: Mont . Sa OC Low will remain a few, weeks lo to Th a - i the tof Mr. and Mrs. bi Harold ugha, I iT 1 ce Fion atrat.| stmt Eg PROBS. Mid to-day. Thursday, sleet or rain. old In 3 b Miss Mildred Belton, Alfred street, | . Miss Edna BoothysClergy street, re | bi a SaaS : . leit on Monday-dor Windsor, Ont. turned from. Toronts, on Monday. 2 Twi iocht Misa Jean Heltoh, Alfred street, re- | Mis Constance = Senet, red rhed k street, spent @ s £) he gd irons Torouto_ today, ey week-end with her cousin, Mrs. Perey Belleville, red AP Mrs, Mitchell, for the past ten dgys. | "200, PE) Captain and Mrs. Maurice \. Plum- Mr. MacLaren Ewart, of Moose Jaw, Shs st is visiting friends in town. y | Among those noticed at the Shativg ar, fiohudon. street, have returned Mr, V. A. Smail returned to town, f Club on Monday evening were Mrs. |irom Toronto Vi 2 VW. F. Nickle Mr. and Mrs Herbert Mrs. A. H. Kohl, formerly lot Breck " yesterday, after spending the padt two } Ryan, Mrs. William Gordon (Toronto). | yille, is the * guest of her flaughter, 4 Mr. :and Mrs. Christopher Robinson | Mrs. Herbert Wood (Vancouver); Miss | Mrs. Doiiglas Hammond, King street, | are "in Belleville, sie guests of Rev. | I} Marian lLesslie," Miss Jessie Smith, [ior a short time, before 'going'. to {nd Mrs. Geen. \: i Miss Mamie Anglin." Miss Susie Ang{her new home in Brantford. Mr. Eric Copland has returned to lin, Miss Fva Kichirdson, Miss. Mabel| Miss Hattie 1. Chown has returned Montreal, after spending the past six Richardson, Miss Margot Fraser, Miss [home after visiting Mrs. Lionel Smith, | weeks in to Isabile, Fraser, Miss - Lillia Murray, | Belvedere Road, Westmount. Mrs. JF Pringle aid Vhipe Yee Miss Una Polson, Miss Dorothy Good- - boys | | ys, St. Catharines; who have been | J win, Miss Norah Macnee, Miss Rose Mr. Ross Belton, Alfred street, visiting 'in Ottawa, 'will arrive on 'o- for ¥ ow Rogers, Miss Madge Dawson, Miss fwho has been visiting his 'sister, Thursday to be the guests of Rev: A' Ruth Martin, Miss Mary Strange, Misa | Mrs. Fdgar Shuttleworth, in London, | 0. Cooke, "St; Mark's rectory, Barrie- Nan "Paterson," Miss Helen Dufi, 'Mist | returned home to-day, field. (race Melélland, Miss Sanderson, Miss Dr. and 1 ; Mrs. Pgertdn Cays and Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Parker and Fhyllis Knight, Miss Mamie Garrett, |ihiie children, who have been the | baby, Margaret, have left for their | Ji . Miss Dorothy: Uarrithérs, Miss Kath- guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Cays, | home in Ogdensburg, N. Y. after 3 a g wn len Carruthers, Miss Charlie Short, 'Boo street, left for their home | visiting Mrs. Parker's mother, Mrs. | Le / . a . Miss Helen Uglow, Miss Mildred in' Oswego on Monday. ies Oriaaars Toth Janes, Mr. T. H. Birkett, Professor } Mr. y Ce 4 ] : Basil Fullerton, wh et. Manley Baker, Captain Ringwood, and N 0! 10 was: "a X guest in town last week, has refurn- Dr. and Mrs. D. Edward Mundell | fi 8: R : ed Mesure. Jrinee, ams. Yixqubast and ed t6 Galt. announce the engagement of their Quantities estrict dp Mciay eige i: ernie, McLaren |. Miss Helen Campbell, Pmily. street, [daughter Lilian Marguerite fo Mr, 2 : s .|is expected home from the west this | John K. Aird, B. Se., eldest son of Ewart. {Moose Jaw), Henry Richard werk. Mr. John Aird, assistant. general Something for no- son (Montreal), - Robert Richardson, M ; : 7 it * - ' : 'he : sail] 3 fen, r. and Mrs. C. 8, Parsons, gho | manager of the Udnadian Bank of { ii thing -- a guarantged {1 herhan' Hill, Macauley, Ross Mien, | 4" 200 LL, Morons, io | Mamager and Mrs. Aird, 39° Madis- or en 2 Sanitaire Tooth Brush Kent Macnee, Herbert Steacy, Richard Hulerol. Tan Sioet, Jutuinad to {on Avenue, Jronto. : : 0 . ol . ps Rie gon. e 1 aw m on- : . . ~ free with a twenty-fvejj| Fimers and James Richardson day. Invitations have been issued for the 10 doz. Penman's All Wool Shirts and Drawers, all sizes; regular price cent tin of Sanitaire The econversazione which will bel odin * . . 9, . : Mariage a oF he 2 Mildred Hi $1.25, $1.35and $1. 45, marked for . a : y al 's.. Uni- r. Kir trick return t g, A rs 1 a Tooth Powder. [Lach heid A Stand Hall Queen is me Ottawa Joriny. Patri i o T. D. R. Hemming, King street, to | a quick clearance TO. MORROW * versity, y after spending the |. . ; worth a quarter, hut charge of a committee composed of |pasttwo weeks with his mother, Mr, George Staunton Bowerbank, 4 : r Miss Flora Falr, Miss Jean John-|Mrs. A. K. Kirkpatrick, Jehnson |lieutenant in the 2lst battalion, both for the price of a . ston and Messrs, C.- M. Sellery, G,|street: which takes place in St. George's F W v one." 2 for 2jc, 1. Sifts, J. H. Mowat, =. W. Pilgrim, 0 Henry Richardson returned. 'to {cathedral next Wednesday morning. ' or omen A. W. Wynne, D. H. Calhoun, ¥. L. | Montreal on Mondny after spending a : ----t-- | Pettingill and' FA. Johnson, (con-|couple of wesks with Mr. and Mrs. HEHEHE 00400000000 15 doz. Natural Vests and Drawers, Hygiene quality, small and medium venor.) : HS. Sishardsan, ¥A ot sizes only; priced up to 45c¢. 188 Marjorie Uglow, who has been T0- MORR ow Re 8 eo ® Mrs. James .Cappon and Miss Alice | spending the holidays «with her pa- i st, Macnee, Barrie street, were joint rents, Mr. and 'Mrs! R. Uglow, Bar- it hostesses at a delightful lunch at rie street, will return to Toronto on the Country Club yesterdav after- Thursday "co resume her studies at Druggast noon in honor of Mrs. F. Botterell, | B¥anksome Hall. of Montreal, whe is Mrs, Ww H wo. we Sunday Hours, 1.30 to 5, 6.30 te ® Maenee's guest, Mrs. T. D. R. Hemming, King $ yxy. 9." street went 'to Toronto yesterddy for The fiest curling club tea is being [a few days. held this afternoon at the club tea The Misses Edgar, who 'were Mrs. room, and the ladies in charge oi {G. Hunter Oglivie's glests for the the ten are Mra. W. R. Givens, Miss | holidays have returned to Toronto. on Mabel Dalton and Miss Lattice Tan- | Col. W. St. Pierre 'Huglies has W dv. returned to town after Bpending 4 * os es New Year's in Ottawa with his fami- ; ) Mrs. 7: W, Rowland, Earl - street, | 1¥. WAR BULLETINS, Telegrams to Paris report territic bloodshed but more ads vances for the French in -Al- sace, French cavalry patrols have penetrated to within a few miles of Metz and are nearing Strassburg. 4 doz. misses' and small women's vests, pure wool. Regular 75¢ and 90c. TO-MORROW For Boys 8 doz. 0ys quality boys' wool knit, shirts and Srawers, all sizes; reg. price 50c and 60¢. TO- MORROW ALLBALES FOR CASH STEACY'S Fern Rogers a popular Unii- ed States actress, has been driv. en off the London stagé because of her pro-German sympathies. British squadrons off the Bel-- gian coast on Tuesday were at- tacked by Gesnan submarines which were driven off with two, at least, supposed to be spnk. ed at a jolly birthday party Judge McGuire who has been in : on Monday afternoon in honor of her | Montreal, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aromatic Schicdam little dnughter, . Eleanore"s, fifth | T- J. Donoghue, Mackay street, hag returned home again. \ birthday. « 2 ss Miss Hilda Calvin returned to To- C napps Mrs. C. RB. Taylor, 187 Johnson | roto on Tuesday to resume lie: street. will i he first @nd |Studies at Moulton College, after {wertanes Gu) ET aopive aad . spending the holidays wth her par- the most healthful spirit ob. again this season. : fins he Wi en a uw, tainable, and the very best 8.8.2 M T ; + : r. T. G. McGinnis returned to stimulant for ganeral use. Tho'Reading Club will meet at the Philipsville on Monday but Mrs, Me- As a pick-me-up tonic and diges- home of Miss Aileen Folger, Syden- | lH and her wee daughter wil tive Wolfe's Sehnepps is always ham. street, on Thursday afternoon. | ok Ath Mr. and Mr: H. W . - - . opportune, -exbreising - the most : al ¢ Richardson, for another week. beneficial "effect upon the liver, Mrs. Willian Newlands, ., Bagot Miss Ethel Kent, who 'has been kidneys and other organs. Street, i Shistinining at a. child- spending the holidays with Mr. and ren's party this afternoon. Mre. R. E, Kent, King street, has Obtainable at all | Tha YC, Reading-€lub met on Mon: | Téturned to Moulton College, Toron- Motels and Retail 4 ; lay, at the "home of Mrs. Constan- to. aim ' tine, Earl street. 4 ; Aratratis fi] ih ae. aloe BL a Highes went to , Ott consumed Jia Mrs. G. W. Mahood, Gore street, | ~ a. Organ Meikle and Mr. Me- weayly oF will be a dinner hostess to- "Morrow Kay Meikle are in 'town' from Otta- 2,000,000 , dorttivs Inst evening. The British war office bulle- tin Tuesday night, said the po- sition of the allies at all points was quite satisfactory, Ht Arte a ab SE 4 Reports trom the Golicansu indicate that the Turkish army, marching against the B thére, lias been entirely. smashed thé czar's men have ad. vanced well into Turkish terri. try. The fleets ot. Britain and France are forcing .the Dardsn- elles, and early occupation of Constantinople is is quite possible. The French "have made fur. ther aftacks in St. Mihiel re. gion, and general advance is in progress. a KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE Wishing You All The Somplients of the Season Special Sreamery a8 : * s : i We. and Mrs. Samuel Sellery- who Mrs. Frank G.' LeClair, Mexico, | have 'been visiting their daughter, N.Y, in visiting her mother, Mrs, BE. Mrs, C. E. Taylor, Johnson Street. Ball, Alired street. have returned to Napanee. Miss Blanche Kent went back to Mr. and Mrs. John. Duff returned Montreal, yesterday, after a three to Guelph on' Monday after - apend- weeks" visit with her mother, Mrs. ing a few days with Colonel and James Noel Kent, King street. Mrs. 'H, R. Duff, Princess street. > Codd, of Queen's, has re- . 3 McParland, Professor Dr. Briscoe, Rockwood Hospital, . turned to town from Toronto, k= ise i W.N tri ¢ : os Distributor. My. Philip Macarow has returned to Jem the week-end at his'meme in ? : ! al | j ° ewman eC Cc 0 Ch SQuestFe Stow Ottawa, where he spent eo lien MUNICIPAL AL ELECTIONS. : 8 4 the holidays, 79 Princess Teo : iwi Miss Frances Devlin, William stfeat, ' Miss Dorothea Bidwell returned from left, Saturday. for Wi lunipeg, to Feats Bedford Tow Township. The Canadian hospital in France is tréating many severe: ly wounded. PETES Tees Essie sees Treas eT T TIA TIIS yt PERSIE LEPPARD Sate Ottawa on Monday after ® visit with : ® ' > er brothers for -some time. Reeve--J. 'A. 'Kennedy, 181; R. F r enkins J Ben N20 Tiers Hughes: who was | Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McGrail, Brock|Brash, 103, : " the guest of her parents, Mr.. and |Street, have mturned from Ottawa} Councillors--W. J. Kirkpatrick, 116; Th WwW : Mrs. 'George Sanderson, Johnson where they visited during the Christ William Lee, 122; D. Mulvihill, 83; W. e me has returned' to Cambridge, | mas and New Year holidays. Murphy, 90; T. McNichols, 61: Wil: Btieet Me. and Mrs. D. J. Dowsley and}liam Patterson, 123; W.~Shellington, ; - - u Mass. al. children are visiting in town. 157, T. H. Swerbrick. 100: . bo : S : : = Mr: F. S. 8. Johnson, King street, | quis Helen "O'Grady, Morganston, 3 } : r z p00 ; Nr: 8. 8, Johnson, King s who has been visiting Miss Gertrude Township OF Of Olden. ; . is in Huffalo, N.Y. this week. Grimshaw, for the past week, has re. Reve-A. W. Th i e on ea Mr. and Mrs. 3 nord Calvin and | turned home. tion). ompson (acclama- . : Miss Lilla Callaghan, 'niversity | Mrs. Charles Taylor, King street, " : ; " . avenue, returned on Monday from New | has cone to Ottawa to visit her| Councillors--D. W.'Cronk, J. A. BL ACK GREEN OR MIXE D York, wheré they spent Christmas ga Mrs. Frederick Birkett Cox, G. M. Drew, James Parker, : dn . daughter, : oe & and New Year's. Mrs, Victor Anderson and her littl: Local option by- "lat defeated--Total Limited . ISCOUN d g Mrs. Vernon Eaton and her family, | daughters, Ottawa, are the guests of | SOtes om list, 261; voted for by-law, } 8 Barrie street, will spend the re- | Mrs. A. B. Cunningham, King street. |®%: voted against: bydaw, 94. . 0 mainder of the winter in Montreal. ta nme : . i h_ SPN : Miss Molly Cartwright went to To | 'eturned from Toronto. Ne v ' ronto®on Saturday. * + = a Reeve--Dr. R. H. d S- on .- Mrs. Job E. Wilmot, who was | Mie Flonduce Shannon left for | ~ Councillors--dohn lzlett, R. 0. Mrs. W..J. Mahood's guést for the Guelph on Monday to resume her |leggett, George Lyails, Eli A. Wil- ; holidays, returned to Ottawa yester- dios at Monday | College, after | tse. / . A 3 : Giisimos holidays with . . and Mrs. Hilliard Robertson, | ery of the $e. A J Shaason Fear Village of Bath. R KIDNEYS Regina, are the guests of Mrs. G. | fenac street. For reeve, L. J. Switzer, 41; G. A g hes \ Robertson, Sydenham street. Mr. Roy Sellery, of Fernie, B.C, IW, Rrtman, : io ol , * © | who was the guest of his sister, Mrs. 'or coune lora-- bert ' ven- Ce Mrs, Pdward Low * otinad to Ot- Charles 'laylor, Johnson street, is|son, 59; James Shibley, 58: John | Toke a phase of a hts # your Back tawa on Monday, alter spending | now in New York, but will return to Armstrong, 67; Willlam H. Weese, br na, Christmas and New 's in_t Kingston for a few days before leav-|53; W. litle. 24. Tne first four : with her son-in-law, a ing fob the west. were el urned | © Schoo 008 The American men and women Vga, Brock street, . Miss Nair Reginald Bourn has ret an Wiliam Tong Tuchett must guard constantly against Kid- EE wie ass, Y eat 100 Every suit, overcoat, pair|e mrm-- S-------- Milica Vee. It Ton. Oe Y i i id which pants, dressing gown, house| The Joy of Good Health Heete-- B. Holmes, majority o.| oct fo Sled, with vic acid wich Couhcillors--W. H. Jacob, J. F. weaken from = overwork, become Gordon, G. MeLean, ¥ P. Blancher. luggish; the eliminative ' tisfues ooaty Taincoat Tor boys i 4 I No ed oa ard ne result is kidney trou- men, cut 20% 249 8 ow rienc Rear Yonge And Escott. ble, bladder weakness and a general y ' * Reeve--A. Ferguson, majori 23. | decline in health. Councillors--S8., Kelly, a ity 83. When your kidneys feel like lumps } XMAS FANCY SILKE TIES Nervousness, Dicey Spl and 5 and Sleeplessnsss Are Now a [nan, W. J. Scott, H. Laforty. _ of lead; your back hurls or the. ur- ine is cloudy, full of "sediment ief two or {ff | 50¢ range os vin 200 5 Elizabeth - Township. you are obliged to seek relief ATs Ee for Pate ¢ ea di : 3 : Reeve--Joseph Robinson, Major: 'three times during the night; if Tou rom J y 75¢ range for .. 50c So suffer with sick headache zz, i 38 1s a cheerful lat : usband is conductor on ity 260. | nervous spells, acid stomach, or you $1. 00 range for Se . 6c Peacock, tna it Should b Wy to Ea =="1 was quite run | Deputy reeve--Jesse Easton. have rhewmatism when the weather : ; the h yu Si : very nervous, did | Counciflors--William Jelly, W. H. : 1 1s 3 i Co iss : " ; : sno] fr Ree © ™ ag ey a SERIES wn Reng sete Sn ml good Selections To Choose From $1.50 range for . $1.00 snd sie leving this to be the result Los a_tahlespoont : TU. ' avd pry A TL AE Ameliashurg Township. water before breakfast : Le ge Suitcases and bags, all at Hd RL one erg hus, dug Reeve--W. W. Anderson. 128 ma- '0 H of any . ' It e Ire rity over ard 20% off price. bette of the ) do Deputy . Teeve--Mr. Cunningham T708 the Schl of §rones nd ae : : ) ; i | know . he, cfm ha hat to-day I | by acclamation. comb po Save money and save it now | "FTC ' ad ors Tiotht lier Art Pe ike Tory Ole Rd Crawford & Walsh, in the urine so) is wid is of irritation, UH ff Pico Bam Civil and Military alors. .