FOPLE'S FORUM WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS HAVE. TO TELL Vews From Villages and Farms Throughout the Adjoining Coun. ties -- Rural Events, and Move. ments of the people Convenience Toronto, with departments equipped to transact. of every description ning to banking, and with numerous branches. ¢ t the Dominion, and a full list of : is enabled to offer its custo. transaction of their ' CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES \ First insertion 1c a word. Each con- LOSE. FOR SALE. HESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, © 5 little, Once, 35¢; three es oe one week, $1.00, Kid "And PHOTO-DRAMAS Prices Mat. 10c, any seat. -Bvening, 10; reserved 5¢ extra. Glendower Notes, Glendower, Dec. 29---Christmas assed off very quietly. Quite a few ducks, geese, and turnkeys were ought for the Christmas trade. Pat- ick Frawley, Watertown, is visiting riends here. George Timmerman Aas returned te Cobalt. Biran Hop- tne and wife spent Christmas with James Willson. . Notes From Violet. Violet, Dee.' 28. --Miss Bryers and mother, of Napanee, are spending the holidays with Mrs, C. A. Robinson. Austin Robinsan lost a valuable horse last week. Miss Eva Valentine is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Clark. Admiral Sharp has purchased land in the Opin- icon district, and it is understood he will soon be moving. He will be greatly missed in the church and Sun- day school. His class presented him with a golden harp pin as a memen: to. Mr. and Mrs. Brist, of Bath, spent Christmas with Frederick Sharpe. : ! ' aN ACES | BARRIE OR CLERGY secutive lusertion thereafter, half. s, Saturday evening. = Dec. cent a word. Migimum charge for h, 4 imless evegl oue Insertion, 2Uc; three Imsertions, a unmet _ §0c) nix, $1; one month, $2. ® $ HELP WANTED AN ADVT, OF 5 3 Ww 8 OR LESS, der this head, costs 38e for one night, 'or 0c for three. - Paid-up tax BANK or TORONTC. Manager. Srsrsss seman FEESE FEATHERS. APPLY T0 MIS, wa) Goldman, 387 Division St rr ---- A HOUND, OWN. same )¥ proving TOR SALE, 'CHEAP, TWO GOOD oe work horses. Kind in ail haruess. Apply Box 21, Wiig office, AIREDALE RITCH PUPPY, 'menths old, by Champlon Unrang ex Pure Maid, $15. A. >a, 314 William St, Ki { Dn \ 4 FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY WAGSTAFF'S Fine Old English PLUM PUDDINGS x: HOUSEMAID, al » nd apply. Appl to STORAGE ron MINCE MEAT : Jo Freel; beim een and 4 Sloan and Insist on » » ry amd 9 in evening, Z WAGSTAFF'S TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furnished, Apply to - 198 Stuart St. TO 525 BROCK ST. 3 A YOUNG LADY FUR OFFICE WORK, one well acquainted with figures Apply with references, box 92 Wiig. 3 TO LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Once 6c, three times B0c a a IWFICE DESK, SIN FEET LONG, 11 dn front and 56 1-2 in. high back. Three drawersand one shelf. Slightly used. Apply British Whig office mei esti ---- A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND a number of first-clags healers at low prices; also a big stock of furs niture. J. ompson, 333 Princess St Phone 1600. NO 196 FURNITURE, ETu., ry. McCann, £3 Brock Market ' 5 a McEAY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no Salivassing for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport; N.Y AVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS A n salesman? We have a proposition to make which will enable you to earn more money ) you are' earning at the present time. Cor- res] to Fk, strictly _ oonfidential Address to Manager, Box 47, Kiug- ston, Opt. . AN 1 BEDROOMS, aor, furnished, Whig office, ON BATHROOM wo 11: Apply, Box 249 "TEA, COFFEE AND COCOA The best in the city at the unique grocery and meat market, LC. H. PICKERING 49Q Princess St. Phone 530 A NEW CEREAL Dr. Jackson's . Roman Meal i A TEACHER FOR S : 177. > a lary $350 s : _ t enry Allpo Kaladar AdsassasA "GREETINGS The complinents of the se .son to all. . To the bullders and contractors of Kingston I extend my hearty thanks for their patron- age-during the past year, and cheerfully solicit their trade for the coming season. I say cheerfull because 1 am confident 1 have as good to offer as.the best, and my prices are right. Phere 1396. | A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard Phone 1396 ------------------------------------------------------ PIANO SLIGHTLY USED; VERY Low terms; must be sold, as owner is leaving city Also sewing. ma- chine, in very good condition. Ap- \ ply, 20 Barrie street. orricEs aN SLANEIOR 7, chin. ers. y to Cunniagham us dle, 79 Clarence 8 ee NGS, FURNISHED AND vn. ed: stores. offices, ete. Meo- Cann's Real Estate Agency, 82 Brock St, : -- - " \ LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES Picton Personals also: Dunlop tires, at $2.00. All orders promptly attended to for carpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 373 King SL. DWE) fu Picton, Dec. 28. --Warden H. 8 J Solliver, who is retiring from office, | YOUNG MEN WANTED H ave a banquet to his friends 'at the ! | | for telegraph position dian railways. © STORAGE FOR FURN OLEAN, ary, any roms; your Fig and ey. rost's Queen St. Phone $26b. r HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL 0X. fords, and other cook stoves, bec's, pugs and square heaters, all these in first class shape; 4 close them out af ver _ small pro- fits. Turk"s "Phone, Toe Royal Hotel on the 17th ins{. D. C. Head has gone to Brooklyn, io see ill, Mr. and Mrs. A. Walz were nt visitors of Mrs, Thomas I prior to their leaving for Jaw. C." Wannaniaker and "ampbell, who spent Christmas at "Maplé_Dell," have returned to Sa- lem. T. Collier: bas gone to Hali- fax-in the interests of the F. E. Hall Iraunsportation _ Co. Lit Desjardines, of the Uniog Bank, Hamilton, has been. sponding the holidays with his parents here. his sister, who is seriously school and qualified moderate ¥ The Dler. School, 152 } EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST | new, modern improvements, corner Division and Quebec streets. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 108 Pine Street. Moose son, INE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN twenty months old, cholcest re. grand Pi ray > 'ure red ull ea orndyke). Also five head pure bred females Priced low for quick sale, A 8B Guess, R. R. No. 2, Elginburg, Ont. FARM, ABOUT 30 AC tone house, large barns, 8, 'hog pens; etc, just limits near Grand t to WA Ther- remixes, or ad- t office. BULL, erd. For Sale Good brick house, 6 rooms, and stable, with 25 lots, well situated, all for $3500. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 48 BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER, Representative, PHONE 6s a. Rideau Ward We | Are Offering [GEORGE LATURNEY Xmas and New Year's Choc- MEDICAL TEACHERS WANTED QUALIFIED TEAMHER, VTES ant, for 8, 8. No. 10, shes duties to. commence Jan, 4th, 19 Apply to Henry Scott, Sec., Batter- sea. STUART M. POLSOY, M.A. M.D.C.M., v former house sutgeon Manhattan, Eye, var, nose, and throat hospital, York fice, 132 Wellington, site office Office hours, am, pa, 7-8 p.m, Photie SMALY larg Abmic Harbor News. Abmic Harbor, Dec. 28.--The ther nometer registered forty degrees he ow zero on Christmas night. The hristmas tree event held in the vil- 'age hall in aid of the Sunday school was a There was a good wogramme and the children did their parts nicely... William I i able to go to work ae mg hurt in a runaway he farmers at Map! started to draw their Harbor. Most of the from the lumber 'hristmas together This ix wot only a medicisal cereal but is tasty an well. It iy delicious as a cereal or made ia pan-cakes. TRIAL MIRE uo ore cinensseanannas 10 ctn, tegular nize At Your Family Grocers. FENWICK, HENDRY & co, (Distributors. ) secretary-treasuarer, sta- DENTAY tion, Ont, ------ eer eee ae A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, D.D.S, RE. moved to 268 Princess Street | SPARKS AND SPARKS, 158 WEL. lingten Bt, (over Carnoveky"s) Phone 246. DR, ©. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T™ B. Renton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. Phone 735. S. BH. SIMPSON, 1.D.8., D.D.S DENT. iat, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Yntrance on Bagot street. i » St, cheap WANTED GENERAL 3000BRICK. HOUSE, and, stahls $1,500 IR AME HOUSE, ¢ ROOMS. F1.500--N I2W FRAME HOUSE, MARK land St G. A. BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND Real Estate, 67 Clarence St. . ' LARGE LOT GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and havé it made up Into up- to-date sults. Price and workman me am ship guaranteed to please. Press- {¥3th and 14th. Mliss Stella Russell, Jug 2nd a of Luselaml, Sask., is a "Uhristmas 131 Brock street, near Bibbys visitor at her home in Westport. J, age Hammer, of Lombardy, spending Christmas at home. W. R. Lindsay, n ECON ANF A RAR : a V 5 )) ANTED. ol Baueroft, is the guest of Mr. and POSIT N WANTEL Mrs. K. E. Lindsay, John L. Me ra Bi Re CIAGK Ewen is confined to his room with an attack of pneumonia. success sierfesoriedoeodrdedeofedeadeo dios TELEGRAPHY. Ciyil__ Service, _ She % Tei Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Banking and General Improves & ment. Day and Night Classes, Kingston Bushiess College, * Limited, o-* Rates have the young people camps spent their at their homes hers. H. Vau and Oakley Woods spent Christ- mas at W, Wager's. sland bark is to Taw CATERING DRESSMAKRER 3 Work by the'day. Apply Box 3, Whig office WE _ CATER TO PARTIES, BA Wedding breakfasts, banqyets, ete » also rent dishes, table linehs a sllverivare. Reid and Hambroo ..P. Reld, 80 Union Street. F. C Hambrook, 176 - Alfred Street oP News From Glenvale. Glenvale, Dec, 28.--The Christma Head of Queen Street. BUSINESS NOTIOES. | Moderate, Hartington oe 3 Happenings: olates, perfumes and cigars, put up in special packages, at cost, from now until New Year's For Alderman RIDEAU WARD Hartington, Dec. 29--The Red tree held on Monday evening, Decem- Cross society is E., Freemaa's Mrs. Brown, Moscow, is vi 1€r father's, M. Trousdale's. Mrs. McQueen and Mr. Hoy! sa, at H. Jaraieson' man and fami giving a 'tea at tng on Wednesday night. Mr. and ,0f Odes- Daniel Free- at ber 21st, in copnection with the Sun- day school was much enjoyed. A number from here attended the tree JOSEPH BUSE, 6 CHESTNUT ST. HAS opened up a quarry on Stephen St Cut, building and rough stone are supplied promptly at reasonable prices held at Elginburg the following even- ing. Miss May Cramer and Miss Mildred Greer are spending the vaca- : PERSONAL v' Phones 843 or 303. ARCHETICT WM. NE ARCHI. Bagot St Phone 440. 'MH. F, & "+ Metcalfe. - > Ad dB ff Bd BSR EDR FINANCIAL. Po LOAN AND INVEST. letyy" dncorporated 1863; onel Henry R. Smith, W. R. Clugston, Solicits the vote and influ- ence of the electors for re- election . as alderman for 1915. AH his property inter- ests are in. this ward, | Frontenac Ward ARCHITECTS, Buitiing pent Christmas the city. Mrs. Goslin has moved into her new house. Messrs. Moore, Queen's are spending their nolidays at home. Miss Ada 'Sigsworth tome from. Peterboro Normal. Earl Boyce, Teionto, is visiting Lis par. ents. Carl Duff, Inverary, is at J. S. Freeman's, Murvale, at E. Sigsw Thomas Leo- aard is v ng her brother in Nap- anee. Russell Boyce has returned hunting in the back country. Mi home from his school. Miss Meta | Sadie Amey, Kingston. is visiting at ] Campbell and Silas Boyce are home | J. D. Ellerbeck's Mr and Mrs. from Sydenham high school. Richard Ellerbeck and family spent Christgias at Guy: Smith's, West- brook. 1 in | tion with their perents Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Butterill attended the funeral cf the former's father, at Hinchinbrook last week. Mrs. Me- Cracken 1eceived word on Christmas Day of the sudden death of her mo- t aged resident of Camden East. Mrs. C. W. Emmons, who has been suffering. with blood poison in her hand, is recovering. Victor Swaill and John Orser spent ten da and farm and country nortgages purchased; ed mhd interest 'al- . McGill Manager, 87. t HAIR, MOLAS, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blemish. es removed permanently, scar; 30 mer J. Throat and got street. without ears' experience. Dr. El ke, Eye, Ear, Nose skin specialist, 268 Ba. WS DRE STO MUSIC. " AND A SLolE MUSIC AND DRAMATIO INSTRUC > ambany. Available tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Norms a oi dition 1 Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, B.B, bo The IT BHT oF oI Telgmann, teachers of elocu. uniim al a 1 tion, piano. violin and all stringed re: Tehoni: \nstruments. y tore renewing m-- -- « 1 business get TE » I nge & Strange, LEGAL. [CUNNINGHAM _& MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and solicitors. Law. office, T4 Clarence street. Kiigaton. FOR SALE OR TO LET. P-- HORACE F. NORMAN Solicits Your vote for Alder- (man for the Two Year Term BUSINESS CHANCES FRAME HOUSE, B. and CO, electric EZ, UPHOLSTERING, RE- Apply to A 4 4 1 bos pair] nd carpet wark, and St. ~ Phone Sen tel ow r I renovating. Drop a ecard S t agot Street, Replenishment... When the coal bin needs it use our good coal. Quick orderly de- livéigangd careful preparation over whe Screen, ANY -- 1 At Lavant Station. Dec. 29.-4 to, Perth on' Mon visiting his parents, Mr. aud Mri. William Thomas, "'Hillview Farm," for the Christmas vacation. Miss Mary F\ Thomas and Miss Elsi¢ M. Lee spent last Tues lay with Miss Lena Gray, Caldwell's Mills. Mrs. J. S. Paul is visiting her dau- ghter, Mrs. Thomas Lee. Mrs. W. J. Boyd and whildren spent last week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prasky, Folger. On Monday ev. ening a number of voung people drove to the home of William Lawrence, Canonto, where an enjoyable time was spent in progressive Visi- Hors at 1. Lee's on Christmas Day : Mr.cand Mrs. James Rankin; Hope- town, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Paul and Mrs. Peter Barr, of Poland, and R. J. Wilson, Montreal, No Advance in Prices In All Our Lines of Boots and Shoes For fall and winter we car- ry 8 complete line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Foote wear, manufactured by the best American and Canadian manufacturers, at the lowest prices in the city. Give us a call and be convinced. H. B. WARTELL 26 Frontenac Lavant : Station, Thomas. returned day after serald "™ mg a Three Deaths In a Family. - Maberly, Dee. 29-The sympathy of this community goes out to Mr and Mrs. D. Kirkham and family in the loss of another boy, Herman Kirkham, who passed away this morning from diphtheria. This is the third death in Mr. Kirkhams fa- mily inside of two months, A son six years old was buried on Christ- mas day. Nomination was held resulted as follows: mas Greer, G. W. Buchannan: for councillors, Thomas Bri Thomas Duffy, Rufus Deacon. Dr. A. Robin- son M. Marks. A number from here went to the concert at Bollingbrooke to-night. Thomas Wesley, and family have woved into their new house. Christ- mas visitors: Mrs. Wood, Lloyd, and Dora, of Perth, at Mrs. Parsons'; Mrs. Scott, Miss Olive Scott and Miss Florence Johnston, of Joyceville, at Mrs. John Palmer's; Ernest Walroth al home; Misses Beatrice and Esmi Coles; at the rectory; George Roy at Thomas Wesley's; Miss Blanche Wes- ley, of Perth, at home; Mrs. John Morrison is improving. A -------------- ------------ a FY COAL The kind you are look- ing for is the kind we sell Scranton Coal Is good Coal and guarantee prompt livery BOOTH & CO. Foot of West St. ----------e te Frontenac Ward To the Electors, Ladies men: to-day and For reeve, Tho- wi de- | and Gentle. games. I respectfully solicit your vote influence to: elect me for the one year term. Bea. Clark Wright Frontenac Ward Electors J. S.R. McCann Solicits a renewal of your confi. dence by clecting him alderman for the two year term. Frontenac Ward W.J. Chapman Contractor, vespeetfully solicits your votes and influence for re-clection as Scheol Trustee, and as Alderman mas tree entertainment held in school house. The teacher, Long, is to be congratulated on the able manner in which she had her pupils trained. William Pillar. occu- pied the chair and also sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. G. Pillar. Mrs, Albert bey gave a splendid rec tion and Miss Mildred McCulla gave some fine selections onithe organ and mouth organ. The audience was | greatly pleased with the recitation given by little Miss Aleta MacRow. James Stratford and mother, of Glenvale, spent Christmas with Mrs, Jacob MacRow, Miss Mildred Me Culla spent Priday at W. Day's, Albert Day. Fdwin Sterling is spead- ing a few days at J. Day's. Mrs. Willian Fiomons and daughter, Doro Wilton Reports. Wilton, Dee. 28. ~The Methodist Sun- day school gave an excellent entertain- ment and tree on Thursday night. The proceeds amounted to over $30. Lloyd Flemming, Queen's, preached the New Year's' sermon very acceptably in the Presbyterian church on Sunday 'even ing, in the absence of Rev. A. Acton, 'who, with Mrs. Acton, is in Toreato for a couple of weoks. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Enoch Snider in the rather sudden death of her mother, Tidings From Elgin. Elgin, Dec. 28.-- Mrs. John Smith and sons, Edmonton, Alta, are Mrs: Glover, of Camden East. Yule guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. tide visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Oliver As. | G: W. Earl. Henrg A. Warren who selstioe, Owen Sound, at R. Miller 3 occupied IL. Halladay's tenant Messrs. Lloyd and John Flemming, house, along thé C. N. R. met with Queen's, 'at Bernard Mills: W. I. the misfortune of having the louse | Storms, Rutherford, N.I., at Mrs. R. and oh Yustroyed by Hi an the : 3 x ~ 4 "1st inst uly a few of the house-' x : A He ot phn Tuvey. oi | hota Mclean alr Pinke: - 'of Gleyvale,_ spent 1 Distinan ot selstine;, Mee nnd Mrs. F Davey spent | {ol Of the Canadian West, is home & In again Frida wv Dav Christmas in Verona, with Mew, | [OF the holiday season. C. E. John. nla. spent Ne a » Ed 5 Diver's patents, W0. wid Mrs, Wal- | S00 15 2onfined to his bed by in. |Cataraqui. Mr'and Mes. h the roth. _ Miss Grace Astelstine Bd ro. | ROS. There was a ready response | Ster nt a -- phe turned from her school near Toronto. | 10 aid solicited for Henry Warren former's patents a al haven. a PAs Asselstine kas taken the) ictoria and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rob- (Henry MacRow, who has been Hl, is Wishing you all School-for the Goming year. . Iason intend taking up housekeep- | somewhat -better. Mr. and Mrs. A. ; cho ) ing in Athens, having purchased Day spent Sunday . at 6. Smith's. Happy New Year. Westport Death property f there. Rev. W. J. Phee Mrs. C McCulla spent Thursday with 1 . > McFarlane exchanged pulpits with | Mrs. Jacob MacRow, * =a = Westport, Dec. 28 Mrs. Rev. Mr. waddell, Seeley's Bay, on Tr -------- Barker, an aged and respected Sunday. Mrs. Driscoll, Merricks- It Will Boost Kingston. dent of Westport, died on Saturday, | vitle, spent the holidays with ter Every new industry, or the revival Dec. 19th, after a lengthy illnegs. The | ga ter, Mrs. C. Pound. Born to] of a dead one, is a distinet gam. for decensed, who was eighty two years | My..and Mrs. J. 8. Dargavel on De-| Kingston. "Rangston is growing, of age, spent all her life time in this mber 35th a daughter. Burt Reid, grow with Kingston," and vole for vicinity. Her husband - predeceased | Grand Forks, B.C, spent the holj. the power by-law, her twenty years ago. . Dr. G. J. day season with friends. Mr. and] ' ------------------ TET Forster intends shortly tp leave. Mrs. Lashley spent Christmas at The Archbishops of Canterbury Westport and take up ihe Pracihe Newboro. Mr. Dillon, Gananoque, and York have decided (0 continue of his profession in Berlin, Out. , Dr. was in the village last week. George fhe Western Canada Church Fund Hamilton, of 'Elgin, will be associa: Howard svent the holiday season ag usual, in spite of war, bul il may jted with Dr. Howard. Deming Me. . With his family, be decessary (lo withdraw some | She was Methodist. Cann, of Kingston, . a Bar ean grants owing to the falling off of in-| Mrs, Mary Anderson; : a ome. . Dh v x reek Budge t. come. aged saventy six years, passed away {lett yesterday for Toronto. Westport | Var Ciagk, Dec. 95. Quite Onde tried always used, White R Rn s in fo Ste formeriy lived in sev races mall take place January.'ber around bere attended thé Christ: Bae : : vo. Etirling, a y i " ES 4 "5 ~ * 3 i * : For Sale ees ses----aS", Frame house, with furnace, ° four bedrooms, all improve- ments, good 'collar and poultry how ; two blocks from Prin- ess street. Iwo detached houses on a corner lot, three bedrooms in each, all conveni- ences, for 85,500, or will ex- change for a small farm. To Rent | New. house, all i vements, #12 per month, untdl May, 1915. } Friday being New Year's, our store will be closed all day, Kindly order your supplies to-morrow ,-- Thursday. Open till 10 pm. It Our engraving expert is | prepared to engrave your carls in time for | New Year's day. He is t the only copper-plate gl engraver in Kingston. noch resi- Sl Miss Franees E. Bradshaw, Rich: he Auith of Mrs, ond township, died on Sunday in Jean, Cape. Vineet, Belleville, aged fourty-four years. [iy su day ying Fi, sor le