Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Dec 1914, p. 7

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ieee $5,000,000 cor ess $6,807,273 Assets ........... $60,000,000 INCORPORATED HE Lo BANK or TORONTC Market Square GEORGE B. McKAY Manager. BUSINESS AS USUAL. Work For the Unemployed. If ihe men at the front are risking their lives for their coun- try, why shouid you not risk a few dollars for your country's work- men, We have the brick to build and the tile Work is what men want, not charity, ing our goods. to drain the land. Help us furnish work by buy- A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard Phone 1396 FOR SALE-.-SOME BARGAINS Alfred St., frame howse, 6 rooms, barn and shed Collingwood 8t., frame house, 8 rooms, Queen St., large frame (brick lined), hardwood floors, B. and C., and wi 9 rooms, stable and driveshed, gas . $310 J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 18 BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER, Representative, PHONE 68 BAJUS Are the best on the marke are 'a great health-builde mend them. use, and delivered to any rect from brewery. | Bajus Brewery Sains ' ALES and PORTER 't. Made from the choicest malt and hops and are not carbonated. These beers r and physicians recom- Put up in kegs and bottles for family part of the city. Order di- - 72. Phone 2 Xmas Suggestions » For Father, Mother, Sister, Bro- |At the request of a larg number of citizens, I an- nounce myself a can- didate for ther or Friend, a Kodak or Comera, | a box of Choice Christmas Choce- | olates, a bottle of French, English or American Perfume, a box Choice Cigars, a good Hair Brush and Comb. "Prices to suit the depth of your pocket book." HOAG'S DRUG STORE Opposite X. M. C. A. Kingstom Ont. Phone 720. Prompt Delivery NOLAN'S GROCERY Mayor for 1915 and respectfully solicit yom votes and influence. R. D. Sutherland '{iappenings in the City and Vicinity «What the Merchants Offer to Pleasant weather again. Remember Mendels big sale. Head lettuce at Uarnovsky's. Use 'White Rose Flour to get best results. "Cadbury's Xmas Sweet's, Gib- son's. The Anglican bazaar at Newburgh realized $100. You cam buy a pint of oysters for We. at Carnoveky's. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders eceived at McAuley's. Phone 564. . The Welland canal will officially dose on or about the 15th. Peter Hunter, of the Jackson 'ress, is seriously ill at his home »m_ Montreal street. Hudnut's Perfumes for Xmas at 3ibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Queen's Journal: The time when Arong was right. When he spoke on serman militarism. "Fry's Xmas Sweets," Gibson's. Rev. Dr. Jackson, now im King- ton, goed to Gananoque on Sunday to preach in his old charge. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 {jug #treet. Teave orders at Me- iuley's book store. * "Cadbury's Xmas Gib- son's. Ladies' and children's ready-to-wear Itesses lesa than wholesale prices at Mendéls big sale. A good Christmas gift to ar absent iriend, is a year's subscription to the 'emi-Weekly Whig. Quality plus service equals satis- 'action, found at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The Enterprise young people gave + variety shower to Mr. and Mrs. Hliott" Wagar, who were just recent- ly married. "rry's Xmas Sweets," Gibson's. A. W. Wheatley, general manager of he Uanadian Jocomotive company, f sailed from England, to-day, for Kingston. "On * Friday morning" Huiyler's nd Page and Shaw's Sweet's were leliveréd for Xmas selling at Qib- ons Red Cross Drug Store. "Fry's Xmas Sweéts," Gibson's. T." J. Rigney;, Robert Meek . anf Judge Lavell will be' the judges af he Queen's-Ottawa Intercollegiate de- iate in Convocation Hall this even- ing. "Fry's Xmas Sweets," Gibson's. Arthur Chin and Fdward White, Foronto, found guilty of housebreak- ing, were sent to the penitentiary, hin for four years and White for ree years. Hoty at Carnovsky's fruit store. The remains oi Charles Glenn, me time station agent 'at Newburgh, vas buried in the family glot on Qonday. Nr. Glenn was living in Montreal at the time of his death. He passed away suddenly. Canned tomatoes, fresh tomato fla- vor, three tins for 25c. Canned sweet corn, three tins for 235¢, Canned sweet tender peas, three tins for 25¢. At the Golden Lion Grocery. At Napatee court Matilda the mother of Albert Luther accused him of taking. $3 wr, which she had concealed in a pile of old. railway ties. . Fourteen witnesses were examined and the jury, after being out less than five minutes, wturned a verdict of not guilty. Sni- der was discharged. Sweet's, Snider, Snider, from A TON OF MAIL MATTER Left Kingston For Old Country on Thursday. That the soldier boys from Kings ton and this district will not be for gotten by their many friends is shown oy the amount of mail matter which left Kingsten for the old country on Shursday night and Friday morning. in all there was a ton of mail mat ter and a large bulk of this was on the way to the boys in camp. The post office department has drawn the attention of the Whig to the fact that many people are using Christmas stamps of various kinds, putting them on: the front of the en- velope. This conflicts with the regu- lar stamp, and for this reason the department has given orders that all Prices Mat, 10c, any seat. Eveniig, 10c: reserved Sc extra. at | Relative Food Value of CANNED SALMON The toll ug tableieBulletin No. 142, U.S. th of Agricultare --uhows the percentage of brain, blood, bone aid muscle bullding elements in CANNED SALMON as compared with other fooda. CANNED SALMON, Sirloin Steak, Sugar Cured Ham, Macaroni, Fresh Eggs, Spring Chicken, Bread, Use "CREST" Salmon CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their many floral and spriitual of- ferings, and their kindnesses to us in our recent sad bereavement in the death of our father and husband Mrs. Edward McFadden and Family Notice The New Grocery and Feed Store will open on Saturday, Dee, 12th, with a full line of fresh goods. We would appreec- fate a call from any of our old friends und also any mew oben. Respectiully yours, J. A. BOYD, "SOVEREIGN LUNG TONIC" FOR TUBERCULOSIS. If you are weak and pundown and cannot get relief, y, "SOVEREIGN LUNG TONIC." that practically take it re- ceive great benefit from ts use. In {creating an appefite it is s0 noticeable 'as to cause universal comment, Send postal for freé booklet on "In- teresting Facts Concerning Tuberculos- 1s, How To Live and What To Eat." THE 8 VEREIGY XG, TONIC co, 5 Dy Ll rome Ritlding, Ofetélant, Okie, TS 1. A NEW CEREAL Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal cereal or made In pan-cakes. 10 ctw 25 etm.) At Your Family Grocers. FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. (Distributors.) | Miedededridedob doobb bh db bb ddd bibd MADE IN AMERICA DOES NOT INCLUDE CANADA. iw Loe It * | # 4 Is + + |# For bland, unadultératéed as. surance on the mniotto, "Busi- ness is business" let us place on record a Jefter recehtly sent by a United States manufacturing hotse to its customers in Cane ada. The firm 'has a German name. Since the war broke IWANTED--SBWL, Y ON BARRIE ST, BETWEEN PRIN. cess and Stuart Sts, a bundle of laundry. Finder will please re- turn to 20 O'KHY Si, Sater wig neat GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, AT a Hoh Priv, a Goodwill Abies St. an LADY'S GOLD WATCH, OPEN FACE, on Thursday night on Princess St or Wellington St. to St George's hall. Finder kindly return to Whig office and receive reward, TO LEY - NE OPER. eslery Co. RITHER A to 116 MACS ator. APPLY pEstan A GENERAL SERVANT, woman or a girk Apply Earl St. 7 @ KITCHEN WOMAN. REFERENCES required. Apply at the Avonmore, 207 William 8t )AT ONCE, AN EXPERIENCED LADY clerk for grocery business. Apply to 784 Primcess St. TRY ONE OF THESE 8 K , oF THE am. ADVTS. STORAGE FOR FURN) BTo., * elean etree! nd dary. McCann, §3 Brock TWO BEDROOMS room, - furnishe Btuart- St. ND ONE SITTING Apply to 198 OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. OsmAm. bers. Apply to Cunningham - die, 79 Batenae Ben & Ma ORE FUR FINIS WANTED AT » once. Apply onan. r Sho & Co, Kingston's Famous Fur re. : | AN INTELLIGENT PERSO HA} N earn $100 monthly, ng OR RE cate, 3,9 ekport, N. AV] X _ ABILITY AS 5 leant Ave have a proposition to make which will #nable you to earn moré. meney than you are earning at the Jresgnt, time. Cor- respondence strictly 'confidential Address to Manager, Box 47, King- ston, Ont. YOUNG MEN WANTED TO PREPARE for telegraph positions on Cana- dian raiflwavs. Our ETT re celve positions ¥, _supo graduation ahd Eg 19 thonthly to start, Free raflway pass 10 school and ta, destination when ualified. Tuiflon. fees Moderate. 'of particulars apply The bier. Graham Telegraph School, Bank, Streel, Ottawa. WANTED GENERAL HORSES WANTED, FROM ELEVEN hundred up, Friday and Saturday, at Whithey's Hotel, J. A. arising A ma p------------ CUSTOMERS TO BRING THEIR CAR- pets, rugs and portieres to be wovs en by J. C. Swaine, 140 York St. I Jenkins, ROOM, WITH USE OF BATH AND telephone, about four blocks froin Cereal building. Apply Box 11, Whig office. g, WINDOW CLEANING=IPLACE YOUR orders at once and be sure of good work. We clean and put up storm windows. We employ only good reliable men. Drop us a card Kingston Window Cleaning Co.. 349 Alfred St, City. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have jt made up Into up Gurage. TEACHERS WANTED. QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S§, §. NO, 6, Lavant, Lanark county. Anply, slating salary and experience, to Thos. Lee, Sec.-Treas., Layvant Sta- tion, Ont A PROTESTANT SRD CLASS TEACH. er wanted for the junior depari- ment, Portsmouth 'public school Salary $400 per annum. State ex- perience, if any. AppHeations re- ceived up to the 19th inst, to Thos. F. Graham, Sec., Portsmouth, SITUATIONS VACANT LADIES WANT TO DO EASY, pleasant coloring work at home Can make $15 to $20 weekly. Ex- Joflence unnecessary: no canvass- ng. National Decorating Co., Dept. C., 69 Adelajde St. Ont. East, Toronto, MUSIC. TEACHER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIE Bajus, 47 Rideau St. Telephone 1296, MUSIC ) MATIO i Tol . Alda T ® an - H. 0. 3 Fe gmant ers elocu. tion, pianv, violin and sll stringed instruments. Portland Bric fs, DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND TX. furnished; stores, offices, ete. Mec- Gennes Rea) Estate Agency, 82 Broel venient to street Queen's University, 291, Whig office car nes and Apply to Box 'TORAGR FOR FURNITURE, CLRAN dr, airy, Rooms; Your awn lock and y. rost's tor 90 Queen. Bt. Phone T20n. ag EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST new, modern improvements, corner Diviston and Quebec streets. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 108 Pine Street. ---------------------------------------------------- A FLAT IN WELLINGPON APART. ments, 130 Wellington St. Posses- sion Noy Heated by hot wat- er; electric lights; also gas range. Apply F. W. Meagher, 99 L. 8t. Phone 14086. Sher, 99 Alber: MEDICAL. STUART Mm, POLSON, M.A. M.D.CM., former house surgeon Manhattan Bye, ear, nose, and throat hospital, New Y ,» 132 Wellington, © Office hours, , 7-8 p.m. Phone DENTAL. A. E. KNAPP, RA, LDS, D.DS RE. moved to 258 Princess Street" SPARKS AND SPAR ington St. (over hone 346. Cn A, PR. CC. NASH, DENTIST enton, assistant. 1 Street. Phone 1735. S. H. SIMPSON, L.D.S, D.D.S. ist, corner Princess and straets Entrance on Bagot 150 WEL. Carnoveky's) DR. T. B. 3 Princess DENT. Bagot Street + ARCHITECT, WM. NEWLANDS & SON, AROCHI tects, etc. ..OM 288 Phone 6) a, 362 Saqut- POWER & SON, ITKROTS, MER. s' Bank Building, corner Srock and Wellington streets. Droy UPROLSTERING. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. Datring and Sarpet Bork. and re renovatin or call 216 Bagot I th 4 sare CATERING. Rm WE_CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc algo rent dishes, table Hnen silverware. Reid and Hambrook M. P. Reid, 30 Union Street. F. C Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street Phones 842 or 303 ee eee eee 'OMFORTABLE WARM ROOMS, CON- A FOR SALE. 5 18 FEA APPLY SE aa: 387 Division St VICTOR MACHINE AND 60 RR or. will &all alone. Apply St, off Fine St. KCORDS 7 Cowdy TE TWO HUNDRED a LLED MM at 50c a pair. Kingston rhode Pp Company, 566 Princess St. AIREDALE BITCH OFFICE DES in. high in cK. roars 4d 66 1-8 ont an ~ at Three dra LON ; Ene - AND heaters, : 84 yioik Fear OF RANGERS ret-class 1so a big niture. J. om Bt, Phone 1600. LARGE NUMBER OF also Dunlop tires, at orders promptly a Shrhet cleaning wi uller. 373 King St HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OXe fords, and other cook stoves, bec's, pugs and square heaters, all these in first clags shape: close them out at' very small fits. Turk's 'Phone. 708 'NE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN puis twenty months old, choicest breed ing. Grand head for any herd . Pure bred bull calf (Korndyke Also five head pure bred females Priced low for quick sale. A. 8. Guess, R. R. No. 2, Eiginburg, Ont. MINERAL RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND nica; convenient to station. THREE hed FRAME HOUSES, YORS t., cheap. CK HOUSE, LARGE LOY and stable. us Bs 6 os ME HOUSE, SLSOO-FRAME A. BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND Real Estate, 87 Clarence St. KINGSTON BUSINESS OOL- LEGER, Limited. Head of Queen Street Superior courses In Books keeping, Shorthand, Typewrits ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gens eral Improvement and all Come mercial subjects. Rates moderate ate. Phone 440. H. F. Metcalfe, - Principal it FEELERS LSPA SSOP PIS FOR SALE OR TO LET -* > : + i &* > + A SEVEN ROOM FRAME HOUSE, with furnace, B.-and C., electric light: on Montreal St. Apply to A. F. Bond, 26 Frontenac St. ne FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN AND ta ent Society; Incorpora prealdent, Colonel Henty R. Money issued on city and roperties, municipal and cou obentures; mortgages pu ieeens TOELER lai x hs hs: nager LIVERPOOL, LONDON Fire Insurance SB 1883; a" AND security the as Bavtaey Company. ) Li 0 for city ' roperty, insured at lo po le rates. Before re old or giving new busin . rates from Stran & Phone 33%. Agents PERSONAL Yuli ah BUSINESS CPANOES. ---------------------------------------------- ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN STAR) & mall order business at home; n¢ Snvessing: be your ow Be res bo n nd for oklet; tells how Heacock, 2.969 Lockport. NY LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. iers and solicitors. - Law office, 74 Clarence 'street. Ktugston. HATR. MOLKS, WARTS, BIRTHMAMKS and all growths apd skin blemish. en removed. permanently, with scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. mer J. °, ye, Ear, None, Throat and skin specialist, 258 Rot street N = JOSEPH BUSKE, § CHESTNUT ST. | a3 .q Cut, buliding and rough » Pp usrry on Stephen ne supplied promptly at re prices. ' ti, i o. e e letters with stamps on the front be # sent to the dead letter office. Ii citi sens desire to use stamps they must be put on the back of the envelope. Portland, Dec. 10.--Owiny to the 4% recent cold weather the lake is part- # ly frozen over and a number of Young # people are enjoying skating and ice- out the name began to look une popular. The Wurzburger- Frankenstéin company (this is not the actual name) hasten to OUR FRESH GROUND CO¥F. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try a sample order and be Princess St. | CANADIAN NORTHERN Kitchen Coal convinced. | For Rent Six-reom brick dwell- ing, on Chatham Strnear Princess. All improve- ments. Rent $9.a month. W. i. Godwin & Son. Gramophones, Phonographs, Grats | Suelas, Columbia sud Vietut teourds eon an wmbo records, Edison 4 minute rocords, Blue Amberal re | TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW December 11th and 12th Reduced faves fn clicet from al stations, Hisgwton, Iarrowsmith, Tweed, Pleton, Maynooth snd W ent. Good wolag P. M. tralus December 10th, all trains Dee. 11th and 12(h. Return Hmit Dee. 14th, 1014. For tickets and all particulars ap- Ply te M. C. DUNN, Town Agent, KR. I. WARD, Siation Agent. h i "POINTERS" Bridge Sets in Leather' Gases - £2.00 Sterling Silver Cigar Lighters | Rese Bead Necklets .. .. ... | A -. $1.50 to $5.00 Htotally fese Table Fruit. Finest layer figs, juicy and tender; ww dates, the rich color variety; cluster raisins, a delicious dessert; choice Malaga grapes, large clusters of 'solid {rqit; Florida sweet oranges, and other able delicacies at low prices, at the Golden Lion Grocery. Glendower Notes. Glendower, Dec. 10.--Quite a tember are clearing 'their land by surning brush weaps. The snow staying 'cil so long, is quite a sav- ing on feed for the farmers. All 'he hunters and fishers have gone ome. Archibald Timmerman is setting his house ready to move in- o shortly. Edward Babcock has fe- urned to his home at Smith's Falls. And many a man's dishonesty lue to the ease with which a 0d his roney are separated. WHAT CAUSES COLDS? This question and "How to I'revent Colds" is asked a thousand times every day. A cold is really a fover, not always caused by the weather but due to a disordered condition of the blood or lack of important food elements. In changing seasons fat- foods are essential because they dis- tribute heat by enriching the blood is fool py | and so redder the body better able to withstand the varying elements. This is the underlying reason why the medicinal fats in Scott's Emulsion quickly overcome colds and build strength to prevent more serious sick- hives It Stakes nature's fedicinal h so ski pared that the blood profits fly Drei drop, and it is Troe hrcmiu! drugs. ME PUR Bowas, Feisals, Outs, BEEP AEFI Lh B EPR PP RPP PRE PPP P RABE PERF LFF FEF FAP IRD FEE BST assure their Canadian custom- ers that their goods sre manu- factured by American labof in America, paying American divi- dends, wages, ofc, etc. And thérefore -- entitled to conshl- eration at the hands of Cana- dian people in a time of war. On the lower left hand corper of the letter is a nice little post- er stamp blazoned "Made in America." That settled it io their mind. OF "course they thought we might have some constitutional ebjections to buying things labelled Made in Germany or Austria, but 'Made in America," -- aren't we part of little old America, and isn't there something more in the map of America besides the United States ? To he sure we are not at war with the United States, And we are not objecting to the axiom that Busk ds Basi In fact we hugely admire the self assertion and complacency of this U. S. firm with the German name in hastening to assure Canadians that it's not the name but the goods and where the goods are made that count. 4f we people in: Canada conld just «imbibe the faith that would inspire wus "Made in Canada' 'everywhere and always, in face of< every- thing, we could overcome in this comntry even a German name. firm of Wurzbu ger-Frankenstein are right. The nome is only a pretext. 's the: goods that pb oy "But =hers dhe firm of Wel went en tively astray was in supposing that "Made in America' would #' be just as 'a slogan $ to the a aie Hoy as & "Made in Canada." * + + + >! FPR d FREESE P PRP EER POLE RR bred i ww hm boating. All are sorry to Yearn that John Baker, who suffered a stroke a short time ago, shows no signs of improvement. A number of Portland people attended the oyster supper held at Crosby last Friday night. Preparations are being made for a Christmas tree to be held in the Methodist church on Dec. 21st. A new agent has arrived at the Can- adian Northern station. Stanley Heath was a visitor in Tom- bardy during the past week Mr. Lancelot, of Sault Ste. Marie, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bolton. W. Howe is visiting his uncle, C. Kennedy, 'of New York: state. John Haw is suf- fering from an attack of rheumatism. Mrs. A: Payman retuened from a vis- it to her daughter, Mrs, Allison, of Chesterville. A number from here attended the poultry fair held at El gin on the 8th. FE. Farpum is do- ing a rushing business in black: smithing, .. 'Sharbot Lake News Sharbot Lake, Dec. 10.---Mr. and Mrs. Jamies Allison, Tichborne, an- nounce the engagement of their third daughter, :Jennié, to Lawson Cronk, of ham. The marriage will take place quietly later part of December. The patriotic concert given by the ladies 'of 'the Wide-awake Club, Bharbot, Lake, a few evenings past was '& most decided success and the members of the club are 'indeed to he congratulated on the programme rendered and the pretty effect on the eteige and through the hall g'ven by the patriolic decorations. The audi ence expressed their nleasure with the demonstration of ambulance work, and flig dsl he well. as with the stp fire scene muse hich was all first class "@ Hort ln safer to eal ton). Fine Bright Nut Coal, (Scran- Large or Small as desired. Delivered Shovel in for $7.75 per ton JAMES SWIFT & 0D In Holiday Packages of 10, < 5 25 and 50 ;

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