® on YEAR 82 NO~13 ---- town Methodist church, - who has served forty years in that capacity, - THE MAN es ON ... WATCH... As the pen is mightier tnan the sword, so-the hockey stick is greater than the pulmotor, for that ice wea- pon has saved two lives at Kingston 0 far this winter, as against one for the putmotor, AAL/ Joseph Kimpson, who has just iired_after forty years service re- The Lampman calls uponthe Kings- Historical Seciety to enter a t Councilman "Christy" lraham is about to raze the ruins of the/old Morton distillery--that grand j that has jong stood to mark the place where a famous whiskey was listilled in the time when Kingston had 100 saloons. IsMhis not one of the places that should be marked by a tablet? THE TOWN WATCHMAN. -- - PUZZLERS. Why is a thief in a garret like an honest man ?--Because he's above do- ing a wrong action. Why ought an omnibus to be. con: sidéred seenre from lightning ?--Ba cause it has a conductor. | Why is a horse a curioud feeder ?-- Pocause he eats best when he has not a bit in his mouth. What pupil is most to be pitied % I'he pupil of the eye--hecause it is al vays under the lash. What word of five letiers the first two letters from have one remain ?-- 'Stone.' What relation ia a child to its own father whenl it ia not. its own father's on ?--A daughter When does rain seem inclined to be studious When it {por- ing) over a hookstall Why is a sheet of postage stamps like distant relatives ?--Because they we but slightly connected Why is a barrister like a publiea- '~PBecause his busivess depends upon his standing at the bar. Which is the most wonderful -aninal in_the farmyard 7--A pig, because ho is killed and then cured; What bone woulda hungry dog not thank you for, if yon gave it to him for his dinner 7--A trombone. Why is a naval outfitter a great bul- Iv *~Béeanse the gives euffs right and left to many a hive jacket. Why is. a pawnbroker like a drunk: avd "Because he takes the pledge, but cannot always keep it, Why pawnbrokers like pioneers of progress ?--{fecause they are always viady to make an advance. What is that which grows with its upwards, lives only in winter, | and is never seen in summer ?--leicle. Why is the letter A like a honey- suckle ?---Because a B follows it. prote { I The Lampman nofices that Cooke' church last year had only six deaths, as compared with twenty the prev ious year. What was responcinre for this lowering of the death rate? A university man has given the Lampman, some information the phrase "a wee doch-an-dorris", which is from the Gaelic "'deuch-an- dorach", lLe., the stirrup cup The expression, he says, was also used to express a very great Kindne Naw he did se "doch-ansdorris" out of heer love and kindness abo, can you -- ake and With taxes on coffee, whiskey and ' tobacco, why should the town coun cil not put them on vehicles ang hachelorg, as Councilman Nickle sum Eests The Lampman will not forget the maxim the late Samuel Hirch onee recommended to him: "When you are in a hurry, take your time." That good old townsman, who lately sed to his rest, followed it to bh vantage ia pouring pas ad- {tian Some rude person enquires of the Lampman if the chief magistrate of Port#houth wears a chain of office, and if not, he makes the suggestion that he get one from the hig prison opposite the village hall Coleman Hinckley and Andrew cliee are entitled to] iron crosses ggnr their skating man- oeuvres thisweekon the harbor, where they performed fifty years ago. The Lampman nominates them for the new decoration, which has been in stituted here hy His Worship tne me-| yor, Surely Capi, are | root Cooke's congregation should invite to Kingston the sexton of the Mallory- | Grinds the Coffee And then-- ---------------- {and hold a reception in honor of the stranger and its own veteran sexton, Che Daily B SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 - KINGSTON. (Conlibuec rom age 2.) A most caihusinstic meeting of the Skating Club was held on Wednesday evening! Those present included Mr. and Mes Pense, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ryam, irotessor amd Mrs. Far. Mis, EE. F. Torrance, Mr. and Steaey Miss Nan Paterson; Lillian - Kent, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Marian Leslie, Miss May Rogers, Miss Rose Jogers, Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Edith Hague, Miss Grace MeLelland, Miss Fva Richardson, Miss Mamie Anglin, Miss Susie Anglin, Miss Ma- mie Garrett, Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Katlfeen Carruthers, /Mias Helen Uglow, Misa Lillie Murry, Miss Ag nes Johnston, Miss Phyllis Plummer, Misa Sanderson, Miss Marjorie Brown field, Miss Margot Fraser, Miss Isobel Fraser Mis Rut AMlartin, Miss Madge Dawso 3 Charlie Short, Misa Norah Macnee, and Messrs, A. W. Browne, Perey Lyman, Arthur Dal- ton, Bartlett Dalton, F. McG, Roy Campbell, Whalley, Frank Ryan, "Ved" Rogers, W. Goodivin, W. Kent Mac- nee, T. D NM Hammond, Laybg Prince, Adams, , Manley Baker, Ur- quhari Meikle, Ross, Kisgwood;--Mac Auley, Robert Richardson, Gordon Smiith, and MacLaren Ewart (Moose Jaw): Mra. W Misa € I C t I » + . afternoon the Y.W.C. A. rooms were thronged with ladies to meet Miss Una Saunders, of Toronto, chairman of the Dominion Council of the Y.W.C.A., and hear her interest. ing and instructive address. «+ Before Miss Saunders spoke, tea was served to the guests. The table was pret- tily arranged with spring flowers and waa. in charge of Mrs. J, R. S. Me Cann, with = Miss May Chown, Miss Fita Headerdon and Mizs Hilda Gor don assisting Yesterday t 1 F */ » I r Mrs. George Nicol, Cataragui, will receive at the home of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Conley, 30 Aberdeen street, on Wednesday next, and on the third Wednesday of each month i during the season. ® * * The Reading Club met on Thursday at the home of Miss Jessie Polson, University avenue. x / >= +r It Miss Ida Warwick, of St. John, N. B., is e ted this week to visit Mr. Ei C. J. Warwick, Wel- lington street. Wendling Anglin is in town Thorold for a few days, and is guest of his parents, Dr. and WW. G. 'Anglin, Earl §treet. : Mise Ruth Henderson, Modfreal, is the guest of Miss Nora Martin, Cler- gy street. : Misa Hazel M. Millar, Gore street, laft yesterday for Toronto to' be the guest of her brother, T. Russell Millar. Before returning home Miss Millar will also visit friends in Ham- ilton and Brantford. ; i from the Mrs. t € \d » Mrs. C. W.; Belton, Alfred street, has returned from Toronto. H. H.' Horsey is in town from Ot- tawa for a few days. : Mr. and Mrs. Neil C. Polson, jr., Stuart street, left to-day for a three months trip te South America. R. C. Brown, of the Standard Fank, left to-day for New Hamburg, Ont. SHOULD BLUSH WITH SHAME Cakes and Tarts An Immorality In Germans Larders. Londen, Jan. 16--The Bally Chro- nicle says: Baron ven Schorlemer, Prussian minister of agriculture, has issued a receipt giving official countenance to the pement Tor teonomizing sup- plies meat. ¢ He tells the people plail§"that should the war be of long duration they must be prepared for heavy sacrifices. He does not think that agriculturists, will fail in sup-! plying the market, but the supplies) « « J Uoffeg begins Its Grind with the human system, and usually turns out nervousness, sleeplessness, headache, heart flutter or some of many other aches and pains. : "It's eaffeine in the coffee (also in tea) that does Jit--a poisonous drig, cumulative in its effects, and too powerful for most systems to thoroughly elimin- ate, " 7 © Perhaps eofiee hasn't finished with yon, but wouldnt it be wise to quit it-before results-are ser- ious, and instead use : POSTUM \ --the delicious food-drink. made from prime wheat and a wee bit of wholesome molasses. dt tastes much like high grade Java, vet is absolutely drug free--no caffeine--not a harmful thingingt, = aT i Postum comes in two forms: Regula r ust be Nofled-_.15¢ an Re Dackiges 3 ostum--soluble -made in the eup with hot water-- instantly. 30¢ and 50¢ tins. The cost ' pe cup is about the same' for both inds--sold by Grocers everywhere. With the return to better health from the You'll know of a surety fed {all be performing a patriotic duty, witt have to be very carefully treat: + He 18 really concerned about pork, 'Wind in most serious language ap- peals to municipalities and authori- ties, as well as to individual families, to do all in their power to lay in a stock of smoked and preserved pork. | All kinds of foods, he mentions, may bé manufactured from pork, and in carrying out the wishes of the minis- try he tells the nation the people will second only to the work carried on at the front. No less serious is an exhortation addressed to the nation by Dr. Har- ms, professor of state sciences at the University of Kiel. "It is a very fer- vid appeal, and the éxtravagance of his language provokes a smile. Here is a specimen: ~, "Po. not let a crumb of bread, this gift of God, be wasted. Eat only war bread. Regard the potato as a ve- getable which will assist you to hold- ing out. Blush with shame if your desire for delicacies tempts you to eat cakes and tarts. Look with contempt on those who are so immoral as to eat cakes, and by their greed dimin {sh our supplies of flour." 2 Postponement of All War Discussion . Demanded. Paris, Jan. 16-- "Speeches must give way to the voice of cannon. The country is not. with you; there is no- when France is invadéd." ... 'With these words M. Delehaye, in the senate yesterday, demanded the postponement of all discussion on the war This d a " on ih» part of sev- pation shonld Le wala That now restricied, of the Great Sea good government io which be belong- ed would, like some day should then be able to return ta Ger- many THE SPORT REVIEW MEETING, O} In Toronto To-day -- Hardly Likely répreseniatives playing should not be affiliated in any way. les. Toronto or Qieen's Queen's opened from home last autumn, they. will open at heme next season. Union, without the services of Levesque in goal, who is deparred. from playing owing to ruling of the Faculty of Tor onto. On paper it looks as if Queen's will again betreturned wjoners. Uni- versity of Toronto and:MeGill should both put up a Zood fight to keep out of the cellar position. ! withdraw from the senior series of always, been a popular atiraction in Toronto, and will he missed hy the other clubs of the group, but the Ar- gos succeeded in beating the north- erners on the latter's ice, and haa thus made "» long stride toward the championship of the group. Who Tells Of grave. peridition, a sort of flery where 'scraps of paper" are burnt and heartless, faithless men may oc. from the enemy. ence, | O--Ostend, too, stands for honor} and dignity. careful) of Bruin the pulverizer. battle Blood. bui not so bad she has "vet. England. "The guarlfian of just and defender of liberty." | emy of policy," and the German peo- ble might do worse ihan remember this English aphorism. We 'nothing to lose dem this display of "FRE » i temper against rmaay, 'but Ger STIR IX NER SENATE 'many has much. ; main cool it will not hurt us, but it is very likely to prove disastrous to German stfategy and German inter- ests in general -- Westminster Ga- zette. AL thing for parliament to do but keep! Stl oh ONTARIO, HALDINE 'AND THE KAISER. -- \ Lord Chancellor's Critic Resurrects Significant Speech. London, Jan. 16-- The Daily Ex- press, which for the past few weeks has been calling upon Lord Haldane to resfgn in consequence of his pro- German uiterances, publishes a re- port of a speech by the lord chancel- delivered eighteen months ago. Lord Haldane, says the report, paid a tribute - to the German cmperor as a great man and a leader of his people in spirit well as in deed. The Ger- man emperor shared his own convie- tion that the rivalry between the two hould continue," hut that it tingl Lord Haldane his ow NOVENIFNTS were lie was the Keeper but the great and for all things tumbled mortal, he over, He to which he was mueh attach- 1] THE INTERCOLLE- GIATE RUGBY UNION the Rules Invitation of the Canad. ian Union Will Be Accepted. The object of the Intercollegiate tugby Union meeting in Toronto to- day, is owing to the invitation from he Canadian Rughy union to name for the Rules Com- all unions will: he the same rules next mission so that under epson. It is hardly likely that the inviia- ion will be accepted, as the feeling at MeQGill and Queen's is that the In- erprovincial and Intercollegiate These colleges believe in a distine- ion between the two governing bod- No suggestions as-to changes to the playing rules have yet been made by iny of the three universities, McGill, 1t is likely that 1 permanent hoard of officials will he appointed for next season, four men to be named from each of the hree universities. The schedule; which is a revelv- ng one, will be adopted and as the season away John M. Hazlett, president of the left Friday night to attend he meeting McGill Daily: In the Intercolleg- ate University of Toronto will be Since Midland have decided to he OHA, chief, losers. the Argonauts are the The Midlanders have COMMENTS BY ZACOCHEUS Conditions In the Various Countries. A--Austria agonizing. B--Britajn battling for the right. C--Canada coming to the front. D---Denmark between 'two fires. E--Egypt cornered. F---France bleeding rause of freedom. G---Germany's greed digging her for sacred H---Heligoland! Oh yes; land of furnace, *upy 'apartments by and bye. I-- India, an object lesson. J---Japan, a little terror. K--XKingston forever. "L--Lorraine yet to be wrenched M--Moscow must go ahead. N--Namur, name her with rever- P--Petrogorad, the "liar" (be Q inal quite quiet, 1--Rilline region reeking with S---Servia serving her own canse. T=Turkey.gagpet, 4 moth-eaten g. U--TUnitéd States, a little sore, V---Vienna, a 'hack number. W---Warsaw, will see worse than X--Xider, extra. Y--Yyrk, ditty: Both* made in ice --ZACCHEUS. bd Temper And Policy, "Temper," said Burke, "is the en- have So long as we re- Piti {for immediate + 1915 BIG CROPS MEAN VERY MUCH! PROSPERITY TO CANADA Last Year's Canadian Crop Was 860,. 000,000 More Vahisble Than 1918 Crop -- Commercial Notes, 'Montreal, Jan, 16-- Analyzing the real estate situation, a writer in the Monetary Times Annual says: "What saved the day for this continent? In 1870 the Europesn crops were ruin- ed by frosts and excessive rains. Thar same year the American wheal erop broke all records; there was a great surplus for Europe, The next year, before Europe had recovered, there wis another crop and for 15 years the prosperity of the country was re- markable. A big crop in 19156 will in itself assure prosperity for Canada Last vear's small C dian crop was $60,000,000 more valuable than the previous year's big crop. There are 4,750,000. people employed in agri culiure production in Canada. These people are again buving as usual This year, with a good crop, they will be buying more il i more persoaul and hous . When things get really under way, ft will keep the rest. of the population mighty' busy keeping up to the de- mands of the farmers Reorganizations Numerous Toronto, Jan. 15 Financia! men PAGES '9 TO I4 BTHE, - © tow 8 STANDARD * BANK OF €ANADA haahg ing TORONTO I customers in various 'of Canada or find the services of this bank of av. ing drafts, E business man who has rr assistance in collect- ete. a H. E. Richa HS . Capital Paid U Reserve Foulds Total Assets here are now agreed that the year 1915 will wiiness the passing of .the preferred diviaends on many more industrial preferred stocks. Indeed, there are not a few cases in which predictions are made that interest on industrial bonds will have to he de- faulted Of one thing financial men are certain, viz, that there will ve many industrial reorganiZitions hefore the end of the year. Increased Its Dividend. Montreal, Jan. 15-- It has heen announced that at 3 meet#ig held last month the directors of the Im- perial Tobacco Co., of Canada, de- clared a final dividend of 1 per cent on the ordinary shares, making a to- tal of 7 per cent. for the year 1912.4 as compared with ¢ per cent, in 1512- 13. At the end of December ins company also paid an interim divi- dend for the current fiscal year of 1 per cent. on the 30th of last month. Eager To Invest Capital. Saskatoon, Sask., Jan. 15-- That financial conditions "in the Uniteu States have entirely recovered from the disturbance occasioned hy the war and that American capital is now looking for investments, is the gist of several letters which have recently been received by the city. British Columbia Floats Loan. New York, Jan. 15 Anunoynce- | ment is made of the purchase by the Equitable Trust company, of New York, of $2,700,000 provinces of Bri- tish Columbia one year 4% per cent, gold treasury bills. 'This is the first appearance of Canadian province ia the New York capitdl market. Beck Manufacturing London, Jan. 15---~ The Beek Kfa- nufacturing company, Limited, has been incorporated with a federal charter with $400,000 capital. Sir Adam Beck, Lady Beck and William Kingston, are among the ingorpora- tors. The company will 'acquire from Sir Adam and the Beck Manu- facturing company, Limited! the se- veral manufacturing businesses now carried om by them in different Cane adian cities, Commercial Notes, The Metropolitan Life Tusuranée company distributed $6,357,658 last year to its industrial policy holders in premium and mortuary bonuses. During the past year the Baldwin Works. built only 860 engines, which ferves to show how the railroads kept back orders until they felt they ond afford to buy more power. The out: put was the smallest in seven years. During the past seven years the branch of the Royal Mint at Ottawa, has coined for issue 92,147,490 mo- Devs, with a total value of $14,075,- <a v The Century Bank, of Albany, sr. Y., has increased its e¢apital from $500,000 to $600,000. Two bids of $4,000 hava been made for Philadelphia Stock Ex- change seats. = Northern Trusts company, of Win- nipeg, a provincial cofipany, will seek 'a federal incorporation,- while Canadian eatery and Calgary and Fernio railways are after time exten- slong. late London Harold G. Wallace, manager of the Dominion Securities Corporation, as been appointed ma- nager of the hond department by Aemillus Jarvis and company. The Sterling Bank bas purchased d delivery $185,000 worth of the town of Welland 20- year 51% per cent. debentures. During the 12 months of the past calendar year 3,500 new companies secured Dominion or provincial char- ters, according to the Monetary Times total authorized, capi- Annual. ie talization of these companies was] me $808,249,605. . 3 William A. Reid & company, New York, have purchased from the Can- } adian Northern Railway an Issue $2,000,000 five per cent. equipment trust certificates, series "K. 1, eae. ed October 1st, 1914, due semi-an- nually over period of ten years. IL 1514 was on the whole pointing for Cobalt the same not be said for Porcupine, whie better fhan ever though not as as was at first expected. for 1914 said the camp would pre duce about $6,000,000 worth of Du lion; actually the production will be COLLECTIONS Having Fa LONDON, ENng., OFFICE, WANK BLDLE.. PRINCES STRERY, t.0, KINGS ION BrANGH, THEATRICAL Notes About Plays, Players X Playhouses. reminiscent of the Weber & Fields be published by THINC and A book of the old hall is to Dressler. Miss Phyliss Neilson Terry, who has been resting since the closing of the Liebler praduction of "Twelfta Night," will appear in vaudeville using an act of "Tosca." Edward Emery, Herbert Yost, Charles Hampden, Louise ' Closser Hale and Vera Pole have been en- gaged by Charles Hopkins for Al- fred Sutro"s "The Clever One Arthur Collins, the J.ondon n- ager, has secured the. French and Belgian rights in "Potash and Perl- mutter." Evidently he has neo doubts about the Belgians having their country restored to them be. fore loug. Guy Standing, seen last season in "At Bay," is sérving his country as commander of a motorboat ia the English Channel. wo idtia.a long Way to Tipperary' is the title of a new war play that has just been put on the stage, It is the property of Gus Hill, the stage uplifter; who is responsible for "Mutt and Jeff" and olassis dramas of similar sort. The drama deals with the present struggle. Cetella Foftus, who was FPaver- tham's leading woman a year ago, is one of the most energetic re- eruiting agents the army possesses. With eleven other women she start- ed a caravan recruiting tour of the county of Sussex. They will. pay their own expenses, 'receive' no monetary reward, and will sleep in the caravans. Nearly all the distinguished fig- ures in the theatrical world ~f Lon- don were present at the "Drake" celebration dinner, oreanized by the 0. P. Club in commemoration of the revival of "Drake" by Sir Her- bert Tree. The sum of $3,000 wag raised, and tlle wus given to vari- | ous war relief funds. Sir George | Alexander, in proposing 'The The- atre and Its War Funds," said that the war had Git the profession very hard. Six hundred British actors had joined active forces, 200 were training i= the United Arts Force, and many had become special con- stables. days musie Marie GERMANS CHANGE LIETLE. Their Cynicism and Greed as Reveals ed In 1820. aa The. following extracts from "Gre- ville"s Journal" December 10, 1820, are interesting in showing how little Prussian methods have changed in 100 years, The Duke (of Wellington) toll ns that Blutehier was determined to dos- troy the bridge of Jéna. The duke spoketn Muffling, the Povernor of Parls and desired him to persuade Blutehier to abandon this design. However, Blutcher was quite deter- mined. . Muffling; however, concerted with the duke that Eng- lish sentinels should be placed on fie bridge. This was 'of no aval "lie Prussians arrived, ruined the nrehes, and ai'empled to blow up (ue bridee--ceatinels and all. The «eo- sign, however, was frustrated, and) the bridge received no injury. on another occasion Blutcher announced his Intention of levying a contribu- tion of 100 millions on the City of Girls! Girls! Save Your Hair! Make It Grow Luxugiant and Beau- i If you care for heavy hair, that KINGSTON ---- THEROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1860 for handling collections with economy and BRANCH, p= : poe Manager h-- $11,560,000 13,575,000 180,000,000 Branches throughout Canada and the this Bank Josseasts unrivilled facilities espatch, NEW YORK AGENCY, CAR. WILLIAM & CEDAR STASETS E. E. NEwmanmn, Manager, Paris. To this the duke objected, and said that the raising or suc enormous contributions could ony be done by common consent, and must be a mafter of mutual arrangement. RBluteher suid, "Oh! | do not maan to be the only party who will levy anvthing, you may levy as mueh for yourselves, and, depend upon i+, .f you do, it will all be paid:" MEMORABLE QUAKES, Year Place. : 526---Antioch 893--India ... 1306-- Pekin '5. 1536-China -.. 1626--Naples 1667--Schumaki 1692--Jamaica 1693--Sicily |. . 1703--Aquila, Italy | 1703--Yeddo, Japan 1706--The Abruzzi 1716--Algiers Sar 173%7-Indin iro: . 1765--~Kashua, Persia 1755--Lishon | : 1750--Syria ERO 1781--Ezinghian, Asia Minor 1797~Sante Fo and Panama 1505--Naples .... 1822 Aleppg, 1829 Hurics' 1830--Caanton ...... ....). 1842--Cape Haytien 1857 Calabria 1850-0nite an .e 1864--Mendoza," South America 1868--Kenador and Peru ... . 1875--San Jose do Cacuta, Co- lombia . 188] --Seio "" 1801--Honda Island, 1893--Kuchan, Persia 1804-- Venezuela 1902--Martinique ...... 1905--Norch, India _.... 1905--Calabria ..,... | 1906--San Francisco 1906--XNiexragua 1906---~Colombia 1906--Formosa ..... .... .. 1906--Chili . 1907--J amica 1907--Sumatra . 1907--Calabria . 1908--Measina ... 1909--Luristan Japan 1 1910--Costa Rica . 1910--Mexico 11912--Coustantinople and dia trict... 19M4-Sieily on 150 BLEASE QUITS AS GOVERNOR. Executive Vacates Office Refore Ex. piration Of Term. Columbia, SC., Jan. 15. ~Governor Cole L. Dlease, whose ; expires January 19th, to-day Hi hia vesigna. tion with the secretary of state. resignation was i y accepled hy Sie ante Lieut-Gay. Smith took the ath for the term. No reason for the ed leew walk rgiven in his «1 was stated that members of the ture oposed to institule impeachment toceedings against the governor but abandoned the plan, r Many come to bring their dothes to church rather than es. The way some friends act makes yon wonder if they are not enemies in dis- 19¢ A suspicious parent makes an 'art- ful child. the scalp; the hair roots en and die; then the hair fast. J} your hair has and is thin, 1008- glistens with beauty and is radiant |ofly, get a 25 with Jia; bas as intbinparasie soft ton's Danderine at al ness and Justrous, try [{oflet counter: api Danderine. To ay 3