ALMOST FAINTED IN THE STREET In Daily Fear Of Death--Unfil "Fruit-a-tives"" Brought Relief, CHATHAM, ONT, April 3rd. 1973, "Some two years ago, I'was a great sufferer from Indigestion. One day my eye canght a hiilboard of * Fruit- a-tives" and I said to myself 'if Fruit-a-tives will build me up like that, it is good enough for me". | bought seme After taking these wonderful tablets for only three weeks, | found myself wonderfully improved. Ina short time longer, 1 cured myself entirely. My case was no light ode, either, Gas would often form in my stomach and I was in daily fear that it would get around my heart and kill me. "'Fruit-a-tives" is the only remedy for Indigestion", C. T. HILL. 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Trade mark of quality Grafonola's and records MADE -IN-CANADA . FOOLISH T0 SUFFER FROM STOMACH ILLS What's the 'use of suffering from heartburn aod the other disagreeable things caused by Dyspepsia' aad In. digestion, when we offer you the pri- vilege of using Rexall Dyspepsia Tab- lets, entirely at our risk, with the distinct understanding that, if they don't relieve your stomach trouble and make Your stomach comfortable and your digestion easy, they = will cost you nothing, If they don't do all. you expect them to we want you to tell us and let us give back your money. We know what they have done for others and what they are made of. That is why we have econ- fidence in them, Among other things they contain Pepsin and Bismuth, two of the greatest digestive aids known (0 me- dical 'science. They saothe and com fort the stomach, relieve heartburn and distress, promote the secretion of gastric juice and will make the bow- els regular. We believe them to be by all odds the best remedy for in- oi ion or dyspepsia ever made. We : believe you will say so, too, once you have used them. - If vou don't, they will cost you - nothing.: Séld only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only ote our store. Three sizes, 25¢., 50c. and Psion of Erin, valued at $5,000, were and Toronto THE LATEST TIDINGS - 1 PRESENTED IN THU BRIEFVEST | POSSIBLE FORM, re ------ i The Whig's Daily Condensation of | the News Of the World From Tele- graph Service and Newspaper Ex. Changes. 2 I Tie Ontario legislature wil con i vené on February 15th Queen Victoria of Spain is confi ed to her apartments with an attack of scarlet fever - rEight reitef ships from the Unit ed States are on the Atlantic bound for. destitute Belgium According to Henderson's Direct ory for 1915 the population of Grea ter Winnipeg is 273,047 The government of India declar ed that the Hindus deported from Canada. were deliberately misled | A volunteer movement was launch ed in Japan to send an army corp to fight with the allies in Europe. Winthrop Bell imprisoned in Got- tingen, has been released en-parole He is a son of A. M. Bell, Halifax Renfrew council has made a grant of $1,000, to be divided among the Patriotic, Belgian Relief" and Red Cross funds George F. Benson, will guidé the Montreal Board of Trade during 1915 having been elected president by ac- clamation The British and ciety is to receive estate of the late Jos Exeter, Ont Governor Blease has wiped out the whole militia of the state of South Carolina owing to dispute with the authorities The guards - at wirelegs station ut ported having been from across the river W. B. Russell, a noted painter Hartford, Conn rupt for $63,905 He says people don't pay him W. A, Clarke, M.P., for North Wel lington, was again chosen candidate 1ext federal election by the ives of that riding. William Thompsor who hunting in the woods near London several weeks ago, has not returned and all trace of him is lost At Port Arthur, Ont.;, Private Bail on guard at the government ele vator, shot at twice. The whole guard made search without result, David W. Simpson, late head of the detectives in Edmonton, Alberta, wig to-day %ppointed Chief of Police of St. John at a salary of $2,000 a year Two. black foxes belonging to George Van Natter, who conducts a black fox farm on the ninth conces Foreign Bible so £5,000 from tie Marshall, of} government Edward re at twice the Point fired portrait bank wealthy of con wont ey, was poisoned. - At London, Ont., J. F. Sinden, a clerk in the Merchant's Bank, Medi- cine Hat, was arrested charged with being responsible for a shortage in his accounts. Christine E. Taylor, Toroato, is applying to. parliament for a divorce | from her husband, Richard L, D. Taylor, merchant, now of New York, on the statutory charge. Judge Hardy, Brantford, seutenc- ed to three years in the penitentiory Charles Townsend, who pleaded guil t; to a very serious charge preferr- ed by his eight-year-old daughter Private Norman Pawson, Port Ar- thur," was killed in action in France, He was a C.N.R., fireman" and left for the front in August to join his old regiment, the Northumberland Fusiliers Rev. M. L. Pearson, a veteran Me- thodist minister, died in Toronto on Friday. He entered the ministry from Consecon He was pastor at Napanee, Picton, Montfeal, Ottawa, In compliment to his long official relations with Ireland, it is under stood that Lord Aberdeen, the retir- ing viceroy, will add a historic Irish name to his title, becoming the Mar yuess of Aberdeen and Tara. France has tendered to Belgium the piace of honor in the French building at the San Franciseo Pana- ma-Paciflc Exposition. Belgium has accepted and will exhibit o'd mas s, saved from the Germans, laces and replicas of many noted Belgium monuments that have been destroyed through the war. | ern arena. WAR SUMMARY. Fhe campaign on both sides ap- pears to 'be in a state of transition. This is particularly true in the cast- where the Russians are concentrating tremendous forces on cither wing, while fhe-Germans are still pounding away in the centre to- wards Warsaw. For the present, the greatest Russian effort westward and northward in Northern Poland. Hungary is being scripusly menaced by Russia, and' the removal of Von Berelitold indicates serious internal dissension. in Austria, so that Ger many will be forced to take steps now, before it is too late, to stiffen the opposition to the invading forces in Hungary, and overawe the disaffect- cd elements. The invasion of Ger- many proper, when it comes, is like- iy to be by forces that have crossed the great Hungavian plain and cap- tured Budapest. In the western arena it would ap- is | . pear that the German army and peo- ple are worried by the dormant state of the German campaign, that it is felt that the allied gains must be recovered, and that advanced ground should be acquired before the tre- mendous reinforcements that Britain and France have prepared have a chance to make their influence felt. The allies are now in no danger on 'the western front, and although Rus- sin has suffered appalling losses, there is no evidence that she is not equal to her task. For the next two months, operations on this side are likely to pivot on Warsaw or a point thirty miles west of Warsaw, the linc pointing north-westward towards Thorn being like the small hand of a clock, and the line south-westward to Bukowina the large hand. - decked Sd ddd pbb bob dod dele ve Ld VERY REMARKABLE. Amsterdam, Jan. 18--\ Ger- man volunteer gives to a Col- ogne newspaper a remarkable account of a peculiar shot, "From one of the trenches," he says, "1 aimed adversary. Suddenly I staggered pack; and when I recovered I found my + rifle damaged ai the lock and # the chamber. "IT had a very ugly wound in the forehead. | exam- 'ined the rifle and found in the barrel a French and a German bullet, both flattened. A French bulet had entered my ritle at the muzzle, had followed 'the course of the barrel, had caused the explosion of my cartridge and the butt of my rifle, and +» thus had woundéd me." $e oe ole oe op of + oo , spe sfoofeofedo fo de deofeofedeodesfedose deseo de oe desl ITALY BUYS WAR HORSES. Arranges for Delivery of 8,000 From St. Louis. Louis, Ill, Jan. 18--The [talian government has signed con- tracts with a firm here for the de- livery of 8,000 war horses, it was an- nounced to-day by a member of the firm. An Inspector of the Ttallan army now is here looking over the tock, and a party of Italian army officers will arrive to-day The con- tract .ealls for the delivery of 200 ft orses a day, none of which is to be w Lite, East. St singgestions That U. 8. Pat Embargo on Wheat and Flour. Washington, Jan. 18.--President Wilson' on Saturday directed Attor- rey-general Gregory to investigate whether there had been any viola- tions of law in the rise of prices of wheat and flour. The department of cor:merce probably will be asked by the president to furnish information showing what degree of increase in cxports of wheat and flour followed tne oulbreak of the European war. For Patriotic Fund. Otiawa, Jan. 18 The Postmas '18' Aedociation of Canada, through the postmaster at Renfrew, has con- tributed $5,000 in connection with the (ferent relief funds arising from the war. The amount is to be Clstributed in the proportion of $2,- UH0 [for the Patriotic fund, $2.000 for the Belgian Relief fund, and $1,- 900 'o the Red Cross fund. ------ Mahiood s Ont. Hockey ~ Boots i -------- Ladies' Hockey Boots, Drug = Store, Kingston, ARs iE WING TORACCO g See window displays around - until you have tried PACIFIC.-- BRIGHT CHEWING each plug is separately wrapped and cannot come in with any dust, ditt or germs. You will new s 'enjoyment of chewing a "DELICIQUSLY GOOD" tobacco CHILD'S TONGUE = BECOMES COATED IF CONSTIPATED When Cross, Feverish and Sick Give "California Syrup of Figs." Children love this "fruit laxative." and nothing elsé ¢léanses the tender stomach, liver and bowels so micely. A child simply will not stop play- ing to empty the bowels, aud the re- sult is, they become tightly clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, sto- mach sours, then vour little one be- comes cross, half-sick, {everish, don't eat, sleep or act naturally, breath is bad, systemi full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache or djarrhoe: Listen, Mother! See ij-tongue is coated, then give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the &ystem, and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers give "Califor- nia Syrup of Figs' because it is per- fectly harmless; children love it, and it never fails to act on the sto- mach, liver and bowels. * Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown- ups plainly pridted on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company " Refuse any other kind with contempt. WOMEN HELD IN TRENCHES. -- Are Driven Insane By Fiendish Ger- man Cruelties. Paris, Jan. 18,---The ®errible .suf- fering of the female population of the war zone is exemplified by a harrowing story told to a Matin cor- respondent of the abdication by the rmans of all the women in a French village near St. Mibiel. Twen- ty of these women, it is stated, are still kept in the German trenches, in the Aprmont wood. The correspon- dent writes: "1 entered a French base Jine trench, three hundred yards (rom the German lines, when I heard pier- cing screams from their direction. "It is a mad woman," explained the lieutenant who was conducting ine 'She has been there for many weeks, and has been driven mad by the hor- rors of the trenches.' ** 'One day a German cavalry man trotted along the trench; carrying the woman on his shoulders, so that her head alone appeared above {hie breast-works exposed to our fire. Needless to say, we did not shoot, but this ordeal drove her mad. " 'Tomorrow we dynamite those trenches. ~The unhappy woman must die too, but it is the eruel necessary of war. " 'By a coicidence, the men from the village from which the Germans took the women happen to be fight- ing here. In a mad rage, they lefi the'trenches in small groups to aven- ge the womenfolk, but lost their own] lives, so we have been compelled to transfer thie remainder to Alsace.' MEXICO CITY BESIEGED President Mas Asked Villa To Send Reinforcements, San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 18----Me- xico City was being besieged on Sat- urday by Carranzistas under Gener- als. Abregon and Sanches, according to advices to the Constitutionalist consul here. President Gutierrez was reported to have asked General Villa to send reinforcements to the capital. Querestaro, Mexico, was under at- tack by ten thousand Constitutional- ists, commanded by General Francis- co Murguia, the Vera Crux advices to the consul stated, Will Investigate Shooting. London, Oat, Jan. 18--. Al head- quarters here a full investigation was ordered into the report from govern- ment wireless station at Point Kd- ward that five shots were fired at sentties, and that signals have been Hashed from the American shore to unknown parties on the Canadian cide for several nights. Two of the bullets threw up snow near the feet ofthe guards. " T YOUR CHEWING TOBACCO SHOULD BE AS CLEAN AS THE FOOD YOU EAT. It cannot be, if it is sold in bulk and touched by soiled hands " i 2. is untouched by any hands from the manufacturer 1o_you, for "ing sought after by collectors: everywhere wo # a By $0 2nd the price Is ho pricg , 1915, we, Another Turkish corps has been ex- terminated in the Caucasus. Tae allied thoops have scored anoth- er victory in the sand dunes oi rlan- ders. According to a Toronto World cable the Canadians will leave for France is three weeks. Reported in Rome than an Italian torpedo gunboat was badly damaged in the Adriatic. done serious damage to the German position at Ostend. The Dutch government is consid- ering the question of removing the many. i Gen. Carranza notified the Britis embassy that the embargo ou the ex lifted. A special J.ondon cable says only vighty-three Princess Patricias return- ed out of two hundred in a gallant "charge. A British patrol tug boat was sunk of Dever. drowned. Grand Duke Nicholas, command- er-in-chief of the Russian forces in the field, is to get the military med- al of France, : A' Constantinople. official statement says the French submarine Sapphire was sunk while endeavoring to enter the Dardanelles. Several of the allies' aviators have done considerable damage to the rail- way station and barracks at Ostend, by dropping bombs. - German official small gains at various points on the western battle line, and the position unchanged .in the east. A Copenhagen despatch German = hydro-plane, bombs, was found badly damaged on A crew of nine reports claim says- aj Aware of the fact that it sible speed south of Syria. The city of Courtrai (Bglginm) | has been fined ten million" marks! (about $2,500,000) by Germany, not for disobedience, but for obeying the | orders of German commanders. ! Major Casgrain, . chaplain of the Royal French-Canadian Regiment, now at St. John's Que., has resign- ed his position and is leaving at once for Loudon to report to the war office. Paris Sunday official ches in the region of Nieuport; also, destroyed trenches near La Boiselle, and recaptured the foundry at Blan- gy. Latest advices relative to = the prospective Austro-German attaek on Servia say that the Bavarians and Prussians are on the way to Buda- pest to effect a junction with the remn- nant of the four or five Austrian army corps which suffered so severe- ly at the hands of the -Servians. The Russian general staff is eon- vinced that the Germans west and south-west of Warsaw have determin ed ona general offensive movement, Fuither. south Germain troops have reinforced the Austrians for a drive al the Russians designed to relieve Bukowina and Northern Hungary from danger of further invasion : --------------- a GUNS LEAVE NEW YORK. Consigned To Belfast, For Warship. New York, Jan. 18-- On board the Cunard liner Urduna, sailing yes- terday for England were two four- teen-inch naval guns consigned to Harland and Wolff, the Belfast, Ire- land, ship-builders. It is supposed that they are intended for a British warship building at their yard. No one would say who was the shipper of the guns, declared to be only the first of a large shipment, but rumor declared they eame from the Bethle- hem, Steel plant. British -------------- DECISION IS APPROVED ' : on Marriage of Volunteers Montreal, Jan. 18--Men who mar- ry after joining the Canadian contin- gents must provide for the suport their wives, portal To-da; a ary secretary of the Patriotic fund, in commenting on this decision by the gbvernment, said that the organi- zers of the fund had decided ta sup- port it in this step. He said there appeared to have heen an epidemic in marrying after men had enlisted. ------------ NEW FORM OF TYPHOID. Paratyphoid In » trenches, ke out through the exces: sive consumption of pork. An anti-paratyphoid serum is be ing successfully employed. 1 esata vi Kinburn Girl Wins. Renfrew, Jan. 18-- offered by Justice in collision with a steamer northeast | was | loaded with{ 17 statement | gaid the allies gained two hundred | yards and occupied the enemy's tren- | Patriotic Fund Supports Government | LATEST WAR TIDNSS British aviators have attacked and] embargo on cotton exports to Ger-! portation of oil at Tampico has been | ee { a small island in the North Sea. | is less | difficult to' cross the desert in winter | than in summer, the Turks are said | to be massing troops with all pos-| | | Phone 720. ¥ mpt. NOLAN'S GROCERY Princess St. OUR FRESH, GROUND OOF. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT. Try. sample ord€r and be convinced. pe i id -- For Sale REE Frame house, with furnace, four bedrooms, all improve ments, good cellar and poultry houses; two blocks from Prin- cess siireet. I'wo detached houses on" a corner lot, three bedrooms in each, all conveni- ences, for $5,500, or will ex- chavge for un small farm, To Rent New louse, all improvements, $12 per month, until May, 1915. HORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate and Insurance Office 177 Wellington 8%. I ---------- Beef Dripping Headcheese | Salt Beef 12¢ pér 1b. 12¢ per 1b. Pork Sausage 15¢ 1b, Ground bone for chicken feed BEEF, LAMB, MUTTON AND PORK OF THE FINEST QUALITY ALWAYS IN STOCK A SO A A tt tN Mi SPECIAL PRICES 2c 1b. 38¢ 1b. 12¢ per 1b. Pressed Beef Tongue (beef) 10¢, 1c, Home-made Sausage 12 1-2¢ 1b. . 2 Ibs. for S¢ 217 Princess St. "re-- ------ - Ld - 3 Militia Men Notice the fine line of pocket flash-lights in our win- dow. We have them all prices. Call and see them. Halliday's Electric Shop Phone 94 - ALE --- STOUT --- LAGER® PURE -- PALATABLE -- NutrITIOUS ~~ BEVERAGES FOR SALE BY WINE aw SPIRIT MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE /] \Y LL PARKER BROS. KINGSTON'S LEADING BUTCHERS Phone 1688. LOCAL OPTION ~Residents in the local option districts can legally order from this brewery whatever they require for personal or family ude. Write to JOHN LABATT, Luaren, LoNbos, CANADA Opposite Opera House, TV -------- - 345 King 8t. MAA A ARAL AR A | We are Sole A ents In Kingston | For the Genuine Hurd Hockey Boots The Boot that all the Best Clubs Use, i sa oF Pai * Good Hockey ps -e Boots at $4.00