KAISER ALTERS TUNE: IN SPPAKING OF THE BRITISH ARMY, Tells Soldiers They Face Brave Foe men and Most Fight Hard--Crown Prince Poses--Hns Had Portrait Painted at Front, a1 . Copenhagen, Jan, 12-- The kaiser has paid his first tribute to Field Marshal Sir John Ffeneh's "contempt- ible little army," and has ealled it "brave, He visited Doual, In Northern France, and held a grand réview of the irvbops in position. Ie saldted the colors, many of them re- Aluced to unrecogifizable tatters, Prince. Eitel Friedrich Lccompani- #4 his father, who made a speech to one regiment, telling them they were fighting brave foemen and must be convinced 'that the war would never Stop until the enemy was defeated and the Cermans able to dictate peace terms. The German people find much =at- isfaction in the ofeial news that the erown prince has had his portrait painted at the front. His reappear- ance on New Year's Day dispelled the alarming rumors coming from Der- lin about his Jkealth, and even his personal safety. He gave a sitting for the painting to a well known por- trait painter, The picture. is now finished. The crown prince is depict- ed in the grey uniform of the First Hussars Regiment of Dantzic and it has been decided to present the por- | trait to the mayor of Zopenot, who acted as official caretaker 8f the roy- al villa in that neighborhood. It is suggested that il be reproduced and | copies presented to the crown prince's | troops, He has already sat to sever- al sculptors, whose . Fortrait busts are being sold in Berlin. CHANCE FOR CANADA FLAX, War Paralyzes Ivish and Scotch Linen |, 7 Industry. * Toronto, Jan. 12- Ireland - and Scotland's linen industry is in grave! peril as a consequence of the war Most of the raw material, flax fibre, lias been drawn from Belgium, Frades and Russia, and these sonr- ces are for the time being destroyed A prominent Belfast linen manufac- turer, James Crawford, son of 8ir Willlam Crawford, head of the York street mille, is in Toronto on a mission to enlist the co-operation of farmers here in a greater production of flax. C. C. James, agricultural Binmie. sloner for Canada, who is the pio- neer advocate of flax growing in On: tirio, conferréd with Mr. Crawford yesterday afternoon and strongly fa- vored- the plea. "It 46 an unparalleled opportunity to establish the industry here," sais Mr. Crawford, "and it is possible to establish it on a basis that will pay at normal prices owing to modern methods." Mr. Crawford is prepared to recom mend newer methods of handling flax than generally prevall on this eon- tinent. : bith German Fleet To er Paris, Jah. 12-- According» the ST ---------- - RUSSIA 18 CONFIDENT, ------ . - Calls Only Half Of This Yéar's Con. scripts, : Petrograd, Jan. 12 An imperial ukase has jnst been jssued regard- ing recruits due for service in the present war. Rusfla in normal years passes over 760,000 recruits, This number represents only a portion of those actually Hable for service The rest are registered in. reserve. For the present year, the ukase order to be summoned. to the colors 585.000 recruits, It is significant of Russia's confi- dence in the conditisn of her forces in this great war 'that wattér 'six months of fighting sueh as the world had never seen before, she deems. it amply sufficient to: eall up less than ball the namber of young men, who have attained service age, and are liable to be sumnioned to tlie colors. BROTHER-IN-LAW Grand Duke Alexander brother of the czars wife, according to. a Turkish official has been killed in the 'erein KILLED el --------------. POPE: LEO'S WAR EFFORTS | Secured Exchange of Prisoners In Abyssinig Campaign Rome, Jan, 12 Count Soderini, who was entrusted by the late Pope Leo with the daia from which to write the history of his pontificate has made in connection with the ex- change of pfisoners, as proposed by Pope. Benedict, the Interesting reve. lation that it was through the efforts of Pope Leo with King Menelik of Abyssinia that an exchange of priso- ners followed the battle of Adowa in 1898, in which the Ttalian forces were cut to pieces by the tribesmen. Count Soderini says he was used by Pope Leo ag the intermediary to the Abyssinian negus. Pope Leo des- ired to lessen the prestige of King Humbert with Menelik, and request- ed the King, throngh Premier Rudini to give his assert to the plan. King Humbert, according to Count Soder- ini, was delighted. .at_the proposal, and declared that if Pope Leo suc. ceeded in securing the release of the prisoners the glory would he for the pope. amd a Py by Lad tad hp WAR BULLRTING. Ji is raniored. here that Prin. cess Patricia's regiment was in action Saturday and sustained several casualties, British lines in the vicinity of Nieuport are strongly reins foreed and gaining foot by foot toward Antwerp. Bandsman Gendle, of the Duke Cornwall Infantry; was given a Victoria Cross for \av- ing life under firé, nk The Turkish campaigs against Egypt is definitely aban doned, owing to the landing of British troops in Syria, entting off communications, Twenty-six cases of menin- gitis, ameng the Canadians at Salisbury and there have heen sixteen deaths, The minister of militia has issned orders that all men en- listed for overseas service found intoxicated shall he summarily dismissed from the serxice. Fen thousand Jews are enlist- ie in -the British army and navy. The allies are ing the Germans Rhine. SAPD PL S400 45504 Sh 0H4 THE. VOICE OF ROUMANIA., Deputy Sees End Of War With Cous- try's Entry. Paris, Jan. 12-- G. I. Diamandy, deputy in the Rouvmanian parliament, and member of the Fraweo-Rouman- ian mission now in France, decided at a banquet Saturday night that Roumania was now on the eve of grave developments and that it was sure to win "hecause we are sure of the justice of our canse." He said he was sure that Roumania's entry into the war would result in its end. He added that he did not speak of- efilly, but that he voleed the senti- ment ef the people generally. steadily driv. towards the PEPE PFee ERP ERE PIPE PLE L PPLE REE P ERA PD Ee odds edd ddd hd SHEIKS ARE LOYAL, Arab Leaders In Persian Gulf. Send Messages. Delhi, Jan. 12.--~The British politi cal agent, in response to his letters announcing the outbreak of war with Turkey and the occupation of Basra by the British, has received most cordial expressions of loyalty and de- vation to the British cause from the sheik of Dahrein, of sheik of Kuweit, the sultan of Muscat, the sheik of Katir, and other chiefs of the Per- sian Gulf. The news of the success of the British arms at Basra has caused unqualified joy among the Bulf~Arabs generally. -------------- Jumped Four Storeys. New York, Jah. 12.--Hundreds of persohs from the stores and = houses about Fifth * avenue and Forty-Sev- enth street yesterday' afternoon saw a large colored woman, trapped by smoke and flames in the fourth floor East Physicians Olive Free Advice 1 Whith Parents May Profit It was &h association of gentle: men, professionally. physicians and chemists; all of 'whom were born in the drug trade s0 to epeak, and who have been cofinected with It all their. lives, whe first gave to the world €astoria, which as every one khows is a pleadant and effective remedy for thé dfiments of infants and children. It Has always heen recognized as a meritorious prepars- tion, and its reward has been the greatest popularity ever enjoyed by any remedy ever put upon the mar ket attained, not by flamboyant ad- vertising 'or appeals to ignorance or vilgar prejudice, hut by inherent merit. All physitlans recommend it, and many very many, prescribe it. Many parents call in the family physician. Many other parents take advantage of whit tlie physician told them when he was first called in consultation. All good family physicians say: "Give the children Castoria."" Healthy parents know this remedy. of old, for®they took it themselves ag children. . It © was more than thirty years age. . that Castoria »ade a place for itself in the: household. At bore the signa- ture ofeCharles H. Fletcher then, as it does to-day. The signature Is its guarantee which is accepted in thousands of homes where there are children. Much .is printed nowadays about hig families. Dr. William J. Me Crann, of Omaha, Neb. is the father of one Of these much-read-about families. Here is what he says: "As the father of thirteen child- ren I certainly know somethinz about your great medicine, and aside from my own family experi- ence I have, in my years of prac- tice, found. Castoria .a popular and eflicient remedy in almost every home.' Charles Il. Meteher had received hundreds of letters from prominent physicians who have the same, es- team for Castoria that Dr. McCrann 5s. Not only do these physiciins they use Castoris in their fami- 5, 'but they preseribe it for thelr patients. First of all it is a vege. table preparation which assimilates the feod and regulates the stom- ach and bowels, After eating comes sleeping, and Castoria losks: out, for that too. It allays feverishness and prevents losd of sleep, and this ab- sclutely without the use of opium, morphine or other baneful narcotic. Medical journals. are reluctant to discuss proprietary medicines. Hall's Journal of Health, however, says "Our duty is to expose danger and record the means for advancing health. The day for poisoning in- nocent children through greed of ignorance onght to end. To our knowledge Castoria is a remedy. produces posure and health hy regulatin the system, not by stupefying it, and our readers are entitled to the information." PLAN RIVAL COLLEGE 10 OTTAWA UNIVERSITY ts 8S - man Catholics. i WHAT WHIG CORRFSPONDFNTS HAVE T0 1FLL ------ . News From Villages and Farms Throughont. thé Adleining Coun. tied = Rural Fvents, and Mote. ments, i Philipsville Notes: Philipsville, Jan. 11:--The thaw leit the roads in a bad shape. The wood and log men have almost come to a standstill. = A baby boy has come to the - home of Freder Swan. 'The hol match between Delta and Phil ipaville, on Saturday, resulted 7 to 0 in favor Philipsville. The game was fought out on the Delta rink. The Misses Murphy, Brewer's Mills, have returned home, after visiting 'their grantimathér and aunt, Mrs. 1. Ken. nedy and Miss C. Kennedy. Mrs. John Ralph, North Dakota, is visiting her many friends in this section. The Phil. ipsvillo cheese factory has elosad its doors for ' the -seasom, after .a very profitable time. James Lee has rent, ed Samuel McFadden's residence for one year, and has moved into it. M. Kénnedy and daughter were the guests of their aunt over Sunday. Events At Plttsferry Pit{sterry, Jan. 11--The Commu. nity Aid held another successful go- clal at the home of N. MacLean on Wednesday evetiing and despite the unfayorable weather a large crowd was present. A pie social was given at the home of D. M. Clemmen: o= Tuesday last, in aid of St. John's Shurch. Willias:a McFadden opened up his home to the people of the sur- rounding community. When they all gathered for a dance. The Clover Club will mest on Thursday at the home of Miss Clara Grant. The annual congregation meeting of St. John's Preshyterian church will be held on Tuesday afternoon. Arrange merits have been. made for a tea-meet ing in the near future. Clarence MacLean, of Lethbridge, Alta., was in. this vicinity last week renewing old acquaintapces. - Misses Jennie McClement and Frankie Weir have returned to the eity after spending their holidays here. Outlet Hanpenings. Outlet, Jam 11.<~The ice in the lake is in fairly good condition as a Aumber have driven all the across to Charleston. Mrs. J. H. Slack and son; John, visited. friends at Lansdowne Saturday and = Suan- day. Quite a number frgm here at- tended the sale at william Mar shall's. ~ Miss Lillie Waltse, teach- er, of Wogdvale schicol was the guest over Sunday of Mrs. Edward Vanderburg. Miss Eva Bradley spent Sunday afternoon with , her uncle and auntie, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ronnig. «Everett Reid is visiting als grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bradley, Athems. Mrs. Clarence Cross and little sons, Charles and Morta, spent a few days last week with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Running. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Vanderburg and child- ren spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Athens. John Fodey and son are doing a good hisiness with their wood saw. Miss Ethel Running, of Sand Pay, visited friends in- this vicinity a few days last week. | reamery Butter 33c Lb. Cleveland Pork Sausage 15¢ Lb. - Home-made Sausage 12'4c Lh. PARKER BROS. ay 7 Princess St. RINGSTON'S LEADING BUTCHERS one 1088, Opposite Opera House, Prices Cut in Two On All Men's and Boys Suits and Overcoats Don't Miss It BARNET LIPMAN 107 Princess St. The Up-i.-date Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Store. } WINTER TOURS I'o the Land of Sunshine and Summas pas pags. Califomia, Florida, Louisana. Etc Limited trains leave Kingston daily, making direct connections at Mont. real, Detroit and Buffalo for the Southern States, snd at Uhieago for California, eto. Those contemplating a trip of any oature should consult or write me and [ will be pleased to quote rates, am range reservations and attend to al details in connection with your trip. For full particulars apply J. P, HBANLEY, Ratirond and Steamship Ag. ent, cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. CANADIAN PACIFIC New Train Service TORONTO-MONTREAL OTTAWA Via "Lake Outario Shore Line" Fast time to Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg, Relleville, Trenton, Toron- to, Detrait, Chicago, ete, Particulars regarding Rail or Oc. ean Tickets from FF. CONWAY, CI. A. Clty Ticket Office, corner Prin- EWE eee ew cexn and Wellington Streets, Phone 1107 INANE SY Re. LORS SERBIA EI J Prince George ~ Hotel (CANADIAN SERVICE) Saflings from Halifax to Lvernae! 4 or ORDUNA (15,500 tons), Jan, 18 1 am. TRANSYLVANIA (1 tons), Local /Tiek Jan. 25 1 am. A A ROBERT CREFOR Agent, ov THE CO, LIMITED, General Agents, 50 King St, East, Tor- onto, of a burhing building at 9 Forty-Seventh street, jump from the window to a/ecarpet rug held hy policemen. She escaped with s hroks en leg. ! J. M. THERIAULT, Reon. : One block from all raiitond stations! %OHour$ tnd steambont landings; close to busi 5 st Sess section of eity, to Flowers" Durlag the Inst season this hostelry has been entizely refutniuned and re- nn to ing public to supply the best accom \edation at reasonable rates: MERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. Hotel Royal TT eee 842-344 Princess Street Hot Water Heating Electric Cars Pass the Door Rate $1.50 Per Day Best Yard and Stables in the ty. JOHN COUSINEAU, Prop. Copenhagen correspondent of The Temps, the entire German high seas fleet 1s at Wilhelmshaven and Cughaven ready to sally forth and feet the British Dreadnoughts.. The Kiel port is absolutely denuded of first-class ships, and only a few obsolete vessels remain in the har bor he says. a ------ In their frantic efforts to save time some people waste a lot of it. At Washburn's Corners. Washburn's Corners, Jan. School re-opened on Monday with C. Boahe as teacher Mrs. James Stin- son. who has for years been connect ed with the B. and W. Railway, has accepted a position with the C. N. R. at North Bay. H. Hayes won the acre profit competition held in Yonge township last year and is entitled to a free trip to Guelph and a shor course in judg'ng live stock, and seeds. which started this month. Mr. and Mra. W. B Percival, Athens, en-. tertaineéd a number of their friends on Friday evening, it being the 25th anniversary of their wedding day. Miss B. Sing'eton, of Soperton, re- turned on Monday to Manotock to resume her work as teacher. Guy Halladay, Athens, called on friends last week. Mrs. and Mra. A. Foreyth and children, spent a few days recent ty at E. J. Suffel's. ~ On New Year's night, the Hard Island Friendship club held their first meeting of this season at the home of Mrs. Ann Derbyshire. Miss Alice Knowlton, a recent gradiiate of Kingston modei school, has been engaged as teacher at Lake Eloida. The Canadian pa- Fortec i nnn pi YE ceipt of $88 from patrons of Plum Hollow cheese factory Loyd Wilson of the Merchants Bank, Athens has been transferred to Gananoque. The first of the course of lectures under the au of the Athen's hign schiool I he held on the 14th when Prof. J. F. MeDonald, of Queen's university, will speak on "The Origin : ee 5) and Development of the English of holiday spirit, by giving low Drama." Miss Bertha Green, Ath- sarv : 3 a We cat ae wane ik sary and useful things. Miss Emma Derbyshire, Men' 3, War, ; is seriously - ill at her home at At-| Ji Rens. Mrs. Fisher; of Athens, was was at home to the girls of her Sun- day school class on the afternoon of New Year's. One Family In House 88 Years, Brockville, Ont., Jan. 12.--At a jamily gathering at the residence of Town Clerk Dewey, on Water street, the fact was established" that the Jetidetite Md. Tee hinds of the fami occupied a for a continuous period of eighty: eight years. Mr. Dewey's 'parenis and grandparents were there before him. led Cross Subscriptions. Harrowsmith Red Cross Society, per Miss Effie G. Johnston, Hon.- Sec.-treas. $25; Miss Emma M. Dar- nett, $2; m. C., $2; Previously ack- nowledged, $2,697.18; total cash to date $2,726.13: expenditure, 546.51; cash balance, $180.67. Ottawa; Jan. 12.Efforts are he- ing made 'by inent English tpeaking © Cdtholies in and around Ottawa to, found here another col lege for Boys, to be rum alofg simi- lar lines to 'St. Michael's; of Toran: to. 1 When racial trouble broke out at Ottawa University and the situation became acute, the suggestion was made and immediately taken up by Irish-Catholics of considerable finan- cial means and is still under consid- eration. The outhteak "of the war, of course, gave the 3 a temporary set-back, but it has not been _given np _by any means. It # reported that. large contribu tions have been made toward the establishmient - of the Inglish-speak- ing college by prominent Irish-Catho- lies. The rconey las been turned over to an . aétive worker in educational circles, and is being held in trust until the work ¢an proceed. An: ling- lish-speaking Catholic lawyer. is also one of the prime movers in the mat- ter, aml overy confidence; is being en- tertained that the college © will be established. plo i It is proposed to 00 the institu- tion in the hands of abxanch. of a] mE een famous order of Irish priests whose 7 rating in the educational world is 0. Myron T. Herrick, until rer cently United States ambassa- dor to France, was the guest at a dinner: at the Lotos Club, New York, where he heard himself and his work extolled. He was championed for the presidency. 2.- THAT WINTER VACATION Any ednesd The Time: 55 xtw "york « The bathed The Place: Toad or Dera The Way + The 88 "Bermu. * dian," de luxe ace commodation, spacious promen- ade decks, newest, fastest steam- ship on the route. Also nature's Fairyland, WEST INDIES A delightful 28-day - ernie (o Demerara, calling at.St, Thomas, Guadaloupe, Martinique, Barba- does, and other famed places, Sailings Jan, 15th, 26th; Feb, Sth, 2 pm Exportation from Holland of wool len blankets and preserves of all kinds has been prohibited. nuary TUES For tickéix and Information, ap- ply: Cannda Steamship Lines, Limited, Montreal, Can., or any Ticket Agent, | SUN | MON WED | THU very high. " That Careless Sailor. , 6 Y a -- For the first time in' their lives Mr. 314 10 | prtmeenerpamn | | Ten Days and Mrs. Lopweg were on the sea. They were on: the broad Atlantic, bound for America on a visit to their married daughter. An uneasy feeling that all was not well came over each of the old folks at the sams moment. As is the way with people they tried to Bide sensa-i satious from each other, Then taey began to yawn, and a little later Mr. Lopweg developed -a nasty cough. That Made Mrs, Lopweg feel worse. She began té grow Te "I wonder," gaid her husband, in 2 would-be casual v "what makes the ship rofl so much, my dear?" Mrs. Lopweg's resentment flared "It's that fool of an officer up there on that little platform arrange. ment: The idiot keeps walking from one side of thie ship to the oth- er! I wonder he doesn't upset the Baal, the brute!" --San Francis o Call. . Here is where we give a preciical demonstration g prices on some neces- Call in our store Saturday. 3 S, ; y-and blue Chin= chilla coats, also tweeds in rich shades of grey and browns. All styles. Reg. $15.00, Sat. for $10 Boys' Overcoats, tweeds and ( 'hinchillas, made with shawl or notch collar and belted backs. Reg. $8, Saturday for .... rae M40 MEN'S FURNISHINGS i Mens Xmas Ties in fancy boxes, reg. 75¢, Saturday t for... slag eer 50¢ Reg. 50e Ties, Saturday for ............. . 3 Men's Braces in faney boxes, veg, Toe, for... ... 50 "Men's Silk Handkerchiefs, reg. Te, Saturday for 50e Reg. 50¢, Saturday for indy is POE Big assortment of Sweators and Sweater Coats, all at reduted prices for Xmas, ir BOOTS AND SHOES Ladies' Black Satin Pumps, reg. $3.50. Sat. for £2.00 Ladies' Faney House Slippers, reg, $2.00, Sat, #1.25 Louis Abramson, 338 Pritcsss Slrest. Kingston. 'If it's tea or coffee that is causing your nervousness, headache, heart flutter, hiliousness, or sleeplessness, and you want to keep on with these trou- bles another year, why--stitk to tea and coffee! ~~ 3 . (It's an established fact that the poisonous drug, caffeine, in tea and coffee causes these and other ills.) But if you want to know the joys of freedom from these troubles, quit both tea and coffee and use \GR up. J ------------ State of Ohio, City af Toledo, 2 Lucas County. am J. Cheney takes oath that he partner of the firm of ¥. °J --the delightful pure food-drink: of wholesome molasses, and free Frank : Sd is Menior a Made from prime wheat and a bit from eaffeine, or any other panatyl substance ; fy "+ Usually a ten days' change from fea or coffee to POSTUM is sufficient to ed most persons that mi : N is 6th day of Decem- A wd EASON ' otary Public. Cure ls AaXen inter. on ie the system. , Toledo, O. Bi ome. Telia 8's a Reason" | Cantian Potum Cereal Co. Lad. Windsor, Ont. +