PATRICK LYONS HAS HERE SIXTY YEARS LIVED Aud Has Been In the Hide Business Practically All That Time --He Is the "Daddy'" of the Kingston Mar. ket -- Refers To the Market In the Olden Days. Sixty years a resident of Kingston, Such is the record of Patrick Lyons hide dealer, who resides at 146 Ord nance street, and whose place of bu einees Is at 'No. 6 Market street. He¢ is dhe oldest dealer on the market to day. and is well-known in Kingstor and distriet, "There is not one man on the mar ket to-day, who was there when first went on the square sikfy year ago." sald Mr. Lyons, ih conversa tion with a representative of the Whig. ~ Mr. Lyons has a clear memor) and can tell of things which occur red sixty years ago, just as if the hid happened a few days ago. Every thing is fresh in his memory. in fac his memory is remarkable, in vie: of the fact that ig July next he wil celebrate his 80th birthday. He i as active as a man many years hi junior, and it is a pleasure to hea him talk about the old days in ana around Kingston. Mr. Lyofis 'was born in the county of Wexford, twenty-eight miles from Wexford City, and forty-eight miles from Dublin. After-landing in Ca. nada, he worked for a short time in Mantreal, at what. was then kndwn as the Bull's Head, afterwargs com- ing on to Kingston. On his arrival in Kingston, he secured employment ut Ford's tannery, which was located un the site of she present Whig build ing Here he remained for eigh teen years, afterwards going into the hide business for himself, in his pres- ent store on Market street, so it will he seen that during his sixty year's residence in this city, he has been in "the one block, all the time. The trip out to this country was made by Mr. Lyons in six weeks and three days, and it is Interesting to hear him recall his trip. "We would make about forty miles and then go hack ahout that far," he said, "Sometimes we would encounter a terrible head wind." He recalled a storm he encountered in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and it was some storm. "1 remember the BL caplain giving the men the order to! maga the boats" he remarked, "and { I can also remember him saying that | ir they did not hurry up €éveryone on | the boat would be in eternity in five minutes." Mr. Lyons said that he | paid four pounds tén shillings as his fare out to this country. The changes in Kingston in the} last sixty years were recalled by Mr. Lyons. He referred to the. large niwmber of hotels in the city in the olden days referring especially to the' very large number located around the city hall, square. He also spoke of the many sailing vessels which | were running into this port at that time, and which were gathered to- gether in the harbor. Mr. Lyons also had a word or two o say about the police and their vork inthe early days. "There was a great deal of fighting )n the streets in those days," he said and the police certainly had their | ands full leoking after the offen- ers The constables had a busy ime. It is very orderly here now.' Speaking of the market Mr. Lyons) stated that the prices were very nuch lower than to-day, and that! times appeared to be very much bet: ter. In the olden days, everyone vho came to the markét was a farm-! ir; to-day the market for the most art was made up of market gard- ners. In those days, the farmers had no railway for coming to mar- | ket. Mr. Lyons had the honor of | seeing the first sod turned for the Kingston & Pembroke raflway. Among the men on the market | as the "daddy" of them all. He is 'enjoying good health, and it is the| hope of his host of friends that he will be spared to enjoy many more years of good health and prosperity. Red Cross Subscriptions. Previously acknowledged, - $2,200.93; civic grant, $100; CUohourg concert, per Mrs. Mulloy, 288.05; proceeds af ternoon bridge at "Roselawn,". $54.86; proceeds dance, City Hall, pulfje library, $5; Harrowsmith Dra- matic Club, $50; Mall, $34.65; Prof. Wrong's lecture, Queen's Historical Society collection, £33.89; ladies of Spafiordton, per Mrs. Rutledge, Sydenham, $11; Rev. W. G. Lansbury, Parham, $7.30; collection Queen Street Methodist Church illus- trated lecture, per G. Flmer Reamon, 55; "A, , " $2: Mrs. Fairlie, $2; Miss Lyman, $1; Maple leai Mission Circle, Perth Road, $1; Mrs. Cataraqui, '81; "A Widow," per Dr. Boyee, $1; total cash to date, $2,697. 18; total expenditure to date, $2,545. 51; cash balance, $151.67. At 'the Anglican chirch, at. Lynd- hurst, on Dec. 30th, the marria; - | took 'place of Miss Emuna Sheffield; : | ook pla Sheffield, son of of Christopher and [Alan Ralph, Oak Leaf, Nicholas Ralph. "est. night, it looks like a certain victory ' $50; Wo- ! mens Club sale of homemade dainties, | ed that afternoon teas, City | Elliott, ! THE SPORT REVIEW FRONTENACS AND OTTAWA VR ERDEENS PLAY TONIGHT. At the Covered Rink -- Collegiates Bros. Expect to Give the Junior Fronten-' acs a Hard Game Friday Evening. The Frontenac hockey team had its regular practice on the covered rink on Tuesday night, before There were 4 large number of players oft. = The game between' the seniors and the Ottawa 'Aberdeens is being l66kedl forward to with great inter From the practice on Tuesday for the Yocals, as several of the boys have developed sensational speed and stick-handling since last year. The ice is. hard and everything points to a Kingston victory. The Ottawa team, however, has been practising con- stantly amd is" coming here confident of vietory An hd interest to the game will '1'é a large number of soldiers from Ot- tawa who are present - in: the oity Thev.. will proceed to the rink in a body and cheer their side to victory, ---- Collegiates vs. Frontenacs. The Collegiates are practising every evening for their game on agdinst the junior Frontenacs. The' students this year have a. wonderful tzam and look promising fer O.H.A. thonors. There will be no change in the line-up from that of the game in' against Frontenaes here. Remarkable Shots. Speaking of the basketball game in Pratchett; Péllaville, the Intelligencer speaks thus of Kingston players : Pound and King the forwards of the visiting team, are teuly remarkable shots from in close, but the latter lacks inclined to forget to play basketball at times. Singleton, at centre, play- position very | and also scored nearly every fonl shot | for his team. Notes On Hockey. New York World: After a hoe- key game in Cleveland, in which five men were hurt, a goal tender was ar- rested on a charge of assault with in- tent to kill. This guy merely made a mistake in location, In Europe they'd have given him a medal. Ottawa Journal: Allan Davidson has practically turned the ' Torontos from a championship team to a see- ond rate sextette. The Blue Shirts miss the big Scot more than théy can tell. ' Sixty-two games of O.H.A. hockey will be played this week. - All which shows that the big amateur body has "Business as Usual' nicely worked in the doormat. The important game in the N. H. A. will be tonight, when Wanderers go to Quebec. If they can defeat the "Habitants" in their home town Wanderers will indeed be away with a "fier". / THE SHOW A FINE ONE And the Proceeds reds GO To "the Red Cross Society. Although the Central Ontario Poul try and Pet Stovk Association show ! was confined locally this year and was upon a much smaller scale, it was nev- ertheless of intérest to all who attend- ed: Some of the best poultry obtain- ! able in the city was on display and included these exhibitors: T. M. As solstine, J. W. Gilbert, A. B. Wilson, R. Pratchett, Messrs. Nicholson and | Bitrns, and' Prof. W. L, Gill. The Poul | , try shown was far superior © to any thing ever exhibited in the city beiore. i | The pigeons were of the finest vari: Val ety and George Nicel, of Catardqui, captured all the prizes in this line, with the exceptiow™ of E. R. Tread- gold,- who had a special species and no competitor to outclass him. ° The president of this association, D. (i. Scott, and the painstaking seers taries; P. D. Lyman, N. Munsey and, W. Gilbert, deserve praise for car- r¥ing ihe show through so successful ly. This evening will be the last op- portunity of witnessing the fine poul- "try and a large crowd is expected. All the proceeds are in aid of the Red Cross Rpciety. COSTLY CURRENT. 1 skating. d YW... Gilbert. Cockerel, W. Friday | that a > tizen is Kiown Belleville, as Collegiates think n Kingston's veteran ci n team that can defeat Belleville on its (uc. own ice should make a good showing yi. coolness and ia Hen, satisfactorily, | Bruce. of | ProvLTRY pow PRIZE LIST. | Yee Who Won Ribbons In the Cou- petition This Week, Langshans--Heén, | and 2, Bros, Cockerel, 2 and 3, Bros. Pullet, 1, and 3 Holland Holland Holland Barred Plymouth Rocks--Cock, 1 and 2, A. B. Wilson. "Hen, | and 2, A. B. Wilson. 1, 2 and 3, A. B. Wilson 2 and 3, A. B. Wilson. : White Rocks--Cock, 1 and -2, Hol land Bros;; A. McGregor,~ Hen, 1 and 2, Holland Bros; ; A. McGregor. i Cock: erel, 1 and 2, Holland Bros; A. Me Gregor. . Pullet, 1 and 2, Holland + Bros.; A. McGregor. Light Brahma--Cock, Nicholson and Burns. . Hen, Nicholson and Burns. Dark Brahma--Hen, Nichdison and Burns. Pullet, Nicholson and Burns. White Wyandottes--Cock, Thomas Thurlby, J. B. Walkem. Hen, 1, 2 and 3, Thomas Thurlhy. Cockerel, ram 2, T. a , Pullet, 1 amd: 2 Thurlb; % Patinig 'Wyandottes--Cockerel, Clark. ' Pullet,' 1 and 2, W. Clark. | ode Island Red, RU.--Cock, Gill No » Cockerel, Pullet, |, W. L. A. B. Gibbons, Nicholson and Hen, A. B. Gibbons; 2 and 3, J. Gil L. W. Gill, 0: J. Hickey. Pal let, T. M. Asselstine; 2 and 3, 0. Hickey. Rhode Island Red, R.C--Cock, W. J. Gilbert. Hen, wv J. Gilbert, Nichol- son and Burns, J. Gilbert. Pullet, W. J. Gilbert; px 3, Nicholson and Burns, Cornish Game--Cock, Nicholson and urns, Hen, Nicholson" and Burns. rel, Nicholson and Burns. Pullet, Ison and Burns, | Pit or Old English Game--Cock, 1} | and 3, G. E. Pratchett; Nicholson and and Burns. Hen," I and 2 GE Nichotuon and Burns. Cock- eral, I, 2 and 3, G. E. Pratchett. Pullet, 1, 2, and 3, G. E. Pratchett. White Leghorn, S.C. » J. W, Martin, W. Bruce, A. B. Gibbons. 1, 2 and 3, J. W. Martin. Cockerel, 1 and 2, Ww. Bruce, J. W Martin. Pullet, 1, 2 and 3, W. 2, t pert, "a2 Black Leghorn 8.C.--Hen, James Maguire, Im. Walsh. "50 H. 'Walsh. Walsh. Buff Leghorn 8. C.--Cock, W. H. Eves, James Maguire. Hen, James Maguire; 2 and 3 W. H, Eves. Cock- eral, 1 and 2, W. H. Eves. Puliet, + 2 and 2 W. H. Eves. Brown Leghorn, R. James Laturney, F. Dixom. Dixon, 2 and 3, Cockerel, ney. turney. 1 and' Cock- Pullet 1 and 2 H. = C.--Cock. Hen, F. James Laturney. 1, 2 and 3, James Latur Pullet, 1, 2 and 3, James La- Black Minorcas, 8S. C.--Hen, 1, 2 and 3, R. Coffey,' Cokerel, 1 and R. "Coffey. Pullet, 1 and 2, R. Coffey, N. Munsie. Golden Campines--Hen. fey. Buff Orphingtons -- Cock, Ww. Mathews. Hen, G. BE. Pratchett, Blue Orpington--Cockerel, T.-A Clugston. Pullet, 1, 2 and 3 T A Clugston. Ww White Orvingtons--Hen, 1 and 2 race. Red <a Nieholson and and Bares 2, R. Cot- H Burns. Hen, Niehglson Cockerel, 1 and n Nicholson and Burns. Pullet; 1, 2 and 3 Nichok son and Buras.: Houdans--Cock, mes Maguire Hen, 1 and 2 J. ire. Cocker el, 1 and 2, J. Foro, Pullet, 1, 2 and 3 J. Maguire, Black Hamburgs--Hen, 1, 2 and 3, Nicholson and Burns. Cockerel, 1 and 2, Nicholson and Burns, F. Dixon. Pallet, 1, 2 and 3, Nichol son and Burns, Silver spangled Hambw nd 2. Nicholbon 2! and gestion, 1 1B ok N. Mun- Munsie: cocker- ay na es N. Munsie; pullet, LQ Pyle--C ack, Nichol d § how Niet son and Burns; Whea N. Munsie; pullet v Whité rose combe--Pullet, Nichol | and Burns. han Black € 'ochin--Cook, Holland hen, Holland Bros.; pens, Brot: Mathews, | A.B. Wilson, =C nk: won all the prizes in ie followi varieti Red, black, white OR li oh lers, » bearded Homers. GR Treadgold won all the prizes 4 in She ui white Janails. best S. C. Rhode il ; cotkerel, won by W. ak 1 _ Third Contingent oe Pay and Subsistence From ; ated of Enlistment a Merchants Have to Reduce Number year, found a certain group of lights -cost him "siz with er current and $41 with alternating cur- His total bill with the stores, with Sg 8-€. Rhode Istana Red | allet, T. A. Asselstine oe best White Leghorn, eockerel, W. Bruce. ot. best White Leghorn, pullet, W. _-- Wyandotte," cock- For best #0 White Wyandotte, pullet, ey. Barred cockerel, or Rock, A. B{ Wilson. Ha best Barred Rock, pallet, - A. Wilson. hn $5: prize Pa 'best sme ban un- show was won by N 7 Wi - The Whig will be glad to receive ---- Slippers for women at Slippers for men at : Slippers for children wr Slipper Trees, 26¢. | 50c, T6¢, $1.00, $1.50 "75¢, $1.00, $1.95 to $2.25 25¢ to $1.00 Enjoy life by having warm slippers. ™ Abernethy's| * We're offering big reductions and ask you to give -onr stock the most eritiecal comparison with anything you may see anywhere at any time, "Come in and see our bargains. 7 Campbell Bros. Im a rs of Hats ers of Furs THE WEEK OF PRAYER. Rev. Dr. Macgillivray on "Individual and Family Religion." On Tuesday evening, - in the First Baptiss, Church, Rév. Dr. Maogilliveay gave a Very interesting and timely sermon on the subject, "Individual and Family Religion. In these days, he said, the moral world is being shaken file ita centre and there is need of fresh emphasis and revival in both the. individual and family religion. © We need to got b hack again to the ultimate principles the cross and wisdom of God and "the power of God unto salvation. ir shocking as is the moral and in. telleetual © n the wi at the moment, we must net get down-hearted. Here and there may be eddies of backwater. Perhaps the Bible is not as well known to the younger generation as to their elders, but that is not to say that they.are [hot quite as religious as their elders i Balm from your druggist now. Apply on the wo Bp the!a little of this fragrant A Dad fir tl | i E Choice Chocolates From 20c a Pound and wp. Al Kinds of Home-made candy made fresh every da. SACKELLS, Next To Opera House Antomobile Storage Also dry storage of amy description right in the heart 'We have space for thirty automobiles and trucks, mae Very low rental until the the city. chinery and heavy hardware, April. ot' ist of PORRITT GARAGE CO. Limited ® % Telephone, 454; ® 210-214 Wellington 8t. C., electric light, good barn, etc. Owner leaving city. A BIG SNAP THIS Inquire at 'once, W. I. Godwin & Sun. Redl Estate and Insurance. Phone 424, Brock SASS LASSE SELLS LSS LASS VVVPTTTITTITITITTTTITeTTe HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Applied in Nostrils Sar Cream Applied in Nose AEA BRIA BASS & PoePPOe 4 4 4 4 " », * 4 4 < Sh bbbbs ss Instant relief--no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the bir passages-of your head clear and You can breathe freely. No more hawking snufing, blowing, head- ryness. No struggling for breath at might; your cold or ca- tarrh disappears. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air pas- sage of the head, soothes the inflam- ed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed: up with a cold or nasty catarrh. FIRE, LIFE, SICKNESS, AOCIL DENT, AND AUTOMOBILE IN. YEAR IN AN HONOR- ABLE FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING CAR- 'EER. Satisfied customers who years ago bought their furni- ture to start housek with, have in turn sent their children (the next genera- tion of buyers) t& come and receive the same satisfaction that 'they - themselves re- ceived. This year with en- ormous, 'well selected stock and abnormally low prices insures, another {twelve months of suecess.. Sixty years' reputation is our guarantee. For Reid's Tow High JAMES REID Prices and Reid's Quality i