FAGE FOUR "The British Whig 4B | j-~- La Published Usily and Semi-Weelily hy TUE BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING | CU, LIMITED, . @. Bllott vases Pre nt A.. Guild ....Managing Director and Bec.-Treas ' tains hundreds of wen who have been convicted "of crimes, few, if any, of which have been ie to industrial con ditions. They are ip Sing Sing - for punishment, not because they cannot work, or because of strife between capital and labour; and, Hénry Ford, to the contrary, he could mot, if giv- en the opportunity, transform these by any panacea or policy he may pre- seribe. In saying this ove cannot deny that Mr. Ford, in his sphere and accord' ing to his light, is making a heroic" attempt to transform social condi- tions, and he iv suceeeding to a ve- markable extent. He promised over a year ago to dividg ten millions his earnings smowg the deserving of his "employees, 'those having com- recognition by their thrift, economy, and good management, The evidence of all this he had before him. He redeemed his word. His generosity paid him. This was dem: manded 3 § onstrated "by one fact, that with a SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Daily Bdition) - year, delivered in city ......§0.00 ne. year, If paid in advance ......35.00 @ Yokr, by mail to rural ofMcess.$2.50 One Soar, to United States . 3.00 Xx and three months > (Semi- Weekly Edition One year, by mail, cash 1.00 Ona vear, If not paid in advance..$1.50 Qos year, to United States .......5160 Bix and three monfhs pro rata. "Attached the best job rata. ) Attached bs one of printlh.g offices in Canada. » REPRESENTATIVE MH. B Smallpelce ,....... 33 Church St. I. 8. REPRESENTATIVES Mew York Office 228 Fifth Ave. | Frank R. Northrup, Manager. | 'ateago Tribune Bldg. rank R. Northrup, Manager: TORONTO SUBMIT THE EVIDENCE Ald. Nickle will see the wisdom of i accepting the assurance of the Policy | Commissioners, that when he has put certain information in they will act upon it. de- clared that certain obnoxious conditions have existed in the city, that he had long suspected them, and | { hands their He has i very ] that his suspicions were confirmed in J personal investigations which be had | made by private detectives. He should | follow this up, hy co-operating the Commissiondre, and re 1 with | with a sintora desire ta clean the city gible. . His oifénms tances. as far as pos dity is clear under the DASH FOR ENGuAND the Germans, emholdered b their Zeppelin, raids, at last sent out a naval oemtingent, with instructions So ! a' competitor in the great field smaller number . of men within the year be nade' more sulomobiles, and that despite his profit-sharing his in- | come was inereased hy $75,000,000 After all he is working out only one problem, the problem of remunerating a man according to his labour, that of giving himsan abiding and sub- stantial interest in the earnings of his plant. Outside of this, and be- yond his kin and perhaps his power, is the greater question--which so far has defied solution--How may every man who desires it be profitably and properly occupied ? The world might to a settlement of the question if all the captains of tndus- try, like Ford, were influenced by his motives and plans. But his example is not *'contagious." Ford is without of get nearer philanthropy. ECONOMIZE ALL AROUND. The mayor of Toronto; Mr. Church, has served the Bodrd of ucation that since it is not dispos- ed to economize, us he has suggested, notice on { he will have application made to the t legislature for an amendment te the School Aet. To what intent ? the Council, which levies upon the of : That | 'THE DAILY BRITISH WHI ) he sails iuto some: port of England. The prize court will sete her fate. Time is on 'the wide of the liberals and their paval policy will be vindi- ; edited Wheh the time for discussion «comes: Australia has demonstrated the wisdom of it, in" getion, and Aus | tealia, By its fiscal poliey, is sending | the lesson home to the Canadiin gov- ibminliuismadm---- that Col. Victor Wiliiuwm is now sufferer meaiugitis shows that the rumour from England a day or {wo ago is mot that the disease had been checked. is lamentable that it is earring The fact ernment. t a from corrast-- It olf gome of Canada's best men, Congress wants a gag law i and The senators are long-winded very wordy, Can't the Borden government send to Washington one of its bright young men with a copy of the imple- | ment which bludgeoned the members of the commons navy question * | into silence on the i } . : UA i Mr. Cockshutt, of Brantford, is an- noved beeanse the Brantford Expcsi | tor récalls® a statement which he made in the commons, and to the ef- fect that ome could live almost in ad- fluence $450 a year. Aflivence ! | The word is out of place, or it has a meaning that is altogether new. on The New York state engimecr is so discouraged with the financial *side of the barge canal that he is disposed to throw Gp his job. It will take at least - 210,000,000. to finish the canal, and the work cannot be compl:ted in two years. The canal has bhecn a po- litical for and, like all contingencies of the lid, itis a dreadful load. contingency yems, Public Opinion A New Idea, 8 ruse Post-Standard By wireless to Sayville * now tlearn that it was Russia that brought con tha war, but later bulletins = wil probably fix the erime on Belgium. we ¢ might reasonably be people, and raises the taxes, shall ex- | ercice a Supervicion over the expendi- | tures of the board. The trustees' empowered tux the people for Interest Preserving Interest, Oswego Times. can always be maintained in a literary society provided an houyp $0 1is allowed for discussion of local gos- MAY COMBINE OFFICES OF CLERK, TREASURER AND COLLECTOR IN GANANOQUE. Town Council Appointments Made-- Miss Anna Kane, Trained Nurse, Recovered From Operation, Gananoque, Jan. 23.--Deputy Reeve W. J. Wilson and Councillors George Cowan and George K. Taylor were uppointed a committee at the council sesgion to take legal advice on the question of . combining the offices of town treasurer, clerk, and "collector. Miss I. E. Hurd, King street, and Miss N. M. Griffin, of Lakeside House, Gananoque Lake, are guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Robert Heaslip, Woodvale. The following municipal officials have been appointed for the current year: Assessor, Robert U. McCullough; tax collgotor, Frank Lames; pound keeper, W. S. Lloyd; fence viewers, Theodora Parmenter, W. A. Rogers and George Dempster. Dr. J. P. Sinclair was ap- pointed medical health officer; Freder- ick «J. Skinner, member of the Board of Health, and Chief of Police E. JJ. Ryan and Constable Archibald Neal, sanitary inspectors. Robin Grey, for some time past on the local staff of the Toronto Bank, Las been transferred to london, Gnt., and left for his new appointment on Thursday evening. The vacancy on the local staff has been filled by Basil Fullerton, Galt. Misg, Anna Kane, trained 'nurse, who underwent an operation recently mn Kingston hospital for appendicitis, bas returned to town to recuperat? with her aunt, Miss Margaret Kane, Carden street. The ladies of the Gananoque Cross Society will. hold an "At Home" and "handkerchief shower" at the home of - Miss Maud Green, King street, on February 2nd. E. H. Hurd and son, Hurd, came down from Kingston srend the week-end. Red Frank H. to opi bh 0h dud dh i i * BOMBED ZFEBRUGGEE. ..% 23. --Flight dropped dan. Davies % London, * Commander _ * twenty-seven bombs on German 4 1 ings at Zecbraggee, dam- 4 aging two and echusing many + casualties among the crews, Ld % de + -» + + + * + 4 Ab tob fd dedog dod fede bode dob ddr NEW ELECTRIC ROAD, Perth to Smith's Falls Line To Be Built. Perth, Ont., Jan. 25--Waork on the Perth to Smith's Falls section of the Ottawa, & St. Lawrence Electric rail- MONDAY, JANUARY RRR 25, 1915, Overshoes And Rubbers | Bibbys And Rubbers rer ered See Bibbys $1 Flannel Shirts Navy, brown, green and maroon, all sizes. Good roomy, well-made shirt special value. Silk Knitted Neck Scarfs Special $1 Two tone effecys in browf, blue, grey or red, large size. Reg. $1.50, * $1.75 and $2.00 values, for $1.00 each. F See Bibhys Great $15 Blue Suit Positively the best $15.00 suit we See Biblys $12.50 Storm King Ulsters Heavy - tweed, 'lined throughout 'with fine wool cheviot cloth; good patterns, rich colorings; double- breasted ulster style, large storm collar, two-way style. Sizes 34 to 44. school purposes, ! sip 'aul the fashions, way will begin in the spring, accord- to mako a 'dash for England. Tie dath was made, and with the result that the ships participating in' it have been either + supk 'or badly damaged. In any case the attdck was hopeless, and' ono' capnot "inmagine 'what a vet eran like Von" Tirpilz was expectiug 2 to accomplish' by. throwing a portion {of his squadron against the ; Bii ish 4 navy. ' Simultaneously the British air ships have heen busying 'themselves in dropping shells on- the -German "naval 'base at Zechruggee, and with | conse- . quences that cannot now he measured. Apparently things' are moving faster in Europe and within the war zones. "It. looks as 9f the Germans are mak- ing a last determined efiort to reach © the English coast and that the British are making the task absolutely impos- 4 sible. : ha BE WARNED IN TIME The Board of Education in Toronto lias been censured by a coroner's jury 'and because of a death! which ocour: red through 'rile shodting in' the base: ment of a school. Application had boen 'made. to' thie. board for thé use of the school for' this . purpose, and the 'hodrd "Has given its ' consent. Ir hind the assucance, of course, .that no harm would come: of the rifle practice, that the necessary precau- tions would be: taken, and that in the | "event of a bullet passing out of the i} 'y would t garry bevond the rear of the school lot. Tt happened that on the evening of January 14th a team from the Con. sumers" uas Company's works had the use of the Kent school, snd that 3 without 'the necessary safeguards, = the report veached {he men that persons were passing the solicel on the - out- side, -Ouegal the rifle' association went found" that a little girl 'shooting was going on, and to collect the money due them, i but for the duplicating the machinery for this purpose, and - the . confusion ; that would result from different ap- i peals being made to them at different times. One thing. has to be kept in ming { by the moyor and aldermen, who, in Kingston, ave appealing to the school board to keep down the expenditure. It is that the' Education Department ) bas more to do with the growing out- "lay of the school board than the t board itself, Jt has fuspectors who aro never satisfied. They insist on | greater accommodation, and incident- I uily upon larger stafis, und when the { boards hesitate, or do tot appear to { be impressed hy their recommenda- tions, the department is invited to consider whether it should not dis: continue certain grants. Hence the Education Department is primarily the cause of most changes in our schools, and the department, through its oflicery, ate most insistent f with their demands, and without giv- ing any thought to that which con} ! cerns the Council, namely, the cost of them, % A { Tt is to be hoped #ho Council will recat all this, when, a, little later, it proceeds to prepare its budget. The school board is< jenjoived to ceopo- mize, this vear, in every way it can, | but the Fdacative Departuient should rob Teva up EEEGuy a a time when it is. so dilatory about | paying the grants "the city school ! board should have" received months ago. show 1 i EDITORIAL NUTKES. Uncle Sam is now being threateped with "German displeasure because he will not preserve a poutrality that fa. vours the Germans. Pity the sor: "Greenberg had heen se- : She was hastily re- moved to the hospital and died there the. following 'morning. The jury held that. the Board of Education wan guil: ty of negligence: because jt allowed the rifle practice in the basement of a schoo! without! erecting safeguards for the- protection of the people. - There is tows of a poor ull mas, ing a record made of 'the number of soldiers who patronize the loensed aro the detectives in this case ? + rit sit * So the License Department is hav: houses and their bars every day. Who! x ogieep The Chancellor of the Fxchoquer has | been jn France . iu connection with a | # i 1 boys, and toll tix how moh the world | § will be the poorer at the end "of a: Made Hungry. Oltawa Journal, Prof. Wrong, of Toronto, says that Germany cannot be starved out. But a man does not need to starve quite to death to have the fight taken out of him. ? i No Hutry. a! Belleville - Ontario. The Boston Transcript mae pro- phetic when it says: "We confidently oxpect to see our dillerences with England amicably settled by the dip- lomats a couple of years or so after 'the war is over." No Retaliation. London Advertiser. It is to be hoped that the British will not retaliaté for the wagton raid on the Norfolk towns hy bombing Ger- nn towns and villages. The world {will see the difference between Bri- tish fair play and Prussiaen "kultur." Question. Toronto Siar. When Mr. Bourassa declares that Canada should not participate in war until she has representation in the imperial parliament; "is he honest ? '8 he wagt Canada to have repre- sentation in the parliament at Lon. don ? ' Kingston Events | Twenty-five Years Ago Rev, Mr. Carey stated that there aFE Ny de m i Stations in the diocese of Ontario dependent upon he Anglican people for support. ey would have to raise this year for the niigsien fund about $13,500. Robart Dunlop. = Alexander Connell and Thomas Clyde were pointed Hcénse Me- ap- : » dnspectors for Fron tenac county. ' The first -hosze from. Wolfe ls- Jand>crossed the Ice 'to-day and be- longed to William Card. Tt was driven by James Davis. . > & kish + dE ee ee {both of Mountain Grove. Th CELE REBOd ing to the promoters, who are at present securing stock subscriptions in Perth and neighboring towns. To meet the wishes of Perth and Smith's Falls, it is likely the line will be di- verted to run through Rideau Ferry, a popular summer resort for both Perth and Smits Falls. English capital js beh the un: sought in small sums to secure the dertaking, local subseriptions being | know about. A pure wool indigo serge, tailored in one of the best tail- oring establishments in Canada. Cor- rect models, all sizes, stouts, slims and regulars. See Bibbys $10.00 Black ~ (vercoats "* The * Chamberlain style, three- co-operation of the people in making the road a profitable one. 'The road | makes a belt 300 miles in length, through eastern Ontario, starting from Ottawa to M®rrisburg, along! the St. Lawrence through Brockville to Rockport, across by Charleston Lake to Athens, Frankville, Toledo, Smith's Falls, Perth, Lanark and back to Ottawa. Thirty miles in the eastern section ig already con- structed. Cabinet Post Is Offered . To Col. Seeley London, Jan, 25~The Times an- nounces that Lieut.-Col. John Seeley, who fesigned the seeretaryship of war during the 'erisis at Curragh camp in Ulster, has returned to London. Pre. mier Asquith, the Times states, has offered him the post of chief whip in succession to the late Percy Holden Hlingworth, which he is expected to accept, thus returping te the minis EL Ae A PLEASANT EVENT. Wedding Bells Ringing At Mountain A very pretty wedding was solem- nized on Wednesday, at three o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William 'Barr, when their youngest daughter idss Georgina , wis unit ed in marriage to Peréy James Gray, e cere- mony was performed under an arch of evergreens decorated with pink roses and white ribbon. * The nup- tial knot was tied by Rev. H.-W. W. Brownwich, Sharbot Lake. The bride was han "attired in a sown of shadow was duchess silk with crystal g carried a bouguet of pink MEN'S UNDERWEAR SPECIAL, 75¢ PER GARMENT Sizes 32 to 44, heavy soft ribbed wool "us. | Bibbys Ns " You Can Get The best value in the eity in groceries hd meats at the Unique Grocery and quarter length, fly front, silk velvet collar, good weight, rich smooth fin: ish; sizes 34 to 42, PBN D GE RS Sri Overshoes And Rubbers Pra at ate td Having decided to stay at my present place of business, all or- ders placed now for monuments Meat Market. to be erected in the spring will ©. H PICKERING have my best attention, 490 Princess St. Phone 530| =