__ PAGE EIGHT _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY. JANUARY Js Jats ~~ : -- THE NEEDS OF GIRLS ~~ DEPEND UPON DEMANDS i A GYMNASTIO EXHIBITION. That Are. Made Upon Them! by the Community. MISS UNA SAUNDERS RE ye A RT eam-- BY EARTHOUAKE (Continued From Page 1.) ------ wien sont Re -------------------- = |We're After Your Money oduni, where she immediately in- stalled herseli as a hospital nurse to care for the wounded. Injured Taken To Rome. Trainload after trainload of injured are rolling into Rome. Every train given in the gymuasium of the Y,M. arriving from the province of Abruz- C.A. on Thuréday evening by the z brings hundreds of persons "who members of this class for the pur-jhave been wounded. The refugees are pose of raising funds to purchase a distributed among the haspitals and que-roquet table for the boys' de-| private dwellings. Given Ii the XY, M. C. A. Building on Thursday Evening. An intermediate exhibition was partment. An excedingly large The mayor of Rome, Prince Colon- DEALT WITH QUESTION IN oumrber attended. ; Cun na, as placed at 'the disposal of the Y.W.C.A. PARLORS The programme was of a varied !refugees several hotels and public nature. 'Some thirty members of the intermediates gave a drill and arch admirably, accompanied by piano music rendered by Louis N. Marchand. at Avezzano. Throughout the night The apparatus work, including. shouts for help could be hears In parallel bars and elephant exercise | one instance a school bui ding col was cleverly undertaken. The inter- | lapsed, burying 200 children, many mediate pyramid team gave a dar-, of whom are still alive. ing feat of parallel bar building, It is stated that four hundred sol- and was heartily applauded. Algiers wene in the barfacks at Avez- torch swinging of Messrs. William! ano when, it collapsed, and that only Gimblett, Arnold 'O'Grady, ~ Barl| jour of them escaped. 4 Moncrieff, Melzer Davy and Arthur! . Dean. The remainder of the lengthy | programme consisted of special par-|* Rome, Jan. 15.-- Every hour allel bar gymnastics by the inter-| op the casualty 1ist of the earth- mediate leaders; tumbling events YY | quake disaster. Official and unoffi- the junior department, comprising! reports ais Premier Sa- pyramid featuring and mat work bY | \andra, in charge of the relief work, The ANermediates Periaid team | SHOW that towns hepetofore believ- consisted of Melzer Davy, Cecil Bak-1°4 Inmune have suffered. The lat- buildings, where food also is vided by the city. 1t/is estimated that 4,000 persons" were buried alive under the wreckage pro- The World's Y.W.C.A. Is a Boily ot Specialists On a Girl's Life--Ne- cessity of Aiding Im Y.W.C.A, Work. . Miss Una Saunders, of New York, whe isspayiug a visit to Kingston for a few days, 1s giving a series of ad- dresses in the Y.W.U. A, parlors. Miss Saunders is ome of the 'leaders in Young Women's Christian Association vork in the United States. On Thurs- afternoon Mrs. .R. Carr-Harris presided at the first meeting and in- troduced Miss Saunders, who spoke to a good-sized gathering. The speaker topic was, "What a Girl Needs." Miss Saunders said that the world's Y.W.C.A. is looked to as a body of specialists on a girl's life. At the world's conference in Stockholm, Swe- § We're not holding sales contin- uously, but when we do hold them * we ipake things move. comm _ | € January is the month for our Annual Clean-up. Dead Now Number 30,000. . § Prices are cut 20 per cent on all Ready to-wear Clothing. . ; ; For shoppers these dark days is our { No shrewd buyer will miss this | The Bright Spot J | | . . t estimates. of dead say that at be den, last June, the whole subject of {er, Johu McLaughlin, Earl Mon-1 . n fotin opportunity of clothing up to the the walolding of God's plan for wo- |oriefl, James Rimer,' Arthur Don, | 108st thirty thousand fell victims to i * men was diseassed. Among the topics | Arnold O'Grady, Arthur Dean, Bill : . were the training of | Campbell, teach one hundred thousand. that came girls for home life, the place of wo- up Wellington 3 limit, every male member of the : family. Simmons, Frank Maxam and Robert Irwin. The minister of public works who is at the scene of disaster to-day White Underwear | men in state, and national lifé, the The junior pyramid team com-! ! * . 1 { care of immigrants, ete. . | prised Caleb Mershon, Victor Lioyd,i Fired Premier Salanlra that every fe , Fo discover what a gt scale in William Lloyd, Hugh Peters, Willi- or been damian with many i . 5 . Canada, we need to consider what the lam Merghon. "Jack" Martin, George- : ' : . : q It will pay you well to Invest. community expects from a girl It Maxam, Archibald Sherman, Andrew; ©! the inbabitants dead and wound : 3 demands much--steady work, good | Paynter, J. Beattie and Howard Boot we , >. wicks : - character, the building up of the | Rees. d | , Becavse many of the victims are right sort of homes. One of the ways { still entombed in the ruins of their - i € Just come and see. | homes, additional troops were sent € Goods marked in plain hgures. ~All sales for cash. A 3 { Livingston's 75-79 Brock St., Kingston A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To Walk. GERMAN WIRELESS STATION. by which the community can best help these, gicls irom whom they demand SO much is by co-operating with the churches in making the Y.W.C.A. a centre for' the girl-life of the city. In the national work of the Y.W. CA. we find Zirls being helped by Travellers' Aid workers at the sta- tious, employment provided through the secretary's help, a home recom- mended, a chance of a . holiday through a Y.W.C.A. summer home, friendship with other girls in a club-- in short, many of the physical and spiritual needs of a girl's life. - on the Caueasian frontier. Zone Police Got Tip From British Minister. Panama, Jan. 15.--The canal zone police discovered a wireless. telegraph plant on the top of a tall building in the heart of Panama. The plant was destroyed by the authorities, who de- clad that it belonged to a Danish West Indian wegro, who they believed was a student in wireless telegraphy. Complaint wos made recently by the British minister, Sir Charles Mallett, of the existence of a wireless station Canal Sweeping | Russian | Victory London, Jan. 15.--The correspon- telegraphs : a sweeping victory over the Turks | In_ the Olmy * Valley the Turkish rear guard | was completely destroyed, and sim- | ultaneously another Russian army routed the main Turkish force at Karawrgan. The Russians. captured the gontire supply of mountain guns. which the Turks brought for the cam- paign, togethér with their ammuni- tion. They also took the = Turks'! complete stock of field artillery and all their cattle, and transport." | THE LATE CHARLES GIVENS, ! {to the both for slaughter a quake zone to-day. Hun- dreds of wounded victims are streaming into Home and all the public buildings have been ordered opened and turned {nto temporary hospitals to relieve the pressure on the regular hospitals already crowd- ed to the lmit. The miner shocks, which - still | continue, have added to the terror, dent of the Daily News at Pterograd and thousands ¢f residents of the poorer quarter of Rome have refus- ' a : ad hei nes, bu - "The Russian new vei "opens with ed to return to their homes, but re main quartered in the open squares of the city. INCIDENTS OF TL DAY | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Our Busy Reporters . "Brasso cleaning fluid." Gibson's. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders reteived at MeAuley's. 'Phone 564, J. G. Adams, B.A., '13, is back at Queen's to hold a tutorship in chem- istry and complete his studies in hot- ny. "Brasso cleaning fluid." Gibson's. H. Cunninghany piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at Me- Auley's book store. | Display | Hundreds of dainty white undergar- | ments at the best values we have yet | offered. We are able to offer these | values because we placed large orders before the war. Many of the gar- ments now shown cannot be dupli- | cated. . | | | | | | | NIGHTGOWNS, CORSET COVERS, | | COMBINATIONS, UNDERSKIRTS ' | | PRINCESS SLIPS, DRAWERS, | We invite you to see these, even if not ready to buy this moon, full January has two full moons year. February bas no full then comes ' March with twe moons. . "Buy Tooth' Brushes," Gibson's. L. Li. denderson, general manager of the Montreal ' Transportation com- An Olt Resident Died on Friday Morning. Charles Givens, eighty vears of age, d'ed in Kingston on Fridey morning, after a brief illness. The late Mr. | Givens' birthplace was _in Donegal Si, ie 5 BE MS mr, in Kingston, where he since lived. The , iting friends, in Panama, and he gave the police its approximate location. After =» search of several days it was finally | located. Early Attack Upon the Suez Canal 'WALDRON'S LINEN Fine White | Cottons | A ia n ic in re. At a social gathering in Kingston Bo ra» Rush Satalie nr {the other night the weight of four Mary'a Cathedral, and of the League nen who were present reached 1,000 of the Saered Heart. > lities he in ies certainly carry {i was a staunch liberal. any years © Bight. . : London, Jan. 15.~Many of the Aug. | 98° his wife predeceased him. Of late ! eats. B. Bassett, pd Rest: HORROCKSES' famous English long tralian contingents will probably be | years Mr. Givens had Jived a retired Regiment are attached to the 21st cloths, soft and fine, without finish or | [| under five before the Canadians, ow- |lfe. He was well known and highly { Buttalion for duty and justructi Sug to the expected Turco-German ju. jregurded by scares, of iiands. | iw) The Toad priori mn i ies RIV AY." a ou od an 1a 1-2 yd fi * = The Vi Ct a 0 mouru 18 loss a are Si pr a + . vision uf Egypt. J he 1 Sues canal | children and one brother: Mrs. Tho. has beeu notified that no separation | | : AL, a good quality Eng i a Ge Ty oe taken seriously, | mas Blomelly, Mrs. David Woodhouse, sllowance will be paid -to wives 4 lish long ¢ oth, a' cotton for under- it 4 . "Ihe. Seu, masters\ of the Turk- Wissen Morgan, Mond and Sorteudn, Whose siardnge took Place after the WORX... hu. via a 10¢ yd ll Fe : ; sl oho John, all residing in this city. enlis it oi - Lhe! + ' eH | Eero the Time says; bcaues |e only surviving beotber in Bernard | Lisut.-Col. H.R. Df was uble to MADAPOLAM, a fine soft make of | Hy hear y Givens, of Oswego, N.Y. : os | white cotton, 4 different qualities | distract . Great t their object is | to I Britain from pursuing a dominant pur- pose in France and oe The at- tack on the canal will be a picturesque episode in war. Our preparations for a defence dre so extensive that we can on Friday. He has been confined to Monday morning, at 9.30 o'clock, to his home with a severe cold. ; St. Mary's Cathedral, from deccased's| Mr.and. Mrs. Foster "Ewart = and late residence, 39 Beverley wivect. A- grandson, and John Ewart, of Mon- solemn requiem mass will be sung treal, came to Kingston to be pre- i and the remains will be placed in St. sent at the gathering held to mark | The funeral will be conducted 15¢c, 18¢c, 20¢; 26c | "TROUSSEAU COTTON," a sheer | fine white cotton for undercloth- | Preésents an opportunity to purchase desirable qual- ities of household lin i i ak ens at great reductions. all afiord to await the outcome with Mary's vault. | the twenty-fifth anniversary of the MR... vis dai aaa 1 | / Naor the Turkish invasion of - marriage of Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas And many other makes of Hlle Witite : te . drding the } A cottons. ¥ i Pera, the Times sayy: | "Whenever a Geofnan government touches oriental policy, they invariably blunder very badly and dispatch a ruthless border against inoffengive peo- ple; Persia is perhaps the worst blun- der of all." : ? Hazlett, Brock street. Brock Street Methodist Chueh. --|--Gitsion's week-end specials The finance committee of - Brock! 95¢. Baby Cough Syrup, 15¢. ares Street - Methodist | Church, met on, 30c, Kidney Pill, 25c. ese Thursday evening. 8. W. Drury pre-| 95. Syrup Figs, 15c. sided. ~~ Reports from departments| 95: Liver Pill, 13c. showed that = everything was in the! 50. Emulsion; 23. bo i Share anniv day at h sion; oe. for tl Next. y 18 wo fab) e are representatives for the this church, and Rev. W. J. Wood, "1d famous Estey organ for both | MATCHED SETS of Pure Irish Linen Ta. e ecloths and Napkins in handsome pat- : el 5, all sizes, at from 20 to 30% off regu- y ces. 5; The Masters and Mates Associa- | A, BD. Pietor will be in : tion held its annual ifeeting on A of beth rir i ig en Thursday evening. Capt. J. M. Webster will, next Sunday, preach in call and inspect the Estey organ with Guild was elected master; Captain Tieton. William Mutphy, rst officer; Cant, ; : n, _ purser ig tS dnd Capt. J. Lawrence, watchman. Light |" Children Lrown; Adults Saved refreshments were served at the| Vankleek Hi Ont., Jan. 15. -- cloge of the meeting, and Capt. Char- les: Martin sang "Tipperary." child Two Years In Prison y . Jan. 15.--A coachman| Tey Were driving across the river conversing with a German) 'n Sleigh in' whieh 'were ' nine bor who had returned from Bel-|84ults and two olsildren, when the team went through the ice. AN glum expressed disapproval of were thrown..into Ale: Water. . transportation keyboard. ow in PURE BLEACHED DOUB DAMASK T LE SATIN : : ABLE e best . Belfast makes, special qualities at, § yard 1.10 and $125 98c, § Tea OF BLEACHED AND UN. CHED TABLE LINENS in lengths . m 1 to 3 yards, at special sale prices. ¥ Bargains for Men in ik - i. H bi Ho -- ---------- Bi . x ns pi Subuiace. to ua Business More Than Usual With vs! h 2 4 3 0 or } : imprisonment. Because we give | _and ser- : : \ z FINE TABLE NAPKINS, all pure linen, fsament, vie "Fs Shinn ve ott kien ockey Boots ; nt sizes, in dozen and half dogen's, "Goddard's Plate Powder" Gib: {bers, spinach, ot Tettuce, cauti- 2 ' : i ; prices Ay The oficers of ~ the 'Fst Battalion | : rm Tem : Saher la ~gontinve to reside at the Frou<|giis ant hl and ot went ai The ne 1 . vie quar ars stafi will move into } '88 SOON ds mecesSary ar- rangéments can be made. "For sore. feet," Foot Powders, at r 6. : : A Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Timmerman, Odessa, are visiting Mrs. H. E. . Alfred street. Mr. Timmerman who is on the C.P.R. staff in Montreal bas beet home for a month on va- is being made % : HORS in Fine Huck and Damask, hem. sizes, all at sale prices. . Aman TOE, . PADDED TONGUE, $2.65 NEY Fg rom. nox MEN'S INSIDE ANKLE f linens now, it will save Jou money 'Buy your