& PAGE EIGHT ~~~ ------ " Livingston's. 75 79 Brock St., Kingston For 'Military Tailoying and Military Supplies FOR OFFICERS OF ALL BRANCHES OF HIS MAJESTY'S SERVICE We are showing the. following materials, which are correct in shade and same as aré how being worn by British officers. SPECIAL Khaki Waterproof Melton Tor and British warns. sreateoats Khaki Friezeltor greatevats. Khaki Serge for service nniforns. Khaki Whipcord for serviee uniforms. Khaki Bedford Cord for viding breeches. Khaki Riding Tweed for riding breeches. Prices right, satisfaction guaranteed prompt delivery. and Military suppliesSamp necessities, and ali comforts for soldiers, at A | Livingston's, Brock St. A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To p---- Waldroi's Annual Sale OF ousehold| P A AN si This year we have planned our annual sale on a much larger scale than ever before. Months of pre- ----paration have been spent in g "specis i} lines by our buyer while in the European mar- ket, and we have secured a large stock of Manu- facturers' Samples, Mill Ends, Over-Makes and odd lots, all of which were purchased or con-* tracted for before the war and at big reductions for cash. In addition we have a large stock of ends and lengths of Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, _ towe Odd Napkins, quilts, and a special lot of slightly imperfect double damask Table |i Cloths in assorted sizes, all of which we place on sale at big reductions. Owing to the elosing of Russian and Belgium ports the supply of raw materials has been stopped. ces have ad- Lanced at the mills and advices say they will go . x 'We advise filling your requirements in these goods, ~~ both for present wants and as far ahead as you ~~ possibly can. It will be money saved. ~~ Br a pn SE hn nen DURING JANUARY AND FEBRUARY this store ~~ will close each evening at five o'clock except | ____ mmpAnys THE LATEST TIDINGS | PEESENTHD IN THE BRIEFESE POSSIBLE FORM, the News Of the World From Tele- I graph Service mill Newspaper Ex- | Changes. Brigadier-General W, E comes ada, Sergi.-Major Fraser, member - of | Patiicias, is condition at Salisbury. | Belleville intermediates Yost another { 0. 1LA, fixture, . when the Oshawa in- !termediates defeated them by four goals on Monday night. i Despite the rough passage given them in. Cleveland, Ottawa College had enough ..., fo defeat St. Mich- ael's in 1oronto, Monday" might in an | exhibition hockey game by 5 to 1. . Charles. Pottaso, aged about forty { years, .was instantly killed, on Mon- day; while at work at the Toronto paper mill, Cornwall. He was an oiler and at the time of the accident was engaged in oiling, the shalting under a paper machine. : Oue.of the hardest problems facing the Pritish-ipublic with the beginning of the pew year ig that of caring" for the Belgian refugees in Fugland, who now number at least 160,000, Most Hodgins be acting adjutant-general of Can- Toronto, a in a serious vate houses all over the country, and a small proportion are as#embled in hotels or hoarding-houses. fierman financiers are discussing the remarkable suggestion that the reich- stag should put four millards marks £0 d (3952,000,000) on the market, which combined with the gdid of the neu- tral countries, would compete with the banks of England - and France, and compel them to lower the gold rate, Contracts are being let by the gov: ernment. for the armoring of a num- ber of specially designed: motor cars to be usez tn connection with the ma- chine-gun batteries which will aceom- piny the second Canadian expedition- ary forces to England. The work will L.¢ done by Capnadlan firms, MUNICIPAL E Loughboro' Township. For reevo--Jabez Charley -Truseott, 239. For councillors--FEdward Harker, 305, Hilliam E. Ennis, 289; David J. Walker, 283; o. F. McRory, 260; Cal- vin W. Lake, 166. The first four wera elected. Stoness, 252 Town of Picton. Mayor-- Dr. A. W. Heaslip Heeve--- William Thibault Hid Gilmore John Norton, C. J Hubbs, Angus Thi- Allison, Arnold M Beputs Councillor: Clopp, George baunlt, H. J Flatt, "Klectric Hght and water commis. siont--Dr. T. 8. Philp, N. D. Gilbert foes Town of Deseronto. Mayor---R., Geddes Deputy reeve-- T. J. Naylon School trustees--B. L. Detlor Elections for councillors postponed on account of ceunciilpr being unable to qualify. FROM BUSTARD $AMP. Licut.-Col. A. E. Ross Writes Letter To Mayor-Elect Sutherland. Mayor:Elect R. D. Sutherland has received an interesting letter from fieut.-Cl.. A. E. Ross, from Bustard Camp. In this letter Col, Ross says that the bulk of the recruits there are from the higher and and that the ' lower classes are nes glecting the call. All -the Kingston boys are well and are doing fine in their work. . The lust mail the boys reveived con tained a large consignment of warn and they were very good things. Lol. ss says that Kingstonjans. Cot. Hows. spent Christmas in Lon- don, 'with friends, and had a pleasant time, ~~ While: there he met Frederick { Metealfe, 'a former Kingstonian. The 'Beloved Adventurer. Every Monday and Tuesday ®here- after, "The Beloved. Adventurer," by Emmett Campbell Hall, will be shown at the King Edward Theatre in a ser- ies of fifteen single reel dramatic pic- tures... It is a story of extraordinary strength and interest, with situations of the most intensely dramatic and rture; 'touch Hthriittorg nature; & genuine huler. It is published in book form, und orders left at the box office will be filled at 25¢, It is cloth bound and fit: for any library. This is the subject we have had so many inquiries about, and in which i Lottie Briscoe and Arthur Johnston take the leading roles. The Central Ontario Poultry and Pet Stock Association how was re- sumed. on Tuegday and the judging will be.completed by this evening. Judge George Robertson, of Ottawa, did not ve dn the city until late on Mo afternoon with the re- sult that fudgin ng was somewhat | delayed. P. D. Lyman, N. Munsey and W J. Gilbert, the energetic sec- relaried. bave 'busy thous out and it Is 1h ~ Hkely that they wil have everything in shahe ab regards. ribbon winners on Wed- nesday, * Ungston Paste Mr. osgeat, who has been confined in the Royal Victoria Hos- pital, Moutredl for the past three Ring Bie Davina on Alfred skewer. ! or on : Dije be will assist Rev. Mr, Curry. of Prinpess Street Methodist seit pel -- with -speelnl -sertiees. Later be will leave for England to visit i= parents, : The Whigs Daily Condensation of! of them are at present guests in pn-! * middle classes, | wufflors, cigarettes and other Tuxuries, | lad to get the each mail is eagerly awaited hy the |< X % WHIG, TUESDAY, THE, GENERAL HOSPITAL. ] Statement For Three Monthy Con Sidered Batis{actory, The board "of governors ef, the Kingston General Hospital met on Monday afternoon, the following mem bers being present : Chewp {chairman}, J. A. Minnes, R. E. kent I, MeK. Robertson; James Berney Canon Grout, T. F. Harrison, Rev. D. Laing? ; The committee of management sub mitted ~ its usugl report, which con tained several important suggestions.' It was agreed to connect the differen flats of (he Empire wing with the lo cal bhotise telephone.' The board also detided; on the re commendation of the comuwittee, tc l'purchase a new electrical apparatus {for the Fenwick operating room to re- piace the present one, which bas been put out of commission by the change an the electric current from direct: to alternating. A financial statement for the first tliree months of the hospital year was | submitted and considered . satisfac tory. During the month 164 pa tients have been treated in the insti tution, i | The report of the visiting governors i#6r the last month, R. F. Elliott and | James Berney, stated that they had ' made a thorough inspection of the dif ferent buildings from the basement to the top floor and found everything in a good eondition. 'rchdeacon Carey and R, tgiow] were appointed {visiting governors ion January. Fhe Christmas donatiods have now reached the sum "of $865. . The board expressed sincere appreciation of the generous .esponse of the citizens of Kingston and vicinity to their ap: peal. | | P= i PRINCE EITEL PRIEDRICH Favorite son of Kaiser Wilhelm; whe has been" promoted to the eommmnand of the Prussian Iniperial Guards TURK FORCES ROUTED | By Russians In Caucasns--Germa { Officers Commanded, were } | Petrograd, Jan. 5A {and decigive vietory over Turkish | troops operating in the Caucasus, | [was aBngunced here to-night. The en: {tive Turkish forces have been routed, the war office says, and the entire i Turkish 'ninth ariny corps, with Ger- man officers, was surrounded and forced" to surrender. The victory is declared to be complete in every de- nil. complete War Tidings tw French hospital wounded 'men with skulls pierced are being made to speak again. | Emperor William has suffered a relapse as a result of exposure in a visit to a poiut on the Flanders bat- tie-front, and he is being rusheg back to Bérlin * on the imperial train. En V |« The Muscovite ' steam-roller is | crushing out the dying embers of the | last Austrian advance through Ga- | Ticid, = The victorious troops of the Grand Duke Nicholas are following i up the retreating Austrians down to tthe plains of Hungary; and as far | vast as the 'Austro-Roumanian frowm- ! tier, * { The Germans have placed thé -on- , tire Belgian railroad system in op- ; eration and ures employing about 8,000 men, of whom 1,100 are Ba- varians. % At Antwerp, a silver smelting works has been converted into a de- pol for lucineration of German dead, g night-time ttn at- bound together In twos and threes. Thousands of men are employed | at eight cents an hour to dig trench- | o8-West and squth of the city, supér<{ e : viged by German engineers. The la- {borers frequently find the trenches { obliterated. It is said the trenches {contain explosives. ' £ : For The Belgians, 1 fram - Wolfe. Island con- tributed the following to the Belgians, the 0 being left iat he 'Datanio street {in Station : Mrs: "A. is, one pair of feat! il { lows a Mrs. Monte Wiggins, lone quilt; Mrs. Joseph Michea, one quent; Mrs. Senge rian, two quilts; | Mes. Robert Bullis, one nits; Mrs 'Thomas White, one att Mrs. W. 8. Card od Je. ¥. Raueous, one quilt. rs. William Fawcett also made : vidluable donition, fa - . k Ladies Local Option Contests. Wheto local gption carried --Har- WICH, JArvis, Holland ¥ Landing, West Lorne; Newbury, A ! Where local ove, Bradford, Defeated Picton, - Hagersville, - Ca vaut, Hepworth. ; By-law sustained--Lakefield, Teeswa tor. Thorabury-- Tate Newmarket - JANUARY JOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS . OF GENERAL INTEREST fappenings in the City and Vicinity -~What the Merchants Offer to the Headers of the Whig. "Almond Cream," at Gibson' William Swaine, piano tuner. Urders eceived at MoAuley's, Phone 564. Don't wiss poultry show Tuesday and Wednesday. Admission, We. "Thermometers," at Gibson's. Miss B. Nickle, Kenirew, is ing her sister, Mrs. S. V Albert street. "lavalid port. wine," 73c. son's. J. L. Whiting, K. C., and %ride ire expected home from New-York 4 Monday next: "Hot water bottles," at Gibson's. American Consul F. S. 5. Johnson left on Monday night on a business wip to Bullalo, NA. "Almond Cream." at Gibson's: There is splendid sleding at ¢ueen's College grounds. The, young olks are enjoying it. "Spirit lamps," at Gibson's Mrs. Chown, Deacon street, has 'eturnkd after a few days visit with 1er aunt, Mrs. Davis, at Sydenham H. 'Cunninghamy "piano tyner, 21 King street. Léave orders at Me wuley'€ hook store. "E. Rider has left to resume his studies at Trinity College, Toronto; after spending his holidays iu - tie | sity. : { "Lilac Cold Cream." Gibson's. | Market Clerk McCammon piade his | annual inspection of the butcher shops | n the city on Tuesday and collected | the - licenses. "Spicit lamps," at Don't miss and Wednesday visit Gi: Gibson's. poultry show Tuesday | Admission, 10¢; | Mrs. C. Met ambridge has returned | from New York, spending a month with her who are doe | tors. 1 "Almond Cream," | after SONS, at Gibson's. on Monday, as there was no session of the police court pn Tuesday morn ing. > | "Famulsion Cough Cure." Gibson's: | Jud=e Madden held division court |! m Tuesday morning There were ; number of cases and the court lasted fe better part of the day. "Thermometers," at Gibson' Mrs Witham Jarrett, N.Y., has returned home, aitér spend ng Christmas with ler mother, Mrs. Peters, Dwdierip street £ "Hot water bottles," Fhe first to marke! came over Gu Pueada morning Fhere was a very small market with no change in' prices "Emuliion Cough Cure." Edward Harris loft to-day ior Ro chester, N.Y-, aiter spendmg the heistmas Holidays with his mother, Mis. Danid Harris, C v "Spirit lamps," at Gibson's Don't mass poultry a wad Wednesday. Admisgion, 10¢ Mre, ¥. KE. Fillion and daughter, Laurier Avenue, West Ottawa, sturned to-day, after two - weeks' isit with 'her mother, sister: and ither friends "Thermometers," at Gibson's. "rederiek Bates, business man- ager for "Mra. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch," is in the city arranging lor his attraction at the Grand Opera House on Tuesday, January 13th. "Face creams for rough skiw." Gib son's. Don't wise poultry show Tuwsday and Wednesday. Admission, 10c. It is reported that a thaw is. on the way, and, before the next twenty-four hows, Kingston strects will be in a sloppy condition, The weather hay turned very mild in the west and ig moving eastward r "Hot water bottles," at Gibson's, The soldiers who © were granted leayy of absence (oo spend New Yead'= vul of the'city, returned hone on Monday and Tuesday morning: I'he 'complete battalion with the ex- ception of a half company which was being inocculated, was Th the battal- ion parade on Tuesday afternoon. his wis the largest parade since be: fore Christmas "Puy Cough Syrups," at Gibson's. "The Man With the Gold Ring." was the topic Rev. G. 1. Camp. bell discussed .on. Monday night at the Y.M.C.A. Bible Class. This man wis treated better than humbler fel- lows, .He often escaped justice while another for similar deeds was puni- shed. .-The world was partial to him. Do you know him? Svracuse, ut Gibson's islinder to, cross the ice Gibson' Horue, | Kingston was on her good behavior i i A Forty-Fiver. eal Journal of Commerie { . F. Nickle, M.P., who has just celebrated his' 456th birthday, was born at Kingston, Ontario, educated at Kingston Collegiate Tustitute and at Queen's University, He is one of the more progressive of the young- er members of parliament, being a good student and interested in all great social and economical ques tions. Mun WEDNESDAY We have just secured a particularly © good bargain and this just as there has been a decided advance in prie- es of linens, owing to the scarcity of flax in Europe : The thrifty these. 100 Dozen Pure Linen ~ Table Napkins Fine even make, size 22 inches square; d different designs, all new and very pretty. This quality of napkin is worth regularly $3.75 per dozen. TO-MORROW FROM 10 TO 5 Put up in one dozens at $2.40, or half- dozen at $1.25 hotisekeeper "should see i i 100 Dozens Child- | ren's Pure Linen | Handkerchiefs 1 With neat narrow hemstitched border. SPECIAL TO-MORROW, | 0 Or 23c¢ for half dozen. 400 Pretty Embroid- ered Handkerchiefs Pure linen, new designs, put up 4 in a box, one of each design. These are gold regularly at 95c box. Yours to-morrow, 4 HAND- . 45 . KERCHIEFS for ....... JC. 1500 Yards White Underwear Cotton An excellent quality of - English lo cloth, worth regularly 15¢ yard. Yours to-morrow © | 1 yard ...... C. During January and February store closes each evening at 5.30 except Saturday. john Lada 800 | - FOR'BOYS AND GIRLS, MEN AND : WOMEN. 3 f : he Men's, sifie 6 to 10, at $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 i