I ------ Banking Convenience business of every desc ription appertai namerous branchés distributed throughout po The Bank of Toronto, witn departments equipped to transact and with ning to banking, Domi and a. the full list of banking correspondents, is enabled to offer its custo mers exceptional facilities for the transaction of their financial af- fairs, Pald-up Capitar .. Reserved Funds... «+00, 86,307,279 Assets ........... $60,000,000 Tae . INCORPORATED BANK or TORONTC Market Square GEORGE B. McEAY Kingston Manager. GREETINGS The compliments of the se.son to all. contractors of King: To the buildérs and ton I extend my hearty thanks for their patron-' age during the past year, and cheerfully solicit thefr trade for the coming season. I say cheerfull because I am confident 1 have as good to offer as the best, and my prices are right. Phone 1396. | A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard Phone 1396 mnsn------ Wishing All A Happy and Prosperous New Year J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 48 BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER, Representative, PHONE 68 We Wish To Extend to one and all 4 Happy and Prosperous © New Year. hanking you for liberal pat- ronage during 1914. Hoping to receive a continuance of past favors. HOAG'S DRUG STORE| pales X. M. O. A. Kingston Ont. No Advance "in Prices In All ur Lines of Boots and For. fall and winfer we car ry a complete line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Foot. wear, manufactured by the best American and manufacturers, at the lowest prices tn the city. Give us a COAL § 'he kind you are look- ing 'for is the kind we sell | Scranton Coal | 1s good Coal and guarantee prompt livery BOOTH & CO. Font of West St. St. we de- Rideau Ward GEORGE LATURNEY For Alderman "RIDEAU WARD W. R. Clugston, enee of the electors for ref election as alderman for 1915. All his property inter- ests are in this ward. Frontenac Ward W.J. Chapman eC ontractor, respectfully solicits your votes and influcnce for re-election as || School Trustee, [Solicits the vote and intu-| WOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST {appenings in the City and Vicinily ~=What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Attend church on Sunday. vote Godwin for trustee. How are your resolutions Bay Cough Syrup et Gibjon's. Sate ! Furs, cheap. Dulton's "Kingston has had its full share wind 'this season. - Men's lined pigskin wits, 0c. ton s Support the by-laws. They worthy of hearty "endorsement. "Cancelled Library Books, Gibson's. J. S. R. McCann had a bad yn the walk, injuring his head, "- Buy Cough Syrup at Gibson's. Wuliam dwajne, piano tuner. Orders eceived at McAuley's. Phone 564. F. W. Daly, born in Napanee, is wn aldérmanic eandidate in London. ie had a splendid start. 75¢. corset, SUe¢.; $1.50 corset, $1. Dutton's. The Rorth Expositor has been sold o N. G. Dickson, for many = yéars editor of the Perth Courier. . Sale ! Hockey boots. Dottun's Cancelled Library Books, 25¢." Gibson's: aymond Walker, Kingston, is vis- ding his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker, Ogdensburg, N.Y. Sale! Women's long $1. Dutton®s. "A 50c. son's. Lhe best resolve to make season is to resolve to make happy by paying your debts. Buy Cough Syrup at Gibson's. Percy Skinner, Kingston, is" spend- ng the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner, Keene. H. Cunniggham,, piahe tuner, {ing street. Leave orders at \uley's book store. "Almond cream," at Gibson's. The Board-of Education won't be warmed "by the infusion of new blood. Voie for Gedwin on Mon- iay. ""A-50c. Gib- son's, A. S. Thompson, on the Toronto Globe staff, is dead, aged sixty-three. fle was bprn in Kingston. He spent forty -nine years op the Globe. Baby Cough Syrup, fall gaiters, a 25." pill, Kidney this others at 21 Mc- Kidney Pill, 25¢." *13¢." Cibo" s White or black tams, Dutton's. There was a very on market on Saturday morning. Tne prices were unchanged: ~ kggs sold. at 50c. a dozen and butter at 32c. to 35c. a lb. Wool toques, 15c.; clouds, 25c.; white wool gloves, 20c., Dutton's. : "Almond cream," at Gibson's. Mrs. Scott Miss Olive Scott and Miss Florence Johmstin, dome to-day after spending Christ- nas with Mr. and Mrs. John -Pal- ner, Maberly. atk We. Kidney Pill, Gib te VU Brien' s Big Suit Suis Saris Sat- arday, January 2 1945. English Worsteds and Scotch, Tweed Suit ings: $17.50 spot cash. All Suits guaranteed, or no sale. : "Réd Rose eream," at Gibson's. The Sentinel Star, Cobourg, has sntered upon ils eighty-sixth year. it is a spfendid weekly and chronic- les the events of the town and ounty in a very satisfactory way. "A SOc. Kidoey Pill, 20c.' Gib- son's. : For everything in music call Dut ton's. Orders taken. Expert piano tuning. Miss Mildred Delton, daughler of Licut.-Col.. CC. W. Belton, Alfred street, and granddaughter of the late Sir George Ross, leaves next week for Windsor to take a position 'on the 25¢." Gib- | returned | Prices M Evening, 10c¢; reserved Se extra. pti en ari Tom Marks "Wandevitle, . Mon. "The Golden Rule" Change of Play and Specialties Nightly Special 10- 15-26 { Nothing Prices | i, Higher 'Semts Now on Sale, CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Margaret Henderson and son wish to express their thanks for Kind. Bereavement Lost. FOR NEW. YEAR'S DAY WAGSTAFF'S Fine Old English PLUM PUDDINGS and MINCE MEAT . Insist on | WAGSTAFF'S A Happy New Year To All C. H. PICKERING Grocer and Ment Dealer 490 Princess St. Phone 530 Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal Fein jo only a A Heitinnl cereal tasty an well delicious cereal or made In pan-cakes, "a 'vial alse ..... tegular size At Your Family Grecérs. FENWICK, HENDRY & Co, { Distributors.) 'HLECTED MAYOR OF " GANAN- OOUE ON FRIDAY Defeated ®x-Mayor W, By Forty-five Votes = jured By a ¥ali. N. Rogers A Lad In- Gananoque, Jan. 2i--The muni- tal, of the Collegiate Institute there, " Remember Godwin, candidate for |Jrustee. "A 25¢. Liver Pill, 15¢." Gibson's. Black sateen underskirts, 50c.; $1.50 moire underskirts, $1. Dutton's. "Major |[H. T. Hughes, C.E., was in the city' on Friday. It is' expected that he will resume the rank he had with, the overseas contingent of -lieu- tenant-cololel, and command the Ca: nadian Engineers when they leave for the' front, "A 25¢. Liver Pill, 15¢."* Gibson's. Musie. Tolls from. 31. Dutton's. An assault case was to have come up before Justice of the. Peace G. H. Hunter on Thursday, but owing 'to the defendant being very ill the case wis adjourned until next Thursday. 3 principals are residents in = the t8wnship of Kingston. : Arch supports - (feet), $1.50. Dutton's. 2 "25c. Baby Cough Syrup, 15¢." Gibson's : Winter term Kingston Business College, head of Queen street, opens day classes on = Tuesday, January /5th, and night classes on Wednes- 'day 6th. Rates moderate. Phone 440, H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. Elect a few new members to the Board of Education. Vote for God- win. ; "25c. Baby . Cough Syrup, 15." Gibson's : "The story of the Trey O' Hearts will be found on 'page eleven of 's issue and is thrilling in its character. The story is mow rapid- | regular 32, cipal elections in .Gananogue yes- terday -were quite keenly contested, and resulted in a decided win for the labor party. Dr. Fergus J. O'Con- nor being elected mayor over -ex- ! Mayor W.' N. Rogers by 45 votes. 'For the council there were seven candidates in the field and their Standing at the count up was: Keyes, Dowsley, Kar?! Cowan, Tay- lots Wright, 'Pecer, the first six being the council for 1915. The complete 'vote for and against the Carnegie library propesitien is not yet in. Vihoent Amo, son of Mr: and Mrs. Nelsen Anko, Charles street, who de- livers express parcels about the town met with a severe accident Yesterday miming in the west ward. He ivped on the iy walk, and was picked a Dr, O'Connor was Saiiod in' attendance, but as yet just how serious his is_in- juries are can mat be A largély attended watch night service was held in the losture room of Grace church on New Year's eve. Miss Gladys Berry, of the staff of the local public in Miss Nellie og Pring. § a oy yesterday 'to accept the position of Soncher, in the public. school Sud- Gorden Davis, of Syracuse, Ny.| 'holidaying here : is 'with his father, 'Hugh Davis, King = street. Mrs. Frederick J. Miller. returned home ALL NEXT WEEK| ness and floral offerings in their sad i A NEW CEREAL cvenesss 30 ctu. 2 ets. DR. FERGUS 0° . CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Fiest tamertion lc a word. Each con- secwtive insertion thereafter, half. cent a word. Migphmum charge for one insertion, 25e; three insertions, Sc; six, $15 one month, $3. HELP WANTED AN-ABVT OF 253 WO dinder this head, costs uight, or 0c for three. OR LESS, 20¢ for oife A FEW SMART GIRLS. Kingston lhosiery Co: FOR GENERAL Famiiy of three: Apply, 27 Sydenham 8 COMPETENT HOUSEWMAID, other need apply. Apu lo Johnson stréet, jbetween 2. and 4 pm, or 7.and 9 in evening. § MAID work. dry INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers. De ¢anvassing. Send for par afr Press Sy ndj- HieR9 4, \CKport, NX AN x aes - 00 ANNUALLY... with me evenings at home. thing furnished. Don't about capita Boyd H. Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr. Every- worry Brown, ------------ HAVE YOU ANY ADILATY OAS A salesnian? We have a proposition to make which will enable you earn more money than You arc earning at the present time, Cor- réspondence strictly confide Address to Manager, Box' 47, King- gton, Ont. AOEN S INTRaDUCE OUR AEWLY. ted Hau difier x { sick Fas Stove com- & FC yok i ng propositions. No petiiion, Big profits Exclusive territories. Vapo Humidifier. Co., 1416 Broaaway, N.Y. YOUNG MEN WANTED TO PREPARE for tele) raph paitions on Cana n railways, ur students ceive positions A MERIATOTY graduation and §70 to $90 Hionthly Free railway pass to I and to destination when Tuition Jies ihoderate Jaricuiare ahh. Dier- Tele, ra School, 16! AW Bank Street, TEACHERS WANTED QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S. §, NO. 6, Barrie, female preferred. Duties to commence right away. Three hundred per year. Apply to Wm. H. Heaq, "sec.-treas.,, Cloyne Ont. Excellent A NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR School Section No. 1, Howe Island Catholic teacher. Duties to com- mence Jan. dth, Apply te Joc Beaubien, Sec.-Treas, Howe Island P. O, stating salary. ' : PROTHSPANY TBACHER » BRALE Pittsburg, holding 5 -~ ed 'Fertificate. Duties to commence January 4th, 1916 pe vig. stating salary required to Jeo Thomson. See.-treas," R. R. No. T, Joyceville, Ont. + WANTED GENERAL LARGE, COMFORTABLE ROOM bourd for two. Address W City. WITH GC CG & care of Eastern Bins School, GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up inte up- to-date suits-Prices and workman- Ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairing done on the shortest notice, Thomas Galloway, 131 Broek "street, "near Bibby's Garage. SITUATION VAUANT. : BILLY SUNDAYS MESSAGE. GREAT opportunity for man of woman. We will pay yu $120. to distribute it in your neighborhood Sixty days' work. Spare time may be used Inte rnation: al Bible Press, 152 Spa- dima Ave. Toronto, PERSONAL MARRY HE 1 RELIABLE. CONFI dential Success Club has large numbers of wealthy, eligible mem! th sexes, wishing earls marriage: deveriptions ree. i Wrubel, Box 26, Oakland, C HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blemish es removed 'permanently, without scar;-30_vears' experience. Dr. El- mer a Lake, Ef % Ear, Nose, oat an ne alist, Bagot St pecialist, 258 | #. cocker bitch, LADY'S BLUS SUIT COAT lington,| Barrack or Rid ¥ Friday pfterncon. Reward for re- turn to this 'oflice. % - Ee ---------- IDAY AFTERNOON, A RED with owner's name answering to name Finder please return to Main St. and receive reward. ON FR on "collar, Lighty il-a FOR SALE. ADVTS. COST, THESE Htth i three times, Wc; EFFECT 4 THEROL GHBRED, WHITE WYANDOT rels, "apply 243 Alfred St JEESE FEATHE RE APPLY TO MRS, Goldman, 387 Division St COOPERATE | - Xe: upon oy LET THESE SMALL three times $0¢ PRY ONE OF ADVTS. E FOR FURNITURE, McCann, X32 ETC Brock TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furpished. Apply to 198 Stuart St: a ---------- ROOMS OVER 35 MNCESS STREET. IE Apply 55 CUEARENUE 8S CHAM. ApRL, to Cunningham & Clarence St. CR bers, Mudie, DWELLINGS, PURNISHED AND ¥N. furnished: stores, offices, etc. Mec- Cann's Real Estate en 1 Brock St. Agency, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, gees a Jools; hygur Sn lock and torage, 399 Queen Be ony 0 B2eb. 'Hots SE. NO. 26 JOHNSON ST, § ROOMS and with modern Improvements, Rent $7.00. a month, Immedidic possession. Apply next door EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST new, modern improvements, corner Division and Quebéc streets. Apply to J. D. Boyd. 106 Pine Street. MEDICAL, STUART M., POLSON, M.A. M.D.C.Mq, former house surgeon Manhattan. Eye, ear, nose, and throat hospital New York. Office, 132 Wellington, opposite pov: office. Office "hours, 2 am, 2-4 pm, 7-8 p.m. Phone » DENTAL LE KNAPP, BA. LDS, moved to 268 Princess Street SPARKS AND SPARKS, 159 lingron St. (over Phone 346. 34 OR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B. Renton, assistant. 133 Be Street. Phone 736. §. H. SIMPZON, LDS, D.D.S, DENT. ist, corner Princess a Bagot streets. ¥Kntrance on Bagot street WE Catnovexy's) CATERING CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding, breakfasts, banquets, etc also rent dishes, table liv and silverware. Reid and Ham Nok M Reld, 30 Union Btrest. C Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street Phones 843 or 303. wE ARCHETICT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete. ces, Tlhone 61. 258 Bagot St. A ------------------ en etme eerie | OWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Brock and: Drop a card, Buildin corner Wellingt streets MUSIC. MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC. tion, 218 Frontenac Si. Miss Norma Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, BE . BF, Telgmann, teachers of elocu- tof, pany, violin and all stringed instruments BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START ;, @& madl order business at home: no Canvassing: be vour own boss Sond for free booklet: tells how Heacock, . 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. BUBINESS NOTIOES, JOSEPH BUSE + CHESTNUT ST. HAS opened up a quarry on Stephen St Cut, building and rough stone are supplied promptly et reasonable prices. ' ARCHI. \ TOR SALE, UHEAP, work horscs Apply AIREDALE BITCH PUPPY, FIVE mouths old, by Champion Rockler Orang ex Pure Mald. $15. A a 21¢ Whlliam St, Kingstoa, Jut. : ™O «Goon Kind inal harness. Box 21, Whig office "HEAVEN b 400 pages. W. L. Law, oronte, Ont Only 25e 486 Quclid Ave, IFFICE DESK, SIX FERT LONG, 11 in. high in front and 56 1-2 in. high back Three drawers,and one shelf Rirhtly-used: Apply British Whig" office. A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND a number of first-class heaters at low prices: also a big stock of fur. niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess Phone 1600. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES also Dunlop _ tires, at $2.00. All orders promptly attended to for carpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 373 King St HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OX» fords, and other cook stoves, Que. bects, pugs and square heaters, all these. in first class shape; will close them out at very small pro- fits. Turk's "Phone, 7 INE PURE BRED HOLSTHIN RULLy twenty months old, lcholcest breed- ing. Grand head for any herd. Pure bred bull calf {Korhdyie), Also five head pure bred females." Priced low for quick sa A. s Guess, RB. R. No. 2, Eiginburg, Ont. RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND convenient to station, EW FRAME HOUSES, YORK cheap LARGE LOT BRICK HOUSE, and stahle HOUSE, ROOMS, RAME I$ 500-NEW FRAME HOUSE, MARK. D.D.S, RE- | land St. « A. BATEMAN INSURANCE teal Estate, 7 Claren St. FOR SALE OR TO LET. A SEVEN ROOM FRAME HOUSE, with durnace, B. and C., electric light; on Montreal St. Apply to A, yighend 26 Frontenac St Phone AND "Tl i} ] TELBGREN Li Cyn Service, Typewriting, Ing and General Tmprovement: Day and Night Classes, Kingston Business College mited Head of Queen Street. Rates moderate. Phone 440. WH. Sartitetedy +p Shrsitsness Pes Jie hn FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Boclety: incorporated - 1861; resident, Colonel Henry R. Smith, oney issued on oity and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages purchased: deposits Jecgived and Interest al. lowed, 8 re MeGl Manager, 87 slreet * Clarence LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Ins fisgety GLOBE 1 Irea Company. Available 187.216. In addition to which "the polleyheklers have for seourity: the unlimited dability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing ou or Siving new business get rates rom trange & Agents. Phone he Buange, LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & WM ters and soHcitors." Clarence St. ¥, BARRIS. Law office, 70 Kingston. UPHOLSTERING. WwW. J. GAVINE, VUPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and _carpet-work, and Mattress renovating. Drop a card or -call 216 Bagot Street. Frontenac Ward - HORACE F. NORMAN Saliits Your vote, for Alder- man for the Two Year Tem Bit aeg®s 5 ..RE lenishment... ' When the coal bin needs it use our g good coal. . Quick orderly de- livery ry aud careful preparation over _ the screen,