van fa -_-- Pete ttt att aAse ate Minds Gordon's. guest for the wack. & ; > TTS : jend; has returned to Toronto. > : SET | Miss Florrie Stewart, Bagot street, entertained informally at the tea hour on Tuesday afternoon. fg Miss Ruth Henderson, who has been : Nf " the guest of Miss Nora 'Martin, Cler- : : J y. street, returned to her home in inter all pi / ZT Santee" ou. Youday. 50 ha bac . . . rs unroe, who has n PRN | |... . cool ces hase |viehie her parints Mr and deo ||l SUPREME OPPORTUNITY IN THIS MASEER EVENT AMONG AN. | been given" this week in howor of Miss John Macdonald, University avenue, First Class Fare and One- . = 4 y ' Maule Bland, of London, who is the ' will leave on Thursday ior her home - NUAL OCCASIOKS THAT SAVE WOMEN '* BIG MONEY" of : . / west of her sister, Mrs. I, Harold in Lynn, Mass. Third Hs. Jt bn . THE JANUARY } eo 0 Archdeacon Cods, of Toronto, was ha Going Jan. 15th to 21st; return une J | Mrs. Hobert Dyde, Jonson street, | the guest of the Bishop of Outario til Jan. 23, 1915, | will_receivd gn Thursday, 2lst of this | and Mrs. Lemnox Mills at Bishops- TIME TABLE CHANGES \ mw, oy { month, also on the Ist and 3rd {court for the week-end. Thursday iu February, and not again | Miss Millio Ferris, Stuart street, has 4 J bin" acim oa arrived home after spending some A cliange of time will be made Jan. y Janis SERS, time in Bound: Brook, N.J., with her 17th 4 | The L. C. Reading Club met pg (sister, Mrs, Joseph Fisher. ' Mrs. W, L. Grant's home, University Mrs. H. T. J. Hughes was in town For full particulars apply J. FP. | avenue, on . Monday, and Mrs. Alex- So Mouteea! 1 a few dare Wis HMANLEY, Uailroad and Steamship Sader laird will be its hostess next Captain' Lindsay Malcolm is expeot- Age uty cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts. = ed iu: town from Ottawa for the week- d io------ em 7 BR | The Curling Chap ten: this 'week is' |-2ee . in charge of Th Fairlie's rink, whose WE. Ross Liv gson, Fageie treet, 9 > Hlasers axe Mrs. Ernest Young, Mrs, has been the To ior his iy re he c ON Ja 0 IAN » Ross and Mrs, George McKay, James Kick, ol PACIfIC Mrs. S. ray, w has y > Morgan Gray, who Mrs o been the guest of Mrs, James Lesslie, rs. Robert 0 Hara and her grand- 2 . daughtes ; - - ohn Schiedam William street, returned to Cornwall i ghiten, Hie Nim son len a | er aif to-day | . «la' {Toronto to-day, to visit Mr. and Mrs. ich na) ps The. taiite bt or' Tas k Arthur Craig. Albert street. First (lass Fare and Une-Third e arts dance at Queen's has been | Misq Margaret Maciarlane is expect. : 3 le is of paramount importance to all householders -- it should going Jan, 18th to 21st, returning arranged to take place in Grant Hall | od from Montreal, on Friday, to spend This sa P po Jan. 28rd, 1915. ot 4) . g on Friday, Janhary th. the weok-end with Miss Florence Kl- prove iter resting for you to come here to-morrow. i ning 41 Wp af- liott, Barrie street. Part trout IF. Ot v cp ing yz ve org Ww will find Miss Edith Fraser, West street, on- Mrs, Herbert Robinson Ba ot CREATONNES- +: As OY TFIokat Offer, cori cos othitig to equal Wolfe wiapps, Take | tertained informally at the tea hour | ireet, returned from Ottawa this Sale Price c and Wellington Streets. 1? 9 3 iy Yn hot water, © gan 35d on Tuesday alternoon. week, Made she has been visiting her : : : He ue gL . : brother ajor Ernest Hubbell. SH vde EF i<h rica 'reatonnes, good desighs and color - bd Ti Ag The Reading Club will meet to'mor- | Miss Marjorie Waters has returned 500 yds. English and American Creatonnes, gis and coloring" regu a ta), org row at the home-of Mies Hilda to Utica, N.Y., after visiting Mrs far 25 and 30¢ qualities. Hague, University avenue. : : i James Third, Wel ton street, QL, LINE or Mrs. I. D. Bibby, Barrie street, will | r% A. R. B HY ammson King Sule Price ; ames » cutertain ot ten on Thursday after- |*t¥eet> has returned from Toronto, COLORED MADRAS makes beautiful curtaining: all new colorings: a-- == 1" McParland, noon, Ee The engagement is announced in 15, 50 and 60c. ~25¢ (CANADIAN SERVICE) Distributor. : Rev. Professor J. Dall, Wellington Montreal, - of Miss Sophia Hofiman, Sale Price, yd. vara Salliogs from Halifax to Liverpool | | street, who wes-in Toronto for -- the Savghier > * e 88 Tin, Holt Tn : : ma ih TRANSYLVANIA (15 | ' week-end, has returned to town. 1g, he Major ay Hea oa on WHITE CURTAIN NETS--:300 ly White Net Curtaining -- priced up to JAN, 2 am. Mrs. Gporge Fenwick, University . ORDUNA (15,500 tons) Feb, 1: wr avoue, ho bas been in. Now York,' Jeon The marfige jo take place tHe. See window display. TRANSYLVANIA (15.000 oa ti i 8 the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George F. lh res', Very. que x on Yan Sale Price... App mir Joga) Ticket Agent or THE 2 ia Fenwick jor the past. month, returned | . NOBERT REVORD C0 to town last week. { a 5 General Agents, 50 King St. East, Hor: named Bemilton. Earl. street Ladies' Musical Club. onte, r 'J v An + » was a guest last Saturday at the first Mr. Marley Sherris, the well-known ing par sive tue sens | Toronto bustane, il wing ot ha || * 500 Yards Colored Serim | 10 Per Cent Colored bereals S 5 w Fr , evening recital on Thursday, Jan. . ! | ; . Special ll 7 theif zoyal ighuases, oihe. Duke ond | 31st, at 8.15 pm. A delightful pro- in all the wanted shad- | off all regular Curtains, 100, imported quality, 4 will find Wolfe" - vopyiar House. gramme hus been. arranged Members ings; reg. 25¢ Nets, Scrims, Art Mus- | Sale Price . Ahi SS y w re entitled" to two complimentar ' . 2 3 FLORIDA ORANGES | Wim aut Mins Bassie Cluck, who hos Toon {00 Hes ore Simonse (ll Sale Price lin and Creatonne. reg. $1.25. 5c weeks, left on Saturday for Toronto ' Lar, e, sweet and juic -~ to visit Mrs. J. Beatty, before re- 8 16¢ dozen: ! y " turning to St. Catharines. MOHAMMEDAN PERIL It is rumored that an engagement | ' \ N SPY APPLES is shortly to be aunounced, when the LATEST GERMAN CRY Steacy's 0 1 quality, 35¢ peck. il | boppy. wmgn is a Queen's professor. : LL ---- R | Miss Hilda Hans: Vaivasity ave- Wam Russians mn Manifesto That : J. ° B. Gage, i} | ane, retdrned from Chicago on Sun "God Has Abandoned u54 Montreal St. Phone 54 i day, where she has been visiting friends for the past month. Their Standard. ----------------t ae i} Coughs often go from bad to fi] Miss Fether Kerry, of Montreal, J worse, 'Tis folly to neglect the Bl | 1.6, a week for Calgary, where sd Paris, Jan. 20.--A Potragiad Jes S-- LY} Ll Hock 8 bot J] il pend some Mr. Walter Ellis, Albert. street, left sarod has abandoned JOUF stan [| 3 if | for Ottawa on Hovday to: join. the S3FC, che oody sacrifices you [fl weight in gold. Taken with Bio con's Engineer have made are useless. Hundreds Dover's Cold Breakers will §i Ae it of thousands of your best and most : § uvickly care any case of § = 2. FL ° TO, aud litle Misa valient troops have fallen on the After Jax. 1st for three weeks we will sell all our i§ srippe. ter spending New Year's in Belleville | battlefield, and now a mew enemy, " | if] vith Senator and Mrs. Harry Corby. | more powerful and more dangerous, beautiful electric fixtures f ll| Ar. Harold Rathbun, of Deseronto, | has declared war on your czar. Islam : . i 25 Cents fh ans in town ou Salurday. ' | has declared a holy war on you and 20 PER CENT OFF | : [ . ; finest ingredients. Worth its ii puch Io" tho, Temps. ape io Ges i 0 TIC tle of BR. HICKEY'S SPEEDY EA Boker returned to Otte: | MaDS are uting over us- : EEE I} CURE handy. Take it with the | . ret 8 | sian dines by means of aeroplanes the : | first symptoms of cough. Scie ma loos at noon after spending a following. nagifusto: " 20% § entificaily prepared from the ! --- a. your allies. You have lost the game Rev. W. F. Herridge, D.D., modera- | Four hundred mililon men devoted & ; ( [| tor of the Presbyterian general assem- | © the law of Mohammedan to-day OFt the Balance of Our t sts bly, arrived from Ottawa to-day and | Are replying to the call for a holy A A }.4 Jc se eum ike ial dale | a, i shoe, rners, ut the ond 4 H.W.Newman Electri i b brah Ai . Jif | Gordon, al the Principal's Re sla, ir WINTER J mo vor mu wom B55, pid o Neil aosmmnedans ars extierins ot | § B (0 SalmonSteak : an Liectic 19 | > We Mass., in expected in town soon to | {he Russians, the. Boglish and the Phone 441. 79 Princess Street vigit Mr. and Mrs. James Lesslie, | French. Already the czar's Moham- ------------------ William streot. medan subjects bave risen in revolt. Mrs. Clarence Otis Putnam, who hag Friends, demand peace while yet been the gnest of Mra. Samuel Birch, there is time!" C 4 . Bagot street, ia returning to Utica, ---------- ¥| i N.Y., this week, . MAY BECOME REAL JEWS. . : : . ~ Mrs. Maitland Hannaford returned > : S---- to Montreal Tuesday aft nd- | Home Government and ER on CALL AND. skE THEM 0 ontreal on Tuesday alter spe epatriati ing some time with her parents, Mr. . in Palestine. an Eo hor Siw ht. | London. Jan. 20 -- Stephen Gra- THE WM. ) , ; tle sons oft to- -day for St. Catharines Ham, In the Landon Sunday Times, - : arm on ea ' i after visiting Mrs. Cook and the Rev. gives an account of a visit he recent- A. Cook, St. Maik's Rectory, Datrie- ly paid to M. Sazonoff, at the foreign mi . " = field aii. | the course df the couversation -on ] ; . BLACK GREEN C R RED e AR r Miss Una Saunders, who wa Miss subjects dealing with the war, Mr. 3 : (3 Brock 8t., Kingston " firaham's questioned M. Sazonoff about the antonomy-of Poland and imi YY . 30 Ti 60c Pe Lb. "NZ" HXED MY ied that Something should he | Yoeeweeeeeeweweeveewwwoe. (I| o er a sugEested that sametiing should be : done to help out the Jews who wish- : 4 ALL ROCERS C alr SORE, TIRED FEET ed to go to America. M. Sazonoff re- AT G plied: : "They are not likely to go in great h 8. - A -- I -------- . Use "TIZ" i n't have puffedeup, | numbers. They don't want to go. . They would much rathe r séttle in iim Russia or Siberia" a ee a Be + Mr. Graham likely to be done to The last chance to get| BS, sion of the Jowlah im, M. Sat. tratizo oil = MM 1 : British cashmere socks at ; A Sh a LA th night | used | Kidney and Bladder weakuess fe- i itia Men 15¢ pr. These were ordered WETS ftom TY RO SLITS Suit frou uric acid. says a noted aith, ; ; long before the war, and the : g with Je t on to the the fine line of pocket flash-lights in our win- of | Peritats. acd fame, CAUSIOE & bra: .. 'Wé have them all prices. Call and soe them. the blogd and it on to the order has just been 'filled. : : Yh min Boys' and Girls' Hockey - = I: tssia, ought tofing, scalding sensation or setting 4p Caps, worth 10¢ aud hoe! Cg A F . ; ig the Pe nfs dor, wolgiug ge ! Halliday' Ss Electric Shop cach, 'for 208, -- . Y%{ 6 more pain in co uses or | SOVernmen the world [ounces of Jad. B your phi Prepare forit by 'buying a pair of opr ea vo. colder | hyo ob le helps 180, i, + "Be Sha To voto hres dass. Tai Warm Flt Bout 0d Riers brands of clothes wo sell 1 : a Loo [WIL nedtralize the 'urine this is aiure to or : ; : er is. ; : ; : the Best'in © for price of ai ninde ches