Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jan 1915, p. 2

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{ | | Coon Coats, $40 up. Fur-lined Coats, $25 up Curl lined Coats, $15 up GENUINE BUCKSKIN MITTS, per pair GENUINE BUCKSKIN GLOVES, per pair . . $1.50 GENUINE BUCKSKIN LINED GLOVES, pr. $2 FUR GAUNTLETS, FUR CAPS, FUR COLLARS All Furs in store subject to discount. Kingston's Largest and Reliable Fur Store. JOHN McKAY, Limited b Told In _ Twilight [498 : bor Miss Mabel Dalton and her rink were in charge of the tea at Curling Club on Wednesday. prétiily arranged table was charge of Mrs. W. H. Masnee, ond her assistants were Misi Dalton «nd Wiss Bessie Sanderson. Jome of the members noticed: Mra. Ww. R. Giv ens, Mrs. P. E. Pridegux, Miss Mar- tha. 8mith, Mrs. H. Tandy, Mrs. +Hugh Macpherson, Mrs. Jock ray, Mrs. R. J. Carson, Mrs. George !Sanderson, Mrs. B. H Young, oy dames Rigney, Mpa: D. Phelan, H. L. Ashley, Mrs. Chatlée E. lor, Mra. R. 8. Waldron, Mrs, (le Mahood, Misa Edith Fraser, § » Crothers, I « Migs, Ethel Waldron, Miss Ag- Fairlie, Miss Léttice Tandy, Misa illian Kent, Miss; Nan = Patercon and others. 4 'he The in TF Miss hn | A number of youd people are giv- | l | i | Mur- | | gramme has | | isa Carrie Wald | ing a driving party to-night' and will | afterwards go to the home of Mrs, Gamasby, Hales' Cottage, for Supper and an informal dance. he guesis are to: include Miss Hazel Browne, | Miss Freda Durns, Miss Maizie Dwy- e {Gamsby, Miss 'Dorothy Chown, Miss Nora Martin, Miss Misa Anmie Minnes, Miss Minnes, and Messrs. Mills, Teed, Taylor, Rayson, Wend- ling Anglin, Blakeney, Mudiman, K. Connell, White, Brough, Wallace, Mic- Kay and Ross Byron - v annual Gilbert, . Queen's The Convera- one of the most successful dances of the season. The patronessea Mrs, H. T.' 3 Coleman, Mrs. 1. C. Connell, Mrs, H. T. Wallace, Mes. 0. D. Skelton, Mrs. Jesse Hyde and Miss Gordon received the laizn number of guests In Grist Hal where dancing was held---ile de Lghtful music (being supplied hy Arbuckie's orciestra. During the evening a concert was given in the English room which was much en- Joyed 'by many who did not care te dance. The supper waa served as ulual in the reading room, tho quartette tables 'being centred with CIDER | WE GRIND OUR OWN 30c¢ per Gallo ', LENS fa D. COUPER. lL, ! "EJ. COUSINS FURRIER by a 'pale strained eyes, which a pair of Our eyoglnsses will do away with quickly. : Let me examilne your eyes as &n expert, measure the error of refraction, and correct it with properly fitted glasses. Consult - 4 $21 Princess Street J.S.Asselstine,D.0.S Registered Optometrist and 2 tician, 842 King St, Kingston, Ont. "a Bpecialty Prices Moderate Phone 1177 George W. Boyd, 89 Earl Sireet: AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES FOR HIRE : AND LINOLEUM SALE 10 to 20% Reduction will hold until you de, at our risk. Sale terms are for cash a} Ed) ) TRI Hi 2s¥E is MIDWINTER FURNITURE, CARPET If you don't need goods at once we pink carnations and narcles!: * * ~ be Miss Kathleen Ryan, Rockwood House, wag hostess at an enjoyable honor of Miss Lois Sculley, of Mon- treal and Miss Lillian Mundell. Cov- ers were laid for ten and the po'isi- ed table was brightly centred with 8 large bowl of red polnsettias, : i Lr The marriage of Isabel Mary (Daisy). only daughter of' Sir Hugh John Mavdonald and Lady Macedon: ald, to Mr. Gainsford, will be uietly celéirated at the residenes of thy ride-elect's parents, "Dainavert." Carléton street, Winnipeg, on Wed nesday, Feb, 10th. ji Mrs. Albert F. Tréadgeld, 452 Johnson street, will receive on**Wed- nesday, 20th inst. from four to six, and after on the second and fourth Wednesdays. . Fier "Mrs. Clark wright, Colborne street, entertained informally at the tea hour yesterday afternoon for some of Misg Frances' friends. . - Mrs. Charles' Kirkpatrick, Victoria street, asked g few people to tea in formally on Thursday afternoon to meet 2 John JL. Whiting. Mrs. Elmer Davis, Sydenham street, enlartained informally at the tea hour on Friday afternoon. - LJ . - Mrs. (Prof) Macgillivray, King: ston, spent Sunday with Her parents, Mr. and Dr. John Campbell, Darcy street, Perth. Mrs. Charles Boyes returned to Kingston - Wednesday, after spending a. week at the home of Mrs. J. L. Boyes, Napanee. . Mrs. Wilson, Boston, has returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Campion, 827 Division strept. Mrs. C. C. Hodgins will receive for the first {ime since coming to King- ow » at 21 Garrett Sw nesday, Jan. 20th, the first Wednesda; and afferwards on v.of the month. Miss Sibbald Hamilton, Barl street; went to Ottawa yesterday, whers she | will 'be the st of Miss ~~ Muriel Wainwright for the next ten' days. E, A.; Baker has been in town from Ottawa for a few Jays. C. Irwin has left for New Orleans after spending & month with his mo- ther, Mrs. Chamberlen Irwin. : _ Mrs. James Spence and daughter, th, Del. > Mrs. J. W. Corbett has been in Prescott, the guest of her brother, Mr. J. N. Fell. Mra. Samuel Sellery, Napanee, is spending the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Taylor, John- son street. : . Mrs. Hobart Dyde, Johnson streot, is having an informal "bridge" this evening. 1 . - - - 'Mr. and Mrs. G. 8. 8. Bowerbank returned to town, to-day, from their brief wedding trip. : 4 ; Mrs. Andrew Formau returned to Montreal the end of this week after Johnson street. Miss Fipssie Hudson, returned from Montreal on Wedses- day where she spent a few days. Toronto. on Thursd the holidays in town. sig te was hostess luncheon on Thursday afternoon, in' are visiting In Wilmington, | jer, Miss Mdry Stewart, Misa Marjorie [J Ruth Henderson | § (Montreal), Miss Ruth Anglin, Miss | § Nan Saunders; Mise Margot, Fraser, # Miss Edith Hague, Mish Jean Young, | { Katharine | Hart, Miss Beth Small, Mies Fleanor | Dyer, | Zione was held lai night and was } pnts to-day niter s ays 'in flown, the puest of Mrs 8 Goltig and Miss Going, Clergy strest -Hamilton Roberts iz spending the Wweek-énd in Toronto Miss Mérjorie Campbell, who has been away for some months, returned home on Thursday with Mrs. J, Campbell and Miss Helen Camphell Miss 'Georgie Shibley, 'FPdmonton, ithe guest oi her sister, Mrs Ww. B. Carey; King street, } Mr. and Mrs. T." Hilvard Robert sah visiting Mrs. George Robertson, Sytenham street, 16: to-day for a _ ten' days' trip to New York. Ladies' Musical Club. i Mr. Marley Sherris, the well-known Toronto baritone, will sing at the overlibg recital on Thursday, Jan. 2ist, at B15 p.m. A ¢ htful pro- bean arr ed. Members are entitled we mplimentary tickets. Non-members, admission 25e. | (Continued on Page ¥) (| A PRESENTATION MADE To J. LL. Whiting,"K, C., By Frontenac ; Law Acsgociation, . JOHN 'L. WHITING, KC. After the meeting of the Fronten- ac Law Association oni Friday after- noon a presentation of a bfdutifil solid| silver Jardiniere was made to J. L. Whiting, K. C., who was mar- ried last month. The -jardigiere was filled with {ozens of roses and lpoked very pretty. - J. 8. Wialkem, K. C., made the presentation. Ref- erence was made to John Mclntyre's share in the presentation, and Mr. Walkem read a letter ffom him re- gretting his inability. to he present, and wishing Mr. - Whiting sucoess and happiness, n, reply Mr. Whiting aid it had always been a pleasufe to work with the Kihigston barrigters as he found them 'reltable and honorible in thelr dealings, He &lnedrely thanked the association" members for their gift and hoped that he wold live lofig to et joy it. 4 : 2 WE ab db "The Mysteries Of Paris." The. mast. sehsational drama of the Parisian' slums over attempted in mo. tion - pictirés, in five - hig acts, from the famous mevel by gens Sire, aad acial in the underworld: of Paris. t is 'full of 'intensely' gripping scenes aad situations rT Has Si with] Popular: appreciation whereever shown, Two days only, Wednesday and Thursday ext. *t miss it. Five big nets, Se., at Ideal Theatre. Belgian Relief Fund. The president of the Board of Trade has received the following subserip: tions to the Belgian "Relief Fund : Christian" Endeavor = Society: hel Congregational Church, $10; Mr, A. Hendry, 25; Thomas Mills, £5: Mies i hs _~ o \ \ Three of the The Highwayman, ~All the latest and By i | THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE Phone 919. 3 oa ISIC, most popular numbers ever heard in Kingston You and |, Colleen Machree | most popular music on sale at 15¢ Copy 4 160-162 Princess St. |! 8. 'Anglin, Kingston Mills, $5. Making Room For Spring Goods. Prevost, Brock atréet, is havisg a great clearing sale in all his depart: ments, in clothing made-to-order, rea dy-made clothing, and gents' furnish. ings. Seo the display of tha shove goods in his window, all marked _in plain figures. v "506. Emulsion, 25c."" Gibson's. aH -------------------------- A -------------- Half Price. | | § the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dalton, | Barrie stfest, | | season and were seleet- Mrs. William Gordon returned to after spending .§ Mrs. R. C. Carter, West strest J} i awest Cloth "Coats at Exactly | | | | | : ny Every coat is new this f ed with exceptional | care. The regular prite | of each garment is | | marked in plain figures --siniply cut in two, and you have the sale price. $3.75 to $10.00 FRONTENAC LAW ASSOCIATION Held Its' Annual Meeting On Friday The anhual-meeting of the Fron= tenac Law Adsociation was held on Friday afternoon, J. L.. Whiting, K. C., the president, occupied the chair. The finaneidl reports were preseited by the sedretary-treasuter, T. M. As- selstine, and they showed that the astoclation had made splendid prog- ress in present, 'the association has one of the most complete libraries outside of Toaronta. lawyers at present was fewer than Before, the association was in better financial condition. It was wnanimously decided that all law offices in the city would close at one o'clock every Saturday after- noon in the y " It was also "decided that the an- nual meeting and the election of of- ficers would in-future take place at 4 dinner. resulted: ] K. C.; vice-president, J. B., Walkem, | Ki C.; secretary-treasuyer; T. M. As- selstine. J. L. Whiting, J. M: Farrell and F. King. look after the association library and purchase Whiting, F. King, T. J. Rigney, J. M. Farrell and T. M. Asseistine. Convoeation Hall. 'order not to conflict with the annual (meeting of the Canadian Club. From 7.30 to 9 o'clock we will offer some tempting bargdins, - ---- a mon er LADIES' WHITE AND COLORED WAISTS, brok: an lines, sized up to 40. 69 c $1.00 and $1.50, for . . JUALITY IMPORTED BENCH KID GLOVES, tans, greys, browns, white, black, all sizes, 53-4 to 71.9. $1 00 $1.25 quality to-night, per pair . ; Amira) i gn, CHILDREN'S SLEEPING SUITS, all sizes up to 86¢c. On the bargain counter 39 c to-night LADIES' TWEED COATS, samples, this season's latest, sizes 34, 38, 38 only. To-night for less than half price, each ~~ 20 DOZEN EXTRA FREN $1 A A} Nn EXTRA QUALITY MISSES' RIBBED CASH. HOBE, best black, sizes 8 and 81-2 only. 50¢c quality. : : per pair... .... leiss Patent Prism Binoculars. WYWYwwTTYYTYwTL For officers' use on tive service. Bausch & Lomb make, | also French models. Prices reasonable, Qual ity considered. Smith Bros., Jewellers $ Opticians | Issuers of Mareiage Licenses Fur ac- Assent it AIA PABA, A CLEAN-UP in Children's WHITE AND COLOR. 'TOQUES, also ved sashes, 36¢c-and 89¢ lines, to-night, each ........ . mp, Nr -------------- A th A 'SEE OUR NEW LINES OF $1.00 CORSETS, 6 mod. els, in sizes 18 to 30. - EE ate Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Stote Afternoon. The present is a * splendid time to lay 38 inch T. & G. hardwood on old flobrs. It adds considernhle to the beauty of any Prawing Room, Parlor or Hall. WéTiave sone first the last few years... ..At While the number of r. The election of officers President, J. L. Whiting, Gourdier Furrier "78-80 Brock St, Always See Me Be- fore Buying or Sell- ing Real Estate I have exceptional facilities serving you. 530 _cash, -and-halanee on morts tEage, will bay a detached frame dwelling, on Queen treet, 7 rooms, 3 piece hath, gas for lighting and cooking; large yard. Price $1850, for Houses: to rent. Rents collected, Fire insurance, A eg ro om PN IN I SNE SI E. W. Mullin, All kinds of real estate. . Cor, Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 530 and 1456, The trustees elected were The committees elected to books consists of J. L. The date has been from Tuesday to Monday in The Néw Thought =they come hounding n to Hate, + proud, to outdo their predecessors. Let the New Year and the New Thought Bing You To Our : undry New sanitary methods and i a failure in. doipg spots work--remembern, never a failure. ' Kingston Laundry Cor. Princess & Sydenhany Sts.

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