A Ra BT Eee te ert IN Tue oc) CORPOR ATE D 85a BANK or TORONTC HE Capital Yuuds AD OFFM Faldo Mescrved KE. TORONTO, 27,000,000 $6,402,510 DIRECTORS: KERS: To Market Square Camnne i if Kingston GEORGE B. MCKAY - Manage r | | Use BRICK first; And bu KINGSTON BRICK YARD, : z : Safety First Where safety is desired, nse BRICK Whkre beauty is desired, use BRICK last and always, y them at A NEAL, PHONE 1396 r FOR William St, Party Teaving the eity. Quebec St, frame hous $1800, solid brick electrie lights, gas, C. and B. SALE house, 10 rooms, furnace, A bargain tor quick buyer. e, 7 rooms, B. and C., price J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 48 BROCK ST. ons sm JOHN DRIVER, _ PHONE es Representative, srs m-- a ---------- TE-------- ory Storage Batteries Now is the time to have you them ran down too low' during tf installed Rectifier for charging Storage and motor boats. r batteries charged. 1e winter months, batteries Don't Jet We have lately for automobiles PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Always at Your Service. Phone 454, Sg opi A ---------- I ---- I A GOOD RECORD The vette of profits a rel Red of paying. a Toronto Saturday Night, Thowe eoute de fusura; plication ¥ With Cats exeelien: up S.ROUGHTON, ENERAL AGENT, Phone bs or BE year i914 has been a banner year for the ada, bad J written the largest business in its his largely to the ecellent settlements to I" the fact that it Is a purely muta ny of its earnings to it company, Mutual Life of Cane tory. This success olicyholders fn thé nal company, bein Stock holders. : . in its financial review, volumes for the will save money by Placing t their ap. 60 Brock St, Klugsion. Office Phone, O10; Men, 561, Marry Sharpe, Special Agent. -- UE, LIFE, SICKNESS, ACC DENT, . AND AUTOMOBILE IN. SURANCE, Wanted----A Grocery Store in resi. dential part of the city. Apply to J. O. HUTTON, 18 Market Square, Khugston, Ons, mm ee Se antiary Furniture Sale Everything reduced 10 to : ryt 8 od Couches, $4.50, $8.50 to Easy Chairs, $6.50 to $39. set omalite of RR: I TREN Our Dispensing Department Is the one department of our busi- '| 068s over which we exercise the est Jonsible core with regard to dwngr mens et employed. God ] The personal supervision proprietor over ous the public that any prescriptions which may be entrusted to us wi be dispensed with accavacy and dispateh, HOAG'S DRUG ~ STORE Opposite ¥. M. C. A. Ser the A RT a a ba eponsing to} -- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY JANUARY 22, 2, 1915. COINTRYSIOE TIDINGS Jol WHIG CORRESPONDENTS / HAVE TO TELL Nb ws From Villages and Farms Throughout the Adjoining Coun- tics -- Rural events, and Move- ments of the People, : Reports From Folger, Folger, Jan. 20-- Mrs. A. T. Ste- { wart has returned from Lanark. Mr, and Mrs. J. Penfold have returned | from visiting friends at Arnpriar and Flower, Mrs. R. Davis toek a trip to Clyde Forks this week. Mrs. V. Prdsky spent Saturday with her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Boyd, Lavant, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cameron are guests tat J. Simpson's. Mrs. J. Conway is visiting 'at A. T. Stewart's and R. Davis'. Robert North, Lanark, is visiting at A. T. Stewart's ALL Stewart has sold quite a quantity of hay to W. C. Boyd, Wilbur, and is delivering it this week. | { § A { | i | i | Harrowsmith News. Harrowsmith, Jan. 23--- Mrs. J. M. Shibley, and Miss Effie M. Clow, attended the "At Home" given by Mrs. Clarence Amey, of Sydenham, on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. J. Smith, of Odessa who gpent last week with her cousin Miss Nellie Boyce, has returned home. Miss Marion Babcock, has recovered after her ill- ness, and is able to attend school again. The annual meeting of the members of agricultural society, was held in the village hall on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Byren Gor- don, of Glenvale, spent' Wednesday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Clow. At St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island, St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island, Jan. 18, Skating in this vidnity "has been ideal, and many of the young people are taking advantage of it. A num- ber from Howe Island attended the skating carnival last Monday night, given by the St. Lawrence Sporting Club, and everyone enjoyed a pleasant time. Frederick Davis, of W iliets. holme, is vigiting friends here. Mis5 13, Larush, of Marysville; I last week, at John O'Brien's. Thomas Ma- loney, of Clayton, N.Y., visiting some l'of his old-time acquaintances here. {| James Beseau, of Howe Island, made la flying trip to William Dignem's last { week, and reports the condition, i Hartington Happenings. Hartington, Jan. 21--- Mr. and Mre. J. E. Freeman gave a reception lay evening in honor of their | son Ross and ! Miss ice in eplendid his bride Ella Derbyshire. The Heloise Circle met at the home of Mrs. lo harles Sigsworth on Tuesday after- noon, Mrs. Knight, Kingston, is at I. J. Eake's, Miss Helen Sigsworth jhas gone to Rockwood hospital as a | nuree-in-training. John. Babeoek is ju. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Freeman fare visiting Mrs. Freeman's father, { gporee. Brown. George Porter, El- ginburg, at M. Trousdale's; Mrs. Derbyshire and son, Westport, and Mr. Johnston and som, Kingston at J. B. Freeman's; Mrs. McQuade, ¥ iKingston, at M, Cloakey's; Miss Lal- ia Freeman is visiting at Fermoy. There -was a small party at Archi- bald Gealin's last Friday night, Miss Burgess, Moscow, at Barl Leonard's; Misses Marion and Kathleen Clow, | Sydenham, at their grandfather's. | Mrs. Synder, Unionville, is staying at | ! I. J. Sake's. formerly COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS Whe Thinks Rye Bread Should Popular, A---Antidote against American ir- ritation. B---British, courtesy and firmness. C~Condoning not what is, wrong, nor hrooking. D---Dictation, of any kind from a foreig n power. E--Barth is said by a Yankee sav- ant to be one hundred million years old. How venerable! And not au ache or pain! ¥F-----Favorable developments every- where at the front. G---Great hopes entertained by the allies of soon reaching the Rhine. enon. T. Barthiaume, of "La jr, Be loses a most upright, useful, exemplary eitizen. J--Journey of life most uncertain for high and humble. K---Keeping conscience clear and clean the only safeguard. L---~Longest kingly line not mare glorious than humblest life Teplate with good works. M---Mithridates, of Pontus, made it a point to learn the language of every people over whom he was call- d to rule. is what the French now call the great generlis- smo of the name. P--Vierre, my aldest brother, was Dixmude, said a hero at the acques, another brother, is , but there are "fen" of us yot in the trenches with pretty | trasty Mary - 2 true-hearted woman no less than a noble-soveign. R--Rye bread has a liquid sound "| about it that should help it go down. S--8wine stocks swelling in Sas-| B= T-~To be sure no ene will squeal. : calturists depends A 1 er csn Boats, yah ED itis : a fishing, um e Xe arian oteiigen t activity: in revit "an: : : gr more - than répay ¥ smd. wor. dhe other, dog do 1--in him, Quebec of : : of products our land | GRAN TONIGHT Daily 2.80. Evg's. . OPERA Every Afternoon and Evening 7.39 and 9 o'clock 3 FEATURE ACTS---3 AND PHOTO-DRAMAS, Prices Mat, 10c, any seas. Evening, 10¢; reserved 5c estra, COMING To The Ideal Theatre "THE MASTER KEY" The big serial story by John Flem. ing Wilson. A story of love, mystery and adventure, featuring those big favorites BOE LEONARD & ELLA HALL There have been other serial stori- es, but this surpasc<es them all. The story commences in the Whig on Tuesday January 26th and the pic- tures at thé Tdeal theatre, Wednesday and Thursday, January 2%th and 28th. Read it. See it. Lipton's Tea No Advance IN-PRICE 30c, 40c, 50c, 60¢, 75¢c and $1.00 perlh. i HOCKEY MATCH Covered Riuk, Seni McGILL VS, FRIDAY, J ANUARY, 22ND. Game cailed at S15 p. m, sharp. Ad- mission, Gents, SOc; 'ladies, 25¢; ree served seats on sitle Thursday nm, $i% ench, including admission. Phone, GRAND HOCKEY MATCH COVERED RINK JUNIOR OarA, K. C. 1. Vs. Frontenac Jr.'s Monday, Jan, 25th Game called at a3 pa, sharp Admission 2Ge. Reserved seats, 25¢ extra Seats on sale Saturday, 10 a.m. Telephone 168 Rock Elm & | Oak Wanted Sizes 3 fo. x 11 fu, in lengths, from 20 te 30 fect. Also 11 im. ind, Yneying w widths, 12 in. to 15 fo, and K to 13 feet long. Must be sound timber and free from shakes. Quote delivered Kingston. Apply Box 118, Whig Office. NOTES ON PLAYS, PLAYERS AND PLAYHOUSES "Tipperary" Now a Musical Play-- George Bernard Shaw to Visit New York. Rita Jolivet.#s to appear movies. E. E. Rice, of "Evangeline" fame, is now washing powder' and in the cleaning up. ""Sans-Gene" is to be done at the Metropolitan next week. Charles nian. sono 'son. of ae actress, ngaged | Charles. pkins ly a -- in Alfred Sutro's comedy, 'The Clever Ones," to be first s¢en at the Punch & Judy theatre, on Jan. 28th. The first production' of Ldgar Selwyn's. © new - comedy, "Rolling Stones," will take place in Chicago on' Jan. a The cast will include Ernest Glendinning, * Stir- ling, Harry C. Bradley, Daniel Jar. Frances Ring rett, Ingram Si : "Dadi es the vd in this country as "rhe I of Lite fois pt success in a ot ta He TY od old the | HOUSE ee POLITE VAUDEVILLE! Inte leginte. sc I by | "heel ng January 26th, CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES FIP tisertion, 1c a word: Each comn- secutive insertion thereafter, hal. cent 8 word. Minimum charge for one inscrtiom, 25¢; three insertions, Hoe; six, $1; one month, $2, HELP WANTED AN ADVT OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, under this head, costs 2ic for one night, or 50c¢ for three' TWO MAIDS. APPLY GENERAL HOS. pital, AT ONCE,EXPERIENC es. Apply Hotel WAITRESS. ntenac #13 WEEK AND EX el, appointing Whitfield Lin INSES, TO TRAV. al representatives. aft, Brantford. COMPETENT ENERAL SERVANT. No laundry, also. mother's help. References required. Apply to Box 22, Whig office. INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no canvassing. Send' for particulars. Press Syndi. cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y. $88 YOU CAN MAKE DOLLARS AST. | Our new household necessity zells on sight 'n_eyery home »" handled Write quickly, TorranceT Con 457 King West, Toron AN Partiuiars Dept. C, Ww! A NTED GENER AL FURNISHE D RESIDE NCR OH av Ly ¥ OR n IARRIED couples 2 quiet Box 112, GENTLEMEN TO BRING THFIR cloth nd have it made up Into up- to-date guits. Prices and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairing done on the shortest notice, Thomas Galloway, of Brock street, near Biddy's Garage. FOSITION WANTED, GOOD PLAIN COOK WOULD LIKE 0. sition. At liberty any time. Apply Bax 119 Whig office. | STEADY, RELIABLE MAN, GOOD AT blac kesmit hing or carpentering, de- sires position. Would accept any kind of remunerative job Good references. Apply in first instance to Box 1167, care Whig office, hss e---- MEDICAL A. COON, MLD.CM, (FORMERLY OF Flgin). Surgery, #3 Wellington St. Phone S46, on. x] THE PEOPLE'S FORUM %| LOST. PART OF A FOUNTAIN PEN, ward for return to Whig office. AT oR NEAR RINK, DURING BELLE. Frontenac game, Wednesday, Hy red and black striped silk scarf. Prized by owner. Finder please leave at Sutherland's shoe store. TO LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Once 25c., three times 50¢. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ETC clean and dry, McCann, 83 Broek Street. TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furnished. Apply to 198 Stuart Bt ROOMS OVER 53 PRINCESS STREET. Immediate possession. Apply Princess Street. OFFICES n SLARENCS ST. CHAM. bers. y to Cunningham & Mudie, 4 Po arauce St, DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND furuishect Stores, offices, ete. ea UN Me. Cann's |} Estate Agency, Brock St TWO LARGE FRONT DOUBLE ROOMS Mth board: aise table board; cen. location Apply. Box 123, yr office |sTonAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN, dry; alfy rooms; vour own lock and kev, Frost's i Storage, 209 Queen St. Phone bh DENTAL B.A, LDS, DDS, 58 Princess Street. SPARKS, (over A, E. KNAPP, moved to 2: RE- SPARKS AND lington § Phone 34 159 WEL- Carnovsky's). CC. €, NASI, DENTIST; DR. T. B. Renton, assistant. 133 Princess Phone 735. S, B. SIMPSON, LDS, ist, corner atreets. DDS, DENT. Princess and Bagot : range on Pilot Street, MUSIC. CHAS. BR. HARRISON, TEACH. er of plano Speela 1 attention to bhegi and ar- 2 Jeszons. ap- PRO®, MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC. tign, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Norma Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, B.E. O. ¥, Telgmann, teachers of slocu- tion, piano, violin and all stringed instruments STUART M. POLSON, M.A, M.D.CM., former house surgeon Manhattan. Eve, ear, nose, and throat hospital, New York, Office, 132 Wellington, opposite pos. office, m, 2.4 pan, 7-8 p.m. Phone LEGAL CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and solicitors. Jaw office, 70 Clarence St. Kingsto PERSONAL. HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS nd all growths and skin blemish bt removed permanently, Kita scar; 20 years experience. or mer J. Lak Eye. ar, out and % 8 ist, Bre a kin gectallet, Ey) UPHOLSTENING w, J. SAVING, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, and Pattraes renovating. Drop a care nr rn 168 Ragot Sirest i» ® Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal This 1s not only a medicinal eerven) but is tasty as well, It iy delicious ae » cereal or made in pan-cakes. 'rial sive ...,. vevisese 10 on leguine size . vervvivses 35 ois At Your Family uvocers. FENWICK, HENDRY & Co. (Distributors. ) t tq dive into musical tome at Ausn- tic City, when she will first appycar in "The Modeu Girl." It has bed especially fashioned for her acd 1s plot will take due netice of the star's acquatin powess. When Isadora Duncan danced out npon the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House Tuesday afternoon she made her first 'appearance in the United States after an absenct of five years, and emerged from her retireinent which began two years ago. Following the tragic déath of er two. children, who were drown- mer, retired entirely from public life to devote herself to teaching her pu- pls, having established a sgehnot near Paris. Though thére are hurd times in the London thattiens J two visitors Office hours, , ad in" the Seine, the classic dancer !- ARCHITECT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete. Off Phone 61. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' 'Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington atreets. Drop a card. ARCHI. : ces, 208 Bagot Bt. BUSINESS NOTICES JOSEPH BUSE 4 CHESTNUT ST. HAS opened up & QuUArTy on Stephen St. Cut, building and rough stene are supplied promptly at reasonable ~ prices, DANCING. MISS FLOSSIE HUDON, AUTHORIZED to teach by Prof. Frank H. Norman, chairman Standardization C tee appointed to standardize the modern dances, Dayton, Ohio, Juna, 1914, Fox-Trot, Hosltation and Can- Be WW hliten and One-Step, ete. A Liew CEREAL! | RE. | THESE FOR SALE. SE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. little. Once, 33c; three times, 80¢; one week, $1.00 JEESE FEATHERS. APPLY TO MRS, Goldman, 387 Div'sion 3t. AIREDALE ITER Mra Five feathy old, by Amplon w Ocrang ex Furs Cha Dom, Hal William Hy Kingst IFFILE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 11 in, high in front-and 56 1-2 in. high at back. Three drawersand one jop shelf, Slightly used. Apply British Whig otfice. . eee te tee Se 8 A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND a-number of first-class heaters at low prices; also" a big stock of furs niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess St. Phone 1600. A LARGE NUMBER OF SICYcLES #l=o. Dunlop' tires, at $2.00. orders promptly attended to or carpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 373 King St. A em A Ss ble wl Si m--. HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL © fords, and other cook stoves, Qu bec's, pugs and square eaters, these in first class shape; w close them out at york small pro. fits, 'Turk's 'Phong. SOLID BRICK HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, WITH all modern improvements, hot alr furnace, good baru and drives wouse; lot 33 ft. frontage, on B'rch Avenue. A snap for quick buyer, Apply No. 4 Birch Avenue. $1050 FRAME HOUSE, C HERRY. ST, A snap for a quick bu $1050 BRK V Ryn HOU SE, ON Patrick St, 6 oN "Yon ST. $1600 FOUR HOUSES to $2000, HOUSES TO RENT, GEO. A. BATE. man, real estate and Insurance, 67 Clarence St, Kingston, Jie a eo TELEGRPRY Civil Serv Shorthand, Bn Book! » Banke fag and httal Improvement. Day, and Night Nastuens College ted Lim ueen Street. he hone "0 Head of moderate, Metealfe., ir 4k FINANCIAL LOAN Soelety; AND INVEST. incorporated 1863; resident, Colonel Henry R. Smith, foney issued on city and farm properties, munjcipal and count debentures; mortgages purchas: its received and interest Ne lowed. 8. cGlil Manager, 87 Clarence stroet. AVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215, In addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited Habliity of city property, insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old. or Siving new business get rates Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325. FRONTENAC ment CATERING WE_CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, banquets, tly also' rent dishes, table linens and sliverare. and Hombrookt. M. P.. Rela, 30 Unto Street, Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street Phones 8 413 or 308. BUSINESS CHANCES * ANYONE ANYWHERE OAN START a mall order business at home; no Shnvassing; De Jour own Bon n or. free booklet: tells 2.968 Lockport ~eoal) nn -------- rr -- A VALET'S BRAVE ACT In Saving The Life Of Earl of Dalhousie. The valet mentioned in the: fol- lowing which is clipped from an old country paper, is a younger brother of Alexander Tait of Bloomfield and John Tait, of Pleton: "A Roscommon telegram says {iat the Earl otf Dalhousie, lieutex ant in the Coldstream Guards, who Was recoutly wounded, probably owes Lis life to the devotion of his Thiet, who accompanied him on we tive service in France, * The Cold- streams were in midst, killing -- a -- A regular furnace size; good for all kinds of better than the larger size (egg weather and a little. in mild weather. Ordér a load sereened to-niorrow EE Sm mm "and there were eleven days hard fighting, while the last four days it went on night and day. The rifles safe from artillery, as shells were dropping all around. We werg ¢on- tnually dodging them. You ean manage to do this in the daytime, but it's different during tlie night. I used to drop into wm ditch or get uahmy a beech tree till they eased on one occasion a shell burst two yards away. 1 lay on the of a Sith, un and it burst on tle 8 rd ? A Cough Syfup," Ze A note, a 00d many times, for- Praia; Kap to the letter his promise to pay. "Emulsion bson's, COST never stopped, and we ware never: