YEAR 81 NO. 205 FRENCH HAVE German Artillery East of " bert Silenced. ENTIRE FIRST LINE: OF GERMAN TRENCHES WEST OF LOOS SOUTH. Occupied By Allfes--Important Gains Made In Belgium -- The Germans Shelled a Hospital at Ypres. Paris, Dec, 21.--The de trenches and two pieces German artillery east of Albert, on the line of the French advance upon P'eronne, the occupation of the entire first line of the enemy's trenches southwest of Toos, and important gains in Pel gium and other regions in France, are announced to-day in the official communique. The Germans bombarded a tal at Ypres yesterday, it ed. truction "of ol hospi- 18 stat- The official statement, to-day, in- dicgted that in their movement up- on/lLens the French have advanced to within five miles of that town on the west and within two and a half miles on the north-west. The capture of woods near Aix-Noulettes, west of Lens, is rted. loos, where the first ling of trenches were occupied, is * to the north-west. The silencing' of Geran artillery east of Albert is announced; it was in this district that two piers were destroyed. Carnoy, southwest of is five than main which guns were destroyed, miles beyond Albert and more one-third of the distance on the road to Peronne: NO ZEPPELIN ATTACK 'ON ENGLAND 'LIKELY A Neutral Traveller Says Germans| Regard the Idea as a Joke. London, Dee. 21.--A prominent neu- tral traveller who reached [London to-day from Berlin expressed the opin- ion that the Germans are not think- ing seriously of a Zeppelin invasion of England. Accprding to this Observer, they regard the apprehension and the precautions against Zeppelin attacks taken in London and other Fnglish cities as a great joke. ANXIETY Fe FOR STE! STEAMER. The Donnacofina Overdue At Head of Lakes. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Dec. The steamer Ponnacona, of the dan Steamship Lines, Limited, Capt. Alexander, which was the last RS to pass through the Canadian locks this seagon, and which was de- tained here from Sunday noon umtil afternoon, owing to the fierce storm that was raging, has not been heard of yet Under fa- vorable conditions she should have rei of the lakes by Wednstay evening. When she left here the Donnacona said to be carrying a very Heres deck load. It may be she is rtill seeking shelter under the shore somewhere up Lake Superior, hut "fears are entertained for her saféty. Having no wireless apparatus aboard there is no way of getting in touch with her, The Donnacona carries a cor fifteen hands. 'She was built in "1900, is 245 feet long, 42-foot beam, and of 3,100 tons capacity. ' DRIVES FROM GANA ANOQUE To Réad the Whig Bulletins On Sanday. There is one resident of Gananoque who is following the war closely, in fact so clo pet he thinks- no- of mal a trip to Kin ston on a ow in his automobile 1w io read the Whig bulletins. He isa doctor in the town. forepart of the war the newspapers at Gananoque gave bul leting of the war, but now it appears that the service has been ot off. , the doctor believes' it ' is worth while making the "mile drive to get the newsin Kingston. LINER SUNK BY MINE. -------------- Tritonia Founders Off Irish Co Crew! Saved, London, Deo. 21.--The British sift: or Tritomia, of the Donaldson live, struck @ mine off the north coast of Ireland Saturday morning and is be Yieved to have foundered, according to t made by the admie- ally. The crew of the steamer was tonin, hich 8 of 2,720 "he ou bownd from Partington for St, John, RS 2].-- Cana. ADVANCED VERY CLOSE TO LENS reountry VALEDICTORY ADDRESS Members of Fifth Company Canadian Engineers The valedictory addre:s to the company, Canadinn Eagiueeérs, are poing overseas with the Canad: contingent was by ¢ Jolmson president of the Al- Mater Society, on Saturday it upplied the Whig 'by I ral Toh 5th who cond read na night neon' ' Matar. Society deems it to express its appre- noble way in which y coinrades of the first ontingent 'have responded to duty's all, Lt the call of chrisiendom 0 ihe defence of erty, honor and justice n empire al honor ciztion ol you andi the is extent of , cits mes ¢ aspiri U pon the asked tions you ines, vtar of pairiotiss lay all hearts; ther youth: thers long comrad and give {rue human man gives 1 itmeelf t rve and "But the re ervice comes to every ma: glory of the conquerer, the triumph of the hero, the recognition of the crown are all the soldiers grand returns. Your hopes transcend all these, but be- fore yeti (here staqds an ideal, born with the nation, nutheed through its struggle to empire and defended by a people whose traditions are per- meated with the spirit of the broth- erhood of man.' To those who fol- low such a gleam and especially to to « ing sheit carried aw en tho weeks ago impending German ra KINGSTON _oNTAsio, MONDAY. DECEMBER 21, 1914 KE SPLENDID KAISER WILL SPEND CHRISTMAS WITH A HARTLEPOOL . Julia Moon w Mi in frome of hee h Toronto, a ie VIC Ho was oi tier said, m her n ids and TIM AND HER HOME. tuna te woman, in v ht she bombapr dment ¥ lepooi, Mrs, ma is stand- n Waddington, ed a letter writ- ¥ ved to rumors of they were "All talk," university men who have a know- ledge of its great abiding worth, there is veritahle glory even in the cause for which they strive that brihgs a satisfaction above all other a sense of duty done a service which is its own reward. "You go to share that service. Those comrades whom you long have known, feel the sad touch of part- z and would have you know that fight for Bnitain and the ;, old Queen's is truly proud to you sens. Until you may re- her prayer will be that He,}, for whose great cause you fight, may keep you brave and guide your efforts to the end. Queen's for her part knows that you 'adopt her battle cry Cha gheill! Cha gheill! gheill!" in Cha TWO TURKEYS STOLE Police Constable Cotter Has After Thief. Saturday' night a well-known resi- dent of Montreal street had two fine turkeys stolen out of his kitchen, and he reported the matter to the police. Constable Cotter chased a lad out Montreal street and followed him to his home, who was alleged to have taken the two birds, but no trace of them could be found, and the mat- ter was allowed to drop. BODY OF A PRINCE WAS HELD TO RANSOM British Price For Remains of a Ger- man Leader Too High For Enemy. Pa Dec. 21.--~An Felair de I'Est correspondent states that British troops held to ransom the body of she Prince of Hesse, buried at the Trappist monastery of Mont de Cats. The prince's widow, the kaiser and the pope all made efforts to recover the body. Finally the German gen- eral approached the British occupy- ing the place and expressed his will- ingness to pay a ransom if the body were delivered. A British officer said he would do so in retum for ten thousand prisoners, The ' Germans declined, saying the price was™ too high. Stigma Will Brand German Navy Forever london, Dee. 21.--Winston Spencer Uburehfll, first lord of the 'admiralty, | in a letter to the mayor of Scarbor- ough, in which he expresses the sym- pathy of himseli and of the navy at. the losses sustained through the Ger- man bol t of Scarborough, land t over the escape gf 'the German warships, says: "Whatever feats of arms the Gep man navy may hereafter perform, the stigma' of baby-killers of Scarborough «i brand its officers and men while sailors sail the seas." Chase ris, Major H.W. Lumb, Brockville, i aa er Be ont Salistk Wee re ial for ticipated. M 1 al General's Body organizations, Tor PA Nearly Sal or Chr T un« is it an Red Cross Somersetshire, ax Buckinghamshire T rain here r anadian co wm der Col. in a few manent C FOR THE EARLIER DEPARTURE CANADIANS Three Weeks of Training at Salis bury Were Crowded Into One. Eng... training UT) tks of ded "un mean the front than is ww ajor-General Ald of the Queen's Own Rifles, and Guar being onto Regiment 28, Vand ouver rs have Canadian every igshury district wil three Canadian istmas day he Canadian ler Cclonel F wved to the He Grenadiers the 8.1 here have he second Bridge days The units (regul leave for the front i Signaller David tali 1i skip rine, unit torpedo ay aw onl tor tr ving bles on aon, Truro Detectin St is practically to detect an a or to know that torpedo is is - fired | the hecause subma y be delivered es ear the « that t il the Candies, Candi ra sugar candies, house Cles in into one, and an eariicr Gepariuse commonly an- erson approves the Roy- the Governor- ds, all Toronto known as the The Hamilton and Vietoria een o ially 'Scotti h holder 1 entertai soldiers aring Hospital, Halifax Canadi ng Can Ars) 1 January even adian expect ibmarine. impossible fi ttacking she fired attacked Onee th given attacks can | day Tig rht, New York, British dearer November Tt} thi from Liverpo board "These by Britis} der sailors' or: ¥] mi anaged He up #0 of the Dec, ming passenger on th I VIVOrs men officer surveillance at sion," heard roundabout we ! - told me that the ind sank in full view of him- on the Disaster. 21.--A by bei brought he rweiler, oi or Rootweiles sadnought from the were an said M of the AY, talk tos ned to the ater report super-Dreadnought sunk in the North coming into con ns re steamship r. report and through a friend with one of the Thunderer r, was witnessed members of the edish sailing that put into Liverpool dreadnought men Pwo ¥ renton men, en | instantly | night } Hames north Trent ing at a Mr a lorry { had gone a by a I Ee ily of ut five and Ve illed a Dee ilovees of killed and Si when vhen 21 the early n Hamme and 1 ch Ws ildren. \rs yourwger two and bol on train had been J was They a children. ristmas perfumes" at BRITISH DREABNOUGHT I§ REPORTED SUNK I'hu S hit by yesterday Chicago, ot the sin kept u Rootwe Soefjor , &r are Trenton Two NR he eve irney kK by met wife Orr we and leave re ship call Crew of Swedish, Sailing Vessel Are Said to Have Witnessed that n- ea on a Ww Louis, k w ed taken in charge and were n- out-of-the-way il- in a d nN (¢ Trenton were Saturday Lionel up to n used and cld canning string é h } about fifty and | Gibson's. i picked | a in { ! 1 public !eron Highlanders at Winnipeg. MODEL SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. All Who Tried Examinations Were Successful. The following is a [ist of stu- dents who have passed their examina- tion at the Model School. Fyvery- one who tried the examination was subcessful : Vera M. Berry, Gananoque; Kath- Gananoque Junction; leen M. Boyle, Glondine E. Clement, Deseronto; Irene L. Dawson, Kingston; Erie R. Dobbs, Athens; Katherine K. Basson, King- ston; Anna Flo Fowler, Brockville; Beriena Greep, Athens; Bro. Stephen B. Gaffney, Cornwall; Bessie Hull, Halladay, Ath- Williamstown; Guy B. ens; Mabel Henderson, Morton; Mor- ley Hart, Picton; Bro. Michael F. Higerty, Cornwall; Mabel M. Jacob, Athens; Laura A. Jordan, Mallory- town; Bro. James A. Keane, Corn- wall; Nellie Kennedy, Melrose; Alice E. Knowlton, Athens; Ila Martin, Pic- ton; Margaret Moulson, Brockwille; Bro, Timothy M. McCarthy, Corn- wall; Marjorie Neilson, Stella; Mar- garet O'Neil, Kingston; Eva M. Pooley, Bloomfield; Margaret Shields, Chesterville; Mabel R. Smith, Bella- mis; Nora Stale (extra = mural), Kingston; Tan Warren, Mallory- town; [Lena Wills, Athens; "Buelah Webster, Lansdowne; Bro. Jeremiah L. Walsh, Cornwall; Frnest B. Wagar, Napanee; John F. Yates, Athens. ARCHIBALD MEDLEY DEAD. Passed Away At His Home In Barrvie- field On Sunday. The death occurred at Barriefield, on Sunday, of Archibald J. R. Med- ley, after an illness extending over two months. , Deceased was born in Pittsburg township, and lived in the township all his life. He followed the business of a drover and butcher, and was well-known throughout the country and very highly respected. He was for fifteen years tax collector for the township of Pittsburg and was also a sergeant in the Army Ser- Corps for ten years, attending camp each year at Petawawa. He vived by his wife and two small children, also two sisters, Mrs. G. 1. Johnston and Mrs, D. C. (Cowan, both of Gananoque. The funeral will take place on Tuesday morning at 9 o'- k, ta St. Mary's cathedral, loe clack, ice 8 sur ------------------ HE DIED SUDDENLY, EF. Burgess Was Well-Khown In Kingston. tev, James 'E. Burgess, M.A., who d od suddenly at Weston, December 18th, and whose remains wer? brought to Cataraqui cemetery on Monday, for burial, wag a brother- in-law of the Misses Hentig, Princess street Deceased was a former high chool principal at Sydenham and Kingston. He was also a professor on the staff of the Huron Anglican College, London, Ont.,, and from there passed into the. ministry. He was about sixty-five years of age, a scholar, and a man of genial ¢charac- ter ey J. Restaurants Crowded. It's an ill wind thatA\blows no per- son good. As a resli\ol the heavy snow storm to-day, and he delaying of the street cars, all the downtown restaurants were filled to overflowing. At 'twelve o'clock people rushed into the restaurants, and in quick order all the tables were filled. The late comers had a long, long time to wait before being served. Berlin Admits That Allies Are Gaining |. New York, Dee. 21.--(J. W. Military Authorities Deemed This Necessary. HIS DOCTORS PROTEST BUT WILHELM LEFT BE THE SAME In Order To Encourage Who Are Meeting Both Eastern and W London, Dec. 21.--Kaiser Wilhelm left Berlin to return to the battle front over the protests of his physi- cians, according to the Berlin cor- respondent. of the Yxchange Telegraph in a despatch from Amsterdam day. It is doubtful if the kaiser hds com- pletely recovered from the illness from which he, had been suffering, the Am- sterdam despatch states, and his phy- sicians strongly opposed his depart- ure. \ The military authorities however, that it was necessary that his majesty spend Christmas with his troops in order to encourage them. The kaiser is declared to have ap- peared pale and aged. His departure was without any demonstration what- ever. stern' Fronts. to- insisted, War Tidings. The German emperor is again the front. The Servian and Montenegrin arm- ies have joined hands and are now making their second advance toward Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia. A Hungarian despatch says Essad Pasha has proclaimed a war in Albania. While the automobile section, of the South African defence force is gather ing in the remainder of the scattered rebels, the main army is forming on the German South African frontier, where the advance guards are in touch, A statement issued by the German war office declares that the attack on the Russians in Poland continues and that the situation is éast Prussia is unchanged. A German Cruiser Has Been Sunk london, Dec. 21.--Although the 8 miralty has nor confirmed it, it stated here that a German ibe has been sunk off Dundee, Scotland, and that two British destroyers, which were badly battered in the ac- tion, have put into Cromarty for re- pairs, and to land wounded. at that holy IN HOCKEY CIRCLES. Frontenac Hockey Practices That Are Arranged. The Frontenac hockey ' team will practice on the covered rink from five to, six o'clock on Monday evening, and from seven to eight o'clock on 'sday and Wednesday evenings. A ge number is turning out for these practices and there seems to be lots T. Mason, war expert of the United Press says to-day: Be rlin for the first time, suggests | to that the offensive in Flan- ders has passed to the allies. In| doing so the Germans also make; the information that the! long-expected general attack of the Anglo-Frenclhi-Belgian forces has up to the present developed, net ro reign Off To The Front. Briden, son _of Mrs. Brid- n, Barrie street, is going to the yet with the second contingent. has enlisted with the 79th Cam- He at one time a clerk in the King- gfon branch of the Bank of British North America. Miller wa Chocolates, Chocolates. Home-made chocolate ersan as- sorted, all flavors, 25c. Cranlond's The Kaiser Has Returned To the Front Berlin, via wireless to London, Dec. | 21.--Kaiser Wilhelm has returned to the front. An official statement to- day declares that his majesty has been completely restored to health and has left Berlin to join his army in the field. Berlin reports receivefl here to-day state that the kaiser was to the front bythe ministers of war, marine and foreign affairs, i. 25¢ Chocolate Creams, 25¢. Finest assorted: , 95e. Phy led: shomiates, * EY of good fast material for both teams. Cancelled. a misunderstanding Trip Owing to about the guarantee, the proposed!' trip of Queen's hockey team to New has been cancelled. The team | York, was to have left Kingston on Wed- nesday, Queen's will play in Bos- ton on January 6th. The, ice at the covered rink was reported to be in fine shape on Min- day. The Queen's team will be able to have some good practices, Y. M. C. A. Basket Ball. 'In the intermediate group series of basketball games at the Y.M.C.A. gymnasium the Dry Bones have won the championship. On Friday night this team scored a vietory ov-|: er Crescents, another team ir. tac series which previously had headed the scoring. By this win for Diy Bones, however, its opponents ware put down and out. presented at the banquet of ihe { The cup w.1 bel "WHITE GIFT SERVICE. By the Sunday School ._ of Quem. Street Church. The "White Gift Service," in' con- nection with the School of Queen Street Meth: Church on Sunday afternoon was a event. There was a very large tendance of scholars --~-- friends in the body of the church. A Ship planned by J. Kinch and well structed was soon heavily laden with gifts ffom the children to be distributed to worthy causes during the week. An interes pro- gramme was carried out. were splendidly sung by the school, led by Miss B. a un z at the or gun and assisted ih the Kingston Symphony Orchestra. There were recitations by Masters Dick Lavell, Gordon Rawson, and the Misses Ruth Skinner and Doris Williams, well rendered exercises Ly the prim- ary class and beg'nners, by Norris Tuttle and Stuart Whitty, and six littie girls who effectively rendered "Little Christmas Candle." y a welcome song was remdered b Misses Margaret Allen, Winaiteed Ruffell and Margaret Pound. Misses Ruby and Sndya Qualt sang a duet very sweetly ev, G. LI told an effective Cane and R. M. Allen, assistant tendent urged "the claims rupert: Sunday School upon the friends ae the church. = Altogether the event | was one of great interest and sure and was equal to any that bas been given heretofore, 'In the ab- sence of R. Meek, superintendent, 4, G. ret acted as: chairman. : © regular services we ares. ly attended and a are e Christmas music was put on by Mrs. Coleman that was most and helpful. During the were six anthems, all of character, and e D. City Counell, y pm. Band at Palace Rink. to-night (audeville, Grand Operas House, 7.30 "She righ or Probabie Tiere t ang corner, Veterans' reception tn officers, Ontario Hall, § Jim Battalion THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Is on Sale at the the Following City Stores: Bucknell's News Depot ..288 = 'larke, J. W. & Co. 4.....350 Prinses 'ollege Book Store +163 Princess 'oulter's Grocery «....... 309 Princess ullen's Grocery, Cor. Princess & Alfred sarnoveky, T. R. .,..068-670 Princess 'rontenac Hotel vives Ontario St ibson's Drug Store . Market Square McAuley's Book Store ....93 Princess McGall's Cigar Store, Cor. Prin. & Kihg McLeod's Grocery ....51 Unlon St. W. Medley's Drug Store 260 University Ave 'aul"s Cigar Store .,.... 76 Princess >rouse's Drug Store aes illl Princess Talleau's Grocery .».. sowe's Grocery DIED DOY LE-In Kingston, on 1914, Wm, vie, Funeral will take brother's residence, Tuesday moral Marys Catfietral Dec. 82 years. to, his ria street, 8.16 to St hers. a solemn equiem mass will be A F riends and acquaintances are 3 fully invited to attend. MEDLEY---At Barriefleld, December 20th, 1914, R. Medley. Funeral will take on Bunda SRudey, the repose and acquaintances Yavitea to al en BOBERT J, RNID The Phone 577 "Four Square Club," which will oe 08, held at the Y.M.C.A, on Tueslay evening. The final scoring of the inter- mediate series is as follows: Dry Bones, 216 points; Crescents, 213 points; Swastikas, 40 points. A Preparation Of Purity. Taste a Pits made with our mince-