¥ PAGE TWELVE Useful foe Orer 500. Purposes | > KIPLING SEES THE MEN AUTHOR PAYS A VISIT TO TRAIN- ING GROUND OF TROOPS. Soldiers of Kitchener's Army Are All Known Poiuts of the Land- scape -- Through Shapeless Blue Garb Magnificent Physique of the Men Is Apparent. Rudyard Kipling has visited one of the camps of Kitchener's armies-in- the-making in Bngland, and he writes in The London Express: -- This was a cantonment one had never seen before, and the gres- | | an AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES FOR HIRE Phone 11 77 George W. Boyd, 89 Earl Street. PAA A A A, SAA AAA NN Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A safe, reliable regquiali Bold io medicine. in three of strength--No. 1, $1 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per bor, all druggists, or seat rice, ena THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO, ONT. (rermerls Wisdser) 0. Bold Free id on wesipt pamphlet. A OUR FRESH GROUND COW. NER AT 40c, CAN'T BE BEAT. Try » sample order and be econyiaced. NOLAN'S GROCERY Princess St. Phone 720. Prompt Delivery DRUNKENNESS is a curable digease, which requires The ORRINE treatment can be used with absolute conti- dt destroys all desire for treatment. dence. whiskey beer, or other intoxicant Can be given in the home. tarium expomse. No be refunded. ORRINE is forips: prepared In No. 1, secret treatment, powder; ORRINE No. 2, in pill form for those who desire to take volun- tary treatment. Costs only $1.00 "box: + Cotte in and talk over matter with us. Ask for booklet, G. W. Mahood, cor. Princess and Bagot street, des No sani- loss of time from work. - Can .be given secretly. If after a trial you fail to get any benefit from its use your money will two the haired military policeman could give no help. "My experience," he spoke delach- ably, "is that yow'll find everything everywhere, Is it any particular corps you're looking for?" "Not in the least," 1 sald. "Then you're all right. You can't miss getting something." He pointed generally to the North Camp.. "Its like floods in a town, isn't it?" He had hit just the word. All known marks in the place were sub- merged by troops. Parade-grounds to their utmost limits were crowded willl them; rises and skylines were furred with them; and the whole length of the roads heaved and rip- pled like bicycle-chains with blocks of men on the move. : When companies numbered off one could "hear the tone and accent of every walk in life, and maybe half the counties of England, from the deep- throated "Woon" of the north to the sharp, half-whistled Devonshire "I'n," Aud as the instructors laber- ed, so did the men--with a passion to learn ag passionately as they were taught. Presently in the drift of the [oot trafic down the read there came another gray-haired man, one [oot in a gay slipper, which showed he was an old soldier cherishing a sore toe. He drew alongside and conpsid- ered these zealous myriads. "Good?" said 1 deferentially. "Yes," he said. "Very good"--ihen halt to bhimself-- "quite diferent, though." A pivot man close to us pad shifted a little instead of mark- ing-time on the wheel. His' face ¢louded; his lips moved. Obviously he was cursing his own clumsiness. "That's what 1 meant," said the veteran. "Innocent! Innocent! Mark you, they ain't doin' it to be donc with it and get off. "Phey're doin' it because---because they want lo do £0 1 asked a leading question because the old soldier told me that when his toe was sound he, too, was a military policeman, "Crime? Crime?" said be. 'They don't know what crime is----that lqt don't--~none -of 'em!" 'Ie car worked her way through miles of men--men route-marching, or going fo dig or build bridges, or 8. a What Thin Folks Should "0 To Gain Weight Miysician's. AdVice For Thin, Unde- veloped Men and Women, PThousaiids of people suffer from ex- cespive thinness, weak nerves, at fegble stomachs, who having tried ad- vert flesh-makers, food-fads, phy 1eal coditre stunts and rub-on cream resign themselves to life-long sKinni- ness, and is « palring the wasie of sickness or faunl digestion and for strengthening Herve This remarkable discovery ealles) Barge]. Hix Atrength-giving whrogdueing - elsuments of 'Kivowledyged * PT beet) combiied 40 this pee Issa preparation, whivh 9 endorsed by efany and used by prom. enifuent physi fnent people ev re. It is abg Jutely harness, nexpensive, and off wonth's sygtematic use of Sar shold produce flesh ana strength the wrestle with stores and iranspert---- four or five miles of men, and every man with eager eyes. There was no music -- not éven drums and fites. 1 heard nothing but a distant skivl of the pipes. Trust a Heot to get his national weapon as long as there is a chief in the north! Admitting that war is a serious busi: ness, specially to the man who is being fought for, and that is may be right to carry & long face And conteis bute to rolief fuhds which should be laid on the National Debt, it sure: 1y could do no harm to cheer the men '| with a few bands. Half the mency gpent in treating, for example. There was a moor among woods with a pond in a hollow, the centre of a world of tents whose population was North Country. One heard Mt from far off. 14d 8 ty re at t' same time. Try again," said av instructor. An isolated company (ried again with set seriousness, and yet again. 0- Ts ol hy Like a Flood Which Submerges |. he ai "Yo' mun trall t' pick an' t' rike correcting Taults of digestion and by suppjviug dghly concentrated fats to the blood, Increased nourishment ds from the food eaten, and the addition! fats that thin-people need Are. Jrovided. Leading druggists supply argolesand say there is o large demand or it. Mhile this new preparation has give en splend results as a ervoutanic ay et Alsen, it should not be used by > o e untess they wish at least ten pounds of flesh, To gan They were used to the pick ---- wen their living by it, in fact--and so, favored it more than the rifie, bul miners don't carry picks at the trail by instingt, though they can twiddle a rifle as one twiddles a walking stick. kb They were clad in a bine garb that disguised all contoyrs; yet their GIVE THAT PUNY CHILE - THIS lets, ailing, liable to get sic it da a medicine to w au h. pose there yr od else we of that we can so ly as Rexall Olive 0il Emulsi this 'build GUARANTEED REMEDY If, your child js under-weight, Hst- easily, its For this pur- shoulders, backs and loins could nol be altogether disguised, and these WErs oeurtul tyes Another company, at , pbypical drill, in shirt apd trousers, showed what superb material had offered it~ self to be worked upon and how«mueh poise and directed strength had been added to that material in tho past three months, : got When the New Army gets all its new uniform, it will gaze at itself like a new Narcissus. put je present kit indeseriba pd t Ww) Eng- lish fashion, it his been m: 'he had added to his men's outfit for the moral effect of .a) having something to clean and of keeping it so. It has paid: point of food msrp TH DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, J vw - rn ! oTEHD rs ha - ANTWERP ik BELGIUM =" 1,6 3 from Cuxhaven to London. HOW AIR RAIDERS REACHED BRITISH TOWNS, Jt will be noted that Yarmcrnh is a It is sup) from Ouxhaven or from Emden and returned by somewhat the same route. the air route directly 'on the raiders flew 300 miles ERIN'S EMERALD ISLE. I Kitchener Sucveeds Lord Roberts al Colonel Of the Irish Guards. Lord Kitchener! has been appointed colonel of the Irish Guards, as suc- cessor Lo Field Marshall Lord © Rob- erts. One Dublin paper has been raided and another has suspended, in view of threats to ruid it made by the au- thorities. York street church, Belfast, of which the Rev. W. A. Watson is pastor, has sustained the loss of a highly esteemed member by the death of Dr. John Mecllroy, The death has occurred, at his residence in Cark, of Sir Daniel Ho- garty. Deceased was sixty-five years of age and was the first lord mayor of Cork, being installed in 1900. ¥ John H. Carr, F.R.C.V.S.L., one of the Kingstown Urban Council officials, has been granted a commission in the regular army, . x rh A shunter at Waterford West rail way station, named Jobu Rowe,' was killed's instantly during shunting operations. 4a Last week one of the longest of the Olympic's life-boats was washed ashore on Lough Swilly, near Tun- dee - Fort snd was immediately : taken in charge-by the naval authorities. The 'desth has oceurred in Limer- ick, at hi# tésidence," The Crescent, - oi Dr. John Holmes, F.R.C.8.I, for many years medical. officer of - Lim- erick * Rural Dispensary District. He was in his sixty-second year. The © kipg has approved Dublin, Castle being placed: at: the disposal of the «ity: of 'Dublin branch of - 'the British 'Red Cross ; Society . as ap emergency Red' Cross hospital. Rev. John' M.' McQuitty, High Kirk, Ballymena, 'was 'inducted vas .a minis: ter 'of Trinity '| United Free Church, Glasgow," ©. 0 1. ; The Rarl of Courtown. has just died at." his , rresidence, Courtown House, Gorey, county Watexlord, at the" age of ninety-one years, The Limerick Gonstabulary recent: ly .seized 'all copies of "Irish Free dom" which they found at.the vari- ous newsdealers in the city, The "death - is: announced of the Earl of Erne, the well-known Irish peer. His successor, Viscount ~Erich- ton, is at present a prisoner of war in. Germany. Eggs have been sold by weight in Ireland for many years, ever since the Danish method was introduced, It 4s 'stated that there are now 140,000: I¥ishmen serving under the British flag. Smallest Bevoive.. A revolver which hasbeen designed for the nervous woman to carry in her vanity bag is probably the smallest weapon of its kind in the world. From the top of the ham- mer to the end of the barrel it meas- ures about three inches, and it »mre= a steel bullet about twice the size of =which, Ett ordre Theo wel oR is the latest production of a leading gunmaker, is beautifully made, with mother-o'-pear! 'mounting. « y may be recalled the outcry made by HOLLAND TO PROTEST. The German Flights Are Violation of Noutrality.. Amsterdam, Jam. 22. -- German aireraft passed over Holland from west to east last night. It is ex- pected that the Dutch government will point out to Germany that the repeated flights of German aircraft over Holland are not conformable to the attitude of a belligerent to a neu- tral country. In this connection the German press with regard to the alleged violation of Swiss territory on the occasion of a British visit to Freidrichshaven. Misery of New York's Unemployed. New York Tribune. The imagination thrills to the hor- rors of misery, destitution and star- vation in Belgium. It is just as horrible to be homeless and starving in raw, rainy New York, and there is: no glow of romance in the lot of the unemployed who haunt the parks and lodging houses, beg the grocer for a day's erpdit or seek" the charity of the bread lines, Figures, complied for the Public Forum of the Church of the Ascension show that there are more than 500,000 unemployed in New. York to-day: In volume of misery, in empty stomachs and break ing hearts 'the situation cannot be measured. Statistics are wholly in- adequate. , That need is increasing daily. Lit- tle savings are being swept away. Women and: children are actually starving to death ii the richest city of this great .land of abundance, and men, their hearts broken by the hopelessness = of the struggle, are committing; suicide. Officials are investigating and committees are de- bating ways and means of attacking the unemployed problem, That is fine, but what is needed now Is mon- ey to huy' dnd ghelter and cloth- ing apd medical attendance for those who are about to go under. Toronto Telegram (Conservative. OQutario conservatives are unwilling to turn' their country over to Laur- igv, Bourassa or Lavergoe just be cause' they follow a ot. who is not strong enough: to off an en- cumberance Jig Hon, Sam; Hughes. Sir Robert pden will bave no- body but himself 'to blame! for the situation which confronts conserva- tive members of parliament. That si- tuation will }have to be met in . this province at least by a .straight out repudiation of Hon. Sam Hughes. Ontario conservative. members will have to repudiate Hon. Sam Hughes and Sir Robert Borden in order to get electea, - 'Their chibice is between such a repudintion and the still more disagreenblos alternative. of being left at " : Youn. A gentleman wah travelling in a train, which stopped at a wayside station. Beckoning to 4 small boy on the platform he gave him two pen- nies.and told him to bring him a pen- uy bun and to buy one for himself witu the other. 3 The you ors quickly retul Jmunct with great relish. With' the utmost nonchalancehe handed a penny to the aston shed traveller with the remark: 'off and very nehing a bun | | } t The bottom iol: ath sea is getting pray wal armor platak x © : , JANUARY 22, 1915. Faculty of Smell Is the Most Highly Developed. The most valuable faculty possess ed by insects is their sense of smell Most insects hear very poorly, and ants in particular are absolutely deaf With all their batteries of eyes bulg ing in every direction these creature: do not seem to enjoy very good eye sight. Some of the flying insect: cannot see well enough to avoid ob stacles which to them should look a big as a barn. 1 But when it comes to the semse ol smell the insect world is far ahead 'of any animal. Fabre, the grea! French entomologist, confined some female butterflies in a steel cage fai from the natural haunts of the in sects. To his surprise males of the species came from miles away and lit on ihe screen. He then confined the females ir B hermetically-sealed jars and placed them near places frequented by the males. Not one paid any attention though the ferales were visible through' the gl To make sure that the sense of sniell was the gliding force, Prof. Fabre brought out some bits of pape: and twigs on which the females had rested. Males soon appeared, and, ignoring the females in their glast jars, circled about the twigs and paper. : If a strange ant of the same species is placed in an ant-hill he is violent ly ejected. Every insect he meets recognizes him ipstantly as an in truder and helps in the ejection. If a small mouse dies in a fleld certain undertaker insects known a: sylphs and necrophers will journey from distances of more than a mile to lay eggs in the body. The bouse-fly acts solely on the sense of smell. In his flying about he is perpetually trying to bead in the direction of each breath of food odo: he meets, and dodges and turns with each eddy of air until he locates the source of the smell. Mosquitoes find you in the dark rather more easily than in the day. They smell their vietims outside the house. Their sénse of smell leads them to windows, doors, or chimneys, In they go, and soon you hear thelr song about your ears. i A Bed of Bayonets. A most remarkable feat was per: formed before the rajah of Manipur by a Mussulman, one of a company of acrobats, who reclined at: full length upon the points of seven bay- onets fixed in the orthodox method in- as many muskets. Four of the performer's assistants lifted him up on to his bed of spikes, where he carefully adjusted himself and dis tributed his weight so that the bay- onet points did not pierce his flesh. The back of his head rested on one point, his shoulder blades on two others, his elbows on two more, while the hollows behind his knees engaged the remaining two. The acrobat de- clared after it was all over, thas he had felt as comfortable as if lying on a bed ; i - The Dogs of Turkey. In the matter of kindness to ani- mals it is said that the Turk cannot be surpassed. Thus at Stamboul the wandering dogs. are treated with great gentleness, and when puppies come into the world they are lodged with their mother at the side of the street in improvised kennels made out of old boxes lined with straw and bits of carpet. -And frequently when a'young Turk happéns to be flush of money he goes to the nearest baker's shop and buys a quantity of bread, which he distributes among the dogs of the quarter, who testify their gratitude by jumping up at him with muddy paws and sniffing muzzles. ------------ Hamlet In South Africa. it can hardly be expected thad "post impressionism" will be con- fined to pictures in the future.. A friend of mine writes 'me from South Africa that some genius out thers | has done "Hamlet" in the Taal and quotes the following example, which | seems to me extremely post impres- sionistic. Here it is: ~ A Hamlet--Wie is u? Ghost--Ik is enn spook. \ Hamlet--Wies spook is u? Ghost--Ik is yu papa's spook. , Cold Feet, 2 marriage ceremony RAs 3 od «During in Seo trouble "What's up, "Hae ye lost the "Neo," SCHOOL ANNEXATIONS Boards Seeking To Be Taken Iw Will Be Opposed Quebec, Jan. 22.--The application of half a dozen Catholic school municipalities to be annexed to the central Catholic School Board of Montreal as has been already an- nounced will be opposed: Ald. L, A. Lapointe, who is a member of the board, stated to-day that the un- nexations would not be accepted unless each board applied through the superintendent of public in- struction and complied with the conditions desired. The chief objec, is to avoid another affair like the annexation of the school municipali- ty of Emard ward, where a deficit of $80,000 has to be made up. - The Stronger Nerves. Having regard to the numerous re- ports and surmises that are asSocy concerning the kaiser's physical and wental condition there is sometimes the war will be won by the nation that has the stronger. nerves. ir the ku'ter is representative of the bulk of his countrymen then it can be said that Germany is the nation which would appear to have the least chance of Winning. The nation that has the strongest nerves is the na- tion that goes about its fighting as about his business, without know that it has any nerves at all. And though we do not. intend to make comparisons between 'ourselves and our friends we do venture to say that up to the present we have none of us shown any of the hysterical symp- toms observable in the Fatherland.--- London. Chronicle. Next Branch Young Lady--How is it you don't come to Sunday school, Katie? Kati h, please, miss, --I'm learning French and music now, and mother doesn't wish me to take up Teligion till later.--Boston Trans- cript. -Phone 94 Jlecidedly pathetic in his dictum thae of Makes It Lifeless, Dull, Dry, Brittle And Thin, Qirls--if you want plenty of thick, beautiful, glossy, sitky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it will starve your hair and ruin it if you don't. It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash it out. The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis- solve it, then you destroy it entire- . ly. To do this, ' get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; ap- ply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips. By morning most if not all of your dandruff will be gone, - and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair 'will + be sitky, fluffy, lustrous, soft, and look and feel a hundred times better. You can get liguid arvon at any drug store, It is inexpensive and four ounces fis al you' will need, mo matter how much dandruff you have. This sim- ple remedy never fails. Kingston Cem- ent Products CEMENT BLOCKS, SIILS, LIN. TELS, PIER BLOCKS, VASES. BRICK, And every thing in cement. dah work a ppecialty. OFFICE 177 - WELLINGTON ST. Works, Cor. Charles and Patrick Sts. Veran- ~ Militia Men Notice the fine line of pocket flash-lights in our win- dow. We have them all prices. Call and see them. Halliday's Electric Shop knowing what will suit your purpose. Prepare to do the best by readin offer you. ® The motto.of the Boy Scouts is a f £15 a good one for | the whole family. Be prepared. for emefgencies . as well as forthe cvery day tasks of life. When going shopping, being. prepared means ) ou want, the price you must pa and the best place to obtain ke Be prey > +. refuse substitutes and insist on what you KNOW for your own interests, ding the advertising columns 'and learnin what the merchant and manufacturer have hy