 76¢, and "$1. The regular were the and sale : vaudeville performances will be giv- en as 'usual on the afternoons of MadeinKingston | By Kingstonians | SMOKE THE BEST Milo, 10c. both Monday and Thursday us well as the balance of the Week. Kingston is fortunate in securing smusement of such a Nigh standard at this seale of prices, lL By as Derb, land "Week-tnd swe E. W. Mallin hes sold to buildi lot TE aiing J. "Nash. at Gibson's Red | SUNKIST SEEDED RAISINS 2nd Car of these Goods just arrived. INSIST ON THE SUN-KIST BRAND. $3.00 to $6.00, - ® eo & Militia Men Notice the fine line of pocket flash-lights in our win- dow. We have them all prices. Call and see them. Halliday's Electric Shop . Phone 94 » . fit you 1st us m our large best. aha C iS