Banking Convenience The Bank of Toronto, Ved Jopariméniis equipped' to transact business of every description appertaining to banking, throughout numerous branches distributed and with the Dominion, and a full list of banking correspond nts, is enabled to offer its eusto- mers exceptional facilities for lie transaction of their findncial af- fairs. . 4 Pald-up. Capital... ... Reserved Funds ....... Assets ........... $60,000,000 Tue RIED BANK or TORONTC Square RoRGE B. McEKAY ey GREETINGS The compliments of the se.son to all, To the builders and contractors of Kingston I extend my hearty thanks for their patron- age during the past year, and cheerfully solicit their trade for the coming season. I say cheerfull because I am confident I have as good to offer as the best, and my prices are right. Phone 1396. A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard Phone 1396 William St., solid brick house, as, C. and B. electrie lights, g , Party leaving the city. Quebee St., {frame house, 7 rooms, . J. K.CARROLL AGENCY $1800. 8 BROCK ST, JOHN DRIVER, 10 rooms, furhace. A bargain for quick buyer. SB and C., price Representative. PHONR 68 TT -------- Our Dispensing Department Is the ome department of our busi- ness over which we exercise the great est possible care with regard to the quality of drugs used and accuracy employed, The personal supervision of the over our dispensing de- t should be n guarantee to the public that an » Chas.H.Leeder, Ax chitect SPECIAL OFFER TO TH} PUBLIC FOR THE NEW YEAR We will give our designing and ser vices as n guaran nites that we will furs inh everyoue that in desirous of a nev home or bulldiug, aud of nu loan on vam: to the amount of G0 pe t. of th cost of the bullding, Mi utiain not 1 ex more than $25,000.00, un ng above this amount will have special at tention, % y which may be entrusted to us will be dispensed with accuracy and dispatch, HOAG'S DRUG STORE Sage XU. O: 8s ot. No Advance in Prices In-All Our Lines of 'Boots and Shoes For fall and winter we care Hoe you ARE auARANTERD Satisfaction "in Glasses BECAUSE: ~-- Eo rn C. 'H. PICKERING [or Sreverywud-Stewt Dester; COAL The kind you are look- ing for is the kind we dios sell Scranton -Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt de- livery BOOTH & CO. pon of West 'WE STILL HAVE THE Silver Tip Silent Matches 5 Boxes for 20c GET A SUPPLY BEFORE |. THEY ARE SOLD OUT \interfere THE LATEST TIDINGS: PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST "POSSIBLE FORM. The Whig's . Daily Co Condensation of the News Of the World From Tele- graph Sertice abd Newspaper Ex. Changes. ¢ At Cobourg, 'steps are being taken to provide a county shelter for née glected children. Legislation will be introduced: to penalize employers who fail to report to the Workmen's Compensation Com- mission. Col. J. E. B. Seely, former. secre- tary for war, who resigned during the home rule controversy, is to be the Pritish liberal chief whip. At Washington the senate passed a till permitting the building of a bridge across the internatianal waters of Ni-- agara river at Lewiston, N.Y. here are now only two German cruisers and -two afined merchantmen to carry. on ecommerce raiding, apd they cannot lobg escape the allies' ships. United States President Wilson has asked for an appropriation of $250,000 to deiray expenses of the celebration planned for opening of the Panama Sal next March. The death sentence on Michael Popo- vitech, the Kamloops, B.C., murderer, has been commuted to life imprison- ment. An effort to secure executive clemency for Willimm Ruttan, of Bracebridge, is being made on the ground of insanity: Meunlah Singh, the Hundu who mur. dered Immigration Inspector Hopkin- son at Vancouver last Summer, will pay the penalty for his crime on the 15th. 'The cabinet has decided not ta in this case, which is one of the last and most important arising out of the Komagata Maru incident at Vancouver last summer. IN MILITARY CIRCLES, Cricket Field Too Icy For Battalion Drill. The officers taking the R.S.A. course were instructed in battery drill on the square on Iriday _morping, Military Text Pooke at' College Look Store. -- The 22nd' battery pion ride go Barriefield on Friday morning, T horses are gradually being broken into the work. held its usual I F. Shepard, of Toronto, secre- tari for the national council of the Y.M.CIA,, was in the city on Thurs- a. day and gave an illustrated lécture (in | Y.M.C.A. on Henry Van "I'he Other Wise Man." The story was Very interesting, and was listened to with interest by a large number of soldiers. After the lecture, moving pictures were shown and patriotic and sacred songs were sung. the militia Dyke's book, Military Text Books at_College Book Store. On Friday evening Dr. TF. J. Lake will give an iHustrated lecture on, "The Life of Christ." He has a large ber of beautiful pictures which will be shown. On Saturday evening Dean Starr will give an illustrated address on his ex- periences in France and. England in the present war.. Dr. J. G. Evans will operate the stereopticon. Military Text Books at College Book Store. On Sunday evening, at 8.15 o'clock, Rev. J. W. Macintosh, of Cooke's Churefi, will conduct the service and give a short sermon. Capt. J. A. Gilling, of the 59th egiment, of Alexandria, reported at headquarters on Friday. Col. 8.0 J. A. Denison, commander of the brigade of which the 2)st battalion forms a part, is expected in the city on Saturday for a week's visit of Mspuction. " Military Text Books at College Book Store. Sergt.-Major W. G. Bailey has re covered from his illness and was able to be St sis armouries on Friday. To Marks TONIGHT "A Wife's Honor" and Amateur Contest SAT. NIGHT, "JERRY THE TRAMP" Spedial 10-15-25 | Nothing Prices | Higher Matinees 10 and 20¢. Seats Now on Sale Tues. Jan. 12 Presents the ISR A [ele i: CABBAGE PATCH AND LOVEY A Myr. Stubbins, Miss Hazy, Lovey Mary and all the good people of the Wiggs Neighborhood A dramatization of Alice Hegan Rice's Charming Stories by Anne Crawford Flexner Special Prices 253553075 SEATS ON SALE SATURDAY HOCKEY MATCH COVERED RINK. SR, 0, Toronto" Riversides vs Frontenac sri MONDAY, JANUARY M1ITH Game culled at S15 pan. sharp Admission fie: reserved seats SOc extra Seats on sale at rink Friday morning at 10 am; Telephone, 158, Lipton's Tea No Advance IN PRICE 30c, 40c, 50¢, 60c, 75¢ and $1.00 per 1b. Wanted 74 ei Overseas Service Pay and subsistence allowance frour date of enlistment, Apply to Frederick Ferguson 0. C. 47th Beghuent International "Live Forever" Success ; CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First ingertion, 1c a word, Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent a word, Minimum charge for oue luscrtion, 25¢; three lusertions, 0c; six, $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED AN ADVE OF 23 WORDS OR LESS, under this head, costs 20c for one night, or §0e for three. EXPERIENCED. WAMTRESS, APPLY at once to Frontenac lloté€ AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED CHAMBER- maid; also waltresses. Apply Fron~ tenag Hotel. GENERAL SERVANT, derstands- waiting "on table. Mrs, Kavanasz t King St ONE WHO UN- Apply COMPETENT HOUSEMAID, other eel apply Apply Johnson Street, between 2 and pan, or 7 and 9 in evening. NO AN " newspapers; Send for particulars cate, 3,969 Lockpor rt, YOUNG MEN WANTED TO PRUSANRY for telegraph positio dlap rahiways. Our celva positions imme graduatiop $ih in to start, rail school apd qualified. For partic Graham Bank Stroc C ion fees Apply araph Ei a School, "TEACHERS WANTED Qu ALIF IED PROTESTANT TEACHE n for Inverary School Section No. 2 Township of Storrington. Duties to commence at once. Salary accord ing to experience and qualifics A stating salary and a Jas. BE. Dixon, Sec. No. 2 Kingston. WANTED GENERAL GENTLEMEN TO BRING. THEIR cloth and have it made up iuto up- to-date suits. 'rices and workman- ship guaranteed to pléase. Press- ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Broek streel, near Bibby's Garage, PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMARKS 2 owths and skin blemish €s removed permanently, withont scar; 80 years' experience, Dr. Kl mer J. Lake, Kye, Ear, Nose, Throat Saud Skin Specialist, 268 , Bagot St. 8 LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, ters and solicitors. Clarence St. BARRIS. Law office, 70 Kingston, UPHOLSTFRING. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, and natiress renovating... Drop a card or call 216 Bagot treet. BUSINESS NOTICES - JOSEPH BUSE 4 CHESTNUT ST., HAS opened up a quarry on Stephen St, Cut, building and rough stcne are supplied prompt} Suppl ¥ plly at reasonable Foom Kit & SON, ARCHITECTS, FOUND. te oe PEOPLE'S oR 3 ; wwe FOR SALE. oN MONDAY AFTERNOON, ON HAR- wr ic $ leman's old watch may have game by and paying for vi this Fi rts , at 188 Barrie St. TO LET THE TRY ONE OF C three tin nce Ibe. L ADVTS, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, clean and dry. McCann, $2 Street, ETC Brock TWO BEDROOMS AND ONR SITTING room, furnished, Apply to 19s Stuart St. Roums OYE Rn 53 PRINCESS STREET. Pin Avply 0 JORSessivn ni ugham & DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND furnished; stores, offices, etc. Cann's Real Estate Agency, Brock St. STONAGE FOR FU 'MNITURE, CLEAN your own lock and 199 dary, airy room Key. Frost's Cit Queen St. Phone se LOTARe, TWO HOUSES $14 od: ren CENTRALLY LOCAT- JB ouse suit. . "David Marshall, plumber. MI™MICAFL STUART M. POLSON, SLA, M.D.CM, former house surgeon Manhattan, ar, Rose and throat hospital, FR Office, 188 Wellington, poet office Office hours, 2-4 pan, 7-8 p.m, Phone ouite -13 am, DENTAL Ay BuKNAPP, n Ay 3S, DDS, RE. moved to « SIPARRS AND Ingtor St. Phone 3486. SPARKS, (over 1536 WEL. Carnovsky's) DR. + C. NASH, AF NTIST: DR, T, lenton, ? 33 Princess Street 5 Ss. H. : DDS, DENT. ist, corne cess and Bagot ran on Bagot Street, CATERING WE - ATER TO Wedding bre: PARTIES, BALLS, fasts, banquets, ete , tale linens and Reid and Hambrook. 30 Union Street: IF. C, 196 Alfred Street. od. 2 ia, Hambrook. Phones $43. or ARCHETICT w nn. SON, ARCHI. _NEWLANDS & 'te, 208 Bagot St, Offices, Phos ne MER. corner streets, chants' Bank Brock and Drop a card. Building, 'Wellington MUSIC. MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC. tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Norma Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, B13, O. FF, Telgmann, teachers of elocu- tion, plano, violin and all stringed EE ------ Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal not only a medicinal 1 ro ie -- an well, It in delicious ns a cereal or in pancakes. 'rial wise eva k tegular size va 2 yh At Your Family Grovers. FENWICK, HENDRY & C0, (Dstributors,) am x 20 Princess St. Phone 53( corner lot, three bedrooms i& each, all conveni- . ences, for #5 will - change for inh i List. 'Baughlin Hughes, with the R.CH.A. on Salisbury-Plain, son of Lieut.-Col. W, S, Hughes, who was troubled with a cold, has fully covered. Military Text Beals at College Bock Store. Major W. Alan/ Stroud, 0.C., of "C" squadron, 4th Hutssars, on Thes- day, Tacived to recruit men re. * 'Inverary - Ontario Princess St. Evangelistic Services. The evangelistic service in Prin cess street Methodist Church was well attended Thursday night. Rey W. Cralg was the preacher. His sub- jeet, "Consecration for Service," was based om Chronicles xxix, 5: "And for overseas service and has already who then is willing to consecrate had eleven passed in the medical ex- amination and attested. Three others were turned down, two for bad teeth J and the third for i Eel: 7 : ir Sp M. Moore, 'mouth, and A. R. Smith, of Otta- wa. Miltary Text Books ut College Book i at the usual hour, 7.45. | will preach, and Rev. Mr. Doggett his sarvices this day unto the Lord." The alter nieeting was conducted by Rev. A. 8. Doggelt and the pastor. There will be services this evening 'The pastor will conduct ghe after meeting.' All are invited. * Suton Death en, Alfred streot, 8 afternoon to learn Mrs. Cc. was shookey thi of Ihe sudden, death of her sister, | Mrs. Charles heal of Toronto. ar was iy well yesterday. | Mrs. Beiton's little dango having only left her. 7 Deceased w. the fourth daughter of the Tate Sir Belton goes to LOSES HIS LEG. Eric Greenwood, R, Graduate, London, Jan. $.--Lieutenant Eric Greenwood of the Royal Engineers, son of Lieut.-Col. Greenwood of the Canadian forces, successfully under- went an operation yesterday for am- putation of a leg, and is doing well, though he is not yet out of danger. Lieut. Greenwood was received into @ private hospital here over a week ago, and has since been in the per- sonal ehanze of the eminent sur- geon, Sir Alfred Fripp. Liout. M. C. Lieut. Greenwood graduated from the Royal Military College, King- ston, in 1913, <The Simhless. Way. Sir Oliver Lodge, the famous scientist, stated the other day that the present war is "the hoMest war that we were even en~aged in." Sir Oliver is a man of very plain speech, and he hates affectation of uny kind. On one occasion he ad- ministered a sharp rebuke to a stu dent of chemistry, Strolling through the physics ry one day, on Oliver saw a young man performin an experiment in widch he ol a. ae the the water in a basin to rise at Bite are you going to do thats? ie paked. The student, wishing to show off HIE, 'before so great Bo or i intp a emtered in Shieh technical A NEW CEREAL A full line of Gossard corsets. :'Anderson Bros. HR Si ie Oe? ari 'es | a sin we Pa VI Kkprn Kieipairic, wR Pai - " "A Shillington. instruments HAPPY THOUGHTS, THESE | EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Cost Py 7 three times, (0g; one week, $1.00. ICE YACHT, IN FIRST CLASS CONDI« tion. Apply Whig office ABESE FEATHERS. APPLY TO MRS, Goldman, 387 Div'sion St AIREDALE BITCH _ PUPPY, FIVE months old, hy Champion Rockuy Ocrang ex Pure Maid. $15. Poss, 214 Willlam 8t, Kingston Ont. WFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 11 in. high In front and 561.2 in. high sat back, "Three drawersand one top shelf Slightly uae d. Apply British Whig offive A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND & pumber of first-class heaters at ices; also a big stock of Turse J. Thompson, $33 Princesd ie 1600 NUMBER ° OF BICYCLES mlop tires, at $2.00, promptly attende 4d clegning and Jaying : King St, , George IMPERIAL OX» fords, and other cook stoves, Q bec's, pugs and square heaters, al these in first. class shape; cloge them ont at verv gmall wa fits. Turk's 'Phone, 708, INE PURE BRE D HOLSTEIN PULL, twenty months old, choicest breed« » Grand head & for any herd, bred bull calf (Korndyke), Also five head pure bred females Priced low for quick sale, a Guess, R. RR. No. 2, Eiginburg, Ont. PE, re LOSBAR AND i to st } RANE HOU She YORK 5.000 BITC x HOUSE, LARGE LOT atid stahle SLE00---FRAME HOUSE, 6 ROOMS. $1.0 a SW FRAME MOUSE, MARK. and St RATEM AN, Fs wh INSURANCE AND le, 67 Clarence St. Srp FOrseriatitttliITIOS TELEGRPrunY ee Civil Service, Shorthand, Typewriting; Bookkeeping, Bank- ing and General Tmprovement. Day and Night Classes, Kingston Business College Limited -Head of Queen Siveet, Rates moderate. Phone 440, HW. ¥, Metenlfe, FITRER EER MEME IbE bb Ee FINANCIAL. Bp pbbbpitie tt So FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. v Hoclety; dncorporated resident, Colonel Henry R. Money Issued on city and properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest ale lowed, 8. C.. McGill Manager, 87 Clarence street. AVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Comfany. Available assets 361,187,215. In addition to which the policyholders have for security the uniimited lability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Belore renewing old or Fixing new business get rates ' from' Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325 BUSINESS CHANCES, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order business at home; no canvassing: 'be Your own boss, Send for free booklet: tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockpért, N.Y, a ..Replenishment... livery When the coal bin needs it use our good coal. Quick orderly de- and careful preparation over the screen. JAMES SWIFT & C0 REMOVAL NOTICE MISS M. T. CAMPBELL Has moved fer Dressmaking Parlor from 84 Brock St. to 212 King St., cor. Earl. Phone 1028, ' : SPECI AL For Saturday Fowl and Chickens, White Fish, + Fresh Eggs. Hams, Bacon and Lard: Prices right. Bedford Sownsbip. Reeve. J. A: Ki Notice Mrs. M. Henderson Announces that the photograph busi ness will be carried on as usual in the old stand; under the ma ment of herself and som, Wm. B. son. iy CosyRoom Requires » Suitable Light