Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Dec 1914, p. 12

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EGEMBER 2), 1 GEN. BOTHA A GENTLEMAN, Stories Which Reveal Character ; the Premic-, Yi "Let us fight like men," sald Gen: era) Louis Botha to some who couun- selled tactics 'of a particularly savas ga character during the Boer war when be was fighting the British: "but da nothing retengzeful or mean" And there we have tne keynote of the character of the man who fought, lost, and has since done everything he could to heal up the old wounds and restore prozperity 10 South -Afri- ca. . A favorite story concerning Botha is that relating to a meeting be- tween himself and Lord Kitchener. Just before the finish of the Boer war, when they discursed the possi- bilities of peace, ther» were several TORONTO vise semen unos x the ents ip pd NGS TO one of these discussions Botha got up y and remarked: | "Wey, I am afraid I really must be off." "There is no hurry," Kitchener answered pleas- antly, "you have not a irain to cateh yoy know." "That is just what 1 have," was Botha's reply. , Next morning the chief of staff reported a successful Boer raid on a British armored train on (he Delagoa line only a few miles off. Botha had caught that train. . x At home General Botha lives a quiet life,-happy in tae society of his wife and children, but in actien he is the live, vigorous, heid-hitting figh- ter, Perhaps the best pen-picture of Botha in the field is that of Dr. Arthur Lynch, M.P., who command-| ed the Irish Brigade in. the Boer forces, was sentence! to death for high treason, pardoned, and then re- leased "lI remember," he gays, "one inei- | dent at Viéveenigiug. Evegyihing was | going wrong fer the Boers. Botha h for Montreal and Toronto, Jnove Was quite 'as serious us the oné four years earlier and both countries were thoroughly aroused. . There was 4 fight near Pigeon Hill after. whieh the Fenians became de- moralized. They could not keep themselves supplied with food and ammunition, "partly threugh laek of management and partly because of the action of the United States gov- ernment following a proclamation by President U. 8. Grant warning eiti- zens of the republic against aiding the raiders and ordering the 'Ameri- "an authorities tg stop the Fenians' "unlawful proceedings." As soon (x the Canadians hegan to gather in i{Irce the Fenians fled g Canadian front'wr was | Over the border and this was the last from St. Albans, Vt.. on June | of the raids ie 1866. There was a short battie.| the Fenians, 'after a tempira.y success, were forced lack into Ver. mont, Again.on May 26, 1875 the Fenians invaded Canadd from: ig, A : The Fenian campaizr was clabor- ately and skilfully arranged There ; tens of thousands of Irishuuen in United States ready to take arms and march boldly into Can- , mot, they explained, for any sinister designs on the Canadians «i but to strike the first solid blow for the liberation of the Emerald sia. Canada was worrled. England was Rumors of & German invasion of by way of the United States the Fentan raids of nearly a century ago, 1860 and 1870, and enforcement by the United Stqtss at at time of the neutrality nw. Erie was captured on June 1, 1866, after a short cad pictures ue But pot very desperate battle. The Fenian uieily relinquished it and 1 rh the Niagara Ris to "JHE business man who has customers in various find the services of this bank of wvaluable assistance in collect ing drafts, etc. N BRANCH, ny ------ Has Sold His Farm. Emerald, Dee. 26--The recent snowstorm has put th. roads in good condition for . sleighing. | The ice bridge has formed be ween the main land and the island. Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Wemps and two chiidren, Hilda and Wallace Viking, Sask., are spending a few weeks with friends here. The pupils oi schools No. i; of Stella and No, 4 of Emerald held & union concert, in*¥ictoria Hall oul Monday last. Mrs, Frank Henderson, is visiting her mother in Oregon, Ont. * Bdward Abrams is 'renewing acquaintances. Mr and Mrs. John McMullin, Stella,' : spent Christmas with James Gibeon., Frederick Me- Kee has purchased a handsome new top outer. amuel Reid has sold his farm to Royal Wemps for a neat sum. Mrs, John Beggs has return-!, ed home from Toronto. W. Filson | has been sawing wood In this vieinity, ---- FINANCIAL MATTERS: A Change in Ownership of Carleton Place Mills. Carleton Place, Ont., Dec, 28--The Hawthorn Mill here, formerly owned and operated by the Canada Woallen company, Ltd: has been taken over by C. W. Bates," presiient of Messrs. Bates 'and Innes, Limited, of "this 'town, and is operating to full capac- ity on government orders. of blankets for the French goveinment. The other two wills operated by Bates apd Innes Were are also running to capacity on blankets and wnderwear orders for the government. Zhar'slce Cream Parlor Choice Candies of all kinds in brik or fancy boxes. Also serve all kinds of hot drinks. Seasonable Fruits. one 1128, 880 Princess Ht. | i a _ Fenians streamed toward the bos- der from a score of .merican cities and a hundred villages. Guus acd supplies were shipped to the Lound- ary. Soldiers who had served through the civil wa" stood ready to, lead. Thousands of privates witli. the smoke of Chanceiiursville, Antie- tam, and Gettysburg U1 clinging to ee Ee rs. SOWARDS Montreal, Dec. 28--The liquidator in charge of the insolvent concern * bugle call, Wealthy 1i.shmen thelr frayed uniforms awaited the in the great éitles of the limited Srates -- RING GRORGE HAS PRIVATE. WAR NEWS, was almost the last to leave the field. lLeame to liim for orders and found him seated on a litile bex before a of Seroggie"s Limited, has received an offer from Mrs. E. 8. Almy and Henry Wolf of Salem, Mass., to buy Keep Coal larger deal case, and there eating a dish of Irish stew. Our defences were all abandoned; st apy moment 4 troop of Lancers might have dash- ed over the bridge; n large conting gent of the advanced guard did enter soon afterwards. But Botha was entirely unruffled. te finished his Irish stew in his usua] solid, serious, healthy style, and tnap, reaching in- to his covered van, he brought out two bottles of whiskey and, explain- ing laughingly that taese were all he had left, offered me one Neither Botha nor myself was a drinking 'man; but I took that Haftle li & be- out the business on a basis of 35 cents on the dollar, based on the ac- tual cost price of the £500,000 worth of stock at present Lguring amongst the assels of the lquadation opened their purses for the cansn; y Fort Evie Cajtured. After hundreds of mass meetings had been held in 1868 in New York, Philadelphia, Boston, St. Louis, and smaller cities ang the railroads run- ning toward the borde: had for weeks been filled with mysterious persons who seemed to have no particular , there wae a bold march on Canada, dcross the Nisgara' River at Buffalo.. Fort Erle was taken. This was in June, 1866. It was a village ' about two hundred inhabitants. There were two fights, in which the 3 lans were vigtoriods. There were about fifty persons injiired altogether and about a dozen. fatalities. Then Fenians had to retreat S-- Gets at Once Confidential Despatches of War Office and Admiralty. When King George visited a mili. tary hospital on a. ricent occasign the wounded with whem he chatted were astonished at his majesty's ex- tensive and acéurate knowledge of the officers under whom they had served, and also the information he possessed of the. movements of the troops on the continen:. As a mat- ter of fact, King George and Lord Kitchener undoubtedly knew more concerning the activities of the Bri- tish troops than any men in England Sir John French's private despatches to Lord Kitchener. sre shared by King George. * Almost every day the newspapers report that the secre- tary of state for war has visited the king, and it is during these consul- tations that the vitai facts concern- ing our troops aré laid before his majesty, Of course, not the slightest rumor of what has oecctirred at thede meet- ings ever leaks out. © Directly the king has left his private apartments a secretary enters and destroys the conten:s of the wastepaper basket or ony old scrap eof Japer which might afford a clue as to, what took place during the interview. These precau- tions are taken befor> any servant is allowed to enter the room'. Im- NEXT? Es A cosa a RIGHTS OF NEUTRALS, | DRIVEN 7 DESPERATION, . and Coal "Keeps SOWARDS Bulk Oysters, Finnan Haddies Kippered Herings Dominion Fish Co. PFHONN s3o LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) tables traders throughout the WorM Proposition Comes From Venezuela, Home of Unstable Government. Washington, Dee. 29.--Venezuela has Pa formally proposed to all the neutral | ou governments of Europe and Asia, German wel' as tha. {wo Americas, that a con- {iho fereiicey be held in Washington to re ground lost. "Thats" says vise or 'supplement the rules of inter | Lieut -Col. Rousset, in the 'Liberte, national law respecting the rights of | heir indisputable right, hut neutrals, in the present war. Viint is both igmoble and indefend- The plan ppovides that the govern 8 the sore of reprisals whic. ing hoard of the Pan-American Union, brutes from _heyond the Rho consisting of the diplomatic represen vercising in the form of ai. tatives of all the American republics, upon a evil pepulation »w should 'draft a programme for the con of air raids. Yesterday a! ference or congress, and that the rules lin dropped fourteen bombs on | finally agreed upon by all the™neutrals and killed two innocent eciti- should 'in turn 'be submitted to (he It is manifest of umanity he'ligerents, and civilization. We will bear this when the Lows of jusiice Savases Intend to Flout Every Law of Humanity, Dec. 28.--Rendéred furl- continuous reverses, the are making violent efforts, 2h vainly, to recapture some of Dividend Reduced. Toronto, Dec. 26--The directors of Dominion Park company have declar- ed a one per cent. dividend for the quarter, payable January © 2nd to shareholders of record December 21, The shares have besa on a six per cent. basis since 191! The cut to 3 four per cent. per annum was no nediction. \ ; doubt due to the decrease of $34,642 ---------------- \_ Hin the earnings for the year ended Financing The Dominions. | October 31 Toronto World } In & treasury minute issued recent- | To Honor Committee Of Five. ly, Mr. Lloyd George explained. the Lr | arrangements made with the govern- | New ¥ ork, Dec. 28--Members of ment of certain of the imperial do-| Stock Exchange are discussing plang minions with the object of avoiding | for. lonoring the 'special committee I I hope then no one can the disadvantages attanding the in- | Of, five for its work in taking charge Le fonnd to' talk of noderation or dividual flotation. of loans required | © ' affairs during period of suspen- for guch bandifs. to meet the necessary and heavy war | Sion. is having a fairly busy © time just 'feantime the wpitary onera- expenditure, So far as they could | now. - Some time ago he arrived 'at | tints Sons Francé and Poland are de- | nen ha estimated the amounts re-| Denies Nickel Reports, a public banquet. rater late, and as veloping favorably for the allies. 1 quired were for Canada $60,000,000, | - : he slipped into his place at the table: Noic particularly the failure of fhe Australia $80,000,000, New Zealand | Montreal, Dec. 28--Ambrose Mon- next to a well.knowr humorist he -atiacks on our mositions at! $26,250,600 and Sou. Afrfea $35.-1 01h president of the Internationdl remarked by way of - apology. "I've ies. Their pitiful coljapse will | 360000" Nickel Co., denies recent reports as been so busy to-day. I'm sure I, not contribute to instal courage in- | The propesal is that theisums re-| ©, # controlling European influence don't know how I munaged to get | fo the troops which invariably are | quired by the dominion governments | ®XifUnE in its affairs, and afirms, in here at all." A tew .ninutes later | ised at every point. effect, that a close censorship on as thelr me Zenpe Nar " hecause of of reinforcements. 'The United States authorities had held up all persons trying to cross the river. They had put an embargo on all shipments' of supplies. The Fenians were g encompassed by Canadian soldiers from Toronto and were menaced by "American seol- diers in the rear, who stood 'waiting arrest them if they went back and 0 stop the passage of any reinforce. ments. - Tuitial sutcess markéd the advance of a Fenian force across the Vermont border from St. Albans, also in June, 1866. But again the inability of the zen ---------- wind Taking Care Of Him. | A good story is tole of Mr. Bir | reli, the secretary for :peland He! Il ra invaders to get supplies or reinforce- ments undid. their bec. efforts, and portant mflitary George keeps. locked in his safe and desk, of which there defatehes King are but single when the humorist rose to make aj speech, he began. "Mr. Birrell | has' ---- { | from time to time should he advanced out of the proceeds of thd genera! war loans made by the imperial au- nickle shipmenis originating in Can- ada znd the United States has been "0 communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS regi Jana . in force since the war started. De ouitt Irom Canada, _- keys, which his majesty carries with in force sin Ar him. Shouting fad ee fa border, and » It.was a wounded soldier who said skirmich. They had good generals soldiers in that "King George carried the army . list in his head," bui the enthusias any seasoned... a : x ts them and, ny 0 Cana. | tt TFomniy" in question would prob- some of us will see the he gots home |: Hy 'drove them back and | Abl¥ be more surpriséd if he knew safely." IS WI Sec tha" he gets home Sa sanity 4 in. mued disorded. the full extent of his n.ajesty's know- | *21¢."" | pH they Tetrea i' : : ledge of military ard naval affairs. Sw-- During his many years in the navy The Second Raid. y the king had ample opportunity of there and along the Niagara | studying British ana foreign coast tier the leaders were arrested. A [ defences, He knows every weak and (Wete dealt with summarily, but|strong spot on the North Sea and great majority of prisoners were! Channel coast, and of" recent years faken by the United States govern-|he las especially concerned himself ment and were released after the ex- | with the growth of English coast de- citement had abated. fences. King George has also ob Again in 1879 there was a concerts | tained extensive practical knowledge and formidable move to imvade | of naval tactics by i2king an active by way of St. Albans. More part in all the big naval reviews. han 5,000 Fenians gaihered at Pots- {ee -------- 3 : o SOUTH AFRICAN MINES. Deafuéss Cannot Be Cured. local applications, as they cannot the diseased portion of the oar. 1 A amy sue Way to cure deafness, that y constitutional remedies. 3 is caused by an irdamed con- 3 [Uogus Nning of the eus- kd "When this be is ave a rum! Ning soun ot bearing, mond when it iy en- f0%ed, ness is the result, un the inflammation can be tuk- on out and 8 tube restored to is Mormal condition, hearing will be des. fe Caused. by 'Catarrh. watch is hols" y a IC 8 noth- but ad inflamed condition of the cous surfaces, 9 We will give One Hundred Dollars for fness (caused by ca- any case of Dea rh) that San or be Sursd by Hall's Xs or cire y y LF. J CHENEY & CO, Toledo 0 ). Toledo, O. ok, By, Drageine, fic Sleds, O é Hall's: 1y Pils for constipa. on. 3 S-- Ean SAY, PAL, LISTEN! T Doce LONG Wn MERR. Twas BY BRIENYS. Just said he does not know how he got here. Well, he hasn't had any- thing"---he 'leaned over and looked Shij~ anxiously into Mr. Birrel's wine . glasses "Rad 3 more since .he ! came, and anyway, I'n sure, that VIRST TIME IN HISTORY Attagkead Bimultaneously "rom Above and Beneath. tdon, Dé. 29.~--The Daily vs "For the first time in shifs. were attacked simul- from the air ahove and | ~ béneath. The. attacks from General Joffre once told-a good- |. °c "If Ubon ships and the employ- humored. story of a party of four Bri-17 "OF airships amongwother craft tisly tourists "who wniered a Paris | [OT tus purpose. extremely interest- restaurant one evening and announc- | i EES. » bother aircraft fan QGASABAL they WRuted Timor { mau : to hit hoving ships, and if ¥Andiwe don't wart tre of vour) , with what résult, are questions §FORS, OE SabaT. or Frat one of | Ucl dt is really interesting to us them toll the waiter, severely. "We'll | 5 oral power to get around. The stagt with =oup 20ME SOrt of plain | Pyelins apparently failed alto a | gether The aeroplanes, on the oth- "Certdinly, sir," replied the wait- | 1 hdugh They 31 "Bot hit, er,?and 'next minute the four Bri. a wom = hear Sup ships. The tons heard him 'shout down the. Foner selves. admit. that Dur papking tube 1p the kitchen: Cat | Credlanes hit their armored ships. SOUpT . "Our air raid geems to have heen Without a 'word tis tourists s bold and very successful en- ed 'their, hats and bo'(ed It tle an eo i Sharaetens- not umtil some' fime later that ; oro | 12 bombardment ot te Giscgvered' that in = "rench gH const. 5 ' Soups' -- "guatres .otpes' tarning - Post says: The ROUNEAT Air oat oF eis 8 ry will Jearn with (pride and a. 2H) re of the air raid on Cux- . whieh reveals the spirit (oat ites the navy." thorities--that is out of loaps raiced otherwise than by shor: term securi- ties, such as treasury bille. These | advances are for the specific objects of providing funds to meet the naval and military expenditures apd other charges directly due to the grisis in- curred by the dominiens, but are not intended for the financing of develop- ment services, The sums advanced are to be ap- plied primarily to meet the obliga- tions of the dominions in the United Kingdom in respect of debt services and purchases in the British market, 3.4 in very exceptional circum- 8 € such, for example as the case of operations carried on by the dominion itself, as is now occurring in South Africa -- no part of the advances is to be used for cash' re- mittances {rom the United Kingdom. The arrangement will, however, set free corresponding sums in the dominions for lecal war expenditure. Interest will be charged at the same rate as is paid by the imperial gov- ernment, and the pripeipal will be L of publ jesues of securities to ve made at such times as may be agreed upon by the chancellor or of the gxchequer and the dominion governments concern- ed. Arrangements have also. been made with the Bank of England for temperary advances in anticipation of the general loan. n each class of goods. Besides being -- L completes commedclal gulde to London Off Co., In Trounle, | and its subuchs the Directory contains ' { Use of ® Culzary, Alta, Dec. 28---A creditor | has entered application for the wind- ing up of the Union Oil company, vulleging the company 1s insolvent EXPORT MERCHANTS Jones they ship, and the Co- Forelgn Markets they aup- with the tonial an rausly ply; water STEAMSHIP LINES Arranged under the Ports to which they sall, and indicating the approximate sailings; PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES if leaning Manufacturers; Merchants, sic, In the principal provincial towns ind Indastrial centres of the United Kingdom, A Sopr ot the Sarrent edition in be lorwarded freight paid, on receipt of Postal Order for $8. Jofire's Soup Story, Commercial Notes, Jerome P. Travers, of amateur golf. fame, has applied for membe gulp in the New York Cotton Ex- change, Bourd of Tradé an" Chhmber of Commerce estimates, gathered in more than twenty of the largest Am- erican cities, indicate tifat "war or- ders' so far placed in the United States aggregate $509 000,000, The state of Wisconsin has awth- orized an increase of $21,000,000 in the capitat'stock of "Soo" railway, which is controlled hy €. P. R. This increase had already been ratified by "Soo" shareholders, Bg i The United States Steel Corpora- a il : tion is receiving new -teel business at the rate of about 20,000 tons a day. This is an inesrease over the recent rate of about 15,000 tons a day. For the purpose of electing a pre- sident of the Canadian Bankers' As- sociation a special gederal meeting | will be held in the Bank of Montreal | Montreal, on January 10th. 1 At a meeting of the hoard of dir | ectors of the Canadas General' Elec- tric company Hon. J. "S.' Hendrie, | | ' \ and, Dealers seeking Agoncles can adver- dse their trade cards for 88 or larger sdvertisements from $18. Recent Rebellion Checked the THE LONDON DIRECTORY oo LTo., 2% Abecbnreh Lane, Landon " eruiting Of Native Labor, London, Dec. 20.--Hew the Johan- nesburg gold industry has been af fected hy both the external and inter nal troubles this vear ig indicated by the announcement" that' thes Randion. loin estates and the Randjontein Cen. ; tral companies have decided to pass ¢ their dividends this year in order to conserve their finanees. It is stated that the gecent rebellion on the re- cruiting of native lahor, without which the mines could not operate to their full capacity, To Re. | SPECIAL DELIVERY XMAS DAY | FANCY BOX SHOCLATRS Ice Cream Call or Phone 980 MARBLE HALL GEORGE MASOUD, Prop. 8 Ssoug Sew is like in- or Helping Father. | A prepcher, raising his eves from his desk: in the midst of his sermon, | was paralyzed with amazement to! rv, See ni fide Joy In the Faller pelt: lady -viitor over the ship. In thank- i $ ¢ POWs Withline him she said' horse divestnuts. . But while thel ged that > the rules of vour 800d nial was preparing a frown of ship tips are forbidden" y reproaf, the young hopeful eried out: | ot' bless yer 'eart, ma'am," re- "wy g i yo. 1 rl x 1 . You tend to your preaching, daddy; | plied Jack, "so 'were 'the spples im eep 'em awake. the Garden of Eden." So Were The Apples. sailor had been showing ihe Camel's flesh tastes like beei, though it is white like veal. The heat of the: camel's thump ia regarded a delicacy by the Arabs. Siam last year imported $508,063 worth of drugs, a i leutenant-governor of Ontario, was elected a director to {iil the vacancy created by the death of the late Sena- tor Jaffray. Hamilton, Mass, Church has! celebrated dredth birthday. Congregational its two hun. 1 | i | Little Fellow Also Knows So . Some Law And Proves It {wine I Go Ger re WELL RATHER ! OH, JOY AT Lag Tan Racw ¢ ON, BLISS! rr [INIT T6 TREAT Jig TREE Over i THERE, WELL, T BuRiGD® Two seer THE GROUND OF TNA TREE. SoS 7 AND ™L Gwe Taney NW HE MAD & 50009 (MID UNDER 4 mee NUM?

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