B anking Convenience The Bank of Torontn, witn departments equipped to transact burinds of every description appertaining to banking, pumerous branches distributed throughont . full/1ist of banking correspond nt mers exceptional facilities for fairs. Paid-up Capital Heserved Funds . Assets 1 IN BANK or Market Square and witu the Dominion, and a 8, is enabled to offer its cisto- . he transaction of thelr findnelal af- £53,000,000 $6,307 272 . $60,000,000 CORPORATED 1855 ORONTC Kingston Ais GEORGE B. McKAY - Managegr Safety First Where safety is desired, use BRICK Where beauty is desired, nse BRICK Use BRICK first, last and always, And buy them at KINGSTON BRICK YARD, A. NEAL, PHONE 1396 FOR William. St., solid brick house, eleetrie lights, gas, C. and B Party leaving the city. Quebed St, frame house, 7 rooms, B, $1800, SALE ; 10: rooms, furnace, A bargain for quick buyer, and C., price J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 48 DROCK BT. JOHN DRIVER, Representative, Storage Now is the time to have your batteries them run down too low during the winter months. installed Rectifier for charging Storage and motor boats, Batteries charged. Don't let We have lately batteries for automobiles PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limite Always at Your Service. Phone 454. Is the one department of our busi- ness over which we exercise the great est: possible care with regard to the quality of drugs used and accuracy employed. The personal supervision of the proprietor over our dispensing de- partment should ho a guarantee to the public that amy prescriptions which aay be entrusted to us will be dispensed with accuracy and dispatch. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Opposite YX. M, O. A. Kingston = .- January Everything yoduced 10 to Couches, $4.50, $50, Fasy Chairs, $6.50 to $50. $8.50 t : : Library Tables, any finish, £6.50, $7.50 to 45.00. Book sections, 'Guin, "the best made... 3 4 Finnan Maddie | tg. | Choice Cooking Apples . . .. SAVE YOUR MONEY Come here and get your meats and groceries Fresh White Fish | Halibut Fillets Co M2 1<2¢ Th. . 12 %2¢ Ih. 15¢ Ib. 12¢ 1h, Canned Salmon... .... 2c tin (Best qualify) Canned Salmon 2 tins for 25¢ Corn, Peas, and Tomatoes, 3 tins 25¢ 30¢ pk, Oholce. Dry Potatoes. Anderson Bros. Phone 485 [E_J. COUSINS A FURRIER Repairing and Remodeling a Specialty PHONE 68 | SAVING Specials Tomorrow S ed | LOCAL NOTES. AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Auppenings in thé Clty and Vielnity ~What the Merchants Offer 0 the Headers of the Whig. on, White Rose flour. Insist i ty Couniefl meetg thi e ( a pven- ne, - " William Swaine, pigao tuder. Orders ived at McAuley'sl "hone 564. M Emma Wilton, 479 Princess street, confined to her home through illness Mrs. A. Dixon, of Lansdowne, | tJont the past week with her sister, Mrs. BE. C. Perris, 159 Nelson street. | "Johnson's Baby Pawder."" "iibson's i Mr ywn, Kingston is_mana of the Standard Bank, Consec | ing the absence of C. H. , Cunningham, piano tuner, Lin treet. Leave orders at Auley's book store. Harold B. Ferris, of - Toronto; spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs Ferris, 281 Colborne street Liver Vill, 10e. Gibson's. Neal, Division street, who bas wn confined to his home by & se: {vere attack of geippe, is somewhat' ! better, : ; | Tinsmitling and heating, jobbing promptly attended to. Ed. Halligan, 110 Queen atreet. Phone 1509, Lust week, three cases of diph- ria. and one case of scarlet fever ¢ reported to the medical health Jer % Th nn PERE re 8 ib Kent. "9 Me- 1h | | | | | | e voung bachelors' hall at: Syd- ! on Friday night was a great | There were one hundred and | five couples present | Frank Maxam, of Alired Max- wm, tailor, has enlisted with the {4th FILW.0. Rides for overseas service with | the thivd contingent, { Faot son powders at Gibson's In the Y.W.C.A. on Tuesday night FMes. 1. J. H. Coleman will speak Lan "Home Decorations." Ii a gatherings "Mentholatum,"" at Gibson's | Rheriii 'Richardson, of Ottawa, and | Sherifi Kerr, of Brantford, brought | prisoner 3 on Saturday to spend terms {inn Porismonth penitentiary |. "Mentholatum," at Gibson's H. E. Driver, aged twenty-three | years; has been sent to the peni- | téentiary farm, Pembroke, for hav- ing attempted to pas forged heque. Hundreds and colds cured every day at Gibson's Red Cross Iiyug Store. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hogan, King- ston, were in Picton attending the funeral of their little granddaugh- ter, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogan. On - Saturday aiternoon, 383 men and ofticers 'from Winnipeg, and 350 {rom British Columbia,' - passed through Smith's Falls as re-enforoe- ments 10 the Princess Patricia Regi ment. Ww. is free | a of coughs | I Jooth, B.A., of Montreal, + a masterly. address at the social pday evening service in the Y.M. \. parlors. His topic was "The Vision of Nin." Some seventy bers turned out to hear him The next meeting of the local cheesa hoard will be in April. In the mean- time the Joeal buyers are shipping from the supply purchased: before the market closed. The whelesale price is 'now about sixteen cents a pound. "If you are not feeling well" go to fiibson's Red Cross Drug Store, \ cure for every ill sold there. A-number of city young people took 'advantage of the good skating and erossed to Wolfe Island zoing to the beautiful home of Joseph 'Greenwood, where they called on Mps. Reitzel, formerly Miss Edna Greenwood, who, with her nushand, was visiting there. Tea growing is a fine art. quality of tea depends on the vation of the land andthe nature of the soil. Cheap feas are pro- duced in vast quantities in the low lving valleys where the humidity en- courages the 'growth of large coarse foaves. On the breezy hill-tops are iound the most delicate and tender growths. Salada tea is grown en tirgly in hill-top gardens, hence its listinctive charm of flavor. » Makes Appeal For a Grant To Queen's mem The ele- cipal Gordon of Queen's University, wis In Ottawa on Saturday in con- ference with members of the gov- ernment. Principal Gordon would ikie to obtain from the government, fonds sufficient to maintain stu dents' residence and training quar- tera which were offered last year by Major R. W. Leonard, of Ottawa, fo thé university. Principal Gordon represented that as the students who received this training through the facilities of- fered by Major Leonard would af- terwards take commisgons in the militia, the matter. was a proper one for government assistance. Deloss Spafiord, Cherry Valley, re cently purchased the old grain store Louse at Consecon and had the tim- bee shipped to Picton and drawn to his farm to be used in replacing' the barn burned last summer. . The marriage of Miss Stella Sulli- van, only daughter of Mrs. D. Bulli. van, Pictoh, to Charles Shannon, son of the late Alexander Shannon, Wau poos, took place very quietly on, Jan- vary 12th. : i Phe Gananoque Board of Trade has arranged for a meeting on Jan. vary 29th, when experts will discuss | agriculture and increased production. Thirty-five voluntecrs have been ae- cepted at Picton for service with the 3 GRAND fe TONIGHT" 2% Daily 2.30. Brg's. 7.30 and 8 o'clock POLITE VAUDEVILLE 3_--FEATURE ACTS--3 AND PHOTO-DRANAS, Prices Mat. 10¢, any seat. . 'Evening, 10c; reserved 5¢ extra.' Lipton's Tea No Advance IN PRICE 30c, 40c, 50c, 80c, 75¢ and $1.00 perlb. "Auction Sale TUESDAY, JAN. 19TH, 10 & wm, ALLIEN, Phone 25 AUCTIONEER Brock S GRAND HOCKEY MATCH BELLEVILLE VS. FRONTENAC JUNIORS Wednesday, Jan, 20th Game cnlled at 8.15 p.m. sharp Admission Z85e, Reserved seats, 2c extra Seats on sale Tuesday at 10 am. Telephone 158 e392. Thé public is hereby notified that the LAW OFFICES in the City of Kingston WILL CLOSE at the hour of bitin 1 O'clock p. m. on Saturdays throughout the year. T. M. ASSELSTINE; Sec. Treas. Frontenac Law January 18th, 1915, Rock Elm & | Oak Wanted Sizes 3 in. x 11 in. fa Tengtits, from 20 to 30 feet. Also 11 in. thick, varying widths, 12 in. to 15 In, and 8 {0 15 feet long. Must be sound timber and free from shakes. Quote delivered Kingston, Apply - Box 118, Whig Office. Assoc. A Courageous Judge Aggociate "Justice William R. Court weighs scarcely more than a hundred pounds, but has the physi- cal courage of a big, shaggy-maned lion." In thé summer, when he goes fishing, he will row a boat across troubled waters when everybody else is afraid to venture out, and he would just as soon sass a 240- pound conductor as not. Some time ago Justice Day was journeying to his summer home in Michigan, accompanied by his- little grandson, four or five years old. He did not buy any ticket for the little boy. The conductor met the justice back in the smoking apartment. "Who's going-to pay for that boy in your section?" inquired the tick- et taker. "Nobody,"" replied Day. "That boy is considerbly too young to re- quire a ticket." "He's"® Tot over six years replied to pay old," the conductor. "You'll have at least half fare for him." "I'l not do any such a thing," replied Day indignantly, "and kind- ly do not contradict me again." "But, 1 tell you----" in Day, eclenchitie his fist. - And the conductor, built like a piano mover, went on, for, small as Diy is, he 48 not a man that one likes to con- tradiet. ; Then Day returned to his seat and made u startling discovery, His little grandson was in another part of the ear, and in his seal was hig hulk of a farm boy about four- teen years old. It was this huskyq boy that the conductor insisted was more than six years oll 'when Day had warned him not. to eontradict. Responsibilities, Senator Borah, of Idaho, recéntly bought himself an automobile. Then he laprned to drive it. Now, until the moment he set out to learn to drive the new car Borah had never undertaken to operate any 'mechanieal device more complichted than a mon- key or a wheelbarrow. Tha most pervefracking moment of his Jide occu be set out the t time to drive all by himseli, After he had succeeded in Feaching home without getting maimed or ki he took a lofig breath, like a man who | had just got rid of a book agent, and remarked solemnly to his wife "When I became a United States senator 1 tl T had on fave ties. Why, 1 didn't w what grave responsibilities -- ma : v 4 . Mr. Eastman, accountant in thel Union Bank, Smith's Falls, has gone 10 Srienhaim to relieve the manager, who ha break his Day of the United States Supreme |. the misfortune to fall and | | CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES Flcst logertlon, 1c a word. Fach con- secutive insertion thereafter, half- cent 8 word. Minimum charge. for one insertion, 20c; three insertions. Boe: $ix, $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED AN ADNT OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, under this head, costs 25¢ for one night, or-50g for thres, ' BxXPERIEXCED Appls in 24% King YOUNG WOMAN TO ACT AS READER Must 'be abled in reac English fluently Appointment phone 1124 INTELLIGENT PERSON earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing. Sena for particulars, Press Syndi- cate, 3,989 Lockport, N.Y. ABLEBODIED MEN FOR FIREMEN and brakemen on all Canadian rails roads. Experience unnecessary Answer in English, Send age, postage. Rallway Association, Box 213, Kingston British Whig SALESMEN WANTED FOR THR Heipaphone: almost every tele- buys one to three: sells i NEAL SERVANT £ to' Mrs Kilborn by ( AN MAY WE TAKE ying cotton ly our old How run- ith every for the WANTED GENRRAL THREE NICE LADY ROOMERS, ply Box 18, Whig office Al. FURNISHED RESIDENCE FOR JULY and August, near the water; nine an American. ply to ann, 82 Brock LOST. FR tan, undressed Finder five LINED MIT. leathar, left hand return to (his of. GENTLEMAN'S an Kindly £62 IN BILLS, AETWEEN JOHNSON street and Windsor, Hotel. Findez please return to Whig office and receive rewurd ERRIER DOG WITH months old, on Thurs. Finder kindly re- n & Ca, A WHITE FOX black cars; 1 fF MorT g. ra to 8 Angl WILL THE PARTY the child's silver wrist w the dice In the rhor, rat Bibby's Clothing Store. TO LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, nce 25c., three times §0c, STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ETO ¢lean and dry. McCann, 82 Broek Street. TWO DEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furnished. Apply to 198 Stuart St ROOMS OVER 53 PRINCESS STREET. immediate possession. Apply 5 Princess Street, ' WHO FOUND on 114 3 OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers, Apply to Cunningham & Mudie, 79 Clarence St. DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND furnished: siores, offices, ete. Cann's Real Ksizte Agency, Brock 8t. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OL! dry, ary ey. PN UN. M 82 WAN, Juaiia; your oH lock ad rost's Clty torage, usen Bt. Phone §36b. ™™ LOCAT- Each house suit. arties; every conven David Marshall, TWO HOUSES CEN ed; rent, $14.00 ALLY "nee Lp D TO RENT, A MEDIUM S17. urnighed house, south of Prin t, May 1st Dealrable tenant >ansdian Mercantile Ca WANTE ad f nesters D TO PURCHASE GOOD spc. hand Ford automobile in good running condition, Mitel have good tires, ete. Apply Box No. 181, Whig office mt smn me emer elit GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR prloth.-and have it made up Into up- to-date sifits. Prices and worsomn. {ship guaranteed to please.' Press. [ing and repairing done on the ; ghortest notice, Thomas Calloway, { 13t Brodk street, near Bibby's | Garage. WORK WANTED. EXPERIENCED YOUNG ¥ ks sitnatfon on farm hy "h, abstainer. Al 3. Mairflald, Col STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT blacksmithing or carpentering, de- 8 position. Would accept any 1 of remunerative feb. Gaod ferences, Apply in first instance to Rox 1167, care Whig office. | MEDICAL DA. COON, M.DOM, (FORWERLY OF rlginy, Surgery, 93 Wellington St Phona 846. STUART M. POLSON, M.A, MD.OM, { former house surgeon Manhatian. Eye, ear, nose, and throat hospital, New York. Office. 182 Wellington, Spposita post-office. © Office hours, 171, am, 2.4 pm, 7-8 p.m. Phone | BUSINESS CHANCES ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a_mail order business a. home; no canvassing: be your own boss Send for frea Booklet: talle haw Heacock, 2,969 Logkport, N.Y. UPHOLSTENING J. GAVINE, UPROLSTERING, Rig. pairing and earpat work, and matiress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Pagot Streat. MARRIED able for two ¥ plumber. DENTAL NT NATE, An hoved to § Pri SPARKS, (ovar neeas Btreat, 150 Carnoveky's). se ARNS AND St, 0 stant. Street. Phone 785, S. H. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS ist, corner Princess _ an streets. Entfance on Bagot Street, MUSIC. MUSIC AND tion Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, : tion, plano, instruments DANCING. x Prof. Frank H. Norman, Standardization Commit. to standardize . the » Dayton, Ohio, June, Hesitation and Can: Waltzes and Phone 120, One<8tep, ote, ARCHITECT WM. NEWELANI tects, ete. Phone 61. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank _ Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. Drop a card: IS & SON, AnRCHI- OfMeces, 258 Bagot St. BUSINESS NOTICES JOSEPHA BUSE 4 CHESTNUT ST, HAS opened up a quarry on Stephen St. Cut, bullding and rough stene are supped premptly a aso prices. Pilg. at re Hable LEGAL. CENNINGHAM uh MUDIE, BARRIS. ers and solicitors. I Clarance St, Kingston, afte, 20 SHEEP DOG TRIALS. Australia's National Pasthue, t Maltesé Cross Test. Sheep dog trails may be consideed a nhtional pastime if not a national spofit in' Australia. There is an au. nual agricultural show in every town and village in the pastoral parts. Therd are general competitions on the Hnes fof, the American county and state \fairs. There are horse races, the ! I and other streniond competitions. 1g not one of these excites more interest than the sheep dog trails, and these tests Australians have set example of cortain of the most rious tasks that a wantand a may be asked to accomplish three strange sheep--sheep that had never previously met until they had a 'moment before been furned out from three separate pens to be pack- ed or gathered together by the dog. It was the Australians who first put forward, and they still maintain it, the Maltese cross (est. The eight six-foot hurdles are set in fie shape of a Maltese . crows." The passages are of a width. that will permit only one sheep to pass through at a time. | The animals hate to be driven dorth | and south and east and west, all the | passes being open at the time, * The skill and patience of the dog are here tried to the utmost, and thers can be little wontler there is a gasp of satisfaction and a cheer of for when the sheep bave boon swoccusiully driv- en through these narrow ways, ; The Australian '«hieep 'dogs are the smallest in use in the world hot are quick and lively in their York. It is | to wonder that the Awstrilian gives in the se- dog with ordinary that one dog can do the work of half a dosen men. In 'many instances a dog is saperior to ttt Siin enna LDS, D DS, RE. WEL= imei ENTIST; DR. T. I. Princess DENT. 4 Bagot DRAMATIC INSTRUC. , 218 Frontena¢ St, Miss Norma O. F. Telgmann, teachers of elocus ,. violin and all stringed | PR AUDON, AUTHORIZED ADVTS. COSY EFFECTIVE 25¢: three times, $0¢i THESE < iis. Once, 23 one week, §1.00. JEESE FEATHERS. APPLY TO MRS, Goldman, 387 Division St. AIREDALE BITCH PUPPY, Five months old, by Champion Roekls Ocrang ex Pure Mald. $15. A. Eos, 214 William st, Kingstos, ant. IFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 11 in, nigh ig front dnd #8 3+2 {n. high at back. Three drawersand one top shelf. Slightly used. Apply British Whig office, A LARGE VAWIETY OF RANGES AND a number of first-class heaters at low prices; also a big stock of furs niture. J. Thompson, 438 Princsss Et. Phone 1600, f OF RICYCLES tires, at $2.00, All promptly attended to for aning and laying. George St. - A LARGE NUMBER also Dunlop arders carpet « Muller, King HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OX. fords, and other cook stoves, Qu bec's, pugs and squares: heaters, al these in first class habe: wil close them out at very small pros fits. Turk's 'Phone, 708 uf SOLID BRICK HOUSE, T ROOMS, wiTi All modern improvements, hot air furnace, good barn and drives house; lot U8 ft. frontage, on H'reh Avenue, A snap for quick buyer, Apply No. 4 Birch Avenue. ? BRED HOLSTRIN RULL, onthe old, eholcest breeds Grand head for any he hred bull ealt (Korndyke). five head purs hred famsl a low for quick sale, A. Guess, I. No. 3, Miginburg, Ont. 3 INE PURE twenty mw ing. Pure Als F1050 FRAME HOUSE, CHERRY ST. A snap for a quick buyer $1950 BRICK VENEER HOUSE, oN datrick 6 rooms ON YORK ST: S1d00 2000, TO RENT. GRO. A, BATE. .» real estate and Pnsurance, 47 Clarence St, Kingston PEEPEIPBL E0200 00000004 TRLRGRPRY Olsll Service Shartha Typewrliing, oki how Bara ing nud Geseral Improvement. Day and Night Classes, Kingston Business College Amited Head of Queen Street, Rates § moderate. Phone 440. ». Metenife, » ' PEGE ME SPSL IL TEP La £3 & PERSP EOLN FINANCIAL ONTENAC LOAN AND IN ment Soclety: insorporated 186 resident, Colonel Henry I. Smit Money f{ssued on city "and farina properties, municipal and county debentures; morigages purchas deposits received lowed. 8B. C, Clarence strest | | | and interest ale MoGill Manager, §7 -- AVERPOOL, LONDON AND ne Fire Insurance Company. Avaliable assets $61,187,215, In addition .to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Hability of city property, insured ai lowest possible rates. Before renswin oid or Fixing new Tusingus ge a rom Strange. ran Agents. Phone (Tin " a PERSONAL, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMARKS wnd all growths and skin amish £8. removed permanently, without scar; 30 years' experience. Dr, Il. fer a Take: e, hr Nasal roat and Skin Speel Barode a) v pecialist, 26 CATERING CATER TO PARTIES, Wedding breakfasts, banqu also rent dishes, table if and Shverate 4 Red, and Hambrog . MP eld, 8 J " RRL 3 nion Strést. F. © WE BALLS, els, ete, A -------------- A all ki bette: Phones #13 or 203. AlHE " Sirdst. . on egular furnace si ze; good for nds of weather and a little * than the larger size (egg ind) "OR + 13 3 ATT Woarner, Order a load screened to-morrow er ---- JAMES SWIFT fifty humans, and where there are vast flocks of nimble sheep, such as the merinos in-Australia are, it would he impossible to round them up so that they may he examined, counted and duly looked over without ihe dogs. Argonaut, a : Rassia's Submarines, In aircraft and submarines Russia is a leader. The giant Sikorsky aeroplane, a recently<nvented type, it capahle of carrying seventoen men, and seems likely 16. make a mors useful fighting machine than the Ger man gas dirigibles. As to submarines, Russin is oon structing one which will be far larger and bétter than any at present. in existence. It is' 400 feet [, 34 feet beam, and . 5,400 tons displacement, which means that it is eleven times the size of the npxt largest eraft of 4 the kind, Its engines of 18,000 h.p. will drive it at twentywix knots on the. eur: ince and and its motors of 4,400 h.p. fill give it fourtesn knots submerged . it a "cruising rading of. 18 miles, can run under water for 275 iles al a stretch, has five 4.7 guns ww sutince fighting, and carries sixty a 120 mines. aol heal adi or B 8, ¥ the residence of his son, W in 400 A NEW C Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal This In vot only a medieinal but in tasty as weil, it is cerenl or made te hat 1s Selietany 'rin size ...... ivsieninnse 18 tegular size .s Sebensannne - " etn. els. At Your Family Grocers. FENWICK, HENDRY & C0, ) Distributors.) from 81 Brock St. fo 212 St her cor. Earl. Phone Tus.