PACE TWELVE aN Above are shown a few bardment. coast guard signal station at Shows the remarkable in Willian street, West Hartlepool, DESTRUCTION WROUGHT BY "BABY KILLERS" IN HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUBS y -_ : . ant TT { DAY, JANUARY 5. 1915. SCARBOROUGH, HARTLEPOOL AND WHITBY bid PR ale Be Co) of RIT, pictures of the damage (1) The bar of the Grand Hotel, Scarborough after the bom bardment. Whithy which the Germans evidently found drilling effect of « shell, road, Scarborough, BY A SCIENTISH. . _---- - . Natural Effect Produced by Mixing . 7 Colored Muminations-- Dis- covery By Herbert ives. Post. : Th is possible to produce white Hight by mixing colored Tights. For colors look exactly alike which prtheless, composed of quite. : Qiterent Jadiations. A mixture of yellow light and blue - light produces pixtures mot only white light may be produced but all the colors:--and " 'hence all the colors formed by the alearly understond. these color matchings are subjective in our eyes: the same, but 'the spectroscope at once shows their composite charae- ter. Moreover, when these compos ite' white lights, . they reveal the composition "indirectly by appearing in Scarborough, Hartlepool and Whithy done by the German warships in the recent bom- Rd they Took lumination, is, for example to add he radigtions of tungsten, which are reddish yellow, to those of mer- jeury vapor, which are bluish. By this addition method is defeciive and leaves big gaps -in" the rainbow to' our eyes as different shades un- {band der the different white lights. It is evident, therefore, that if an artificial daylight is to Behave to- wards all kinds of colors exactly as real daylight doed, it must not on- Iv look like daylight but must be identical with it. wave-length by waveslength tlroughout the specs trum. ' Herbert Ives set himself to wolve. it can hardly 'be solved with theoreti eal exurtnoss; beg bodies canhot be heated Wp 16 5,000 degrees ab- solute: but practical efficiency will be seeitred it an $Hluminant can be secured of which the rainbow baht consixis of twestyvfive to thirty equally spaced. divisions 'resembling in general arrangement and lumi, nosity that of "darlight band. One approximati, is to be gained by the ltght from a vacwwm tube of carbon dioxide: but dt is not very g and Is rather costly |" 18 to "aid" colors ta the a source. of bright jl of light Se The method which seems to pro- mise most success is that of taking some body which can be heated to a very high degree of incandescence, such, for example, as the oxides of which incandescent gas manties are camposad, and of subtracting from the radl@tions Which this body gives 'lout these elerents which are in ex- This was the problem which. Me, ]ces: 008s. 48 affected by the interposition of approximate- iy ¢olored glass or dye gelatine. Ny this method Uf has been pos: gible to construct glass receptacles in which colors ean be, matched as it by daylight. and even "to 'make socalldd 'daylight spectacles" for use with gaslight. Mr. Ives also de soribes How a robm could be con structed and lighted (with a toler. ably exact Imitation of being filled with diffused daylight. BNE REY, ei------------ Monitments. are mute reminders of We those whom we soch forget. - {The easv joh iis quite likely "to develop the shiftiess man, The moral lesson seems to he: to he a good target. (3) ' This hole was made in the wall of the Royal Hotel, Scarborough. (6) Mr. Dixon escaped bat four grand childven were killed and two injured. © (7) en 11ifols. ancient and famous China. - merry widows in No Mery Widows In Buffalo. Herald. There are no China. When a Chinese husband dies his widow Is despised by every membe, of her family 38s a woman who hi. ineiirred the wrath'of the gods, "This anid other conditions among Chinese wi 'was described by Miss Hie Ding Lin at a meeting © the Women's Trade Union League in Schiller Hall. © 'Miss Linn is a senior medical student at the University ot "Widows are not the only suffer ersin China" she said "After 2 formal introduction it' is fustomary for one to ask 'May I know ypur hon- orable age?" in order to determine the current form of address. "An older person is addressed by ane form. of 'you,' while a person younger than oneself is addressed by another form. Yi. "I'ie teachings. of Confucing were blamed for the condition nt Chipewe women. Xt Ti qa 'Ignorance fa wool A Sirtne in a teaching of. Ci i ks every man bears in mwind® subd Mires Tin. "The ehiel vices of women; according to Cogfuding. am hit they eat, and talk tos much and: fail lo obey their og ADLER aa Stay out of bars. Whitby Abbey, House of Mr. Dixon Wrecked shop in Prospect (2) The 1) | mothers-in-law. 2 "Oply when a person becomes a mother-in-law does she obtain com- plete liberty." 3 Miss Lin added that im China it is commonly believed women have no souls. 3 : Our Practical Queen. + The practieal mind as well as the patriotism of Queen Mary is striking- Iy- illustrated by an incident which hag been related by a member of the royal household. "Her majesty was examining some goods from a west end shop thé other day. and asked 'the messenger if he had any of a certain . king. | The : latter fed that lie wos airaid there was na English of thai sort to be obtained, all such goods having been bought in Germany. 3 . he a, said Queen Mary, - ant point. hese goods are in Jish shops. They were bought be- fore a and. I support the shbpkeepers and take such stock off their hands. Then, when sach goods have | wold, we must insist on buying, sesing the German | is a roval hint be quiekjly acted upon. people ought to} & . 10c | a. GI lia Cooking and Drinking, also tof (Ke Icing and making Pudge. oR re ee EA vsiriem tetris Sree arco a The ight Way fi Sik a Match mt sur mate BBDY'S 4 wood the he fall : + hate coms a iaalt ally nes breakh MATCHES only. "Fa Proper way owing rule tn ara ne to Gr the mw selon ed Wha wre sill vt there are mga) We i » "The forolinger of the wight hand should be placed" "over the tip of the majch 2nd withdrawn quickly" "when the flame comes. THiS prevents any undiie" "leverage on the match, and instinct prevents ohe "getting one's finger burned" +7 UHHE E. B. EDDY COMPANY OF NULL, CANADA, . NuTriT IOUS «= BEVERAGES FOR SALE RY WINF ann SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE LOCAL OFTION --Residents in the local option districts cen legally order from this brewsry whatever they require for personal or family tse. Write to, JOHN LABATT, Luavep, NY YT YT Tr PEE : PURE ++ PALATABLE - Lonnon, CANADA. TN Nr A ep A A iN mi 3 'James McParland, The Kind You Have Alwess Bouglii, end which has been in use for over 30 yeais, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pers - ~~ sonal supervision sinve its infancy, pols All Counterfeits, Imitations na + 3 Allow no oe te doe. wayon in this. I" e8+good " are but Experiments that trifle with ; Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harinless substitute for Castor Of), Parve- gorie, Drons and Soothing Syraps. It is pleasant. [¢ contains neither Opium," Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. it destroys Worms and allays Feverishmess: -- For more than thirty years it has been In sonstant use for the relief of Contipatian, Flatideney, Wind Colle, 'oll Te¢ thing Troubles and Digvrbhoa, IE. reguiatés the Siomnch and Kowels, assimiates the Food; civing health y and natural sleep, The Children's Panacea--~The Mother's 'riend, cenue CASTORIA Atwavs € Signature of 3 i . & in Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought | Tus a COMBANY, NEW YORK -- : a. --------anannaas { Indian Moccasins] All New Goods | ----aAAAALRMS ] H |