SICKNESS, ACC Al TOMOBILE IN. LIFE, FIRE, ; AND DENT, SURAN Wanted--A Grocery Store in resis dential part of the city. Apply to 4.0. HUTTON, Kingston, Ont. Kingston Cem, ent Products | We make SILLS, LIN:| BRICK, BLOCKS, PIER BLOCKS, VASES. And every thing in cement. dali work a specialty. OFIMICE 177 Works, Cor. Charles and Patrick Sts, CEMENT] TELS, Veran- All speeinl' 30-cent packages this week, but in order not to disappoint customers we will put on a Saturday Special and wil give with every cent purchase Absofttely Free your choice of a Bottle Witchazel Cream, Bottle Extract Vanilla, Toilet Soaps. At Bests' THE POPLAR DRUG STORE Open Sunday, ii] any way words ~-- maybe, common ecnuses of wacom mon but very HEADACHE We have glasses that remove these causes and give IMMEDIATE RELIEF fiefore vonsulting the physician, before uweing medicines and drugs come nnd wee us. If your head- ache is caused by eye strain we cure It s THROUGH PROPER GLASSES Keeley Jr., M.0.0.0. OFTOMETIUST AND OPTICIAN 224 Princess Street @ Doers Above the Upern House Jenkins January Sale -- Yhove ars all hide of Sob heavy cloths, well tailored, and sold at $10. 'and $12. Yolirs, while: they bah, for $6.50. / o The sale will bo on anki all'are sold. 18 Market Square, | : WHIAINGTON ST. {1} might before the council.' 1 Lean and Maenée and {1 term, ito all | pressed the hope that acquaint themselves with the work, {/{and make themselves useful. 1] ago, {il} council, {| he had served as chairman of the | served ron <THE INAUGURAL OF BOARD (James Craig. Elected Char. man for the Year. = . THOSE NEWLY-ELECTED WERE SWORN IN BY . su THERLAND. | mittees--To Arrmiige For Opening of Victoria School New Wing and Empire Day Demonstras tion. meeting of the 1915, held At the inaugural Board of Education for on Wednesday night, Trustee James Cralg was elected chairman. Mayor Sutherland was present and #t the opening of the meeling, the newly-dlected members were sworn in by His Worship. Before taking over Tlie reins of office, Chairman Craig called upon Rev Alexander Laird, who is a member of the Board, to offer prayer. Mayor Sutherland was then called upon to address the members, and in responding, he took occasion to congratulate w. H. Macnee, the rel tiring chairman, and the members of the board of last year, on the work which was accomplished. It had been a most successful year in the history of the Board. The speaker also extended dongratula- tigns to the new, chairman, stating that the Board had made a good choice. He also congratulated the members and expressed pleasure at seeing so many of the old members returned. Mayor Satherland further stated that he was very glad to learn that Trustee Robert Meek had reconsid- ered lis resignation, and. that he would remain on the beard. ing on conditions generally im the city he sald that all the members| were well acquainted with them, from a financial point of view He asked that the board bring down its budget at as early a date as pos- gible The .city council would en deavor to do the same In his eon-| cluding remarks, Mayor Sutherland said "Education is one of the assets any young man can have, and I fully appreciate. the advantages a good education has. 1 shall at all} times be willing to. co-operate with the board in further- ing any scheme that the deem it advisable to greatest Chairman. Craig said be apprecia- {| ted. the kindness the board had be- stowed upon Wim. It was an honor- ed position. and for many years it | had been filled by some of the best {land most respected citizens... Dur- ing the time he had been identified with the beard, the chair had been filled by Messrs. Martin; Godwin, Richardson. Reno, ~Walkem, # Me- 11 of these gentlemen had been good chairmen. || He was pleased to see so many of the old menibers back for another He extended a warm welcome the new members, and ex- they The new chairman had a word or so to say regarding his experi- MAYOR The Fhe Appointment. pi Standing Coney, Publie Toueh-} in| spections; board | home vigits made, 31, bring | would | ter. MEETING OF EDUCATION ™ sehool, donald school, tenac school, Louise school, aragqui school; Trustee Bell: hat school, Trustee Macnee; chool; Trustee Sawyer; Depo school, Trustee Coben; Orphans' Howe, Trustee Liard | Trustee Godwin; Made- Trustee Monk; Fron- Trustee Lematop; Trustee Metealfe; Cat- Ridean Resignation Rend i secretars®vad ou letter {rom | Trusts - J. H. Birkett, of Sydenham | ward, which he stated that he; re wholly 2 very umrucle that he bad to} "resign from the Board. The resivuna- tion was accepted Repotds of the manual and doRestic- science were presented by 'the inspector, Arthy Leake, and referred 10 the! wanageinent committee Principal Sliter reposted the tendgnce at the Collegifite for mouth of Deceurber as follows: pHs enrolled, 468; an increase of 4 over the same month a Year 1 aL dally average, 447; an inerease: of bb. J. Russel Stuart, schools, reported the December as follow The tqtal number of pupils enrgl-! Ted at the end of the month was| £454, an increase of thirly over lust yeur The tolal daily 'uverage attendance wag 2,066 an increase of four. In the Kindergarten the total enrolment was 214. ° The report al ¥o contained the following: Four classes were transferred from the old Collegiate Institute to | the nev: wing of Victoria School ! Accommodation was also found here for a new primary class of for- ty-eight pupils, under' Miss. Evans Mr. Ettinger's zluss has. also been | rooms. at 1 This leaves two class. training | departments | TREE I Tes Tes seed inspector ol attendance in rooms at present unoccupied. As the beating and ventilation of the old part of this school have not been found satisfactory so far this winter, I "would suggest. that two other classes be transferred, that they may benefit from the superior | accommodation provided in the new | building. The inspector's report | dealt with in committee In the absence of ton, the chairman, presented the report on the indus- trial night classes. The réport showed that it cost $968.52 to cou- duct the classes during the yedr, 1914 } 1 The report of the showed that she will be Trustee Ren- Trustee Metcalfe school nurse had made 008 in instructions given, 29; consultations with. parents, : Trustee Meek drew attention to (the fact that it. had been reported |, {to him that the pupils of Frontenac |: school had "been neglected in the dental inspection. There were four hundred pupils at this school fle said it have the scholars neglected in this way. The matter will receive at tention. Trustee Godwin complained that the walk in front of Central school was in a very dangerous. condition as a resalt of the ice, and that the walk had Leen neglected all win- ter. As Trustee Godwin had the hon- or of being elected chairman of this school he will get busy on this mat- Id addition to the chairman there were present at the meeting: Trus- tees Macvee, Anglin. Bell, Cliown, Elliott, Farrell, laird. Lemman, ences. He sald that thirty years he was a member of the ¢it¥ and that twenty years ago, union school board of Trenton. Dur Ing the seven vears he had been a meinber of the local board, he had only missed four meetings, each of the .committees for two years. 'Owing to the good will of Rideau ward," added the chairman, "IT fiave never found It necessary to, solicit a vote, (Hear, hear, from many of the menmybers } I cemain- ly feel grateful for the way they have chown their appreciation of thie -service 1 have rendered 1 would ask you all to ith molin.strixine de da edhet fig Best for the educational interests of the city. I will endeavor to do my part to further the interest of the board." On motion of Trustees Elliott and Maenée a vole of thanks wag ten-! dered to Mayor Sutherland for his; presemee at the meeting, for his ad-| to co-operate with the board In their; work, that the members could assure tion early in the year. Committees Appoint committee standing ee tees, port, and this was due t the. tn much regretted resignation of kett, whose retirem at the mee tions were. placed on the tee cand : tion of T Méek was Colle ph on He had, co operate | viirable address. aud for his promise raleed in M Trust Bil tt rg tot tho | nities pr to strike ol and thers was but one change made in the i was a aot fag is & list of the com- mittees, the first famed in each to of her Meek, Metcalfe, Monk. Mills, © Me- | Lean. Sawyer, Headerson, Godwin, jana Cohen | S44 h LASS 1b p44 rE IE + * +* CANADIANS PROMOTED, + | » - + + Lendon, Jan. 14.-<H is offi- + [4 cially nnnonpeed that Capt. A. * + 8, Eyam, Royal Engioeers, hus 4 {* been promoted to Be major, and + # Ligat, J. PB. Comal, oval & + Engineers, promoted to cap'ain, i# Both are graduates of fhe Roy- | al Military College, Kingston. * + (HERR PEER & 3 More. tl ales eg £ Aad | "Ottawa, Jan. 14. Some more hon | | orable colonies of considerable dis tinction have been gazetted. The Hon, Charles Doherty, | ister of jnstice, is on the militie now as honorary ecolenel of the Montreal Rifles, a new Irish Cana- i dian militia regiment which is being treal. - min i Andrew { famlly and company which 50 is to bring down their budget | NURSE DIES hi J St hs Hospital. A Port Arthur despatch 'says: The death took place very unexpectedly at McKellar hospital-of Miss Margar- et Elizabeth Owalnette Sherratt, gra- duate nurse oe vt Eo vice cine Hat hospital. The news of th will a Beat, _thoek to her many Toh in twin cities, who were not aware illness. Miss ere tor She is survived' by Her mother, Mrs 8. 0. pheritt rs, Mrs. W. H. HR a Syden- {4% line Comparison 'gave have i's in almost every herd from which i tained.---H. (Man, a member of the estab. a Trustee Mawes sa'd lin felt dure lighed the Allan steamship line, is 0. nell sharper the made Rongrary colonel and 1 FOLHIEE ILE ERE le | WAR BULLETINS, a: i Winpipég police report intor- "4 mation that 200,000 Germans in the Central States are plan- ning to raid Winnipeg and other western cities before February first. o> 1] | -- ! reports Wed. that the al- Faris oflicial | % nesday might said # Hes held their own along the but made very little prog. % ress owing to storms. %* The German cmbassy at + Washington has decided that # Mis useless to protest against % the exportifion of arms and %, mmmunition from the United + States to the allies. GC -- The Russian government has secured a loan of twelve mil- #4 lions from the United States through the Morgans. Canadians are being held ready to quit Salisbury camp at any moment for France, Gallieni will com- new French army to Germany. General mand the invade It is reported in Londen that _ PAGE TI THREE - JanuaryClean-up Specials for To-Morrow Just two days left to procure some of the most remarkable values ever offered to the peo- ple of this community. ALL SPECIALS ON SALE AT 9 O'CLOCK 1200 vds fa German aeroplane was seen over the Thames River on Wed- nesday. Von Berchtold, Austrian min- Fister who precipitated the w ar, has been forced to resign. - FRPP EER P bb RPE EP PRA bb bd SIR MAX according to AITKIN A regent Ottawa lespatel iio be the British eye wit 18s With the Canadian troops at the Who front his sc , and was a great shame Lo ; HOW TO INCREASE THEIR SUP- PLY OF MILK. of Yields Is Given -- Replade the Calls Which Are Be. ing Kept At a Loss. Kingston, Jan. 12.---(To the Edi- tor): During a recent visit .te Ot- tawa, I visited the Experimental Farm, and. there gathered a few fig- ures which should be of interest to local dairymen, espec fally when compared with some of the records in is section. : five best mule an' average live best Holsteins there profit of $78.; the s averaged $72 the five best Seys averaged $68, and the five best French Canadians av- traged $66. 1 was surprised to learn that the best cow in this herd, (a Holstein) only 10,600 pounds of milk. 1 revords of gunite a number of rove jn this section giving nine, ten nd up as high as fourteen' thons- *'and pounds during a complete milk- ing period. While the average pro- duction per «ow for this section is tbout four thousand pounds, still © have particularly good individu: a ITT Om rir rap a I il, in Chinehillas, values, at regular fore priced at 30, 35 and To-morrow Absolutely the 200 yds. sit, regular 15¢ quality. To-morrow EC ST Extra Special best qualities of Tmported Kimona Flannelettes Bedford Cord floral designs, full width and extra pric es, most drastic duction ever attempted. at less than the mill price. Grey. Cotton factory cotton, soiled in tran- Coats 15 ouly, odds; in siz es prieed up to $6.00. To-morrow and lengths, and Satin Underskirts A 10 doz. lot of samples, English make All fashionable shades, reg. 98c $1.50 and $1.75. To-morrow Hereto "15¢ price I'e- You buy BlackSatinDuchesse A beautiful lustrous finish satin, best French make, 0 $1. 73 a yard, 88 vds. only, s To-morrow Not more than 6 1-2 vds. to a rikstom el EACY' S Specials Smoked Hams Whole or Half " 19¢. Per Lb. Canned Sam pr ity | He. The Wm. Davies Co. KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE After Jan. 1st for three weeks we will sell all our beautiful electric fixtures 20 PER CENT. OFF Hw. Newman Electric Co Charm Ceylon Tea | BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED Titer herds might be built ap. By replacing the culls, which are ac- y tually 'being kept at a loss with off- "pring from the heavy producers, a herd that will average eight to ten thousand pounds may soon be ob- B. SMITH, Recorder "Pocket" Kaife Six Feet Long. A knife large enough to serve an T for a giant was re- reitly finist after four years of la- hor, by a New England meebanie, Poplar ~ Mechanics, When open the knife ix 6 feot, 7 inches long from tip to tip of the opposite higdos, Closed it mopsures 3. fest 2 1. 2 inches. it is 6 1-4 inches Wille rand weighs 40's, 2 ounces. The blades are of tool steel, the #prings of steel, and the tips and in- laid name plate German silver. The handle is rosewood. Brovight To Penit Penitentiary. On Wednesdey night, a young an. named Stancer, was brought to the. city from Unlonville Hy County five year {erm in Portsmouth Pemi- tentiary. ! Stancer is ouly twenty years of age and was found guilty | yen of '=elting fire to & barn at Union- ville wlich tesulted in the entire Fra 8 aie ] At as loss i of hay and nown vi popular, hav- other p uce ihe practiced her profession here Has Written Major Leonard: City Bagfuder McClelland written Major I. W. Lednurd, St «i Catharines, "asking if be will = give the Hoard of Works the stone in tie | Id brewery building on his Hess Fou i one tablet with every me Constable, W. H. Litson fo spend a5 THIN PEOPLE CAN INCREASE WEIGHT 'Thin ten and wownen who would itke tu increase their weight with 19 or 16 pounds of healthy 'stay thers" fat should try eating a little Bargol with their meals for a while end note results, ood-4est Worth trying. wal yourself and weeks, Then weigh and aga, 1t jsn't a question of how you lvak or feel or what your friends say and think The scales and the tape mensiars will lell their own story. aud most any Chin wan or WomIAn cay aniivs nid fri five tu eight pounds in the first fourteen days by fof bow ioe this shople digection. And best ol all. the new flesh stays put. Sargel does not of itself make fat, byt misiug with your food, it Larus the file. sugars and starches «of whet you hive piv on, Into rich, ripe fat producs Hig nouriglyuent for the tissues a ulooi--prephres It In 81 oa easily assl Ho luted form ®hich the blood can ren fiy wocept. AllRhis hourisiinent nw pags - vs from your body as waste But Sar- ol #iops the waste 8nd does Ji guicke vy td wishes the fat producing cons tents of the very sine ineals you are bE eli Hoe develop pounds and pounds Bsaithy fesh betuosn your skin and rgol is safe, pleasant, eflic- f= "» Soames: inexpensive Dru sts soll it in large boXes--{orty ia B18 to 4 package--on a guarantee of | welght incrense or money back. 30 To 60c Per Lb. AT ALL GROCERS Militia Men in Notice the fine line of pocket flash lights in our win- dow. We have them all prices. Call and see them. das s Electric Shop Phone 9% Prepare for it hy buying a air. of mh Warm Felt Boots and R Prices from $1.75 to $3.50. - See our fog ih leatber, with felt Nining ne iver hea, ; rt a hn chon