EN FROM GEEMANY. Nn . a de rovision Store German Resistance Absolves Japan's - ------ : China-- Cost Blood And Money. Choice groceries, provis- Your patronage will be appreciated. was evidenced by an interesting mai despateh from the Morning Post': Tokio correspondent, In the course o which be asserts that ships have al ready setoout for the South Sea t s-- investigate colonization possibilities m In view of this néw mission of inter est between Japan and Australia, the * matter assumes importance. Phone 387. 294 Princess St. The Morning Post's correspondent under date of November 10th, dis 'WE CALL FOR ORDERS [cussing Japan's attitude as to Tsing says: "Fo appreciate the Japanese point [of view, the whole circumstances | j must be fully considered. In wes: tern countries, emphasis appears tc be laid upon the conditions of Ja pan's ultimatum to Germany, promis ing the return of the territory China on condition that Germany re linquishea her hold without force But Germany did not surrender i' without much cost to Japan. Thu the circumstances, from the Japan ese point-of view, are entirély alter ed. The reduction of Tsing Tau ha cost Japan a good deal in blood anc money, There is also the furthe outlay of policing the Pacific witl a widely scattered fleet. "From all that has been said, i is clear that the general feeling i: Japan is that none of the Germar possessions captured can be lightl: released. In any case, Japan cap not relinquish them without a qudic pro quo. "But owing to the tendency to ward apprehension in the Unitec States, such questions are not ye! open to discussion, though the jingc press has not hesitated to parade #: views, even to a sensational degree. "The 'only thing the vérnacula press refuses to tolerate is tha Japanese diplomacy can ever have any understanding with the Unite« States or any other country as t her plans in the Pacific. The idea 0 consulting any nation as to move ments in the Pacific seems to the vernacular papers guite inconsisten with Japanese sovereignty. "The Japanese have establishec their own government over the ter ritory in China formerly held by the German government, and interest i the commercial and political import ance of these pos among the people. Ships have al ready set out for the South Sea is lands to report as to the prospect of colonies, Boards of Trade are busy making plans for the extension of the na tional commerce in the newly-ac ! quired territories. "Japan hag done a great deal f{« help the allies in this war, and shs is earnestly hoping that their grati tude in return will assume practica shape and assist her toward peace able progress among the world's great nations." SEPP bb bdbbb bd bbb bbb irbbdds * - ony, rosewood, ivory and silver. $2.50 to $20.00 MANICURE SETS From the pocket size to the case, all finishes and all prices. Has she one? Think it over and act. LEATHER GOODS Every conceivable gift in leather can be had at Best's, Newest goods. Lowest prices. XMAS CANDIES Splendid goods in fancy boa. es, 35 cents and up, At Best's 1 OPEN NIGHTS } Sunday Hours, 1.30 to 5, 6.30 to » EYES TESTER OUT CHARGE NO DRUGS USED CASES REQUIRING MEDICAL ATTEN. TION WILL BE 80 INFORMED Keeley Ir., M.0.D.0. | AND OPTICIAN 8 doore above the Opers Sous | oo WAR BULLETINS. -* In an additional statement Friday night, the French war office reports that the allies made further important gains along the coast and south in France. German trenches in the outskirts of St. Laurént were taken by assault. oo aa. ar The British war office bulle- tin reports considerable advance + by British troops in Cam- eroons,. against the Germans there, BIG SMASH IN PRICES Pure Silk Mufflers At Less Than Half Pricc oo As the result of protests from neutral powers, Turkey has per. mitted the departure of all neu- tral subjects, "rm The kings and foreign minis. « ters of Sweden, Denmark and Norway on Friday commenced their conference to protest against Germany's seizure of their neutral ships. Declara- tion of war may result. The Russians have repulsed the Germans with heavy loss northwest of Warsaw. There is no basis for Berlin's claims of « oo victory. 2 : + $4.50 SCARFS FOR $1.50 The British admiralty has of- % ficially denied Berlin statements + large manufacturer that two British destroyers 4 . * . were sunk in the coast raid. . getting rid of his stock at + Eight French aviators made § a daring raid on Strasburg and + Metz. + Just one-third the price. We have just 6 dozen of these scarfs. All other knitted scarfs at 20% off. : welery Bargains Links, Tiepins and Link and Pin Sets, all at exactly Creed This Week. half price. These are all 5000 choice turkeys, eight to fif- ents v lareel teen 1bs.; 2000 Ibs. dressed geese. sample sets of one large ley, J000 Jun. reseed Reese. wholesale dealer. chickens and fowls. Highest cash We have lots of other bar- yrices paid. Anderson Bros. Phone gains for Xmas. : on : Pyjamas, worth $3.50, for|, The British have placed # Prince Hussien as the new Suis % tan of Egypt. > -- + The London Daily News re- # ports that the allies have reoce # cupicd Roulers and part of + Lille, * + BEEP LIRR TPN P EPP R TTP RING LL PBL DBD EAD DRS EDIIB PEP | Grocers all recommend White Rose our. we Gifts for physician and purse. Dr. dein: in H OW. pete $2.00 I Fjamas for $1.50. A quiet wedding took place at Na- "December 16th, when New Grocery & THE CHINESE TERRITORY TAK- Obligation to Restore Port to] »dd London, Dee 19--The strong feel- : A ing in Tokio for the retention of the ions, fruits and vegetables, captured territory which has cos: Japan eo, much blood and treasure Tau and the islands in the Pacific, ssions is intense | Some beautiful pyjamas] panee, ut up in fancy boxes at .50 and $3.00. -------- £ P.JENKINS Joseph Harry Keller, son of John ¥. Keller, was united in marriage to Ada Zella Deline, daughter of George Deline, both of Croydon. Hudout's toilet waters. Dr. Chown © On Decomber 16th, a quiet wed- ins took place at the home of Mr. Mrs. fam. Clayton, South Napanee, _. their only daughter i , Was united riage | HOCKEY TEAM Dramatic Club. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Finnie and holidays with Mrs. Finnie's parents, | team was held in the rink on Friday Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Wormwith, Ear] | afternoon at five o'clock. The team street. ? lined up with Whyte and Goddard on Dr. Hdward J. Williamson, of Ho- | the defense, and Box, McKinnon, Dob- sart College, Geneva, N.Y. will]sen and Boyd on the forward line. pend Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. | The honorary coach, Pref, M. I. G. H. williamson, Brock street. Baker, kept the men hard at it, and Mr. Theodore Eyman and his) the boys pulled off sonie very fast laughter, Miss. Flenore Lyman, ar-| combination work. McCaig, a new rived from New York to-day to | comer, showed up well and looks like spend the holldays--with Miss Ly- | the makings of a good forward. Quig- man, King street. ° |ley was mot out to practice, and it . Woe. was learned that he is going to the Mr. N. C. Polson, University | front with the second contingent, so wenue has returned from Cuba. | his services will not be available. Mrs. 'W. Harty, Stuart street, went | "Quig's" loss will be a severe one to o Toronto on Thursday. the team, but in Goddard and Whyte Miss Eva Martin, Olergy street. | Queen's has two "first-class defense spent the week-end in Toronto with | men. Rappelle has been playing Mr. Arthur Martin. great game during the practices and Re 5 looks" good for the rover position. Mr. and Mrs. BE, Cherry, Edmonton Sone Alta., who have been spending the On Thursday evening some thirty vast month with Mrs. Cherry's par | members of the Dramatic Club assem- ants, Mr. and 'Mrs. John Spoor, of | bled at the home of Prof. W. I. Wolfe Island, have left for an ex-| Grant, where a delightful time was ended trip abroad spent by those present. During the Dr. F. J. Kirk, New York, i:J evening a play was read, after which 'pending a few days in town, the | a _presentation was made to Prof test of Mrs. Stinson McBride, Bar- | Fallfs, as a token of appreciation rie street. from the club, for the professor's un tiring efforts which had made the Rev. Walter White and Mrs. White, [play, "The Rogue's Comedy," such a who have been in England for a few | success. 2 vears, are on their way to Canada -- and will spend Christmas with the Fall And Winter Importations. Ottawa mother, Mrs. G. W. White, iu Prevost, Brock street, has received ( ' . : : st alinng fer his Miss Molly Bidwell, daughter of the all his fall importations for h Bishop of Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. W. St. Pierre Hughes, Ottawa. Miss Fileen A. Staley has just re- surned from Hartford, Conn., = where 'he visited with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) | S°0'S TUrmShings AE Denning. Her father, Mr. A. Staley, sccompanied her home. (Continued on Page 25.) * + w a tailoring department consisting of suiting and overcoating in great variety to choose from: Also large stock of ready-made clothing and Guaranteed fountain pen, $I Dr. Chown. A i Sale. rs -- aT $1.50 Corsets, $1.00, Dutton's George T. Richardson Promoted. A letter received from Salisbury Plain, England on Thursday states 'hat Lieut. George T. Richardson had been promoted to the rank of 'aptain to fil the place of Capt. I. | ¥, Guttman who has been attached: o the staff of the British war office apt. Richardson is in command of he company made up of the men 'rem the 14th, 47th and 41st rea: | nents | oO 8 S o ® es Suet 15¢. | Boiling Eggs! ASASASLAS Sterling silver cased thermometers Dr. Chown. Toronto Globe : Fd. Barrow is in avor of letting the Feds. run their wn course without interruption. He hinks that on account of the sal- wies they are paying they will sure- y have to give up the ghost soon. | [ they snatch a few more stars from } wganized ball the Fedg will be g Irawing cards instead of the other | 'ellows. { Haran e "Page and Shaw" Christmas The Wm, 3weels, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug tore. { ASSSAAS The Renfrew Machinery company as received a large order for the nanufacture of shells. { | - 3 Solid ebony backed hair brushes, | with vpure bristles. Dr. Chowr? { ; a | | The busy man never has much time | to listen to funny stories. | Limi The Hospital urgently solicits your ted. Phone 597 | help to-day. . ve ro as | KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE | | | i | CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS | late | .. $3.60 and up Flashlights .... Toy Motors ..... Electric Irons Toasters .... $2.50 and up Heaters .. $7.00 and up Table Lamps, Electric Stoves H.W.Newman Electric Co Phone 441. 79 Princess Street |! For Your Christmas Cake USE THE BEST Gold Medal Cleaned Currants Full Weight 160z Package Jor | I Weather. Are you going to skate this year? If so, see our men's Frdh ockey Boots at $4.50. Other lines as low as _ When going to the rink, keep the feet warm with a pair of our overshoes; all le and prices. Our line of winter footwear is complete. Call and see. QUIGLEY WILL NOT BE WITH As He Is Going To The Front -- Pre. sentation To Prof. Fallis By The children, Peterboro, will spend the| Abother fast workout of the firsi Many of the Christmas Specials wil | -but_a short time, so it would be atlvisable TWO SPECIALS IN MEN'S NECK SCARFS 300 white only. Reg. 75¢ TO-NIGHT 50¢ hh 150 only 'Scarfs, reg. $1.50 and $1.75, in colors tan, purple, grey, brown and white TO-NIGHT A limit of two to a customer. PROBS.--Presh winds, with s ER _- _- -- S---- STORE OPEN TO.NIGHT UNTIL 10P.M ) 300 pair me fil gift suspenders, reg. 35¢ quality TO-NIGHT 25c¢ | G/%e TRADE MARK QUALITY DHoTO-ENGRAVERS INC. COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS, DESIGN ERS, ; AND PHOTO-ENGRAVERS. % Salters, of Fngravings for Catalogues; Adver: Zisements. and all Commercial Requirements. A BIG PLANT AT YOUR SERVICE ast || to sho On sale at 7 p.m. i JAPANESE CARD CASES--100 dainty grey syede p early cases with Fustagno work, regular price 50c and 60c. TO-NIGHT -.......... Ci . 40c § 300 PAIR KID GLOVES 'Charles Perrin," real { French kid gloves in colors tan, grey, white and ;{ black, sold in town at $1.25. TO-NIGHT $1.00 'All gloves boxed." BATTENBURG SQUARES 72 fine s nares, size i 12 x 12, regular 25¢ quality. ... TO-NIGHT 15¢ { } . Or 2 for 25c. { 12 only handsome 36 in. centers, reg. $2.00. - TO- { NIGHT ........ ...,. nts $1.25 { TABLE LINEN--86 yds. bleached damask, a regu- ; Nias oe ality. 10 NIGHT ar aie ee ne 48c § ? only men's pure silk ties, ; 50c. TO.NIGHT ~ 2? us ! ) { { } FOR TH" ¥IDDIES! 3 dainty handkerchiefs with Santa Claus and two little trees. SPECIAL TO-NIGHT .... 23¢ I STEACY'S iilose ye = Mu ay -- ONONDAGA UNITING TELLER-IURST ENGRAVING CO, H-J-ORMSBEEE ENGRAVING CO, | CENTRAL CITY ENGRAVING CO. J THE CLARIC ENGRAVING CO, 220 W.ONONDAGA. ST, SYRACUSE, NY.