- H WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1915. Frankville, Jan. 5.--On New PAR SHIPS 0 [aE] || White Elephant || © Bay Practical | ACG ToL = Sts "gave es ie tor : ; ¢ < 3 di. - 4 b : 3 As oon as she was able to } Hom e Dr esr Making | A : Lof Mr. and Mrs. Georse E. Loucks. EP ' st : t The Men Have to Learn Things All (Mrs. Hepry Johnston, is home from i . TAGERt That oot on Rhy Abe FONS Over Again, After Receiving | the west on a visit ta relatives. : . 3 gall would leave her a mint of money J Wounds In the Head. |= hoo! has, Syened Aain. at Lehigh <arO'e ra | © |She had grown up with the belief : { Corners, iss Violet Robiggon pe oo (that she bad only to wait and wait RRB : _ Laon, France, Dec. 16.-- (by Cour: | Athens, a8 nastier. It is reported : ; | becomingly. Aunt. Abigail existed for}: Eads ier to The Hague and mail to New jal _Me eh Hanton his purchas- 2 ? Celia only in the way of an occasional Prepared Especially For This Newspaper . York), Jan. 5~To-day I saw men be- | ed the s 3 Altred Leacock. " iD . (letter and certain * reminiscences a Eras ing taught to talk again, In the | Born on January 4th, to Mr. and : . which Mrs. Twain was wont te re- by Pictorial Review : . BY . Mrs. Edward Lanine, twi be, * y Haclonal Ne y "Buman repair shops," the great Ger- | a irl » ns, a bey 4late; she had never seen her old rela- re man field hospitals, these men were | 20d 8 girl. : : tive and never expected to. And, in . learding anew the use of brains, ton fact, she never did. : MSQUE FROCK IN -POPLIN. gue, hands and feet. They had re- . Reports ep AUSTRO-HUN, E 5X j Mrs. Twain, widowed and ailing, : silk and wool poplin is suggested for ceived their baptism of fire. Bullet, | Mclean, Jan. 6.--School has op- Pe was poor, but extremely genteel. 3g its development. The model will Jook h Miss F, shrapnel, broken shell, all had done | ened with 2 ss F. Abbott, Mountain ; ; ¢ Sth) Though they lived on bread and but- equally well in taffeta, cashmere, serge their work, and now medical science | Grove, as teacher. A telephone : ie NO ter, apple sauce and weak tes the| SAE or tubbable materials. Whatever fabrics was doing /its uthost to restore | Meeting vas Geld fr the _seliool © BUDAPEST SA > |v |vear round, Mrs. Twain prided her- § are employed, 2% yards will be requir. the vicling to partial normality. house oi: J juuary 4th. Mr. Ritehie, a self that they did it gracefully. The 4 If 44 Inches wide and 83¢- yards if 36 This is the third time that Laon | of Montreal, represented the North- one thing above dll others that she : inches wide. has been in possession of the Ger. | ern Blectric Company. A joint stock " insisted on Celia knowing thorough- The collar may be finished in square mons, first in 1814 and again in | OMPany was formed and the tele- RUSSIA'S MOVE AGAINST AUSTRIAHUNGARY ly was decorum. And Celia learu- ' or pointed outline at the back. The 1870, bue this time only was the city | Phone line will de built ig . the TA a 2 5 a a ed her lesson admiraulr, je % f WF \ first stép in the construction of the * taken without fearful bloodshed. The Spe i A Sumber in ils Place The Russians are clearing Bukowing of the ememy, and are now Celia's clothes: wcre always neat| "i... .g wafst is to turn in the hem at front main hospital is improvised, a large alien bill A at Echo Lake on |engaged in sweeping down the Boumanisn frontier. Near the Uzsek |and plain, bier thin, light hair was| © _ edge of front notches. The side front roomy school building, well lighted | NOW ar nigh J. McRory has|pyss they have surrounded some Austriai troows. 'At Gorlice the 'en- [always smooth," her nails shining. \ is afterward gathered betwéen double y and aired. In front is a large bronze : sturned --- es after ending his lemy is strongly resisting She spoke and moved with precision. | 3 TT" perforations; then. sewed to = flonument erected to three young eK ny t St. .G aycroft. . George i She abhorred smirch. . She held her- F & front as indicated. Close uader-arm / enchmen--Francfiveurs--executed by Io or, 0 More he 2 Lake, cal- . T self aloof from all that was common 3 o J Gath gy ng peg the Germans in 1870 for sniping. Sin- gently. SIR ARTHUR McMAHON General Sir John Maxwell, who com- | and unlikely, and she never had a er een double per. i v1 -------- ds the militar. f nd, above | real friend all through her girlhood forations. Sew standing collar to neck gularly enough this monument is un- Lombardy Locals mands the ary lgrees, and, abo ® ' A & edge us notched: -1¢ desired With Lo scathed, Lombard Tony Ga B.C Ranks All Others As High Commis. | all, superior to that of the new Sul- | because there was nobody quite pro- \ it a pel ce ter hs Prof. Bockenheimer, in - charge, | Thi N 3s ey pid rr TN auley sioner Of Egypt. tan Hussein, and of the Egyptian | per enough to be on intimate terms A 5 heals Teck ame, sie and Dr. Lustkenmueller, chief sur- | "It on Monday for Kingston to rxe- f government, who will oceupy the | With her. i \ a ws Ini h k. Th ] sume his studies in Queen's. Misst| Sir Arthur McMahon, although = he | ¥° relation towards bir. as do the She missed a great "deal and was in front, large "O" perforations even. fn 00 ined the os . They ioare Nora Vaughan, after spending only ranks as a lieutenant-colonel in ard rulérs of India to the British | Often uneasily aware of her own M-| § E Lap right front on left, center 'even; r 2, severe cases, but the lig ¥ : the army, supersedes Lieut. 'General id hei arts. mitations, But her mother's word tack at lower edge. ly wounded are given first aid treat Sir John Maxwell, ag the supreme |TeSidents at their co! was her law, and then did she not] | Close sleeve seam as notched. Turn ment and sent back to the home British authority in Egypt, through PEERAGE FOR BIRRELL expect one day to possess vast \ under edge of cuff on slot perforations: Ss ot vo Hy She his appointment to the new office of J : wealth? ~ When that time came she| * | \B : lap to small "o" perforations, notches wounted that can be ot ll high Summissioner of the land of Wiel oo. Prohaliy Follow , Retirment coyld do, as she pleased. All good sve 4nd stich. oSow-1o Short weave, Morn than a score of cases, French General Sir John Maxwell; while From Irish Secretaryship. oa would ame 1 hep. ae wa : large "O" perforation at sieeve seam. and German alike, where trephining very popular, and a courtier, is not a | London, Jan, "T.=Herbert Samuel, ignored her, Sew sieeve In armhole as notched, operations had been necessary, = had particularly brilliant man, whereas Sir | president of the local -- government As for beaus, Celia hardly kiew \ easing in any fullness. been shown. It was a singular pic- Arthur McMahon, is perhaps the very | board, who formerly as postmaster [what the word meant. The only thne «Close back seams of skirt and tunic. ture. Through the windows came ablest membér of the administrative general, made a long tour through |g young fellow had ever looked at Tura hem in skirt on double "00" per- the deep, low base note of distant corps of India, the higher. dignitaries | Canada, is considered likely to Buc | har had been on a rainy night when forations. Pleat, creasing on slot per- guns killing, smashing, tearing, of which may be regarded as the very ceed Augustine Birrell for the Irish | Justus Linden shared his umbrella forations: bring folded edges to cor- maiming the human "tent pins." ick and cream of the service of the secretaryship. The latter's retire- | clear from Dix's grocery store to her responding lines of small "o™ perfora- Here they are being patched up. ritish crown, either at home or ment was always expected, and when {own deor. She had never forgotten tions and bring folded edge near cen- abroad. _- home rule becanie law, (Samuel, who |it and never would. And in years to| Little frock with shirred basque and ter-back to center: press pleats. Ar- For "several years past. Sir Arthur [had much to do with drafting 'and | come that attention of Justus' be-|Pleated skirt, suitable to development range tunic om skirt, centers even: Back To The Nursing Again, hes 2 has been foreign secretary of the In- sing the bill "through parliament, | caine the most cherished me: f{in a wide variety of fashionable ma- slItlh upper. edges together. Sew to N . a : New Year's holidays here, returned to | 2 _{ Passing the Di Ugh pari » erished memory of 5 lower edge of waist, centers even, large ad Toe ki = (aiden of Iriend | ottawa on Monday Thomas O'Mara | 2182 ts Sud as ab; the | Would doubtless be valuable in see- | ker colorless life. terials. "0 perforation Yn skirt at under-arm al 0¢ alike, bathing fevered brows |. : : te fom trus wi management of e | ; it 1 hed. Birrell will pro- After Mrs. Twain died Celia went : and teaching ' pale-faced bearded men vill dispose of bis farm and stock relation of the Indian empire with for- be iy pes a peerage, 'which | on living and starving in a small, de-| The shirred basque, full pleated skirt seam; ) : impl te i 3 «10s , "hi ha , - # , to speak the most simple words, ol implements bY suctieh cu Tuts ¢ign countries, namely, China, Thibet, would certainly add strength, ra | crepit house in the same genteel way, [and wide girdle," fashion's mest no Selt-covered buttons and a necktie telling them the names of objects : 2 rari : ly the necessary decora- : . ie Persia, Arabia and the various Ucn- k » to the force | There was a little more for one than | t'ctable features, are all combined in of satin supp and putting words together into sen- held Lia the Noli % Movement tral Asian more or less independent hot Shan wenkngss beach of the there had been for two. She had been | thi" pretty little frock. Inexpensive tion. What | thie?" asked Prof, Hook. | ocks: Miss Margaret Haghes, of po forei taryship likewise ; "OT9%" : | Saight a Did may like; Era 8 8 thie 7 a rol. Bock- | Rr : ' oreign serretaryship ' likewise $ 1e erred loneliness an GE 3 suheimer, holding a. pencil before o po pcr, To oon acung have at {carries with: it. the dsetion. of the idleness and balf rations to wage- bearded warrior from whose = skull "Mi"and Mrs Lb Dermady:: and | Magnificent secret political service of earning. In truth she rad no skill in he bad cut a splinter: of steel. The | shildren Watertown, N.Y re left | India, ome of the finest setret services anything ides being too slight for lips trembled. Then came the feshlo for 'home after ' spending "some time | 91 the world, and upon which the the roughe¥ forms of bread-winning. answer "'poneil." hore With the former's paces. Me | British crown depends for its control It was a most tedious existence, but I held out a cigarette and asked and Mo S. De Iv Nice Ma ; jover all the vassal rulers of India, hope was to her what a pair of wings what it was. . The man's lips moved | OG ronds, Womrrmody: siting Mo | and in fact over the mear 300,000,008 is to an: inexpert swimmer--it kept and a look ® on his face which aM ¥, MN lott 18 visting Mr. natives of various antagonistic creeds ber afloat. Some day there would. be ¥ that he knew what jf | 00 Mes. M. oi and races who are held in subjection money enough--some vay. a Elle oma eo (EL tT LR ; uld not say. At Brewer's Mills Y by stateorat Jad diplomacy, Tullo Celia wus 36 before Aunt Abigail] . TO NCH MATERIAL NA - pri 30 rofessor Bockenheimer n ARE ; : than by actual force. All the Eng- died, She was notified duly. he ¥i ; years. Price, came to the rescue. "What do we| brewer's Mills, San. 5School has | I'sh residents at the court of the vari- shock made her ill--so il} hat she Pictorial Review dress No. 8950 Sizes 6,8, 10,12 and 14 » o wity this?" he asked, reopeyed, Proer 2 Te ati ous vassal Flor ae jer t6 the had to take to her bed. So it was a | ska Ee ---------- Pe-- ---- I apparent tremendous mental 3 : oreign secre L an gov. Week or more before she learned the }: ok into Celia' ele, an then he reply smoke." | Pople 50m Whe place atieoded" ht | em pc 1 full extent "of Runt Ablenita senor Ses oc, 4; (he roude oriec| So Justus came back ito, Coll' Lc OOTrect," sald the professor. | New > Yesrs noe, James Docheift | very distinguished Anglo-Indian gene- gelty to her. A letter camo. from | o1ons. For the fest thne in her life} Sometimes when she had let the Drain Lad tng worked, wa toe] Lorient, Moret und Jom Mekemi fa commenced his Carer ihe Ba Naid, Rad Te hr tire reper [1 fot cahllaration, uy. trv 1 while CE her D3" 'houghus. were e worked, and the home, i YX, DUE hy reason » living. The machine obeyed her lke|felt as py thoughts were answer was Saree, ; Season sailing. ne, adler he of the Severngss which he d i . to help along the ie onan' a living ting. - She could make. it going Taster. And she as JSlad that "Hours have to t ae : e. | ID alley espedifion "in ir a y » ; wl, © e for hours {Aunt Abigail ha e nurses teaching these men. a hy iis Min po - + Na 1890, was transferred to the political : on an ardent ad 'ocate; (o Celia she Mi a Ee Te ays, Sune she was. money and given her instead four again," explained the professor. "It 2 a Minnie an Aas Mug. { dia, and was one of the members of : 2 "7 lett her Speedover car. It had hungry, happy, excited. She looked |wheels with which to overtake her . requires unénding patience and per-| has returned home, after visiting ber | dePattment of the government of In- : 1 _ jorated and was being held for sHip<|at her smiling self in the glass and | happiness. sev fia br da Phter, Mrs. Mi hael MN Don. ald [the stall of Sir Mortimer Durand | New York, Jan. 7.~Churles Wal- | ment-until Cella could be heard from. wondered. : ---------- any cases of plastic su ors is Wines 3 1 1. Milne' |on the ovension of the latter's mom- ter, an 'attorney, of Toronto, au- | After reading that letter Cela| guess I'm crazy,' she laughed. PLANK HOUSES shown, Men with most. of their Kingston; Miss P, Milne A ¥thera iv orable mission to Cabul, just twenty | retursing to - New | wis sicker then ever. Her Hopes | Ai this rate I'll have to put a mort- faces = smashed away were being | Miss J. Milne Godfrey, spent Christ, | years" age. : land aboard the steam- | Were gone. She was nobody's heir-| cage on the place to buy gasoline." !in the War Area . Most - Badly DESUEt back to life with parts of| mas af home; Miss Olive Todd, by G.| Since the he has been political | ship n b ha Jug Sor nich Hhovasd]" It was then she had ber great in- Needed, their bodies grafted on to cover the| Hulburt's, Seeley's Bay; Miss Lene agent in Swat, in Chitral, in Seis- |'German, sp ing for Aunt Abigail' he | Piration. In that week's paper ap- London, Jan. 7.~Plank - houses torribic gaping holes. Many wouit| Todd has returned from the west mnd{tan, and has been chief commission- found herself worse off than ¢ Othello: Beajed: an advertisement which set with tarred paper roofs.are sorely «be much better dead, but the doctors Thoaliting hee 3s, Me. and Mes. fer in Baluchistan; all of them mos roc i 3he was 100 groud to consult u goudyp Ot Said. madestly Hoo newded for shelter of peasants in the fee! it Is their du'y to save all the i I a B. Milne is visit [difficult and delicate posts. . A body. Het friendlessness and singly or in parties in her car every area ravaged by war, according to po tagston, helplessness pressed upon her. The morning and afternoon at twenty-five fA: E. Harvey, the head of a com: We do not ask the wounded whe- Tidings From Ppt . tutility of lite and its abounding | cents an hour each: epecial rates for [mittee of itects, doctors and ther théy want to, live or die," éx- " Toledo, frogress of King | ° Sad shame numbered her. A car, What the day. : ; : nurses engaged in formulating a Bockenheimer, Toledo, an. 4. number have | Mary through India, isted : as. Canadidn troops. 'of | 31d she want of it? And yet she) 3p was mot lon be'ore Celia had | policy of reconstruction in Belgium hospital Pro. | been voufineg to the house with se- fof their coronation durbar, and ted - ops. might as well take it. It might b¢| ner hands full o pritronage. The land parts of France. gart, 'was in Sore col 88. hook re-opened ° Mon- | success of their tour was recognized Sy-4h worth something. - Perhaps she could white elephant was proving its worth| The architects say that the ruined Hore, too, nurses were|2Y with Miss Murphy' as teacher, {both by them and by the Fovernment . un sell it. ~ She wrote to the lawyer to Some nights she had as many as 16 | stone walls are generally unsafe and teaching men to talk again and ter. 1 ¥ Stitwo Was Fp-clegted reeve of fin England, as largely owing to kis eta Ai the Company in which Se had send it one. * I quarters in her black handbag, and [should not be used. rible wrecks of humanity were being the township by acclamation and the [tact cleverness. Be io Jered whe Sharge Wy. The | One morning it arrived at the sid-| when she Jinglod them she felt al-| Labor, felt paper, glass and 'lum- patched up. i sounerllors lor the conung year are } Onl y-iwo years 'of age, 1s | that was 4 n.Spy. 6 tion and she hid: it brought home: at| most as rich as though she were| ber are scares in France and ox a... Mosses, Kinch, Doster, Hanton and |aleendy a knight of the Grand Cross | troopers set upon this man and Kill- { (he ond of cartman's truck. HefAunt Abigail's heiress in very truth. | hausied in Belgium, so that the { 'Mr » Mrs. Brunton left for the Vie ork n order, and of the a -- officers fot it into the barn, and there it] Fresh air, excitement, and Inter problem is difficult. Avintor's Heroic Peed. t . stood. It was a peculiar looking car, ]est. in lfe and: uniimited human com- . Two Iron erosses of the first an a oe . Ha Jaughta my Most while in Soles. On the doors | panionship did wonders for Phim Postal Figures Grow. y b ¢ ) : #as Aunt Abigail's monogram. . It]|that summer. She became in epen-| -- i | ateond thas pilmed to. the wail over | oukville, The sink' apmed on So" {Lo%, know Foie» the | locked was 80 big and heavy that Celia was| dent, self-reliant, cheerrul . Aud when ple na tame 7 Phere. is_pauba- patient was young Fritz Lucht, air- | ia one | "De hn sion: | did k Hmoat afralg of 1 Bat after a hp in the fing syoling day X fal ditions that the figures of postal re- Wan. whose latest, deed fills one of Ww ; ived in high : eptniimsi rm." She called It {he Mae dialdonned u thick red sweater and capi Jitions that the figures of postal re the brightest pages of. the annals of o ! i } supreme in Egypt : arn. She called it the white ele-|she looked, with her new, healthy | © wi it shown' by the revenue : Ane illage evening and in- re phant. color, almost pretty. Huproving 1% Werlah batties-of* tie great war, t pending the i i probably : 'The neighbors were very curidus| One day Justus Linden held Celia] figures for the' month' of December, \ 8 olicer as observer he was i Me. and now. ab perior to tha - Jome who had scarcely noticed Celia|up on the street and asked her if| The stamp sales for the month were atlacked while flying north of | ays George Loucks passed h | -- m-- Fre So | ditherto began to ~ tatk to her now. {che wouldn 5 his mother siding. the la A PRAEK. od Lhe dae. by a& French monoplane : ; Who [He had sprained his wriit cranking | partment, being sixty thousnnd high Lplachine cua. hy od 8 . 'ar of their own, new that spring, |his own ear, and, as he couldn't run | er than last Year, previous igh had only their pistols. BR i same over to look at Celia's it until his arm was well, his deli-| water mark, while they are nearly und they circled, each : " i That cost a lot of money," Mr.|cate mother missed her daily outing, | (he times as large as the figures of the advantage by get Te En : White said, as he examined it criti-| Celia added Mrs. Linden to- her list.|a ago. The revenue for the other. At six thous For Men Rie ' h BL a i nb .jand on two or tliree occasions she|month was $1,720492, as against 'the French plane got the se, Jan, 6 X Rs. ; ot pease ; ws "How much wili it sell for?" de-ftook Justus also. His mother felt] $1,661,999 for December, 1913, and right and it was riddled. e el transaction : 4 ¢ Jw The ' nanded '= fsafer, she said, when he was along. | $629,560 in December of 1904. CoRper fi visible} Wheat in Winnipeg Ca Toe NSA | JRoukERS" "Th : - pe ---------- las 4 CEe Pere reese ds DEMAND REPARANOSN. Turin, Italy, Jan. 7.--The newspaper Stampa says that the Italian government has de- manded from Austria an ex- planation and prompt repara- tion for the arrest of four ktal- ian subjects," at Belgrade, who have been held as hostages by the Austrian army. : PEP PEPL FIPS | BITTER FEELING. : msterdam, Jan. 7~-Ten per- e been arrested in a "Die ii PELE PRRBI ree 4 iF PILL BL bebe ds tha he ur; It's in h y for the road this (+0818 gasped wad fushed. "Could] § "Sure," replied Gaorge White. "I'll teach po ot HE SH EaFea Lif $38