Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1915, p. 1

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~. lay their The YEAR 82 NO. 18 GERMANS BOMBARDING ST. DIE AND NIEUPORT Sato Mies Evacuated od the Trenches| ARRESTED FOR ROBBERY Southeast of St. Mihi, THE FRENCH BOMBARD CALL MTONG LINE FROM TO THE OISE Police Found Goods Said To Be Stwl- en in Homes, Belleville, Jan. 22.--Willilam a. McMichael and William Wallace, oth married, were arrested, afier the po- lice had made a search of the men's homes. and = secured considerable booty alleged to have been stolen during the night of October 27th last, when two C,P.R. box cars were broken into and seventy-seven pairs of boots, four packages of cream cheese and many tins of coffee, valu- ed Lnpwards of $300 stolen A Ger- man silver purse which was snatched from a woman on Saturday was found in MeMichael's house. The ae- cused were remanded to jail YPRES sight Gains Made N Near Berry-au- Bac and West Of Argonne -- Bit- ter Hand-to-Hand Fighting North- west of Mulbauscn, Paris, Jan. 22.--~The German how- bardment of St. Die, one of the most picturesque of the old eities of the Vosges region, was reported in th - milicial despatches to-day. Residents of St, Vie fled in panic, reports said, but. no mention js made of any loss of life. News of the bombardment has aroused infeuse indignation here. "Our forces, under the violent bom bardment, were compelled to evacuate 150 yards of trenches south-west of St. Mihiel,"" read the official report. "The enemy recaptured part of the trench north-east of Pont-a-Mousson.' I'he Germans have resumed a vio #e5t- bombardment of Nieuport, near the seacoast, but the British made an advauce in this region near Lom- (Buertzyde, in the vicinity of Rheims Shight gains were made near Berry- -au. Bap' and west 6f Argonne. A German attack near Beausejour was repulsed. ; 0. Frepich artillery bombard ed suc- tesstully all ong 'the line from Ypres to the River Oise. Bitter hand-to-hand fighting con- tihuey wear Hartmannsweiler, north west of Mulbausep, according to ofli- cial reports. PITH OF THE NEWS. Condensed Items By Telegraph And Exchanges. An epidemic of small-pox is rag- ing in Vienna. The British Columbia was opened by Barnard. King Alfonso hes decided not to gend the battleship Espana' opening of the Panama canal At Paris, George Theibaud, a well- known French publicist, died on Thursday. He was born at Toulouse in 1850 : On Wednesday, March 3rd, {th and 5th, the prohibitionists of On- tari and the dominion are planning for a convention in Massey Hall, To ronto The Ducty 18 toading av Galveston" and will put to sea notwithstanding the British govermment's position. It is said that the owners have resolv. ed to test the issue in a prize court. legislature licutenant-governor TO CALL FOR BIDS. For Construction Of Airships For The United States Washington, Jan. 22.--The navy de- partment will advertise soom for bids for the constraetion of 'Zeppelin miodél airships, and for a number of new type aeroplanes, it was learned toe day. All new air craft, including the Zeppelin, are to be constructed in the United States. New German War Minister Berlin, Jan. 22. (vie London).--~The official Norddeutsebe Allgeineine Zei- tung yesterday aunounced that Lieut.- Geveral Erich Von Falkenhayn, who is now chief of the general stall, has resigned his office as minister of war. -- peror William, on accepting Xon Falkenhayn's = resignation, appointed him a of infantry. Nalissiomal Wild Vou Hohen- 'to the annouticemont, to Gene- yn as mipister 'of re Thousand Prisoners Now. Ottawa, Jan. The Pa of PN to-go there on Torohto abd Kingston. At the Quebec farm site at Coffee Hyer, t sixty are now interned probably a hundred more will go gor Saturday. To the Froni Jag. 90 Matron EC laxside, of ter, and Nurses M, Hubbs, of er, and Helen B, Youd of Tastings, are among the forty Ontario nurses fo leave for Eng- land shortly to complete the estal lishment for" the first Canadian con tingent. : Anthracite Coal Not in Demand.' Reading, Pa., Jan. 22.~Because of the mild weather and slow sale of anthracite coal, the mines of the Roading Coal and Iron company will close down for the balance of the week. The mines have been working but. three and four days a week for some time. Ottawa, These three « nurses are well known in Kivgston. Raygide is a Queen's graduate, and the other two have Kingston cotipections. a G.T.R. Wage Reduction Ottawa, Jan. 22.--The proposed re: duction of wages on the Grand Trunk railway bas not. yet been officially drawn ito the al ention of the depart ment of labor. [It is learned that the matter is still the subject of negotia- tion between resins ves of vari- ons labor 'organizations and the rail ways. Col. Shannon Promoted Lieut,-Col. I. W. Shannon, assistant adjutant-general of the first division al area, with headquarters at Lon- don, received word of his temporary appointment to the position of com- mapding officer of the department, succeeding Brig. Gen. Hodgins. Rev. W. 8S. McTavish, Ph. D., bas accepted a call to the pastorate of the be Inducted a an arly date. } REALIZE THER VERY DESPERATE POSITION London, Jan. 22, --A Daily News despatch from Pet- to thel Madoc Presbyterian Church and will | | normal: The Germans continue to batter themselves like \ KINGSTON ONTARIO. 0. FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, 1015 THE BISHOP OF LONDON IN UNIFORM AND AT THE FRONT. MASSES OF COSSACKS T0 BE TURNED LOOSE Russia Plans Offensive Operations i in New Theatre of War ---"'Scheme of Co- -operation"'-- -Ger- mans Held- in Check. Warsaw, Jan. 22.-- Despatch to London. Telegraph, i Granville Forteseue).-- The first.stages. of the new ussian plan are unfolding and before a month passes a of war will hold the World's attention, " "new offensive will develop a character of war- "| tive Mitch. willbe 'particularly suited to the composition |? of the Russian army, and it will 'not be trench fighting. Phe plan includes a gigantic. scheme of co-operation, and if it succeeds it will be a remarkable demonstration of the military ability of th: Russian general staff. There is every reason to believe that it will succeed. The eavalry is in splendid condition and the horses arc extraordinary fit. The Cossacks entrained yvester day morning and I have never seen weayalry looking sO that they had just finished sixty-three days of active field work but the troopers and their horses showed little s sigs | tb of breaking-down. The Turcomans are an aggressive looking lot. "Already thev have made a fine record. The country over which the cavalry will operate in their new advance would not suit the European mounted troops but the Russian cavalry officers assure me that it is just the terrain they like the best. a' ean give no further hint of 'here the new war area 'wi ~ Armies s Deadlocked, swrhal tha citnation a Warcan: ia alm mans well after prolonged campaigning. One colonel told 'me 2 THE LATE SISTER DORAN Was Much Beloved By Knew Her Ou Thursday morning there died, after a short but painful illness, one whose constant cheerfulness and kindliness had endeared her to all with whom she Lad come in contact, during het forty-one years of fife asa religions of the Hotel Dieu commun- ity. Sister Doran, better known as Mother Doran, to which her frequent occupancy oi the highest position in the gift her community entitled her, was Spl venerated by a host of friends and visitors to whom, both in Kingston and Cornwall, she ministered ever with motherly tact and kindly cheerfulness. To her sis- ters in community she was all that the sweet name of mother and sister imply; by them her untimely death is mourned only as children mourn the loss of a cherished parent. To herseli alone is her death =a gain, her prayerfulness and piety, her gentleness and charity, her unselfish devotion to duty and ber untiring spirit of self-sacrifice will have won for her, we feel confident, a boun- teous reward from the Master who has 'promised to recompensceven 'the cup of water given in His name. Margaret Doran was born in Perth sixty-eight years ago, daughter of John Doran, 'a merchant of that town, who was beloved by all for his genial humor and unstinted char- ity. At the age of twenty-seven she became a member of the Lospital sis- terhood of St. Joseph in the Hotel Dieu of this city, and from that day to the moment of her death, during the entire length of her religious ca- reer, she never swerved from the steadiastness of purpose with which | she had vowed to serve God in the person of His poor and afflicted children. Sister Doran leaves to mourn her loss a host of sister religious; in Montreal, . Cornwall. and. All Who { Chicago, a legion of friends, lay and clerical, one sister, Mrs. J. Stark, of Brooklyn, and several nephews and nieces. Among the last named Mys. Miles and Miss Gertrude Doran, of North Bay, have coms to Kingston for the funeral, which will take place on Saturday at 8 a.m. TWO KINGSTON LADIES Are Working in a Hospital in Flan. borough, Eng. Mrs. Schuyler, daughter of * Justice Britton, gave an addrees i in Toronto on Wi on her work' iu the Canadian military hospital at Flan- borough, Eng. She acted 'as mas- seuse in the ospital, and Miss Marie Carruthers, | daughter of J. Ii ruthérs, and Miss Alice. Bell, of ing "mr Mrx. Russell Brown, who wis ly lise: B, Tandy, is as cook there, the pe # tie ho REV. HENRY GRAUEY To Resign Pastorate -- Fifty Years In the Ministry. Rev. Henry Gracey, minister os St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Gana nogque, will tender his resignation She Kingston Presbytery in has fifty years in 'the the church, durin toria, are -w . He ministry of thirty- vm time in charge of the congre- those the duties of) his calling, and not only imsf to thosg in the church there, but is esteemed most highly wherever .he iz known. No Truth in Repost. When the Whig asked W. J, Baker if there was any truth in AL Teport that be had received a legacy from a deceased relative in Quebec, he stated that there was not. The story was wholly without foundation. foundation. |Berlin Tale Along Forty- Nile Front Near to German I Border. MOVE AGAINST WARSAW BY THE GERMANS HAS BEEN HALTED AGAIN Russian Infantfy Is Pressing West- Ward With Thorn As Its Objective ~--Russian Advance In Caucasus Continues. el Petrograd, Jan. 22.--Along a iy mile battle front, extending at one point to within ten miles of the Ger man border, Russian {roops were be: ing hurled against the Germans to- day in the bloodiest engagement since the new Russian offense against East | Prussia developed. The fighting along the Muln river is most desperate to day, with both sides suffering heavily. The Russian infantry that captured | Skeme is pressing westward with the city of Thorn as its objective. The German forward movement against Warsaw from the west has again been halted. The Germans, however, continue bombarding Vysog: rod, on the east bank of the Vistula. The Russian advance in Bukowina and in the Caucasus continues. EXPLOSION ON CRUISER §--Aud Eight Jan. 22.---Four men were killed and eight seriously injured in an explosion &board the United States cruiser San Diego, on the west coast of Mexico, about six o'clock last night, according to the navy de partment despatch to-day. The San diego had just completed a four-hour speed trial. It is assumed that in the sxcitement of the speed trial possible ligence on the part of the crew re- sulted in the water becoming low in one of the tubes in the fore boiler. The San Diego was formefly the cruiser California: All the casnalties were among stokers, The Karlsruhe ~ Sighted Near Porto Rico, Say Juan, : Porto: Rico, Jan. 22. The steamship Coamo, Captain Bar- ber, which sailed from' New , York Jan. Washington, © 16th for San Juan, sighted the Ger- laruhe off Moro this morning before daylight. The cruiser turned a searchlight on- to the bri of the gam, the ship's offici say, en- france of the vessel into har bor dificult. The warship refused to answer wireless signals and disappear- ed in the darkness. Ottawa's Poor Sleeping Quarters Many of the students in the 5th company Engineers who are in Ot tawa n waiting to go overseas with the a peal hy bh 3% th w ti wit! severe colds: These have been caused by the poor sleeping quarters which they have been given. England Mast Baily British Whig L AST EDITION RUSSIAN FORGES HURLED AGAINST THE GERMANS HEROISM OF NURSES. Seventeen in Russian Army Have Died on Battlefield. Petrograd, Jan. 22.--Seventeen wo- men nurses in the Russian' Red Cross service have been killed in battlefield or died of wounds received while in the performance of their duty. An official Yeve-witness" attached to the stafi of Grand Duke Nicholas, the Russian ** commander-in-chief, says that ' the nurses have shown conspi- cuqus bravery. The latest victim was Mlle. Lud mila Alexinsky, who just died at her home near Odessa of blood poisoning, which followed a wound. Mile. Alex- {usky was wounded in the hand at the battle of Gumbinen. After her recov. ery she was transferred to the army of General Ruzski-in Galicia, at Roz- wadok. A doctor, whom she was as- sisting, was killed by a bursting shell and Mile. Alexinsky was badly stun- ned. During the Rsgow-Tuchin battle she was under fire seventeen hours, [he was wounded in the shoulder at the storming of Petrokofi, which wound caused her death. Find Germans In Rear of Russian Army Petrograd, Jan: 2 {via Loundon).- German forces have appeared iv the rear of the Russian army which i Ad- vencing towards the Prussian border, They are along the road from Plonsk, forty miles north-west of Warsaw, to Goslitza, thus being between the ad- vancing Russian army "and the Po- lish capital. So far as is known, only comparatively small bodies' of Germans, consisting of recounoitering detachments, are in this loeality. « The Bourse Gazette says that the Russian military. authorities . have learned that Russo-Germans in this vicinity have given information and other assistance to the Germans. Un this account, the newspapers say, Grand Duke Nicholas, the "Russian commander-in-chief, has ordéred that all Russo-German residents in the dis- trict botween Warkaw apd the Russian front dispose of Er moved. to # DUTY MEMORA NDOW. Band at the Palace rik to-night Vaudeville, Grand opete Hause, 7.50 Victoria. rink to- See top of page 3, right hand corner, for probabilities Hockey mateh, covered rink, McGill ve, Queen's, 16 p.m. Band at Covered rink Saturday morning for thé children. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC Is on Sale at the 'the Following City Stores: Bucknoll's News Depot ..205 King B. Clarke, J W, & Cu. +... 353 Princess * College Book Store ++ 163 Princess Coulter's Grocery 209 Princess Calletr's Grocery, Cor. Prin. & Alfred Frontenac Hotel Gibgon's Drug Store ..Market Saunare Lowe's Grocery ......... Portsmouth MeAuley's Book Store ....93 Princess McGall's Cigar Store, Cor, Prin. & King Mcleod 's Grocery ....51 Unlon St W, Medioy"s Drug Store, 250 University Peters' Grovery 'Store + 71 Pine St. Paul's Cigar Store ....vs.. 78 Princess Prouse's Drug Store ....312 Princess Velleau's Grocery .....: 208 Montreal _DIED a C.H.A. Band at night waves against a sea wall. Another violent assault has been made against Sochaczew,-but after nearly twenty hours of furious fighting there has been no appreciable change in the position of either army. : The whole line had been quiet | previous to this as- sault, so the attack could only have been a bluff to hold] the"attention of the Warsaw front. = "Nothing better than the second line of defénses of rograd says: 'The Germans in Polaud are: beginning to Zoalize that they are under the tragic compulsion of ha s on the Austrians, who are pro ne he 2 Their twa months' treme § re the the Vistula' has brought them only enormous it Jove ented the Russians from steadily | nee in the Carpathians and Buko- lenburg is seeking to make virtue of the il professes in Germaty that he has guceess h the "first stage of his campaign in positions suitable for proparing - The exact contrary is the truth His positions useless for them: really accidental they have been halted from 'sheer ex- most dramtic progress in thie present iod of the war comes from Turkey, where prose per ) a surprising degree. One result is that for| Hues She war began, serious eredit'} is given garia is approaching iple. en- tente fof jendly revision of the Bucharest treaty." and as Tueh longer as the Tesisting. pover, of the enemy rows of supporting trenches which are superbly built and i loccupied v a foree Ruply. 18 ho to hod it Indeufte The Wi Relouge bl in Bu lor e Warsaw. problem ne dies "attention of the general staff. Whenever. se ot k the 'in the opinion of Grand Duke Ni & impracticable, the enemy will be held -- A oree and. thus the main body of the Russian ec tor curey O5 the was In « ulluner wat Tected | 'the presence of the Germans. ht h. territory the policy has heen: to ¢ many ot the Shey 8 armies we tas i rl ot ei fes neti oper- atiods which will continue at the shortest f go the city ever has been constructed in field fortifications. The live runs along for eighty miles and consists. of six |end. Of Upset Peace Plan Berlin, Jan. 2 hy wireless to London)--The Cologne Gazette pub- lishes the following se d the whole a "Expect Attack rrom the Sky London, Jan. 22.--Reuter's Amster b- | dam t the be Ges. despatch from Berlin 4 the Ger. man' official versio "Se. airship raid on the -- Qe [Sirhip 'Our airships, in | order to attack the |g: fortified town of Great Yarmouth, were to fly over other towns GIEVn Entered {nto rest Johnson treet, on January the 20th, 1915, Evangeline Louisa Wel- y beioved wite of the late Charles ' Girvin, ~ Funeral on Saturday. Service wi - conducted at the house at 1 p - IN MENURIAM. Twelve months ago Wednesday. January 3iut, 1914, at the Hotel hospital, Kingston, Ont, Gert Helena, RF oungen, daughter est child Cr om Ete Ont, --i len, near Enter: bye 10 the [Afteenth year of her age. _ Benth could id DIEHL « nine bud, to heaven nar bade it Treat hgre. ROBERT J. BRB ID or sorrow fade. friendly care. Sonvezed, Te ane rr et _ JAMES RED 254. pdr rh "Phone 147 fur Ambulance Take Notice |r, rag Our Qws, Specia TEA still sold at tho Sid prio 35¢, at M0.

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