Are You Spending Your Money to Best Advantage] ry FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS---IF NOT WHY NOT SEE OUR STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS IN THE VERY BEST AND LATEST CANADIAN AND AMERICAN PRODUCTION IN FERIOD DESIGNS. SHERATON, MARTHA WASHINGTON, COLONIAL, MISSION, JACOBEAN AND ADAMS. : ; : Fumed Oak; Leather and Tapestry Cove Oak Morris Chair, in leath er. $18.00 to $25.00. $5.50 to $12.00, ory ot The very latest in Living Room Furniture. Old English finish; covered in Leather; with Gane. backs. | . Large Oak Rockers, covered in 7 1 ar : wr Library Tables, $4.50 to $18.00, nll" American_ leather, only $6.50. : 3 s TRA 1% 0. Lp oR | Av Fumed and Old English Finish. i = Medicine Cabinets Mahogany Tables, y ren ' with mirror and 1.50 to $6.50. has glass shelves. | $1.50 each. Dining Room 8etts. 9 pieces; Fumed Oak. 5 Chairs and Arm Chair, leather seats; Buffet, China Cabinet and Exten- sion Table, for $66.00. In Mahogany and Oak, Cobbler . Seat, only $2.50. Music OCabi- Roll Rockers in Oak and Ma« nets. . $6.50 | N | hogany, $4.50 to $6.50, to $15.00. | 3 Piece Parlor Sett, Mahogany Finish, Good 8ilk Cover. Only Janno. { ee ---- oi 3 Fiece Parlor Sell, olid Mahogany, Leather Cover. $45 to $65 } { | | | Invalid Reading Tables, $4.50 to | Sectional Book Fumed or | git " Mabie Pai : $6.50. ' Golden Oak ond Mahogany. Folding Sewing Table, only $1.50. Feo rie Cabinet, GJ, SERIE AEE SIL A,7, SUKSTLONL IE WAVE WA, Ti NES STARE, FOP 4 rT aH OOUOMES; DAVENPORT BEDS hETERPI IN OLD ENGLISH TAPESTRY; ARM CHAIRS TO MATOH D MAHOGANY TEA .CURATES, OLD ENaLisH B TEA T O'CLOCK 36 in. x 36 in., made especially for our trade; TO SETTS, IN WH - AMEL; COMBINED BABY CUTTERS; ALL KINDS OF DESKS, WRITING TABLES FAND fuking : nm WE CAN SHOW YOU THE LARGEST STOCK OF FURNITURE 'IN THE CITY. : ~ ROBERT J. REID & SONS THE LEADING "UNDERTAKER