; | | Counts. |: Coon coats, beaver | coats, Hudson seal coats, fur setts, | THE FUR HOUSE. Everything im the stove subject to the above dis coats, Persian lamb mufts,; stoles. | There i is Bo use quoting prices. Come and see the bar- gains, a gre under 2 no. obligation to buy. SPECIAL NOTICESubstantial reductions L vill be givey on on all special orders during January. time to buy furs. JOHN IcKAY, Limited . Kingston's Largest and Bate Fur House. 149-157 BROCK ST. | complaint, Lorgnetts We have just received the newest assortment of up to the minute Lorgnetts in enamel and extension handles. Get your Lorgnetts right. 1.5. Asselsting,0.0.5 Eyesight Specialive. 848 King Bt. Phone 1019 E) AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES FOR HIRE 'Phone 1177 George W. Boyd, 89 Earl Street. ws | oot FUR 881 His iS LUNCH ROOM. / Charles Amdre Taxed $200 and Costs With Option of Three Mouths in Jail--Mifitary Police Made the Ac rest. Ode of the Heavitst fines imposed in 4 the Kiugstou polieg court 'in_ sory time, Was imposed om Thursday morn. ing by. Magistrate Karrell," when he found Charles Andre guilty of having sold liquor to members of the. 2lst battalion a overseas service, and taxed "him $200 and costs, with the option of bree naib in fail. The | 7 maximum fine She afience | is $500. €. RB, ib conducted: the 'Prose' : : the license in © glass of whisl ndre, Paid for it, and iskey A laid a charge ya it here: or Christmas day, us {0 give some of the soldiers who traded with fim, a deine by way of Chrisfnias oliver." Heo "te Bo he was 'never paid for any of ti uor. When the two y who lnid the came into his a Rt de- clared that mothing was said about paying for the liquor. One of tho men put a quarter into | my hand and 1 did not know what it wae for," said Andre. "But you put the money fin your pocket 7" queried Mr. Webster. "Yes, I did," replied Andre. The lutter admitted hav tng had four -bot- tles of whiskey on his premises. My. Webster pointed out to the magistrate that a fine of from $100 to 2500 dould be imposed upon the accus- ed. This charge had been laid under the liguor license act, but Andre was still open for criminal prosecution. He asked the court to impose the maxi: mum penalty, stating that: the mag- Sstrate could not: be too- severe in such a case as this: Mr. Givens said that Andre was but treating the men. Ho was giving a treat to soldiers who were dealing at his lunch counter. Before imposing the sentence, Mag- istrate- Farrell 'said that he was con- vinced that Andre had been violating by the military officers. They had re. ceived complaints and Had made this discovery as a result of their investi- gationg It afiorded a great tempta- tion or Yeh who were training for service at the fromt: First Ald Lectures. Arranged according to the revised } syllabus and the first aid course and St. John's Ambulance Association. The first aid lecture course at the Catholic Girls' Club, Gymnasium Hall, Notre Dame Convent, opens on Tues- day, January 5th, at 7.30 p.ni. sharp. This course will be in charge of Dx. J.P. Quigley, and will con- sist of s™ consecutive lectures, ac- companied by practical demonstra- tion. To derive full henefit from the course, persons taking it should en- deavor to attend regularly and punc- tually, Zz Orange Installations. There was a. joint installation of the officers of L.O.L.,' Nos. 077, 352 and 316 on Wednesday evening. D.M. James McCammon and POM. Henry Graham installed the offi cers, It was de¢ided that the necessary funds be domated to furnish a rodm in the Kingston Genergl Hospital. After the installation. an informal programme was carried out. James Berney addressed He wiembers and suests, and' Lieut. McCully, QM. 21st battalion, was a a farewell address by the members, No Foundation For Statement. On October 27th a despatch "was published from Ottawa stating that any one to be able to enjoy the pri- vilege of freely passing back and forth across the border must have had at least ten years' residence in the United States, and not merely American citizenship would allow this privilege. American Consul F. 8. 8S. Johnson has received a communica: tion from Washington to the effect that there is absolutely no foundation for the statement. \ Lecture By Prof. Lanos, An illustrated lecture ou the sulf ject, "The Women of France," wi be delivered by Prof. J. M. Lanos, © the Rayal ilitary - College, at the Catholic Girls' Clab, Gymnasium Hall, Notre Dame Convent, on Thurs- day, January Tth, at 7.30 p.m. Ad- mission free to members dod their friends. ' Weiter Notes. A depression has spread into the western provibces from the Pacilic coast, while pressure is now highest over the central states. Fair weath- er prevails in Canada and is, for the most part, moderately cdld, exceptiin nosthern localities, w! the temper. ature is decidedly low. Eliminate kitchen worries, use White Rose flour. Friends were dyised of she death, iw wr CYinge, Tuesday, of Miss Mary former and es- Sd pe wen of. Brockville. Mise {Curry had been sick about a year. "Careful attention to each custom- er" is another motto at Gibson's Red Shots Drug Store which is ap- | fated by eoet and Bod shih 3. & 3 + : LIQUOH:. TO SOL. | wher |#On, no namie "| Tennent, Perth. the law.- He believed the story told BUYING THE STAMPS The Sale of Mowat Memorial Hos- | pital Seals: 45--P. M. Mcintyre, $2. names Kelley. $1. Mra, A. Kennedy, Davidson, Br. i. C. Day, Newlands, 'T. A. Keehan, lacey Mrs, BF. W, Coates, Mrs. Clax- ton, W. J. B. White; Mrs. Jas. R. Henderson, W. J. Fair, Mrs. John Gibson, J. B. Cooke, Albert Neal, Miss Ethel Boyd, Migs Black, Miss A. Gordon, Miss M. Lalonde, M F. Bond, W: E. Swaine, Mi gor, William McLaughlin," T. lozher, J. A: Carson,' Prof. J, Math- eson, Mre, 5. Markpess, Mrs. A. HE 038, Mrs. William Smith, -F. R. W. H. wormwth, E. J. Dawson, Migs M. Dennett, "Sun | detest," Mrs, P. 'Devin, T. : Lock: 'hart, Hugh Hosgles, Mrs! B.. Craiz, Miss Comat, Miss Margaret Volum, H. M. Stover, . Lawson, T. fl. Sargent Brey. C 3X wNilliamaun, Dr. heii 1 ws, Mrs, Jowies mig Ww. HN Barber W. 6G. Ander Mrs. J. €. Qeary, Wolfe Island, John Fiyon, Wolfe Is- land, Nelson J. Babcock, Wolfe: Ts: land, Wilson Brimley, Sydenham, Dr. Jas. Dorland, Dorland, Major S. P. Layborn, Dover, Eagland; C. Free Toronto Miss A Mrs. A. R. Wal- Bol- Gal-{ Rev. ¥. Gordimer, P. A. Gran enbaun, Albert Chalmers; Silkvilie, Miss Daisy Michell, Perth, =. Sv. min, Yarker: Robert Taunahile, Bells: [I ville, Dr. A.W. Mabee, Sanononhe, : iR 31, 1914. & A large shipment of Gibson's Price, Mountain Grove, Dr. RW Belleville, ' Mrs. Mendels, ; T5ei--Mrs. O'Reiliy. 58¢. Mrs. Betts. | 50¢.~-Stampz, Geo. Putter, bu: H. Sugerman, Fred. G. Te. Mrs. M. Baird. o--Miss F. smith." 3 Previsualy acknowledged, total amount to date, %6358. ERASER FEE THE POWER BY-LAW, Elgin: | Scost. | Hagerty, "Harrow. ! | 8381.85; Passed unanimously by the City Council. recommended by + the Industrics Committee, . strongly endorsed by the Board of Trade. Kingston is grows= ing; grow with Kingston by vot- # ing for the power by-law next' + Monday . + An od Kingstonian D. J. Matthews who in the early seventies, 'was a Whig printer, and before a carrier. bey, has been re- elected a City -councilgidn of Stock- ton, California, for a term ,of four years. This city is governed by a mayor and four councilmen, and Mr. Matthews receives $4,000 a year sal- ary. Thursday's Market I'here was a fair-sized market on Thursday morning with no change in and prices. There were a few turkeys offered at 14c to 156¢ a pound. Eggs sold around G60c¢ a dozen for strict- ly fresh, and about 32¢ and 35¢ a dozen for packed. Butter was sell- ing from 32c¢ to 35¢ a pound.. May 1915 bring happiness and pros- perity to every Kingstonian and the return of our soldier boys from the war is the ywish for 1915 of W. W. Gibson, at the Red Cross Drug Store. O'Brien's Big Suit Sale starts Sar urday, Januury 2 1916. English Worsteds and. Scotch Tweed Suit- ings $17.50 spot cash. All Suits guaranteed, or no sale. 25¢. Baby Cougly Syrup, 1de. son's Red Cross Drug Store. Gib- GEORGE MILLS &C We friends wish . our many pRlrons, map be and wherever: they » \ | Avery nappy AND PROSPERUUS NEW YEAR » We are: to grateful tlie thousands in King- ston and elsewhére who have made our business so thoroughly | ful during 1914, Es i | | | | il and Tasley. May | It Be To One All | IA \ Very Happy andl Prosperous New| Year NEWMAN & SHAW, The Always Busy Store ON AN OLD CHARGE. Refused to Pay Fines And Was Locked Up. Because he refused to pay two old fines amounting in all to $21, James Nolan was taken into custody Wed- nesday afternoon by Constables James Bateson and John Naylon and and escorted to the jail to serve out la term. Nolan some time ago was ! ined for using abusive language to a | citizen and was also fined for beinz drunk while on the "prohibited list." Police Court Briefs. Dog taxes must be paid. Civic of- ficials have a long memory. In the police court on Thursday morning a citisen was charged with having ue- glected to pay dog tax since Juna, 1013. The accused offered as his excuse that he did not have the mon- ey. The magistrate gave him until 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon 'Ww settle. Another offender was a drunk. He wat let down with a small fine of §1 and costs. Transferred License. The Board of License Commisgio: beld a special meeting on Tu night. It was for the purpose o trgosferring the liquor ficense at the | { Liritinh- American hotel from the Sher iff Bros. to Meyirs. Halliday This was only busi ness to come before the board. Chair man Bailey and Hugh McBratney were 'the mamnbers present. estate G. E. Minns Appointed. The appointment of G. BE. Minne, formerly of Kingston, as agent of tue Childten's Aid Society for the coui- ties of Durham and Northumberland, je announced by J. J. Kelso, superia- plasident of the Department of Depen- dant and Neglected Children. Mr. Minns will take up his duties at once. Good soaps, high-class perfumes, toilet waters he Fhioien powders are sotne of the items you 'can' save money on by going to Gibson' # Red Cross ore. AL the C i i; Rev, 8. with tree cutertainment Excellent Value in Lump Coal Very choice Lump Soft Coal, in large, blocky, smooth and shiny lumps. Remarkably and screenings. free from slate The Coal for your epen fire- place, S.ANGLIN&CO. Coal and Wood Yards BAY & WELLINGTON STW. Phone 68. Geaeral Office Phone 80 Factory Phone 1418 wseeeelumber, Coal & Woodwesee Winter The tine of the | year has come when almost every body indulges in some kind of winter sport. Art Linein New Year's Book- lets, Cards, Post Cards, etc., re" ceived this afternoon. We - wish our many friends hap- piness during this season and pros- { perity for the New Year. Just a few left. Gogrdier Furrier 78-80 Brock St. Real Estate In All Its Branches Buying, Selling, Leasing, or Renting. A complete list to select from. Estates man- aged. Valuations given. E. W. MULLIN, Cor. Johnson and. Division Sts. J Phones 539 and 1456, WHIMS! The more whims You hav about laundry work the Dotter we're suited. wha Eak. wok