rut the hitherto is a distressing incident, jt is only an incident. Ty courage the British: sthmulyy vin Great Britain, the t has supplied je. rprised; but we couraged, and more in our determination tight to a finish Lo win, 'or help win, desperately Col. G. Hunter LOglivie in to fight the We have set out | City r eers : ini mang 0 <deut-Col, and we shall do ham. The students parade BOARD oF EDO ambitious sister city, ulge it the luxury of of Educatich. The people approaching the eXper- some degree of anxiel School Board Board. 'Ng board, and the ATION, is about to ind there is to be a joint wondering what Pefi when, as the Expositor announ- Passed away have become new, has had a Boarq of Eduea- , and it can un- the change. There fication for ing the affairs of hever was any justi offices in Canad re DPRESEN schools lead up schools and there should not be, a difference of rank BR. Northrup, . = . should be directed, gamation does away the possibility of frietio, governing bodies, trustees remain, ed by the council, retiring each Year, RIGID avpre SYSTEM, n between the accounts af the Ambitious One auditor does the of the federal &Oovernment, are appoint- Six in number, tw, but so 'far as the see everything that needs his attentio 2 ance, according the service that but he is the one chief-makers in ail is concern- is no distinction, onl "ks, was and (he {§ works, was ling committees, having t i used as ga dormitory. H.R.H. 0 do is demanded of him, with whom the mis. cases have to deal. discover all the but his staf calls his and he ig ready high school ae w vo-operate" with {h, Expositor | 12d been made, Brantford will h V the People, in the Kingston has school trustees, It has, with the se- hb ; board | Public Opinion is too arge. EE ------------) have enough business in the audit department to keep two or hali a dozen. me, should have only be. energetic and effiei- elected annually Parate school repr. smaller board w, business, eat con- who conducted the enquiry into Hamilton's commented © most severely . the inadequacy of the after all js the gr made it, myst by and motion of th ar refergnce, anc Consent 'in a pouy- surprise is thay interest jn educati require anything onal matters jy * ward a year ago : i : fault would only tggravate the situation, de a : oyTAvaLe thy twice because the ECTION WHATEVER, An indication of how Cunida has [member of the boar and a good one, EDITOr \L No [t- doesn't take much of ton and Pembrok Pany has purchased a sea fight 3 i i _-- | 000,000 has now the soldiers at the Money ontreal Journal of won't hold Sant : f his passports, ---- Claus up because No connection, what. ' Canadians can be perform ag finely they did in South stroke of business this depended upon to* Pembroke Railway comps was the enterprise liam Irving projec cation off Montreal close conjunction with which the late Wil- true Y to show proof that was composed of some optimi and men who invested 8gain and again Christmas hag m News discussing' cold- | The The works did not m tions of the founding the purchasing compan, cet the expecta. company and of and beam upon hin in . They wer, | most friendly stranger a refrigerator of le great railways desi t fall upon (he went into car building , unles account, and had no oc. | for One | neck of an fej le one is a preach the end of this . ¢ War NES 'were erected, » Bt a cost of 5000 "80 that may disregard If each knows that {it does not live will have al th e others dowp on it will think tw ice or more before "scrap of paper." ---- RURAL SCHooI, -- irkable Result of h Sea, as a result the English coast that in the end th x Toatve the Britis | "Ved by ¢ before the war, ure for the ree { Morison has { {ie rt ee could do nothing better than em, ploy Prof. Morison as ts THE DAILY eee DAIL rood aut of they the British or will only put | HM. 1 there fo re- sity In Drilling e bom- Shortly, after We are o [day afternoon, are fot (is. | EBL Col Stanton an set | 250 students in th lower Campus and were excellently considering Although Quiet dark, personal inspection were lined gy HR, H. them, He said he w Cpportunity of inspect and congratulated Col. on his generosity in drill and themselves on ing. One thin Was the large number Ly. ill hap. taken up by the harder study work, - two Early Friday afternoon made an ins our ¢ pection of the two de Th bli tories used by ® Public |, battalion. The Cereal secondary visited first ang fron the top floor, H.R. H. everything He tention to the fire. al times commented pleased with the them. He was very large room used dining hall by the on the good effect th tion accommodation diéy at Opinian r in which with school The A rtillery park thouth not q hen departments publie S Very good, and paid Piiment to the : The duke left mine |. seven better, Incurable, Detroit Fret press Kaiser Wilhelm is everything exce pt the ever -- Better Conditions, Win Money is € ince the beginning war. Keep plugging away will be looking normal or Record of the I; soon Bod An Awful Sho k. man it Kans ) to recommend wledge of the vice therein been the blow that mber of Politician, a . Thomas Jour selected post office ang That mast in Onions, Southampton Beacon The manager of the of refuge at Clinton qjq year in Cultivation of as | three acres, paying $3173 The Crop has now nd sold, ---- -- ¥ Up! Toronto Sta 18 usual this winter rent bills ag promptly 4s possible he retail dealer neegs his mone man who toes tie mark ang many Those Xho Can do it ought to live | ¢ . Day 118 bills 15 nd his hand (, : engaged in cal patriotism, ie blood "or business healthily in all its veins Kingston Events | Twenty-Five Years Ago | Thecity gave a banquet in 3 all in honor of the semi nnial of Queen's University ng those present were j ley, governor general, f dor Campbell, lieuten Siz John A. Mag donald and Hon. g W. Ross, | Turkeys were selling | Srnine One man $4. each. They bounds each, {At Rockwood | heads were cut off 100 turkey They win be served at the patients 3 on. | Christmas dinner, | Youthful En. . v toi Year C x. Corbett, Jailer, during the last twenty- four years 90 2 prisoners under his charge. LET Hiym LOOSE, ---- Te Create Enthusinsm ang to Britain's During an the 1 Devotion | Cause, Years which Prof, been lecturing before members ang friends of the Na- Paniee Historica) Society, and he has given the Society seven very fine Jee. tures in the Past, he has never de.! livered such an excellent address a5 riday evenin | "Welllngtog ; nd the Waterloo Campaign," H : Wi rities I BRITISH wing mr wid [THE DUKE'S INSPECTION) The POLICE TouLS QUEEN'S UNIVE § CERSe TRAINING POLICE COURT. Will not gis. ---- / of Man Sent (o City to Provige Lhildren--agey, EE ------ ' BR. H, Congratulated Lieut. A. B. Cunningham on For Hey Two Small the Students, S five o'clock on Pri the Duke d Major Duff, his | Wo aides, Col. T. p. R. Heming and | to Cor, ues, Co spected the | "40d to jai, e Queen's Univer. alning Corps in ecom- A. B Cunning- nen Money For "If the Magistrate sepds my hus- I will look to support: of my twee dtement made this €, and who w The woman had an ¥ wonld Provide = > i term several movements, which they dia | t€ tine they have . 'been band the duke made ! iis through ¥ ines, asking questions and to the men, Afterwards, the P in close formation dddressed a fe 48 glad of the ing the corps Cunningham ing the men, he also congratulated their splendiq show- g that surprised! him taking eourse, as he realized that ty i military work makes at the regular in case her hus. ad winner of the fa- Jail, and she was when told that in ho Provision w for children: She | and the that she place the € 50 that she could rself, children in 2 hom £¢ out to work he i : Plain "or | lined kid gloves, Raglan sleeve; sizes 3: ed the Woman, "my into a I never £0 © «50 long gag 1 Some person to and get wo presents the masried pure © wool world does not; her half lives, It igi o A man jg sen *mbers he ! ' the members of who suffers, 1 the cellar paid particular at- escapes and sever. on his effectiveness pleased with tl 48 a recreation and men, and remarkec at proper recrea- | means to sol- | sure of his: thre but in t} brocade, | lined reindeer gloves, designs red, brown, blue Or grev See our H0¢, He and Roun: that uch and colorings; sizes 33 -- FLO0 knitted gloves, t to jail to 46, : MEN'S CAPS, 50c. See our H0e drivin, Ent bis Wo] ToT Brown corduroy with | mitt, horsehide Cover, where he is MEN'S BLUE SUITS - fur inside hang. wool wrist and lining, Jone 8 day. sve $1250 = | See our $50 bak 1€ case of the Sizes 39 to 42 rich children, jt s And if it were Hot fare very well Fur inside bands, fine many a woman in the new three button quality blue oi* black UMBRELLAS this kind would sack style, Melton cloth. * "Three Specials, $1.00, but yet it js i = -- = T 0 Who commit used by the right halt battalic uite as good 'as the well adapted to - rE ------------ ne penalty with MEN's $10.00 SUITS ' MEN'S CAPS, $1.00 in the prison, Good quality Cana- * and children a rrangemen ts at 6 o'clock for Tor- . . ' - Heavy Chinchilla" op BIBBY'S 2 254, chives dian tweed, wel] made, English Beaver, all go]. XMAS TIES real suffer 800d' style, perfoet fit. ors; silk lined with ip. HEre"s a real beauty. Who believe {hn ters, rich browns and | gjqe fur band, Shaw! Surely! New $ Breys; sizes 33 to 14, Tr ---- ight be employed ang where would earn, MEN'S OVERCOATS rd those io $12.50 pictures are to day in the K A . where w greyand blacks w ith silk and' where : I aS a result of the en found guilt) and sente { n could he 14. Seo "dng it won 1 --- ho a no MEN'S ULSTERS ston police court, recovering fro; war fever irection, rr $12.50 Y FEL, Chinchilly, Kersey and Me] And Fractineq 8 than at any befell M, Hew twWo-wyy resident of fh. who hasn't yu, him beyond | afternoon. faithful i BOYS' GIFTS Imost kilie h full force, Corbett's ; Fuji button at "ied, where Dy, Bogart altend 10 30, * county house | | condition of the a good | Prince Te -- re ---------------- Pavements op slippery and onions. They Plantea | for "seed. been harvested It brought $2,574.60, { Christmas | 2et profit of $2141.69 a 8 usual--in the entertainmentg and pay all ¢n by frequent he same this eve ning ia ew 'pro a practi for he helps to ke Circulating Mrs. Ber entitled, | also be "Mab one, en- ! comique;: Mp. ir : Y Light-Weight Butter Seized. Market Cp, rk the prints offered as i The butter as ap Clerk Efficiency ang Economy are oy ] So wrod I patched Indebtedness Delite Our results are equal to Sir Alexan- ant governor, high this Sold four for! weighed thirty-five | Hospital to-day the! has hag 8, Rep lec- ELE RDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1914, re = = --_------ + Sale of Boys' ® 4 Sale of B Overcoats | Bi bbys : : 0ys . i Overcoats FALED jx THE Jail Wanteq Should he Made Their Dependant Come Toa Man's Store for 2 Man's Gift We'll Meet or Beat All Catalogue Prices the city Whose husband as given a A MEN'S BLUE SUITS MEN'S ENGLISH $15.00 RAINCOATS Tailored by experts SPECIAL $8.50 from a fine quality Eng- Genuine Parametta lish worsted op cheviot, cloth, donble texture A perfect fig suaran- military neck, teed. ; | DENT'S ENGLISH GLOVES Each pair in fan, box. See our Dent's $1.25 as made | Suggestion See our Dents $1.00 lined Mocha gloves See our Dent's kid fur-lineq glove, See our Dent 8.82.75 can look after "6 § : MEN'S FANCY VESTS from SPECIAL $3.75 English Heavy silk : to 44. MEN'S TWEED SUITS 1 : LO) sad | Hand tailored woman, § tweed in pew MEN'S CAPS, 75¢. shades, pure wo skin gloves, dined, | serge, $1.50, $2.00. a por silks, new shapes, new SEE BIBBY"S colorings, new designs, NOBBY $2.00 HATS Each tie iy pretty fancy "fit+ ---- ES CLUB BAGS SPECIAL $7.50 Genuine leathep kid lined, See our 50¢ TT ends. : See our Tie flow end ties, large shapes, Paris. heavy | ian silks. trimming. tw, |-- extra Straps, ; BOYS' OVERCOATS ------ Sizes for 2 to 7 Years, Special $2.75. wha JOX, A genuine English See our 25¢ eS Beaver gp Vicuna cloth, ends and hook ives an bag, | and bows, flowing -on knots head of velvet collar, Chester- field Style; sizes 34 to nced to g : silk flow STEAMER TRUNK SPECIAL $4.75 Bound with ASS Angora, tons, in new shawl collar Sty lo, collar Style, belted : Boys' overcoats for . . N > » v * of th Or plain bots 8 to 16 Years, fash- side of Prin backs, splendid value, Just > i the pavi ionable ulsters, special $5.00 each. hy Pure Wool SWeaters, SUSPENDERS A neck, sizes 99 An fancy box, 23¢, 50¢, Special $1.00 o 7 ach, % od House Bath about . Coats Robes } vaude Grand marked efforts of i | Dor- | Our Christmas Letter will reach you to. a day. We are urgently in need early and liberal response to guy appeal is soliciteg. SIE ee of money, Your the best, £10,000 on the Empir Our Per Capita Cost is about the e Wing, $5,000 on the Nurses' Residence. lowest, Remember the hospita] in your will, More Sick Poor Cured or Relieved. We have no onder We depend largely on voluntary Improvements b | su scriptions for our Support, New X-rays We solicit your help at thig happy machine ang uip- #& Season of gj d Rtn q § giving and rece; New Ppulmotor, $200. ; ving. $1.00 or More Will Help Equipment to be Installed New 100 inch five yo 8 "Procrastination is the thier of i Se Il mangle, an_ $8 time. additional wag er, $700, The increase in the number of pa; Do It Now . ients i all "ep haven't the funds for this laun R.H A. BOYOE, Troasupgs Hi, equipment. Wij] you h eral Hospita], 80% f We have a large var. iety of fan boxes. | Price $1.00 to $10.00,