BOING MAD FROM «JHE TERRIFIC PAIN | Primineat Merohant Thiaks: His Life Was Saved By * Fruil-2-tives ™. DrysSpaLr, ONT. JUNE 15th, 1913, "1 am a general storekeeper at {ix above address, and off account of the great good I have experienced from using * Fruit-a-tives", 1 recommend them to my ¢ustomers., They were a great boon to me, I can tell you, for about twp years ago, I wis laid up in bed witli vomiting and a terrific pain at the base of my skull. The pain neariy drove me mad, Doctors feared it would turn to Inflammation of the Brain, but I took *"Fruit-a-tives'? steadily until 1. was cured. 1 have gained fifteen - pounds since {faking "Fruit-a-tives", and 1 verily believe they saved me from a disastrous ill< ness", "1. A. CORRIVEAU, soc. & box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢.--or gent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. eet ere et Phone 720.. Prompt Delivery NOLAN'S GROCERY Princess St. OUR FRESH GROUND COF- FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT: Try a sample order and be epnviaced, LAAN GRAND TRUNK 55 ore CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY RATES Tickets will be sold at single first- class fare, good going Thursday and 'Friday, Dec. 24 and 25. Valid for ro: turn until Saturday, Dee. 20 Also going Thursday, Dee. 31, and Friday, Jan, ), 1915. Valid for re turnuntil- Saturday, Fano 25- 1948: FIRST CLASS FARE THIRD Going Dec. 22 to Friday, Dee. Yalid for return until Monday, Dee 2. Also going Wednesday, Tes, 210 Friday, Jan. 1. Valid for return ny til Monday, Jan. 4, 1915. For full particulars apply to J.P. HANLEY, Railroad and Steamship Agent, cor- mer Johnson and Ontario Streets, (ETI zs PACIENC New Train Service TORONTO. MONTREAL OTTAWA - Via "Lake Ontario Shore Line" Fast time to Oshawa, Port Hope, Coboues, Belleville, Trenton, Toron- Detroit, Chieago, ete, I in from C.I"H. Agents, or 1 write MA, Morphy, DIA, Toronto, ree ---------- [ETTORE A RVI Reese inlitax to Tiverpaot Ie ANCONIA is 100 tons) Jan, 11 1 am, ORI A (15,500 tons), Jan, IS L am. ™ SLYVANIA (15,0008 Slan, 3 Local Tieket A Fo or Tie bir OEFORD. CO ye g Agents, 50 King §t. East, Tor- onto, FANCY BOX CHOCO- LATES and ICE CREAM. Call or Phone 980 MARBLE HALL George Masoud, Props. «© 938 Princess 8t., The Best Line of Furniture Ever offers in the City AND ONE 95. | LATEST Germany wil ignore ; the exequa- irs of consuls in any tebritory oecu- J by Germany during the war. Germans are-Blowing up Hundreds {of faci West Poland to ob- {tain material for new fortifications | This 1= "wid to explain recent German [i nactivity in the Warsaw area. One 4 hip destroyed in Ger- man coast in five months is not an er zing result for. the "whitt policy urged by Bernhardi vis the paramount lesson of the idabie's loss: led in five months' any lmposiant in. naval prepondrr- ris in Germans hay warfare to Ke road « on Britain' ance, According an the sultan and ing to leavs the early f tack on abandoned in ndef Various repor concerning: the conditions of Emperor William's throat are again in circulation. Ac- cording to one , the emperor must to Berlin to under- go an Athens despatch court aré prepar- tantinople, fearing tity. The at- ns to have been itely. ver on oon return operation . With the full knowledge that vast numbers of men are now being train- ed in England, , it is recog- nized in London, must be preparing fully to meet th try into the war It i« agreed that much depends upon the quality of tl formations on buth sides English. view is that Britain's new troops will be the cream of the country, while Germany having sent in her finest forces af the-outsetmust-depand for-rainloree ments upon these le t physically. There were wild-demonstrations of loyalty to FBeigium wh Le Belgian burgamasters met af nfwerp to raise fifty million dollars tribute de- manded by ' the "German Many leaders were arrested A-Frenth airship se ed Metz, destroying a tar of the fortification L8wiss border Trench troops five 1¢ hea Cerminy nattack- portions Near the have -ad- territory y Lerman vanced, gaining {and capturing everal nz 1 Formid | ible say torpadoe burst triggling in the of thelr coms Survivors of dhe eéveral. German; among them while | water, killing mifny rades The total survivors fre hat- | tleship Formid now 201, An- other cutier with fifty men having reached a port in Dorsetshire. The eutter had about sixty "men = when leaving the sinking battleship but only fifty survived. All-the surviv- ors were in state of exhaustion hav- ing been in a fierce storm for twenty hours. There ig very little hope of any further survivors Fighting along the Rawaand Bzura Rivers continues fiercely with success for the Russians. Austrian troops were routed in Bukowina. At the request of King George special prayers are being offered in Great Britain and Ireland. for suc- cess of the allies snd the soldiers engaged. It is. officially estimated at Pet- rograd that about four hundred thousand Austrians and Germans are already prisoners in Russia and three times that number have been killed and 'wounded. The state- ment adds: "Warsaw is in no dan- ger." . French bombarded rallway station at Altkirch, and also occupied some of enemies trenches in tle Vosges French infantry advanced 500 .me- tres near La Boiselle, Pope Benedict has received cordi- 4l-answers from King George and Emperor William promising their asgistance in the exchange. of pris- oners. . A o | able is Bsa. To Increase Coast Guard. Washington, Jan. 4 Following out the views of Gen. Weaver, chief of the coast artillery, ilep. Gardner of Massachusetts Saturday afternoon introduced a bill to increase the const artillery's authorized strength by- about eight thousand men- In a statement Gardner suggested that the garrisons at Portsmouth, Charleston, Hivannah, Key West, New Bedford, | condensed, eems By in gold, PITH OF THI KW: An army Brom unemployed in Union| Spuare, New York, had a bat'le with the pdalicé. Tetegraps nd] Dr. Caroline 8. Brown was elecied | 4 member of the Tororo Foard of Education, General Carranzd's forces are re- | ported to be ge Baring on! Mexico City. N. The Russian government hag or- dered. 20, 000 saddles from Canadjan manufacturers, The new customs regulations prohi- | haif-sick; isn't biting Imporiauon of certain plum-| age into Canada is now in force. ~The new Board of Control, Toronto will be John O'Neil, snomas Foster, F. 8. Spence and Joseph E. Thomp- son, William Robinzon avenue, Toronto, was 'Rhodes 226 ment of his home. John T. 1S C1 "Op HOE AT TINGE If cross, veri or or bilious, give "California Syrup of Figs." No matter what ails your child, a { gentle, 'thorough laxative should al- {ways be the fifst treatment given. | | bowels are clogged with waste. | Cross, IT yaur.little ome is out-of-sorts, resting, eating and jacting naturally--look Mother! see if tongue is coated. This is a sure sign that it's litle stomaeh, liver and When stomach irritable, feverish, i sour; breath bad or has stomach-ache, | diarrhoea, sore throat, seriously burn-| a PASH ed by an explosion of gas in the base-| Syrup of Figs, full of cold, teaspoonful of "California and in a few hours all constipated poison, undigested give a the irush, chief owner of the|f00d and sour bile gently moves out Néw York National League Paseball | of its Hitle bowels without griping, ¢lub, who. died on December left an estate appraised at $470,102. A vote in the U'. S. House on the woman suffrage constitutional amend ment on Tuesday, January 12th, was definitely agredd™ "pon Saturday by house leaders. A promising"discovery of ore was made by A. Guthrie of Ruthergien, in Galvin township, near North Bay, Ont. the assay showing high values silver and platinum. John Ziolke and 1' omas. Chieolki, two Russian Poles ire arrested on the charge of mu; ing Bogio Fen- de, whose body was found near the Moore Park eration" Toronto Tate Tuesday night. The U. S. state department leard- ed to-day that the United States oil tank steamer Brindilla, after her seizure off the coast of Scotland, was taken to Brest. Unofficial assur- ances have been received that the vessel will be promptly released. Rumors that Dorothy Arnold, the Néw York _ heiress who disappeared in 1910, is Ia California, were revived Saturday by the finding of a diary which nlay have belonged to her, It is a-chironicle of a girl's fife tells of fonr years spent on the coast of China. x Lord Mayor Bé&dTord, lLeod' land, has appealed to tne Ameri- can minister at The Hague, Henry Van Dyke, in behalf of Private Wil- liam Lonsdale, a British soldier whe has beén senténced to death in Ger- many by a superior court martial for attacking one of the guards at the prisoners' camp at Doeberitz, Combustibles were found in hay on board the British steamer Rem: brandt which reeently sailed from Baltimore and later caught fire, ac- cording to a statement made at New Orleans by A. Edlen, her captain. The ship sailed from Baltimore loaded with horses for the allies but was forced to put: back into Newport News because of the fire. The Dritish steamer Vestris, sis- ter ship of the Vandyck, which was captured by the German cruiser Kar- Isruhe, steamed inte New York har- bor Saturday at the end of X 12,000- mile game of hide-and-seek Xith the Karlsruhe, 'between the p 1 Buenos Ayres and return. On "both , Eng trips the Vestris aveided her usual | route and made a wide détour. The British government is labor- ing under a ¢dmplete misunderstand- ing of the situation when it justifies the detention of copper cargoes from the: United States to Italy, was the opinion expressed by Italian Ambas- sador Cellere, who called at the state cepartment, Washington, to confer | with Counsellor Lansing and Solici- tor Johnson over the protest Great Britain. to The marriage tock place in Fd: monton, Alberta, on Dee. 30th, of Miss Myrtle Ida Earle, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ketcheson R. Earle, Belleville, to Frederick Edsar Van Cott, only son of the late Al fred Van Cott, 0. C. Hubbs retires from the gov- ernmetit service as mail carrier be- tween Picton post office and the sta- tion. Mr, Hubbs has been in the Tampa, and Baltimore,' Mobile, and elsewhere will have to he reduced ol .| earataker detachments unless the in- crease is granted, as' Weaver recom- mends. PACIFIC - i Shon "reaches you - % service for eight years. His suc- cessor is William Johnson of the bus line. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Boul- ter, Picton, Joft Monday for Detroit, to & end the winte i 26th | and you Ig | tle of hive. a wel, 'playful child { again, Mothers ca jrest easy after giving this harmless "fruit laxative " be- cause it never fails to cleanse the lit- tle one's liver and bowels and sweet- en the stomach and they dearly love its pleasant. taste. Full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups printed on each bottle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot- "California Syrup of Figs," then see that it is made by the "Cali- fornia Fig Syrup Company. n. CONE Y ISL AND My TE RY. Masi's Body, Chopped To Pleves, [ ™\ Found Wrapped In Burlap. New York, Jan. 4--New York po- lice are wrestling with what now ap- pears to he one ©! the most baffling murder mysteries they have ever been called upon to solve. Chopped up into small pieces and wrapped up in woman's elothing, and then in burlap, parts of a man's body. were found late Friday night frozen in the icy marchés of West Meadows, near Coney Island. Two pag kages were found. contained a large part of the vie- tim's torso. The head,. arms, and entrails had been removed. In the other package was the upper part of one leg. Search is being instituted to-day for the other parts of the body, which it is believed, will be found in the ice of the same pond. Absolutely no clue is afforded the police in the packages 'found last night. One contained a New York newspaper of December 21st, and the other an Italian newspaper of the same date. This is the only evidence the police have that the crime was committed recently. The discovery of -the gruesome package was made by John Thomas, 4 muskrat trapper, and his son. Blood-stains at once attracted their atiention and they made an effort to chop the bundles out of the ice. From the parts of the body. al- ready found, the police age of "the opinion that the victim was a young man of strong build, weighing about 160 pounds. One * BLUE BOOKS FOR SCHOOLS. Manitoba Children To Learn Why Empire Wars. Winnipeg, Jan. 2--The Manitoba Departinent of Education has seeur- ed from the secretary of state 2,500 copies of the Dominion Blue Book, containing the.diplomatic correspond- ence which took place-between Grea: Britain and the other nations prior to the war. These have been obtain- ed in order that a copy may be plac- ed in every public school in the pro- vince of Manitoba. The department will request all teachers to use this book, and give instructipn to the pupils in the school regarding the facts leading up to the war, in order that the children may fully under stand why the etfipire is at war, the principles which are at stake, and the efforts which our empire made to maintain peace. The books will be ready for distribution early in Jan- uary. v ------ Prince Von Buelow's mission to win Italy to Germany's side proved a failure. EE a -- IS THE TOBACCO YOU CHEW CLEAN? is the only chewing tobacco wrap- "ped 'in separate plugs untouched by any hands from the time it is. manufactured until it 'a. AND THE PLUG IS 4S " DELICIOUSLY GOOD" AS ITS daa x 3 . J # Each wrapped pig contains a beautiful satin insert so much sought after - making a variety of things. See Window displays around town. ough NO GRFMAN RAID Arnold White," After Inspections, _ Reassures Timid Britishers London, Dec. 30.---Criticism 6f {he goveroment't war preparations |, which was prevalent in the early stages of the war has largely ceas- ed, indicating that the general pub. Itc either had settled down to the belief that everything is beifig done| about as well as possible or has tired of writing letters to thé press. The war office has now enlisted the services of business' men with} experience in carrying out big len- serprises to take part in the work of supplying the army, and the labor unions have volunteered to watch the execution of government con- tracts to see that proper equipment and rations are supplied to the: sol- diers, Arnold White, a former colonial official, has been making a thor- | inspection of the. (trainin camps for the purpose of detecting any scandals and mismanagement. Having been a bitter enemy of the liberal government, his point of view was not prejudiced in its fav- or. He writes: "Having visited thirty-six camps in various parts of the country. I am thoroughly cheered. In the ma- jority of .cases business 'men are} handling the difficult probléms of war. Dwellers inland have no con- ception of the thoroughness efficien- cy, and silence with which the war office and the admiralty have co-operated for the business of pre- venting a German raid or invasion. "The alarm that is still felt it some parts of these' dslands is wholly unjustified, because, firstly, the business efficiency of the fleet under Jellicoe has . incfbased since war began, and, secondly because the practical measures adoptéd by our military engineers, if generally known would enable 'the timid to sleep quietly in their beds. II were out to pick holes in our ad- ministration it Mould not be in the general management of the war,' FACES 1015 "CONFIDENTLY London: Bid Farewell to Old Year Much as Usual. London, Jan. 2.--London faces the new year with confidence and calm. Long press articles on the fortheom- ing year breathe only confidence, * many expressing the belief that the war will end favorably beiore another New Year's day comes. Midnight. was gelebrated much the same as usual. Church bells clanked, motor horns hooted, and whistles were blown with the incoming year. At-all the great hotels there were fes- tivities, made more picturesque than usual by the military uniforms of the officers "stationed - in London, officers back from the front, some of them wounded, and officers in training. ] At old St. Paul's the usual engr- mous crow surrounded the cathedral and sang patriotic songs as they wait- ed for the great bells to ring in the new year. Lhroughout the city "God Save the King' was the popular an- them. 'I'he authorities lifted the spe- cial regulation, putting forward the closing hour for places selling liquor, and lef them resumg for the night the old-time period. DESERTED FROM PLAIN, Brockville Man Defaulted From First Contingent. Brockville, Ont., Jan 2----The Brockville police have received from Scotland Yard a request - to frree' Allan McGregor, a local bank clers who enlisted with the first Canadian ¢cntingent and is wanted for deser- tion from the camp at Salishury Plain. - McGregor held the post of paymaster in the 3rd Field Battery, under comimand of Captain Britton of- Gananoque. The story goes that the young of- ficer took advantage of a three days leave of absence, and crossing tu 'France shipped to New York. It is also alleged that McGregor absconded with a considerable sum of money placed in his keeping. He arrived in Brockville a few days ago, and after a short day disappeared before Scot. land Yard had communicated wit the police. He accounted for his re. turn on the score of illness, stating tha he had been invalided home. ; WANTS TIME EXTENDED, Sant Canadian Northern Ontario Gives No tice of Application. Ottawa, Jan, 2--The Canadian Northern Ontario Railway company has given notice of application to parliament for legislation extending the time within whieh it may con- struct the following authorized branch lines: Washdgo to Kincardine, Arnprior to Gananoque, Pembroke to Cobourg or 'Port Hope. Frenchman's Bav northwesterly to Owen Sound, Ni agara River to Goderich, Hawkas- bury te a point in the county of Leeds or Lanark, Parry Sound . tc North Bay, Berlin through Guelph, Acton and Brampton to Toronto; Berlin to St. Mary's and Woodsto.: Sarnia to Chatham, Orillia to God erich, with a branch to Owen Souni. "FOR THE LAND WE LOVE." Sen enim % Archbishop of Canterbury Makes . Appeal for Recruits. London, Jan, 2--The Archbishop of Canterbury, in a New Year's Jetier to the laity and clergy, seeks to give impetus to recruiting by a ferveni appeal to all men qualified to bear arms, "The very life of the empire, COFFEE Knows No Substitute And TRY THE NOTED i -------------- aL TRE ga ttay aaa gt LE Girls' Hockey Boots, min Boys' Hockey Boots The Sawyer Shoe Store} "Cleveland" Pork Sausages | 15¢ per pound. HOME -MADE SAUSAGES, 12*4c per Pound PARKER BROS. 217 Princess St. KINGSTON'S LEADING BUTCHERS" Phone 1683, Militia Men Opposite Opera House. Notice the fine line of pocket flash lights in our win- dow. We have them all prices, Call and see them. Halliday's 5 Electric Shop Phone 94 LABATTS STOUT THIS IS THE TIME OF E OF THE YEAR IT IS NEEDED If not sold in your 'your neighborhood, write - - - Has Special Qualities MILDLY STIMULATING, NOURISHING, SUSTAINING A Perfect Tonic We are Sole Agents In Kingston "For the Genuine Hurd Hockey Boots, .'The Boot that all the Best Clubs Use, $5.00 a Pair. Other Good Hockey Boots d $2.50. $3.00, and at $4.00