Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Dec 1914, p. 3

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Daes your skin chap of toughen eas: iy int Weather, or become unduly red or blotchy? let me tell you a quick, easy way to overcome the trou ble and Keep your complexion beauti- fully white, smooth and soft the winter lot. Just get an ounce of ordinary mercolized wax at the nearest drug- store and use a Mttie before retirin a8 you woul cold . Upon arising, remove the coating with sudsy water. The wax, thr same peculiar attri. Lute, ks off the rough, discolored, or 1 ed e WOrn-out cuts ile comes off just like dandruff on a ai , only in almost invisthle riicles. ercoMzed wax simply tens Nature's work. I'sed as re- red, #t keeps the face constantly free devitalized scarf skin and only the fealthy, young-looking #kin is in "evidence, It's the best treatment known for weatharbeaten, aged, mud- dy, freckled, pimpled and all unbeauti- al complenions, skins wrinkle easly in winter. There's an excellent remedy in a harm- i lotion made by dissolving 1 o%. powdered saxolite in 1-2 pint witch hazel. This will quickly eradicate ev- ery lne.~The Woman Beautiful New Grocery & THE DAILY ii, Be guests or Mr. aud Mrs. re re Sa or Mr. dug Mu. for Torénto, where they will spend] Told In - Twilight i i» - * Miss Gladys Heustis, of Toronto, was the guest of homor at a Dutch Tugéhéon the Country Club on Tiesday, when those present were Mrs. Neill C. Polson, jr., Mrs. Carlos Kirkgaatde, Miss Norah Macnee, Miss Isabell, Waldron, Miss Rose Rogers, Miss Mary Htrange, Miss Madge Daw- son and Miss Susie Anglin. - Mrs. Edward Ryan and Miss Kath- leen Ryan, Rockwood House, enter- tained informally at the tea-hour on Monday afternoon in honor of Migs Gladys Heustis, of Toronto, who is the guest of Mrs. N. C. Polson, jr., Stuart street. : 3 " . * - . . Ws John Waddell, Mrs. Lester W. Gill, Mrs. A.M. Squires and Mrs. S. F. Kirkpatrick will be the pa- tednesses at the science dance, which is to take place in Grant Hall on tary College, were the guests of honor . . a Eriday evening, = sm Tl ovision ¢ On Wellnesday evening Professor and Ny Mrs. LW. Mulloy, of the Royal Mili- Choice groceries, provis: ions, fruits and vegetables, Your patronage will he appreciated. ? Harry Thompson, Phone 387. 294 Princess Bt. 'Wood's Phosphodine, Rent. ani the wi Konergy, Palpil Memory, P 31 ver bax. siz One . six will cure, Sold by alt Ce COL TORONTO, ONT, (Farmers Winder TOILET SETS She would appreciate no gift more than one from Best's. They contain splendid mirrors, ji brushes, and other pieces in ¢b- i ony, rosewood, ivory and silver. $2.50 to $20.00 MANICURE SETS From the pocket size fo the dresser case, all finishes and all § Prices; Has she one? Think ji it over and act. LEATHER GOODS es, 35 cents and up. At Bests o | i} Sunday Hours, 1.30 to 5, 6.30 to ® Overcoats FOR MEN AND BOYS The mild weather of the last two months has left us with too many Vike Give him a practical presen, a shit or 4 coat. Either at 20% discount. at a charmingly informal evening par- iy #t the home of Major and Mrs. Hepbert Sparling, Bay street, Ottawa. » & -» - . - Misé Mollie Saunders, Alice street, entertained Informally at the tea Bour on Monday, in honor of Miss Marfon Hague, of Montreal. - . - The Dancing Club met this week at the home of Mrs. John Waddell» Earl street. Re Tee Mr. G. Y. Chown "Sunnyside" has returned from Montreal. Major G. H. Gillespie borne this week. Miss © Hume, Seymour, is visiling Mrs. W. Glidden, Brock street, Mr. K. N. Fenwick, Belvidere Ap- #rtments, returned from Toronto, this week. Migs Hilda Hague, University Avenusd, will leave thé end of the week for Chicago to gpend Christ- mas, Miss Lucy Scott of Napanee is the EBuest of Miss Flora Abernethy, Al- bert street. Miss Hilda Calvin, Miss Margaret Cunningham and Miss Ethel Kent who were attending school in To- ronto, will be home this week to spend "the Christmas holidays. - - - - is in Ceol- The patronesses at the Collegiate At Home next week will be, Mrs. B. O. Sliter, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Kelly, Miss Henstridge, Miss H. L. Chown, Miss Thempson and Miss Watt, Misses Ethel and Lorrine Minnes of Montreal will be Mrs. Ww. T. Min- nes'. guest at "Hillcroft" for the Christmas holidays. Mrs. W. F. Jackson returned to Brockville yesterday after spending a day or two in town. Miss Macaulay, King street, left or Stratford to spend the. Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mre. 'C.°C. Abbott. . * . . Mrs. E, S. Sheppard and Miss Zena Sheppard; (formerly of Gananoque), who have been the guests of Mrs, Gardiner, Frontenac street, left on Monday to join Mr. Sheppard in Chi- cago. Mr. and Mrs. James McCabe and their two children, Frontenae street, will leave on Friday for Perth Am. boy, N.Y. "where they will spend Christmas. Migs ;Blsie ' Saunders, of Ottawa, will spend Christmas with her moth- er, Mrs. K. M. Saunders, Alice Street. Miss Ewing Macfarlane, of Ottawa, is in tawn for the science dance and ie the guest" of her aunt, Mrs. Thos. Slater, Harrie street. - . * - Miss Marjorie Uglow," who is at- tending Branksome Hall, in "Toronto, will come home the latter part of the week 10 spend her holidays with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Uglow, Barrie street. Miss Dorothy Record, of Minneapo- lis, arrived in town to-day to visit Mrs. Neil €. Polson, jr., Stewart street, Mr. and Mrs. James Leslie and Miss Rdith Leslie, of Montreal, will spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. David Laidlaw, Earl street. Miss Isabel Waldron, King street, returtied home on Saturday after an absence of three months in Toronto. Mrs. Robert Heathcote, of Edmon- ton, is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Jobn Fraser, King street, and will be here until after Christmas. Miss Phyllis Plunimer, who is at- teriding Queen's, will leave for her home fn Stratford, for Christmas, on Saturday. Dr. James Polson, of New York, will spend Christmas day in town with Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Polson, Uni- versity avenue. Mr, Donald M. Melntyre was in town from Toronto with the Misses Mcintyre, Jolinson street, for the week-end. Mrs. William Skinner expects to spend the Christmas holidays in Syra- cuse, N. Yi, with. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. i Tr, er. SAW rman Gordon went to Toronto re acé Hetiry returned ic . after spending 10 town with Miss Mary Calandar and Miss Thompson from = Scotland on Monday and have taken rooms at 27 Welling- ine Macdonald, who har Ia town from Christmas, They Kingston for New Year's, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. McGinnis and their baby, of Philipsburg, Quebec, will go to Belleville for Christmas, coming to Kingston later to spend the new year with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Richardson, "Alwington," Kings- ton. for Tor will. return to $$ ®. h.B Miss Barbara Bidwell, Miss Doris | Browne amd Miss Etheiwyn Mac- Eowan, who are in Belleville attend- ing St. Agnes College, are expected home this wéek to spend the Christ mas holidays, Miss Gladys Heustis, who is visit- ing Mrs. N. C. Polson, jr., Stuart street, will return to Toronto on Thursday. Miss Fraser; of Albany, N. Y., will spend Christmas with her sister Mrs. G. M. Campbell, Emily street. Miss Blanche Kent, of Montreal is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Noel Kent, King street, and will be here until after Christmas. Miss Cecily Mann, of Toronto, will come down on Friday for the science dance at Queen's, and will gpend the week-end with Miss Dorothy Good- win, Alice street. Mr. John Aird, of Toronto, spent the week-end in town, A ----------------. g ] SUNDAY SCHOOL BASKETBALL. Brock Street Methodist Defeated St. Andrew's, 40 to 30, Brock Street Methodist Sunday Schools basketball team, on Tuesday evening, saved itself from being pug out. of the running for the champion. ship, by defeating St. Andrew's by 40 to 30. At half time the tally stood 27 to 15, in its favor. Had the Presby terians won this game, the Meth- odists would have heen down and out, thereby allowing Bethel to take the championship, It was Brock Stréet's superb com- bination that won the game. The re. fore, Mr. Hill, had to draw this team's attention to ita rough work several times, for which it. had to pay the penalty of allowing St. An- drew's free throws, By these tactics the Methodists: 'only opened the way for the Preshyteriana to score. : The umpire was Roy Moore, I'ne-up of the teams : Brock Street-<Forwards, ¥. McCon- nell, © F, Pound; centre, F. Reid; de- lense, 1. Pound, J. Burtch. St. Andrew's--Forwards, (. IL. Holder; centre, G. I'nse, R. Day, The Baiden, 1 Fleming; de. W. Bearance. tt. MONTREAL' DROPS -100 MEN. ---- €9 of Engineering Staff, 37 Fire In. spectors Dismissed. Montreal, Dec. 16.--At 'a five minutes' meeting the Board of Con. trol decided to notify thirty-seven fire mspectors that their services would not be required after the end of the tear. On Friday the board voted to dispense with the services of 'six- ty-nine members of the city engis neering staff, thus dismissing over one hundred men during the week- om -------------- GERMANY BANS 'ALCOHOL. Saints Liquors Must Not Be Sent Armies. 16.--A German army issued forbids alcoholic drinks being sent to troops on the field. Such drinks already sent are forwarded to the hospitals. The gen- eral staff appeals to the public to encourage temperance among sold ers. . General von Hindenberg has ask- od that as many ambulance dogs as possible Fe sent to the Fast Ifus. sian army corps. to lerne, Dec. order just ' rms LEAVE FOR HEBREWS. Many Attended Celebration of Relig- fous Feast. London, Dec. 16,--All possible cilities were given to the # members of the Canadian contingent this week-end to 'attend the special services in connection with their re- ligious feast at Hanukah. About 200 availed themselves of the leave grant- ed, and a large proportion of these at- tended the parade service to Ham- mersmith Synagogue on Sunday. het Sydenham Radeet, Sydenham, Dec. 14.--The many friends of the late Helier Pappa, of Sharbot Lake, a former high school | pupil, were saddened to hear of his sudden death while Skating at Ren- frew. N McEuchron, principal of the high 'school, 'was recently call- ed to Toronto to attend the funeral of his brother. The funeral service fa- Y,. [ Austridh Poles Urged to Use Triftublice For Séparate Peace. Lemberg, Galicia, Dbe. 16M. Mor unaviteh, an influential member of the Polish delegation, has caused to be in a Polish nowspaper of a just to Poles in eourt, dij atic government circles at V ; tp exert all of their influence toward obtaining an 'immediate con- clusion of a separate peace agreement between Austria and Russia, without reference to Germany. G In his 'announcement, M. Meruno- vitch states that it is the sacred duty of 'the Polish' aristocracy to take this otep in view of the future interests of Austria and Poland. He. express- es the opinion that the present' time offers a favorable opportunity for the ronclugion - of peace with honor for Austria. . A SENATOR DEAD. - * Toronto, Dec, 16.--~Senator & Robert Jaffray, president of the 4 + Globe and just elected the pres- # + ident of thie Imperial Bank died 4 & at 410. a.m. * >» i + SRP Sb ESS deh dbb THE TOWN OF GANANOQUE. A Skating Rink For Boys' Commun- ity Movement, Gananoque, Dec. 16. The statu- tory session of the town council for the presentation of the financial statement of the year was held in the council chamber last evening. Through 'the effo¥ts of those in- terested in the Boys' Community Movement an opén skating rink is an assured fact for this winter. It 'will he Yocated in the rear of the Reporter office. Winter has set in 'for this season with a rush, the snow fall the early part of the week being abolit fifteen inches. The sleighing in the rural districts id reported as excellent. Earl Cummings, who has been lo- cated here fdr some time past, has returned to his pome in Yarker DR, KARL LIEBNECHT The 'German socialist member of the Relclistag, who was the only one to Vole against the war credit at the re- cent session of the Reichstag, and who charges the German war party with responsibility, KINGS TO DISCUSS WAR. Naat Will Consider Guarantees of Their States' Independence, Copenhagen, « Pec. © 16.--By invita- tion , of King * Gustav, of Sweden, King - Haakon -of Norway and King Frederick of Denmark will visit him at. Maimo, next Friday. The three 'kings will be accompan- ied by their ministers of foreign af- fairs and secretaries, and will discuss affairs of common interest which have arisen as a result of the war, and especially measures for helping the economical situation in Scandinavia. London, Dec. 16.--A Petrograd des- patch to the Daily News says that the systematic attempts on the part of Germany {o force Sweden into the Gefman- camp had led the Stock- holm cabinet to consult with ~~ Den- mark and Norway regarding a joint formula for guaranteeing their posi- tion and independence. FRENCH TROOPS HEALTHY. southern Sweden, Everything Possible Done For Sick And Wounded. of the late Miss Etta Wood was con- ducted at her home on Tuesday af- ternoon by Rev F. Tripp and was largely attended. The friends of H. Tomas will be glad to hear of ion slight imiprovement. The condition of M. Garvin is still very low. The! Sunday schools of the Methodist and English churches are practising fer their Christmas entertainments. Among the recent visitors are: Mrs. Bell visiting at Standard Guess', Kepler; Miss Abbott spending her ho'ldays at Northbrook: Myron Lake with his mother, Mrs. C. Lake for a few days. Thé lake is frozen over! along the shores and many are try- ing it. What might have.proved a fatal aceident occurred Saturday afternoon when Master Harold Clark, of Battersea, broke through the ice while skating on Sydenham Lake. Several boys near at hand as- sisted in getting him out. At Lavant Station. Station, Dee. pt Jise Elsie Lavast F. Lee spent last ; Whitney said that the American phy- riends check up t here. Moiten after midnight «| tries to interfere with the British sca- is | thought ' to be concealed cleverly London, Dee. 16.--Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney arrived in London last night from France. She will sail for Am- erica on Wednesday on the Lusitania. She saia . A am going and will ret to spend Christmas \ immediately after the holidays" "She said that the health of French troops was very good, and everything was being done to eare for the sick and wounded. Speaking about American assistance, she add- ed: "The Fremch are very grateful for what America is doing." Mrs. sicians and nurses were doing splen- did work. WATCH GERMAN WIRELESS. A Station Set Up By British to Check Former's Whereabouts, London, Dec. 16. At Cromer, ox the Norfolk coast, the British SROV- ornment has fitted up on a gentle man's estate a wireless station, which for weeks past has been trying to i whereabouts of 'a Ger- man sending station, believed | to he not more than sixty miles away. this apparatus tion's sending, The ememy's outfit is 'on land not far from Cro- mer, and 'a reward for its uamasking Ty . CEMBER 16, 1014. " PROBS. Fair and decidedly cold to-day and on Thursday. i Christmas] Steacy's SpiritPrevails MoreNew Merchandise Arriving Every Morning Don't Miss These Morning Specials on Sale From 9 to 12 TEA APRONS---300 pret price UMBRELLAS 100 ladies' beautiful gift boxes. Mornirg price GLOVES Empress Kid, in black, white and tan, 200 pairs only, done up in quality glove boxes. 'Morning price T6¢c BLACK SILK HOSE--160 pairs, made of fine French silk, all sizes and boxed. Priced up to $1.50. Morning price 1 , in $1.29 . - 'SPECIAL FROM 9 TO 12 18 Warm Winter Coats Priced up to $22.50. Morning Price $8.95. ; me FREE On Friday morning we will give a little present of a small doylie and work- ing floss for same to every little girl who visits our store with her mother or | Boiling Eggs C. Every Egg Guaranteed The Wm. Davies Co. KNGSTON' ELECTRIC STORE See our beautiful line of semi-indipect fixtupes, from $6.50 up. ; Eminently suited for Xmas present. A handy electric bracket lamp will fasten on mirror, bedstead, wall, glass, everywhere. See it.' For Your Christmas Cake USE THE BEST +] Gold Medal Cleaned Currants Full Weight 160z Package Limited. Phone 597 Made in Kingston By Kingstonians 'SMOKE THE BEST The Ideal Christmas Gift Allow us to suggest as n Christmas gift for your wife Tam. ily a Policy of Life Insurance in the Mutual 14r¢ of Canada. t will be a living proof to them that you think, not of but of the many to-morrow's that are to come. | 4 or icy, add to it. "This is the readiest way i 4 increase your estate. Let us furnish you with figures for a policy ~ 8. ROUGHTON at once, General Agent. 60 Brock $t., K ngston. Office Phone, 810; Res., 561 . harpe, Special Agent. Are you going to skate this year? If 80, 800 our men's Fyaeh Calf Hockey Boots at $4.50. Other lines as-low a8 When going to the rink, keep the feet warm with a pair of our overshoes; all lengths and prices. Our line pay footwear is complete. Call te Our Woe NTL fi] Ral i [

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