"WATCH NGHT SERVICE HELD IV SEVERAL OF CHURCTIES. THI City Where People Gathered To Usher In the New Year -- Services-In St. Andrew's, Brock Street Methodis: | and St, George's. In 8t. Andrew's church a brief watch service was held on Thursdg; night, heginaine at 11.26 o'clo ev. 8. J. M. Compton offic iated, ame Miss M. Shaw presided at the organ A% the hour of service wus near a hand, the chimes from the tow} peated forth "The Sands of Time AF Sinking." "0 Cod Qur Help in and "The Lord 1s My Shepherd were the opéning hymn and psal™ Arthur Craig sang '"'One Sweeti Solemn Thought." and then the min ister spoke briefly from the text I Deateronomys VII, 2 "And tho «hall remember all the way which ti Lord Thy God led thee The cloging hymn was "Lead Kind ly Light Amid the Encircling Gloom After the service, the minister we groeted at the communion table many in the congregation, while th chimes pealed forth from the towers Ages Past' St. George's Cathedral. The watch night service at = George's cathedral was largely a! tended, the sacred edifice being wei filled. The choral communior * pervice wis beautifully rendered. The address from the words: "Let us give thé more earnest heed to the thing . wea have learned, lest at any time w¢ drift away frem them." (Hebrew 11,11) pointing out the necessity ¢ reif-examination. At such a time a this; To those who had earnestly cepted Christianity there was the da 3 Dean of Ontario gave a brie { | Tu absorb his jentirg 1 press toward the mark for the prise of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus' ; The preacher plated "that Paul had an object before him in Lie -- Lo goals the pirfected chrictian chat | eter, his prize the rewards of! ent i {ian experienpge, on ¢ arth and eternaly jessedness in 'heaven. .' He man of che idea. Not the narrow i wntracted kind of man that we some- mes mean when we use this phrase- 4 pgy, but a man who had found a. fea big enough to fill his whole soul, wient' enough to stir ull the rergies within him, grand enough life. Just mn jroportion as (we are influenced 1} 1 same lofty ideals, and can = ith" Paul, "Thi: oné thing I db,' ill. we be like him ip charactér an: dvince like him ia the way 1) faven L] Paul forgot the things which wer ehind, and reaching forth unto the Lines which were before, pressed 1c ard the mark. cers, whom he had so oft: <utehed in the Olythpic games, Who d not look back te see how mutch round they had passed over, or wip nzered by the way, but who, kaep- ¢ the shining inark steadily in and taxing every energy to the most, reached forth and presse l rward Not that he abseluteiv rgot the past. Hie recounted its yils and, triumphs, its trials any lessings for his own good and had cod of others. He remembered it in =a far as it could afford him in- struction, warning, or encourage- ment; otherwise, he cultivated a holy and happy forgetfulness, 'that might, unhindered, grasp the oppo*- tunities that were associated with tha \things hefore. The preacher applied the subjact to. his hearers, e¢tanding at the threshold of a new year. They were arnectly exhorted to repentance: for ow, THE mighty [ munion, | 18 . He was like he, Ji their competitors had fallen. or' heb |THE CHREH PULPHS © MINISTEES WHO en PREACH uN SUNDAY, | was a | Annduncements Made By the Various Denominations As to Their Ser. vices----Serman Topics and Musical St m.; Paul"s--Holy communion, 8 morning prayer and holy il o'clock. Preacher, FitzGerald, M. 7 o'clock. Preacher, chop of Ontario, D.D Brock Street Hall, Sunday--- Lp.ans, Sundéy school; 7 p.m, gospe! ' service to be addressed by H. G." Loc- kett M.A, and F. Owles. You are cordially invited to come and hepr «| the story 'his is old yet ever new." First Baptist Church--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services. 11 a.m., "The Beginning of the Year." 7pm, finle school at 2.45 p.m. soldiers and strangers vited to all the services. St. M. Compton; B. D. minister, services at 11 a.m., and" 7 pm. Sunday school and Bible classes at 3. p.u. The sacrament of the Lord's Supber will _pe-celebrated at the merning gserviee. Strangers cordially invited 10 all services, | , Chalmers, Presbyterian, ' Basie aud For streetsi-- rev. sl. A'pcgiln- vray, D.D., minister, services, 11 am tana { pan, new car themes and . music. Sun school "and Bibl 1 er 'meeting, Weds' Strangers cor- invited to ail the services. First Church of Chyist, Scientist Johnston street, between Bagot and Wellington streets --Sunday service, 11 a.m., subject, Ged". \ Wednes- cay evening testimonial\ meetin~ con cap- , Evenihg the Lodd on W. FF. prayer, Students, cordially Public i 5. ba'oloek, "The Old Year and the New." | i Andrew's church-- Rev; 8. J. of Ontario, Hishop's Court; Rev. C Cronies Magee, 25 Johneon street; 7. Sydenham Lindsay, . 25 Joha- treet, Special rervices of in- [étcepeion ia benall of the war (OF véd throughout the empire) 8 holy commuualion; 11 am, ull apy lntercedsion and eeammunion sor vide. Preacher the Deun. 3 pm, Sunday school and Dible classes, 4 p.m., holy baptism; 7 p.m.; eveén- feng. Preacher, the Bishop of Kingston First Congregational, corner 43hagon and Wellington sireets-- tev. BE, LeRoy Rice, B.Avgpastor. itesiflence, 281 Alfred street. Phone, | 1068, Morning worship at it Subject "The Passing and the Permanent." New Year com munion service at the close of Liv nrorning worship. Evening service at 7 o'clock. Subject "The Part- ing of the Ways." Soldiers in (ie city and strangers are very hearti'y invited to worship with us. THE BROCKVILLE COMPAN Y. 'Of 21st Battalion Received Year's Gifts Frome Home: After the afternoon parade on Thursday, the Brockville members of the 21st battalion, some fifty in sum- Ler, bad a pleasant surprise in store. Ctptain Elmer Jones, commandirg "A" company, distributed a box full of cocks, mittens and mufflers to the N.C.O'. and -mén who are going with the second Canadian contingent, | 1cpresenting the Island City. { 'The infantry-men are indebted to the Danghters of = the Empire, ol Lreckville, fo. these very useful tokens of 'ther kind regard and best wishes, Silken Unlon Jacke from Join MacKenzie, ex-mayor of Drockville, were also given to the soldiers which they will ear'y in their breast poe- i bets to the tront and through the New A Shoe 'Was once just a. shee--A common necessity Tt is a work of Art--An indicator ofstastés and character. a as LL i We would be pleased to have you call and inspect these works of art in Ladies' | Patent Button Boots--Evening Shoes, and the heavier kind for street ~ 4m WE CAN FIT ANY SHOE WITH RUBBERS. ICE. CREEPERS a "| Abernethy' gl 0 OVERSHOES . SNOWSHOES Choice Chocolates From 20c a Pound and up. All Kinds of Bargains in Fine Furs We're offering big reductions and ask you to give our stock the most critical comparison with anything you may "see anywhere at any time. Come in and see our bargains: Campbell Bros. rs of Hats akers of Furs reading voom, hme addres ger of growing cold or shrinking in 10 narrow Nmes. Visjon and breadfi of mind were necessary to realize th joy of the Lord, as one's strength. The davger to those who were no definite in their religion, was 1s drift or grow hard -and unresponsive to the things that count Home-made candy made fresh- every day. SACKELL'S, Next To Opera House " Captain Frank Craig, A. 8. C. pre- ented each man with a box of fifty cigarettes, which were also greats appreciated. HAs gs and renewed consecration a past sing and of God. Past |faj'- open every afternoon, except Sunday, y 8 . Pas a . rama re d res, and even past ftuccesses, are to 310 5 yee k, Sn wre conlally in- we forgotten in a determined effort to oom 1e services and the 'reading edeem 'the time ond make the most . 2 : ' i o8 e emissinz of oy ohportunities. The new: Brock street/ Methodist Charch, Captain Jone \ Berure Si Thissi a ear with all ifs uncertainties 'invites corner of Brook and Montreal streets o d Somuihy oe with phe work of : e Rev, John /Wehster, pastor. Resi- | 10d his satisiz o noble endeavor in every chanpe! § » \ 4 DE na nil for the few weeks sl i, dence, 242 Johnson street Phone ' mmant it es 7 ta } APE i rovement and chris J ' Be uh a we} a ini g Su At this time of stre s and anxiety | °F per oil tip y ana 701. 11 am, New Year's service. 3 has been in. training, and expres "l the-dean appealed for faith and ser tian usefulness. p.m., Sabbath school and Bible class- | the hope that the year 1915 woul: ¥iea that God Sould use Yenuesniamimte es. 7 pam., New Year's service eon- | Po happy one for them all wherever ! As. the cloek struck twelve, th tinued. 'Anthems and solos. - Mon- | Litéy may be. i day, 8 p.m., Epworth League. Woek The N.C.0's of 'A"' company tage of prayer, see programme. Special | this opportuni ity ta express their ap prayers at all the services for peace. | Preciation for the manner in which Queen Street Methodist Church-- | (hey have been treated by their ofi*® Rev. G..1. Campbell,' B.D., pastor. | cors, and they voted them all "Jolly Intercession Day. I1 am., "Prayer.| ood Fellows," in fact the best offi- nd made things lively with their and the War"; communion service. | 61s in the ba ttalion, { inging. \ Two large union jacks 2.45 p.m., Bible school and clip. | The "Jolly Good Fellows" are Cap- ccupied a prominent place on the De. Coleman will speak. Subject, | tain Elmer Jones, Lieut, Harry I! leigh, The boys were given a warm "Luther and the Reformation." The | Fcnse, Lieut, W. Kent Macnee, and reeting by the citizens. "public invited. 7 p.m.,'subject, "The | uitached officer; Lieut. G, K. Wil -- Furnished Upper Room." Good mu- | press. r sic. Monday, 8 p.m. Epworth | BE Langue, Thursday, 8 p.m., subject, | "Social Problems and the War." Speaker, Prof. Morison. Cooke's Presbyterian churer Rrock street, Rev, J. W. Mclntosi, M.A.,, minister.. Residence, 213 University avenue. The pastor wll conduct both services. il a. m, "The. Untrodden .Way:? 7. p. m., "Then md Now': 8 p. m., Sunday. school and Bible classes. Students, soldiers and rirangers cordially in 'vited to all services, : Bethel Congregational chureh A. central 'church: Rev. A. P. Mer. shon pastor, morning worship at i aan. evening worship at 7 p.m., Rev. D. John MacDougall will predach =r both services. 'Sunday- school at 3 pang, classes suited to gll ages Prayer meeting on Wednesday ay 8 pvt. Christian Endeavor on Fridny night at| 8 o'clock, ---election of off - cers. | " St. James' church, corner Union 'Had Sleigh Drive. A number of the members of the 21st battalion overseas, made merry wm New Year's Eve, and held a sleiga side, party around the city. They made a tour of the different streets service stopped for private praye: Afterwards, the holy communion wa sp Dartaken of. At Brock Street Methodist, The Methodiats united in watch night service at Brock street church The préacher was Rev. Alfred Brown who took as text, Phillipians 3; 13 14: "Brethren, I count not mysé! to. have apprehended: but this oan: thing 1 do, forgetting those thing 'which are behind, and reaching fort! vnto those things which are befors Antomobile Storage Also dry storage of any description right in the heart of the city. We have space for thirty automobiles and trucks, ma- chinery and Benyy, Jrasiwhre. Very low rental oe the 1st of April. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Telephone, 454 * or 210214 Wellington St. Use White Rose flour to got results. VETERANS PAID VISIT. 4 To Old Comrades and . To Tete de Pont Barracks. A large number of the member: of the Kingston Veterans' association made a New Year's visit to several of tie veterans fn the Home for "h« Aged dnd the Mouse of "Providenve, en Friday afternoon and took a quan- rity of tobaeco to them, as a reme:- borance that they were not forgeiten Ly their old comrades. In tae {louse of Providence are ¥even veiw rans and in (he Home for the Aged vie three veterans of the Indian ma- tiny, Crimea on other historical ean- paigns. After the visit to these two place: the Sepuigtion made a call on Lieut |i (al. Hudon, who was O.C. oi Cr Lt when that unit went to Nouth Africa in 1900. "A call was also made by the veterans at the offi. cers mess; R.CHIA,, at it was thrown and Arch streets-- | All seats free. |gren to visitors from one until siy ev. T. |W. Savary, B.A, rector, the | ('dlock on New Year's day. Majo: . Bectory, 152 Barrie street, Secon 1{ Hamilton and Lieut, A. Light Teceiv- Sunday falter Christmas. Spec'al sot | oq (the veterans at the mess, and (de vices of| Intercession. [11 a.m. more=| Compliments of the season from' the ing prayer and holy communion, s¢/- vaterant was given to these officers mon subject, "Prayer And Its Conc'- | | to be presented to the officers bsen: tions." 8 p.m., Sunday, school and' Bible classes, 7 p.m., evening praver and litany. Preacher Ven, Archbishen Dohbs. / THE DINING ROOM Im ELECTION ON MONDAY THE MEN WHO SHOULD BE FL. ECTED ALDERMEN. There Are Contests In Three Ward: --=Every Body Should Get Out and Vote For the By-laws. Monday is municipal election day. but the ratepayers of Kingston wil! Vote for aldermen in only three 'wards, 8°. Lawrence, Frontenac and Rideau, while only the ratepayers 0: Frontenac ward will have the privi- lege of casting a vote for a schooi trusteé, W. J. Chapman and W. H Godwin being the educational candi dates. In St. Lawrence ward, Ex-Ald, I. I. Elliott is again offering his ser- vices, and his experieace of twenty: years in council should cause his re: turn to the City Hall as a business men's representative. In Frontenac ward, Dr. W. Me: Carthy, if experience in munie¢ipal af- fairs should count; is entitléd to the pne-year term. He has served as #n alderman and also on the Boari of Health and Board of Education. fo thle '<aie ward, J. S. R. McCann | ang H.: PF. Norman are candidatas and was sent to jall for a coun' of Jor ihe IWeYear sen. siz odin E n.crths, and at the expiration. of her} xno recently insisted on the City a PeTvices. New. Year messages, sterm will be deported to hos fernser forms accepting his resighation, is : ! cession on account of the war. Mu.|powe Ib the Sigles. =~ OF Toc reti¥| Sot desirous of being re-elected. He : sic by soloists 'and full choir, Clas: | 25! & man was found guilty of s%i-| told the council at its final meeting WE EXTEND TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS -OUR BEST WISHES : co FORA HAPPY AND PROSPER- OUS NEW YEAR. J Ashby, The Tailor 76 Brock 8, Kingston DOING € GOOD WORK. | Military Police Union Street Baptist Church--Rev. | George A. Lowes; pastor. Residence, "Victory Heights," Mack street. 7 pam. a message from God on "1915 or Defeat." Chur¢h New Are Always Jol. "The military police in Kingston are doing good work. They are always ow the job and are quite active. Thod co- operate with the city police J { ready _twi portant cases have come { 1efore the magistrate, as a re:ul* of th« endeavor put forth by ihe muii- 'y detectives, and in both Nis a conviction, was recorded and ite of- tender punifhed. = Some few wouks ago, a woman taken in-charge oy couple. of military men. plended $nilty to a charge lodged agalus. hay On the ~~ FOR -- Third Contingent Overseas Service Pay and Subsistence From il Date of Enlistment | Apply Major Dawson Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. Artillery Park Muing Chairs in setts of 5 small and ¥ «+ arm chairs, ne of the largest and most esinpicte James. Reid, Reid Snanesf Ng Reld Less Prices. "0 grant 'that nothing in my soul oy dwell but Thy pure love alone, 0 may Thy love pofsess me whole My joy, my treasure and my (oka Sirange flames far from my rt | remove, My every act, thine." Sydenham ~. Street Meth bet Churech-- Rev, Alfred Brown tor, ' The pastor will preach at both The ao Undertaken. Phone 147 for persona) services. For Sale Gramophones,' : 1 omnolas, Columbia aad Vietor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Bdison 3- {minute records, Biue Amberal re- word, thought "he ing liquor te soldiers in Eis Innea g, 9.45 a.m.; junior league 1, of the year that he wished to retirg .m; Bible school 2.45 p.m.; senior, { room, and was fined $200 and colts) 3,4 ajjow new blood in. No doubt he _107 three months in jail. Thi eas» "1 wus brought through the work biomed Sg My. Norman aj. iddrecs on "Missions and the eo ie Miliary maifee. for a, BL Clugsan is the maa y Rev, E. L. Rice. Intermediate -| for Rideau ward, which he has re- Tay Dm 8 Sol aes. ATA. me to o : be | Cav Congregational Church Frstane a the festival of St. Bagot. and Charles strate: | John the Evargblist. | After r Rev. J.-Lyall, 180 Prony Re sartices 11 resented faithfully \for the past six ears. The people of that ward can thank him for the Sadionat doze dr more street lights that have been | i} arected there of late. Iiisa fore- gone conclusion that at dlectors- will retain him 'as their re- presentative. s "* Everybody is going to vote for the ing for them. T ends their passage. 'One: hundred members of the Diys den family met on New Year's dav ia Duluth, Misn., One of those te