Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jan 1915, p. 7

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A ---- wy INCORPORATED ~The HEAD OFFIC 1835 > E, TORONTO, BANK or TORONTC Pald-up Capita) Reserved Funds DIREC William St Melgheu BANKERS: al Bank Natione! Leogdor City 5,000, $6,402,510 TORS: Ww 3 1 Vie rote & Midland Bank, Limited YOUR BASKING SERVICE, All who have Banking bus) will find the modern Banking Serv most satisfactory. rXper ence, ample Market Square isiness, of whalever nature. to transact uffcred by the 'Bank of ice Toronto e equipment, and « the Bank of To: Kingston GEORGE B. MCKAY - Manage r Pave with 'BRICK, tile your land, BURNT CLAY: also be sure to get Yard. Home Goods, manufacture | KINGSTON BRICK YARD, but be sure your goods are of fem from Kingston Brick »d by howe Idbour, are the best. A. NEAL, PHONE 1396 WANTED HOUSES TO RENT | ' We have a number of clients between now and first of May do well to consult us. desiring houses at different periods, Property holders wanting tenants would i J. K. CARROLL AGENCY +8 BROOK ST. JOHN DRIVER, -- at Representative. ern Storage Batteries Now is the time to have your batteries them run down too low during th charged. Don't let © winter months, We have lately installed Rectifier for charging Storage batteries for automobiles and motor boats. PORRITT GARAGE CO., Limited Always at Your Service. A GOOD The year 1014 hay bees Ma, having Sriiten the we very rgel et Dipti iad he net That rel | an t To ee ; 8 t year's business excellent compe S.ROUGHTON, GENRRAL AGENT. Phone 610 or 361. to the ecellent nettiements to Polieyholders the fact that it Is a speaks volumes for Those contemplating insurance will plication with hin vel nr Phone 454. + wn Sia. A -- RECORD n Banner year for the Mutual Life of Can. ness in its Ristory. This success in the purely mutual company, being ) ings to Stock holders. y ant, fn tn financial review, says the Mutual urance ¥ in Canada iy. secured under conditions such the merits of the company. Save money by placing their nF. ap. 00 Wok St, Kingston. Ofice Phone, 610; Rew, 561, Harry Sharpe, Special Agent, EES EE NT, N JTOMO! | . SURANCE, I~ Wanted~-A Grocery Store in resls dential part of the city. Apply to J. O. HUTTON, 18 Market Square, Kingston, Ons. : cnc ---- Janay Furniture Sale Everything reduced 10 to 20% : RIE Our Dispensing Department Is tho ene department of our basi. hess over which we exercise the great. est possible care with regard to the quality of drugs used and accuracy LS A A The personal supervision of the proprietor over our de- partment should be a guarantee to the public that any prescriptions which may be entrusted to us will be dispensed with accwracy and dispatch. BAGS, DRUG _ STORE Couches, $4.00, $8.50 to ¢ : $6.50 to irs, $55. Library Tables, any finish, $6.50, $750 to $45.00, Book sections, Gunn, the best made. R. J. Reid, § E. J. COUSINS HO £21 Princess Street . Te 2d FURRIER| depairing and Remodeling | or a Specialty THE DAY i |#OCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST | Happenings in the City and Vicinity i i x --What the Merchants Ofer to the Readers of the Whig. Sick room supplies. Dr. Chown. Bitter oranges at Carnovsky's. Williatn Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. "Phone 564. One man was given protection in the police cells on Monday night. Miss Mamie Jamieson, Gore-street, left Mondazy to visit friends in Gan- anoque, H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders: at Me- Auley's book store. There wad" & 3mall market on Tube- day morning. The prices were _un- cha 1. Fran cushions. Dr. Chown. Jee cutting in the harbor will commenced as soon as the snow removed, be talien, has gone to Ottawa to attend | nesday. | A letter received in the city from i Calgary, states that "Marty" Walsh | is not in good health, and will likely | come east to recuperate, | A case will be tried before Justice { of the V'eace Hunter on Wednesday. A | Perth Road resident is charged with cruelty to his children. The Kingston Veterans Association i will meet in the council chamber to- | night to complete arrangements for | the big eamp fire night on Feb. 10th, lin Ontario Hall, to which Hon: Sam | Hughes hss been invited. | Plumbing, Tinsmithing and Heat- ing; prompt attention. Ed. Halligan, 119 Queen street, Phone 1509. The senior Frontenacs have a busy week abead. On Wednesday night they meat the Varsity O.H.A. team here and then journey to = Toronto apd play the Victorias there on Fri- day night." W. Cooke, the lightning wing man of the juniors, will be on the line-up again, Happeniugs At Inverary, Inverary, Jan. 25.--The annual meet. ing of Society was held in the hall, 6n Tues- day, the 19th. The following officers were elected : President, W. Moreland; first vice-president, R. Arthur; second vice-president, T. Arthur; seoretarv- treasurer, Lieut.-Col. ¥. Werguson; di- rectors, J. Gibson, M. B. Traves, 8 A. lyon, P. Fdwards, J. Taylor, George Leatherland, A. McFadden, C. Sleeth and J. Gerald; auditors, E. ¥ Dennee and Stanley Gibson. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church held a tea meeting in the Ap- ricultural Hall, on Friday evening, the 22nd. A goodly 'sum was realized. Cataraqui choir furnished the pro- ! gramme very acceptably. Rev. A. Shorten acted es chairman, and Revs. Messrs. linglish and: Coddling gave fine addresses. A concert in aid of the Belgian Re- liei Fund is to be given at Sunbury on Tuesday wvening, Janusry 26th. Quite a number intend woing over to help in the entertainment. Mrs. F. S. Ferguson and daughter, Frederika, have retu from the Kingston, General Hospital, Frederika had a successiul operation on her throat. Master Gordon Lake mania. Mrs. George Aykroyd scalded her foot badly. Mrs. James Shep- herd is suffering from a severe cold. Miss Pearl McNeilly, of Kingston, is visiting friends at Latimer and In- verary. Death claimed an old and respected resident, in the person of Mr. Traves, on Sundey morning, January 24th. Deceased lived with his daughter, Mrs. William Lindsay. He leaves oue daughter, Mrs. Lindsay, and three sons, M. B., William, and Thomas Traves, all of Latimer. The funeral will be held on Tuesday morning. Wédded At Lombardy. Lombardy, Jan. 23.--THe marriage took place in the Roman Catholic church, at Lombardy, on January 20th of Miss Cecilia Jordan, daughter Thomas Cauley, son of John Cauley, Toledo, The bride was attended by her sister Miss Anna Jordan, and John Cauley, Jr., of Toledo, brother of the groom, was groomsman. Only the immediate friends of both famil- Samed nay pa 2 A he--brid po Me pr a | ! the marriage of his sister on Wed- : day night and the Riversides on Tues- | the Storrington Agricultural ! where | has recovered from an attack of pnen. | of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jordan, tol BPERA GRAND TONIGHT" it beers Daily 2.30, Evening 730 3 VAUDEVILLEACTS 3 FAMOUS PLAYERS FIEMS, 5 REELS "The Rose Of The Rancho" MUTUAL FILM 2 REEL DRAMA KEYSTONE COMEDY--One Reel Continuons Performance. Prices Mat. 10c, any seat. Evéning, 10c; reserved 5¢ extra. Every Afternoon fe -- Lipton's Tea No Advance IN PRICE 30c, 40c, 50¢, 60¢c, 7c and vougias McLean, of the 21st Bat- | Championship Hockey Match COVERED RINK SENIOR ©. H, A. CHAMPIONSHIP Wednesday, January 27th Varsity vs. Frontenacs Game called at 8.13 p.m. General admission, 35¢. Reserved seats, | lncluding admission: North gallery, 30c; side gallery, T0c. | Tenders Wanted TENDERS WILL RE RECEIVED RY { THE UNDERSIGNED UP TO THE 307TH | INST, FOR A SUPPLY OF FUEL, 3 , BREAD, MEAT AND MILK, FOR THE HOME FOR OLD AND | FRIENDLISS PERSONS FOR THE | YEAR 1915, SPECINMCATIONS MAY BE SEEN AT THE BOARD OF EDUCA. TION OFFICE, CORNER OF PRINCESS AND SYDENHAM STREETS. <> JOHN MACDONALD, SECRETARY. Auction Sale | Friday, Jan, 290, 10 am. .' Queen's Hotel, Brock St. { Chickering & Stodart pianos, ma- hogany and silk parlor pieces, rugs, carpets, linoleum, easy chairs, rock- ers B. W. marble top table, pictures, ! tapestry curtains, couches, mirrors, ; hall racks, whatnots; sideboards, ta- : bles, oak and leather diners, oak | library table, Fire King and other heaters, refrigerators, garden hose | bedroom suites, dressers; springs, | Taattresses, antique chest of draw- | ers, drophead Singer 'sewing ma- | chine, and other articles too numers | ous' to mention. | ALBEN THE AUCTIONEER Phone 252. 118 Brock St. | TO ACCORD NAVAL HONORS i To German Dead In the North Sea Fight, { London, Jan. 26.--A report from i Edinburgh states the belief that a i warship landed at Queen Ferry, on | the Firth of Forth, a number of the British sailors wounded in the battle. The wounded were 26 in number, { and it is understood none of the cases | was serious. The men were convey- | ed in motor ambulances to the Royal Navy Hospital at South Queen Ferry. There will take place to-day at i South Queen Ferry the funeral of a | German officer and five men of the ¢ruiser Bluecher, whose bodies were recovered by British vessels after the action in which the Bleucher was de- { stroyed. British naval honors are | to be accorded the German dead, and ; they will be buried in the churchyard | where are the graves of the British sailors who lost their lives in the Pathfinder disaster. { i -- HOUSE i $1.00 per 1b, y I 3 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES | First insertion, le a word, Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, Baye | cént & word. Minimum eharge for one Insertion, 23e; three iasertions, SOc; six, #13 one mouth, $2. ® HELP WANTED - AN ADVT OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, under this head, costs 5c for ene night, or 0c for three. A GOOD GENERAL SER. p Apply Mrs Stude, 32A Frontenac St. $13 WEEK AND EXPENSES, TO TRAV. el, appointing local representatives Wiithe Linscoti, Brantford. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; ne canvassing. Send for cate, 3,96 WANTED GENERAL FURNISHED RESIDENCE FOR JULY and August, near the water; nine rooms; by an American. Apply tc J. 8. R. McCann, 32 'Brock Si. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and haye it made up Into up- to-date suits. Prices and workman. ship guars Press. ing ard 4 the shortest notice mas Galloway, 131 Brock street, pear Bibby's Garage. a SA ------ LOST. FOR SALE. THESE EFFECPIVE ADVTS. Cost little. Once, 3553 three times, 50¢; TUESDAY bert and Lhergs aheques.. Finder 253 Albert St, MORNING BETWEEN AL. 2 Sts, two militia kindly are firs one week, $L0 and receive reward. B PEATRERD, AMBLY 10 MRS, ST. BOSTON Goldman, 3 vision e, and white | AIREDALE BITCH PUPPY, d if' returned to} person detain. { » grosecuted FROM 343 DIVISION rier dog, br Five months old, by Champlon Reckiey Qurang ex Pure Maid. $i. A H Poss, 214 William Bt, Kingstoa, Ont. JFFICE DESK, SIX FEET LONG, 11 in. high ip front and 86 1-3 In, high at back. Three drawersand ooe top shelf. Slightly used Apply British Whig office. {A LARGE VARI OF RANGES AND 4 pumber of first-class heaters at low prices; also a big stock of fur. niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess St. Phone 1600. A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLES algh Dunlop Sires, a J +p o tree ofders promptly attendee to for Princess Street. Carpet cleaning and laying. Qeorge OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. Muller, '873 King St. ofs. Apply tp Cunningham & - - - y HAFPY THOUGHTS, 1IMPUNIAL OX. Mudie, 79 Clarenee Bt. fords, id ether on stoves. qos 'BELLINGS, Ni$ AND TN. o's, PUES and square heaters, Al ad rE of +H eto. Me- ihese feat olusy phspel, ou ' 03 em out ery Ans Real Estate Agency, 42 fits. Turk's 'Phone, 708 SE TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS. Once 26c., three thnes 60c. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, ETO clean and dry. McCann, $2 Breck Street. 4 TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE "SITTING | Rom, furnished. Apply to 198 tuart St. , roo S OVER 53 PRINCESS STREDRT. immediate possession. Apply 65 TE EO AR $1030 FRAME HOUSE, LuERny st. key. rost's Clty _Storaga 19% A snap for a quick buyer. Queen Bt. Phone Faen 8 BRICK Fe dt House, ON ic . . 8 rooms FOUR HOUSES ON YORK ST. To DENTAL UR HOU re POSITION WANTED, ng or carpentering, de- Would accept any erative job. Good in first instance Whig office. references, to Box 1167. cs PERSONAL, renee eta ------------------------------------------ HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all. growths and ekin blemish es removed permanently, without scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. mer J. Lake, Ey Throat and - Skin Bagot St. Ei- e, Ear, Nowe, Specialist, 25» UPHOLSTENING W, J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, and mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot Street. BUSINESS CHANCES to $2000. HOUSES TO RENT. GEO. A. BATE. A. E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, D DS, RE. 67 moved to 258 Princess Street man, real estate and insurance, Clarence St, Kingstou. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 1590 WEL- lington St. (over Carnovsky's). Phone 346. $224400000000 5 DR. C. C, NASH, DENTIST: DR. T. B. tenton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. . Phone 785. S., HB, SIMPSON, LDS, DDS, DENT. ist, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot Street: MUSIC. PROF. CHAS, R, HARRISON, TEACH. er of piano. Special attention to beginners. "or terms and or- * rangements for pupils' lessons, ap- ply at 249 Montreal Street, BUSINESS NOTICES JOSEPH B i 4 CHESTNUT ST, HAS opened up a quarry on Stephen St. Cut, building and rough stone sre subplied promptly at reasonable prices. TELEGRPHY Civil Service, Shorthand, Trpewriting, Bookkeeping, Banke ing and General Improvement. Pay asd Night CO) Ki Bust College Amited LL Head of Queen Ntreet. Rates Phone 440. WN, . Metcalfe, Gp PPPePete | FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; incorporated 1863; Jlesident, Colonel Henry R. Smith, oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and Interest al- ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mall order business at home; no canvassing; be your Bend for free booklet: Heacock. 2.969 Lockport. ARCHITECT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete. Phone 61. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. ha Bank Rullding, and Wellington Drop a card. ARCHI. Offices, 255 Bagot St. slrects, CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. tern and wolicitars, Law office, 70 Clarence St. = Kingston. Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal This is not only a but fs tasty as well, It is delicious as & cereal or made in pan-cakes. (Beauty Topics.) a Tf you are willing to spend a few minutes" time in your fdom using a delatone paste, you can easily ban- ish any ugly, hairy growth without discomfort or injury. The paste is made by mixing some water with a given away by her father, and was dressed in white satin, with veil and wreath. via the C. N. R. on a trip to Ottawa. 'Thev will reside on the groom's farm in Kitley township. . Toledo Tidings. Toledo, Jan. 25.--Annivetsary ser- vices were held in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday. = The high school cadets. of Athens gave their hi * under the Messrs. Eaton purpose holding a fiAsquerade carnival off Friday night at the rink. P. C. Yates went to Smith's Falls for a Joad 'of feed one day last week, and on his way home one of his horses dropped dead. Verona Hockey Team Won. Verona, Jan. 2. Verona team went to Tamworth, Saturday, and played the team there. The On Tuesday Agnes Helen, infant : ~of Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Mor- Mr. and Mrs. Cauley left! of the Patriotic Auxiliary of Toledo. | From Cricketer To Soldier. t London Chronicle. The Maharaja Jam Sahib of Nawa- nagar, known to all cricketers as "Ranji," once one of the finest bats- men England has seen, has arrived in France, - With a New Year's card be lias sent the following message to a friend at Cambridge old unt versity town.) :-- hate Iam in Francs, I told you when I last wrote that I hoped. to go 3 the Jront soon. Well, I am hate "am to say. It is very ¢ and wet. a) be Sled When th winter campaign is over. wishes to all good Cambridge friends. The best of luck to you." "Ranji," rules some 300,000 peo- 01d Chantry Resident Nl. Chantry, Jan. 25.--"Sandy" Elliot just erected a mammoth sw Httle powdered delatone. This {s E HET Ra 1 and er about 2 minutes rubbed | off and the skin washed. You will! not be disappointed with this treat-| ment providing you get real! dela-' tone. . . Government Inspected Pork YOUNG PORK Ou sale all, this, weck from } 3 ain Dae aay me jy ed Anderson Bros, Cor. Princess & Division Sts. or Phone iy Division s own boss ! tells how N.Y. i corner | {STUART M. POLSON, M.A LEGAL A NEW CEREAL! ; medicinal cereal |, DANCING. MISS IPLOSSIE HI 4 to teach by Prof. hv chairman Standardization Commit. tee appointed fo standardize the modern dances, Dayton, Ohdo, -June, 1314. Fox-Trot, Hesitation andiCan- ter Waltzes and. Ong~Step, etc. Phone 120, MEDICAL COON, M.D.CM., (FORMERLY oF | Elgin). Surgery, 93 Wellington St Phone 846. i lowed. 8. C. McGill Manager, $1 Clarence street. AVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE #ire Insurance Sompany, Available assets $61,187,215. n addition to which the policyholders have for sfcurity the unlimited ability of city property, insured. at lowest possible rates, Before renewing new: business got om Strange & - Strange, Phone 325. ox Agents. i CATERING WE CATER TO PARTIES BAL 'Wedding breakfasts, ia 18 also rent dishes, table linens and sliverare. Ref and Hamb ¥ " Reld, 80 Union Street. ro ambrook, 176 Altre. Phones 443 qr 303, a . Been wo MODOM, | ormer house surgeon Manhattan. | Eye, ear, nose. and throat hospital, | New York. Office, 133 Wellington, | opposite post office. Mice hours, 332 aw, 2.4 pm, 7-8 p.m. Phone | | Stove Coal | A regular furnace size; good for all kinds of weather and a little better than the larger size (egg coal) in mild weather. Order a load screened to-morrow 1g BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED 30 To 60c Per Lb. AT ALL GROCERS Just received ten thousand | _ hen 8! pounds of se leet + on | 20 5 | 20% off regular stock, ex. cept rubbers, | 50% off old stock and brok- | en lots, | 'Commencing Jan. 28rd, v

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