Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1915, p. 5

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ATTENDANCE AT THE NIGHT CLASSES IN KINGSTON Which Are Being Conducted By In. dustrial Committee Of Board Of Education -- Committee 'ndeav. oring te Stir Up Interest The night classes inaugurated by the ludustrial Comnlittee of the Board of Education have not been very 'well attended this term, afd the committee is doing its best to stir 'up interest. Surely, the young men and women of the city should take advantage of this great oppor- tunity. Poe Industrial Committee of the Boaid held a meeting on Monday night when reports of the attend- ance were received, and now every effort possible is being made to have the classes well attended There has been 3 good attendance at the dressmaking Per- haps this class has appealed more strongly to the girls and women. At the <class on Monday night there were fifteen present The regular class was scheduled for but owing to the fact that the teachers, the Misses Jackson, were] out of the city, it was not heid. classes = in millinery Tuesday night, to-night and dressmaking on Thurs- day -night. 5 The classes at the Collegiate In- stitute have also been poorly attend- ed. Here such important subjects as duechanical drawing, English, arithmetic and electricity for men are taught. Late Charles Givens The foneral of the late Chatles Giv ens, took place, Monday morning, to St. Mary's Cathedral, frome , his late home, 3% Beverly street. Halligan 'sang a requiem mass for the tepose of his soul. The pall-bearers were David Woodhouse and Thomas Bromley, sons-in-law of the deceased, and Messrs. Joseph Palmer, Lockie Cameron, William Roach and Jerry Melville. A large number of floral and spiritual offerings were received, Only One Bromo-Quinine. Whenever you feel a cold coming oun, think of the full name. LAXA- TIVE BROMO-QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. Grove on box. 25¢. New' Patriotic Song. WW. E. Delaney, Winnipeg, bas pub- lithed a mew ° and stirring patriotic song, "Stand by the Union Jack," the words and music being his own composition. A copy has heen for- warded to the Whig through Mary L. Robertson, secretary of the musical vommittee of the Daughters of the Domeste science classes were held Tuesday night and will be on again The Joy of Good Health Empiré, Winnipeg. The new song will no doubt create a lively demand. Is Now Experienced Nervousness, Dizzy Spells and Sleeplessness Are Now a Thing of the Past. This is a cheerful letter from Mrs { husband is conductor on the Wabash Peacock, and it should bring joy to! the heart of many a reader of this paper, Dizzy spells and sleeplessness are sympfoms of sxhausicd nerves, and arc the bug- bear of many wo- men, whe do net know just what treatment to use. You chn read Mrs. Psacock's lot- ter and take cour- age, fcr she has = proven that Dr. . i Chase s Nerve MRS. PEACOCK. Food is a complete cure for these! troubles. So plgased was she with the | results obtained that she wants other women to know about this cure. | Mrs. Thomas Peacock. 23 lHiaw street. St. Thomas. Ont. and w i reribe Railway, states :--""I was quite run down in health, was very nervous, did not sleep well, and 'had frequent dizzy spells. Believing this to be the result of an exhausted nervous system I be- gan using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and can say that this medicine did me a world of good. It entirely freed me of the symptoms stated above; built up Ith gcnerally, so that to-day 1 I am quite well again." ecent letter Mrs. Peacock --*Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has me a world of good, and 1 would ased to tell everybody so." In nearly every issne of this paper vou will find letters about Dr. Chase's medicines your case watch for others or write to w D> . all dealers, or | Rdmanson. Bates & Co.. Limited, To- INDIA PALE ALE Not - a * Useless Intoxicant, but a WHOLESOME BEVERAGE with dietetical and -- MADE AS GOOD AS WE CAN MAKE IT -- medicinal uses Jf not sold by nearest wine and spirit merchant, write JOHN LABATT, LIMITED CANADA Time and the unequalled Trial Prove Kev. Father If this one 'does not de- | | Beavers. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRONTENAC EASY WIN DEFEATED "VARSITY IN SENIOR O.H.A. GAME, 7 TO 2 In Toronto Last Night -- Belleville Juniors Play Here To-night --Uity Hockey League. } A saye i varsity, lacking team play, was no match: for "Jim" Sutherland's Fron- tenacs at the Arena last.night, and the Kingston teami won by'7 to 2. The Frontenaes showed nice combina- ition, and carried the puck well in each time. This meant goals, while Varsity, on the other hand, general- ly sent one man down and he was helpless when he hit the defense. The students checked well, and for two periods held the Kingston squad within . reasonable limits. in the third rdund, Kingston ran wild and ran in four goals. The period scores were 2 to 1 and 440 1 for the win- ners. It took Kingston minutes to net the first tally. Varsity' was checking well in the early moments, and broke up nice three-man combina- tion time after time. Smith got one for Varsity and then Brouse came back with another. There was no fur: ther score in the first period. Varsity went goalless jn the second round 'and Kingston batted in two counters after 4 lot of hard work. Varsity got away often endugh, but failed to have a nan in centre to take the pass. The final period was all for Kings. ton, aud they backed Varsity up with three and four-man rushes. Kingston easily earned its victory. The teams : Varsity--Goal, Levesque; defense, Mathers and Walters; rover, Wilson; centre, Smith; right wing, .E. Dafoe; left wing, W. A. Dafoe. ¥rontenacs--Goal, Cook; defense, Ferguson and Stanton; rover, Millan; centre, Crawford; right wing, Brouse; left wing, Derry. Referee--Gren Caldwell. Ihe summary : ' First period-- Kiogston--Brouse ... ...... Varsity--Smith Kingston--Brouse Second period-- Kingston--Crawiord Kingston--Crawford. ..... , Third period-- Vargity--Smith ....., .... .5. Kingston--Brouse ........ . Kingston--Crawford ... | Kingston--Crawford Poronto despatch to the Whig ten covers 10 mins, % 3 mins, 9 2 mins, 7 mins, «12 mins, 10 mins. 4 mips, 1 min. 2 mins. 5 City' Hockey League After a lengthy discussion as to the advisability .of having either a five team or a four team senior City Hockey League schedule, it was un- animouly carried by a standing vote at the executive meeting of this league on Tuesday evening, that Ma: ple Leafs be admitted. Both junior and senior series will each be com- prised of five teams, and both series will he sub-divided into two groups, making four in all. Group "A" of the senior league will be composed of Portsmouth Beavers, Victorias = and Maple Leafs. Group "B" senior league will consist of Irofuois and Baukers. In the junior, leaghe group "A" will be comprised of Maple Leals, Regio- polis and K.C.L : Group "B" will constitute Victorias and Portsmouth The schedule was drawn up for both series and Feb. 3rd, the first open date obtainable ® the covered rink, was set for the opening. The initial games will bo played by Portsmouth Beavers and Victorias in the seniors, and Portsmouth Beavers and Regio- polis in the junior series. These referees were named : Senior series--Vietorias, A. Brouse, H. Nicholson; Iroquois, H, Ferguson, A. Cook; Maple Leaf, A. Brouse, H. Ferguson, Junior series--Vietorias, R. Millan, N. Der Maple Leafs, 11. Toland, N. Derry; K.C.L, J. Stewart, H. Cook; Regiopolis, L. Blakey, R. Millan, A somior referee will be paid $1.50 and a junior one $1. : : A motion was passed that all amay teur players -who are not connected with any other organization=will be allowed. to play in the City League. All registration fees will have to be in by the next meeting, January 26th, or else such teams as fail will be deprived of challenging. The rink committee will have another interview wy ob, awson ak to ob anmng open dates, hich lle added 10 the fol lowing "seheduls that was drawn up : SonOrmericn { roup A)--Portsmouth va. Victorias, Maple Leafs ts. Ports: mouth, Victorias vs. Maple Leafs, Victorias vs. Portsmoush, Portsmouth va. Maple Leafs, Maple Leals vs. Vie torias. {Group B)~Iroquois vs. Bankers, Bankers vs. Iroquois. : Junior series {group A)--Ports- mouth vs. Regiopo iopolis vs, LI, . outh. {Group B)-Maple leafs vs. Victo- Victorias vs. Maple Leafs. Belleville Vs. Frontenacs . A large excursion will arrive in the city about seven o'clock of Belle- ville supporters for the game with the junior Frontenacs to-night.' Dr. ras, Gillifillen, of Uxbridge, will referee. | tody. } The turn to cold weather has made | the ice hard. FA 3 "The acs will line-up: Mills, goal; Stewart and McCall a ea eet rata for oue - game last fall, is playing on the delence for Haileybury in the Mines league. Owing to the poor condition of the ice at the Riverdale Arena, the game scheduled for to-night between Vic- torias and Riversides in the senior series of the O.H.A. has been post- poned. It may be played on Thurs- day. : ---- General Sport, Toronto Telegram : Intercollegiate footballists won't co-operate vith the 'comuon herd in standardizing the rules. | Probably. their particular brand of culture might be contamin- ated by the contaet. Among the applicatians already re- ceived for the position of manager of the Toronto International League team, made vacant by the appoint- ment of "Joe" Kelly as scout of the New 'York Highlanders, are those Arthur Devlin, "Hank" Ramsay, "Mike" O'Neill and Arthur Irwin. No appointicent has been made and none will be made for some time. In his atihual report to the univer sity trustees, President. Hiben, ~ of Priticeton, uses very decided language in expressing the hope that paid coaches and every other professional side of amateur sports will soon cease to be. He is positive that "colle- gidte athletics, not only of Princeton but throughout the country, are sui- fering - from an overdose of coaching systems." BIBLE SCHOOL TEA-MEETING Held In Sydenham Street Methodist Legture Hall, tea meeting of Street Methodist Bible held on o'elock marched room, spread. During the intervals toasts given. Superintendent T. PP: Harri son woasted "The King," to which the whole: school responded by arising and ringing the national anthem. The remaining toasts were to "Canada," by "Jack" Day, responded to by Clif ford Reynolds; to 'The Allies," by Charles Chown, responded to by Wai- ter Stewart; to "The. School and Church," by Heward Elmer, and re- sponded (0 by Rev. Alired Brown and T. F. Harrison; to *"I'he Ladies," by Arthur Singleton, and responded to by Miss A. Bond. . Solos were rendered by Lilly Saun- ders, Flsie Barton, Florence Valleau, Gertrude Stafiord, John Alexander; violin solo, hy H. Norton; piano solo, by Miss Daisy Chown; piano duets by Miss Lucille Corbett 'and H. Norton, Misses Opal and Myrtle Sharpe: reei- tations by Miss Violet Posselwhite and Miss L. Mayell. E. P. Jenkins, assistant superintendent, made a few remarks, thanking all those who had assisted hin in making the entertain- ment such a sucecss, The Sydevham School was Tuesday evening. At 6.30 the ¢lasses assembled and down to the refreshment where tables . were daintily were WHIG SUBSCRIBER 60 YEARS Charles Hay, Of Saskatchewan Pays 'a Nisitdo- Kingston. Charles Hay, for many years a prosperous farmer of Glenburnie, and who last spring moved to a 480-acre farm he perchased about seven miles from Saskatoon, Sask., is paying a short visit to Kingston, in company with" his wife. Mr. Tay called at the Whig oflice on Tuesday afternoon to renew his subscription, and remarked that he was a subscriber to this news paper for sixty years. He recalled that his first. subscription to Dr. Bar. ker, the Whig founder, was paid by a load of wood. "Although we are liv. ing over 1.500 miles away, we could not do without the Whig," said My, ay. In Saskatchewan, Mr. Hay and his son have met with © success in their venture, having had a good year, and are looking forward to a still better one, Mr. and Mrs. Hay will remain in the east until March lot, visiting old friends. ACKN OWLEDGES RECEIPT Of Kingston Contributions For Bel. glan Relief Fund. The secretary of the Board of Trade has received the following letter from H. Prudhomme, Montreal, honorary treasurer of the Canadian Belgian Re- lief. Fund : ] "We duly of] A common liquid arvon from any drug 4 Soden Men's made, $5.00. Bi ws * He wekey Boots Hockey Boot Laces, Ladies' Hockey Boots, lightning hitch, special $2.50--skates attached free. Warm Insoles, 10¢, Ankle Supports, 25¢. The Best on the Ice' Hockey Boots at $3.00, £2.50, 10¢. no $2.0 $2.00, $1.75. - 0) and $2.00, "Invictus", the best that's pi © Skate Straps, He. Shoe Repairing Shoe Repairing [Abernethy's QurClearing Sale Of Furs Affords you the oppor- tunity, of buying high class furs at less than wholesale prices. ' You eaunot conceive of the marvelous. BAR- GAINS we are offering, and 'space will not per- mit us to quote prices, 80 we invite you to come examine and eompare. Every line of Manufac- tured Furs is included in this Sale Ladies' Fur and Fur- lined Coats, Neck Pice- es afl Muffs, in all the popular furs. . Men's Fur-lined Coats Coonskin Coats, Sleigh Robes, ete. CAMPBELL BROS. Makers of Furs NEW FE REMEDY, Not, , THERAPION 12002 fn ee chase Tres Locus PILES. EITHER No.DRUGGISTS of MAIL BI. POST 4 Cog ST. TORK SLLYMAN BROS boTRAD, LONDON, ENG. HERAPION 57 LASTING CURE, SEE THAT TRADE MARKED WORD *THERAPION' 1S OM "STAMP AFFIXED T0 ALL GENUINE PACKETS. A SURE WAY T0 END DANDRUFF Falling Hair Scalp. Stop and Itching There is one sure way that has never falled to remove dandruff at once, and that is to dissolve it, then you destroy it eatirely. To do this, Just gel about four ounces of plain, ast, by. UP. . 31 cases of dothing, bei a' contribu- tion to our pehief work for the vie tims of the war in Belgium from yout vity. . > . "We are deeply grateful to yon ior this ' magnificent donation and we would ask you to kindly convey our expressions of deepest 'gratitude and our sincere thanks to all the gencrous contributors to this, gift, The goods have been forwarded to Belgium, whete 'they were distributed where most, nptded and we fel certain that | ey wore appreciated by the destitute population of Belgium." ARRESTED BY FATHER A lad, who recently escaped from the Industrial School, = honte is In Kingston, is again in cus- He Ww ed over to the his father, and is now ue- she. station, until =} price. of bread in hingstev, in spite | §I price has heen | : bay thirds eer ply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rab it in gently with the finger tips. your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will com- pletely dissolve, and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no 'matter bow much dandruff you may have. You will find all itching and dig- ging of the scalp will stop instantiy and your hair will be fluffy, lustrou 1 feel a hundred times better. . If you valué your hair, you should} got rid of dapdenfll at once. for noth- ing destroys the hair so quickly. If not only starves the hair and makes it fall out, -but it makes it strinzy, straggly,-dull, dry, brittle and life- ess, and everybody notices it. A NO BOOST AS YET Sp------ 2 In the Price Of Bread In the City Of Kingston, : Pleasant news for the Nonsewives, There has been no boost as yet in the of the fact that the raised ut various places in Wester Ontario. ; i Of course, Just. hat will hard to say. In Western By morning, most, if not all, é£] Ice Cream Bricks! | | a Next to Opera House. 25¢ a Pint or 50c a Quart By Government test the best in Kingston Sakell's "Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 13 Pine street wher wanting ery line. of repa.r wood foors of all kinda, will receive anything done in the carpea- Estimates given »n all Kinds and new work; also hard- All orders prompt atiea'ion. shop 4 Quecn Steet Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, De dency, [esa Heart, Fuili Ono will Rusists or mai "Price. mm, ed for $5. Wood's The Great PFnglish Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whol neryuus system, makes new Blood in old Nervous pon ving, Cures of Energy, Palpilation oj ing Mem Pri, Formerly Winde *) ' MARBLE HALL | FRESH BON BONS| | HOME-MADE CANDY | | ICE 8) i mad 980. CREAM BRICKS ecial with e to order fruit Phene GEO. MASOUD, _ 238 Princess St. No Advance in Prices In Alf Oar Lines of Plione 640, wow." | Our Big Clearing Furniture Sale IN FULL SWING Special reductions in all lines, Dining Room, "Bedroom and Parloe Furniture. Dining «oom Chairs in setts of 5 small and 1 armchair. Buy early as we store your pure chases, REID Heid Quality, Beid's Low Prices. PRINTERS BOOK-BINDERS LOOSE LEAF DEVICES EMBOSSERS 1M THEN GET KINGSTON, ONT. ' "For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Grafs onolas, Columbia and o ag Odeon and Jumpo records, Bdison 2 minute records, Blue Amberal res cords. :

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