(sSSo------ 'Banking Convenience The Bank of Toronto, with departments equipped to transact business of every description appertaining to banking, and with numerous branches distributed throughout full list of banking torres tiers fairs, the Dominion, and a pondents, is enabled to offer its custo exceptional facilities for he transaction of their financial af- Paldup Capital ..w...mivve 2evesseses 85,000,006 - Reserved Funds .. eeenivens $6,507,279 THE BA Matis Bosars, wav INCORPORATED NK or TORONTO ington GREETINGS The compliments of the se.son to all. contractors of Kingston I extend my hearty {hanks for their patron. age during the past year, and cheerfully sokcit their trade for the because I am "confident I have 'as good to offer as the best, and my prices are right. Phcne 1306, A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yani Phone 1396 coming sedson. I say cheerfull To «he bullders and en FOR William 8t., solid briek house, electric lights, gas, C. and B. Party leaving the city. 10 rooms, furnace, A bargain for quick buyer. Quebee St., frame house, 7.x00ms, B. "and C., price $1800 » ¥ 48 BROOK ST. ~~ J. K. CARROLL AGENCY JOHN DRIVER, Representative, PHONE ¢8 -------------------------- re eeme imsres seisn sons, We Wish To Extend to one and all uw Happy and Prosperous * New Year. hanking you for liberal pat- ronage during 1914. Hoping to receive a continuance of pstfavhrs, xd HOAG'S DRUG STORE| Chas H.Leeder, Axchitect SPECIAL OFFER TO TH} PUBLIC FOR THE AR : The kind you are look- ing for is tke, kind we sell Scranton Coal Is good '@oal and we guarantee prompt de- livery Foot of West St. Silver Tp. Silent Matches 5 Boxes for-20c GET A SUPPLY BEFORE 'THEY ARE SOLD OUT °F, FICEERING SOWARDS Keep Coal Fahd 23 r 400-Princess-8t.~ Phone 5801 VL Se---- WOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST {appenings in the City and Vicinity «What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig, "Menthelatum," at Gibspn's. Once tried always used, White Rose dour. : & Tne thaw reached Kingston on Nednesday morning. "Canadian 'Herb Tablets," gom's. A number of ice boats were out on 'he harbor Wednesday. Palmerston township carried local option by a g majority. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders eceived gt MeAuley's. Phone 564. "Canadian Herb Tablets," "at Gib- on's. at Gib- Two cases of chickenpox are re- orted by the medical dicalth. offi- 'er. "25¢ Syrup Figs" son's. Ice-cutting will begin here very 'oon; the ice is now about fourteen fmehes thick. Mrs. James Kirkland, © Plunias, Manitoba, is visiting Mrs. C. H. Gray, Neleon street. ""Nyal's Face Cream," at Gibson's. Miss K. Tobin, of Westport, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. E. McCue, 30% King street west. "Mecca Qintment,"" at Gibson's. Principal Putton, Toronto, will ad- tress the Canadian Club on Friday evening on "Paris." » H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 'ing street. Leave orders at Me- \uyley's book store. "Vanishing Cold Cream," at Gib- son's, . Prof. J. L. MorjSon is the speci- 1 speaker on Thytsday night" week of prayer service in Queen Street fethodist Church, "Buy Blaud's Iron Pills," Gibson's. Mrs. L. W. R. Mulloy, of Kingston, vill sing at a concert in Cobourg, on he 26th, in aid of Red Cross and Belgian relief funds. The conservatives canvassed very ward for their aldermanic riends on Monday and successfully, 00, in various instances. : "Invalid Port Wine," at Gibson's. Misses Kathleen and Edith Cor: "ey, Rideau street, returned from iananogue, having spent the past veek there visiting friends. Canadian Club's dinner on Friday night will be served at 7.30 o'clock at the Frontenac Hotel. Address at 8.15 o'clock by Principal Hutton, To- ronto. ™ "26c Syrup Figs" 15¢", .at Gib- son's. g Frederick Phillips, letter carrier, vho has volunteered his services for the front with the third contingent retired from' the post oflice depart- ment to-day. 'Invalid Port Wine," at Gibson's. Will the lady who received from he Whig office a post card with the picture of "Kingston soldiers on Salisbury Plain please return it, as the owner is very anxious to have 15¢'", at Gib- tie #26c Syrup Figs" 16¢", at Gib- ui " The Reliance Moulding plant be- sing work on Monday with forty yorkmen. It has an order for 10, 100 picture frames to begin with 3owe skilled workmen are here from Toronto. : ""Mentholatum," at Gibson's. The. president of the Board of Trade acknowledges these additional subscriptions to the Belgian relief fund: Cooke' church Sunday school scholars, $5; Mrs. Girvin, 249 Johnson street; $3. ""Mentholatum," at Gibson's. Donald McLaughlin, who escaped rom the Central Prison after a murderous assault on Guard Sang- Ster with an 'iron bar, was found fuilty in Toronto and sent to peni- 'entiary for seven years. "Mecca Ointment," at Gibson's: + Allan Brooks left Wednesday far Toronto to resume his studies at Hall; after visiting his mos ther, Barrie street. = George Brooks left for. Guelph to resume ids stu- dies at the agricultural college. Lieut.-Col. CO. F. Winter, has been appointed officer commanding No. 1 division, with headquarters at Loi don, Ont:, in. succession to Brigadier- Jeneral E. Hodgins, who: goes jutan "i" FOR "Akl Boys, " - | "112" tor tender, putted-up, TO-NIGHT Matinees Wednesday and Saturday, 2.30 Tom Mark TO-NIGHT, "MISTER AND MAN" Thursday, "The Man From Canada" pecin > Nothing Prices | 10-15-28 | . Sy Matinees 10 and 20¢. Séats Now on Sale AND EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK FOR NEW YEAR'S DAY WAGSTAFF'S Fine Old English PLUM PUDDINGS ! an - MINCE MEAT Insist onl WAGHSIAFES HOCKEY MATCH , KINGSTON COVERED RINK WEDNESDAY, JAN. 6TH FIRST BIG GAME Ottawa Aberdéens vs. Frontenac Srs. os 23e; reserved seats, Soc, Seats WoW on sate at rink, A NEW CEREAL Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal This is net only a : medicinal cereal but is tasty as well. It iy delicious as a cereal or made in pan-cakes, Admission sassenseres tesaasvenns 10 ots. BIE ..o.covrenrmrrnnss 80 CIN, At Your Family Grocers. EN Ripon) - vo. 'rial size tegular Puy and subsistence allowance from date of enlistment. Apply to | QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First inyertion, le a word, Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half- Cent a word. Minimum charge for onc insertion, 2c; three Insertions, Soc; six, $1; month, $2. ; 4] * HELP WANTED AN ADYT OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, under this head, costs 20c for one night, or 50c for three. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, APPLY at 'once to Frontenac Heotek A PLAIN COOK, APPLY TO MRS dW Garrett 82 Johnsen St. AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vant. Apply Mrs. Juhnson St A GUOD GENERAL SERVANT, WELL recommended. Apply Mrs. Kilborn, : 24% King St. FITTER WANTED FOR LINKS AND connecting rods. Napanee lron- works, Limited, Napanee, Ont GENERAL SERVANT, ONE WHO UN- derstands waiting on table. Apply _ Mrs, Kavanagh, 254 King St. WANTED, AT ONCE, A GOOD G El al servant; good wages. Apply t« Mrs. B, N. Steacy, 141 Barrie St A YOUNG GIRL, ABOUT FOURTY Years of age, to assist with light housework. Apply at 330 Broek + Street. COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT, NO washing or ironing. References re- quired. Apply to Mrs. W. H. Craig, 109 Gore Strect. COMPETENT HOUSEMAID, NO other meed apply. to 196 Johnson 'street, 2 and 4 pm, or T and 9-in evening. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY carn $100 monthly corresponding for mewspapers; ne canvassing, Send for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. YOUNG MEN WANTED TO PREPARE » for telegraph positions on Cana- dian railways. -- Our students celve positions $mmediately upon graduation and $75 to $90 monthly © to start. Free rallway pass to School and to destination when ualfied. Tuition fees moderate. tor. partieiate an lply ane, Diet raham elogr: Schoo! Bank Breas Stiowva. TEACHERS WANTED A NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR School Section Ne. 1, Howe Island. . Catholic Jeacher, Duties to, 0. mence an. th. ply 0_Jog Beaubien, Sec.-Treas.. Howe sland P. O, stating salary. for Inverary $chool Section No. 2, Township of Storrington. Duties 10 | commence at once. - Salary accord- ing to experience and qualifications, Apply, stating salary and qualifi- cations, to Jas. E. Dixon, Sec.-Treas. R. R. No. 2 Kingston, AN EXPERIENCED QUALIFIED teacher for 8. 8. No. 9, Kennebec, Frontenac county." "$400 to 460, according Duties to commence ply, stating rience, to reas. 8. 8. No. 9 Ont. * . Ape Jualifications and ex- . A. Newton, Sec.- Dead Creek P. WANTED GENERAL TLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Prices and workman- ship guaranteed to please, Press- ing and repairi dofie on the shortest notice, as Galloway, 131 Book street, near Bibby's PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blemish es removed permanently, without Soar; 40 years' ex; R06 Dre El- . Lak e, A ] Throat and fr Bagot St. Specialist, 258 LEGAL, Treadgold, 452 CUNNINGHAM -& MUDIE, HARKIN. Jers and solicitors, a a 0 are nce St, Kingston. | LOST FOR SALE. GOLD LOUKET, WITH INITIALS "MM, 8." and brooch, on train between Gananoque and Kingston. or on Princess street, on New Year morning. Finder rewarded qn | turn to Whig office FOUND. - MONDAY AFTERNOON, ON HAR- bor ice, gentleman's gold watch charm. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement, at 188 Barrie St Jl TO LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Quce 25¢., three times §0c. w STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, BTC clean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock Street. -- AND ONE SITTING. TWO BEDROOMS room, furnished. Apply to Stuart St. ROOMS OVER 33 PRINCESS STREET. Immediate possession. Apply 55 Princess Streel. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. Apply. .to Cunningham & Mudie, 79 Clarence St. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND EN. furnished; stores, offices, ete. Mc. Cann's Real Estate Agency, 82 dry, air; mg; your own ey. Frosia big Brock St ITORAGE FOR FURNITURE. CLEAN, 150 usen St. Phohe BIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST néw, modern improvements, corner Division and Quebec streets. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street. TWO HOUSES, CENTRALLY LOCAT- ed: rent, $1400. Each house suit. able for two parties: every conven- fence. Apply David Marshall, plumber. MEDICAL STUART M. POLSON, M.A, M.D.CM., former house surgeon Manhattan. Eyes, ear, nose, and throat hospital; New York. Office, 132. Wellington, oppogite poet office. Office hours, 313 am, 2.4 pm, 7-8 p.m. Phone DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, BA. LDS, D DS, RE- moved to 258 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, dington St. (over Phone 246. 150 © WEL- Carnovsky's) DR. C. O, NASH, DENTIST: DR. T. I. Renton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. Phone 735, S. H. SIMPSON, 1L.DS., DDS, DENT. ist. corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot Street- CATERING WE_CATER TO BALLS wedding Yaka Runa ote also rent dishes, table Mnens an' HE Ton, 30 i, amb 196 hdtrnd o Phones 843 or 308. ARCHETICT WM. NEWLANDS & tects, ete. Offices, Phone £1. & SO) chants' Ba Brock and Drop a card. SON, ARCHI. 268 Bagot St. MER. corner streels, nk B in Wel §ton MUSIC. | MUSIC AN DRAMATIC INSTRUC tion, 216 Frontenae 8. Miss Norma Selgmunn, Telgmann, BE . Telgwpann, teachers of elocu- Diageo. violin and all stringed ents ' tion, inatr SITUATION VACANT. BILLY SUNDAY?!S MESSAGE. GREAT % opportunity for juan or woman, We na pay you $15 to distriuts it in your peighbarhoed. Sixty. days work 3 e time may be used International Bible Press, 182 Spa- dima Ave. Toronto. THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, Cost little. "Once, 250; three Umes, §0c; one week, $1.00. AEESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO MRS, Goldman, 387 Diy'sion St AIREDALE BITCH PVPPY, FIVE menths old, by Champion Rosxi) Qrrang ex Pure Maid. $15. A. Jom, 14 William St, Kingstos, IWWFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 1 in. igh in front and 58 1-3 in, high a hack; Tires resereind one ope shelf» Stigh used. b British Whig ¢ hy as » Ppi¥ ' A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND & number of first-class heaters at low prices: also a big stock of fur- niture. J. Thompson, 338 Princess St, Phone 1800, \ LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. orders promptly attended carpet cleanin Muller; 373 Kin HAFP bd to for and laying, George g St Y THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OX. rds, and other cook stoves, Qua 14 e's, pugs and square heaters, FH RMT ou very fits. Turk's "Phone, 708. ve INE PURE RRED HOLSTEIN BUL twenty months old, choicest bi ing. Grand head for any Pure bred bull Also five head p Priced low for quick sale. A. Guess, R. R. No. 2, Elginburg, Ont. SINERAL RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND Ca: convenient to station. THREE Nw FRAME HOUSES, YORK ., cheap. $5.000-BRICK HOUSE, LARGE Lor and Stahie ME HOUSE, ¢ ROOMS, $100 NEY FRAME HOUSE, MARK. ant 53 G. A. BATEMAN, INSURANCE. AND Real Estate, 87 Clarence St. | TELEGRPHY Civil. Service, Shorthand, Typewriting, Book ng, B - Ing and General Tmprovement. Day and Night Classes. Kingston Business College AA Head of Queen Street. moderate. Fhone 440" Jace Metcalfe, a Peat PPpbtbe ty SIP 44999990 | | | FINANOIAL, FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment. Society; incorporated 1868; president, Colonel Henry R. Smith, oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures: mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al- lowed. 8. C. McGill Manager, 87 Clarence street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Sompany, Available assots $61,187.215. In addition te which the policyholders for security the unlimited Hability of . Gity property, insured at west possible rates. Before renewin: old or new. business gol. rates Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325. I~ yo ving BUSINESS CHANCES, YWHERE CAN START er business at home; no canyassing; be your own boss. Send for free booklet: tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. ANYONE AN a mail BUSINESS NOTICES JOSEPH BUSE 4 CHESTNUT ST, H opened up a quarry on Stephen Cut, buildi supplied prices. a ug and rough stone are promptly at reasonable UPHOLSTERING, Ww, J HAVE UPHOISTERING, RE. pairing NE carpet work, * ana mattress renovating. Drop & card or call 218 Bagot Street. ..Replenishment.... livery f the--1 magnitude, brighter sult] 'When the coal bin needs it use our good coal. Quick orderly de- and careful preparation over the screen. | "Vanishing Cold Cream," at Gib- son's. : The Danish cermment has decided to prohibit be" exportation ol dard, on account of a shortage . The