WHEN IN ~ . Kingston Stay At The WINDSOR HOTEL ; AMERICAN PLAN Large, Airy Rooms STEAM HEAT AND . ELECTRIC LIGHT | The best yard accommoda- tion in the city First-class Cafe in connec. tion Frank McCue, Prop. PARA Rr it i MB sg OPPOSITE THE GRAND TRUNK STATION Sn This hotel has been refur- nished from top to bottom and is modern in every de -- SPECIAL RATES BY THE WEEK ---- Bar stocked with choice lig: uors, cigars, etc. M. J. LAWLESS Proprietor. Revere Hotel King and Queen Sts. American Plan Large, Well-heated Rooms SPECIAL RATES RY THE MONTH Good Yard smd Stable Ace commodation. Bar stocked with first-class Wines and Liquors. LOUIS MARTIN i= Prince George Hotel -- ------ ML AULT, Prop. J. M. THERI ILS, Prop. ings; close to busi - . Stl seston this Roateley =n supp MERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. » Lui hent accom: | TORTURED BY CONSTIPATION "Fraltt-{ies" Cured Paral 26d Bowels and Digestion 57, DONIFACR DE SHAWINIGAN, QUE. Feb. 37d. 1914. "It is 4 pleasure to me to inform you that alter suffering - from Chronic Cousiipation for 24 years, | have been ented CLy "Froita-tives". While | was a student at Berthier College, 1 became so ill 1 was forced to leave the the college Severe pains across the intestines continnally tortured me and «it came to a point when I could not stoop down at-all, and my Pigestion berame-paralyzed. Some one advised ane to take * Frnit-a-tyes" and af once I felt i great improvement." After | had taken four or five boxes, I realized that I was completely cured and what made me glad, also, was that they were acting gently, causing no pain whatever tothe bowels, All those who suffer with Chronic Constipation shonld follow ily example and take Fruit-a-tives" for they are the medicine that cures", MAGLOIRE PAQUIN "Fruit-a-tives' are sold by all dealers at soc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. or sent postpaid on rece'pt of price by Fruit-a-tives Liwited, Ottawa. Kingston Cem- ent Products We Make OEMENT BLOCKS, SILLS, LIN: TELS, PIER BLOCKS, BRICK, VASES, and everything in cement. Veran. "Jah wark a spe laity. OFFICE 177 WELLINGTON ST. Wonka, Cor. Charles snd Patrick Sts medicine. Bold in three des fites of strength=~No. 1, $1; No. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per boy, Sold by all druggists, or sent on sceipt of i pamphlet. A 881 Re va A Wonderful Success The great success of Dr. Hick. €¥'s Speedy cure for coughs is due solely to the medicine itself. It in selling now st the rate of over 200 bottles a month and ever It Ix mat only "Made but -- "made in he best ingredients by 1s T. Rest chemist. Sold for a quarter, but éasily worth a dol 10 CURE CHILBLAINS A few applications of Best's Chilthlain Cure and they are cured up completely. Great relief J for (the small sum of 235 cents. At Best' t Bests Fhe Satisfactory Drug Store. Sunday Hours, 1.30 to 5, 6.30 te § Happy and Pros- perous New ~ Year mT . > . To every man, woman and child. i We believe such is in store. for every loval Cana- dian. : : No country in the world is more highly favored, and with determination, pru- dence, and forethought the coming vear-may-he-one well: worth remembering. Again | We say a Happy and Pros- perous New Year to vou, A safe, reliable regulating 20, | The first meeting of the Skating Club was held at the covered rink on Monday evening, ~heri those present included Mr. and Mrs. FE. H. Pense, Dr, and Mrs, I. 1. Kalmus, Mr.' and Mrs. Hubert Ryan, Mrs: W, Gordon (Toronto), Miss Cartwright, Nr. and Mrs. William Steacy, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Minnie Gordon, Miss Nan Paterson, Miss. Jean Duff, Miss Sib- bald (Hamilton, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Kathleen Carruthers, Miss Mary Strange, - Miss Lillie Murray, - Miss Margot Fraser, Miss Mildred Belton, Miss Ruth Martin, Miss Marjorie Brownfield, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Mamie Anglin, Miss Eva Richardson, Miss Mabel Richard: son, Miss Marian leslie, Miss Una Polson, "Miss Mamie Garrett, and Messrs. Einest Gildersleeve, "Ted" Rogers,. F. Smythe, Robert Richard- son, Prince, Adams, James Richard- son (Toronto), A, W. Brown®, Dart- lett, Dalton, Arthur Dalton, T. C. Me- Gill and a number of officers of - the 21st battalion, . Mrs. G. M. Giles, "Calderwood," en- tertained informally at a young peo- ple's dance on Monday evening for some iriends of her sons, Messrs. Har- old and John Giles. The guests -in- cluded Miss Isabel Fraser, Miss Lucy Waddell, Miss Gwendolin Waddell, Miss Gwendalin. Folger, Miss Doris Folger, Miss Ruth Anglin, Mise Mary Stew- art, Miss Veta Minnes, Miss Helen Strange, Messrs. Howard Folger, W Nickle, Kenneth Taylor, John Hickey, Eric Chrruthers, Henry Richardson, W. Miunes and Cadets Stewart and Godson. Mrs. K. M. Saunders and the Misses Saunders, Alice street, entertained in- formally at the tea hour on Monday afternoon in honor of Miss Flsie Saunders, who was their gues from Ottawa for Christmad - - Hunter « Ogilvie, not entertaining at her usu- voung people's Christmas tree this but has invited a few of little Mary's friends to enjoy her birth- with_her this afternoon. . - » Mrs. OG Princess al year, Miss da For her sans; Cadets Donald: and Richard Angus, who are home on Christmas leave from the Royal Mili tary College, Mrs. Forbes Angus, Montreal, gave a small dinner snd theatre -party Monday evening. 8 a = entertained at honor of Mrs? Toronto. in Partridge, of luncheon to-day R. H. » Miss Alice King, Alice street, the hostess of the Reading Club Tuesday afternoon, was on ~~ Mrs. J, M. Hughes, avenue, entertained at Christmas night. . Me. and Mrs. University dinner - on * Alived Birch and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Otis Putnam, of Utica, are the guests of Mrs. 8. Birch, Bagot street. Miss Marguerite Carr-Harris, who has been a guest in town, returned to Toronto yesterday. Misses Ethel and Lorraine who were the guests of Mr Mrs. W. T. Minnes, "Hilleroit," Christmas, returned to Montreal Monday. Dr. ead Mrs. James Third and Mr. Reginald Third, Wellington streat, spent Christmas in Campbelliord Mrs. Fdwin J. Adams, . who Mrs. James Craig's guest last returned to Ottawa on Monday Mr. and Mrs. 1 Clarence (hown, of Montreal, are spending Christmas and New Year's in town with Mr. and Mrs. Thon: Lambert, Clergy street. They expect to return Montreal on Saturday. ? Minnes, and for on was week, to "4 2» Mrs. H. FE. Atwater returned Ovtawa to-day mother, Mrs. James versity avenue. Hon. W. T. White, minister of # nance, Ottawa, was the guest of My and Mrs. W. PF. Nickle, arl during his stay in town. Miss Dorothy Hooper, v3 o was Mis rock firgham's Christ mas yeturned Mon day. Mr. and Ne. Arthur Lingham, oi Monfreal; are Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Toye's guésts, on Gore street, for the holidays, and - will, return to Mon treal on Saturday. Dr. Jennie Drennan returned to Sta- ten Island, N.Y., on Monday, after spending Christmas with her mother, Mrs. A. Drennan, Brock street « + ss to her Cni Visiting Sherman, af or street, guest for to Ottawa on Mrs. Bellhotise and Miss Agnes Belthouse returned home to-dav from Hamilton, where they spent Christ mas, the guest of Miss Swaine. Miss Marguerite Bellhouse, of the Royal Victoria hospital, Montreal, is with them and will be here for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. McGinnis and their baby are expected from Belle ville to-night to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Richardson, "Alwington.'® Mr. William Gibson, of Montreal, spent Tuesday with friends in town. 'a = Miss * Margaret. Bruce-Taylor, of Montreal, and Miss Julia and Miss Grace Iidgar, of 'Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Princess street. Mr. and Mrs. William Leadbeater and Miss Annie Leadbeater, of Ellis ville, ure the guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Jordan, Barrie street, for to- day's wedding... ' Mrs. Harold Day, King street, and little gon, are visiting friends in Na- panee. | Mr. H. J. Parker, Ogdensburg, who spent the _boliday in town, fetu home on Sinday. Mrs. Parker Faby, Margaret, will remain with Mrs. short visit, Miss Eleant¥ Phiclan, Johoson street, left, on Monday, for wa, to New Year's ~ with ber cousin, Mrs, Caron: Pelletier, Daly avenue, . Mr. Henry Richardson is wp from Montreal spending the holiday = ime ' Mrs. Percy Chown, Frontenae street, Mary Crowley, Ordnagce street, for a "Alwingtan >" ; Mr. Gus Calvin has goturned 10 Montreal, i rs. H. T. Kalmus, 'Barrie street, yesterday for Boston, Mass. Mr. Fdward Dolegr, , spent Christmas with sister, Miss May | Bolger, Brock street? 5 Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Newman = are visiting Mrs. Jakes in Merrickville. Mr. Leonard Pickett, Montreal, spent the week-end with his 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Birkett, Bagot street. Rev. Frank Fraser returned to Belle- ville on Saturday. Dean and Mrs. H. T. Coleman and little Miss Alice Coleman, Frontenac street, are spending this week in To- ronto! with friends. . Mrs. Charles Griffen and Mrs. J. C. Watrous, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Minnes, "Hill croft," for Christmas, returned to Broagville on Saturday. . 8%. 9 Mis. M, A. Carmichael, Strausburg, Alberta, .is expected in town to-mor- row to visit her mother, Mrs. John McMahon, William street, for some time. , Miss Geraldine Daly, of Montreal, 18 the guest of her sisters, the Misses Daly, Albert street. Mr. Robert Ford and Miss Evelyn Ford, Minneapolis, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. W.'T, Connell, Arch street. Mrs. Alexander Mackie, Alfred street, has returned from Oshawa, where she spent Christmas. | Miss Grace Hiscock, William street, leit this week for Quebec, where she will 'take a course in the military hospital. Miss Dorothy Cotton, of Ottawa, bas been transierred to Kingston, and is nursing sister at 'the Military Hospital, Queen street. Mr. kdward Low returned io tawa on Monday. Ot- - * ~ - Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Saka nac, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Kirkpatrick in Montreal, Mr. Maxwell Duff, of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce, returned to Sherbrooke on Sunday, after visit- ing. Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Dull, Prin. cess street, Miss Dorothea Bidwell, King street, is the guest of Mrs. W Pierre Hughes, Ottawa.' Miss Elsie Saunders returned to Ot tawa yesterday after spending Christ mas in town "with her mother and >t, sisters, . * x wu .@ Mr. R. Maitland Hannaford, whd has been in town with Mrs. Hanna- Mrs. Clarke.. Hamilton for ford and hist gas, returned to Montreal to: day. srs. Douglas Hammond returned to town on Monday from Brockville and Mr. Schroeder, = Brockville, her guest for a iepy hays. Mes. Morgan Jellat; who was with Col. and Mrs. Sydenhappn Me- Gill' for Christmas, returned To roato on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Craig, Ottawa, arrived yesterday from Cape Vincent and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Craig, Barrie street, * - ® - to Miss Jean Belton, Alfred street, went up to Toronto yesterday 10 visit her aunt, Mrs. Mitchell. Mr. Arthur Mills, of Montreal, ; has been the gnest of his parents,' the Bishop oi "Ontario, and Mrs. Mills, for a few days. Miss -Dwyer and Miss Maisie Dwy- er, 'Barrie street, returned last week from New York, where they have heen for the past 'month. Mr. Ross Belton, Alfred street, left yesterday to visit this sister, Mrs. Edward Shuttleworth, in- London. Miss Marion Sangster, Queen street. has yeturred home, after spending the past three months with friends in Montreal. Miss Mary home after Captain and burg. 'N.Y. Dickson has returned spending Christmas with Mrs. - Mallett, Ogdens, "a a Miss Bertha VanWinkel, of Toronto, returned home to-day after spend- ing a "week with her parents on Ord- nonce street. Mr. and Mrs. M. .J. Sherman little daughter have returned' home after ' spending the holidays with friends in Brighton and other western points, ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chalmers and two children, . Magder Douglas and little Miss Isobel, Adolphustown, are ¢isiting Mrs, Chalmers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gray, Albert street. dass Gertrude Quigley has left for New Rochelle to visit her sister, Mrs. \lirad James. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Paterson and Mr. J. R. Wright are expected in the city to spend New Year's with heir parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wright, Colborne street. - » = © and Mis. John Fairlie, Brock . street. will receive on Friday. afternoon and her guest, Mrs. Herbert Wood, of Toronto, will receive with her. Mr. and Mgs. Coates, of Napanee, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. I W. Coates, Princess street. Miss' Florence Richmond, who has been home for the holidays with Mrs. James Richmond, Union street, re- turned to Clifton Springs, N.Y, on Monday, and Miss Etta Richmond accompanied her for a visit. 2 Mr. Jack Marsh, of Queen's, No. 5 Company Engineers, has returned town after spending Christmas Quebec with relatives, Miss Ethel Porter, New York, the guest of Mr, and Mrs. S, bell, Clergy: street. Mr. and Mrs. T. F, Harrison, Wil liam 'street, will spend NewYear's with Dr. and Mrs. Harold Harrison in Cobourg. in is Seo- St. George's: will hold its annual Christmas treat for the sénior school this évening at 6.30 o'clock. Christmas and New Year's Cigars put up in special boxes at cost from now until New Year's, at Hoag's. Military drills are saniinisaly at the University of Wisconsih, Madi- 'son, Wis. Nevertheless, there is a body of students who won't drill. They are Quakers, and defy ihe com- mandant, Mean] Mis, NT... Rishon, J) ~3 The Thom; > PROBS: Mostly fair and colder. Thursday, fair and cold. "h Tin Honored --g-- For Ther ew Year| your service as being brimming to the full with END SALE 10 Dozen Ladies' Silk Mufflers And Scarfs: all erisp; New Christmas stock -- priced from $1.00 25% 0 $3.00. To-morrow less .... { 10 Dozen New York Neckwear the latest novelties. Prices up to 60%, This store is offered for good useful gifts. TO:MORROW A YEAR Including To-morrow. . ®a ws ~N . . 5 Dozen Christmas Novelties : ~ Which embraces Japanese Suede Bags, and Card Cases, Boudoir Caps, Pin Cushions, Calendars, Dresser Bags, Party Boxes, Tie and Ribbon Holders Ete., Ete. = Half Price Dozen Hand-bags To-morrow Grey and Brown Léather Valued up to 90e, Made in Black, To-morrow STORE CLOSES 6 P.M. TO MORROW. STEACY'S KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STOR Wishing You All, The Compliments of the Season H.W.Newman Electric Co. Phone 441. 79 Princess Stree | Plum IPuddings Mince Meat | rr AT Lettuce, Parsley, Rhubarb | | i S-- a SL se -- Charm Ceylon Tea BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30 To 60c Per Lb. AT ALL GROCERS The Wm. odo 0 ' . ; Militia Men Notice the fine line of pocket flash-lights in our win- dow. We have them all prices. Call and see them. Halliday's Electric Shop Phoné 94 - . . B45 New York 1 used one ¥ Retief with St., A : ave © wore threat: it with 3 wi weveral ailments my © © had, aud recommend it to my fric NEURALGIA which whi usually be In the conrse of top of Bfteva minutes . "d RADWAY & CO.. Montteal, Can. Worth Considering Are you going to skate "rel, 304. French Calf Hockey Boots at $4.50. Other lines as low a8 Ive can supply you with all your igo 5g : " isla holiday bev Wholesale and . . retall, A delicious stock of Porte os ao haos , Jeep the Tout was with #1 verry pair of our overshoes; all lengths and prices. Our line ler" ont winter footwear is complete, Call aud see. - SE this year? If so, see our men's @ " . Scotch, Irish, Christinas Bock Peer" Ale i keg 5 and 10 gallos. ' EE as 3 *