~. PAGEFOUR____ The British Whig | 82ND YEAR | reasonably ambitious. Xd their interests, can get redress, but the business men that arenot un- iter cannot hope to accomplish much. CITY NEEDS THE FUNDS. The. City Property Commiliee does not seem to have.considered the offer of the Township of Kingston Fair As- sociation, or if it did the essence oi the discussion has. not' appeared in the public press. The Fair Association is It has. demon- strated that with energy, properly di- which was passed by the Legislature of Quebec on the bi-lingual question. This shows that there is plan in the movement and that ii has the solid backing of the French. Mr. Wilson, president of the United States, explains that he has been mis- understood, and that at Indianapolis he did not announce that he was 'a candidate, for a second' term. And doesn't he want it ? Why spoil the delusion if it had desirable. effects ? dance, EE a a TL i nr liwise AND | OTHERWISE] Two Views Of It. . .; Auntie didn't care for the clgssie "But what a graceful figure," pointed out niece. "And what a disgraceful costume," r 15. |Bibbys The Bast $4.00 Shoes 'in Canada The Best $4.00 Shoes in Canada 7 { Commented auntie, --Kansas Cily rected, a successful exhibition van be : Journal run; and it has demonstrated, too, that it can only hope to win tke public favour and support by provid- ing 'attractions of no mean.order. At the outset it is handicapped for the want of buildings that are ample, safe, afd inviting, Last fall the fair people had the main building very carefully examined, They ascertained--which was surpris- ing-~that the timbers were sound, and the directors made a proposition. It was, in effect, that they would rent or lease the fair grounds and build- ings for a term of years; at a given sum, on condition that they be made tenantable. A certain expenditure was estimated, and upon this outlay the association promised to pay a certain interest, this interest being regarded as equivalent to a rental. The asso- ciation argues that this exhibition brings a great many persons 16 the and that the stores, hotels, and restaurants get a very material -ad vantage German 'literature, intended to in cite the people against the Allies" | cause, has been denied admission tag) : 'anada, and yet it is being distribu- | X ted by the mails, Why doesn't the government make an example of some offender ?, What is the matter with | the post office ? Suhurbs--What's new, dear. : ~The cook has left. --I asked what is new. bia X Semi W TE BRITS Wii PURLIS RING Cr at 2 Co, LIMETID. Keeping Her At Home, Wife--"Don't you think you might manage to. keep house alone for a week, while I go on a visit? Husbhind -- "I guess so; ,| course." "Bat won't you be lonely and mm- erable?" "Not a bit." e "Huh! Then I won't go" New -York "Veekly. $ G Eldott ...., foman A. Gulla .. iia JF ssaident «+Mauagin rector and Bet-Troas. Bourassa thinks - the government should enlist. the men for work wpon the farms, and direct the work that the operations of the coming years will make Canada a great pro- ducing country. A good idea. Pity the man was not always usefully em played. * yes, of Telephone: Susiness Office .e Ewtitorial Rooros fab Om. £0 SUBSCRIPTION. RATFS (Dally Edition) whe yaar, delivered In city ...... One Year, If paid In advance ... ..$5.00 One Year, by majl to rural off "me year, tO United States x Bix and three months pro Tals, (Semi- Weekly Bdifion) via year, by mall' cash 1.¢ One year, If not paid In advance. .$1. fine year, to United States ,., 1 Fiz and three months pro rats. lod Changing His Language. "Lor!™ Mrs. Braun, wot's that 'érriblé-neise goin' on tn your 'ouse?" "Yer pear-Mrs, Smiff, my busband's grap'Tarver was * a German, 'anu in case the perlice comes rahnd 'e's praetisin' 0's 'e can pass' for a ~Loudon Bystander The Balleville Ontario refers to its seventy-fifth anniversary Is (here not some serious mistake ? Our con- temporary is one of the younger con- temporaries in this province. -. The writer did service upon its staff in 1874, and that was nol Tong after it was established Se -------------- De, Alex. MacGillivray, of Toronio, and related to Kingston by and family relations, "gets a three months' holiday. He deserves it. Any man who began, as he did, a church | that has grown until it has a thous- | and communicants and a thousand i "Is Sunday school children, is entitled io | a vacation Aftached 1s one of the best Tinting ofces in Canada. EE No American Dish TORONTO REPRESENTATIVE | { "English mutton chops,"' } fi. FE. 8mallpelce 32 Ghurea Bt. : 0, 8 PRESFNTATIVES Mew York Office 224 Tifth Ave. ¥rank R. Nortbrug, JPumdger. Chicago sirsiisiieceness aribune Bldg. - Frank R. Northrup. Manager city, reads, the menu, "German Russian caviar. French peas. Hum! Waiter, | wank to be strictly neutral." "Yessir." } "Gimme a Spanish. omelet." | Seattle Past-Intelligencer man with x fried olatoes, , The sale of the property the: Whig Tr hotaioe has opposed for many reasons. li ik becoming generally mare. valuable. It was purchased for 817,000, It could be sold for double that sum. It costs nothing to hold it. It was acquired originally as a public venture, It should be retained as sich, The city should help to run an exhibition ery year--for the financial benefit there is in it. Failing to show the neces sary enterprise the Council should sympathize with the Township Asso- ciation, and entertain and discuss its business proposal in'a business way. The association ought to be beginning its plans for the year,.and the Coun cil"s answer should not cause del 3 THE COST OF FOOD, The cost of flour "is going up. It will follow. any increase in the value ol wheat, and from Chicago the re- port proceeds that. it will, ere long, be worth $2 per hushel, . The advancd As due 10. the world's 'need of supplios. Europe at war will not provide itself with foodatufis : this 'yeak, Germany professes to. haye laid plans for a much . larger cultivation of the soil and by an alternating devetion 'of ite, male inhabitants to. farming and battling. It meed not say "it will raise, within the war Zone, enough food for its wants. It cannot do this, and the rest of the world 'that is Iriendly or neutral may spare some of its surplus--if it can be shipped through blockaded ports. The United States is considering the possibility, or the advisability, of forbidding the export of flour and wheat when the supply of these is not in excess of the needs of America, The question cannot be easily deter- -mined--and all the light possible should be secured -- as to what the real wants 'of this North American continent = uré. Clearly it is the duty of. the Cana dian government to 'inquire what it should do under the eizeumstances. It can get competent men to advise 1. Therp is one in Kingston. "The New Zealand government acted promptly when it became apparent there was a shortage oi wheat in that colony. It college - . BETTER THAN HIS DAY. Preston's book, in which he analyzed the life and service of Lord Sirath- cotta, has had a good run. It has been read and orfticised -by many. It! is now reckiving the attention of the British press and the view one gets of it is this--that it deals too close ly with the petty details of the man's career, The Manchester Guardian is not surprised at anything it reads about the grossness of Canadian poli- tivs. Une regrets the low .estimate that is put upon Canadian service and Cansdian public life. = Strathcona's ninety years may not have heen with- out "a. blur or a blemish, but he rounded ;it out like a stalwart who had only one object in view, and that was to. render to his king and country sthe higheat service possible. His generdnity and public zeal marked him out as ane of Canada's most use- ful and devoted: servants. ' AN ENLARGED COMMISSION, The Board of Trade has made re- presgntations. to the Hydro-Eleotric Commission: which it is hoped -may be eficetual. The development of 'power in Eastern Ontario' has been slow, and for two reasons, (1) That the power ha. nat been harnessed: in the east as in the west, and (2) that the municipalities in the east are not as "eager as the municipalities id fhe west' far the- advantages to be de- rived from cheap power. WM mmch Iprger commission would probably fa- 'filitate results, as it would have a Jatger number of members at work, and they would probably hasten the end the commission has had in view for a long time. Sir' Adam Beck, in conversation with Commissioner Clown, admitted that the Hydro- Fleotriv Commission had been so en- 'grossed with business that it could hot deal with the situation in [Bayt- ern Ontario as ji desired. The Board of Trade is persuaded that perhaps a remedy could be found in an en- larged commisgion, and it has peti- tioned the gcvernment to add. to it tp the extent of lwo members, these v to reside in astern Ontario. It re. | #PPropriated the entire crop at mar. mains to be seen how the Associa. ket rates. That meant that thers . ted Roads of Trade and government Would not be any grain exported. 5i a COR T-EXpert™a ibe Chicago wheat market puts the situation thus: "Ii is not so. much a question of price for wheat as a question of supply. Will fering, and suffering severely, from {ey be enough to feed two' conti: new change of time-table, and this | nents ? " wheat 80% to 83, that time on the Canadian Northern Rail- vill mean eating corn as never be The Soft Coal Question she 'blonde or brunette?" "I'dop't know; I met. her io No ittsburg." -- Philadelphia Publie h edger: < f i : Matching the Furniture ; pus tl The head stenographer was a . va | blonde agein. She had to do it," explained the Public Opinion office boy; "dark hair looks flat : ; » ezainst this new mahogany office s furniture "Philadelphia, vening edger ev- 4 © Society Brand Ulothee 1 $12.50 Nobby Ulsters, Dressy Chesterfields, English Beaver Cloth, English Melton Clot h, English Vieuna Cloth, Shawl Collar Style, Velvet Collar $12 50 style. Sizes 34 to 44. . $15.00 and $16.50 values, for . . | 1 i F) Tweed Suits. Worsted Suits, Cheviot Suits. Sizes 92 Reg ular £15, 16.50 and 18,00 values, for Ls : A Thought In Words, Montreal Mai] The flerman navy has for "what can't be cured must be "What is this malady which has endured" in 'what's 'not burned may | SUddenty attacked the nations = of be interned." Lurope?" "There is some doubi as to that. Some. day it is the German rush, others that it is the Russian germ." ~Christian Register. a substitute Nat Cerialn Men's Night Robes $1.00 and $1.25 va- . 69¢c lues, each for ™ | . Men's Soft Shirts $100 and $1.25 values, 69¢ for 'HOCKEY 10 c ---------- It Certainly Should, .* Toronto Mail. Glasgow, the city. in which Sir John Macdonald was born, ought to. have his statue in one of its public | Sfuares, A "Warlike Colony, o. JHondon Advertiser. Australia, with a population der 5,000,000, has 164,36] mien under arma, and expoots. to send: 2,000 fo the 'front every motith:' = tram Plan For Spelling Bees, Montreal Nags, Kincardine, Ont., is 'reviving the old-fashioned spelling: hee." A couple of sessions spent. on tha campaign in Poland ought to provide some exeite- nt. : un- BALE BOYS TOQUES, each Sam Slick Again. Hamilton Herald. Uhele Sam won't say that he wants Germany to win, but he demands tho privilege to supply Germany with! war material on the sly without be- ing interfered with hy inquisitive Bri- tish warships. y . . The Best $4.00 Shoes in Canada The Best $4.00 Shoes "in Canada A Notable Example, Toronto Globe. 'The "Commercial Travellers of Ca- nada" have set a noble example to other benevolent associations in con- tributing ten thousand dollars io Canadian patriotic funds connected with the war, and in keeping in good standing as mortuary. heneficiarios those Canadian travellers who have volunteered for. service at the seat war. - » Genuine Leather Suit As 'Junkindness has no remedy at Cases lay," Jet its 'avdidance be with you Liang £ he Vata You { a point of honor.--Hosea Bailou. Sizes 2, 26, Tan or Black. Regu with us like Egyptian thieves, who POP i $3 95 y strangle those Li they embrace. | Jf for : ot . Seneea. , manjal powed, without which there : votld ther intellectual ' opera- wold be to other intellectual to Sale of Hockey Shoes suffer, ba not discouraged, They are $3.50 and $5.75 Shoes 2 | fatied for destruction! thou are diet- or . : od ior health.--Fuller. : > . ? | toward. the napes of your necks and: make but jan interior survey of. your good selves.--Shakespeare. despair gives misfortune the' right to hope all things, and leaves hope to dare all things.--Mme. Swetchine. téf living treasure, inestimable in poa- session, 'and deeply to be lamented 'Y'when gone. Nothing. 'is more com: thing more difficult than to find 'one; nothing more rare than to improve by. one as' we ought.-~Aunon. 3 | Words Of Wise Men. The pleasures of. the. palate deal | lap £5.00 and 85.50 values, Memory ia the primary and Tunda- If the wicked flourish, and. thou : Oh 'that - you conld turn your eyes The fact that God. has prohibited A faithful 'and true friend is a moa 'than to talk of a- friend: "no- : Starting Something. Having decided to stay at my" present place of businéss, all or- ders placed now for monuments to be erected in the . spring will NEY, BLADDER, URINARY RITHER No. DR! BLOOD POISON, PILES. UGGISTS or u ST. OF LYMAN BROS. A BOOK 10 Di. L& CLERC MED, Co, HAVERSTOCK. D, LONDON, ENG. THERAPION EASY TO TAKE HERAPION ::::... SEB THAT TRADE WORD 'THERAPION® 1S ON BRIT. GOVT. STAMP AFFIXED 70 ALL GENUINE PACKETS, Leavitt was sitiing in the den one night glancing over the sporiing | pages. Opposite him sat little wifey ! making something with a knitting needle. Suddenly mother glanced up. : "John Henry," she said, that paper a minute. 1 want "drop to J. E MULLEN g ~ Cor. Princess and Clergy Sts. Phone No. 1417 "What is it, dear?" was the obed: ient response of John: Henry. : "It's just this," returned wiley. "If you were single and I were single again, would you ask me to: marry ou? ut "Look here, Mary 1'% d fh- ther a little energetically; "what do you want to start something for Twenty-five Years Ago The steamer Plerrepont was com~ pelled to give up her trip 10 the fs- land to-day om account of the ice, Everybody in the churches to-day appeared to have la grippe. It was ---------- THE BUSINESS MEN HURT. The merchants of Kingston are sui- way. The train which left formerly at | 4.30: o'clock now léaves at 2.15 o'dock, and with the result that the orders, delivered orally or by letter at 10 o'clock, on the arrival of the train from the north, eannot be filled. The change is made in the interest of a service outside of the city, and it has been made without consulting fore." But what if corn also goes up? On the Chicago Board .of Trade, despatches have been received indicat. ing that farmers' ideas as to corn arg "away up," and that many growers say corn will sell at $1 a bushel on the farms. The latest price of May corn is 76 3-8 cents. - There may not be any oceasion-for annoying to the ministers while preaching to hear the coughing. - E. Martin is organizing a polo team for the roller rink. » MOST RGGSTRAORDINARY Sheli Fire Makes Hens Lily, Says Of. ; London, Jan. 15--The captain of a London rifle brigade, in a leétre: from the front, describing the effect when we have settled down for a nice quiet evening Exchange. An Imperial Mystery. ~The fact England, who does not begiti to be: as logical as Germany or as Systeme- | tic as. France in Inajers of govern- ment, has nevertheles®. the kuack of J} making men step out of their own J free will to die in her defence. She Las the gift of keeping alive, across the trade in hingston. a raise in the price of breag for the and retail mercBeAts A or haletale present, or in the mear future, but "hard, and they content themselves by | if there is any serious fuctuation the uching about it in acting + Rovernment should be in a position to a orga ol deal with it. : of shell fire, says: "A funny thing is that the siells make the chickens lay--whether it is the shock or Waa, I can't sdy--and as soon as the fusi- jade 'Is over, you see men dasuiny about after a stray -chicken in the hope of its droppivg an ege. We have-an old duck in our ha'k yara, but, by jové, ihe old girl foll roe shoek to-day, as she laid an egg ike & shot, and my servant brought it in dn triumph. . 1 shall' try running a »Ppouliry farm, when 'I get home, on 'the explosion system." am -------------- Glad He Couldn't Read It. A certain college profestor whe writes & Horace Greely hand, tells this story ag his own expense: He She OF tin Bindi Souter on one o 3 x afterward the student came to him and "Professor tumbling seas, round half & world, 'the undying bond that . uuties the. heart to home. She has shown her- self indifferent to the possession of 'the taxing power over her colonies-- | but what matters it? Th colonies | willingly tax themselves to send her warships, aud their sons seize their rifles in time of strife to go fo her f aid. - Sho has a fearfully. riddled theory of government, but her prac- tice of government still hold on the deepest (hings in the sonl of Man St. Louis Republic. - A Canadian soldier who ed several hospitals in' England recently saw 4 Indians all of 'whom had their hands bangaded. He 'asked one of the Red said: 'P Coe; I was unable to Tead what you wrote on my paper, _jand my parents also could not daeip- 'her it. 1 then called on my uncle, o ja , and be finally managed to , | read it for me." = 1 --_-- is what the professor had 'ritien: "Your penmanship tc seare : HH il