Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1914, p. 9

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ents | TT eS of Year 1914 Review of a Period i Happenings to Canada, : Great Britain and Her Colonies JANUARY 'Vani--Knighthood "wis conferred pon F. C. 8. Langelier, Lieutenant Rovernor of Quebec; D. C. Cameron, Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba: Justice Arehambauit of Quebec; Henry Egan, Ottawa. Jan. 2--Regina, Sask., was threaten- kd with destruction by an anonymous Writer claiming to represent unem- ployed . | Montreal secured relict after eight Pays of water famine. _ dan, 8--Loeal option carried in six feen Ontario municipalities. i Jan, 6--The Crown Prince of Ger foany was degraded in rank for pub bely commending harsh military mea- pures in Alsace-Lorrain. "Jan. 8--A general railway strike be kann South Africa. ' Jan. Announcement was made of the existence of a $5,000,000 indemnity Fund for the Ulster Volunteers. Jan, 10---The Mexican rebel army captured Ojinga after a week's fight- ing, the Federals fleeing across the border. : Jan. 12--A "free wheat" resolution Was adopted unanfmously by the Mani- toba Legislature, Jan. 18--The steamer Cobequid was wrecked in the Bay of Fundy. Notre Dame Cathedral, Montreal, Was threatened by a fire which de- gtroyed the Frothingbam Workman factory. . 'Jan. 14--The passengers and crew bt the wrecked steamer Cobequid Were taker off safely, Jan. 16--The Dominion Parliament ppened, 6 Jan, 16--~Senator George A. Cox dled at Toronto, ; The British submarine A7 sank off Plymouth with her crew of 11 men. Jan. 18--John' Krafchenko, the es- taped murderer, was recaptured at Wihnipagy:s or 2 J ny 4 treal- newspaper ¥ ---- of graft sgutast fhres members of the Quebec Legis: ature : Jan. 21-1ard Stratheons died at f.ondon, a : Jan, 22-The «Crest Waterways Union urged the completion of the ". Welland Cansi, 1 Jan, 25---~Prince Willan : completed his arrangements' for the formal taking possession of the Throne' of Albania, : ; Jan. 27--The South African Govern ment 4 ten labor leaders. Jan. 28 L. P. Pelletier - an- hounced the rates for the parcel post pystem, : Jan, 20--The three members of the Ruebec Legislature accused of bride taking, resigned. Jan. 30-~The steamer Monroe was fammed and sunk off the coast of Virginia with 'a loss of 39 lives. The Bisliop of London reported that hunger. Suffragist in prison Were not tortured by forcible feeding. FEBRUARY ¢ Feb. 1--The German bark Hera was wrecked off Falmouth. England, with p loss of nineteen lives. Fab. 2--Chief Constable Carpenter of Edmonton was summarily dismis- ped from office. Feb. 3--President Wilson issued an order permitting the shipment of arms cross the Mexican border. Feb, 4--Mrs, Hebert of Montreal was granted leave . to Archbishop bert to have her marriage with the latter declared legal, and the Arch- bishop's decree null and void. i Feb. 5--Bills to abolish capital punishment and honorary 'itles in Were vigorously debated in e House of Commons, that a buge sum ' was fm. - '{in Ireland; 'most of whom returned to --_-- a Fb. B=Tosept Fels, philanthropist snd isingle tax advocate. died Ph phils. i Feb, 23--8ir Edward Grey announe- #4 in the British House of Commons 'that Great Britain would not inter- .fere in Mexican affairs. Feb. 24--The deported South African Tabor leaders arrived at Gravesend, England. ! Feb. 25---A sensation was caused in the Ontario Legislature by the reading of a letter showing that Mr. Gustave Kvanturel had attempted to become' the paid agent of the liquor interests. ; 2--Dr. Douglas Mawson' ant- rctie expedition returned to Adelatde, Australia. . MARCH March 1--Lord Minto dled at Hs wick, Scotland. Hon. C. R. Devlin, Minister of Colonization and Miges in the Quebee administration, died at Aylmer. March 2--Lord Roberts, Rudyard Kipling, Viscount Milner and other prominent persons issued an appeal for signatures to an Ulster covenant of mild character. : March 3--Hon. ¥. D, Monk resigned his seat in the House of Commons, March 4--The Dominion Govern. ment characterized as premature the proposal to establish an old age pean: gion system, March 5--The Home Rule Bill was read a first time in the British House of Commons. March 7--S8ir George W. Ross died at Toronto, March 9--Premier Asquith announe- ed his "six year exclusion" concession to Ulster, Thirty pérsons were death in a St. Louis fire. March 10--A plea was made in the Dominion Parliament for bounties for the iron industries. Gustave Evanture! resigned member of the Ontario Legislature. ~ March 11--Burglars shot and killed Constable Bourdon of Montreal and wounded another policeman. March 13--Captain White, son of the defender of Ladysmith, headed & mob of Dublin unemployed in a street fight with the police. March 15--Heavy earthquakes killed many persons in Japan. Mr, Winston Churchill announged that there would be no further Home Rule concessions. - March 16--Gaston Calmette, editor of Figaro, was shot and killed by Mme. Caillaux. . March 17--Five lives 'were lost in the burning of the Woodbine Hotel, Toronto. te March 18 Hon. Wm. Paterson, for mer Minister of Customs, died at "Picton : burned to Hon. J. 'A. Tessier, Minigter ot" Roads in Quebec, was elected in Three Rivers. Margh 19--Hon. Hewitt Bostock, was chosen as Liberal leader of the! Senate, The Ulster situation became alarm- ingly gfave; Carson and his associates hurried to Belfast. "March 20--British troops were sent | from Dublin to Ulster. March 21--Seventy army officers serving in ireland resigned. March 23--Premier Asquith and Col. Seely explained to the House of Com- mous the misunderstanding which led to the resignations of army officers their regiments. March 24--Hon. G. P. Graham spoké' for many hours in the House of Com- mons criticizing the Gutelius-Lynch- Staunton report on the N.T.R. Col. Seely resigned as Secretary of State for War. March 26--Field Marshal Bir John French ahd Gen. Sir John 8. Ewart resigned from thie Army Council. March 27--A new Army Order was issued by the British Cabinet requir- ing obedience from all ranks. March 30--Premier Asquith an- bounced his intention of assuming the duties of Secretary of State for War | and resigned his seat to face re ' election. March 31--The United States House } of Représentatives passed the bill to repeal the exemption clause in the Panama Canal Act APRIL _ April 2--More than 150 men of the Newfoundland sealing beet perished in a blizzard A : General villa captured Torreon. April 3--Lord Roberts was elected president of the League of British' Covenanters, April 8--Hon. W. T. White delivered: his budget speech, announcing some revisions of the tariff, The Home Rule Bill passed its second reading - With a majority of Righty. : Charges were made in the New Prunswic Legislature that Premier lemming improperly extorted money trom timber limit licensees. April. 8--Premier Asquith was re- turned as member for East Fife with- but opposition. April 12--The Australian Minister bf Defence severely oriticized Win¢ ston Churchill's Imperial naval de- fence speech. pe April 13--General . Maas, Mexican commander at Vera Cruz refused to ote the American, flag. . 15--General Huerta Was warn to Congress. acetylene gas explosion in a hotel at Macoun, Sask. at Vera Crus, four of them heing killed in the fighting. the St. Lawrence River. and ammunition were landed and dis tributed in Ulster Goverument's precautions. be created a Cardinal. up 'Sauth of Sable boat. 'agreed to receive a deputation of suf- «| wiped out by fire. flag | Wo returned to office in Ontario. Fight persons . were killpd by an Major-General W Almonte, Gat April 22--American marines landed H. Cotton died at April 24--Navigation was opened on" April 26--Huge quantities of rifles in spite of the April 26--The Pope announced thict Archbishop Begin of Quebec would The United States and Mexico ac- cepted the oifer of mediation by Argentina, Brazil and Chili. . April 28--The steamer Benjamin Noble was wrecked in Lake Superior with a loss of nineteen licves- April 30--Huerta promised to cease hostilities against the United States pending the outcome of peace nego- tations. . » MAY May 1---New license laws went into effect in Quebec. May 2 The Duke of Argyll died at Cowes, Isle of Wight, May 4--The steamer Columblan was burned south of Cape Race. Part of her crew wag rescued Mr. Lloyd" George budget speech. May 6--Niagara Falls was selected 88 the scene of the -Mexico-Americgn peace conference. May 6=The Honge of Lords threw | out the Woman Suffrage Bill, ' The Anti-Tipping Bill was discussed in the Senate. May 7---The announcement was made that Prince Alexander of Teck delivered liis would succeed the Duke of Connaught | as Governor-General. ood May 8-The Countess of Aberdeen | was re-elected President of fue Inte: national Council of Women. May 10--Mme. Lillian Nordica, the singer, died at Batavia, Java. May 11---Militant suffragettes creat- ed a scene during a performance at the Royal Opera House, London. ee fore King George and Queea Mary and the King and Queen of Denmark May 12--Excittig incidents marked the resumption of the Home Rule de- bate in the British House of Commons May 13--The Canadian Northern aid résolution was bitterly debated in the House of Commons. . May 4-Wm. Wainw right, . senior Vice-President of the G. TR. died at Atlantic City "May A7-Four survivors of the burn- ed steamer Columbian were picked Island, eleven of their comrades: having died in the May 19--The Welsh Disestablish- ment Bill passed its third reading in the, British House of Commons. May 20--The peace conference open- ed at Niagara Falls. A May 21--Militant suffragettes storm: ed Buckingham . Palace and fought fiercely with the 'police May 22--Sir Francis Laking King's physician died at London. The Dominion Government ordered the Vancouver immigration authori ties not to. allow the Hindu passen- gers to land from the steamer Koma gate Maru. May 26--The Home Rule Bill passed | its third reading in the British House of Commons May 28--The C.N.R given its first reading. May 29--The Empress of Ireland was rammed and sunk near Father Point, with a loss of over 1.000 lives. JUNE June 3--The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church met at Wood- stock June 4--Miss Mary Blomfield inter ruptéd the King's court to appeal on behalf of the suffragettes June 8--Senator Coffey died at Lon- don. The Senate threw out the Farmers Bank Bill. June 9---The C.N.R. Aid Bill June 10--The Redistribution' Bill was introduced in the House of Com- mons. June 11--The Coronation Chair was damaged by a suffragette bomb, The United States Senate passed the Panama Canal tolls repeal bill. June 12--The Dominion Parliament was prorogued. June 14-The threatened general rallway strike in Italy w=s abandoned after much disorder. June 16--The Empress of Ireland enquiry was begun, June 18---Yielding, to Sylvia Pank- hurst's persistence, Premier Asquith the Aid Bill was Senate passed. the fragettes. ; June 19--Nearly 200 miners were killed by an explosion at Hillcrest, Alberta. . June 21--Premier R. L. Borden and Messrs. Boucher, Beck, Aitkins and Dr. Roddick were knighted. June 3----Hon. S. H. Blake died at Toronto, The Home Rule amending bill was introduced im the House of Lords. June 26--Balem, Mass, was almost June 28--Archduke Francis Ferdin- and and his wife were assassinated at Sarajevo, Bosnia. "June 29--The Conservative party The clergy and military of Vienna began an agitation for a punitive war on the Servians. June 30--The Mexican Peace Cox ference at Niagara Falls ended. JULY July 1--Austria proclaimed martial in two provinces inhabited July 8-=The Court of Appeal decided that the Hindus oh 'the Komagats Maru could not enter Canada." July 8--The House of Lords adopted the total exclusion amendment to the | Home. Rulé Bill: July 9--Dufferin Terrace at Quebec was seriously damaged by' fire. Iton. H.R. Emmerson died at. Dor chester, N. B. July 10-7The Conservative Govern- ment in Manitoba was returned to poter, July 11=Tie Empress of Ireland In- quiry Commission presented its re- port, placing the blame upon the Storstadt. + July 14--The Home Rulé amending bill passed its third reading in the House of Lords. ' July 16--General Huerta resigned a8 provisional President of Mexico. The House of Lords rejected the Plural Voting Bill July 16--The town of Hearst, On- tdrio, was 'destroyed by.a forest fire. A plague of army worms appeared in' Ontario. July 17--Hueria fled from Mexico City. July 19--The Hindus of the steamer Komogata Maru battled fiercely with the police of Vancotiver. King George' called a conference of all party leaders on the Home Rule question, 3 July 20--King George great fleet 260 at Porismouth, Mme. Crillaux was placed on trial at Paris 3 July 22--The Home Rule conference over the exclusion of Ulster reached & compiete deadlock. July 23. -The Bank of Nova Scotia absorbed the Metropolitan Bank. Cavalry charged a2 mob in St. John during a street car strike riot. reviewed war a of vessels over Ee ------ pay a forty-million doliur war tax. The bombardment of Namur was begun. . ; . The Dominion Parliament voted the $50,000,000 asked by the Governmen for war expenses. ahi, Aug. 22--The battle of Mons started. Aug. 23 --Japan declared wear on Gérmany, Aug. 24--The British and French started to retire from Mons. Au. 26 Austria declared war on Japan. - : Aug. 26--Togoland, a German Afri can possession, surrendered to the British. Aug. 27--The well into France. Aug. 28-- Admiral Beatty's fleet sank four German war vessels in Heligoland Bight. | i : 'Aug. 30--A German aviator bombs on Paris. 5 Aug. 31--An Austrian army was de- cisively defeated by the Russians at mose. Merce fighting ley of the Meuse. SEPTEMBER Germans- advanced oocurred in the Val Xe y Sept. 2--The Montenegrins defeated |' the Austrians at Bilek, Bosnia: Sept. 3--The French seat of govern: ment was transferred to Bordeayx. Cardinal Dele Chiesa was elected Pope. | Septy 4--The German advance fn France fecieved a severe check. { Sept. 5--The, Germans started "to retire, huge armies gathering along the Marne for battle, : L The British cruiser "Pathfinder was punk. : : Sept. 7--The allies successfully Jaa the German advance foward 'aris. Sept. 9--Announcement was madedn The Komagata Maru left Vancouver with her Hindu passengers, July 24 Austria served an ultima- tut on Servia demanding immediate | satisfaction for the murder of Arch. | duke Francis Ferdinand and his wife. ' July 28--The King's Own Seottish Borderers fired on a Dublin mob, kil ing four persons Austria and Servia' broke off diplo-! matic relations July 27--Tie Kaiser returned to Berlin fron holiday and conferred with his mw sters: Sir Kdtvard Gray tried to arrange a settlement of the Austro-Servian dispute. July 28---Austria declared Servia. : Germany declined to consider Sir. Edward Grey's peace plans, Russia prepared to mobilize hep army and the other European powers took precautionary steps. Mme. Cailfiux was 'acquitted Paris. f July 20---Beigrade was bombarded by Austrian warships. | Russia decided to support Servia and ordered mobilization. July 30--Belgrade was occu the "Austrians. Britain prepared her army and navy for eventualities, stopping. ail leave. Canada's Military Council drew up tentative plans for mebilization. July 31--The German fleet was warned off the Danish coast. French troops manceuvred close to the Ger- man frontier. AUGUST Aug. 2--Germany declared war on Russia and iuvaded Belgium and Luxemburg. Aug. 3-Britain presented an aulti- matum to Germany demanding her withdrawal from Belgian territory. Sir Edward Grey announced that! Britain would defend the coast of France against 'German warships. King Albert appealed to King George to safeguard the integrity of | Belgium. } Aug. 4-- Britain ° declared Germany. | Aug. 5--Liege was attacked by the! Germans who were beaten back with! heavy losses. Earl Kitchener Secretary. Ps The British cruiser Amphion destroyed by a mine with a los 130 lives. 'The mine-layer Luise was sunk. | Aug. 6--H M.S. Bristol and the German cruiser Karlsruhe had a run ning fight ou.the Atlantic. { The Imperial Government accepted | Canada's offer of troops for service abroad. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson "died. Aug. 7--Many Indian rajahs Offered their entire resources to the Crown. | Aug. 8-The lirst British troops landed in France, Canada's offer of a million flour was accepted. 3 | Aug. 9-The Britigh fleet had a brush with German submarines Sink ing one of them, | Aug. 10--The Germans occupied the! town of Liege. | France declared war on Austria. | Aug. -12--Fighting began on French soil. The French evacuated Mul. | bausen. i Britain declared war on Austria. | Aug. 13---The Germans reached Louvain after heavy Aghting. | Aug. 14---The Germans suffered ter | ribly in attacks on the Liege forts. Aug. 16--Japan served an uitimatum 'on Germany to withdraw from the Orient. = A French army checked the Ger mans at Disant ; Aug. 17--~The Belgian capital was: moved to Antwerp. { 'The Belgians and French engaged, the Genmuans iu = great battle neat Waterloo. g | Aug. 18--The Dominion Parliament met for a special session! An' order was | Oy » § war on at' pied by y war on i i Was appointed War w a s of Koenigin Jags of | Semin, | ACTrOsS the the German land forces nesr 'the Bel | gtan coast / ; the House of Commons that Indian troops were on their way to France. , General Ruszky's Russian - army erushingly defeated. the Austrians at Rawa. Sept. 10--Premier: Botha afinounced that South Africa would give its whole- hearted support to, Britain Sept. 11--The 'Servians captured Sept. "3 The British and French hotly pi irsued the retreating Germans. Word reached Ottawa that eight of explorer Stefannson's party were dead or missing Sept 14--The "Germans retreated River Aisne and the great Battie of the Aisne commenecd. Sept. 15- The operation of the Home Rule and Welsh Disestabliahment Bills was suspended for one year, Sept. 17--<The" British training ship Fisgard 11. foundered with a joss of 21 lives. The Russians won victories in East Prussia over the Germans and Aus- trians Sept. 18-The, Germans' Termonde Sept. 20---The famous cathedral at Rheims was destroyed v'the Germans. Sept. 21--General Beyyre résigned destroyed as Commandant-Generalydf the South African forces. Sept. 22- The British, eruisers Aboukir, Cressy and Hogue 'were sunk. Aviator Collet dropped bombs on a ierman hangar at Dusseldorf. Sept. 28--The General 'Conference of the Methodist Church metiat Ottawa. Sept. 23--Sir James Witsitney | died at Toronto, A Sept. 26-- The Russianssdrove hack the Austrians near Przemyel, Galicia. Sept. 28-- Fierce frontal attacks on the Allies' position were repulsed. Sept. 29-- The Germmus jopened fire the Antwerp forts. OCTOBER ' vq Oct. 1--The Ontario-Cablnetiwas wre- organized with Hon. W. #. Jdlemnst as Premier. = Oct. 3--The Allies: extended their left wing to winthin -30 dies ofthe Belgian border, Oct. 5--Two Russian garmies§in- vaded East Prussia Oct. 6--The Canadian®Government' decided to raise a wecond HLarce of 22.000 men. Oct. 7--The seat of the!Bsigian government was moved SLromjdntwerp to Ostend. Oct. 8--Antwerp was poccuptied Jby the Germans. Oct. Col, J. H, Burland, fiead tof the Canadian Red Cross, dlediin Eng land Oct. 10-King Charlesof Roumania died. The Germans Ostend. Oct. 11--Twenty, German bombs were dropped on aris, killing¢four persons. Cardinal Ferraftta, Papal sSeoretary, ed at Rome. Oct. 12--Ti% Germans began a gigantic offensive movementralong 300 miles of 'battle fromt in Fwance and Belgium. Y Oct. 13--A Boer #commando under Col. 'Maritz rose lion, Thousands of an refugees landed in Englana. ey The Belgian capital: wasimowed to Havre, France. OA. 14--TheMrst gent arrived wt Oct. 1 8 was sunk by a Oct. 16--Marqy Italy's Foreign M| Oct. 18--Boitish' war vessels sank four German destroyers olf the Duteh coast. Oct. 19--The Britishj fleet shelled ( ' advanced i agalost di outh. ° ish cruiser Hawk di San, } Dr. Charles A. tis was ap- pointed Canadian Cross Commis sioner to Britain. / Oct. 20--Hon. Mewrs. Casgraln and Bloudin were 'SW¢rn in as Cabinet dropped || (left Salisbury Camp for France. tained & foothold "across the Yier River after desperate fighting Col. Maritz's rebel Boer force was ' Befeated in Bech h ' Oct. 27--Cenerals De Wet and | Beyers placed themselves at the dead of rebel Boer commandoes. Oct. 28--General Botha defeated Beyers' commando. Oct. 20--Prince Louis of Battes®frg resigned as First Sea Lord. Turkish warships bombarded several Russian ports. Oct. 30--Baron Fisher succeeded to the post of First Sea Lord. Great Britain and Turkey discon- tinued relations. The hospital - ship Rohilla was wrecked off the Yorkshire coast. Oct. 81--Hon. P. 8. G. MacKenzie, Provincia] f'réasurer of Quebec, died. 'NOVEMBER jsiNov. 1--The cruisers Monmouth and Good Hope were sunk in battle with # German fleet off the coast of Chili. Nov, 2--Martial law prociainred in Nov. 3--British warships bombard- bd Turkish forts in the Dardanelles. Nov. 8--The German cruiser Yorke | was sunk in Jahde Bay. Nov. 6--Tsing Tau surrendered to the Japanese. Nov. 7--The "Austrians suffered a | mevere defeat at the hands of the! Russians in Galicia, ! Nov, ~The first Canadian hospital | unit {eft Salisbury for France. Nov. 10--The official statement was made that Carl Hans Lody had been shot in the Tower of London as a spy. The Admiralty announced the de struction of the "German cruiser Em- den and the bottling up of the Koenigs- berg Nov. 11--The London Scottish bri gade distinguished itself 'in the fight- ing' around Ypres. Nov. 13--The Prussian Guard, the flower of the Kaiser's army, was soundly thrashed by the -British near Ypres. General Botha's decisive defeat of De Wet was announced. Nov. 14--Lord Roberts died in France. Hon. Wm. Templeman died at Vancouver ¥ The German attempt to reactyCalals was frustrated. Nov. 16--The Princess Patriciallight Infantry Regiment left Salisbury for Winchester. Nov. 17D. R. Wilkie, yPresident tof" the Imperial Bank, died at Toronte. Mr. Lloyd George amnounced his proposals for additionalytaxes on tea, beer and Incomes. Nov. 19---The New Brunswick graft" commission made its report. Announcement was 'made: of Mr. George Bury's appointmpant as general manager of the C.P.R.|in succession to Mr. D. McNicol, Nov. 20---The Khedive yf Hgypt re- volted against British comtrol Nov. 21--British aviators dropped bombs on the Zeppelin; sheds: at Friederichshaven \ Nov. 22 Fifteen Canadian dottors Nov. 23--A German siubmarihe 'was rammed and sunk off the coast of Scotland United Vera Cruz, Nov. 24 Terrific fighting ' occurred between Ypres and La Bissee Portugal declared itself jon theeside of the Allies "Nov. 27--The warship|: Audacious was reported being repaired'at Balfast. Nov. 30-~King George wen ito Rmance to visit the troops. DECEMBER Dec. 1--General Joffre frormaizy \an- nounced the annexation fof a seatipn of Alsace. Dec. 2--General De Wet was Soap States trogps . evacuated Bgypt. | | SWEET CIDER ~ 30c per Gallon toast Sead Ostes, | 60cper Quart aS OUPER. Phone 76. 241-3 Princess St. A » A A A AAA At J. COUSINS EB -- FURRIER 221 Princess Stree\ : scpairing and: Remodeling + & Bpecialty ; § Prices Moderate nish anger) Perlect, beans soft but wot mw I. Ir Hen" CleakC,' scla every Officers N TRY ASH 76 Brock St., Kingston For khaki uniforms, great- goats, caps, putties, swords, belts, whistles and whistle sords, rank badges, buttons, ste. Nothing toe large for us io supply; nothing too small to 1eccive vur prompt atten- tion hfe Repairing and alterations carefully attended to. We can save you money and we guarantee to please on. : "J. M. ASHBY, Lieut. 47th Regt. tured at Waterburg. . Austrian troops océupied {Behgrade. Dec. 3-~Premier Flemmingaresigned the Premiership of New Brumswick Dec. 4-The Russians claimeyd .a big victory at Lods. t Dec. 6--Sir Edmund Oslertsesigned from the Toronte University Wosrdl of Governors as a protest" agalinst the non-dismissal of German proflesson. Dec. 7--The Germans were Teportad defeated in Poland by the Riassiana Dec. 8---General Beyers, the Bodw rebel, was reported drowned in all attempt to escape. Dec. 9--The German cruisers Scharm horst. Gneisenau and Leipzig : were} defeated and sunk by a British squad- rou in the South Atlantic off the Falk- land Islands. Kaiser Wilhelm was reported very HL British Indian troops won a victory over the Turks at Kurna. Dec. 10----The British Admiralty gave out the casualties in the South Atlantic. fight as seven killed. Dec. 13--A report from Petrograd claimed Austria to be suing for peace. Dec. 14--The . Servians recaptured Belgrade. : fi Many - Canadian officers enlisted with Kitchener's territorial - army to reach the front earlier. Dec. 15---The Austrians admitted a severe defeat in Servia. | The German cruiser Comorant was interned by the Americans in Guam. Dec. 16--A German cruiser squadron shelled the towns of Scarborough, Whitby ind on the Eng- lish east coast. Over 125 persona were. Killed, Senator Jaffray died in Toronto. 4 Dec. 17--Great Britain declared = protectorate over Egypt sud deposed Khedive Abbas Hilmi. K sein Kemal as Sultan of : Dec. 20--The Princess adian x »'I'he. neate st, speediest t#nd most diyrable of all + wskates are \ Automobile "kates. iY "ow T hey are used by ear ail amateur and profes +3 onal" champion hockey te ams--and théy wouldn't us 'e them unlessithey were il ie best. Ww ike sow fox "our alias - Wi sar ka review ; h¢ ckey played in Sanaa tn, ; te had free for the tiem this paper, and a " WEST TORONTO, ONTARIO at RE Ska'eS Aes £

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