Special Reductions on All Furs Kingston's Largest and Reliable Fur House John McKay, Limited, 149-157 Brock Strest Useful Gift Giving Christmas gifts that are useful as well as or- ntal are more ap- preciated. From our great variety of useful gifts we have selected the following: Down Quilts $6, $7, $10, $11 ea. | Bugs, 27 x 54 in, $2.00, $3.00 $8.50 ea. Catget, Sweepers, Bissels Best, Mirrors, $1.50 to $10.00 ea. Badiroom Cabinets, $5.00 ea. We have just received the newest assortment. of up to the minute' Lorgnetts in enamel and extension handles. Get your Lorgnetts right. JS Asselstine, 0.0.5 Wyesigin 8348 Ning Ws, Phone 1019 AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES ; FOR HIRR Phone 1177 George W. Boyd, 80 Farl Street. LIFE, STORNNSS, AOC ihe AUTOMOBILE i ' | fi it! i il { If It Dosen't| Pay foBuy | "A Home Why does it pay the landlord to own the one 'in which you live? You will never have the real home feeling til you are comfort- ably "settled in your to Investi- & time like the fe Christmas Cheer | As usual keep the spirit of kindly giving alive, We cin help make it more than usually happy if you will see our line of gift furniture. H) DAILY BRITISH WHiy MOND2 Y, DECEMBER [1 | ir , (LISTS OF MEN PSORARGED As ALIEN SUSPEETSS © a ----- Usual Suniay Afternoon Service in the Armouries Onde ted by Cups lain W. E. Kidd. | * Confidential lista of men who have | besa discharged irom the first Cana | oi itionary force as 'align sus ave heen unit§: in dian eo; 'S | peuts,y t to_oflicers com: i mandy eo distyiot. These i not «to he'aecipted Ti they | smek roe olist in fidure contingents, | or in the homedelense militia, Yor ty-one men, who have been discha from the first contingent as medically {unfit for service, returned to Canada jen the ON, ship Principello, which sailed fro aA. Eng., on December 15th, It is understood: that no caricature posteards of Germany or the kaiser | ane delivered. to the soldiers on | the battlefields, as any soldier who t be uplortunate enough to be red and had one of these in his possession would be shot. Capt. the Rev. W. E. Kidd, chap lain of the 21st battalion; conducted the usual aiterncon service to the sel. diers in the arujouries on Sunday. It is understood "that after January 2nd, when. the Queen's Engineers go to Ottawa, the rooms at the top of the eld Regiopolis College building will 'be used by James. Richardson & Sons, and not by engineers. There are at present a number of home ser vice Engimeers quartered in this build ing, a8 will as overseas men, and these, men will have to move. The London Gazette of 4th Decem- ber contains the following: "The Vary Rev, G. L. Starr, temporary chaplain to forces, 4th class, ceased to perform duly from November 25th. On the list of mis-fits sent Lack from Salisbury Plain there was not one R. F. A. man. The three rea: sons for sending the men back were: "foreign. birth," "medically unfit," and "addicted to drunkenness." Not ope Kingston battery man was sent back, which is certainly a credit to the limestone city. There were about seventy-five names on the ar- tillery list. Owing to the stormy weather, ihe 22nd battéry did net hold its usual drill in the square, The drivers were... given lessons in the riding school and the remainder were on duty preparing the harness by oiling and polishing. Two undesirables were sent to their homes in Ottawa and in Mon- treal respectively on Sunday, and tw recruits were taken on to fill the vi cancies. On Saturday night in the militia Y. M. C. A. quarters, the soldiers themselves provided a splendid pro- gramme. After the moving pie- {tures were shown, a mouth organ | duet was given by Corpl. Brooks an {Pte Nicholson, Piper Sergt. Mac- {donald danced the highland fling and {then Pte. Nelson danced the sword idance to musie furnished by Piper | Dewar, Piper Swallow sank "Tip- |perary" and Cook Moss, of the left half, finished the evening with a solo. ! On Sunday evening Rev. G. L Campbel], of Quéen street Methodist Church, gave a very interesting and | instructive sermon to the soldiers, emphasizing the need of an even bet- ter observance of Christmas this year than before. If the Christmas spirit would come upon the nations (now warring in Europe, the war {would cease. He complimented th men on their loyalty im recruiting. After the service Mr. and Mrs, G. E. JReman gave a solo and duet. | Lieut. regiment, city G. Edwards, of the 46th of Port Hope, was in the on Sunday. Lieut.-Col. W. 8. Ottawa over Sunday. Hughes was in The Methodists in the 21st battal- ion paraded to Sydenham street church on Sunday merning for divine | service, ' --- Lieut. S. Cunningham has fully re- covered from his recent illness, and has returned to duty. Lieut. Bow- erbank is on the sick list. There was to have been a 'parade of "A" and "B" companies on Mon- "ay L the country for out-pest duty, but this was concelled, owing to the storm, The men in the battalion were instructed in their barracks on Monday morning, in tactics, . disci- pling and reconneitering. Lady Foster and Mrs. (Rev.) Her- od, of Ottawa, have sent a box to Col. Hughes containing a gift for every man in the battalion that volunteered in Ottawa and with the 21st battal- \ion. The box will be opened on Christmas, The members of Neo. 5. company, Canadian Engineers, are being exi amined to-day. The board of offi- cers is composed of Major J. Brown, A. G. 8. O, and Capts 8. Osler, R. C. E, and L. Malcolm. The examin. ation of N. C. O's and provisional officers in the 14th is also being held, and Capts. W, Y. Mills Sparks. and E. Lo -- ; Through the kindness of the W. C. T. U.,, the militia Y. M. C. A. has '{been furnished with a hundred song- books. On Tuesday night the members of ham street church will provide the programme, and on Thursday night the Queen's committee is put- ting on an SRRARIY and officers of the 21st thé examiners beidg, Major Brows, i The réception to Col. W. S. Hughes | battalion serve; nave av BERT le. estmiag. 5 iy and Songs and-nusie. b he-¥, €: H. band, A Ladies' Musical Club. the Ladies' Club on Saturday' aitenouly in. Convooation Hall, ton: | sisted piano solos by Miss Alice Goodwin, Miss Helen Eaton and Mids Daisy C ; vocal solos by Mrs, Ar- Li and ion from nar composed of Mrs. Arthur Craig, Mrs. Coleman, Miss Chalmers | and Miss Jean Craig; violin Selestioned by Master Pelham Richatdson, and instrumental selections. by Misa Norm Aleman, Mx, Gummer and A Light he programme. was .a mesh h, Selighttul =a To Pir serie Rot ht Petnyed thur all over the c or less ent of commission, but sweeper was wo and some cars were able around. to Royal Arch- Masons : On Friday 'aight. sthe Ancients Frontenas, and i chapter Royal, Arch Masons, 1, CRC. elected. these officers; First princi pal W.. M. Li immediate] past, Ws Y. Mills; second aetna L. C. Lockett; third, using J. B Phillips;; . treasurer, Minnes scribe 'B., H. J. Milner wari ari, N, John R. Smeaton; journer, W. C, Croziep: Pulled Figs In Fancy Cartoon; 4 152 each. Crawford's. Sale... 75¢ Corsets; "508, Dutton's. Li dw Sh Si Kihgston's Famous" Far Stove Makes Furs all the more appropriate a8 Christ- mas gifts. Come to "the store' with "the prices." We claim Biggest store, Biggest stock, Best values, Best styles, and comparison will more than bear us out. These are the sort of gifts that people ap- preéciate. FOR LADIES Hudson Seal Coats, $100. Electrie Seal $50: and £55. Persian Lamb Coats, $125 to $190. Muskrat Coats, $35 up Black Wolf Setts $34 Black Fox Setts, #30 up. Mink Setts, Si up. FOR ME Yer Fy iy Coats, big little ( 'oats, Coon Rok, $55 up. Persian Lamb Gaunt- lets, $15 up. Persian Lamb $5.75 up. Persian Lamb Collars, $9.50 up. Russian Lamb Collars, $5.75 up. » for Xmas ig variety of fur- lived mitts and gloves, also fur and Indian house moccasins for meén, women wt chil- dren. t no did oly of | ny fur coats and le hes (second Sigh Tobe © Japs, on pn] Ro «arranged § a very fine programme with plenty of } The programme at the meeting of '| Although a Showliand tin vig e dif! The installation. will take place fl upon the: evening of January 16th. If 22k fot one of our new | RLY Does the question of: "what shall I give" Yo ok Store is t r Christ a Perplexities Worry you ? 'aur Hand Our stocks offer untold suggestions at moderate prices. Is the time you have for shopping limited? This modern cenveniently arranged store is easy to get about in, wide aisles, no crowding, well lighted amd ventilated; its s salespeople are alert, polite and helpful. For these and all your other C hristmas questions, this ( hristm 18 Store of a Thousand (Gifts has its helpful answer ready. FOR DISTANT FRIENDS No finer Xmas gift could be made than one of the lari photographs taken of he Canadian troops at Valcartier and those now in the city. secured 'than our historic Court House, so well . ting for a photograph could be s No finer set- "ghowh in the quarter col. section at $1.25 and the Cireular Column of Sections at 1 $2.25. The photograph of the graduates of the Royal Military College in the 1st Contingent would be most pleasingly received by 'Sold here only. their friends and relatives. Chas H. Leeder, Axchitect 'SPECIAL OFFER TO THE og t for LADIES' WHITE SILK NECK SCARFS, bio) knotted fringe ends, . $1.00 sack Special extra fine 69c. A CLEAN-UP IN SWEATER COATS to fit- children up to 14 years, priced up to $2.00 each. A BIG SHIPMENT OF DAINTY WHITE WAISTS for ladies. Beautiful designs . CHILDREN'S SLEEPING SUITS up fo size 10. Special to-night $1.95 QUALITY KID GLOVES to-night, $1.00. All sizes. NEWMAN The Always Busy Store ANOTHER SNOW STORM Storm King Held Sway In the City On Monday. Kingston was in the hands of the Storm King to-day. ced to fall early in the merning, and with the heavy gale which pre- vailed, drifted the snow ang block- ed traffic. The big broom of the streét rail- way company was kept on the go all day and the cars were kept going, but of course the service was inter- fered with a great deal. Trains on the steam railways made their regu- lar trips, but it was expected that if the storm kept up very long it would cause a blockade on several of the Hnes. The city had quite a staff of un- employed out clearing off 'walks, but the snow drifted so mueh that a walk was no sooner cleared off $39,50 (than it wags filled in again. Kingston had her first snow fall a week ago Sunday night. It now loéks as if the weather man bad settled down to his business for the winter. The rough weather put a damper on trade in the down-town stores on Monday morning. 'The stormy weather of Saturday also, hindered trade. There is much Christmas shopping to be done yet, and shop- keepers want fine weather. 20¢ Bon Bons, 20c. Fine Bon-Bon creams, with almonds Jor walnuts tops, cream centres. Craw- ok on ~ Nor Christmas shoppers at "Tiigh-ciass sweets." Gib- Snow commew- | & SHAW, +oeeBUILDERS' SUPPLIES, ORDER YOUR STORM SASH NOW Delay extra coal bills. We make the complete means sash, glazed and primed. S.ANGLIN&CO. Coal and Wood Yards BAY & WELLINGTON STS. : Phone 66. General Office Phone 00 Factory Phone 1418 --------y pb, Souk 8 Wont MITTS FOR R A0UGH. WiAR PUBLIC FOR THE NEW YEAR We will give our designing and sere furne § vices ax a guarantee that we will ish everyone that in desirous of a mew home or building, and of a loan on per cent, of the to Se ammount of cast of the bulldiug. Bollding not exceed more than $25,000.00, ath i. above this amount will have special ate tentfon. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Sold (Buys A Gent's Coon Coat -- Gourde Furrier 78.80 Brock St. No Advance in Prices In All Our Lines of Boots and Shoes + For fall and winter we care ry a complete line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Foot. wear, manufactured by the best American and Canddian manufacturers, at the lowest prices in the city. Give us a call and be convinced, The more whims you have. about laundry work the Vattar we're suited.