Kingston Cem- RAN HLL: en There webe wwelehrations fail y ent Products f PF. 1% through Corman gn Monday » We make { : of an alleged Gérhan victory in CEMENT BIOOKS, Q1AS LIN i the North sea, it being reported | ERGO LPL IPR P PPE CEERI PEI j PROBS. Fair to-day. Wednesday, easterly winds and cold, light snowfall. A .- TT -- M --7Onr Greatest Mid- Winter Event The Janu'y Sale:White |. | there that a Britsh cruiser, of TEIS, PIER = BLOCKS, BRICK, more importance than the Blue. 3 VASES. Watertown, N.Y, Jan. 28.---Nel- ders, and only surrendered afier chee - was sunk in. Sunday's And every thing ia cement, Veran|s H. Truax, one of the oldest re- the British fleet had battered the old fight. dah work a specinity. s of Watertown, is-seriously ill | walls so that further resistance was g 3 4 at the home of his a: er in Ba § . ¥ . Large squadron of German QIFIOR 177 WRLLINGTON ST.) Uy," iol 3 Mp Saushier in Tay ussless. Te ANAC van cariiog tL ios wns con hema Works, Cor. Charles and Patrick Sts. | .oveh "coars old. and the doctors surviving prisoners were locked up|#% northwest along the Hook of - fold out no hopes of his recovery. in Fort Henry. ir. Traux owes his |+ Holland Monday afternoon, 'Wood's Phosphodine, Mr. Truax is one. of the very few life probably t5 the fact that He was supposedly for another attempt Joe Great English Remedy. | veterans of the Patriot war of 1837- 1a boy, and with 21 others of a like | # to attack the British coast,' » Sues and invigorates the who'e | 40, and tosk part in tle battle of age were pardoned by Queen -Vic. W a [aT 08 Yelon" Qures Nervous |the Wind Mill. He was a prisoner | tora. Secretary of Navy Daniels de- ain Worey, Despon- | for many 'weeks in old Fort Henry, |. A number were hanged, among|# nies the story that the CU. S. 3 £aipitat o-oo th Kingston, now used to house allen | them being Sylvanus Sweet and battleship Texas cleared for ae- BY will sue. Bold by aia enemies of Epgland ' | Bylvester A. Lanton of the town of tion when a British cruiser fired or ral To plain pki. on tsesipt of | Tio Patriot war was one of the Lyme and Dormeus Abbey, Joel across her bow. AN Gor TORO, OH. (humors We | 10° foolish expeditions ever under- | Peeler and Russel Phelvs of Water --- i aken-- 200 rash young Americans | town. Most of the rest were trans- The German government has whem making an attempt to free Canada, | ported to Van Dieman's land, and taken over all stocks of wheat, Cooped up in the old stone wind | 22, including Mr, Truag, were allow. to guard the supvly until next . mill on the bank of the St. Law-|ed go on account of their ettreme harvest. Something New rence, they defied the British gol-! youth. RA A a rn ; . The Germans sacrificed 1,200 Vest Pocket Secretary men Killed in one unsuccessful mm, Ann Offers many unusual values--to-morrow should prove an eventful day for all bargain-wise shoppers. Very Special 300 YDS. HEMSTITCHED DOUBLE DAMASK, pure quality of "Old - .Bleach" sun-bleached table linen. Reg. $1.560quality. To-morrow .... 811.2 DOZ. FULL SIZE TABLE NAPKINS, Reg. $3.00 quality. To-morrow ... 600 YDS. TEA TOWELLING, pure linen, reg. 13¢c. To-morrow ............ TO KILL GERMANS HIS CRY. assault on a Siberian position. England Busy . | 15.¥ear-Old Belgisn Boy Wants Senator Possehl, one of Ger l§ Made of high grade steel, high- Pre arin { Nothing Better, mye wenithics: mérehinis is If ty polished, size of ordinary p g Paris, Jan. 28.--A Belgian boy of on tri at ; eips 2 r rEnsOn if lead pencil, combines-- . about. fifteen vears, bareheaded and charged with trading with: the | Paper Knife, For a Raid wearing a thin jacket and white flan- enemy. Lead pencil, nel trousers, wis found in front of : Sh Pericil sharpener, : esi the. Grand Hotel here last night: He An Austrian dreadnought Fei, London, Jan. 26.--England is pre- |#nid he had walked most of the wav has been sunk off Pola oy mine. Jompnss, pared for another German Zeppelin'|from Louvain and slipped a callova Bei Ruler, raid to-morrow. The kaiser will cole | ly bure-foot from gn veralicn in "sup- The Princess -Patricias have Ml in one at the low price brate his fiftygixth birthday, Wed. |port of the statement. What had again heen under fire and there nesday, 'and it is cofifidently prediot- | happened io his parents ane sister are several wounded in the hos. ef here that his comicanders = will {he did not know, but he thought they pitals at Bologne. attempt to commemorate it in a dar- [wore dead. 13 hi ing manner, He enid he got his trousers at # EB 2 ents The dash of the German battle | Boulogne; where lie went by train 4 the ctdissr Kavisrulip Jus, dnt squadron into the North Sea, Sun- | from the Belgian frontiér, 'He loft | * Ing the Just Tortnig t, a. day, is believed to have been planned | the refuges camp in Boulogie, beeaiss r eleven of the allies' merchant * + ¥ with Emperor William's natal day in [they wanted to send him to Eng- ships. view. Defeated on water the Uer- [land to learn a trades, and travelled | T . At Best S mans are expected to resort 10 ait | penniless themigh Fratice; petting food FREER LETFIIRETE RE SBE The Satistactory. Drogaist Bl "fs ches trom Siviss points, 16° | Forni aunts, Aud sleching anywhete, ate {ll 300 YDB. ONLY 8-4 BLEACHED SHEETING (im Open Sunday. day, 'reporting the movement of two | to do, ne replied as his face lighted : extra good fabric at 33c. To-morrow PT .e new Zeppelin monsters from Wried- [up : "Join the army and kill Ger: y : : richshalen towards the Belgian sea+ | mans." ok : ~ - coast, strengthen this heliel. Adverse | He had been told that drill classes a ' : weather conditions may ig the 280 | for ig bots were held Ho Paris, Loe ; * mile flight across the North Sea im- {whieh was his reason for co ng here, t practicable. But the war office is | Ha hid Been the Belgian aviny officinale ; TR ew 1 ewear taking no chances. The neroplane | gid © had héen iol they would begin A It is reported at Berlin that hii i tl, ts i he oh oe 2 E flotillas arc patrolling the cast const Pvilling at the ohd of February. Un Te : + i " . " : 12 and anti-Zeppelin gun squads are on | til then he had fo apparent means of $ g E ; A large and attractive showing at special White Sale prices iy duty day and night. living, as he declined to approsch the awaits your inspection! rn bei rafugec saciotios throdgh fear of miss- 8 FOND MAKES BIG CLAIM ing a chance to enter the army. He . wns quite content to atarve for tha {It To Make Man Out Of Every Sing sake of a chance 'to léatn "to kill gs X pol ' i sing Convict. Qormang." ; . ffl New York, Jan. 26.--~Honry Ford; of ik i 4 ole : v Detroit, millionaire manufacturer of 'WILL HAVE i 3 . % # » automobiles, will guarantee fo take | avery conviet out of Sing Si and . : make a man out of him. He 6 sao A brief examination will stated when he appeared to testify reveal to our expert Know- fi before the United States Comission vf i's lan / " a ana ledge whether you are suf- {lon Industrial Relations, which is in The Govertiment's P fo Keep ' - ; Improved Roads in Good . foundations of the country and the . { Ll ® . i Eye Strain cange of industrial unrest. | Shape 1 3 D 10 . "The philanthropic foundations may . 4 , . We've glasaés to relieve do nitich good," said Mr. Ford, "but | Toronio, Jan. 36.~With the idea of 1 ----s : ; 0 ISCoun d 8 0 fering from [| vestigating the great philanthropic | ---- nn. the strain and restore they are not adequate.) My idea is | maintainihg cou highways on the strength to tightened justice and not charity. | have lit- | highest state of foncy a plan is x wy - Bip nerves. tlo re for philanthropios as vch: | how under consideration by the pro- ; Pork Salsa es - . My iden is 10 aid men to then: | vinelal government to place. a section : " No charge for examina. selves. Nearly all are willing to [min on «Fare flvasiile: section of im. 4 \ tion; no «train on your work for adequate reward. We have | proved 'roadway throughout the coun. j i purse for, glasses, all kinda of cripples in our employ, | try with a portable repair outfit to i ? and -they are making good. We have | see that the road is not = i mnny sho have been in prison, who |déteriorate. The plan is that this ] i Mad 121 C . d il F. | Keele |] M 0 D 0 are outcasts from society. Fvery one [an should be personally responsible \ > 3 ome e, 2C ontinue nt eb. st. " a Webel of them is making a good showing, | for the section entrusted to his eare. J and is gaining in self-respect and [He would live in the vicinity and OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN ||| strength of character, Wa guar. | make a daily patrol of his section, 74 N b d 1 5 836 Princo Street, [She Jo take vey convict "ani, of | aculing, mings rai, an whore | | EEN ew England, 15¢ . 3 Doors Above the Opera House him." He provi Svareset A once ad have : -- : i hs i H.W.Newman Electric Co | greeeeessententeresatsnand| Tis pickin of msinismanse one | EN ron AMIR {Little Pig, 18c}§|{ Prone sar. 79 Princess Stroes : NOT LIKELY TO PASS the Highways Branch = of the Public January Works department, for some time, and phen the 280000,000 schente is {SIR DAVID BEATTY AND ADMIRAL -- TYRWIT, Washington, Jan. 26.-~ A re. solution placing an Smbango on munitions shipments to uro- pean belligerents was before the house foreign affairs com. mitted" to-day. laurehed it will he accompanied by a definite plan for highway maintenance |. Who cominanded 'the British flotilla, ! kh ' W. that will indire best results to the (Nhien fought. the Germans e m. ople of the pravines i thide In. North Sea. BeattyJds the hero of the . peopld of | i or th n= lavar to date in Faglana, Both were ia t. vegtmont, the Hellogoland fig) . J ® o Chairman Flood intimated Soveral advocates of the patrol ays: iti dn 1 there was small likelihood of # [tet will bb in atfehdance af the Cy Pay For NotComs, : : 1 h 1SCoun > nadian and International Roads Qttawa, Jan. 26~The militia coun- a favorable action on it. K i convention, assembled hers late in | cil has established the following new os i hi: y : ; . - i. . a " o | March, and it is likely that th bene | scale of pay for fion- issi 3 El t i 3 t At Jenki Sean ido By of tittle advice will i oad teers of the mii. sioned of Limited, Phone 597. eC ric 1X ures : to ovetnment adopts. any n probation, in d : : Westvort Tee Races prescribed methods. . The. problem 1. | CohFaS ST Teeioma: el orey atSoiag , Get your electric repairs done by us.. Satisfaction Brockville, Jan. 29.-- Waatport Ae Alpi . pes HH ; i IL its 8 will be discussed on | pro) ine Alsgensad sith. | aS pentane SATAN ASE. ero coa deem te A lo : Lup. sucogatal.. dare ali : eet... on probation, dE. trata ig Ad J : Dy : ose racing on a kite-shaped trask | "'n OFECIEE "orpordl, 86e; on appointment: ser- I n a. g concreti roads do: | geant; $1.25; after one year as : | 3 Sen rom. far and near athoped [And donistai supervision will likely | SrReBt: $1 a0. mites Chien Halliday thote to enjoy the sport, and 4 fas- | Cruse tho scheme to bo first put into | years; ns sergeant: staff-sérgegnt. Phone 94 tive time prevailed. The different |¢Tect to some extent on tha Hamil | $1.60; after three years as staff-ger- classes were well filled and the rae- | tod-Toronto Lake Shore route. geant: quarter - master - sergeant, ing keen. John Webster, ME. offl- : : Jas MISE Shree yours as auarter- ¢iated as starter, and with him as STIER A VISIT BRIT . ; - master - judges were Bert Bullard, Peter Ary Ay To ary sergeant, 32.10; after six years as Devlin, George C. Fredenburgh. THe | Results Under Must We | Quarter - master - sergeant; quarter- Been to Be Balleved PRP rrd Prep e Bb deed debds : 's Electric Shop - = hoi 3456 King Bt. i Fesiiin Joa 88 follows: . te on Soant, 33.10; ou prome- 4 -- © d-minute class -- n wi not less n three years ! | Spier Oleott (Tracey). ... | London, Jan. 26.--M. Millerand, | o quarter-master-sergeant: sergeant : | b the French secretiry of war, returp- . ; : yay ols 1 "Mi. oy) ue, 8 § TRE ou major; $2.60; after three years as Lou D. (Powell ed to Fraues Iast evening alter sergeatit - major; sergeant j : HONE ayia having spent several days in London ; > TROF, : 5 Se bee 5 . ak Versa (Woods) ........ in conference with Lord. Kitneaer | 32:70 ver day. i. ou x of Belts ] Your choice of Can- ms 1 gies "930 10.0) 1g, | the Belek war secretary, and oh: | i, iiic Cumann and seit : 0 Brock § ' e $:4 §, : say oo. th dap r ' 3 a's Best Coats Bm yn pattie 1. Milloraid sent to Loti| Dutler, Pa., Jan. 26H 1 Woods, | me : -- Paddy MeChie (Clureh). Hehener a letter; in which, refer. ote ---- Harm % y . eter D. wed rifig ta "the resolution animating | Ji r -- . : i The newest materials 5.2L" 1 * {nfl esp 00 Rpt JE Ra sssnasesesncsssses Puttees The best makes, "|oiff Fou | LEE on | | Marble He --8t ap {Robert I. (Sheldon). 2 1 3 % 8% demon EE a, |e | eH : The advanced styles Ful 80.1 11.) ESERIES Se jz aiirendl Sword Knots much dearer nes nil || | | FREI TANS YrEin ) : cey) 5 ---- year; it cannot bel. lnechiiin is i. a1s oo. | aviided, so thst the TTR] i rom i, ls 3 | pin, Toi i |§ Phone aun. 298 rina 4 i 8 dale money NN at Sty | 2 co Tr ide wlan rs | vem on || Crawford & Walsh, i Civil and Military Tailors.