IN es CORPORATED 1855 BANK or TORONTC MEAD OF FI Pald-up Capital >... Reserved Vunds DIREA Duncan Coulson, President Hon. C * wn, 'William Gooderham, IF. 8 Melg BANE Hym nC YOUR BANKING s Banking bu lern Banking 5 Long , ample ve fore ¥n an d= dom tensiy 2. £0 facilities tu provide adequate Market Square GEORGE B. Mc 1, TORON Te. 000,000 Rate TORS: Ww «a I, Midland Bank, Limited SE Rv i o-date equipment, and «+ ble the ank of T¢ transactions. Kingston KAY - Manager Banking Safety First Where safety is d esired, use BRICK Whipre beauty is desired, use BRICK Use BRICK first, last and always, And buy them at | KINGSTON BRK YAR, FOR William St., solid brick house, eleetrie lights, gas, C. and B. leaving the eity. Para $1800. uebec St., frame house, A NEA, PHONE us SALE 10 "rooms, furnace 7 rooms, D. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY «8 BROCK BT, JOHN DRIVER, Representative, PHONE @8 A bargain for quick buyer. and €.; price INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST flappenings in the City and Vicinity --What the Merchanis Offer to the Readers of the Whig, William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's, "Phone 564. H, Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. A Leavé orders. at Mec- Auley's book 'store. The city's contract. with tha pre- {sent garbage collectors does not ex- pire for another year. "Horlick's Malted Milk." Gibson's. There were no cases for the ma- gistrate to deal with in the police coury on Thursday morning. Tinsmithing and heating, jobbing promptly att to, Ed. Halligan, 110 Queen street. Phone 1509. An aged woman, taken in change by the police on Wednesday, wa. removed to Rockwood Hospital. "Toath Brushes," at Gibson's. Mits Margaret Elliott, of Dasrig, ds visiting "" the home of her sis- . Gooch, Stuart street.. ing hes," at Gibson's. The McEill hockey and basketball teams coniprising some twenty mem- bers will arrive in the city on Friday afternoon. "Lilac Face Cream." Gibson's. Tae young Kingston lad who was reported missing on Wednesday re- turned home during the day. He vas ont in the country. "Foot powders," at Gibson's. Capt. #. Sutith, -of Belleyille, came down to Kingston to see the hockey mate on Wednesday night and to renew old acquaintances. "Horlicks Malted Milk." Gibson's. The Frontenac hockey team is having a practice on the covered rink from seven to eight o'clock to- night. The players are not used up after last night's game. "Horlicks Malted Milk." Gibson's. The case of Walroth va. Fallon bro- thers for dawages in connection with a timber contract! was heard before Judge Lavell in chambers all day Thursday. : "Taloum powders," at Gibson's. The steamer Dwyre is in the Kingston Shipbuilding company dry dock undergoing extensive repairs to ber bottom. There are over fwenty plates damaged. About forty men are at work. "Shaving Cream," JEWS FLOCK' TO ' at Gibson's. ALEXANDRIA. Storage Batteries Now is the time to have your batteries them run down too low during the winter months, charged. Don't let We have lately installed Recufier for charging Storage batteries for automobiles and motor PORRITT GARAGE Co, Limited Always at Your Service. SR Our Dispensing Department Ts the one department of our busi. ness over which we exercise the great. | eat possible care with regard to the Sapioge Hh S54 Sh Seer The personal supervision of the proprietor over our dispensing des partment should be a guarantee to the public that any prescriptions Bgemond wit entrusted to us will be 4 with accuracy and HOAG'S DRUG STORE| Opposite Y. M. O. A. | Kingston Butter ! Butter ! 3000 1bs, choice b butter; 1 1b, 8000 1bs. best creamery but- be fresh in. Anderson Bras, Phone 458 January Furniture Sale Everything reduced 10 to Numbey Of Refugees Grows Alarmg the Government London, Jan. 21.--The corres- pondent of the Dally Mail at Cairo says the position at Alexandria in fresard to the number of Jews ar- riving tiere is becomiug excceding- Iy grave. It is evidently the inten- tion of the Turks to expel or intimi- date into fleeing the whole of the Jéwish race in Palestine. Eighteen thousand of these refugees are ex- pected on various vessels within ten 'days, and this number 'will probab- ly be quadrupled before long. The earrespond adds: "Henceforth the Egyptian govern- went, with its own serious nbeds, can do little for these refugees. The Jewish community in Alexandria has given $10,000 to help them. The present resources are only sufficient 10 supply them with bread and soup ddily for a fortnight. The refugees are installed in the cattle quaran- tine sheds and the railway station. The question of accommodation will shortly lieve to be considered. ZEPPELINS UNWIELDY, p------ American Inventor of Explosives Says Germans Hopes Vin. New York, -Jan. 21.--The hopes held in Germany an igh of- fectiveness of the Zeppelin as a new factor in warfare are otmed' to dis- appointment in the opinion of Hir- and The famous inventor of 'explosives Sm La v and It to manipulate or. steer, which detracts from their u in warfare, but that bombs d from them nfiss the target also lose force, Oak Wanted Sires 2 1 tm. in 1 a jm x dan Ga BRS ng 15 Must he sound timber free from shakes. Quote delivered Kingnton. . Apply Box 118, Wig Office. Reb meaki_18. hoe._heen_denied. that ggnerals to smash up UFrench's com- temptible little army," there are few people who believe the denial. If the Kaiser really did give this order, ft is certain that he did #0 more in a spirit of Uryvade than of real ¢on- viction, .Cenen Sttipson has told a o it story ¢f a remark made by t '3* the ¥luns which is well peating. When the kaiser's Couches, $4.50, $8.50 to A A x } Easy Chairs, $6.50 to $55. GRAND [2 TONIGHT" Suite in Dally 2.80. Evg's.. poping - POLITE VAUDEVILLE 3 --FEATURE ACTS 3 AND PHOTO-DRAMAS. Prices Mat. 10c, any seat. _ Evening, 10ci reserved Sc extra. IDEAL THEATRE 582%" 2 BIG FEATURES 2 Francis Ford and Grace in "THE RETURN OF THE TWIN'S ' DOUBLE" A 'Sensational Deiegive, Feature in 3 In "THE MAN WHO was MISUNDER- A Z-reel sub Bagw r su beta" pe ing Don't miss this bill, one day oly Friday 2 Fea 3 Stary, ft. ffm ad aren 3 Big 3,000 at Lipton's Tea No Advance IN PRICE 30c, 40¢, 50c, 60c, 75¢c and : $1.00 per Ib. C d_ Rink, Senio roll . over MeGILL VS. QURERS inte FRIDAY, JANUARY, 22ND, Game ealled at 8.15 p. m, sharp. Ade mission. Gents, 00c; ladles, 2We; re- served seats on sale 9 am, TH Ln each, including nae, Phone, NEED GERMAN BOATS CANADIAN INTERESTS ASK POR THEIR RELEASE, Ocean Rates Too High--Canadian Companies Have Suffered Through Loss of Ship Space. Ottawa, Jan, 214-The govern- ment has been advised that a request has been made by British and Cana- dian shipping interests to the Imper- ial authorities' for the release of a number of captured German ships so as to relieve the freight congestion caused by the commandeering of se many British freighters by the ad- miralty. Freight is now abnormally high in spite of the fact that the sea lanes have been rendered tolerably safe from German raiders. This is be- cause, gs stated, So many of the regu- lar vessels have been removed from. commerce for war purposes: The Canadian companies have suffered just as heavily as the British ones. It is learned that some Canadian ves- sels are even heing used as prison ships. Under the circumstances it is con- sidered advisable to utilize the num- ber of German and Austrian ships €eized, known to number over 400, to fill the gaps caused by the taking over of British vessels. One Cer- London, but whether this course will be generally followed and the request known. NOT ALL NURSES EQUIPPED. Proper Standgrdismtion. The Youth' ne. ie or ther the Red Crom alice the war began has brought nursing to public attention. Everyone at Red iy nurses are ru nurses, an most suffosed that all trained od qualify Red bg ter visited England not BE of him Er . wae A Extra Special Attraction! HOCKEY MATCH man boat is at present on ee in| © of the shipping men geceded to i not] | Hockey teams througout the county of Frontenac, de- siring to compete for the Ed- J will forward ae Ta their applications to he ease. | MAJOR @. H. GILLESPIE not later than Saturday', J an Suary 239d. CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES First tagertion, ic a word. Each con~ halt cent a word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25e; three insertions, SOc; six, $1; one month, $2. insertion thereafter, HELP WANTED nce 25¢., three times Sc. STORAGE FOR FURNITU clean and dry. McCaan, Street. TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furnished. Apply to 198 Stuart St 2 Brock Aner r this. ht, or no costs coats 20 2 . lor one oc fn three. Fv wis APPLY GENERAL HOS. pital. ROOMS OVER 03 PRINCESS STREET. Immediate' possession. Apply 66 Princess Street. FURNISHED HOUS NEAR Bu a ness section, Lo eb. Tie, es. $15 WEEK AND EXPENSES, Walther AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED WAITRESS | . Apply Hotel Frontenac. Linscott, Brantford. TO TRAV. ting local representatives. 1815. Apply Box 81, s Whig office. OFFICES. nN : CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. 0 Cunalngham & Mudie, ou Clarence St, DWELLIN FURNISHED AND UN. AN handle Dept. INTELLIGENT PERSON earn for newspapers; cate, 3,969 Lockport, 888 YOU CAN MAKE DOLLARS FAST. +Our new household necessity sells on si ht 'n_every home. partuiars. $100 nionthly correspon no _canvass for particulars. Easily Write quickly. Torrance Company, C, 457 King West, Toronto, WANTED GENERAL Toom J. 8 ship ing FURNISHED RES 4 NR ust ard Aug ROO shorte St notice, Garage. POSITION WANTED, Appls it §2 Brock St. L ie iS TO BRING guaran 1 to please, and ret ng done on P-ack street, Dear STEADY, sires kind GOOD PLAIN © doK sition. BAX Y blac Ksmithia references: RELY mg or darpentering, de- position. Would accept of remunerative job, Ap. Good MEDICAL AY ng sing. ap Syadi- ree ENCE FOR Jv LY the wale nine OR Ni ARRIKD 1 for a Apply THEIR 2 it made up into up- 'rices and workman- Press. the Thomas Gelloway, Bibby's VOULD LIKE PO. 1y-W Hig Pie timer APPI ABLE MAN, GOOD AT any ply dn first instance to Box 1167, care. Whig office, furnished: stores, offices, eto, ©- Cann's Real Estate Agency, 52 Brock St. ' - STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN dry, airy rooma; your own 100k ad Queen BE. Phone 52d. DENTAL » Bits L.D.S, D DS, RE. Princess Street. SPARKS _AND SPARKS, 150 WEL- Union Bt. (over Carnovsky's). Phone $48, DR. C,/C, NASH, DENTIST; DR, T. Benton, assistant, 133 re Street. Phone 735, 8 H. SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, DENT. ist, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot Street. L MUSIC: PROF, CHAS, R, HARRISON, Lb ACH. ercof piano, Special atlentic beginners For terms rangements for pupils' lessons ply at 240 Montreal Street A. E. KNAPP, moved to MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC- on, 216 Frontenac §t: Miss Norma tm; Aidw Tolga, TE Telgmann, teachers of elocu- / ton: piano, violin and all stringed {nstruments ARCHITECT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. ! tetts, etc. Offices, 258 Bagot Bt. Phon D. A. COON, MD.C.M, (FORMERLY ¢ Elgin). ai Teer, 93 Wellington St e Phone 61. ¥) POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Banik Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. STUART Eye, New 9-12 177. former oh gy sur opposite posy office. re roth Manhdiar ear, nose, an hom hospital York. Office, hours, he ce am, 2.4 132 Wellington, p.m. 7-8 p.m. Phone Drop a card. ' BUSINESS NOTICES tere ee tema te JOSEPH Buse a CHESTNUT ST. HAS & quarry on Stephen St, CUNNINGHAM & ters Clare LEGAL and 3 init dae PERSONAL, HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMARK and all Srawtha and. skin Dlemish es removed ; 80 ga nd Bagot St FIRARARLIY, poluiisty 258 B 8. 70 Hy. Fithou Noss opened u Cut, bullding and rough stone are Jubbiled promptly at reasonable BUSINESS CHANCES 'IANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail order usineay at homes: ne . Sanvassing; boss, own nd for free booklet: Heacock, te Look port, NY. how DANCING. ward's w., J Shan pal in UPHOLSTENING and. only . medicinal nal segan) Hyg gut 5 ¢ MISS FLOSSIE RUDON, AUTHORIZED to teach by Prof. Frank H. Norman, chairman Standardization Commit. tee appointed to staiqaidize the modern dances, Dayto 3 Tine, 1914, Fox-Trot, Hesitation on ga & Wa ete. ter for faores and One TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ror THESE OR FURNITURE, ETO EFFECTIVE VTS. COST hei 8 A times, 500; Tae » l AIREDALE BITCH PUPPY, $1050 FRAME HOUSE, $1050 BRICK JEESE FEATHERS APPLY TO MRS, 3587 Div'sion St Five months old, by Ouraag ex puta MAE Fgh AR Tom, 14 William HFRS A LARGE VARIRTY OF RANGES AND & number of frat-cliss heaters at low prices; also a big ot far- niture, J. Thompson, it Princess Et. Phone 1600. \ LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES also Dunlop tires, at $200. All" orders promptly attended to for {ashet cleaning > ang Jaring: George ler, 373 IFF jon BE ET LONG, a 56 1+2 in. Gin to Bou HAPPY THOUGHTS, iMPENIAL oXe fords, and other cook sto! Ei Ine first class Poe them out at ve! ts. Turk's "Phone, 7 ves. Que. and square esters, all sha wil) A small pro- SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, WITH all modern Improvements, hot alr furnace, ood barn and drive- Louse; lot 98 fi. frontage, on B'reh Avenue. A snap for quick buyer. Apply No. 4 Birch Avenue. CHERRY ST, A snap for a quick buyer VENEER HOUSE, ON Patrick St, 6 rooms. FOUR Souses ON. YORK ST, $1600 to HOUSES TO RENT, GEO. A. BATE- man, real estate and Jnsurance, 67 Clarence St, Kings TELEGRPRY ov Service: Shorthand, Type ing eit General Improvement. Day and Night Classes. Kingston Business College Limited Head of Queen Street. Rates moderate. Phone 440. H, »P. Metcalfe, FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESE. ment Soclety: incorporated 1363; Jjesident, Colonel Hehry R. Smith. i oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and count debentures; mortgages pure deposits received and interest or lowed. C. 1 Manager, 87 Clarence treat LONDON AND GLO ERPOOL, TR, AS to the poli cyhold ers have for a the va ijted Hashity of ol lowest Stra Agent Phone a2 CATERING OATER ARTIES, BALLS, Wedding Broa fry banquets, er giiverare rent dishes table linens a vera Raid, 30 "union Street. rook, Alfred Btr Phones #43 ar Tos. setting their work don ¢h ~ e & oh a After r siving hei ponte 100 meh Nas little. ody finally "issue A regular furnace size; good for all kinds of weather and a little better than the larger size (egg coal) in mild weather. given that the ompany Baa boon