Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Dec 1914, p. 2

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Old Man Water is p ying his rning to first call, giving fair get ready, and that the proper and only safe protection for the full grown Canadian var- fety of winter is fur. really ¥ine Furs sultable for Christ. mas presents may be bought this year lower in price than you may ever see again. Very Choice Labrador Muffs in deep pillow Regular -- price $50.00. price Large Black Fox Muff, twe skin size, from best Alaska Fox, dye. Regular price ¥50.00. Sale price .. .... $32.50 Handsome Black Fox Stoles, inrge two gkin mize, trimmed with heads, talls and paws. price. $50.00 Sale : $32.50 White Arctic Fox, finest quality, finished two skin size, muff with white i price $75.00. Sale price Handsome White Fox Steles, ,iarge two, skin size, long stele effect, Snighed and trimmed to match, mulls. Regular price $75.00. Sale price Natural Alasiks Red Fox Mufis, in two skin styles. ar price $45.00, Sale Ieice, epular Stolen of the best Alaska Red Fox to match mufls with heads and brush, large two skin e. Regular price, $45.00, ale price . 00 Mink shape, Sale $58.00 KAY. Limited 149-157 BROCK ST. Useful Gift | "oe Givin Christmas gifts that are useful as well as or-: 'namental are more ap- ted : variety of gifts we have selected the, following: Down Quilts $6, $7, $10, $11 ea. ry 27 x 04 in,, $2.00, $3.00 "$8.50 ea. Qarpet Swoepers, Bissels Best, $2.75 ea. Mirrors, $1.50 to $10.00 ea. 'Bathroom Oabinets, $5.00 ea. Bada Ma bs es . an LIFE, SICKNESS. A a AND AUTOMOBILE SUBANCR. | Wanted---A Grocery Store in re. sidential of the » apply to & 0. irofoN, 18 BAN I ig. «N- To be had now that you cannot | It is liko everything else, the | wise man buys out of season. We can.offer you a good pay- | : , He or at a profit. Talk it over with wii { i Lorgnetts We have just received the newest assortment of up to the minute Lorgnetts in enamel and extension handles. Get your Lorgnetts right. 1.8. Asselstine,D.0.S Myonight Mpoctalisn $43 Ning Ss, Phone 1919 In. AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES Square, | FOR HIRR | _ Phone 1177 | George W. Boyd, Christmas Cheer As usual keep the spirit of kindly giving alive. We can. help make it {more than usually happy if you will see our line of gift furniture. -~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHI WITH 6090s B £ {AMOS GREEN WAS GIVEN SIX MONTHS FOR THEFT . rrested Late Wednesday Night For Stealing From Wholesale of Rob. ertson, Nicolle & Co. -- Green's. Companion Escaped. While Amos Green, a young man, was being tried in the police court, on Thussday morning, on 4 (barge of theit, his wife and two smal chil- dren waited in one of the police rooms to hear the result of the case. Green was found guilty' and sentenced by Magisteate Farrell to six months in Jal. He was arrested shortly after eleven o'clock om 'Wednesday night, by Con- | stable Clark, charged -with the theit of tobacco from Robertson, Nicolle & Co., wholesale grocers, Ontario street. He pleaded "not guilty" and his case was 'quickly disvosed of. The goods. stolen were 'pid 'on a table before the magistrate. and consisted of one caddie of Napoleon tobacco, one-half caddie of Pay Roll, onehali caddie of T. & B. and one eaddie of Black Watch. One the shippers at the wholesale was sworn, and idéntified the tobacco as belonging to this wholesale. 3 « Constable (lark was called to . the box; and told his story of the arrest of Green. "About eleven o'clock Wednesday night," said. the constable, "1 was on Ontario street. When | reached the corner of Queen street | stopped for a minute or two. While standing there 1 noticed the prisoner and another man come along the railway tracks. | Green had three caddies of tobacco in a bag and the rest of the tobacco was carried by the other fellow, under his arm. When they saw me both drop- ped the tobacco and ran. I followed Green to Princess street. Two sol- diers happened to come along and 1 outs to them to stop him. They did so and then I put Green un- der arrest. lhe other fellow A of es asked the magistrate to re- mand his case for a week, declaring that he was not the guilty party the case. "No, I will not remand vou for a week," replied the court. "I'he evi. dence against you is quit® clear. You were caught with the goods." The prisoner said that he wet his friend and that the latter had asked him to carcy the tohacco. "But in that case you were n par- ty to it," remarked the magistrate, "You should not have touched the to- bacco at all. I will sentence you to in six months." A After Green was arrested Con- stables Clark and Naylon paid a visit to the wholesale and they found how the men had secured en- trance to the building. They got in. doorway off the lane. A wire screen had been pried off and then a pane of glass had been smashed. After this it was a very easy mat 'er to put a hand in and push the vult so that the door would open. While making an inspection inside the wholesale, a half dozen or so burnt matches were found on the floor having been used by the men in search for the tobacco. It is a wonder they did not set fire to the wholesale, - Mary 'Nelson was charged with being the keeper of a disorderly house, but she denied the charge and asked for a chance to secure a lawyer, She afterwards had a con- sultation with T. J. Rigney and the case was set for hearing on Monday next. John Slattery was arrested for drunkenness and vagrancy. He pleaded guilty to being drunk, but protested against the other charge. He said he belonged to Ottawa, and that he had only been in the city four days. ' "Sergeant Nesbitt said that he'liad been at the police sta- tion for protection three nights. Slattery said he had: been working on boats all summery, and had left his boat, the 'Alberta, at Port Mec- a short time ago. The magistrate imposed a fine of $2 and costs or fifteen days. The Best Selling Book At 50. A gplendid list of books recently published at $1.50 and $1.25 are now | assued in our Ofc. edition; all well { bound and ilustrated. We give a few {of the titles: "The Wind Before the Dawn," by Dell Munger; "Mary Cary," by Kate Bosher: "The Harvester," | by Gene Porter; 'A Diana of Quebec," | by Jean: Mellwaith; "Havoc," by Op- penheim; "Stover at Yale," by Owen Johnson; "Kennedy Square," by Hop- kinsen Smith; "The Herb of Grace," { by Rosa Cavey; 'Anne of Green Ga- bles," by Montgomery; "I'he Manx- man," by Hall Caine.- Call in at Ug- low's Book Store, and look over 3,000 volumes at '50¢." each. Suitable holi- day gifts. Nichol eee New Fruits For Christmas Baking. Nine plump raisins, fine flavor, 3 Ib. 25¢. Choice currants, 3 1b. 25¢. ' Seeded raisins. Seedléess raisins. Sultana raisins. New shelled walnuts. New shelled almonds. Selected lemon, orange and peel. At the Golden Lion grocery. Thursday's Market. There was a very good sized mar- ket an Thursday morning. Turkeys were offered. in large quantities and it seems that the price will be very low for Christmas. Some were of- fered as low as. 12¢ a 1b., half the price paid last year. Butter sold from 30c to 33c a Ib, and eggs as high as 55c¢c for strictly fresh and as low as 30c for packed. Belgian Relief Fund. These additional subscriptions {were received by the president of the Board of Trade for the Belgian relief fund: = Archdeacon Carey, $5; Don- ald Hay, $1: George May, $1: Rev. H. G. Steers, $2. The last three subscriptions come from the town- ship of Kingston. citron | :I would be more pleased with a | 50¢ box of sweets and know they are {from this 'store than a dollar box [om other places, said a lady in Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store on Tues- day. Quality counts. be wok Ll mp Some News About the Soldiers Going Overseas. The officers taking the R.SA. course at Tete de Pont , barracks took an examination . in "Baguita- tion" on Thursday morning and in the "Use of the Field instruments." on Thursday afterngon. One of these instruments was shown to the Whig Two small metallic boxes about as big as a pocket camera can glye the distance to an object with- out measuring.' A set of mirrors in each box is the secret. The instru- ments are held forty yards apart and by the use of the mirrors they are focused sn the object that the gun will be ranged on. A small cylin- der on the side of each instrment when they are properly focused gives the exact distance to the object which might be many yards away. The mirror adjusting automatically, registers tlie distance to the noint of apex of the triangle made by the two 'instruments, and the object that *he gun will be trained on. This is only one of many ments that the olrcers must become acquainted with An examination in fuse-setting is on the program- me for Friday morning. In the latest militia following paragraph appears: "'It is notified for information of all ranks that any appointments or . promeo- tions in the Canadian Expeditionary forces apply only to such forces and establish right to future rank in the active Militia of Canada." The official list of the names the men in the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry battalion shows that Kingston is only repre- sented by one officer, Lieut. J. DP. French, of the RN.W.M.P. French is residing on King this city. of treet in Rev. T. T. Shields spoke to the soldiers in the militia Y.M.C.A. on Wednesday night on the "Need of Personal Salvation." ave a yery interesiing talk number of seldiers Thursday night, nrogramme will be ar committee from Queen's * pro- grammes put on by this committee have all been excellent and the hall usually filled. : On Friday night, Shields speaks for the here, He has been very with the soldiers giving talks at seven o'clock able to conduet the special in the Baptist church o'clock on the same evening the the wm Rev. T last hor to } services eight them 80 as Cant. Wolfrain returned on Wednesday after being sick list. to on duty the Crosse And Blackwell's Crystallized ginger, 30c. 1b. Dry, sweet ginger, 30c. lb. A delicious confection. The Golden Lion grocery. Kingston's Famous Fur Store XMASFURS NEW AND EXCLUSIVE STYLES THIS ELEGAN T COAT AND MUFF OF ELECTRIC SEAL FOR - It represents one of our best selling styles of the season. . Plain Hudson Seal, $95 Hudson seal with col- lar and cuffs of Civet Cat, $95. _ Also made in Persian Lamb, Muskrat, etc. If at all interested in good furs, be sure to get one of our new cata- logues and price list. Watch Our Windows ! GEORGE MILLS Go Makers of Fine F instru-<§i orders the a lar- * wuer, of South Canonto, died in June, . J THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1914. * Store 9f A Thousand Gifts The. College Book Store Your gift problem will be more easily and satisfactorily decided here than anywhere else in the eity. New.goods are being added from day to day. GIFT BOOKS AND CALENDARS RECEIVED TO-DAY 94 pages, beautifully decorated, size 9 x 6, boxed. : The Calendar of Golden Thoughts, 54 pages selected mottoes. The Calendar of the Brighter Side. The handsomest line of Calendars ever shown in this city, each containing Companion to above, The Household Calendar. 54 pages useful information, The Cardinal's Calendar. This will be welcomed by all Catholics, Mothers' Calendar. Selectéd material by Wallace and Francis Rice, My Dad's Calendar, The Open Door Cale One that is sure to please. ndar. Record of Guests, Letters, ete), ete. Omar Khayyam Calendar. Contains the complete text of this classic. The Nature Calendar. - 30 pages of Wild Flowers. The Engagement Calendar. Records of all engagements. ENINGS Phone 919 160 Princess | cra | Ladies'S Mrs. |) Sno Ik Hose Dainty shades for evening wear, all sizes, a pair Our large stock of chic styles in misses' and ladies' coats Clearing at time | generous | AAA AP Op pot 7 NAN ie re Aaa Half Price $1.25 Quality French Kid Gloves Put up in fancy boxes and each pair guar- anteed. All shades Ladies' Umbrellas, Neckwear, kerchiefs, Girdles, Aprons. i n Scarlet Toques, Sash children: rr? MAN The Always ¢ and sizes. Special Chas H. Leeder. Architect SPECIAL OFFER TO THE PUBLIC FOR THE NEW YEAR We will give our designing and sere Vices as a guariiniee that we Will furans ish everyone that is desirous of a new home or building, and of a loan on same to the amount of 60 per cent, of the cost 'of the bullding, Bulldi not to exceed more than 00, itdings shove this amount will have special at- tention. A reliable 1) way. Bold eo siating oe of Jirthgihy- No. 1, 81; 0. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per boy, Bold by all druggists, or send on pamphlet. : of A {Buys A Gent's Waists Wool Jackets, Hand- Boudoir Caps, Tea a in y es, Mitts, Hose for AA APP SN & SHAW, Busy Store fa, wm Ld: Tp "ade And Catot Found. fis an interesting will case { Judge Lavell in chambers, Samuel Shanks, { Be --- © Fhursday. 1910, and a will he made for disposal of his property, valued 20,400, is lost, and the one side, who have Stewart & Hope, of Perth, ! as legal advisors, are trying to proye a will from the recollection of the man who drew it up and from other evidence. The other side denies that there was a will, and if there was that the testator destroyed it him- self. King and Smythe are on the opposing side. the at Coffee. ground by electricity Then you get it Mocha Pure coffee, while you wait. fresh. Blend of fine coffee, 30¢. Ib. Blend of Java and Mocha, 40c. 1b. W. R. McRae & Co., Golden Lion grocery. Santos and Pay For The Soldiers. The separation cheques for the month of December for the depend- Ants of soldiers in the 21st battalion, residing in Kingston, are being dis- tributed. » The. proportion for November, from the time of enlistment for each soldier will come with the January cheques. : The cheques for the separation al- lowance for December, lor the wives and dependants of the members of the first contingent were mailed to-! day. Selected Apples. By the peck, barrel or in sale quantities. Each barre! our guaranteé with it and means something. W. R. McRae & Co., Golden Lion | grocery. | whole- carries that | CO Weather Notes. Pressure is decreasing quickly in the astern [edviuces with rising tem- perature, sewhere it is high, at- | by fair, cold weather. sri rr | "Hudnut's' Perfumes and Toilet Water," at Gibson's Red C Stee, t-+-+-+ BUILDERS' SUPPLIEN wns Stow Away Some Summer Temperature Our splendid stock of anthracite -- free burn- Ing -- white ash is un- excelled for giving sitm- mer temperature in mid- winter. Let us serve vou now while prices and eondi- "tions are favorable. S.ANGLIN&CO. Coal and Wood Yards BAY & WELLINGTON STS. Phone 68. General Office Phone Factory Phone rar eeeeLumber, Coal & Woodeesee MITTS FOR ROUGH WEAR MITS for street wear. MITS for home use. The toughest kind made of mute hide, horse hide, sheep hide, to han- dle everything with, f#fonr the horses to making wire fences. You can't wear them out. At prices from 2c [to $2.50, to suit everybody. "PTS Hardware Coon Coat Gourdier Furrier 78-80 Brock St. What Can We Do For You { i | i | REAL ESTATE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES $625---Bagot St., 1-2 frame dwelling $900--King St., stone dwelling and 2 lots. * $050--Victoria St., detached dwell. ing. $1225---Livingston Ave., detached dwelling, improvements. $1350--Nelson St., detached dwell- ing, deep lot, $15350--John St., detached improvements, frame, $1350---Montreai St. detached and barn. frame $1850--Queen St. detached frame, improvements, Choice lots on Russell St., 28 x 120 to laneway, for $175 each; $10 cash and $8 per month, ~ E. W. MULLIN, Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 339 and 1456. WHIMS! The more whims you have about laundry work the better we're suited. whims and see how smoothly || we'll iron them out. Your | daintiest bits of finery do not | suffer when passing through OUR LAUNBRY

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