Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1915, p. 7

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INCORPORATED. - 1855 MEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Pald-up Capital Reserved Punde _ ... President, J. Hende Hy man, id itlia 8 14.Co *, 8 Meighe Duncan Caitlson, Hon, C. 8. Gooderham, 15,000,000 26,402,510 Gooderham, Vice-President President. MacDonald, 1t-Col. A © ~ Englehart, Win. Pb. Gear BANKERS: New York---National Bank Chicago First : Lot don, Eng.~London City YOUR BANKI AN who have Bapking basin will fihd the modern Banking thoat satisfactory. Long expetience, ample reso tensive fore on and domenti conn to provile adequate facilities for § Market uare ant sirvi all Bal of Commerce National Bank & Midland Bank, Limited NG SERVICE. whatever nature, 10 by the Bani of ¢ equipment, and the Bank \B transactions Kingston § GEORGE B. MCKAY - Manager i OG Uy Np a -- Safety First Where safety is desired, use BRICK Y "Hire beauty is desired, nse BRICK se BRICK first, last and always, And buy them at KINGSTON BRICK YARD, William St, #1 brick house, A. NEAL, PHONE 1396 10 rooms, furnace, electric lights, gas, C. and B. 'A bargain for quick buyer. he leaving the city. nebee St., frame house, 7 rooms, J 2 3 CARROLL AGENCY B. and C., price PHONE 68 and motor boats. Always at Your Service. Ya thé one. department of our busi ness over which we exercise the great. care with Jegird to the Now is the time to have your batteries them run down too low during the winter months. installed Rectifier for charging Storage batteries for antomobiles 'Storage Batteries charged. Don't let We have lately PORRITT GARAGE co, Limite Phone 454. TIRE, 14TE on AND 'AUTOMOHILE Wanted--A dential part of the city. 0. HUTTON, Kingston, On Apply * Ve 147'F, SICKNESS, ACCL Grocery Store in resis to 18 Market Square, "Public Notice public is herehy notified that ' OFFICES in the of ptions Kingston WILL CLOSE at the how Opposite T. M. 0. A. Kingston throughent the year: TT. ASSELSTINE, Sec. Treas, January 18th, 1915. "1 0'dock p.m. on Saturdays Frontenac Yaw Assoc. Furniture Sale ' ng reduced 10 to Everythi 8 pod 0 The. kind vou are look- sell Scranton Coal Is good Coal and we ing for is the kind we. gnaranies. Dr mpt de- | . Conelies, $4.50, 28.50 to £50. Fasy Chairs, $6.50 to #55. oars abs Suv nish, Ha seetioge, Sn 1 Go Lansdowne, 18 guest of W, f people. Pease whAT WHIG CORRFAPONDENTS © HAVE TO TELL News From Ulllagés and Farms Thronghont the Adjoining Conne ties = Rural Events, and Move. ments, » Sand Bay Notes. Sand Day, Jan. 18.--The heavy rain {all of last week leftgthe roads in a. very bad condition ok some of tho fatmors who are ha logs, Mr. and Mrs. Charlds McDonald at. timded the funeral of the late Mrs. Daniel McDonald, Delta, whe died on Monday, Jan. 1th, ~ Miss Sadie McDonald hes returfied home after visiting "at Mrs: Mary Maxwells, T. I. Maxwell visited at William We- Dotunld's "and ~~ Miss Mamie returned home with him. Nrs.. J. J. Lappan at-Joseph Flood's, Trevelyn. i Tvan Steavy and Miss Ressio, Lans- downe, at Hert MeCready's. Misa Eva Grier, Tillay, at Mrs. I. Johnston's. Miza Vioa Free, who has been ill,. is convalescent. Miss Lola Johnston, ab J. Grier's, Tilley, Miss Edis Running, Lansdowne, at Josiah Run- ning's. Haymoud and Misses Vora and Mamie McDonald, at DP. Dor. vaw's, Derryton. Amherst Island Assessor Resigns Stella, Jan. 19.--The Amherst Island Council has pr the resignation of the veteran township assessor, Ros bert Glenn.--Mr, Glenn has held that office' for thirty,eight years, and was al=o for two years collector of taxes. He has ever faithfully fulfilled his du- ties, and 'his many friends are sorry to hear of him resigning. Samuel Fleming is the newly- -appointed- asses. sor. thite a number from here at- tended the hockey match at Bath on Saturday. The new skating rink in the village has been opened and crowds are on it day and night. The loca sports are getting their horses ready for the Bath races. Joseph Bray has purchased a fast racing mare" in Kingston. I. D. Fairfield, *Colling lay, has purchased a quantity of hay from A. E. Howard George Boau- bien has purchased Norman Vempy farm, better known as the R. J. Hen. derson form, on the bay shore. W. H. Filson is sawing wood in this vicins ity, with his gasoline outfit. R. Blakey, butcher, Kingston, was over the island 'last week. Mr. aod Mrs. D. Caughey . and son have* roturned home after visiting iriends in Pitts: burg. R. McDonough, Calgary, and D. J. MeCormick, Wolis Island, were recent visitors: hefg; Mrs. I. Findlay and daughter, Ruth, from the west, age visiting friends here, Missa AM, Nelson, who is teaching school near Bath, srent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here, Janetown Jottings Junetown, Jan. 16.--Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Warren spent Tuesday in Brookville. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gib- son, Purvis street, were ' recent guests at J. A. Merbison's. Migs Emma Mallory has returned from {igiting 'her sister at Sand Bay. Mr, and Mrs, Arthur -MéCready, Lans- downe were guesta of Mr and and Mrs. Arnold. Avery on Monday. Mra. "levee, Lansdowne is -visiting her som, Charles Price. Ms. I, Horton, H. Fer- gugsin's. Mr. snd Mrs. John 'Hérbis- on visited at. Fairfield East last week. Or and Mrs, D. Huntley, Ivy Lea, were visitors at Benjamin Ferguson's, on Tuesday. Miss Ev- glona Price spent the week-end at White's, . Caintown. Wiliam Satta Lansdowne, made a busi- néss trip through this section this week. Mrs. A. E, Summers, Mal- lorytown, soent. last week with her daughter, Mrs. J. Herbison. 'Rosa laton has moved .to Brockville and Me, Qriflin, Bsooit, lias taken his place. Messrs. R. and H. While, Calatown, were calling on friends | hére on Friday evenng. Skating is being much enjoyed by the young Mr. and Mrs. Charles Batier} foent Sunday with Mr. and M#s. Naile," Caintown. Mr. and Mra. ciison. Brockville, spent and Monday at G. Green's. Late J. R, Smith, Westbrook Westbrook, Jan. 18.~The removal hy death. on J a ; Smith; 3 is. deeply regretted by a large | cirela of friends and 'acquaintances, leconsed was the son of the late Nel- son Swith, aud. was born sixty-one years ago. was a consistent member of the Methodist church and wha ever ready to advance its inter- este. Ho was a member of the Ma- sonic order and also of the A.0.U. W. The funeral service was held at his late home, Jan. , Deceased is he by a wi- dow ln > as well a3 = ed mo sisters wo es 0 whom sincere atone The church, sonic o oii and the A.0.Y. . ref pvayed to Cataragui a large number and sympath- TONIGHT ie Dally 2.30. Evg's. 7.30 and 9 0" POLITE VAUDEVILLE 3 FEATURE ACTS -3 AND PHOTO-DRAMIAS, "Prices Mat, 10¢, any sest. Evening, 10e; reserved Sc extra. COMING To The Ideal Theatre| The hig serial story by John Flem- ing Wilson. A story of love, mystery and adventure, featuring those big favorites BOR LEONARD & FELLA HALL There have been other serial stori- es, but this surpasses them all. The story commences in "the Whig on Tuesday January 26th and the pic tures at the Ideal theatre, Wednesday and Thursday, January 27th and 28th. Read it. See it. Lipton's Tea No Advance IN PRICE 30c, 40c, 50c, 60c, 75¢ and $1.00 per Ib. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their beautiful uoral tributes and spirftual offerings and for the many Kindnpesses shown to ns dé onr recent Bad bereavement in the death of our fatlier, Cha:les Givens. (algned) The Family. HOCKEY MATCH Covered Rink. Senlor Tne McGILL VS. QUEEN'S FRIDAY, JANUARY, 28ND, Game called at 8.15 p.m, Sharp. \d- mission. Gents, 30¢; 1 ree Served sedis on wale le Thursday ® am, shea each, 1 Phone, oem Jan. 20th 20th e ealied at's, 3 pan. shavp Admits seath, 2h5¢e extra Seats .: ry Faced at 10 aan, Telephone 1 Sizes 3 in. x 12 " In lengths, from 20 to 30 feet. Alwo 11 in. thick, Varsing widths, 12 ih, to 15 in, and 8 fo 15 feet Must be sound timber from sha . - QEote Kingston. Apply free delivered | | 8 Sunday | iE is i { £: 11th, and was ; Box 1s, Wiis Office. a of {as the perms ones, enjoy ska ithe evonidgs,- The many fri J. Gates 'are glad to hear "that recov from his' recent ill- ness. Earl Gates is taking u course in business , Kingston. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'beock spént Sun- day ith Mes. James Hegadorn. Ever tle son, of of Kingrion. { mother, Mrs. Snook. Rev. and | hug Mrs. wi "and 'dmughter, Grace, { Horace Grass, of Colling Bay, ate son, John, oi Abetia, at J. L. + Sproule's. . Mra. Henclier ahd daugh- ter, 2 Min, a8 are visiting W, . Champs, at J, Py, alt ot whom are Sa "THE MASTER KEY" 'and ave wisiting her | ia om mss | MAJOR @. H. GILLESPIE id oe hin Seid, F Jan! | coxpENsED ADVERTISING RATES Fitat tigertion, 10 a word. Each con scettive insertion thereafter, half- cent & Word. Minimum charge for one fnsettion, 252; three lawertioay, 50¢; six, $1; one month, $2. -------- ten nt -- HELP WANTED ---- AN ADVT OF 23 WORDS OR LESS, under this head; Cont Jae for one night, or 0c for thes TWO MAIDS, APPLY GENERAL HOS. vital . AT ONCE, EXPERIENCER WAITRESS. es. Apply Hotel Frontenac. ----------------_------ nein EXPERIENCED GENERAL Apply in evening 244 King Si AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing. Send for particulars. Prees Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. 8 88 YOU CAN MAKE DOLLARS FAST, Our new Household nécessity 3ahis on sight 'n every homa. r handied Write quickly § partiulars, Torrance - Cor nna , Dept. C, 407 Ring West. Toror . WANTED GENERAL FURNISHED RESIDENCE and August, rooms: 8B SERVANT to Ars. Kilborn, FOR JULY near the water; nine an American. Apply te Mee ann, 52 Brock St. WANTED TO »U RCUASE GOOD SEC. ondhand Ford automoblle in good running ndition. Must have ood tires, ete. Apply Hex No. 181, hig office GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth-and have It made Up Inte up- to-date puits. Prices and workman- shipigiarantced to please. Presss Inz "and repairin done on the shortest notice. omas Calloway, 1%1_ Rrock street, near Ribhy's Garage. WORK WANTED. EXPERIENCED . YOUNG MARRIED man seeks situation on farm by ist 'Mareh. Total abstainer. Al fred Standen, c-o. 8 Falrfield, Col. lina Bay, Ont. POSITION WANTED. GOOD PLAIN COOK WOULD LIKE PO. =ithon. At liber y. Any time. Apply Box 119 Whig o STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT blacksmithing or carpentecing, de- sires position. Would kind of remunerative fob. references. Apply in first instance to Dox 1167, cars Whig Office. SITUATION VACANT. WANTED y AN WITH PAIR EDUOCA- on for local work. Salary and hn. rapid advancement; ence upne 3" Bainited. Pub Lima actepted. Hichols lshers, Téronto BOYS, GIRLS AND make big fuoney selling pletiire postedrds ¢r perfuineéd packets. Cash commission, Sinply senda name and address snd "we Aan goods to sell. Ta ay. balt'Gold Pen Co. Toronto. Dept. K be LADIES CAN MEDICA). I. A. COON, MD.CM, (FORMERLY OF Lig). S Surgery, 83 Wallington St ! Victoria school. corner Sydenham cL toLh RIMMED 'GLASSES, n Union streét, between cor. » or RAN at and Bydenham street and IN Finder please leave at residence of Elmer Davia, any West streets and reecive reward. 'TO LET TRY ONE OF THES clean and dry. Street, roem, Staart St ROOMS orER Immediate Princess Street, A FURNISHED HOU ness skction, pos 1915. Apply hox 81, TALL ADVTS, Once 26c., tires times bi et -------- sto ORAGE FOR FPURNITUR McCann, 'BTC 2 Broek TWO BEDROOMS AND ONB SITTING furnished. Apply to 108 48 PIUNCESS STREBT. vasseasion. Apply 65 SE, NEAR nUST. session Feb, 11st, Whiz office. Mutts, 4H Claren DWELLINGS Brook dary, airy rooms; key. ost's Queen Bt. Ph OFFICES iN CLARENCE. ST, CHAM. ber: to Cunningham STORAGR FOR FURNITURE, & oe St. FURNISHED AND UN. H stores, Sfices, ete Mi Ur gn: tosh aad our vu Bone Kaen i rent, $14.00. tence, ber, Apply plumber, for two parties; ever, TWO HOUSES SENTRALLY LOCAT- Each house' suit. coh ven. David arshall, DENTAL A. E. KNAPP, BA, PRON, i St (ov Ph DR. C. ©, NASH, Renton, assistan Street. §. A. SIMPSON, L.D ist, corner streets, O. ¥, Telgmann, tion, plano, violl instruments tacts, ete. Phone 61. POWER & SON, AR chants' Bank - F Brock and Drop a ecard, opaned up & an Bring an supplied prices. ANYONE eanvansing: e M. POLSON, Moa whov, STUART & Brom IH ¥ rea ) Hie RR te pos: ol 135 Oifiea houra, 33 ate 2-4 pm, 7-8 pam Phone LEGAL BES, w_ office, 70 CUNNINGRAM & NUDE, BARIUA. y to teach by Prof, chairman Stan ter Waltzes Phase 4 120, 4. GAVINE, palring and Ts and solle Clarence St. thgston. wp anes pi oe aso SME MIIE vos ioriinveininise 10 ae tegular size 25 ets "At Your Family Grover. TRE © Sssineneinsinannay the ebunty of Frontenae, de- to Sommete for the Ed- Ciip, will forward their applications to : Hockey "teams 'hiougout mattréss renovatl or enll 215 Bazat DENTIST). DR. Princesa Entrance on Bagot Street. Wellington Send for fres booklet Heucork, 5,948 LoekboLt, DANCING. [MISS FLOSSIR HUDoX, and 1.008, D DS, Re moved to 258 Princess Streat. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 158 WEL. er Carnoveky's). ™ B, L 133 Princess I'hone 735; NS, DDS, DENT. Bagot and MUSIC. MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRU TCs tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Nar: Telgmann, Alida T. 18 'algmann, X18 teachers of slocu- n and all stringed ARCHITECT \ WM. NEWLANDS _ & SON, ARCHI. Offices, 258 Bagot Bt. CHIPECTS, MER. nilding, cornet streets, BUSINESS NOTICES " JOSEPH BUSE 4 ChRsTN OE ST It a rongh er are nrompily ut reasonable RUSINGSS CHANCES came adie ANYWHERR CAN STARRY # wail order business at home: ro four own boss ti bow IpeniIED at AC tea appolnted: to Bandara is made dances, Dayton, Oblo; June; 1914, Fox-Trot, Hesitation and Can. the UPHOLSTENING UPHOLSTERING, RR. vurpet Hiceel! Don a ond One-Step, ete. L HEAR ECTIVE ADVES. COST little. nce, £5¢; thide' times, Soe one Week, $1.00. : laman.. 1 Dives seo RITCR PUPPY, 4, by cpampian, Rook ty Ocrang ex Pure Mald. Hi, 3 Foe 214 Willam 8t, Ki - SIX FEgT LONG, ront and 56 3-2 In. hy 1 at DK frauen and one top shel Slightly uséqd, pply Elum Wang Je L LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND a mbar of firsi-ciass heaters at y prices; also a big Block of furs 3 J Fhompson, 333 Princess : Prone 1600. \ LANGE NUMBER OF RICYOLRS alo Dunlop tires, at $2.00. All oidery Brom 5 attended & tor carpet cleanin an ayin of Muller, 370 Ring Bt, 5: George HAPPY THOUGHTS, fords, and other oa ate bec's, pugs and WFIOE DES in, high in fits. Turk's "Phone, s Val soLIn moder HOUSE, 7 ROOM al modern improvements, arn with ot alr and drive- 'A snap for quick buyer. Apply No. 4 Birch Avenue. INE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN fwenty, Ratths old. hotedst TEs e $1050 FRAME ROUSE, CHERRY ST. A snap for a quick bu $1930 BRICK VENEER House, oN Patrick St, ¢ For MH USES oN "Yomi £7. $1600 HovSRy wo RENT, * oR0. BATE. man, real estate and SA! 67 Clarence St, Kingston. TELEGRPRY tee. 8h ral Improvement. uniness lege ® yim imited t Mates ween Stree 'hone 440. IL ¥. : ate, Meteaite, FINANCIAL FRONTENAC JOAN AND oclaty properties, munieipg denote Tdoaveioe oa wed. C. MoGiil Siti' street. LONDON AND ance Com any SHEN vo 2b r arnetn $61,187,215, which the volleyholde ers f sechrity the unlimited Hable ely roperte, insured 'possible rates. Batoee old ry "iving a rates from Str Agents. Phone CATERING WE _CATER ao KRARTIRS, LLW, nets, et is i Bela, iE 24" gl Phones 443 or 302. " tre PERSONAL, AT ae, Boren €8 removed perm, Soon, Bs car 30 years x Fias roat and Stn pee wt To all kinds of weather and a littlon gular FICE 5126; Jol. fli _ better than the larger size (egg -- eoal) in mild weather, i r a load screened der a loud screened, am

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