Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1915, p. 5

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v Vat w THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1915. _ ) st Police Camstable Timmerman as ter the. Utilities department must' ND -------------- - A ---------- mm See CE THE BOARD OF WORKS special sanitary inspector be made as' not make any. excavations witaoes ¥ ~~ X Achill. . } was done last vear. | first notifying him and getting Bs, , i - wt Recommendation was made that, consent. : J ; ic Ar ; i : the Cataragui street sewer be extend-| Ald. Nickle's resolution passed by FROXTENACS USED rp IN MON. ed out into the harbor fifty feet." {the City Council last fall with re-| DAY NIGHT'S GAME. The city elerk was instructed to Sard to the reorganization of the} : « ---- ; If the Board of 'Health Regulations have the eity solicitor arrange for an Yity Shilncers Sartinent, received | Juniors Expect to Defeat Belleville-- are Cairied Out By the Sanitary agreement with the C.P.R., regarding with Siete fully dater. ALL Nickle! Collegiates Likely To Play Inters Inspector --e To Pay Claim For { Funning Figs for ire GN yer intimated that he thought $5,000 collegiate Game Nest Week, Damages. the siding to the Reliance") 8 was too mueh to pay. fdr. the Work pp poe . = jing. of the engineer's department. THINKS GARBAGE COLLECTION SYSTEM, CAN BE IMPROVED fcompany's plant; and also to arrange The Board of Works had a iwo-|for a rebate agreement between the hour workout on Tuesday afternoon, city and the C.P.R. SEBIOTS are pretly well ved up ghee Monday vight's HARDIE Ww ci; | Zome, and only the juniors turned of " Ca, # rl irs wn. | SPRATT--McARDLE WEDDING, |, the practice on Tuesday oy and is in fine fettle for the year's The Board of Health's recommen 4 noon, The Ors arg rot in fabors. ~All members were present, | dation that the present garbags col-| Ay woe Island--Groom Nephew of sirong-for their game wn Bollocile F viz, 'Alds. Graham (chairman), Cou-| jection contract be broken and that ; Archbishop. | Friday night, and will take thi pa per, 'Gillesple, Nickle, O'Connor, Pe-| the eity establish -ite sn Foligetion A pretty wedding was celebrated team with which they expect fo rjng ters and Richardson. ead hat aot: sy stem as not adopted by the Boar Tuesday morning at the Church of the back the honors. Ihe team will Hine- 1e city solicitor adv sed that s of Works. = Sacred Heart of Mary, Wolfe Island. YP about the same as in the Collegi- tlement be made of a claim for da- "If we do not get a better system when Miss Sadie Marle, daughter of 3ie game. > mages by Mrs. Robert' L. Ferguson, than we have now, then we. might 5 Mrs. Mary McArdle, was married to! The Collegiates had a workou: Tues whe 11 on the Sidewalk on the west well have hyve," wis the opinion eX-\ Thomas J. Spratt, son of Mr. and Say a tata. It is fils that their side of Chatham street on 29th o rested by the chairman. M % Spratt, i ay. i Intercollegiate game wi e August last and broke her wrist. The p The garbage system costs the vity jor. RJ a nde ale week, if ey can he amount of settiement will bs 225,181,000, and the contract has WO, bishop Spratt, uncle of the groom, '™ade. Oscar Shmpson had about tif- | and the board agreed to the solicitor' years orf gmore to ron assisted by" Rev. J. E. McNeill. ie) Hen out an esdoks aml ia very recommendation : " After looking over the garbage re- The bride, who was given away by | confident 1a ey, Ww w able to The engineer was indtructed her port book which is kept in the on I, cousin, Dr. ¥. J. O'Connor, Yr carry off the Intercollegiate honors after to follow up all accidents on station, the board decided to inform of Gananoque; wore a gown of ivory for this series. heir next O.H.A. the city streets and get statements [the Board of Health that the system 'satin, with tunie and train of bro-| game is on the 25th, when they plas from witnesses, so that the board | might be tmproved if its own regila--eaded crepe de chene," bodice and] the return 'game with Frontenacs und the solicitor may have full in- | {ions were carried out. The opinion trimmings of'old chantilly Jace! Her, -------- formation: when claims are made prevailed that Sanitary Inspector beauufully embroidered = veil wag The board was notified that Mrs. | McCammon should follow up the caught with clusters of orange: blos- On Tuesday evening the City Hockew J. Ewing had fallen on a slippery | complaints more closely, and make |80ms, and she carried a shower bou- | League members met. Harvey Bon- walk on Princess street, on Decem- | the contractors fulfill {heir agree-iquet of white roses and lily-of-the-| gard presided, in _the absence of J. ber 15th, and broken her hip, and | ment. - 2 pyalley, bri Ss . : : Jordan, the president of Tast vear, « Would look to the city for redress. There was a discussion upon the A Tug Drie Kas Rtended by Miss 'who will shortly leave with the. se- The board will recommend to the | city engineer's authority with regard {ona or 8 ti bs Rey: 30 Drea own cond Canadian. contingent for over. : City Council that the same_arrange- | to excavations in the streets, and the er a, ua am. Tipe. Th ? it cream seas service. Mr. Bongard was as- -- wr -- ment with regard to the appointment | engineer was instructed that hereaf- 2Limce and I) gyet-picture nat sisted hy Leo Oldfin., . Sr mm s-- smear Fronts. Tie reo we ar iiod Dine vers thing tora sini eowresoe 1 wOMEN'S LEGGINS | GIRLS' LEATHER LEGGINS, reg- WOMEN'S BEDROOM SLIPPERS ular $2.50. the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Spratt Sawn up iiply so that stan Slowly and Surely Exhaustion Goes on Until Collapse tary braid, and miuk furs, and Black' over until the next meeting, which CHILD'S HIGH TOP FELT BOOTS of the Nerves is the Natural Result. : pames. Mr. will possibly be held a week from CHILDREN'S LEATHER LEG. | BABY BOOTS Thursday, Jan. 14 This is our second one dollar day--Our one dollar day held last Septem- ber was a great success. "We expect to make this a much greater day. Re- member Thursday, and this day only. Below we give an idea of the good things that will be on sale. City Hockey League. Borat, ster or tie gry Ee to: have * the schedule . » of Approaching Paralysis regular'$1.50, J ee blue broadetoth, trimmed with. mili- rink, and this mifter had to be loft Small lot little boys' hockey boots ; . #ring the puptial mass, an "Ave meeting wang of (he highest and all » anger gna S arn Ou Marie" was sung by Miss EB. H.!were eager y : s ' the bride wige a suit of midnight od to play the gmmes at the covered A few pairs Children 8 School Shoes te ---- : say. mittee, comprised of Messrs. Bongzard You may be restless, nervous, irri-| lic. This has been proven in many table and sleepless, but you think thousands of cases similar to the one there is nothing to be alarmed at. Y described In this letter, he nothing to be a e » 400 Mrs. Thos. Allan, R.F.D,, 3, Sombra, have no appetite, Ont, writes:--"Five years ago I suf- digestion 1s impair. fered a complete breakdown, and fre- ed, and there is quently had palpitation of the heart. weakness and irew- Since that filluess I have had dizzy gularity of ether 3 eghells, had ne er over my limbs hodily organs. You (locomotor * ataxia and could not feel tired in body walk straight. At night I would have and mind, and find A severe nervous spells, with heart pal- that you lack the y pitation, and would shake as though energy to attend to == }* a3 I had the ague I felt improvement the daily task. } aller using the first hox of Dr. Chase's You may nots Nerve food, and afte continuing the realize that these treatment can now v %, eat and sleep are the symptoms JEN RO well, have no nervous spells and do ot nersous Drostra- ¥ not require heart medicine. I have ion and e dan- told several of my neighbors of the gor signals which MRS. ALLAN, splendid results of oT from the use warn you that some form of paralysis of Dr. Chase's Nerve ood." is the next step of development. Dr. Chas erve ood, 50 cents a Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the moset| box, 6 for $2.60 all dealers, or Ed- successful restorative for the nerves! manson, Lales & Co., Limited, To-¢ that has ever been offered tc the vub- | ronto = » Sdipyarother Peter N. Spratt. kes ie series. The spirit' of the A few women's laced Hoots GIRLS' CORDUROY LEGGINS, left for western points. Going away, not cortain what dites could be secur +h and Mrs. Spratt will reside in Lind- Wednesday." 'In the meantime a co GINS, regular value $2.00 SUIT CASES RA > z 3 and Oldfin, is to interview J. Daw- VETERA MEETING. sop, at the govered rink, regarding, : mn. dates 'upon which 'matches can be Discuss Question of Securing a Per. pulied off. manent Home, As soon as the schedule is ready, The Kingston Veterans' Association | everything else is. All teams wishing met in the City Council chamber on © enter had their representntives Luesday evening. The secretary Present and the groups will be di. brought up the question of renting a vided thus. ° : ; permanent home for the veterans. The Wl Py city St¥icn il Somprsse place under discussion is a brick Hie ortsmonth, ictorias (Wil- building owned by G. A. McSowan, aA e), an LA Sh te en west side of Montreal street,' be- Foi Re a. Lr ye Sym Heisad tween Princess and Brock streets. The tons of Willi it 3 aremonth Le rent will be about $100 or $120 4 - an tliansville),. an Tape Fear. W. Moberly rougly objected Last season the City Hockey League vy proposal. and a motion ., was had only three dollars in the treasc:y oe rl Ever Io the oeretary to commence 'the series wpon, but this $ 8 PAI 88. Wikly '® | year, according to the réport read by property question. Funds will be | the treasurer, 'thefe is $57.10 balance raised by a eommittee that will takd on hand : i up a colféction among the honorary | "iy. election of officers' resultéd : Sehere, i instructed 4 k Honorary presidents, Dr. J. J, Harty, 1¢ secre ary was instructed 0 as IB. N. St acy A. Ww. Whe tlev od Ww Lieut.-Col. J, A. V. Preston, 30th A mich ey am 3 A 3 4 h IW. Gibson; honotary vice-presidents. Battalion, for discarded clothing for A. B. Cunninghami, J. G. Elliott and the use of veterans in- charitable in- [yw jp. Givensjue president, James stitutions. They will be sterilized O'Brien; vico-president,' Vdwatd Me- by Dr. A. W." McCarthy. =f Cammon; treasurer, Leo Oldfiny secre- £ Me. Ingledese, in Ottawa last wiik, tary, Clarence Yeung. had a' conversation with the minister ? {of militia, who was very pleased with the association's work, particularly i the drills which are held weekly near the Whig bortpiel was played on the armouries. The Thursday night Tuesday evening, the rink ski drills are being 'well attended, but by T. M. A i defeatin Pps more of the 'veterans are requested to | °F 1+ AS. ASS yine leat ng ie turn out, rink skipped by J. M. Elliott by six- Active work is heing carried on for | '¢€P to ten. The teams were. 7 thie relief of needy comrades. P.M. Asselstine (skip), WwW. J. A letter of condolence will be sent | Driver, J. W. Kelly, H. D. Bibby--18. to Mrs. F. Strange and a letter of > J. M. Elliott (skip), J: W. ¥ower, thanks will be sent te Mrs. Harris { F- D- Lymag, C. Crozier--10. for the rosettes presented to the - - association: Hockey Notes: 1 * A motion of congratulation was Varsity has arranged to bring Yale | passed to the commandant for his | University to Toronto for an exhibi energies in making 4he receplion to [tion game on Saturday afternoou. {the 21st Battalion a success Picton O.H.A. intermediates made ee ni ' it five straights by winning from Broke His Right Arm Bowmanville 6 to 1 in a fast, clean ! After travelling all the way from ga Nat. oe Jiayer went to the 1 Calgary to take a position in King- |!evce on either side. rr Harry Height forty-five years| Drockvillet defeated Perth in the ! of age, had the misfortune to frac-|second match of the southern series ture his right arm a little above!of the Ottawa Valley Hockey League the wrist, just as he was about to} by a score of 6 goals to 2. take. the train upon the last lap of | Lester Patrick, head of the Pacific the journey. Walking along the Coust Hockey League, fins writfen Fr- ( Street in Renfrew, Mr.' Height slip- | nie Russell, vice-president of the Wan- ped op the icy pavement and came |derers hockey team, threatening next down forcibly on his right arm re-|scason to raid NJLA. teams because sulting in the break. At this point | this organization has not supported it was necessary for him fo change [the trade of Tommy Smith, how play trains and in his hurry to reach the ing 'with the Ontarios, to the Bri station the sad affair happened. tish . Columbi ic "mises not to towel the Wanderers be- ¢ " cause they supported: the trade. IW GLADDENS \ HALLS OF QUEEN'S. ® { en Bins 4 Annual Meeting Of the Association 3 Kootball Club, The annual. meeting of the Queen's | tender, Association: Football Club was held Our Windows : ¥ Ice Cream Bricks 25¢ a Pint or 50c a Quart By Government test the best in Kingston Sakell's Next to Opera House. Curiing Games, The last gam¢' in the first. series We're offering big reductions and ask vou to give our stock the most eritical comparison with anything you may see anywhere 'at any time. 1 of 3 Come in and see o bargains. : " ® L 4 : Militia Men Notice the fine line of pocket flash-lights in our win dow. We have them all prices. Call and see them. Cam | C Halliday's Electric Shop Third Contingent Overseas Service Pay and Subsistence From Date of Enlistment OUR BIG CLEARING CT INI [ FURNITURE SALES OP. Buhl ili al ENS THURSDAY, UTH So pt it Importers of Hats Makers of Furs No puffed-up, buming. * Apply Major Dawson Cor. Bagot and Barrack Sts. Artillery Park = | Women's Felt House lar $1.75, $1.50, $1. » ., . Slipper ching feet--no corns Fr or callouses. ° on Tuesdny aftertivon for 'the. purpose Box, ss usual, tickled the fans with gL F A of electing a new executive. A 1 tye number of enthusiasts 'e tpresent and Prof. 1. 1 J was in the chair. Fhe choice of =a captain for the second team was left over Lill next: year as it was not known. whether e second team would be formed. The officers elscted w. Pilkey; assistant secretary; Mcintosh; captain, R. J. Mack en- ie; committee, Mr. Sills (medicine), Mr. Ludgate (science), Mr. McKerruc- her (arts), J. MeNab (theology). Mr. Duffel (medicine), was chosen to "Mz makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight. Away "TIZ" draws out the acids and poisons that puff up your feet. No matter how hard you work, how long: you dance, how far you walk, or how . A i 8, 99¢. long you remain on your feet, "TZ" Iriings restful foot comfort. "TIZ" is cal, grand, wonderful for tired, swollen, ng feet.~ Ab! IpPY you feel. for joy; shoes go the aches and pains, _the corns, | callouses, blisters, buntons and ehil- | blains. iy I Despite the poor condition of Get a 25 cent box of "TIZ" pow ° gist or department fool torture forevef-- ler shoes, keep your feet on 3 bis speed and clever stick handling. Two of Inst year's seconds, 'Edward practice for the first time this Hen son, The Y.M.C.A. meeting to be held in Convocatign. Hall on Wednesday wiil {be addressed by Dr. Watson. His subject will be "The Social Influence of Christianity." | "Tho Sons Of Scotland The Sons of Scotland will pay the dues of all members who volunteer for overseas service. The following officers were elected : 7 Chiefy J. Ram. say; chieftain, J. Fraser; chaplain, J. McCallum; recording-secretary, I, Harris; financial secretary, R. 1. Feott; treasurer, J. McKenzie. Dr. A. R. B. Williamson has been appoint- ed medical officer, succeeding Lieut. Col. A. E. Ross. It is likely that a branch of the Dang! of Scotland will be or ani bere as their services will be greatly . required durigg the period of distress. « : Some men consider themselves lucky because they owe more than they can pay. : BINDERS TO FIT ANY SHEETS SHEETS 10 FIT ANY BINDERS FLORIDA ORAN GES Large, sweet and juicy .. 15c dozen. SPY APPLES No. 1 quality, 35c peck. JR. B Gage, | 254 Montreal St, Phone Passed Law Exsmination. At Vancouver, B. C., Jan, 5th. 9 A. Keill, son of Mr. ahd Mrs Keill, Queen street, Kingston, an formerly of this city, passed his pre. for admission

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