Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Jan 1915, p. 7

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7 -------------------------- Banking Convenience The Bank of Toronto, with departments y A6 t business" of every description appertaining to banking, and with numerous branches distributed thronghout the Dominion, snd a full list of banking correspond nts, fs enabled to. offer its custo mers exceptional facilities for he transaction of thelr financial af- fairs. Paid-up Capital . Reserved Funds Assets INCORPORATED Tae i BANK or TORONTC Market Square Kingstoh GEORGE B. MCKAY - Managegr ~t t £3,000,000 . $6,307,272 -a * GREETINGS The compliments of thé se.son to all. To the builders and contractors of Kingston I extend my hearty thanks for their patron age during the past year, and cheerfully solicit their trade for the | coming season. I say cheerfull because 1 am confident I have as good to offer as the bet, and my prices are right. Phene 1396. A. Neal, Kagston Bick Yori Phone 1396 i { FOR SALE ; William St., solid brick house, ' 10 rooms, furnace, .electrio lights, gas, C. and B.. A bargain for quick buyer. Party leaving the city. Quebee St., frame house, 7 rooms, #1800, B. and C,, price J. K. CARROLL AGENCY £8 BROCK BT. JOHN DRIVER, Representative, PHONE 68 ra ---- Our Dispensing Department Is the one department of our busi. ness over which we exercise the great- est possible care with regard to the quality of drugs used and accuracy employed. personal supervision of the} etor over onr dispensing de- ment should be a guarantee to public. that any prescriptions may be entrusted to us will be | dikgensed ¥ with accuracy and dispatch. ~ HOAG'S DRUG STORE Ofposis X. M1. O. &. Kingston - wn-- FOR SALE Modern brick: house on Als fred street, near Union, B. & C., electric. light, good barn, ete. . Owner leaving city. A BIG SNAP THIS Inquire at once. W. fi. Godwin & Son. Real Estate and Insurance, Phone 424, 39 Brock St. p A The kind you are look- ing for is tke kind we sell Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt de- livery BOOTH & CO.' Foot of West St. No Advance in Prices In All Our Lines of Boots and Shoes WE STILL HAVE THE | Silver Tip Silent Matches 5 Boxes for 20c GET A SUPPLY BEFORE THEY ARE SOLD OUT C. H. PICKERING Grocery and Meat Dealer. Keep Coal A 4 corner 'lot, three ooms in each, all conveni- i or will ex- farm. 490 Princess 8t. Phone 530 'spent New Year's at Sydenham. W. to a number of their friends on New LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST HW ppeni gs In the City and Vicinity ==What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. "Mentholatum," sold at Gibson's: White Rose flour pleases the most fastidious. in the city to-day. "Red Cross 'iripp Tablets." son's. nockey match to-night, Fronten- vs. Torohto Riversides. Wilhlam Swaine, piano tuner. Urders recived at MeAuley's. 'Phone 564. Mr. and Mrs. Cnarles F. Kraft of Godfrey, spent the week-end in the ity. "Mentholatum," sold at Gibson's. The country roaus are in a very had condition, owing to the lack of £NOw. "Cold Cream in tubes," at Gibson's. A meeting of the Board of Trade has been called for Thursday evens ng. wo "Cold Cream in tubes," at Gibson's. J. E. Johnson and wife, of Belle- ville, were in the city on Monday vigiting friends. H. (yinningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley's book store. "Red Cross Plasters." Mrs. Wilson, 'ng with street. Tinsmithing and heating, jobbing promptly attended to. Ed. Halligan, 110 Queen street. Phone 1509, "Red Cro#s Plasters." Gibson's. , Manager Dire, of the Union bank at Sydenham; fel, while skating, and broke his leg. He mm Ningston ( Conefal Hospital, i'Rabber sponges" at Gibson's. "The marriage took place in Peter- horo, Monday, of Miss Angus Col- ¢lough, of Toronto, and Miss T. V. "Doody, of Kingston, "Cold Cream in iibes, " It is 'DOW reported 'that Lieut ~ol. L. W. Shannon, assistant 'ad- jutant-general of the London divi- sion, wll succeed General Hughes. "Penslar Hair Tonic" at Gibson's. A lad charged with theft is be- | 'mg held in the detention room at Jollee headquarters, awaiting the ettlement of his case, "Cold Cream in tubes," at Gibson's. At Calvary church sunday evening the pastor, Rev. J. Lyall, delivered 1 special evangelistic sermon, mak- ing a strong appeal to the unsaved. "Rad Cross DPlasters." Gibson's. Gib- 4c Srs. 21 Me- Gibson's. of Boston, is visit- Mrs. T. Moore, Frontenac is at Gibson's. [To Night Rural Dean Jones, Tamworth, was And Thursday, Fri day und Saturday Tom Marks TO-RI0NT,. "A WIFE'S DEVOTION," A Ilidden Seeret 10-15-25 | Matinees 10 and 20¢, Sents Now on Sale Special | Prices i Nothing Higher Tues. Jan.12 UNITED PLAY CO, (IN€.) Presents the SER International "Live Forever" Success } & MRS WIGGS]] me CABBAGE PATCH AND 'LOVEY MARY Mr. Stubbins, Miss Hazy, Lovey Mary and all the good people of the Wiggs Neighborhood dramatization of Alice. Hegan Rice's Charming Stories by Amne Crawford Flexner Special Prices 25-35-3078 SEATS NOW ON SALE. Wednesday, Jan. 13th AUGUSTUS PITOU, JR, PRESENTS THE FAVORITE ACTOR-SINGER, FISKE O'HARA! A A VIVID PICTURE OF IRISH LIFE IN THE 18TH CENTURY. A splendid acting company. Superb scenic effecrs. Hear O'Hara sing Irish songw, PRICES--25-50-75-8$1.00. 8. 8. Cheetham, Gananoque; has A position oon the government staff at the Dairy School, where he will 'emain until the end of March, "Nyal's Face Cream" at Gibson' at Dean Starr announced that George's congregation had Ao $1,626 to general missions, 'meeting tl the demands upon the parish. "Nyal's Face Cream" at Gibson's. At St. George's cathedral on Sun- day morning the Epiphany appeal was read by Dean Starr. Rev. R. Crozier Magee preac hed in the even- ing. « "Red Cross Plasters."" Gibson's. Ald. Kent. on Monday began his nineteenth year as a member of the Kingston City Council, which he en- | tered in ¥807, and has continued as a member ever since, | Ninety three German and Austrian prisoners left Fort Henry on Sup- day en route to Hearst, where they will be required to do manual labor for the government. "Nyal'sqFace Cream" at Gibson's. There Was a short session of the police court Monday morning. Two § drunks were given a ¢hance and a charge df disorderly conduct against 4 young man wag dismissed. "Mentholatom," sold at Gibson's. In all the Anglican churches on Sunday the Epiphany appeal for for- eign missions was read. The dp- peal was written by Bishop Bidwell 0 Missionary Society of the Church of England. "Pocket combs,' * at Gibson's. On Saturday afternoon and Sun- day there were iarge crowds of peo- ple skating and walking on the har-! reg bor which was a beautiful sheet of ice. . There are very few places, and great speed was made. Tiere | were some ice-boats and skate sails | out, but the latter sport is dying out, At Storms Corners Storms Corners, Jan. 7--The roads in this vicinity are in a very bad condition, on' atcount of the re- cent rain storm. Sawing wood 1s the order of the day. A large crowd from here attended the Violet teameeting-on New Year's evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Storms gave a din- ner to a large number of their chos- en friend. Miss G. Asselstine has ge- cured the Vietoria school and has bégun her duties. The Ladies Aid of, the Methodist church met at home of Mrs. J. Cars last Wednies- day afternoon and was largely at- tended," Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller Davy is quite ill of pueumonia. Mrs. H. Hutchins still continues very low. Mr. and Mrs. J. Huff were at home Year's day. Mr. and Mrs. Elase 'MeConnal and daughter, Maggie, | Harrowsmith, at J. CG. Storms. B. Davy, Saskatoon, is spending a few | weeks at his father's J. Davy's. Prince Edward county now has patriotic fund of over - $19,766. ot This $12,000 is county in: | bon grant; $1,000 from Wellington; $500. from Bloomfield; $373. from Consecon, 'and large amounts from Sther at nicipalities and from pri- "Raber op sponges" at Gihsol 'average boarding ous) he PL is a great help to the den-| Cl A for the board of management of the ; == Joseph Fraid; principal - f ments ma the is giving another big boost harness works here as well other establishments, quite a large que's way. which 'has to pass the inspection Seats Now on ale HOCKEY MATCH OVERED RINK, 7 SR. 0. HW. A. Toronts Riversides vs Frontenac Sr MONDAY, JANUARY 1TH Game ¢ at ig om. sharp Admission: les, t mengn, Sle, Re. sbrye senty, ' extra, PRE E1AT TIOR-4300 -wpécia priced at Se for men on sale all : hg TS, nt rink. HARE mm, Lipton's Tea. No Advance IN PRICE 30c, 40¢, 50c, 60c, T5¢ and $1.00 per Ib. Er -------------------- A BIG ORDER PLACED. Saddles Yo Be Made Miide For Russian Government. : Gananoque, Jan. I1.<At the last ular session of Leeds chapter, No. 139, RAM. past district superinfen- rough dent, Arthur B. Munro, installed these Automobiles were also used, do for 1915: First prindpal, Dr. J. J. Davis; second principal, x nett; third be r Dea sori SE B. San Saginer Ns a 1 Mnrtin; treasurer, 8.0.d., Jd. A. McKellar; senior, 8.0.9, JW Beer Ov order placed in Canada sets, of cavalry equip- Russian government, to the as. to = Jermror 20.000 "The or shice of the coming Ganano: Ex-Mayor W. J, Gibson bas a contract for some 500 saddles of the dominion militia department. Although Gananoque has no skat- ing rink-so far this season the skat- ing on the St. L and Ganan-' oque rivers was ets. Yes- terday oon i skaters could be counted on the "Bay" and a the way from the Jack Straw te the Spectacle shoal light house, and also as far gs the eye could see up the Gana river. Quite a num- her of ieé boats were also .ouf for a spin on the St. La : ' On Thursday, go 14th, Ganmano- que's Board of Trade will hold a 'at the ional H In His Latest Comedy Success |. Jack's Romance OF 23 WwW S OR LESS, Bx ANT head, costs 25c for one night, or $c far three. AT ONDE, A PIANIST, APPLY, BOX 99, Whig Office. AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED CHAMBER maid; alse waitresses. Apply Fron- _tenac Hotel A GENERAL SERVANT, WELL RE- commended Apply in evening to Mrs. Kilborn, 24% King St. AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER. vant for family of three. Refer- ences required. Apply, 218 John- son St. J COMPETENT other need apply. Johnson Streét, between 2 p.m, or 7 and '9 in evening. AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER. vant; no laundry. Woman over jo preferred. Apply Mrs. 'A. R, Williamson, King and Wiliam Ste, A HOUSEMAID, Apply 10 186 and 4 AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY for newspapers; no canvassing. Send for particulars, Tress Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.X. ABLEBODIED MEN FOR FIREMEN and brakemen on all Canadian rail- Experienge unnecessary Answer in English. Send age, postage. Rallway Assoe n, Box 213, Kingston British V roads. k ders for well adverts d able of handling retail and hous hold trade. Sample and adve ing free. Write for particulars to National Distributi Co., Peter- horo, Ont ng NO =~ earn $1600 monthly corresponding f WANTED GENERAL ' GENTLEMEN TO PRING THEIR cloth and have it made up into up- to-date suits. Prices and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairing done on the ehortest notice, Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Garage. POSITION WANTED, STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT bis Lek amit hing or earpentering, de- sires position. Would gacept any kind of remunerative job. Good references. Apply In first inst: anee to Box 1167, care Whig office, TEACHERS WANTED QUALIFIED PROTESTANT. TEACHER for Inverary School Section No, 2, Township of Storrington, Duties to commence at once, Sals ary aecord- ing to experience and qualifications. Apply, stating salary and qualifi- cations, to Jas, E. Dixon, Sec.-Treas, R. No. 2 Kingston. PERSONAL, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blemish es removed tly, without scar; 30 yéars' experie oe. Dr. 5 mer J. Lake, Fy Throat and Bin Bagot St. DANCING. 8 Nos Spociafist 78 MISS FLOSSIE HUDON 1S PREPARED to give Yessons in fancy dapeingi abtan Wadnésaay, Jan. 1%th: Ph L - BUSINESS NOTICES JOSEPH RUSE Bh pin TNUT ST., HAS opened i up a quarry on Stephen St. Pi ing apd rou stone are Tevptted promptly at reasonable LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and solicitors. Taw office, 70 Clarence St ingston officers of No. 01, and King. Jadge, X ston Lodge, No. 35%, will be held on Jun. 2h; we 8 Tuesday evening, o'clock. . i. W, Longmore, DD.GM., will install. Entertainment. WM. PILLAR, J. BE. TWIGG, Recorders. REMOVAL NOTICE MISE M. T. CAMPBELL Has moved her to [UL in St Joint instaftation of of the Limestone from 84 Brock St cor. Earl, Phone 1088, A full line of Gossard corsets. Pasied hous by Miss Hurd, who will spend #o ime there. <Fhve~Mbeses -- HONEA Wain, CN Wright, Kathleen M. Kirke and Pearl Webster, also James Bovine, have re- turned to their studies at Ottawa Normal School, after spending the holiday season in town. Somers O'Connor has veturned his studies at - St. Michael's school, Toronto. = Douglas Peck, holidaying here. with his parents for the past two weeks, has veturned to his stu- dies at Varsity, Keith Donaoun. & the stafi of the Merchants' Clarkson, is enjoying a two Tanks vacation here with Wis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Domevan. to "Red Cross Cold Tablets." Gib- son 's. Elton E. Ainsworth, president of the Seattle Golf ¢lub and one of the mast successful cannerymen in the Northwest, died in the Seattle Gener- al hospital while awaiting an opera- tion for the relief. of acute abdomi- nal madalies and gall = stowes. Mr. Ainsworth was born at Cape Vincent, N. Y., May 2dth, 1865, his father, Willard Aimsworth, teaching him the rudiments of the fish busi- ness i during his boyhood. "Pocket combs," ag Gibson's. ol Henry Perkiit; Glen Buell, died in Brockville, on Friday night, aged seventy-six years. A ni i son, and 'three daypghters sur- vive, Insist on White Rose flour arn hears that Butgarta will enter the war by attacking Servia. | ciation by. being in attend- LOST. FOR SALE. $3 Billi ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Reward for return to Whig office. A GOLD FILLED 17 JEWEL WATCH. on the lake or between Brock and Barrie Sts. Finder pledse return to Whig office ahd receive reward. A BLACK SILK BAG, CONTAINING sum of money in bills, on Saturday rnoon. Finder will be :g ably rded on returning it to W hig TO LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS. Once 360, three times 600. ETC McCann, $2 Brock STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, clean and dry. St regt. room, furnished. Apply to Stuart § "iy 198 8t ROOMS ds hi R58 PRINCESS STREET. te possession. Apply 65 IN' CLARENCE ST. CHAM. Apply to Cunningham & 78 Clarence ®&t- bers, Mudie, L ARG = WELL-HEATED, WELL-FUR- ed rooms, with. or without Hd L "Apply, 98 Tar] Street, DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND furnished; stores, offices, eto. Cann's: Real Estate Agenc Brock St. . Y STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, gry, airy, rooms; your own lock & w ey. "rost" orage, Queen St 'Phone 'Faen. TWO HOUSES CE TRALLY 14 LOCAT- ed; rent, $14.00, Each house suit- able for two parties; every conven- ence. ° Apply David Marshall, plumber, CN- Me- 82 MEDIOAL. STUART M, POLSON, M.A, M.D,C.M., former house surgeon Manhattan, Eye, ear; nose, and throat hospital, New York. Office, 132 Wellington, |g opposite pow: office, Office hours, $3 am, 2.4 pm, 7-8 p.m. Phone DENTAL KNAPP, BA, L Su D NDS, moved to 268 Princess Street A. RE. RE- SPARKS AND lington, St. Phone 246. . C, NASH, DENTIST: DR. T. B, Renton, dasistant, 133 Princess Street, 150 WEIL- Carnovsky's), SPARKS, (over DR. C Phon 4 Ss. " SIMPSON; EDS; DDS, DENT: ist. corner Princess and Bagot streets. Jntrauce on Bagot Street. CATERING CATER TO Wedding bre WE PARTIES, BALLS, hes" sts, banqnats, ete, also rent aug tabla linens and siiverare, and Hambrook. MUP Rela, Ret tnd Breet, F. Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street, Phones $43 or 202. MUSIC. MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC. tion, 216 Frontenac Bt. Miss Norma Telgmann, Alida Telemann, BI. O..F, Telgmann, teachars of elocu- tion," piano, viothr and all stringed instruments UPHOLSTENING W. J. GAVINE, UPHOILATERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, and matiress renovating. Drop a care or call 216 Bagot Street BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START s a mail order business at home; no canvassing; "be your own boss Send for free booklet; tells how Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, N.Y. TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING | ADVTS, Cost rHRSE EFFECTIVE teh a3: three times, b0cy tle. Once, Id week, $1 ICE YACHT, IN FIRST CLASS CONDI. tion. Apply Whig office AEESE FEATHERS, APPLY git MRS, Goldman, 387 Div'sion 8 AIREDALE BITCH . PUPPY Yive months old, by Champion. Rookie Oura ex Pure M n Pos 14 William 8t, Kingston, On th IFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 11 in. high in front and 56 1-2 in. high at 'back. Three draw ers, and top shelf. Slightly -used. British Whig office. one Apply A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND 4 number of first-class heaters at low prices; niture, J. St. also a big stock of furs Thompson, 338 Princess Phone 1600. A LARGE also b orders carpet « Muller, i p------------------------ a -- HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL ox- fords, and other cook stoves, Que bec's, pugs and square heaters, all these in first class shape; will close them out at very small pro- fits. Turk's "Phone, 708 SOLID BRICK HOU SE, 7 ROOMS, wiTi all moder: 3 vements, hot air furnace barn and drive- house frontage, on Breh Avenue ip for quick buyer, Apply No Hrch Ave NUMBER . OF invlop tives, a romptl atte nded Ving and laying. King St, BIOYCLES 2.00. All to for George nue INE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN BULL twenty months old, eholcest breed ing. Grand head for any her Pure bfed bull calf' (K Also five head pure bred female Priced low for quick sale, A. Guess, BR. BR. No. 2, Eiginburg, ont. HINER AL RIGATS, BL DEPAR AND Mica] CONVAniont to station, THREE NEW FRAME HOUSES, YORK -- 8t., cheap 85,000 BRICK HOUSE, LARGE LOT OMS, and stahle. $1.800-F" $n, rd ud FRAME HOU SE, MARK. RAME HOUSE, 8 ROO land ¥ a. A. DATEMAN, INSU RAVE AND Real Estate, 7 Clarence Bt SEAILIILEIILLEI00I 4000000 TEERGRPHY Civil Service, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Bank- ing snd General Tmprovement. Day and Night Classes, Kingston usiness College moderate. Phone 430. Metcalfe, i + & +* hd A o* * * * ob * Head of Queen Birger. Races . $ 2444448044000 FINANCIAL -- FRONTENAC LOAN AND INV] ment = Society: incorporated resident, Colonel Henry R. Smi foney issued on eity ae farm properties, munieipal debéntures; morigages reba deposits Jecaived a in st gon lowed. HB. C MoGill Manager, 87 Clarence street AVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORR ire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,216, In additio to whieh the pollcyholMers : security. the unlimited ability oF elty property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewl Hid "or wing Jaw business | wet ( range ran Agents. Phone 326. F fo, . ARCHITBRCT WM. NEWLANDS RON, ARCHI- tects, ete. Omces, 258 Bagot Bt. Phone 6L POWER & SON, ARCHITROTS, MER. chants' Bank Building, corner and . Wellingt 4 Dros ond. ngton streets, Replenishment... 4 livery Roman Meal is fa mot only a medicinal cereal Jn tant well 11 y an is delicious as a wr bdesilolanmadil 10 etm. tegular size .,..............). 25 ets. At Your Family Groeers. FENWICK, BENDRY & Co. © (Distributors. Noti Annual Meeting of Kingston's Only Fair Association " Annual meeting to elect | officers and receive the di- rector's report will be held at the Police Court, City Building, Kingston, ¢ on Thursday, January 21st, at 1p. m. Citizens and. others inter ested may show:their appre- ts | anee . When the coal bin needs it use our good coal. Quick orderly de- and careful preparation over the screen; JAMES SWIFT & & 00 A NEW-CEREAL Dr. Jackson's Recruits Wanted 4Tth Regiment Darstas Service " and and mbslatence Mowsten from

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