) Hot Water _ Blectric Cars Pass oor » JOHN COUSINEAU, Prop. WINDSOR 'Best Yard and Stables in the PAGETEN WHEN IN Kingston Stay At The "Hore, STEAM HEAT AND ELECTRIC LIGHT The best yard accommoda- tion in the city First-class Cafe in connec tion Frank McCue, Prop. mn Anglo American OPPOSITE THE GRAND TRUNK STATION | Sone | This hotel has been refur nished from top to bottom and is modern in every de tail, SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK Bar stocked with choice lig- uors, cigars, ete. M. J. LAWLESS Proprietor. ~ Revere | Hotel | King and Queen Sts. American Plan Well-heated * RATES MONTH Yard and Stable Ac- commodation, socked Winey Large, SPECIAL Rooms BY THE Good Hur with Lot bas shd Ligu LOUIS MARTIN Drupriet Phone -- | -------------- » A-- 8, S---- th iat a pO DUE | 3% Prince George Hotel | J. M. THERIAULT, Prop. | One block from all rafiroad stations ongl wteambost landings: close to busi- ws section of city. | During the last senson this hesteiry is been eutirely refurnished und re- waodelled aad Is open to the travel. ing public to supply fhe best accom- dation at reasona rates. } MERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Hotel Royal 7 342-344 Princess. Street ass the Rate $1.50 Per Day City. IAS. RE & 00S Column of Stockings, Stockings, Stockings, Stockings, Stockings, Stockings, Stockines, SLOCKII 3tockings, Something . . Special in Figs Skinless; Preserved Whole Ripe Fruit Small glass jars Large Glass Jars 1 1b. tins 11-2 Ib. tins 2lb.tins .............. 85¢c Lovers of good figs will appreciate these. Every item in this list is important. Cadbury's Chocolates Rowntree's Chocolates New Table Raisins New Walnuts in shell New'Shelled Walnuts New Shelled Almonds Stuffed Persian Dates Crystallized Cherries Crystallized Pineapple Crystallized Pears Crystallized Ginger Crystallized Asst. Fruits Crystallized Rose Leaves Crystallized Violet Leaves Plum Puddings, 1 1b, 2 lb,, 4 Ib. tins Mince Meat in Glass Gurd's Ginger Ale Gurd's Soda Water Gurd's Apple Nectar Imported Dry Ginger Alc Imported Champagne ider i Welch's Grape Juice 'Wagstafi's Grape Juice Wagstaff's Pulled Figs d { take their Belgians BLODK KIEL CANA REPORTED ATTEMPT TO MADE BY BRITAIN. To Sink Old Merchant Vessels and Of the War, New . York, Dec. ~<A passenger arrivihg here on the White Star liner Baltic from Liverpool brought with hin details which confirm the story eurrent recontly- to the effect that the pritish admiralty was purchasing marchant steamers, and planned tg take them 10 the mouth of the Kial canal and sink thei there, and thus bottde up eiectunlly thé German flest, vendering (he Atlantic free from the mange of German commeree-raiders during the remainder of the war, The passenger told "of the fitting out 'of fifty "dummy" warships at Belinst, under the direction of Capt. H. J. Haddock \AR.N.R., formerly oom: hander. of 'the White Star liner Olym: pic. These vessels are old steamships of various toonage and speed, from the foruer Cunnard Campania, with a speed of nineteen knots, to the tramp which, cannot make more' than eight Enote with a gads of wind behind her, "These vessels," he said, "are to be: manned by volunteers who will lives in their hands, as there js the danger of foundering in heavy sea, in addition to that of be ing shelled and sunk by the enemy, The admiralty has had no diffienlty in etting ofticers and men for thy job. The anplications have already exceed. ed the number required to handle the reconstructed craft. All the: men would have double pay, I was told, and the officers who have volunteered from the navy would risk their lives for the honor to be gained." 3 SIR ENOCH AND LADY THOMPSON ¢ ed the title of knight wler of the Isabelia Catholic or- King Alfonso Spain far far r S FLOUR TO BRITISH GUIANA Canada's Exportation Leads to Cus. toms' Dent. Change. Ottawa, Dec. 22.--As a result of 'he large quantity of Canadian flour that has been imported into British Guiana since the Canadian reciprocity treaty with the West In- dies went into force, a change has been made in the customs regula- tions of that country. 'The effect of the change is that hereafter goods from Canada passing through New York must be bonded through and ~-shinped at any port. It is not 'tely that some of the other large it Indian colonies may take milar action. The change has n made in order to vrotect the toms 'department of British Gui- 'ince while part of the flour t hes come irom Halifax on val Mail steamers. part has also me by way of New York The import of Canadian flour in- to British Guiana since the recipro- "ity agrgement has been steadily in- reasing, last year's import being alued at $657,022. BAY Please Take Notice. Collier's Weekly No Christmas in our time has rought such a call for the Christ- mas spirit as this. Belgium is star- ving. America it trying to feed the The, best we can do is to give them quarter rations this win- ter--just enough to keep soul and body together. We cannot do even that unless evéry American lrelps. A barrel of flour will pull two Bel, gian adults through this winter, A 'ase 'of condensed milk will save the lives of three Belgian children. Think of that when you sit dewn to your Christmas dinver. , Many or- ganizations are soliciting food and funds. If there is"one in your com- munity, help it. If there is none, CANAL; Bottle up German Fleet. For Rest) LIVE STOOK MARKETS ---- ? The Prices Paid at the Vilrtons Cons Ke & oo Len, ; Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Dec. 21.--- Receipts were light, 57 cars, 780 'eattle, 1702 hogs, 370 sheep and lambs, 40 calves and 22 horses. Cattle--No ¢holde lots were offer- éd- dnd the best. price re was $7.00. Cholce butchers steers: good butcher's steers, $6.75 to $7.; medium. butcher's steers, $6.25 to $6.50; common butcher's steers, $5.70 to $6.00; eboice = butcher's heifers, $6.75 to $7; common but- cher's, heifers $6.50 to $7; choice cows, $6.25 to $6.50; good cows, $5.50 to $5.75; eanners, $3.00 to $4.25 bulls, $5.00 ta $6.55. Feeders and stockers.----Not muh doing in either of these classes at unchanged prices, (Choice steers, $6.25 to $6.50; medium steers, $5.75 to $6.25; stockers, $4.00 to $5.00. Milkers and. springers----Not many on 'sale gt $60. to $50. each; hulk sold at $60. to $70. each, Choice yeals, $8.56 to $9.50; common 10 good, $4 to $8. Sheep and lambs--Prices firmer for lambs. Sheep, $4.00 to $5.00: culls and rams, $2.00 to $4.00; lambs, choice ewes and wethers, $8.00 to $8.50. * Hogs--Only 27 Ontario hogs en sale. ' Selected, fed and watered, $7.25 and $6.90 1. 0. b. cars. Montreal Live Stock. Montreal, Dec. 21.~Stormy weath- er had a depressing effect on trade at the West End Cattle Market this morning, and the prices of cattle were lower, but hogs were higher. A few Christmas cattle were sold at] about §¢; prime beeves, 7c to 7%c; wedium, 6¢ to Te; tommon, 4¢ to be. Calves, 4%¢ to 83%c; sheep, 4%¢ to 5%e; lambs, T%c to 8% ¢; about 8e.- Recgipts: 8 1 hogs, Cattle, 1,700; calves, 00; Mheep™and lambs, 1.400; hogs, ,300. Buffalo Live Stock. East Buffalo, De¢. 21. Cattle Receipts, 1,600; slow and steady to trong; prime steers, $8.75 to $9; shipping, $7.75 to $8.25; butchers, $6 to $8.60; heifers, $5.50 to $8: sows, $3.76 to $6.50; bulls, $4.50 to $7.25. Veals--Receipts, 7 $10. Hogs--Recejpts, 24,000; active; | heavy and mixed, $7; yorkers, $7 to! $7.25; pigs, $7.25-to $7.50; roughs, $6 to $6.25; stags, $5 to $6. Sheep and lambs-- Receipts, 16, 200; slow; lambs, $5 to $8.60; year- lings, $5 to $7; wethers, $5.50 to $5.75; ewes, $3.50 to $5.25: sheep, mixed, $5.25 to $5.50; 00; slow; $4 to Chicago Livé Stock, Chicago, Dee. 21.--Cattle--Re- ceipts, 7,000; market firm; native steers, $6.15 to $10; western steers, $5 to $7.75; cows and heifers, $2.90 to $7.85; calves, $6 to $8.25. Hogs--Receipts, 53,000; market! slow; light, $6.70 to $7.15; mixed,' $6.80 to $7.15; heavy, $6.80 to $7.- 15; rough, $6.80 to $6.90; pigs, $5.- 50 to $7.20; bulk of sales, $6.95 to $7.10, Sheep--Receipts, 20,000: market slow; sheep," $5.10 to $6; western, | $6.15 to $6.10; yearlings, $6.25 to $7.20; lambs, native, $6.25 to $8.25. ---------- Many and many are the times when your good fuck, as you call it, is the result of hard work by a friend yours. I always like to put space between myself and the individual of folly, who is quite sure he is a bundle of wisdom. ui ol Lerrons by Pictorial Review ¥ Dark bine serge skirt made in circu lar effect with a one-piece elrcular CUTTING GUIDE' $5993 oe: 0 ictorial Review petiors Na. 6901. 4% rk 'about the glo against Germany. A on ary &Practical | Home Dress Making Prepared Especially For This Newspaper CIRCULAR. SKIRT, WITH YOKE. cpp hin '1914 WILL NOT SHIELD DISHONOR 80 Baby 'Killers of Scarborough | Will Learn Londot, Dee, 28-~The mayor of |] Scarborough, in a letter replying to the message of Winston. Spencer Churchill, first lord of the admiral-} ty, expressing the sympathy of him- #ell and of the British navy at the losses sustained through the Ger- man bombardment of Scarboreugh says: "It is evident that the enemy did not dare face our fleet, and so aitacked an undefended town. In this way Scarborough has taken her part in the struggle that is now bro ceeding. While we deplore the loss of life and property, mourn for our dead, and sympathize with our | 'wounded, we nevertheless are as ful-y ly determined as ever that the war! must be fought to a successful ae ish. "Our surprise at the attack was' Breater, ns we had been led to be- lieve from the conduct of the plucky | comnmander of the Emden that Ger- man sailors understood something rious old traditions of the sea. It is evident from our ex- periences of Wednesd~y that this is not so. Some new-comers into hon- orable professions first learn the tricks, and lastly the traditions. As their commanders get older, in the | service they will find that the Iron Cross pinned on their breast will not shield them from the shafts of shame and dishonor," SCANDINAVIAN UNION, Diplomat Believes It Would Weaken German Influence. Petrograd, Dec. 23.--The recent. conference at Malmeo, Sweden, of the Scandanavian kings, and a visit which King Gustav is reporded to have made to Berlin previously, von- stitutes a subject of much interest in Russia, in view.of the suggestion of a Scandanavian union. This circum- Baltic union of 25,000,000 popula- tion, would, according to the alleged Gernian view, become an important European power, whils the Seandin- avian countries separately, - despite their high cultural and industrial de- velopment would he politically insig- nificant. A Rugsian diplomat discussing this plan said "Lxcluding our provin- ces, which Germany never will be able to offer the union, Russia favors such a Scandinavian union, although apparently Germany is inspired in accordance with her aim to create several buffer states between herself and Russia. A strong United Scan- dinavia would weaken German influ- ence on the Baltic. REPUDIAT No Agreement Between Britain and Belgium Against Germany, New York, Dee, 23 E. Hevenith, Belgian _minisier to the United States, who is in this city, issued a statement dealing with certain docu- ments which are said to have been found in the Belgian government ar- ¢hives at Brussels by German offiei- als. Concerning these papers, which as he puts it, "The German govern- ment claims prove that Belgium vio lated her neutrality," the minister said: "The Belgian minister fs unable to fee how it can be said that these does uments censtitute a proof of an agreement between England and Bel- gium against Germany, unless one accepts the idea that Germany had a right to violate Belgium's neutrality, and that all measures taken as a pre- caution against violation of neutral- ity must therefore have been taken THE LIE. yoke. It is trimmed with self-covered buttons, ter, Stitch, leaving edges free above single large "0" per- foration for opening. Join gores as notched. Sew yoke to gores, notches and centers even. Single small "0" perforations yoke indicate center- 'Adjust a webbing or a straight strip of canvas two Inches wide to position upper; edge of skirt:for a stay; stitch upper edges together. The most fashionable finish for the Pisin efrcular skirt is a deep hem. The this is oftentimes (00 ex- the everyday dress allow + Xx til Patented April 30, 1907. Sizes 32, 24. 26, 23, 30, 82 and 34 inches" . FUR. 45 HE - 3 holiday Sherries, Gins, ete, Fisher Ale, Dow Ale, Bass -|Ale, G. Stout, Frontenac Lager, Pil- séner Lager, Pure. Apple Cider and Ohristmas Bock Beer. 5 and 10 gallons. had it so bad that for In a wh nei Relle CURES LUMBAGO Radway's Resdy Relief shot be well vahbed over n large surface. until a glow ls produced, with a burning) sepaation. the Radway Tihs, rag MN ON p> i. Considering a Tel. 04, We can supply you with all your beverages. Whdlesale cand A delicious stock. of Ports, Bromides, Scotch, Irish, Ale in kegs, The Chompson Bottling Co. ASTHMA COUGHS WHOOPING COUCH _ SPASMODIC CR INCHITIS CATARRN COLD Est.1873 A simple, safe and effective treatment avoid: ing dru 8. Used with success for 38 years. he air carrying the antiseptic vapor, Inhsled with every breath, makes breathing easy, soothes the sore throat, and stops the cough, assuring res:fulnights. Cresolene is invaluable to mothers with young children and & boon 10 sufferers from Asthma, nd us postal for descriptive booklet SOLD 8Y CRUGGISTS VAPO . CRESOLENE CO. Leenting Miles Bidg. Montr'} 8 EUROPEAN: AGENCY Wholesale Indents promptly execut- ed at lowest cash prices for all Brit- Bh and Continental goods, including Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemiculs and Druggists' Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glass- ware, Cycles, Motor Cars and Accessor- fos. Drapery, Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and Metals, Jewellery, Plate and Watches, Photographic and Optical Goods, Provisions and Oilmen's Stores, ete., ete. Commission 23 % to 5%. Trade Discounts Allowed. | Special Quotations on Demand. , Bample Cases from $30 upwards. Consignments of Produce Sold ¢n Account. WILLIAM WILSON & SONS (Established 1814), 25, Abchurep, Lane, London, E.O. Millinery and' ' Piece Cable Addrees: "Annuaire London." PAR Arr en rns adways Heady Retief y F. I. No. 1, Milistown, N, the ast three years 1 have and backache, and 1 have lays and nights 7." 1 thought 1 le of R. wd kidney discas ight clothes off, Heady Relk Lack and Lips apd sides a 1 could not get ww would try Radway ime the pain®was In" this world knows but God ty T wad in till 1 USED R of, ** vel a the ulway's Ready Few gases require Some do, when a dose do vould be taken, ADWAY & £0., Montreal, Car Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps vr sharpening the appetite und stimule g the digestive organs you 'will 6: wthihg to equal Wolfe's Schnapps. Tak as a "toddy" with hot water, sugar an: 'mon and a wineglassful of Wolfe's, Yo All find Wolfe's Schnapps the greajes nic energiser for the vital orgaris, Obtain ¥'s at ail Votels and BY fl Chores, A James McParland, . Distributor, 1 NRL Aah Na TIRE TESTS CHRISTMAS AN» NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY RATES Tickets will be sold at single first- class fare, good going Thursday and Friday, Dec. 24 and 25. Valid for re- turn until Saturday, Dee. 26. Also going Thursday, Dee. 31, and Friday, Jan. 1, 1915. Valid for re turn until Saturday, Jan. 2, Wis FIRST CLASS FARE AND ONE THIRD Going Dec. 22 to Friday, Dec. 25, Valid for return until Monday, Dee. 28. Also going Wednesday, Dec. 30 to Friday, Jan. 1. Valid for return un- al Monday, Jan. 4, ms. ? for full particulars apply to J.P, HANLEY, Railroad and Steamship Agent, oor- ner Johnson and Ontario Streets. CANADIAN PAaCiciC Christmas and Now Year's 1914-15 ONE-WAY (FARR good going December 24 and 25, return limit, December 26, 1914; also good going 'December 31, 1014, and January 1, 1915, return limit, Jannary 2, 1915. FARE AND ONE-THIRD, good going December 22, 23, 24, 25, return limit, Dec 25, 1914; also good going De 40, 31, 1914, Jan- vary 1, , return Umit, January 4, 1916. (Minimum charge, 250¢.) Particulars regarding Rail or Ocean Tickets from F. C NWAY, CPA. City Ticket Office, corner P! and Wellington Streets, "Phons 1197 re rier nr piri FRANCONIA 18,100 tons, Jan. 11th After 1 a.m. Apply local ticket sgent or Tl Robert Reford Co, Limited, tieneral Xhe ents, 59 King St. East, Toronto. New Grocery & Provision Store Choice groceries, provis- ions, fruits and vegetables. Your patronage will be appreciated. Harry Thompson, Phone 387. 294 Princess St. WE CALL FOR ORDE i REAL ESTATE or