Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Dec 1914, p. 7

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Convenience The Bank of Toronto, witn departments equipped to transact 3 of 'every description appertaining to banking, ang w win numerous branches distributed throughout the Dominion, full lst of banking correspondents, is enabled /to offer its = ors exceptional facilities for the transaction of their financial ai- fhirs, Pald-up Capltar ....... sessersese $5,000,000 Reserved Funds vei. ves. $6,307,279 GREETINGS The compliments of the se son Ao all. To the builders and * contractors of Kingston I extend my hearty thanks for their patron- age during the past year, and cheerfully solicit their trade for the coming season. 1 say cheerfull because I am confident I have godd to offer ag the best, Phone 1396. A. Neal, Kiagston Brick Yard Phone 1396 as and my prices are right. For Sale Good brick house, 6 rooms, and stable, together with 26 Tots, well situated, all for $3500. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY +8 BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER, Representative. No Advance in Prices In All Our Lines of 'Boots and Shoes For fall and winter we car Co! © SR of Men's, fr A ren's Nout wear, toed Oh ae by t best American and Canadian munufactiners; at the lowest prices In the city. Give us a call and be convinced. Xmas and New Year's Choc: | olates, perfumes and cigars, put up in- special packages at cost, from now until New Year's HOAG'S - DRUG STORE Opposite Y. M. C. A Kingstom = - lim H. B. WARTELL #38 KING STREXY Phone 181 At the request of a large number of citizens, I an- nounce myself a can- didate for Mayor for 1915 and respectfully solicit your votes and influence. R. D. Sutherland Rideau Ward || GEORGE LATURNEY For Alderman; RIDEAU WARD W. R. Clugston. Solicits the vote and influ- ence of the eleetors for re- election as alderman for 1915. All his property inter- ests are in this ward. Give this Welsbach Reflex | Gras Light to some one for That will give pléasure all the year through, can be lighted WiTHOUT MATCHES Simply pull the chain PRICE AS SHOWN, $2.50 Cheaper inverted lights, %0c, and up. For sale by DAVID HALL 'Phone 3335, 66 Brock St. Residence 836, ~ Calling Cards for New Year's Day Our engraving expert is dl prepared to engrave t your carls in time for | ew Year's day. He is | the only copper-plate | engraver in Kingston. COAL The kind you are look- ing for is tke kind we +" sell -Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt de- | Lily-of-the valley. J GENERAL INTEREST : ? LN Happenings in the Clty and Vidnig =={yhat the Merchants Uffer thie Keadérs of the Whig. Insist on White Rose' flour. chibs waleg Alveool, UnNdnance sue, spelt Chrisie. wilh 1€.a- tives at Uzdensuvurg. **Househotd thermometers" son's. wio8 Ada Rosevear rendered a at Gib- vice in Cooké s 'caurcn. i; "100 Blaud's Pills, 25¢." Gibson's. Mal. dale Ms, A, i, angnasng Monocus, ale visiting Mr. au. KR. 11. Toye, Gore street. * "$1 Lmulsion 50¢."" Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Coates and ily, Napanee, - spent Christmas isingston. as. Luunibgham, pisno tuner, Ang street. Leave orders aL \aley's baok store. . Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Drysdale family, Kingston, are visiting tives at Lanark. Miss Margaret Mariin, in charge of Otter Ureek school ior the, past term, has resigned and {eft for Ring- ston, "Zac. | Baby (ibson's. 'tne curling club, in recognition of he services rvendercl by 1. M. As- selstine, sec etary, presented him with a Yolid siiver tea set. William Swhine, piano tuner. Orders ceceived at MeAuley's. Phone 564 "50c. Fawlsion 25¢." Gibson's. William G. Orr, B.S.c., of Toron- to, Is spenaing the Christmas holi- 1ays with Mr. and "Mrs. J. L. Orr, a1 Johmeon street. "Houschold thermometers" son's. Mr. and Mes. ¥. W Vandusen and daughters, Napanee; spent Christmas with Prof. and Mrs. Henderson in wingston. mcAuley's ambulance removed Miss Hannah Asselstine, of Odessa, 0 the general hospital, on Friday suffering frowi cancer. "Wc. Baby Cough Syrup," tiibson's. ~ Dr, Beresiord H. Thompson, New York, is spending the Christmas holi- days with his mother, Mrs. J. D. I'hompson, Colborne street. Mi. dnd Mrs. 'ranx Dohbs spent the "holidays in 'oronto with their son, J. X. C. Dobbs who cane down from Ham!ltea to join them Miss Julia Barlow, Sydenham street has' returned home after pending her Chrisimas hélidays 'iti Mis, Parks at Bate. 'Household thermometers' son's, Miss Mayme Gavin, a graduaie, of the Kingston Business College, and who 1s naw located in Reglaa, vis n the city on 'Thursday "50c. Emulsion 25¢." Gibson's. Mr oand Mrs. wo little sons Howard and Fred- lle, of Belleville, spent Christmas xith her parents at-Kingston Junec- on. "50c. Emulsion 25c¢. aig fam- in 2 Me- and rela- Cough Syrup," 15e: at Gib- 13e¢. at Gib- * Gibson's, #ne solo ul the sunday moraing ser. § Stanley Carter and | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES, Fire insertion 1¢ 8 word. Each son~ | AY WAGSTAFF'S Fine Old English PLUM PUDDINGS INERAL SERVANT. APPLY 4 iotona Terrate, Montreal St. COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT, family twos no washing or fron- ing. Apply 160 Btuary Si. AN pf AT00 mon _ WAGSTAPF'S TEA, COFFEE AND cocoa The best in the city at the unique grocery and meat to Manager, Box \ Klog: ston, Ont. YOUNG MEN WANTEDTO PREPARE for telegraph positions on. Cann- ilways.. Our Students ra. > positions lmmed y graduation and $75 (o ay mot iy to start. Free 'rattway Lass wo school and 'to desunation «hen qualified. Tuition fees mode ate. For particulars apply Der Graham ~ Tele, raph 182 Bank Street, Ottaw ; C. H. PICKE 490 Princess St. TEACHERS W ANTED raen wood, v Apr Treas, Wolle Island, QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST. ant, for 8. 8. N Na. 16, Btorrington; duties to commence Jan. Sth, 1915 i Apply to Henry Scotti, See, Hatter i Bea. WANTED GENERAL bert st i ONE DOUBLE SET OF HEAVY HAR. ness and bob gleighs, with box pre- ferred. 'Apply 44 Main St not enly a medicinal cereal sty As it in delicious as a cerenl or 'made In pancakes. GENTLEMEN Jo BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up Into up- to-date suits. rice and workman- ship guaran to pl ing and repairin shortest. hotles, 131 Br + 10 eta, tegular size . . At Your Family Grocers. FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. (Disteibutprs.) CARD OF THANKS i. POSITION 'WANTED. The directors of "the Home for Frigndless and Infirm Persons tender thefr sincere 'thauks to those citizens who forwardede Christmas donations. John Macdonald, secretary, CARD OF THANKS MR. AND MRS. ROBERT COUSINS » wish to thank theigmany friends for beautiful floral" tributes and kindnesses shown In their recent bereavement in the.death of their son. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER wants work by the day. Apply Box iC. B, Whig office. JOSEPH SUSE. ¢ CHES tan opened op ® quarry go Stephen [0 Cut, 'bufl ing ar ang' 3 Ton Sone are Subblied reasonable NOTICES. PERSONAL a TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING pny bi LOST. iA BANK BOOK CONTAINING TWELVE dollars, Finder return to Sar. Gelnt's Drug Store and receive re war STRAYED. 425 BROOK ST. eri may have property and vigement. A HOUND. OWN- same by proving paying Tor adver- TO LET ee ------ TRY ONE OF THRSE SMA SMALL ADV ADVTS | £° Once 26¢, three times 80c. TWO REDROOMS, floor; furnished. Whig office STO! KE FOR FU citsn Land ary. Mocan ON BATHROOM Apply, Box 24% i rok room, furnished, Apply to 198 Stuart St. OFFICERS IN SLanpacn ne onan. ers, 0 Cunniaghsm us die, 70 faten ce Bt. y ow 5 i} LINGS, FURNISHED AND nished; stores, offices, eto. Sean Real Estate Agency, Brock 8t. NPORAGE FOR F RE, SLBAN, rv, airy rooms: your ov lock and ey. grosle Sit orage, Queen Bt. eo baen" BIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ' ALMOST new, modern improvements, corner Division pad. Quebec streets, Apply 106 Pina Street. TN- Me. 82 MEDICAL STUARY WM. "POLSON, M.A, M.D.C.M former honsa surgeon Thrive Eye, car, nose, and throat. hospital, New. York, Office, 132 Wellington, opposite poet office, Offea hours, 332 am, 2.4 pm, 7-8 p.m. Phone io, DENTAL i t--------------------------_ A BE. KNAPP, RA, LDS, DDS, RE. moved to 268 Princess Street SPARKS AND SPARKS, 150 linston a. (over "CurnovkT 8). one DR. ©. C. NASH, DENTIST: DR. T. B, Renton, assistant. 11s Princess Btreet. Phone 736. tt met bee ei S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, DENT. ist, corner Princess a Bagot sireets. Iintrance on Bagot reat ) CATERING SF TATE vi EA wi CATER TO PARTIES, LLS / Wedding breakfasts, banquets, a also rent dishes, table H silverware. Reid and. nr P. Reld, 30 33 Street, F. C Hambrook, fred Street Phones 843 or 308. ARCHETICT WM. NEWLANDS & tects, ete. Offices, Phone 61. SON, 258 ARCHI- Bagot St | MARRIED AT SASKATOON. HAIR, MoLuS, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS 4 -- and all 'growths and skin blemish. The Hyde-Tysick Nuptials Celebrated od ha, REDO. |W Ti se, The Harrowsmiith Dramatic Club, hrough their secretary, Miss Eflie 'low, ent a donation, (proceeds of a play) of $60. to the Red Cross jociety, of Kingston, a timely and nuch aporeciated gift, "Beautiful Toilet Soap." Gibson's. A water pipe that froze afid burst raused a large quantity of water to pour down on the floor of a Princess treet fruit store on Sunday even- ing. The proprietor happened along und saved several of the fixtures rom damage. "100 Blawd's Pills, 25¢." Gibson's. Athens High School has arranged or a course of lectures 'hy Queen's 'niversity professors. "They begin wn January 14th, and end on March 11th. The professors engaged are If. F. Macdonald, Ww. E. MeéNeil, J. Matheson, P. G. C. Campbell and J. 's. Morison. "Beautiful Toilet Soap." Gibson's. The Renfrew Mercury says: '"The ongregation of St. George's Cath- wdral, Kingston, very plainly in- imated that they wanted Dean Starr baek when he was at certain rans-Atlantic points. But. who sould blame em for asking the retiirn of a nin of such cafbre?' ' "Household = thermometers' at Gib- san's. Minden and Cataraqui lodges of the Masons are holding a banquet in the banquet hall over the lodge rooms on Tuesday evening. Camerov, he entertainer, has been engaged for the evening. The banquet will he hela AL the conclusion of the instal- 'atton of officers by R. W. Pro. Nicolle = REYNOLD S.SMITR WEDDING. 'eremony Was Performed On Christ mas Morning. A pretty wedding was solemnized at 101 Pine street, on Christmas morn- ing, when Miss Laura Smith, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smith, was united in marriage to Charles A. Reynolds, by Rev. W. A. Reynolds, ather of the bridegroom. Leaning on the arm &f her father, by whom she was given away, the bride walk- ed gracefully into the parlor, dressed in a gown of white satin de chine, triimed with- net and pearls. She vore a veil caught up with orange blossoms and lly-of-the-vaillev. The couple were unattended. The wed- ding march was played by Miss 1. Smith, sister of the bride. An arch of evergreens and holly and under this the nuptial knot was tied. The room was also tastily decorated with fowers. After the ceremony the bridegroom presented the bride with a beautiful wold fing, sot with pearls, and to the lenin be * gave a handsome gold bar- SHY wedding hreakfhst followed later. Tt was spread upon a- table adorned with 'pink and white carsations and presents were upon the bride from ber. many friends, showing the high es teem in Which she is held. Mr. and Nes. Revnolds will jake up their residence at 26 Frontenae _ street.' had heew constructed in the parlor ; _'zes. s MCAr; On December 10th. mer At three o'clock 'on Thursday after. Tuont Ad skin spetatint, '28 Ba: noon, December" th, at St. John's Church, Saskatoon, the marriage took place oi 'Miss -Aiice Tysick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tysiek, ol | Brooke, Ont: and Arthur G. Hyde, Floral, Sask. Fhe ceremony was vot formed by Rev. A..E. Greenhalgh, of Kirkpatrick, assisted by Canon Smith, in the presence of a large num- LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM a ters and soll Clarence ona FOR SALE OR TO TET iSong, as oon. 14 OWER & chants' Br SON, Bank ARCHITECTS, ME R- Building, corner and © "Wellington strects Dri np a card MUSIO. wusiC AND DRAMATIO INSTRUO n, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Norms nn, Alida Tel Rann SL . Telgmann, tion, olann. violin and "ah Cotringed instruments. BUSINESS CHANCES. kér of .friends. As the wedding march was being played by Mrs. E. B. Smith, the bride entered the church on the arm of her brother-in-law, Wil- A SEVEN ROOM FRAME 'HoOUS SE, with © furpace, : B. and OC. electric I ou Montreal Bt. A pply -to A 5 gon, 26 Frontenac ARP Phone ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mall order Business at home; no canvassing: be youre own hoss. Send for free booklet: tells how Heacock, 2,009 Lockport, NY. ™ nSK EFFECTIVE ADVTS, cost iitle. . Once, 25¢; thrée times, 50¢; one week, $1.00, GRRSR FEATHERS. APPLY T0 uns, Go aman, 387 Div'sion St FOR SALE, CHEAP, TWO GOOD 'work horses. Kind in al Darn Apply, Box 21, Whig of ES Fined IPFICE DES SIX FEET LONG, 1 in. hMgh in gront and 56 1-2 in. hi, at bask. Thies frewertand ong. op she fly use 4 Hereen Whig e igh, ™ AL AnGE WE FARIEBTY OF RANGES AND number o rat-clags healers at Dios; ulso a hig stock of furs 8 of ampson, 1 \ LARGE NAMEN oF BICYCLES so Dunlop tires, at $2.00 All orders prompily attended to for {arpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 373 King St, 8 HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL O! fords, and other cook stoves, Qi bec's, pugs and square heaters, these & Ist dass hape Be elose them out at very sma pros fits, Turk's 'Phone, 08 INE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN Bi Iwenty, ones [J la, Shojosst br ing. Gran haha or _any Pure bred vy calf pi oThdy, Also five head pure bred Priced low for quick sa Guess, R. R. No. 2, ure Ont, BMALL FARM, AROUT 30 ACRE large stone house, large barns, "tables, sheds, hog pens, ete, Just outside city limits and fear Grand Trunk station, Apply to Wi Ther inult, owner, on premises, or ade dress Kingston post offide. } ine et mcrae MINERAL RIGHTS, FBI DERAR AND mica: convenient to statio THREE NRW FRAME HOU FT YORK House, vimGR Lov AME ROUSE, 0 MS, ANEW FRAME Rote) MARK. . A, BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND freal Fatate, 67 Clarence St. PAE Dobidiibbot Sh ddd bid bb + ¢ TELRGRAPHY, * + Sivil rvice, Shorthand, $ + Typewriting, Bookk hy + Banking and General Ji + + ment. Day and Night Classes, $ 4+ Kingston Business College, * Timited, + # Head of Queen Street, Rates & + Moderate, Phone 440. H. F. : + Metcalfe. SEES EEL H 0000000 FINANCIAL, FRONTENAC LOAN ment Society: incorporated 1868; president, Colonel Henry R, Smith, Money issued on oity and farm nroperties, municipal and country debentures: mortgdges purchased; deposits recelved and interest ale lowed, 8. C. McGill Manager, 87 Marence street. AND INV ERPooOL, LONDON AND GLO Tire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,216. n adaition to which the policyholders e for security the unlimited Habliity of city property, insured lowest possible "rates. Before old or giviig rates from Strange & Agents, Phone 326, UPHOLSTERING. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pajring and Sabpel rk, und mattress hennvatiy top a card w. or call 218 Bagot Btre liam Strong, and was gowned with ivory satin with trimmings of shadow lace, and wore a veil eaught with or- ange blossoms. Her bouquet: was of while carnations, white chrysanthe- mums, large white lilies and lilies of the valley. She knelt on a white hand-embroidered cushion. The choir rendered the nuptial hymn, "The Voice that Breathed O'er iden." The bride was given away by William Strong, and ; was attended by Miss Le titia hora who 'wore pink satin lace trimmed, and a hat of pink vel: vet with black lumes. The grooms- man was Harold EK. Arnberg, After the ceremony the guests repair. ed to the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Wil- liam' Strong, 804 Sixth avenue north; where the wedding supper was served. The table was prettily decorated with mauve ~chrysanthemums and whita hyatinths, and white ribbons floated from 'the electroalier to 'the corners of the table. The wedding cake centred the table. The hostess wore a cos: tume oi gray satin trimmed with heavy ace. The bride received 'many valuable | prusents from numerous friends, which showed the high esteem the young couple had in that city. | The groom's gift to the bride was rearl necklace; to the bridesmaid, pearl brooch; to the organist, a eile meshbag, and to the groomsman, 'a pair of gold cuff links. Among the guests were the brother and sister from Asquit and Mrs. Howard Nodwell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E, Darr, Rev. A. E. Greenhalgh, Canon and Mrs. I. RB. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston. The bride's travelling suit was blue potlin, 'and she wore a hat to match with white plumes. Ihe bride and groom felt . the same evening on the Grand. Trunk Pacific, amid the good wishes of numerous friends who went to the station. The hofeymoon will he spgnf in Toronto, Perth and other eastein points. -------------- "He's Not Euglish, "Pim Healy has just arrived in London after a visit to Ameriea, and has been telling that when the Mau- retania arrived at Liverpool a small army of officials boarded the vessel and insisted on infpecting® every- . body's passports; for if wag believed | that there were twenty-two" German reservists with spurious pons "awe fhe passengers. - "Are English?" one of the officials asked Tim. -. "No-0-0-0-," roared the fam- ous Irish K.C., M.P.,, Had they said Bath Road Reports, Bath Road, Dec. 26. ~""Sandy"' Tait has resigned drawing his milk to Kingston to his customers, 'The school section' No. 3 has closed Wednesday for two weeks' holidays for Christ- mas and New Year's. The roads are in a very bad condition ° 'owing to the large snow and wind storms. Mrs. Keys, sr., was unfortunate in losing one of her horses. Mr. Greer is go- ing to build a new barn in the spring. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, of Trenton, visiting her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius bridge; John "Hyland and his dangh- top, Miss Lottie Hyland, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Bridge; M . J. Hyland left Thursday morning for Havelock, where he will visit till after Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Hamilton spent Christ- mas with J. Hyland, who gave a dinner party. Saabury Items. Sunbury, = Dec. 24.--~The weather continues cold with a quantity = of enow. Sleighing is excellent and with the holiday season on it is being en a [10Ved by all. Rev. A. F. Shorten, of Inverary, preached in the Metho- dist Church on Sunday to a large congregation. The discourse given was, an eloquent and' a profitable one to all who were present. The Me- thodist society held their annual Christmas tree on Sunday evening this week, in the village hall. A large number were present and a programme was rendered, being both lengthy and varied. A goodly sum was reali Ritchie Bros. are pressing a quan- tity of hay, which they will = dis- pose of shortly for a good Jee. The town hall has of Jate hee re- modelled and now presents a meat and attractive appearance. Sunbury cheese factory, which is still running, will close the coming week after a most profitable season's run. The vil- lage stores are now stocked with Christmis goods and a large patron- age is being daily received. Those who attended the Christmas market on Thursday report a very cold drive. room js fh: Mr. Asquith; Contain Of 1881 Champions. The Port Hope Guide has the fol- lowing reference to 'the late Sena- you. tor Kirehhoffer: 'We regret to announce the death of Senator Kirchhofier, who died in .. Replenishment. When the coal bin needs it use our geod coal. livery and eareful preparation over the screen, JAMES SWIFT & CO Quick orderly de- led them to victory by Winning the championship of the province in 1881. There are only two members of that club now residing here, Dr. P. Brown and W. 8. Bletcher. He was known by his team mates as Oliawa last event For an: British, Tim would have 'raised bis years he was a reticent ot . ust. Dut Eoglisb-- vever. Like a troe Bri% rairiol, ihe Brarsld ? rominant. or ify is the only country Tim retogr- gH 3 Vie maptained: the Port 1 Hope , Critket Club for many seasons and this 'tewp and was kuown as one nt the 'cricket his tachod to hi 'Kirk' and.was a jolly g fellow and the life. of the Tors od field, were greatly at- and those ro. bis passing away." dre Ieft of that team to-day will ny TE -- dovmpn History In Three Lines "The following 'Hitory of the German' empire in Three Lives' des. erves mention," says the Petrograg correspondent of the Post: "ye r W 1. its hl And T- the grandeon, Hs hreaks pies 8 Ae 333 Princess Nu

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