3 i = GRA 8 ANY NEW YEAR : ADAY RATES Tickets will he sold fare, good \going Friday, Dev. 24 and 25. turn until Saturdiy, I < / THIRD Going Des. 22 to Friday, Dec. Valid for return untili Monday, Vg. t single first- (hursday and Valid for re- 25. Dec. RIOR | PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. S Nomm---- The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News Of the World From Teles graph Service and Newspaper Ex. Also goin Parades. dec, 81, and , Friday, do 1, 1915. Valid for re Changes. » gurn until Haturday, Jan) 2, 1915. The new .workmen's compensation FIRST CLASS FARE \AND ONE|act came into force on Jan. 1st. r 1st, United States decreéage of $382,- Up to Decem exports showed ; 831,17 [oY al | New Train Service TORONTC-MONTREAL OTTAWA rpm rhalce Ontario Shore Line" ast time to Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Trenton, ete, Particulars from C.P.R. Agents, or weite M.G, Murphy, D.P.A, Toronto, 23, Queen-Ale xandr i sued a New "Also going Wedneaday, 30 to Years message o rio the women ( "Vuh y + «| of the empires : Tiny: aa. J. a Yr ree of General Lessard granted Now For full particu: ws apply to Year's leave of absence to 2,000 sol- J. P. HANLEY, djerg.-at exhibition camp.' Railroad and Steamship Agent) cor- Guglielmo Mafconi, of wireless ner Jobnson and Ontarip Stieets, | teléPraph fame, has been appointed m am mber of the Italian semate. ~ " : Western Canada will fureish an- nually two hundre d million bushels C [al Y Ja) D } A N of wheat for the motherland. Harry Lauder, the Scotch singer. contributed $5,000°to the Prince of Wales' fund for war sufferers. The Western Ontario Live Stock Gales Association, a co-operative con- ern was organized at Londen, "Golden Rule Steel man" of IMineis refused an order for $2,000, worth of shrapnel for Europe [CANADIAN NORTHERN NIGHT TRAIN Between Toronto and Ottawa Daily DAY TRAINS TO Toronto and Ottawa wv. Lbngzstyn oe i} p.m Ar. ttawa (Cen tatlomd 7.0 5 p.m Lv mgston ..... <216 p.m Ar. Taronto LIT pm Dally For locket om ------------------ CUNARD LINE STAN SERVICE E ) Satifhgn TR ANGONTA tverpoo) Nhe Upion: Coupon and . Prof! Sharing company of Toronto, eapitalis 26x at half a million, has seciired a chartey Febryary wheat sold at $1.38 a bushel in Porttand, Oregon, yester- day, the high record for the North- Western States. Dr. Benzinger has resigned from the faculty of the University of Tor- onto. thus solving the. troubles over the German professors. > New York city and New York county were quarantined by the de- partment of agriculture bgraenge of f and-mouth disease oe» ittle. Next week General Sam Hughes will leave on a western trip. He vill go through to the coast and in- pect-the troops mobilizing in all the entre \ The London public utilities com mission announced that it would re? bate to the city whatevef surplus was obtained from the Alydro-Elan tri¢ street lighting. Sergeant Herbert LSolff, of the Canadian Field Artillery, belonging to Lancashire, maarried Emily, the only daughter of F. J. Green, 'of Westhoughton, Eng. The committee - which is asking gifts of fruit for the British fleet are prepared now to receive them at St. + John The Allan Line will carry 18, 100 tons, Jan. 11th After | ne nominal rates. 1 am Loeal Tieket Agent, or RORERT REFORD CO, LIM General Agents, 50 King St. East, Tor- : o--e J #8 BERMUDA | ~~ %B 88. "Bermudian" 10.618 rd displacements par- orehestia; spacious decks; all modern sales from New Yorn T40.00 am, every Walpes- way, commencing ~Janunry 61 oh" hours from. Frost to Flow- WEST INDIES DaHghtful eruises about 28 ¥8,. Now S885 Guiana and ath- nit from New-York th, 2 February 2.00 ¥ mn. Croix, Antiqua, 1 weia, badoes, Denrerrira and | medists ports. a eartieiars appl shade 8 Bar- inter- © on amited, du any a? oka Agents. Charles Henry Torrington Byng { Hall, late captain in the Canadian THE | forces, has been promoted to tempor- *" ary major in the 1st battery of tLe motor machine-gun service. Mrs. Armand Perras, Montreal, was on her way to the station, to visit Boston friends for New Year's when a street car crashed into, the The Foix tunnel through thé Py- rences was pierced Thursday. Itis part of a new line of railroad com- munication between Paris and Bar- celona by way of Toulouse. F. W. Hanright, postmeoster of Halifax, since April of this year, dici on Thursday, He was a prominent conservative and unsuccessfully con- tested the riding of Hants pn two 90 asians. J. J. Carrick, member of parlia- ment for the Thunder Bay! ang, Rainy River district, who recently wvigited the battle lines in Flanders and nor- thern France, has volunteered for the front. Owing to illness Lore "Landsdowne, BS ICE CREAM. Call or Phone 980 MARBLE HALL George Masoud, Props. 238 Princess St. sary and useful things. chilla coats! also tw leader of the opposition in the House of Peers, will be unable to take his seat next week, and his lea- Curzon, Duncan B, McKinley, Berkeley, Cal., former representative in cou- gress fram California, died Thursday of apoplexy at his home here. ' Mr. McKinley was fifty-six years old and was born in Canada. Emperor William has sent from the army headquarers a message to President Wilson, conveying his wish es for'a happy New Year. The eni- peror also expresses his best wishes for the welfare of the United Statas. Fysher's the best known Paris ca- Here is w hore? We give a practical desiopstration of holiday spirit, by giving low prices on some neces- Call in our store Saturday. Men's Oy ercoats, warm, heavy grey 'and blue Chin- eeds in rich shades of grey and browns. All styles. Reg. $15.00. Sat. for $10 - Boys' Overcoats, tweeds and Chinchillas, made with shawl or noteh collar and helted backs. Reg, $8. Saturday JOP gues oro Als FURNES : for ......\., Big Mon s Xmas Ties i in faney boxes, reg. i Reg. 50¢ Pies, Raturday for Ji. 0x 80 en's Braces in fancy boxes, reg. v's Silk Handkerchiefs, reg. Tae, Saturday for H0e eg. S0¢, Saturday for ................... 30e assortment of Sweaters and Sweater Coats, all- (at reduced prices for Xmas, BOOTS AND Se, Sa Satpday 500 TT OY Jr (2¢, for ......50e OES seg. $3.50. Sat. for $2.00 pers, Teg. $2.00, Sat. $1.25 4 county bye-elections and leigh, killing her baby in her arms.| a dership duties WHT Tar | upon Lord | ST , THE DAILY BRITISH baret, will reopén -on January 165i, with thé founder proprietor, A. Nil- son Fysher, and all his original sup- porters giving a performance identi- cal with the ante-bellum show. Quebec government has granted the sum of 200,000 franes ($49,- 069), as a contribution from the province towards the national com- mittee for the ald of France, organiz ed to assist the dependents of French soldiers, James Russell, a Minto farmer, af- ter being the first to congratulate his granddaughter, Miss Margaret Can- eron,'on. her marriage to Charles Gordon, in his home, suddenly: pas- sed away while conversing with his sister. The steamer Navarra, a St. John N.B., ship, bound for France, wiin a full cargo of hay, oats, automobiles, and army supplies for the British, struck on Holme's Ledges, Tusket Is- land, in the Bay of Fundy, and will probably be a total loss." Scotland Yard, it is said, wants, the arrest of Alan McGregor, a yours Brockville man, who enlisted with the Alirst Canadidn overseas econtin- gent, upon a chargé of desertion. Me- Gregor, it is reported, returned to Brockville the first of this wéek ang made a short stay at his home, Hon. J. B. M. Baxter, the new a: torney-general of New Brunswick, was returned unopposed in St. Joho B. Frank Simms, were nomia- ated by the co rvative and the Ii- berals, respectively, ~to succeed. ex- Premier Flém ing for Carleton county Sm'th and R. I CATCHING THE LAGGARDS Some Amusing Cases Before French Ariny 'Doctors. Paris. Jan. 1--The examining poards of army doctors who are nuw passing on cases of men previously exempted from military service 0: physical defieiency are reasonably severe, A strapping "twenty-five- year-old man came along with tr fngers missing from Jjs left hand The examining. surgebon pronounced him good for service. The candi- date for exemption protested, exhibj- ting hic partial left hand. "Have you a hunting asked the doctor off hand, "Yes!" stammered the eiandidate "Very well, then, get along and hunt a few Germans!" And off he want to the barracks, \ permit?" \ Vaudeville At Grand. The different "vaudeville enter: tainm&nts at the Grand Opera House were largely attended yesterdiy. Th- programyme presented was an ideal one for 'New Year's Day, and th: company was composed of artists whe are above 'par. Carl Rifner, the ecceniric clib juggler, gave one o! the most expert exhibitions of eciul swinging ever given in the Opere House. Park and Hall, sang in fine voice "What a Wonderful: Love That Would Be", "Wrap Me in a Bundle" "Mother McCrae," and "Little Ford Rambled Right Along", (an automo vig sone) in connégtion with theh using comedy act, and scored a success. Jean Finneran, the boy from Galway, gave reégitations and songs of an Irish nature, which were well received and vigorously - ap- plauded. He sang "Hame Raie Has Come to Ireland" ands "Tipper- ary Mary," in the character Shan The Poet, from "'Arrage of oguc." He algo deemed on a marble pedes- tal the Lancashire clog an Iriah clog and Jig his 'statuary posing was fice The plioto-plays were viewed awith in- terest. They were "The Gunman' and "From Wash to Washington." The same programme will be pres ented to-night. Death At Centreville, The death occurred at Centerville on December, 25th, of James Cassily dred-twenty-five -- years, Deceas2d was unmarried; and was a son of John Cassidy. Besides his parents he leaves two sisters, Evaline aad Irene, and oné brother, Frank. The funeral, which was a very large one took. place on December 28th to the Roman Catholic church at Centr: ville, where Rev. Father O'Farr.! sang a requiem high 'mass. The pallbearers were Vincent Kennedy. Leo Donoghue, Leo Flynn, John Whalen, Daniel O'Ray and _ John Breault, - "Jim" as he was knowr by all his friends was a great favor- ite with everyone, and will be mach -midsed In the village. Would Lecture In Kingston. A former Kingstonian, now a resi- dent in Montreal, has been delivering there a very popular lecture on "Tas War, its Causes, and What it Meaus to Canada and the Empire: This gentleman exepeis to be in Kingston during the week of January 26th, and 'would be willing to give his ser- vices to any ¢lub or organization which would use the proceeds for charity funds or ether worthy causes. If any Kingston organization wenld like to get in touch with this gentle- man, they can do so by enquiring at the Whig office. rn msn Fine gardeny grow fine teas; that is, gardens whose altitude is at least 4,000. feet. Salada ted is composed of selected loavss grown at least at such a level. Hence its un- rivalled flavor. To show their appreciation of the good work done by Mrs. Shaver for St. Andrew's church, Picton, the) ladies on Dec. 23rd, presented her with an address grateful thank: and a gift of silver spoons. Miss Crozier, Kingston, is Visiting | Miss Craig, Glen Walter. State of Ohio, City BE Taledlo, | "Less O06 | 84 Frank J. Cheney takes oath that he is senior partner of (he firm of F. J. fhendy & Co. doing buginess in the City of Taledo, County and 3 State a said, and Shar: sai Ford 1 Te sum of ONE UND. jor in fay presence 'th . a rR we. ge Ey Seah 'A. au Hair s Catareh Cure is nally; and acts AY on "hi 0 system. 3 Toledo. O. Pills for consti~ is stated, a German jofficer at {each And avers cate ot Eaten t] aly teanngt be cured by the ot A {Catyrrh Cure! FRANK J. ' Scorn to balore me, ahd of LA The Belgiqn Burgomaster | Ma jeiakist leader says of Brussels was imprisoned ¥ dhe Germans with some eriminals d Toate 4 like ther The Paris Tewgps days that Frénch opinion in praefically unaninious in favor of Japanese aid. The Moslem inbabitants of the Soudan have unanimously declared their loyalty to Great Britain. Italy's momentous move in occupy- ing Avlona, Albania, and the sur- rounding hill country, has aroused intense irritation and discontent .in Austria-Hungary. The supershiman efforts of th: Germans for the past three weeks appear finally, to have exhausted their strength in Poland: The Japanese foreign office says the reports im circudation that Jap- anese troops have landed at Viadivo- stock or at any other place on -their way to Europe are absolutely un- true. ' The Germans are rapidly' turning Antwerp Thto an" arsenal. They have seized the aeroplane factory at Bowiekins, a suburb of Antwerp, are are manufacturing Farman. bi- planes there. . The British government rate of in- surance of cargo against war .risks will be reduced from one and one- half guineas to one guinea per ceri, The new rate takes effect Deceinher 31st. British battleship Formidable sunk by mine or submarine 'in English chapnel. Only 15h out of seveu hundred of crew saved. She was buflt in 1898, cost 'five millions and was sister chip of Bulwark, sung at Sherness. Ten killed, forty Lure, including several-soldiers, in rear \énd collis= fon near Ilford, Eng. In New Year's addresy to his troops Kaiser Wilhelm cally Tor un- precedented sacrifice if nocedsary against Germany's enemy. rkish commander in Palestine was assassinated in Jerusalem and it is stated the British force has oc- cupied several coast cities of the holv land. The Bavarien. press confains the annpuncement that on and after Jan- vary 2nd, the military training stitution of the Potsdam Guards will be prepared to receive volunteers be- fween the ages of 16 years and 16 years 9 months, the height of candi- dates to be not less than 5 feet inches: M. Stephen Pichon, formerly for- eign minister of. France, who is « strong advocate of bringing Japan- ese troops to the western tneatre of war, accepts the estimate of Col. Re- pington, the military critic of the London Times, that Germany is st Ii able to put four million additional sgn in the field. German supreme + tribunal has m= sentenced a British- ar prisoner, Lonsdale, to death forlassaulting, 'it the Doberitz concentration 'camp. Lons- dale in the first instgnte was senten- sed to ten years' imprisonment, but the military authorities' appeal for a\ sentence of capital punishment has seen successful. Rae Turks were routed at Guerkli, ny shells from French torpedo boats. A Paris official despaich says the positions gained in Steinbach, Ak sace. have bedfi Kept and a vigorous offensive against the enemy in this) seplon is being carried' on. The French ministry of marine announces a French battleship has been torpedoed in the Ofranto chan- nel. No details given. A despatch from Pretoria officially announces the South African govern- ment is about to commandeer men 'or service -against German South- West, Africa. The rebel, Marit: who, escaped into German territory, ith German is reported returning w reinforcements armed with field and machine guns to raise another rébell- ion. Official despatches states the Rus- sian forces have now assumed ta2 offensive at almost eyery point from East Prussia to Western Galicia. There is no longer any danger of tho fall of Warsaw or even of its evacua- tion for strategetic_ reasons. * A Paris oculist has received a lei- ter from a French soldier in hospital asking that he send him a new glass eye, as he cannot rejoin his compaay until Be has one. . Norman Angell, London Daily Ma'), tells of seeing a French peas ant threshing corn in sight of th» slaughter of thousands of men. Commencing on January 1st, the| German administration elosed the Belgian borders against all comers." Arthur A. Wilkins, of the H.M.3., Monmouth, brother of George W:!- kins, of Keene, Oiut., lost -his life in the naval battle off the Chilean coast. / 4 The Italian minister of commerce has unmasked a vast German-Austro conspi to smuggle $400,000 worth of contraband. The advance of the allies in neigh- borhood of Steinbach, continues with artillery proving very effective, The allies are now on the offensive in the region of Verdun, and French avia- tors have 'again done serious work ith .hombs on German positions at etz. , The Germans Have made slight 'gains in Argonne and are' believed troops have occupied Bon- gainville, the largest of the Solomon Islands. it is announced that the British Sag had bean hoisted the island on 9th. Prince Eitel Frederich, the faver- ite son of the smper brigade of the Imperial Guard. Thousands of hatians are flock- BN tan pty Hi {ruRDAY JANUARY 2. 1915. ; hives to the Turkish Interior feelinz] that the fall of Constantinople is Tm- minent. A Berlin official statement says there is till ne deeisive result-in the] fighting with the Russians in Polan4. Petrograd war office reports say that Von Hindenberg's advance into Poland is now definitely and finally checkea. One new French dreadnought and two new French cruisers' made their trial trips Friday. morning. «+ It is now stated that from 150 to 246 men are saved from the Formid- able, sunk by a submarine in. the English channel: C - Chaplain C. L. Ingles, son of Archdeacon Ingles, of Toronto, is dead of spinal meningitis at Salis- bury Plain. Lord Kitchener announces he will form six new armies for foreign ser- vice, Von Buelow's mission to Ifaly failed. FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE. Notes From Kelper. Kepler, Des. Te Donnel and bride have réturned home. Tig school meeting to elected twe trustees, Newton ny and Willian Horning. The latter has been a trustee for twenty-two years. Mrs, Herbert Johnston has a lovely Christ- mus present in the person of a young daughter (Marion Isabel). Ander- son Townsend, wife and daughter and Hubert A. Townsend and wif, took Christmas dinner: at A. », Smith's Latimer. Miss Redmoad and Miss Mabel"Of¢er, spent a few days in the city recently. Stanard Guess is away looking about his new home. 3 * Visitors: Mrs. Eliza Lawrence ai Harvey Buck's; Mrs. Joyner July and Mrs. Hanson, and mother and Edward 'Lawrence wife and daugh- ter at Anderson Townsend's; Mics Helen Wartman at her father's; Lorne Lawson, Montreal, at Edwin Lawson's; Robert Lyons and family, at 'Henry Lindsay's; Hubert A. Townsend and wife are visiting friends in the city. Budget From-Rethel. Bethel, Dec.. 31---8chool closed on Tuesday before Christmas and a num her of applications have heen receiy- ed by the secretary, as the forrn.er teacher M.. Lewas does not: inten keeping the school the rest of the term. Christmas visitors: Mr. ana Mrs! John Connolly, Miss Myrtle and Wilfred Connolly took dinners with Mr. and Mrs. F. McWilliams; Miss Estella Manion, Toronto, came down on Christmas eve, to spend a few days.with her parents and other friends; Mr. and Mrs. James A. Joyne, Gosport, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hawley, Hay Bay, and Mrs. W. J. Black, Napanee, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Joyne; Mr. and Mrs. Jobn O'Mara also enter- tained friends Miss Olive Salsbury at home, The Misses Jean and Mars ion Rilley, Ottawa, at their parents' home in Camden East. Friends are sorry to learn that Mrs. Manion, &v., is under the doctor's care. Mr. and \Mrs. James Kelly, Camden East, were Xith Mr. and Mrs. Curl on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. John Curl visiz- ed at Levi Salsbury's recently. Rev Roy McWilliams, Toronto, is at VW. McWilliams', for the holiday. "~ Colebrook Tidings. Colebrook. Dec. 30--Mrs. Graham, the mother of Mrs. Edgar Walker, was taken ill at her son's on Christ: mas day at Enterprise, where she wi: visiting. She is now improving. There is no improvement in the con- dition of Charles Wopdruff ani Peter Hart who) are both seriously ill. The Christmas entertainment was a grand success as usual. Tha congregation of the Methodist churth | made a generous gift Miss Georgie M. Warner, as a slight token for her faithful services. A young son at Edgar Lakens. The annual school meeting passed of quietly. Wilbert F. Benn was elect- ed trustee for three years. Mrs. D. Garrison fell down stains and bruised) her head and face badly. Miss Viola Sutton was married last Thursday to Eulene Blakley, of Sy- denham. Mrs. Orland Clement, af Belleville, sistér, of the bride, wzs) down to the wedding. Stinson O Martin, wife and young son, Warner, of Ottawa, spent Christmas with A. C. Warner and - family: ~~ Russetl Gilligan, is spending the holidays ai Napanee. - Arthur Hart, wife ana | child, of Brockville, are spending their holidays here. T. A. Keyes, wite apd daughter, Gwendoline, spent Christmas with Mr. Bailey, of Kingston. Mr; Brown, of Kingston, spent Christmas with C. N. Garrison and family, ~Dotags At I At Delta. : 3 Delta, Des. 31--Death came to A. J. Flood last Tuesday, after an ill. ness of a number of months, He leaves a wife three daughters and two sons. In religion he was a Ro- man Catholic ana in politics a liberai. The funeral took place on Thursday at the Roman Catholic, church, Phii- h for of Lanedowne, spent Dr. Stevens, ipsville. Word has Deen received" of the death of Mrs. Luther Etevens in It is admitted in Rome that Prince!' to the organisi,| this place." Miss "B. Jackson iz Abendiag | the holidays at Dome, alsa Miss Sara Lorne Pie The ips. 'rink. . Albert Topping and family, of New York state, are spend- Morse, Sask., a former resident of} A Halliday is preparing al] | ~182-134 Princess §t. Phone 532, T.J. 0'Connor, Mgr. TRY THENOTED. "Cleveland" Pork Sau sages: _ 15c per pound. HOME MADE SAUSAGES, 122%c por Pond KINGSTON'S LEADING BUTCHERS : 217 Princess St. Phone 1683, Opposite Opera House: Kingston Cem- ent Products We Make CEMENT BLOCKS, SILLS, LIN. TELS, PIER BLOOKS, BRICK, VASES, : and everythin: in cement. Veram- #ah work a specialty. 2 OFFIOR 177 WRLLINGTON ST. Works, Cor: Charles and Patrick Sts. Phone 720. Prompt Deli NOLAN'S GROCERY Princess St. i OUR FRESH GROUND COF-|R| FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. [p | Try a sample order and be |B | convinced. TTC VUTUTURUY IV Yee Ee Chas H.L ssHiLeud der SPECIAL OFFER TO THE PUBLIC FOR THE NEW YEAR We will give onr designfag and ser vices an n REuaraniee that we will farms Ish everyone that in desirons of a w "grees, : home or bulliding, aud of a loan on ------- Ko 2.33; No. 3. $5 pe h to the amount of 40 per cent. of the Bold all Snug ot atng cost of the bulldiax. Dullding mot ts Ba eet of . exceed more than $25,000.00. wildings phiet. A ig above this amount will have apecial at- b COOK MEDICINE tewtion, ony. (Formed as Swan Neck, Straight. Just Arrived. Crawford & Walsh, Princess & Bagot St. Civil and Military Tailors. Start the New] Year Right Start By Saving Money--Start By Attending | Mendels Big Sale The Money Saving event for shrewd buyers, All odd lots and broken sizes in the various depart- | ments have been placed on the bargain tables. f F ForSatupday At prices bound to clear them out. No wny. over to another season here. ' First loss we con- Kingston's s only iF axciugive Ladies' Ready-