THE HALLS OF QUEEN' THE HOUKEY TEAM TO HAVE . MATCH TO-NIGHT, Liay Smith Will Not Be In Goal Ow. ing to Recent Hiness--The Election of Officers In the Dramatic Society. the first team regular The members of did not' induige in their practice on Tuesday as the Dboys were resting for their hard game witht Victorias, of Toronto, Saturday night. 'Manager Wilson is ceanfid- ent of giving the Viclorids the game of their lives, and with rood fast ice, hopes for victofy. The Vie torias are a heavier team tuau the collegians and soft ice would not affect them as much as the lighter and faster Queen's tearh. 'The tri- colour willbe without Li srvices of last: year's goal, Ray Smita, Lui his place will be filled by Paoli. Smith, who has been in the hospit- al, is now around again and will Le found in the nets when Queen's meets McGill on Friday, Jan. 22nd. The only position not decided upon is that of rover, bit Rappell will likely get the call over © irviy-'The following players will be in uni- form: Paoli, Whyte, -Goddard, Box, McKinnon, Dobson, Rappell, Purvis, joyd, Taylor and MacGregor On Sunday morning Archdeacon Cody, Toronto, will conduct the ele- ven o'clock service. The members of the Dramatic So- ciety held a meeting on Thursday night for the purpose of filling the vacancies in the present executive. The following were the results Pre- The following were the results: Pre- sident,-Miss B. Gilhooley; secretary, A. BD C. Throop; business manager, J. Bennie; assistant manager, J. A. MacGregor; _ executive committee, Miss M. Cruickshank, Miss M. Rey- nolds, D. G. Wright, J. W. Suther- land. The girl hockey their first practice on Friday from one to two o'clock at the covered Lider ALOE BORAT OT EXTEITON | | players turned out and some fast games are looked for when the lea- gue opens. enthusiasts held The first meeting of the Arts So- ciety since the "holidays, will ' be held on Monday afternoon. A meeting of the Mathematics and Physics Club is called for Monday afternoon. The speaker; Prof. J. W. Adams, will deliver an address on "Electromagnetic Mass." Gained 30 Lbs. in Few Weeks Never Felt So Well Thin, and Had Nervous Headaches Before Using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Was Pale, Weak and It Is truly wonderful what Dr. Chase's Nerve Food does for women who are weak, weary and run down in health. New, rich blood 1s what is needed in nearly all such cases, and because Dr. Chase's Nerve Food forms new blood it - brings cure --- not mere rellef, but actual *ure---in the great majority of such aliments. 2 : With an abund- 4 ance of rich, red MRS. H. LAICH, blood coursing through the veins the nervas are strengthened and vigor ahd vitality are carried to every organ of the human body, % With the nerves properly nourishe ad headaches and neuralgic pas dis- Appear, appetite improves, digestion is good, you sleep and rest well, and MISS SAUNDERS ADDRESSES On YX. W. C, A. Work Friday After. noon And Evening. Not enough sympathy is |} } shown towards those young ladie who leave Kingston. to work in for- | vign fields,nwas the opinion expressed by Miss Una Saunders in her address the union mass meeting held in | Chalmers Church on Friday after noon. : © Miss Saunders said that when it | was borne in mind what the Y.W.C. | A. workers were accomplishing it was little enough that some recompense should be given to them. A great | deal of the missionary work was like | life in the trenches on. a batilefield. | No one knew what the other was do- ing. Miss Saunders told of the work done-by the Y.W.C.A, in pan. Mrs. Alexander Laird, presided at. the meeting amd almost all the mis-7 sionery societies of - the churches throughout the city were represented. Mrs. R, Carr-Harris also spoke with regard to intercessory prayers in connection with the terrible war. On Friday evening Miss Saunders gave anofher address in the Y.W.C, A. building. Her subject was "ls God Vital te Us?" On "Saturday afternoon she will conduct a meeting at Mrs. Carr-Har- ris' residence on Mack street. at good to | i Married In The West. : The marriage took place in the Third Avenue Methbdist Church, Sas- katoon, on Dec. 16th, of Miss Mil- dred Shannon, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Shannon, Lama, Sask., and Howard Keeler, son of Mr. and Mrs." Robert Keeler, Delisle, Sask. The ceremony was performed TH CHURCH PULPITS | Salvation," 1 +4 i THE MINISTERS WHO WILL, PREACH uN SUNDAY. | Announcements Made By the Various Denominations As to Their Ser- vices--Serman Topics and Musical St. Andrew's Church--Jvs 5. of. M Compton, B.D., minister. Services at 11 am. and 7 pai; Sunday school and Bible clastes at '3 pun. Strang- ers cordially invited to all services. St. Paul's Church--Hely Com- munion, 8 a.m. Morning prayer and Holy W$mmunion, 11 o'clock. Prea- cher, Canon FitzGerald, M.A. Ev- ening prayer, 7 o'clock. Preacher, Archdeacon Dobbs, M.A. First Baptist Church--Rev. Douglas Laing, pastor, at both services, -11 a.m., "Planted in the House of the Lord"; 7 p.m., "A Call for Decision"; Bible school at 245 p.m. Students, soldiers and strangers cordially invit- ed to all the services. Broek Street Hall, between Welling- ton and Bagot streets--IH. G. Lock- ett, M.A, and F. G. Lockett the .speakers. Subjects: God's Way of as simply told in the Bi- ble. © Stirring gospel hymns, telling the same old, old story. Sunday school at 3 p.m. Prayer and 'praise meeting, Tuesday, 8 p.m. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson, 'between Bagot and Welling- ton streets--Sunday service, 11 a.m.; subject, "Life." Wednesday evening, testimonial meeting. Public reading-room, same address, open every alternoon, except Sunday, $ to 5 o'clock. All are cordially in- vited to the services and the, read- ing room by Rev. J. I. Thorne. The bride was assisted by Miss Florence Doug- las, the groomsman being A. A. Rolph, of Delisle. A number of the intimate friends of the bride and groom were present. The bride was dressed in a travelling costume of navy blue, white silk voile waist and black hat with white plumes. Mr. and Mrs. Keeler left on a' trip cast, amid showers of rice and con- fetti. The groom is a prosperous | youpg farmer and both young people | are former highly respected residents of Storrington township. They will visit with friends in Kingston and vicinity, and upon their return to the west late in February will" take up residence in Delisle. Called Ta Halifax, George D. McLeod, the young Col- leginte wireless operator, who has been in the city for the last month, has received a call to report at onee at Halifax, presumably to go.on one of the battleships on the Atlantic. # Mrs. H. Lifch, Cannington Manor, Bask., writes:~--* You will remember me writing you last spring. Well, 1 gave up my doctor and began using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This treat- ment cured me rapidly and I was soon myself again. I was pale, thin ané weak, suffered from stomach troubles and liver complaint, and fre- quently had sick, nervous headaches. "I was surprised to find that in a fow weeks time I had gained 30 pounds in' weight. I never felt so strong and well ia all my life. Head ache never bother me any more, and I'am grateful for the cure. If people would only give this medicine a fair trial they would certainly be cured." Everywheré people are talking about this great food, cure, which cures In Nature's way," by supplying the ingredients to form new blood, and =o overcome weakness and dis ease hy an abundanete of vitality. 'Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c a box, 6 for eain in strength and welght. LPAPE NREOCA RCYREH $200.00 IN COLD GIVEN AWAY FREE $2.50, all dealers, or Bdmanson, Bates & C Limited. Toronto. . UPML ATSWRYREBR YERAPRSRE ERPA CPANE Can you the above sets of jumbied letters inte SHARK IN THE DIST Rl El or ah ' Ty miake out § of § of them, W ve the Sti of One Hundred Dollars. Te the person ma lars, To the person making the third Ya fourth lar Ee inibef the svin Twenty op ri izes wil ded Letween am, (each revel three *4il have to be divided, (cach rec aja sum of pig A WANT KR EENT OF YOUR HONEY WHEN WRITE Tike a com waite us at WRITE A CANADIAN & OU AN ONCE, the names of ef he who king out the sevond largest pambet the sum of est nutober the sum of Thirty Dollars. T person mak b receiv Ca rhe ¥ once eaclosing acer' well knows fruits. If so, YOU CAN Princess Street Methodist corner Privcos and Rev. H. E. Curry, pastor. Servi 11 am' and 7 p.m. Special gelistic services both morning: and evening, conducted by Rev. ' W. Craig, | Rev, \. Boggett, Rev. B. Pierce, W. K. Shortt, M.A., and pastor. Ih- ble class, 2.45 pm. A cordial wel to all. St. James' Bhurch, corner Union and Arch streets--All seats free. Lev. . W. Savary, B.A., rector, The Rec-.| tory, 152 Barrie street. Second Sun- day "after Epiphany. 11 a.m.,. Morn- ing Prayer and Holy Communion. Sermon subjects, "God's Thoughts and Ours:" 3 p.m., Sunday school. 7 p.m., Evening Prayer and sermon. Preacher, Ven. Archdeacon Cody, M.A., D.D, L.LD. I+ Calvary Congregational Church, cor- ner of Bagot and Charles streets-- Rev. J, Lyall, pastor, 180 Rideau street. 11 o'clock subject, "Heaven; Is It Reality or a Fiction 4: 3 o'clock, Sunday school and Bible class; 7 p.m. subject, "What a Man Lost by Being Angry'; Monday, 8 o'clock; guild meeting; Wednesday, 8 o'clock, prayer 'meeting and choir practice. All are heartily welcomed, Cooke's Presbyterian Church, Brock street--Rev. J. W. Melntosh, M.A., minister. Residence, 318 Uni- versity Avenue. The minister will preach at both services, 11 a.m., "Superfluous Goodness.' 2:00 "Sacred and Secular.' 3 p.m, Suns) day Sehool and Bible Classes, Mid- week meeting, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Students, - soldiers and strangers 'cordially invited to all services. Chalmers, Presbyterian, Barrie and Earl--Rev. M. Macgillivray, D. D.; minister." Services: 11 a. m., "A Notable Call, the Notable Answer, and the Notable Results;" 7 p. m., "Why God Hides Things from Us." Sunday school, 3 p. m., Bible class; 3 p. m., with Prof. Matheson. Prayer meeting, Wednesday 7. 30 p. m. Students and strangers cordially in- vited to all the services. Union Street Baptist Church -- The People's Church Home. Rev: G. A. Lowes, minister. Residence, "Victory Heights," = Mack Street. 10.50 a.m., prayer meeting; 11 a.m, "Character Study of Elisha; 3 pam, Bibles School, and 7 PL: a special message to women on "A Great Woman;" "And be- holding the man which was healed standing with them, nothing against it." Bethel Congregational, corner Bar- rie and Johnson streets--A Central tehurch: -- Rev. AP. Mershon, minis- ter, 11 am, "I'he People For the New Creation." 3 p.m., Sunday school 'for all. F. J. Wilson, su- perintendent. Three departments. 7 p-m., address by Miss Una @. Saun- ders, of New York, general secretary for Dominion Council of Y.W.C.A Church, Albert streets-- ps, evan- S they could say THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1915- man. 7 pan, the pastor. Good mu- sic. Students, soldiers and strang ers welcomed. Monday, 7 puaa., jun- ior league; 8 p.m; semior league; Li- terary . evening with . Tennyson. "Death of Arthur," by W. P. Booth, } B.A. Wednesday, congregational pray- | er serviee. Brock Street Methodist corner of Brock and Montreal Rev. John Webster, pastor. Resi- dence, 242 Johnson street, 'Phone, 704. Anniversary Services. 11 a.m. preacher, Rév. W. J. Wood, M.A., B.D., Picton. Subject, "The Basic Law in "Successful Living." An- them, 'The Morning Light'; male quartette, Messrs. Auld, Tupper Smith and Gibson. Soprano solo, Miss Davies. J p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m. preacher, Rev. W. J. Wood, M.A.;-8.D. Sub- ject, "The Church abd the War Created World." A special offering at each service. 'Anthem, 'In Hea- venly Love Abiding;" mixed quar- tette, Mrs. D. Pound, Mrs. W. Soles, Messrs. Tupper and Gibson; tenor solo, "Come Unto Me," wiliam Eva,» A special invitation to sol- diers, students and strangers. | HELPED A Church, BEGGAR. She is Now Happy; Her Face Just Shines, At the monthly meeting of the St. Andrew's Church Auxiliary to the Women's Missionary Society the following dnteresting extract from a letter writted by Mrs. H. P. Lattrel, a graduate of Queen's University, and wife of a Presbyterian mission- ary in North Honan, China. was read. It gives a glimpse of the re- lation of the medical mission--the caring for the suffering bodies--+to the evangelistic one in ministering to the darkened souis. "You will be glad to hear more of that poor woman of whom I wrote to you last spring, who said she was 'going to 'study the doe- trine' and become a christian, that she might be cured of a-dangerous tumour. She has been cured but not in the way that she expeeted. In the spring she walked over from - and at my expense entered the hospital. An operation was neoces- sary, hut having been a beggar, she it without being specially fed for it. For one month she and her litle daughter lived in the hos- pital and spent all their time study- ing and listening to the 'scriptures Then came ber operation. Dr. Auld removed the tumour we'zhing about twenty-five pounds and she spent an- other six 'weeks, during which she continued her Bible study. After she left. we did not see her again for some time, but we heard of her, happy and testifying for the Lord, in the service of an official family. She came. to the autumn rally here and Miss Hodge kept her and her serving woman, teaching her every day and hopes she may be able to help her in evangelistic work. I never saw anyone more changed in appearance; her face just shines." GRAND OPERA HOUSE, "Tom" Marks Company Concludes Engagement Tonight. ' A capacity liolse again witnessed he "Tom Marks company in *'Mol- '» Me Darlint," at the Grand Opera Rouse last evening. Miss Arlie Marks took the stellur role of "Molly" and acquitted herseli creditably. . In the vaudeville, Miss Olive Nelson sang charmingly, "Peg 0' My Heart." Mr. Byron, Chris Allen and W. Phiilips 'also sang songs. To-night, "Hie Irish Honor" will be the bill, and at fhe conclusion of the entertainment, 'a wedding wilt be cele- brated on the stage, and Mr. Marks will give 850 to the happy couple. At. the amateur concert last evening after the performance, prizes were awarded to Leo Clark and Corpl: B: Constance for their singing. . Ie / I Presentation to Mrs, Bidwell, On Thursday at the weekly meet ing of the mothers' meeting of St. George's cathedral, a silver salver was presented to Mrs. Bidwell by the members. Rev. Sydenham. Lindsay, + who made the presentation, spoke of the continued interest of the presi- dent and her associates, who, week after week, gave theirtime and ener- gy to make the gathering a success. Mrs; Bidwell thanked the members for their gift, and the spirit which prompted them to offer it. It was a greal surprise, and she would al- ways treasure it highly. . wy BABY BOOTS Shoe Repairing CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS GIRLS' SLIPPERS WOMEN'S SLIPPERS These Low Prices Are For Saturday Only Abernethy"s| AAAI Shoe Repairing Sr OurClearing Sale 0f Furs Affords vou the oppor- tunity of buying high class furs at less than wholesale prices. You eannot- conceive _of the marvelous BAR- GAINS we are offering, and space will not per- mit us to quote prices, 80'we invite you to come examine and compare. Every lifig of Manufac- tured Burs is included in this Sale Ladies' Fur and Fur- lined Coats, Neck Piec- es and Muffs, in all the popular furs. Men's Fur-lined Coats Coonskin Coats, Sleigh Robes, ete. A A APs CAMPBELL BROS. Makers of Furs Nstaasne Died At Ernesttown Station A mother of Istael passed to her reward on Jan, 3rd, after a week's illness from pneumonia. Mrs. Jonas Amey was ninety-one in June last, and retained her faculties until the last. She was a remarkable wo- man noted for her kindness of heart. She will be greatly missed in the community where her long life was spent, The funeral took place the following Wednesday from the Union church, of which she was a regular attendant when health petmitted Many friends were in attendance, testifyfng to the respect in © which she was held Mrs. Amey in relig ion was a Presbyterian. Revds Messrs. Tucker and Workman eon ducted the service, The remains were placed in Millhaven vault to be interred later in the old burying ground at the Union: Two daugh- ters, Mrs. - Sloane, Kingston, and Mrs. Somerville, Odessa, and = Steps hen Amey, with whom her home wat miade, mourn the loss of an - affect- fonate mother. The floral offerings were beautiful. i Debility, Mental ory aenoy,' 1 oss of Knmergy, Palpitation oj Heart, Failing Memory. for $5. druggists or mailed in plain pkg | Ice Cream Bricks Wood's The Great English Remedy, Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nervous and Brain Worry, "Des the Price-$1. per box, six One will please, six will cure, Sold by ali phic mailed Tres. THE WOOD mphlet mailed free. CO. TORONTO, ONT. (Farmers Wid: 3 ce. New EDICH *5 Bo GET A SUPPLY BEFORE 490 Princess St. Phone 530 FANCY BOX CHOCO. | LATES and ICE CREAM. Call or Phone 980 MARBLE HALL George Masoud, Props. 238 Princess St. WE STILL HAVE THE Silver Tip Silent Matches hin il a Oc or xes for 2 THEY ARE S80LD OUT C. H. PICKERING Giracery snd Ment Dealer, SBE see Bee so NOSE CLOGGED FROM A COLD OR CATARRH Apply Cream in Nostrils To Open: Up Air Passages. eR eA ar eA Etta a ALT What Feliof! Your classed an make out the la nam bet we will end a Shauld fouf persons send equal $0.00), and 50 on in Nike SO0R as answers are pes SWER THIS A Dev On Al Civilian Tailoring ~ Froman. 4th To Jan. 15th . I ------------------. Crawford & Walsh, ot St. fa alS0 repyesenting . the world's eon. mission. Everybody welcome. Seats free. L 1 First { Co regatiopal, corner John- son and Wellington streets--Rev. IE. LeRoy ' Rice, B.A., pastor. Residence, 281 Alfred street. Phone 1068. The Lpastor will preach both morning and evening. Morning 'worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "The Transforming Power of ! Love"; evening subject, "Florence Nightingale, the Pioneer of the Red Cross Movement." Soldiers and strangers are especially invited {to the evening 'worship. Sittings are St. George's Cathedral--The Dean of Ontario, Bishop's Court. Rev. Sv- denbam Lindsay, 25 Johnson street: Rev. Crozier Magee, 25 ~Johnsan street. Second Sunday after Epip- hany. 830 am. holy communion. The first and third Sundays of the month at' 8.30 instead" of 8 to suit | the evening.- C006 F-No--20: Council No. 20 Chosen Friends, will meet Tuesday \ evening next. Auditors report 'will be presented. On Wednesday, Jan. 20th, Dr. J. H. Bell, G. M. E., of Hamilton, will in- £tall the officers for 1915. A pro- gramme of musie will be presented, after which refreshments will be served to members and their friends. Dr. Bell wht also' attend the regular meeting on Tuesday evening, Jan. 19th. A large turn-out of members is requested. nt sn Vaudeville And Photo Plays At Grand On Monday, Jan. 18th, the Grand Opera "House will resume its policy of vaudeville and pictures, and pre- sent every afternooh at 2.30, and every evening at 7.30 and 9 o'clock, hree feature 'acts, and new photo dramas. prices will = be tet cents 'ab the matinges for any evening mission seat, and in Abe len cents with reserved si five cents i There Sn a change of bill every Monday Thursday. 4 Lodge of Ipstruction. cA. B. Carscpllen, Esq, D.D.G.xe., 8 fhe 15th: Masonic" district, which includes Lennox and Addington, Frontenac and Leeds coutities, will hold a of instruction in the Masonic, Hall, Napanee, January. The work wili be partiel- distriet.- A banguet will be held in - pated in by the several lodges of the! WEST Point Student. Hugh gallagher, son of Major Hugh J. Gallagher, #hilippine - Is- lands, has been accepted at West Point (N.Y,) Military Academy, and is now in course of training for com- mission in the United States regular army. Mr. Gallagher's grandfath- er, Hugh Gallagher, was a merchant in Perth forty or more years ago, and he is grand-nephew of Thomas Lee, Bathurst, and of Mrs. G. A. Consitt, Perth. * Mervin Mackie, formerly of Belle- vi'ie, was arrested in Napance on Tuesday, suspected of being implicat- ed in the robbery of F. L. Hooper's drug store, in March, 1914. He was before Magistrate Rankin, on Thurs- day and pleaded guilty, but he had made restitution to Mr. Hooper and was allowed oul on suspended sen : 'ence, bonds having been entered in- to ror his future good behaviour for tue Pext two years. you-eannot pos- germs are likely to 8 of the body. . Put your blood in good condition, $0 at onee. ¢ n fc tl It sages of You can hawking, snuffiing, mucous discharge headache, tarry is gone. bottle of your druggist now this fragrant, your head; soothe ang "| nftamed mucous' membrane, giving you Baim is just what every cold catarrh sufferer CAAA MA ostrils open right up, the air pas- Your head are clear and breathe freely. No more dryness--no struggling or breath at night, your cold or ca Don't stay stufted up! Get a small Ely's Cream Balm from Apply a little of antiseptic cream in nostrils. , let it penetrate wrough eveny air passage of the 'heal the swollen, instant relief. Ely's Cream a and has been seeking. 's just splendid. Anam e | | | | 25c a Pint or 50c a Quart By Government test the best in Kingston Sakell's Next to Opera House. = ; OUR BIG CLEARING FURNITURE SALES OP- ENS THURSDAY, 1 Phone 252, sami Phone 640, -- 4TH every department, Marloes, Bed- room aml Dining room. 0 | Carpet Squares, Oilcloth and Linol- eum. A chance to furnish a home at man- ufacturing prices, Reid's high quality, Reid's low prices at JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker and Furnie ture Manufacturer, THE BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON, ONT. HELIN ENVELOPES STA Gramophoner, Phonographs, Graf- onolas, Columbia and Vietor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2 minute records, cords, Blue Amberal ~ Allen's 113 Brock St. re- 3 ig aassanans; SPECIAL Women's Satin Pum Pink, Blue, regular $2.50, now , 'omen's Felt House Slippers, regu- lar $1.75. $1.50, $1.25 QO. NOW . Ld . » ui Princess St. en ps, Black, White $3, $1.00} >..99¢, py REID